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Comp 101

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Republic of the Philippines

Tayug, Pangasinan

It envisions to create a community that is technologically, socially and spiritually equipped to face the challenges of the changing world.

It is tasked to prepare the STUDENTS with the best that EDUCATION can offer in manner that is consistent with the needs of modern SOCIETY.


The Luna Colleges, Inc. Institutional Learning Outcomes (LC ILO) are the qualities that Lunarians must possess. These outcomes are anchored
on the core values of accountability, credibility, competence, social and community involvement, and spirituality.

Program Outcomes
Graduate Attributes Graduate Outcomes Performance Indicators

Knowledge for solving GO1. Apply knowledge of computing, science, and  Identify or determine the techniques, tools, methodologies to be
computing problems mathematics used given a particular scenario that involves computing,
appropriate to the discipline science, and mathematics
 Compare different tools, techniques, methodologies as to their
pros and cons that will help in decision making
 Identify the characteristics that conforms to standards and their
GO2. Distinguish best practices and standards and their best practices
applications  Compare and contrast tools and methodologies in terms of best
practices, standard and their application

Problem analysis GO3. Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the  Analyze complex problems
computing  Identify and define the complexity requirements appropriate to
requirements appropriate to its solution its solution
GO4. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into  Analyze the user’s needs and take them into account in the
account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-
selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer- based systems.
based  Identify the user’s requirements and take them into account in
systems the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of
computer-based systems.
Design, development GO5. Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based  Translate specification into a design
of solutions systems,  Design software to meet desired needs under various constraint
processes, components, or programs to meet desired needs  Design a database to meet desired needs for storing data under
and various constraints
requirements under various constraints  Design networks to meet desired needs for sharing information
under various constraints
 Design a hardware infrastructure to meet desired processing
needs under various constraints
 Implement a network to meet desired needs for sharing
information under various constraint
 Implement database to meet desired needs for storing data
under various constraint
 Implement a software to meet desired needs for task under
various constraints
 Evaluate software on its functionality and level of satisfying user
requirements for task under various constraint
 Evaluate an existing network for its level of satisfying user
requirements for under various constraint
GO6. Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment 1. Implement a network to meet desired needs for sharing
effectively information under various constraint
2. Implement database to meet desired needs for storing data
under various constraint
3. Implement a software to meet desired needs for task under
various constraints
4. Evaluate software on its functionality and level of satisfying user
requirements for task under various constraint
5. Evaluate an existing network for its level of satisfying user
requirements for under various constraint
Modern Tool Usage GO7. Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, 1. Evaluate techniques, methodologies, standards/frameworks and
skills, toolsand practices necessary for the IT profession tools for its appropriateness to the IT Infrastructure to be
designed and managed considering its advantages and
2. Select, use and adapt appropriate techniques, methodologies,
standards/frameworks and tools the IT Infrastructure to be
designed and managed.
3. Create new IT Infrastructure as necessary to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of performing tasks and achieve

