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Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks: University of Passau

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Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks

University of Passau

Tiziano Bellini

EY London

20-21 June 2017

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Outline Framework

Scope of the Book

The book pursues the following objectives:

1. Describe how to conduct a stress testing exercise.

2. Introduce alternative risk integration frameworks.

3. Highlight the key steps to perform a reverse stress test.

I It is aimed at graduates, master students and practitioners.

I It also provides hints for further research and applications in

statistics and finance.

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Outline Framework


When dealing with risk management (and stress testing in particular),

one may be dragged into the details of a specific topic. The risk is to
lose the broader blueprint. The book presents a global view of a
bank by relying on the following toolkit:

1. Formal mathematical representation.

2. Use of a bank prototype throughout the entire stress testing and

risk integration journey.

3. Business cases investigation.

4. Worked examples (and worked exercises) in Matlab and R.

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Outline Framework

Framework Outline
The following key areas are covered to achieve book’s goals:

1. Introduce multivariate time series analysis to highlight how to

enrich a given scenario and generate Monte Carlo simulations.

2. Describe the key features of asset and liability management to

assess interest rate and liquidity risks.

3. Investigate Portfolio models.

4. Assess stress testing impacts (e.g., capital ratios, risk weighted

assets, etc.).

5. Describe potential limitations of the current stress testing


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Outline Agenda


I Introduction

I Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics

I Stress Testing

I Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing

I Concluding Remarks

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Introduction Agenda


I Introduction

I What Went Wrong

I Lehman Brothers business case

I Northern Rock business case

I Regulatory Responses
I Capital, leverage and liquidity ratios

I Book Structure at a Glance

I Functional perspective
I Risk metrics

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Introduction What Went Wrong

Lehman Brothers - Business Case

I In the 2000s, Lehman Brothers widely expanded its services.

I During the period 2006-2007, Lehman Brothers initiated a new
strategy. The company aggressively bought real estate assets.
I At the end of its 2007 fiscal year, Lehman Brothers held $111
billion in commercial or residential assets and securities. More
than double the $52 billion that it held at the end of 2006, and
more than four times its equity.
I Market illiquidity and massive losses in this business caused
rating agencies and investor to express concerns in 2008.
I During that summer, Lehman Brothers financial situation
become unsustainable. The crisis became public.

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Introduction What Went Wrong

Black Rock - Business Case

I Northern Rock was a building society with challenging ambitions.
I In the nine years after its going public to the eve of the crisis in
June 2007, its total assets grew from £ 17.4 billion to £ 113.5
I Its liability structure reflected this unusual dynamic by heavily
depending on non-retail funds.
I By the summer of 2007, only 23 percent of its liabilities were in the
form of retail deposits.The rest of its funding came from short-term
borrowing in the capital markets, or through securitised notes
(i.e., asset backed commercial paper -ABCP-).
I In the summer 2007, the sub-prime crisis started affecting banks’
balance sheets. The demize of Northern Rock dated from
August 9.

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Introduction Regulatory Responses

Capital Strengthening and Leverage

I Strengthening of risk-based capital ratios as a buffer against

unexpected losses (e.g., CET1 ratio ≥ 4.50 %)

Regulatory Capital
Capital Ratio = . (1)

I Introduction of the leverage ratio as additional requirement

Capital Exposure
Leverage Ratio = ≥ 3.00%. (2)
Exposure Measure

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Introduction Regulatory Responses

Hints on RWA | Standardized Approach - Credit

I The concept of RWA is crucial throughout the book. In what
follows a rough idea is provided to familiarize with this concept.
I Let us consider a $ 10 billion credit portfolio spread among the
regulatory categories
P detailed in the next table. For each group of
exposures ( i∈ss EXPi,ss ) a specific risk weight Wss is required
to compute the corresponding RWA. The last two columns
summarize how to perform the calculation.
Assets i∈ss EXPi,ss Wss RWA
Claims on corporations 4.00 100.00 % 4.00
Retail exposures 2.00 75.00 % 1.50
Residential real estate 1.00 35.00 % 0.35
Sovereign and central banks 3.00 20.00 % 0.60
Total 10.00 6.45
Table: Standardized credit RWA computation ($ billions).

