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07 20 00

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09 83 16



® ®

CSI 07 21 29/09 83 16

The Custom Spray System Environmental

K-13 insulation is a thermal and acoustical commercial cellulose We manufacture our finishes from 80% recycled material and may
insulation typically used as an exposed ceiling finish requiring no contribute to satisfying credits under the LEED® green building program.
additional materials. K-13 meets project requirements for insulation Additionally, our low emission adhesive provides superior bond strength
(R-value), noise reduction (NRC), condensation control, texture, without compromising indoor air quality. As a UL GREENGUARD Gold
and color. Additionally, K-13 usually provides these features at Certified product, K-13 complies and surpasses emission standards set
lower installed prices than many common alternatives. by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) / CA Section
01350, Collaborative for High-Performance Schools (CHPS). K-13 does
not contain silica.
A Total System: Fiber, Binder, Application
K-13 i s a tota l s y s tem of recycl ed n at u ra l f i be r s, ch em i ca l
treatment, binding system, and application method. The K-13
Acoustical Performance
The resi l ient f i be r s of K-13 abso r b sound ene rgy i nstead of
system begins in a strict quality-controlled manufacturing process
reflecting it, reducing reverberation and excessive noise often
using specially prepared cellulose fibers that are chemically
present in modern design, greatly improving ambient sound
treated to add resistance to fire, mold, and mildew.
quality and intelligibility.
K-13 is then applied by an international net work of licensed
applicators through approved fiber machines and nozzles for K-13 Sprayed Thermal and Acoustical Insulation on Solid Backing | ASTM C-423
control of the fiber/binder ratio. During application, the K-13 fibers Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC
combine with a patented water-based adhesive. This unique 1” 0.11 0.32 0.84 0.99 1.01 0.98 0.80
adhesive adheres to virtually any properly prepared substrate 1.75” 0.30 0.74 1.14 1.06 .99 0.98 1.00
and standard material such as metal, wood, concrete, or glass. 2” 0.47 0.90 1.06 1.06 1.08 1.07 1.00
The finished product is a strong, durable monolithic coating of
3” 0.57 0.99 1.04 1.03 1.00 0.98 1.00
a predetermined thickness.
4” 0.84 1.06 1.01 1.03 1.00 0.98 1.05
5” 0.99 0.89 1.05 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00
Naturally Tough – Naturally Attractive
Available in a variety of colors, K-13 is an ideal surface finish in K-13 Sprayed Thermal and Acoustical Insulation Applied on 1.5” Metal Deck
both new construction and renovation projects. Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC

K-13 is avai lable in seven standa rd colo r s and can also be 1.5” 0.36 0.89 1.26 1.07 1.01 1.00 1.05
specified in specially matched custom colors. Please contact 3” 0.97 1.04 1.13 0.99 0.95 0.98 1.05
us for more information on customizing your K-13 application.
K-13 Sprayed Thermal and Acoustical Insulation Applied on 2” Metal Deck
Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC
1” 0.39 0.63 0.96 0.99 1.04 1.06 0.90
2” 0.55 0.99 1.13 1.06 1.05 1.10 1.05
Black Gray Lt. Gray White Beige Tan Cocoa
K-13 Sprayed Thermal and Acoustical Insulation Applied on 3” Metal Deck
Color selection will affect the final price.
Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC
1.5” 0.55 0.92 1.11 1.02 0.95 0.99 1.00
Thermal Performance 2.75” 0.69 0.98 1.17 1.03 0.97 1.04 1.05
K-13 insulates by creating dead air spaces between and within
its hollow fibers. Because K-13 fibers are sprayed-in-place, the
material fills cracks, seams, and voids, forming a monolithic
coat i n g ove r th e s u bs t rate red uci n g a i r i nf i lt rat i o n. U n l i ke Sound Results
prefabricated insulations, K-13 has no voids or compressed areas K-13 Applied at 3” to Recording Studio (Field Test)
to reduce thermal efficiency. The result is a more effective in- 5
place product with exceptionally low heat transfer characteristics 4
and an R-value of 3.7 per inch.

The patented adhesive utilized in the installation of K-13 provides 2
unequaled strength allowing applications from ¾” up to 5” thick AFTER
without mechanical suppor t. For an even higher R-value, we
recommend the K-13 High-R System, a mechanically supported 0
system for R-values exceeding R-19. For more information about 125 Hz 500 Hz 600 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz
the advantages of the K-13 High-R System, please visit w w w. K-13 Applied at 1” to Ceiling in Indoor Pool (Field Test)

Condensation Control 8

For areas such as indoor pools and ice arenas, K-13 aids in
condensation control. The proper combination of K-13 and 4
ventilation prevents condensation on metal, concrete and other 2
surfaces. K-13 reduces ventilation requirements, saving in both 0
the ventilation equipment investment operating costs. 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz

K-13 is versatile. Typical projects include: Parking Garages, Classrooms, Restaurants, Museums, Warehouses, Airports, Stadiums, Worship Facilities, Open
Offices, Auditoriums, Convention Centers, and more.