Individual and Team GO8. Function effectively as a member or leader of a Team member:
Work development team 1. Independently source necessary knowledge, assistance, skills
recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a and resources to complete tasks.
common goal 2. Performs tasks effectively to accomplish a common goal
Leader of a team:
3. Set proper goals and timeline of activities to complete team
4. Allocate task according to team member capabilities
5. Monitor task completion and performance of team member
6. Provide expertise, assistance and support to team members to
achieve of team goals
7. Resolve and reduce conflicts within the team
GO9. Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan 1. Perform task in the creation of an effective IT project plan
2. Create an effective IT project plan
Communication GO10. Communicate effectively with the computing 1. Interview clients to gather background information, situation,
community and withsociety at large about complex computing existing concerns and issues necessary to frame and achieve
activities through logical common understanding of problems to be addressed by
writing, presentations, and clear instructions computing solutions
2. Write effective reports and documentations about the results of
performing specific computing and professional tasks
3. Write documentations (including design documentations)
completely and comprehensively, with appropriate tone, correct
grammar and construction, adapting to documentation
standards, to communicate ideas, choices, assumptions, and
consequences of decisions
4. Develop effective presentation material that will enhance
understanding of ideas being communicated
5. Deliver presentations effectively and efficiently to various
audience (computing community, society at large, and users)
using English and Filipino as needed, with appropriate tone,
correct grammar and construction
6. Choose appropriate language suitable to the audience and
respectful to the audience background and culture
7. Provide clear instructions to team members
Computing Analyze the local and global impact of computing and  Analyze the local impact of computing and information
Professionalism and information technology on individuals, organizations, and society
Social Responsibility technology on individuals, organizations, and society  Analyze the global impact of computing and information
technology on individuals, organizations, and society
 Make design and implementation decision considering the
impact of IT on individuals, organizations, and society
 Provide /conceptualize solutions to domain where IT is needed
 Evaluate the impact of this solutions to individuals,
organizations, and society
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social  Make decisions considering professional, ethical, legal, security
issues and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of
and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology information technology
 Assess professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues
and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology
Life-Long Learning Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning  Reflect on own abilities and skills to determine necessary
and development needs to reach level of expectations and
improving performance as a foundation for continuing aspirations as a computing professional
professional  Prepare a personal development plan for continuing
development professional
 Engage independently in developmental activities (like
participating in professional organizations, attendance to
seminars and training) as a result of recognizing the need to
further and continuously develop one’s competencies as a
computing professional
 Evaluate achievements and deficiencies against own’s personal
development plan

Course Code: Course Title: Lecture: Laboratory: Credit Units:
Course Description:
This course offers an overview of basic computer concepts. It includes a brief history of computing, introduction to the computer system components
such as the hardware and software, applications of computers and number systems. It also includes extensive hands-on learning of the Windows
environment, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

Course Prerequisite: Course Schedule: Time:

Program Course Outcomes (CO)
Outcomes Code
Explain the basic principles, fundamental concepts, and evolution/history of computers as they relate to the different modern
components and functions and operations.
Examine the different components of and perform task in the Windows environment and apply the Word Processing, Spreadsheet and
Presentation Software with appreciation that could be applied to school or office work.

Perform conversion and arithmetic operations to Number Systems used in computers.


Course Learning Outcomes Topics No. of Learning Activities Resources Assessment

Outcome Hours
Explain the importance Lecture PowerPoint
of the course content in Course Syllabus Discussion Presentation
relation to Computer Orient the students
CO1 Concepts 1 hour on course content of
the syllabus with the
laboratory policies
and guidelines
Introduce basic Terminologies and Lecture PowerPoint Group Reports
concepts about computer jargons used Discussion Presentation
computers in computers Reaction Paper
History of Computers Discussion Survey relational database
management system and
Computer Generations make an oral presentation
CO1 4 hours
Essential uses of the

Capabilities of

Limitations of
Identify types of Computer Basics Lecture PowerPoint Quiz
computers and other Discussion Presentation
digital devices. Personal Computers,
Servers, Mainframes, Interactive
and Supercomputers Discussion
CO1 3 hours
PDAs, Smart Phones,
and Portable Media


Identify the different Personal Computer Lecture PowerPoint

computer hardware Systems Discussion Presentation
components, installation
processes and hardware Desktop and Portable Interactive Activity Sheets
security. Computers Discussion

Home, Media, Game, Brainstorming Quiz

CO1 and Small Business 10 hours Homework

Buying Computer
System Components

Microprocessor Basics


Random Access
Read-only Memory

Storage Devices
Storage Basics
Magnetic Disk and
Tape Technology
CD, DVD, and Blu-ray
Solid State Storage
Storage Wrap-up

Basic Input Devices

Display Devices

Installing Peripheral

Hardware Security
Anti-theft Devices
Surge Protection and
Battery Backup
Basic Maintenance
Troubleshooting and