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Introduction Regulatory Responses


I Introduction of liquidity coverage ratio

High Quality Liquid Assets

LCR = ≥ 100.00%. (3)
Total Net Cash Outflows

I Introduction of net stable funding ratio

Available Stable Funding

NSFR = ≥ 100.00%1 . (4)
Total Net Cash Outflows

Under consultation until 2018.
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Introduction Regulatory Responses

Stress Testing Process

I In the US the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

(CCAR), was introduced as a key component of the Dodd-Frank
Act (2010).

I In Europe, the European Central Bank (together with the

European Banking Authority, EBA) deployed a first wide-stress
testing exercise in 2011 which was then replicated in 2014 and

I The Bank of England, in 2014 aligned with the Federal Reserve

Board committing an annual stress testing process for major UK

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Introduction Book Structure at a Glance

Book Structure
1. A key step in the stress testing journey is to highlight the
connection between the overall economy and a given bank.
2. A bank can be explored by means of its asset and liability
structure with focus on: trading book, banking book, liabilities
and own funds.
3. Each of these areas affects capital, leverage and liquidity
ratios. They also are the key ingredients of risk integration and
reverse stress testing processes.

Figure: Book structure from a functional perspective.

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Introduction Book Structure at a Glance

Chapters’ Organisation
I A matrix scheme has been used by considering asset and
liability together with key risk management metrics as journey’s

Figure: Intersection between risk metrics and bank functional organization.

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Agenda


I Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics

I Macroeconomic Modelling

I Bank Alpha
I Regulatory Capital
I Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs)
I Leverage and Liquidity

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Macroeconomic Modelling

VAR and GVAR Modelling

I The VAR is introduced after discussing the univariate analysis
(AR, MA and ARMA models). Let xt = (x1,t , . . . , xk ,t )0 denote a
p × 1 vector of macroeconomic time series
xt = c + Φ1 xt−1 + . . . + Φk xt−k + t , (5)
I In a global economy, a GVAR helps capturing international
linkages. The following equations are representative of a
xs,t = cs,0 + cs,1 t + Φs,1 xs,t−1 + Φs,2 xs,t−2 +
+Λs,0 x∗s,t + Λs,1 x∗s,t−1 + Λs,2 x∗s,t−2 + us,t , (6)
where xs,t is the ps × 1 vector of country specific variables, x∗s,t is
the ps∗ × 1 vector of foreign variables. cs,0 is the constant term,
while cs,1 is the trend coefficient. Φs,(·) and Λs,(·) are the matrix
coefficients for the domestic and foreign variables. us,t represents
the error component. Matlab GVAR Toolbox is used for estimates.
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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Macroeconomic Modelling

Conditional Forecast
I The conditional VAR can intuitively be represented as follows in a
VAR(1) framework

xt = c + Φ1 xt−1 + t , (7)

xt+1 = c + Φ1 xt + t+1 , (8)


xt+1 = c + Φ1 [c + Φ1 xt−1 + t ] + t+1 , (9)

and more generally

n−1 n
Φj1 + Φn1 xt + Φn−j
xt+n = c 1 t+j . (10)
j=0 j=1

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Bank Alpha

Bank Alpha at a Glance

I Bank Alpha is bank prototype used throughout the book to nail
down the key concepts explored along the journey.
I The following balance sheet summarizes its key accounting
measures in t0 (i.e., stress testing starting point).

Assets Liabilities
Cash resources 8.00 Deposits 70.00
Securities 14.00 Others 17.00
Loans 70.00 Subordinated debts 4.00
Others 8.00 Non controlling interests 2.00
Shareholder equity 7.00
Total assets 100.00 Total liabilities 100.00
Table: Bank Alpha’s balance sheet in t0 ($ billions).

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Bank Alpha

Metrics to be Stressed | Capital

I Regulatory capital is computed by applying adjustments starting

from accounting shareholder equity.
I The following table summarizes Bank Alpha’s regulatory capital in
t0 .

Regulatory Capital t0
Common equity tier 1 (CET1) 4.44
Additional Tier 1 1.00
Tier 1 5.44
Tier 2 6.00
Total capital 11.44
Table: Bank Alpha’s regulatory capital in t0 ($ billions).

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Bank Alpha

Metrics to be Stressed | RWA

I Capital ratios’ denominator (i.e., RWA) is the sum of market,
credit and operational risk weighted assets.
RWA t0
Market risk 2.31
Operational risk 8.93
Credit risk 54.80
Other risks 1.20
Shortfall 2.50
Add-on RWA 6.26
Total RWA 76.00
Table: Bank Alpha’s RWA in t0 ($ billions).