Fire Performance Ratings ASTM Standards Compliance

K-13 has been rated and approved by Factory Mutual Research ASTM C 518 Thermal Conductivity
Corporation for use in the following categories: ASTM E 84 Surface Burning Characteristics
• Category I: As an interior finish material of low fire hazard ASTM C 423 Noise Reduction Coefficients
(Class I Building Material) over noncombustible surfaces not ASTM D 2244 Light Reflectance
requiring automatic sprinkler protection in and of itself. ASTM E 736 Bond Strength
• Category II: As a protective coating to delay the ignition and ASTM E 859 Air Erosion
reduce the surface burning rate of combustible wood and ASTM C 739 Moisture Absorption
cellulosic fiber building materials. ASTM E 90 Sound Transmission Loss
• Category III: As a protective coating to delay the ignition and ASTM E 1042 Acoustical Absorption
reduce the surface burning rate of low melting, combustible ASTM C 1149 Spray-Applied Cellulose Insulation
ce l l u l a r p l a s t i c b u i l d i n g m ate r i a l s a n d to p rote ct t h e i r
dimensional stability for a brief period. Test reports available upon request.
• Category IV: As a protective coating for building structural steel
to supplement automatic sprinkler protection in preventing
structural failure temperatures of the steel in high fire hazard Miscellaneous Approvals & Specifications
occupancies. Underwriters Laboratories Classified Code Compliance Report UL ER 5499
• Category V: As a protective coating to the underside of Class
II insulated steel roof deck construction to sufficiently lower the Factory Mutual Research – Report Nos. 19678, 20399, & 24703
rate of fuel contribution from the Class II deck components to Federal Defense Logistics Agency Cage Code: ONJU2
qualify the construction as Class I allowing a ­ utomatic sprinkler
protection to be omitted where permissible under Factor y Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications – CE-201.01
Mutual Standards. Department of the Navy Guide Specifications – NFGS-07218

These f i re rati ngs a re de r ived f rom p roduct tests pe r A STM EPA 40 CFR Part 248
standards and are used solely to measure and describe properties Miami-Dade county, FL. NOA #18-0122.09 - Expires Sept. 4, 2020
of materials and products in response to heat and flame under
Meets California Bureau of Home Furnishings Standards
controlled laboratory conditions. They are not intended to reflect
hazards presented by these or any other materials under actual Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
fire conditions.
Federal Specification – SS-S-111C

Surface Burning Characteristics Los Angeles – RR-24311

K-13 has a Class 1, Class A flame spread rating per ASTM E-84, New York – MEA 65-96-M
UL-723, NFPA-255 and UBC-42.
Flame spread- 5
Smoke developed- 5
Under writers’ Laboratories – Ref. #R5499

CSI 09 83 16

Product Description
SonaSpray “fc” is a spray-applied acoustical texture designed
for a wide range of project types. SonaSpray “fc” provides an
attractive, high-performance solution to acoustical and lighting
design objectives in both new constr uction and renovation
p r o j e c t s . Ty p i ca l i n s ta l l a t i o n s i n c l u d e s c h o o l s , c h u rc h e s ,
auditoriums, passenger terminals, libraries, detention facilities,
cafeterias, offices, hotels, and condominiums.
SonaSpray “fc” is available in White, Arctic White, Black, and
specially matched colors.

Acoustical Performance
As tested by an NVLAP accredited acoustical laborator y per
ASTM C-423, SonaSpray “fc” provides an exceptionally high noise
reduction coefficient (NRC). A typical installation of 1/2” thick
on solid backing has an unequaled NRC of .65.
Durability and Maintenance
SonaSpray “fc” on Solid Backing | ASTM C 423 The strong, resilient bond of the adhesive used to apply SonaSpray
Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC “fc” provides a remarkably durable surface. SonaSpray “fc” resists
.5” 0.00 0.14 0.49 0.87 1.00 0.99 0.65 impact and abrasion without the cracking or spalling typical of
.75” 0.10 0.23 0.70 0.98 1.01 0.96 0.75
many cementitious or plaster-based materials.
1” 0.05 0.40 0.94 1.04 0.97 0.99 0.85
In areas where even higher abrasion resistance may be desirable,
SonaSpray “fc” Dura‑K is specified. This product provides even
SonaSpray “fc” on 1.5” Metal Deck | ASTM C 423 greater bond and compressive strength without reducing the
Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC acoustical performance.
.75” 0.17 0.58 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.80