Identify the different Software Categories Lecture PowerPoint Quiz

types and concepts Application Software Discussion Presentation
Case Study
about computer Utility Software
software categories, Device Drivers Interactive Activity Sheets Homework
CO1 security and installation. 10 hours Discussion
Popular Applications Hands-on
Document Production Brainstorming Laboratory
Lab Exercises
Spreadsheet Software
“Number Crunching”
Database Software
Graphics Software
Music Software
Video Editing and DVD
Authoring Software
Educational and
Reference Software
Entertainment Software
Business Software

Buying Software
Consumer Basics

Software Copyrights
and Licenses
Installing Software and
Installation Basics
Installing Local
Installing Portable
Software and Web
Software Updates
Uninstalling Software
Software Security
Security Software
Security Suites
Antivirus Modules
Perform number system Number System Lecture PowerPoint Quiz
conversion and Conversion Discussion Presentation
arithmetic Binary to Octal Midterm Exam
Octal to Binary Interactive Activity Sheets
Binary to Decimal Discussion Homework
Decimal to Binary
Binary to Hexadecimal Brainstorming Case Study
Hexadecimal to Binary
CO3 8 hours
Binary Arithmetic
Binary Addition
Binary Subtraction
Binary Multiplication
Binary Division


Course Outcome Learning Outcomes Topics No. of Learning Activities Resources Assessment
CO2 Demonstrate Keyboarding and Mouse, 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint
familiarization of the discussion Presentation
Hands and Eyes Coordination
different keyboard parts
and special keys, and Exercises Demo Activity Sheets
demonstrate mastery of
the basic mouse actions
CO2  Identify the The Microsoft Windows 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
components of Environment discussion Presentation
Case Study
Microsoft Windows
The Microsoft Office Word Demo Demo Homework
 Apply the tools found Environment
in the Microsoft Hands-on
Word Toolbar The Ribbon Laboratory
Lab Exercises
 Apply tools for
zooming in and out
of a document

 Apply tools for

making corrections
to a document
CO2 Apply the tools available Creating a Document 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
in the Microsoft Office discussion Presentation
Case Study
Suite used in managing Saving a Document
files and documents. Demo Homework
Managing Folders
Locating and Opening an Laboratory
Existing Document
Lab Exercises

CO2 Apply tools used in Different Document Views 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
viewing documents Show and Hide Documents discussion Presentation
Case Study
Zooming Document
Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Lab Exercises

CO2 Apply tools for Formatting fonts, font sizes, 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
formatting paragraphs styles and themes discussion Presentation
Case Study
and Characters in a
Document Applying Styles Demo Activity Sheets Homework
Aligning Texts Hands-on
Using the Bold, Underline and
Lab Exercises
Italic Commands

Using the Undo and Redo


Using Copy, Paste, Cut and

Move Text

Using the Spelling and

Grammar Features

Using Find and Replace


Inserting Symbols and Special


Inserting Date and Time

Adding Bullets and Numbering

Working with Tabs

CO2 Inserting Objects in a Inserting and Formatting 6 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
Document Tables discussion Presentation
Case Study
Inserting Illustrations Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Inserting Links Hands-on

Inserting Headers, Footers
Lab Exercises
and Page Numbers

Inserting Textbox and WordArt

CO2 Apply tools for changing Setting up margins, orientation 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
document properties and size discussion Presentation
and Page Layout Case Study
Navigating within a document Demo Activity Sheets
Creating and Using Columns
Setting up page background
Setting up paragraph indention Lab Exercises
and spacing

Arranging page position and


CO2 Create a MS Excel Starting the MS Excel Program 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
Worksheet discussion Presentation
Case Study
Navigating the MS Excel
Window Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Activating and Selecting Cells Hands-on

Moving the Cell pointer
Lab Exercises
Creating a New Workbook

Saving a Workbook

Protecting a Workbook

Opening and Locating a


Closing a Workbook and

Exiting Excel

Working with Cells and Cell


Entering Texts and Dates

Editing, Clearing and

Replacing Cell
Inserting, Deleting and Moving

Cutting, Copying and Pasting

Cell data

Collecting and Pasting Multiple


Sorting a List

CO2 Apply tools for Modifying Cell Alignment 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
formatting a worksheet discussion Presentation
Case Study
Formatting Borders and
Shading Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Applying Colors and Patterns Hands-on