I In t0 , Bank Alpha exceeds the 4.50 % regulatory threshold as

shown below
Bank Alpha CET 1 Ratio = = 5.84%
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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Bank Alpha

Metrics to be Stressed | Leverage and Liquidity

I From a structural point of view, in t0 Bank Alpha exceeds the
minimum 3 % leverage ratio (i.e., ratio between capital exposure
and total asset exposure).
I It also exceeds the minimum liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
minimum threshold 100 %. The net stable funding ratio is below
the 100 % target.

Leverage ratio 5.53 %
LCR 104.00 %
NSFR 88.25 %
Table: Bank Alpha’s leverage and liquidity ratios.

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Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanics Bank Alpha

Macroeconomic Scenario for Bank Alpha

I Scenario key features: increase of US unemployment rate, low
interest rates, sharp reduction of GDP followed by rapid
reinforcement, J-shape inflation path.

US Macroeconomic Variables GDP Growth

0.08 0.06

0.07 0.04

-0.04 China DA
0.02 US Unemployment Euro
US rLT Japan
0.01 -0.06

0 -0.08
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Inflation Exchange Rate Index

0.03 104


0 96

-0.01 US
China DA China DA
Euro Euro
-0.02 Japan Japan

-0.03 88
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time Time

Figure: Macroeconomic scenario.

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Stress Testing Agenda


I Stress Testing
I RWA Stress Testing
I Market Risk RWA
I Credit Risk RWA
I Operational Risk RWA

I Balance Sheet Projection

I Credit Life Cycle
I Balance Sheet Projection vs. Macro Scenarios
I Profit and Loss Projection

I Bank Alpha’s Key Results

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Market Risk RWA | Normal Return Distribution

I Let us consider an equity with a daily standard deviation of $ 10
million. The 99 % confidence interval VaR is $ 23 million when
using the assumption of normal distribution of returns.
I One would expect that losses would be greater than $ 23 million
on 1 % of trading days (i.e., 2 or 3 days per year).

Figure: General idea behind VaR.

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Market Risk RWA | Value at Risk

I The VaR at level (1 − α), is computed as the smallest loss (`) such
VaR(1−α) = inf P(Loss∆R > `) ≤ α. (11)
I The variance-covariance approach is usually adopted in portfolios
with linear pay-offs where returns have variance w 0 Σw (w is the
vector of weights and Σ is the variance covariance matrix of
I The following equation summarizes VaR by relying on the usual
assumption to multiply the 1-day VaR times the square root of t
p √
VaR(1−α),t = Φ−1 (α) w 0 Σw t. (12)

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Market Risk RWA | Stressed VaR

I When relying on the variance covariance approach, extreme
market conditions are taken into account by replacing the current
variance covariance matrix with the stressed one.
I Let us consider the vector of returns r, the current covariance
matrix Σ and the covariance under stress W.
I Stressed returns are simulated by relying on the Cholesky
decomposition of Σ and W denoted respectively C and D as

rstress = CD−1 r. (13)

I The term structure of interest rate is also required to stress asset
and liability elements. Therefore models such as, for example,
CIR are fitted to historical data and, then, projected by considering
macroeconomic scenario constraints.

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Market Risk RWA | Regulatory Formula

I For regulatory purposes, the following equation holds
1 X
VaRreg,t = max VaR(1−α),t , VaR(1−α),t−r · MM , (14)
r =1
where, VaR(1−α),t is the end period 10-day VaR. The other item
1 P60
within the max formula (i.e., 60 r =1 VaR(1−α),t−r · MM) is the
average 10-day VaR measured over the 60 days before the end of
period. MM is a multiplier ranging between 3 and 4, based upon
the number of back-testing exceptions that occur on a rolling
twelve month period.
I The (advanced method) RWA is computed as follows
RWAmkt = 12.5(VaRreg + SVaRreg + IRC + SSRC), (15)
where IRC stands for incremental risk charge and is aimed to
cover default and credit migration risks, while SSRC stands for
standard specific risk charge and is substantially a residual risk.
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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Credit Risk RWA | Portfolio Modelling - Sketch

I The loss distribution for a portfolio of credits is built by relying on

the principle that the i − th customer of a portfolio may be
insolvent and, in the case of default, its exposure may not be fully

Figure: Loss distribution. Expected loss (EL) vs. unexpected loss (UL).