ASTM Standards Compliance

Flame Spread Index 5 ASTM E 84/UL 723
Substrate Compatibility Smoke Developed 5 ASTM E 84/UL 723
SonaSpray “fc” conforms to any surface configuration such as
Bond Strength
barrel vaults, concrete “T”, corrugated decks, pan construction
SonaSpray “fc” >600 psf ASTM E 736
and other complex surfaces. The high-performance adhesive
bonds to virtually all construction materials including gypsum SonaSpray “fc” Dura-K >900 psf ASTM E 736
board, plaster, wood, metal, and concrete. Some sur faces Compression Strength
(water- stained cei l ings, wood, and ox idi zed metal) requi re SonaSpray “fc” >400 psf ASTM E 761
sealing to prevent migrator y staining of the SonaSpray “fc”. SonaSpray “fc” Dura-K >600 psf ASTM E 761

CSI 07 20 00

System Description Thermal Insulator

UUre-K is a 15 -Minute thermal barrier approved to go over The combination of Ure-K and polyurethane has the highest
polyurethane foam. Foam insulation systems are developed efficiency of all available insulations. Ure-K is specified at 1.25”
from polyurethane and polyisocyanurate. If foam is left exposed adding R-4.5 to the overall insulation package.
on the interior of a building, it can create a life threatening
possibility in the event of a fire.
Noise Reduction
Ure-K 15 -Minute Thermal Barrier is spray-applied over exposed Ure-K reduces reverberation and excessive noise improving
applications of polyurethane foam in existing buildings and sound quality and overall intelligibility. This is an important
new construction projects as a combination system to meet benefit in controlling noise levels to meet OSHA and other
mandator y code requirements. requirements.

Ure-K over Closed-Cell Polyurethane Foam | ASTM C 423

Installation & Environmental Inches 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1,000Hz 2,000 Hz 4,000 Hz NRC
Ure-K fibers and a low-emissions patented adhesive are applied
to foam applications through equipment engineered to control 1.25” 0.38 0.57 1.00 1.07 1.06 1.07 0.95
the adhesive/fiber mixture. The Ure-K adhesive provides superior
adhesion to all types of foam insulations without compromising
indoor air quality.
Typical Applications
Ure-K is manufactured from 80% recycled materials and may • Restaurants/ Bars
contribute to satisfying credits under the LEED® green building • Freezers/ Coolers
program. Ure-K is a UL GREENGUARD Gold Certified product. • Refrigerated Warehouses
• Curtin Wall High-Rise Buildings
• Tilt-up, Pre-cast, & Poured-in-place Concrete Construction
Thermal Barrier • Underground Parking Decks
Ure-K is tested and approved as a 15 -minute thermal barrier • Metal Buildings
over foam. Ure-K covers interior applications to maintain a • Projects requiring a high R-Value
sufficiently low surface temperature for a minimum of 15 -minutes • Projects concerned with Energy Efficiency
to prevent ignition and the rapid spread of fire. The average
installed thickness of Ure-K is 1.25”.
Ure-K has been tested according to NFPA 275 Part 1 & Part 2 and is
approved to be used as a 15-Minute Thermal Barrier over Polyurethane

NFPA 275 - Part 1 & 2

ASTM E 119 (UBC 26-2)
Full-Scale Fire Wall Test: Passed
NFPA 286 (Testing over 2 pound and 0.5 pound foam)
ASTM E 84 - Class 1 Class A Rated
Flame Spread 5
Smoke Development 5

Thermocouple Data




Degrees (F)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Time (Minutes)
Min Max TC Limit
Max Avg TC Limit

CSI 07 21 23

System Description Physical Properties

Celbar is a blend of specially prepared cellulose fibers, organic Thermal Properties
in nature, treated with adhesive and fire-resistant chemicals. Thickness 1.0” 2.5” 3.5”
When sprayed in place, the interlocking fibers result in a mass
that produces excellent sound and thermal properties. R-value 3.8 9.5 13.3

Ce l b a r i s p n e u m a t i ca l l y s p ra y - a p p l i e d i n wa l l a n d f l o o r/ Fire Hazard Classification

cei l i ng caviti es to fo r m a mono l ith ic coati ng. T h i s p roces s Under writers Laboratories;
seals cracks and holes in the wallboard, around plumbing and Reference #R-5499
electrical outlets, vent ducts, and other irregularities. There are
no compressed areas or voids to allow sound leaks, R-value Listings
reductions, or air infiltration. • HUD-FHA-VA-Permits the use of Celbar in projects they finance
based on Celbar’s compliance with UMB-80.