Row and Column Formatting
Lab Exercises
Using Styles

Conditional Formatting of Cells

or Cell Ranges

CO2 Apply tools for modifying Inserting and Deleting Rows 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
a worksheet and Columns discussion Presentation
Case Study
Splitting and Freezing a Demo Activity Sheets Homework
Hiding and Displaying Rows Laboratory
and Columns
Lab Exercises
Adjusting the Zoom

Switching to Different Sheets

in a Workbook

Inserting and Deleting

Renaming Worksheet

Moving and Copying


Adding Color to Sheet Tab

Referencing External Data

CO2 Construct formulas and Using Formula/Functions 6 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
apply functions for discussion Presentation
Case Study
computations Working with Absolute and
Relative Cell-reference Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Using AutoSum and Hands-on

AutoCalculate Laboratory
Lab Exercises
Creating and using Range

Using Insert Function

CO2 Create charts in MS Working with Charts 3 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
Excel discussion Presentation
Case Study
Creating a Chart
Demo Activity Sheets Homework
Modifying Charts
Previewing and Printing Charts Laboratory
Lab Exercises

CO2 Create a presentation Starting a Presentation 6 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz

with illustrations and Program discussion Presentation
Case Study
Closing Presentation Program Demo Activity Sheets Homework

Identifying the Elements of the Hands-on

Presentation Screen Laboratory
Lab Exercises
Viewing the Presentation

Creating a Presentation

Saving a New and Existing


Saving a Presentation under a

Different Location, and

Opening a Presentation

Printing a Presentation

CO2 Apply tools for modifying Inserting Text using Textbox 6 hours Interactive PowerPoint Quiz
presentation discussion Presentation
Case Study
Inserting Slides
Demo Activity Sheets Homework
Inserting Slides from Other
Presentations Hands-on
Deleting a Slide
Lab Exercises
Changing the Slide Layout and

Cutting or Copying a Text or

an Object

Using Animation Effects

Using Slide Transitions

Rehearsing Slide Show


Creating a Custom Show

Delivering a presentation on a

Total : 18 wks/ 36-54 hours

Course references and supplemental readings e-sources:


Shelly, Gary B. (2012) Microsoft Office: Basic Module, Cengage

Learning Asia Pte Ltd, Pasig City, Philippines

Madriga, Aida M. Ph. D., (2009) Office 2003 Essentials, I-Learn

Technologies, Inc.

Mendoza, Joybe (2008) Spreadsheet and Databases Ms Excel

and Ms Access, Jemma Inc.

La Putt, JunyPilapil (2005) Introduction to Computer Concepts,

National Bookstore, Manila, Philippines

Hutchinson, Sarah (2002) Microsoft Word, McGraw-Hill, North


Johnson, Jack E. (2000) Keyboarding, McGraw-Hill Companies,

Inc., USA

Course Requirements: Grading System:

A. Written Outputs Midterm & Final Exam - 40%
1. Research Paper Quizzes - 20%
2. Case Studies Participation - 40%
3. Homework Attendance
B. Performance Outputs Case Studies
1. Group/Pair Activities Lab Activities
2. Class Participation Machine Project
3. Lab Outputs
4. Portfolio Total - 100%
5. Machine Project

Class Policies
1. Attendance in the class signifies readiness to participate in class discussions and activities.
2. A student is responsible for his/her absence; no make-up projects will be given.
3. A student will be automatically marked DP (Dropped) after eight (8) consecutive absences.
4. Requirements must be submitted within the designated date of submission.
5. Others (agreed upon by the class):


Name: CLARK KIM C. CASTRO Contact Number

Email address Consultation Hours
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Instructor 1 MSMATH Campus Executive Director
Chairman, CSIT Department Program Dean, College of Computing

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