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Credit Risk RWA | Portfolio Modelling - Framework

I The probability of default (PDi ) represents the likelihood of the
insolvency. The loss given default (LGDi ) accounts for the
non-recovered portion of an asset exposure (Ai ).
I If we generate defaults through a Monte Carlo process, for each
simulation g = 1, . . . , G, the portfolio credit loss (CLossg ) is
computed as follows
CLossg = 1i,def ,g Ai, LGDi . (16)

I Unconditional default probability. The unconditional one-year

(1y ) PD for a bank’s customer is defined as follows

PDi,s,t = P(τi,s ≤ 1y ), (17)

where τi,s denotes the default time occurrence.

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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Credit Risk RWA | Advanced Formula (AIRB)

I A binary default variable is the starting point for IRB modelling
1 for ξi,s,t ≤ Φ−1 (PDi,s,t ),

1IRB = (18)
i,s,def 0 for ξi,s,t > Φ−1 (PDi,s,t ),
where Φ is the normal cdf. Then, for the scenario xscen
P 1IRB = P ξi,s,t ≤ Φ−1 (PDi,s,t )|κscen =

i,s,def = 1|κ scen

ρi,s κt + 1 − ρi,s i,s,t ≤ Φ−1 (PDi,s,t )|κscen =
√ (19)
Φ−1 (PDi,s,t )− ρi,s κt
= P i,s,t ≤ √ |κscen =
√ √
Φ−1 (PDi,s,t )− ρi,s κt Φ−1 (PDi,s,t )− ρi,s κscen
=Φ √ |κscen = Φ √ .
1−ρi,s 1−ρi,s

I The advanced IRB credit risk RWA is as follows

n  −1 √ −1 
X Φ (PDi,s,t ) + ρΦ (0.999)
RWA ≈ 12.5 Ai,s,t LGDi,s,t Φ √ −PDi,s,t .
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Stress Testing RWA Stress Testing

Credit Risk RWA | How to Stress PDs

I The probability that a debtor i belonging to sector s will default
within a certain period (e.g., one year) may be written as follows in
a logit framework
PDi,s,t = . (21)
1 + e−Ψi,s,t
I The following indicator function summarizes the model structure
1 for ≥ ui,s,t ,

Logit −Ψ
1i,s,t,def = 1+e i,s,t (22)
0 for −Ψi,s,t < ui,s,t ,
where ui,s,t ∈ [0, 1] is a uniform random variable (s=sector).
I More precisely, the relationship between the creditworthiness
index Ψi,s,t and the vector of macro variables, may be written as
Ψi,s,t = β0,s + β1,i,s x1,t + . . . + βp,i,s xp,t + σi,s i,s,t . (23)
I A macro variable shock is used to affect PDs through equation
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Stress Testing Balance Sheet Projection

Credit Life Cycle | Big Picture

I The typical life cycle for a typical commercial bank is represented
as follows.

Figure: Credit life cycle dynamics over a one-year time horizon.

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Stress Testing Balance Sheet Projection

Credit Life Cycle | Overall Framework

I The performing portfolio dynamic can be summarized as follows

Agross,t+h,∆ = Agross,t + BGh,∆ − AMh,∆ − DFh,∆ + CUh,∆ . (24)

I The collective provisions stock evolution may be summarize d as

described below

CPt+h,∆ = CPt + ∆CPh,∆ . (25)

I Moving to the defaulted portfolio, the following holds

Agross,NP,t+h,∆ = Agross,NP,t + DFh,∆ − CUh,∆ − WOh,∆ . (26)

I Finally, specific provisions dynamic can be represented in the

following way
SPt+h,∆ = SPt + ∆SPh,∆ . (27)

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Stress Testing Balance Sheet Projection

Balance Sheet Projection vs. Macro Scenarios

I Exposure Ak ,t and macroeconomic variables are linked as follows

Ak ,t = βk ,0 + βk ,1 xt + . . . + βk ,p xp,t + k ,t , (28)
whereby β k = (βk ,1 , . . . , βk ,p is the vector of coefficients fitted
against the vector of macroeconomic variables
xt = (x1,t , . . . , xp,t )0 . Other credit life cycle components are derived
to get the overall balance sheet evolution.
I The trading book may be projected as follows
TBt+h = TBt + ∆TBh ,
∆TBh = f (RAt , xh,∆ ),
where TBt is the trading book volume at time t, while ∆TBh is its
variation overh. This variation is linked to the risk appetite RAt and
macroeconomic conditions xh,∆ .
I A similar approach may be followed for liabilities.
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Stress Testing Balance Sheet Projection

Profit and Loss Projection

Figure: Profit and loss stress testing framework.