Performance Where It Counts

Celbar provides superior sound transfer control demanded by
building designers, owners, and occupants. Celbar assemblies
ASTM E-119 Fire Rating - One Hour
Celbar has been tested in accordance with ASTM E-119 including
perform closer to lab-tested STC ratings in the field than other hose stream test and is accepted fo r use in f i re - rated wal l
co nve nt i o n a l b at t a n d s o u n d b o a rd s y s te m s . T h i s s u p e r i o r assemblies as a one-hour wall.
per formance is due to the complete coverage and sealing
action of Celbar.
Laborator y tests have proven that Celbar produces significantly Metal Stud Assemblies
higher STC values than other identically constructed wall systems.
STC Construction Detail
24” OC, 4” Metal Studs, Two layers 5/8” Gypsum Board each
Typical Structures 60 side, Resilient Furring one side, 3 -1/2” Cellulose Spray
Homes Hotels/Motels Theaters • Test TL-94 - 024
Condominiums Apartments Restaurants 24” OC, 6” Metal Studs, One layer 5/8” Gypsum Board each
Townhouses Shopping Malls Office Buildings 51 side, 6” Cellulose Spray
• Test TL-93 -298

Wood Stud Assemblies

STC Construction Detail
16” OC, 6” Plate, 2x4” Staggered Wood Studs, Two layer 5/8”

54 Gypsum Board one side, One layer Gypsum Board other side,
5 -1/2” Cellulose Spray
• Test TL-93 -232
16” OC, 2x6” Wood Studs, Two layer 5/8” Gypsum Board each
57 side, Resilient Furring one side, 5 -1/2” Cellulose Spray
• Test TL-93 -108
16” OC, 6” Plate, 2x4” Staggered Wood Studs, Two layer 5/8”

62 Gypsum Board each side, Resilient Furring one side, 5-1/2” Cellulose
• Test TL-93-236

Celbar RL
Celbar RL, or Celbar Fire and Sound, is a system with one, two,
and three-hour UL rated Firewall Assemblies. One of the most
outstanding features is the record-setting weight load design at
1,415 pounds per stud. These wall assemblies can be constructed
using 2x4 inch or 2x6 inch wood studs. We are proudest of the
sound test results that these three assemblies received with an
STC of 56 with one layer of gypsum board on each side, to the
highest tested STC of 64.

Architects, contractors, and code officials will find this system

affordable, able to meet and exceed all code requirements for
fire and sound control, and easy to install. We have hundreds
of applicators worldwide that have been trained to install our

Product Limitations Warranty
K-13, SonaSpray “fc”, and Celbar Spray should not be used in International Cellulose Corporation (ICC) warrants its products
areas where there is prolonged exposure to heat in excess of to be free from defects in materials and workmanship at the
150°F (65°C). Nor should they be applied in areas requiring a time of shipment. Application warranties are provided by the
washable surface, or where combustible contaminants such as installing contractor.
dust, oil, etc., exist. Accumulations of combustible contaminants
may become hazardous as these contaminants will provide a fuel It is the responsibility of the user to determine compliance of the
source that will burn when ignited and fire may spread. product with local building codes and other regulator y bodies.

Celbar is applied with water and should not be sprayed on ICC is herein publishing information and data based on specific
laminated wood paneling as it could cause warping. Celbar and generic tests. ICC believes this data is as reliable as the
should not be used in areas where vinyl or foil wall covering or present state of the art in fire, thermal, and acoustical testing,
other vapor barriers are used on both sides of the wallboard,unless and can be used only as a guide for design. ICC is not responsible
Celbar is allowed to dr y completely before closing up the wall. for building design, appearance, or workmanship and makes no
guarantee of performance.
Surfaces receiving K-13 and SonaSpray “fc” should be checked
fo r pos s i b l e contam i nant s, i.e., r us t, d i r t, wate r s ta i ns, etc. ICC specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or
prior to application. These areas should be sealed to prevent fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall ICC be liable
discoloration from surface contamination bleed through. for special, indirect or consequential damage.

For further information on limitations and precautions refer to

ICC Technical Bulletin 001.

12315 Robin Blvd.

Houston, TX 77045
(713) 433-6701 • (800) 444-1252
FAX: (713) 433-2029

K-13, SonaSpray “fc”, SonaKrete, Ure-K, and Celbar ©2018 by International Cellulose Corporation
are manufactured from recycled fibers. 11/18

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