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How I Won The Game of Money

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How I won the game of money

Money is a game which we all like to play, but not everyone wins it.
Simply because we don’t know the rules of the game.

According to my experience, we all can master this game, only if we

learn our deeper emotions regarding money. These are limited belief
associations that I had developed in my life due to my parents limited

So once I developed this skill on how develop a relationship with money

then it was easy to earn money, use it, keep it and ultimately grow it.

So how do we win this game?

Just learn the rules of how to play this game. Our problem is that we are
playing something which we were never taught. From did we learn this
game? Most of us from our parents who themselves lived in scarcity
most of their lives. We inherited that mentality from them and thats
how we see it in our life also.

When I was struggling with money in my life, my spiritual guru taught

me this simple formula- how do I associate myself with money. At that
time I was simply living with the formula as my parents:

Earn------ save------ spend.

He told me that the art of making money is to change the way I was
playing the game, otherwise I will keep getting the same results as more
than 90% people in this entire world do. This simple rule makes a
difference between high achievers and the rest of the struggling

Secondly, I was guided to change my blueprint about money. He told me

that I was having a mindset of scarcity and thats why I was attracting
more of scarcity and losing the game everyday.

So to become a master of making money, you first have to master how

you see money, how you relate yourself with money, how do you feel
when you think about money. This self analysis clubbed with positive
and powerful belief system about money will open the door towards a
new experience of how money comes into your life- effortlessly.

The three steps that I followed after changing my mindset about money
which led me to become financially free were:

1. Learn to Earning Money

I looked into my life and asked myself “How can I earn money quickly”? I
also came from a middle class family with limited resources available to
us. I had seen my parents working very hard so that they could provide
us the best resources. But I was not prepared to work like them and
spend my whole life for nothing.

When I asked this one question it opened my vision towards a brighter

future and also I saw the skills I was lacking in my life. I had to develop
more skills so that I could show more value to the people with whom I
worked and get well rewarded.

While I was working for companies, I was always thinking “how can I
increase the value for them”? I was not working for money, but I was
working on how to increase value. The flow of money became automatic
for me as I was providing what others in the market were not able to
provide as I was.

When I started my own consulting firm, the same mindset followed. I

was simply thinking- “How can I provide more value in form of my
services to my clients”?. I never negotiated fees with my clients. I always
negotiate what all I can do for them and in the end deliver more than I
am paid for. This created value to my name and increased my reputation
in the business world.

Its that simple.

Now, making money is fun for me and I still making it without much
efforts. Simply because I have understood the rules of the game. I do
what I love to do and make money from it too.

2. Learn to Keep Money

Rule number two is to be able to save more money than anyone else. I
have seen so many of my friends and business partners who made a
huge amount of money in a very short period of time, but they lost all of
it pretty quickly too.

So, the idea is to concentrate on saving money and not on making

money. You need to learn from where money is coming and where
money is going out. When you do this exercise, you will be surprised
with yourself because you will find ways in which you are wasting money
every day of your life unconsciously. Please remember- every penny
wasted is every step closer to your downfall.

What I did was - I made my life super simple, thus curbing my expenses
to a large extent. This created a road towards self independence in a
very short time. Infact I was financially in less than 3 years only. If I can
do it, so can you.

Stop just earning money and spending the majority of that income. You
will never win the game like this. don’t just survive, but rather live a
burden free life. At the end of this road, it is a feeling of liberation. You
can trust me on this one.

To start with I encourage you to plan on how you can save atleast 25% of
your monthly income. This is “atleast”, but if you can do more, quicker
for you to be financially free. Which means in a very short time you wont
need to work ever again to make a living.

Why do we need to save money? So that we can start growing it for our
future needs.
3. Learn to Grow your savings

The idea of this rule is to let money work for you and not you working
for money. To achieve this you need to learn how to invest your savings
so that they can grow and earn more money fro you.

Before you start to grow your money, ask yourself, “what kind of
investor I am”? Are you a low risk taker, medium risk person or a high
risk person. Once you understand this then it is much easier to know
where you should invest.

I was a medium risk taker so I invested all my money into bonds, mutual
funds, real estate and a bit in developing online courses. For me this was
a much more safer way to play a game than investing in stock market
which was very risky.

I invested on developing my skills in writing books and I sell them online

which brings me customers worldwide. And the beauty about this is that
I can do this work from the comfort of my home without having to go
out to earn money. This is the key to make more money. Let money
work for you after you have worked on creating something that can
provide value to the people.

So look at your aptitude towards investments and how much risk you
can accept in order to let your money grow. My father is a low risk taker,
so he invests in bank deposits, insurance investments, post office funds
and a bit in government bonds. This dosent work for me as they are low
return instruments and slow to grow. But again, it all depends upon your
risk taking ability.
My only suggestion is not to fall into a trap of putting all your savings in
one thing only. Diversify your portfolio no matter what someone tells
you about the future growth opportunity in one particular investment. It
never works like that in real world.

Golden rule of money is- money attracts money. So start saving and
investing simultaneously and let it attract more of it.
I hope you enjoy your journey of becoming financially free quickly. The
more you play the more you will become better at this game. There is no
way you can lose this game, if you apply the rules of this game.

So are you ready to bring the change in the way you play this game?

If you want to learn more about attracting and growing money and
learning the skills necessary to win the game, we have the following
resources created for you.

Book: 108 mantras to be masters of self.when you learn how to develop

skills to manage your life, you can attract anything you want in life. This
book guides you to lead a successful life by following 108 steps- one step
a day.

21 days meditation to learn meditation- because meditation links you

with higher self and help you download ideas on how to increase your
wealth faster.

21 days fortune attraction meditation. This is a wonderful resource to

link your higher self with the universal energy and let the universe also
work along with you in your growth.
Sound scan therapy. We have developed a scientific way to analyze your
inner frequency and locate inner blockages in emotions, feelings,
memories, and flow of energy. With just one scan of your voice we can
determine what therapy you need to undertake in order to enhance
your inner frequency and make it in-tune with the universal energy of
growth and freedom. This is the easiest and quickest way to remove
mental, emotional and karmic blockages inside.

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