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Stress Testing Bank Alpha’s Stress Testing

Bank Alpha’s Stressed Capital Metrics

t0 t1 t2 t3
Common equity 4.44 4.33 4.67 5.31
Tier 1 5.44 5.33 5.67 6.31
RWA 76.00 108.00 95.81 88.03
Common equity ratio 5.84 % 4.01 % 4.87 % 6.04 %
Tier 1 ratio 7.16 % 4.93 % 5.92 % 7.17 %
Table: Bank Alpha’s capital ratios along the three-year stress ($ billions).

I Common equity ratio breaches the minimum 4.50% Basel III

threshold in t1 , while the Tier 1 ratio stays below the 6.00%
boundary in t1 and t2 . These results would cause an immediate
regulatory intervention followed by a series redemption actions
such as capital raising, business restructuring, and so on.
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Stress Testing Bank Alpha’s Stress Testing

Bank Alpha’s Stressed Capital Metrics

I Unlike the capital metrics table, the following outlines Bank

Alpha’s solidity in terms of leverage and LCR.
t0 t1 t2 t3
Leverage ratio2 5.53 % 5.14 % 5.25 % 5.61 %
LCR3 104.00 % 101.00 % 103.00 % 105.00 %
NSFR4 88.25 % 94.48 % 94.36 % 93.66 %
Table: Bank Alpha’s leverage and liquidity ratios along the three-year
stress testing exercise.

Minimum threshold 3%.
Minimum threshold 100%.
Minimum threshold 100%, consultation period until 2018.
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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Agenda


I Stress Testing and Risk Integration

I Risk Integration
I Top-down Approaches
I Bottom-up Approaches

I Reverse Stress Testing

I Objective Functions
I Internal Features Algorithms

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Risk Integration | Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up

I A major drawbacks of the current regulatory framework is not to

explicitly rely on integrated risk measures. The recent
2007-2009 crisis highlighted the importance of risk
I An interesting literature developed in the last few years around two
main approaches:

I Top-down risk integration.

I Bottom-up risk integration.

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Top-Down |Basic Integration

Figure: Top-down risk integration: basic integration.

I A bank total loss may be represented as

TLossbi,h = CLossbi,h + OLossbi,h + MLossbi,h . (30)
I A basic approach may be followed as below
TLossVaR,bi,(1−α) = ρr ,s VaRr ,(1−α) VaRs,(1−α) . (31)
r ,s

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Top-Down |Top Level

Figure: Top-down risk integration: top-level approach.

I In this case, a copula is used to generate two normal standard

variables Y (i.e., credit risk) and Z (i.e., operational risk). Then,
the multiplication law of probability is used as follows
P(TLosstl,h ) = P(CLosstl,h )P(OLosstl,h |CLosstl,h ) (32)
P(MLosstl,h |CLosstl,h , OLosstl,h ).

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Top-Down |Base Level

Figure: Top-down risk integration: base-level approach.

I An enhancement of the top-level approach relies on including the

analysis of factors influencing copula generations.
I This practice is the step before moving to a fully bottom-up

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Bottom-up |Workflow

Figure: Economic capital risk integration workflow.

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Bottom-up |Economic Capital Objective Function

I Let us suppose that at time t, the value of a bank assets and

liabilities are respectively At and Lt .
I This bank is initially solvent with equity Et = At − Lt > 0 (i.e.,
At > Lt ).
I The following equation holds to ensure solvency with a probability
(1 − α) over a fixed time horizon h (e.g., one year)

P[Et + ∆A − ∆L + Ih > 0] = 1 − α, (33)

where ∆A and ∆L are the asset and liability variations due to
macro-economic instantaneous shocks. Ih refers to the income of
the period under investigation.

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Risk Integration

Bottom-up |Liquidity Objective Function

I The following equation highlights the conditions to ensure

solvency with a probability (1 − α) over the time horizon q (e.g.,
three months)

P ALiqq − LLiqq + Bq > 0 = 1 − α, (34)
where ALiqq represents (asset) liquidity inflows over the period q,
LLiqq stands for (liability) cash outflows and Bq corresponds to the
liquidity raised through the market.
I The equation above can be re-written as follows
hP P
q N Pm nm
P t=0 i=1 1i,liq,t Ai,cf ,t Hi,t (xt ) − j=1 1j,liq,t Lj,cf ,t (xt )+
 i (35)
− M m
j=m+1 1j,liq,t Lj,cf ,t + %t Bt > 0 = 1 − α.

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Reverse Stress Testing

Reverse Stress | Intro

I In what follows, a series of alternative objective functions describe
how to formally identify conditions leading a bank to fail.
I Two broad threatening event categories are studied. On the one
hand, internal features are explored as potential sources of
bankruptcy. On the other, external economic conditions are
investigated while bank operations are considered as given. As a
result, a mix of these causes may end in a bank insolvency.
I Internal features (Υ). The set of asset, liabilities and other internal
characteristics representing a bank operational system is denoted
with Υ. Loss and liquidity mismatching (LM), are subsets of Υ.
Therefore, Υ, Loss and LM are jointly considered to have a full
picture of a bank.
I Macroeconomic scenarios (x). A p-dimensional macroeconomic
vector representing external conditions is the additional component
to be studied when assessing potential sources of a bank’s

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Reverse Stress Testing

Reverse Stress | Objective Functions - Internal

I Internal features: economic capital

Υ∗ (`) = argmax f (Υ|x, Loss ≥ `, LM). (36)


I Internal features: liquidity mismatching

Υ∗ (lm) = argmax f (Υ|x, Loss, LM ≤ lm), (37)


I Internal features: economic capital and liquidity mismatching

Υ∗ (`, lm) = argmax f (Υ|x, Loss ≥ `, LM ≤ lm). (38)


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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Reverse Stress Testing

Reverse Stress | Objective Functions - Macro

I Macroeconomic scenarios: economic capital

x∗ (`) = argmax f (x|Υ, Loss ≥ `, LM), (39)

I Macroeconomic scenarios: liquidity mismatching
(x)∗ (lm) = argmax f (x|Υ, Loss, LM ≤ lm). (40)
I Macroeconomic scenarios: economic capital and liquidity
(x)∗ (`, lm) = argmax f (x|Υ, Loss ≥ `, LM ≤ lm). (41)
I Internal features and macroeconomic scenarios: economic capital
and liquidity mismatching
(Υ, x)∗ (`, lm) = argmax f (Υ, x|Loss ≥ `, LM ≤ lm). (42)

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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Reverse Stress Testing

Reverse Stress | Trading Book Example

I Let us sample from the trading book portfolio and hypothesize
individual or group (i.e., up to p) of debtors’ default. The algorithm
works as follows.
I Step 1.
I Select debtor i. The simplifying assumption of one-debtor,
one-financial instrument is followed in order to avoid unnecessary
I If statement. Verify whether debtor the exposure Ai is higher than
bank’s bankruptcy threshold. If the answer is yes, then the loop stops.
Otherwise see next step.
I Step 2.
I Select a couple of debtors i and j.
I If statement. Verify whether the outstanding balance invested in
debtor i and j 6= i, Ai + Aj , is higher than bank’s bankruptcy threshold.
If the answer is yes, then the loop stops. Otherwise see next step.
I Step 3. Continue the process by considering all sets made up by
p ≤ n debtors.
I Step 4. All events originating bank’s failure are stored.
I Step 5. All plausible events constitute the output of the reverse
stress testing process: Υ∗tradingbook (`).
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Risk Integration and Reverse Stress Testing Reverse Stress Testing

Reverse Stress |Trading Book Example Algorithm 1

Figure: Algorithm 1: trading book individual (joint) default.

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Concluding Remarks Agenda


I Concluding Remarks

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Concluding Remarks What’s Next

Concluding Remarks

I The design of macroeconomic scenarios may affect banks

stress testing outcomes due to various bank geographic
distributions, product types, etc.

I Banks capability to face adverse conditions can be assessed

through statistical frameworks.

I Statistical models may fail to highlight potential risks due to their

restrictive assumptions (e.g., limited risk integration).

I A new generation of tools may help prevent new crises by focusing

on micro-structures and relying on product-level information.

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