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Solanum Alkaloids and Their Pharmaceutical Roles - A Review

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Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research

Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A


Abstract Review Article

The genus Solanum is treated to be one of the hypergenus among the flowering Volume 3 Issue 6 - 2016
families and is comprised of about 1500 species with at least 5000 published
epithets. The genus is well represented in the tropical and warmer temperate
regions. About 20 of these Solanum species are endemic to the northeastern region. 1
Department of Botany, India
Many Solanum species are widely used in popular medicine or as vegetables. The 2
Department of Botany, Trivandrum University College, India
presence of the steroidal alkaloid solasodine, which is potentially an important
starting material for the synthesis of steroid hormones, is characteristic of *Corresponding author: Murugan K, Plant Biochemistry
the genus Solanum. Soladodine, and its glocosylated forms like solamargine, and Molecular Biology Lab, Department of Botany,
solosonine and other compounds of potential therapeutic values. Trivandrum University College, Trivandrum 695 034, Kerala,
India, Email:
Keywords: Solanum; Steroidal alkaloid; Solasodine; Hypergenus; Glocosylated;
Injuries; Infections Received: October 21, 2016 | Published: December 15,

Abbreviations: TGA: Total Glycoalkaloid; SGA: Steroidal range of biological activities such as antimicrobial, antirheumatics,
Glycoalkaloid; SGT: Sergeant; HMG: Hydroxy Methylglutaryl; anticonvulsants, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer.
LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein; ACAT: Assistive Context Aware Further, these alkaloids are of paramount importance in drug
Toolkit; HMDM: Human Monocyte Derived Macrophage; industries as they serve as precursors or lead molecules for the
CE: Cholesterol Ester; CCl4: Carbon Tetrachloride; 6-OHDA: synthesis of many of the steroidal drugs which have been used
6-hydroxydopamine; IL: Interleukin; TNF: Tumor Necrosis for regulating inflammation, menopause and in cardiovascular
Factor; DPPH: Diphenyl-2-Picryl Hydrazyl; FRAP: Fluorescence treatments. This review aims to encompass various strategies
Recovery After Photobleaching; O2: Oxygen, H2O2: Hydrogen employed for the isolation, purification, characterization and
Peroxide; SCVs: Small Colony Variants; PC: Prostate Cancer; medicinal values of Solanum alkaloids. In addition, the information
TNFR: Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor; TIMP: Tissue Inhibitor of related with medicinal relevance of these molecules leads future
Metalloproteinase; EMMPRIN: Matrix Metalloproteinase; BAECs: scientific exploration for the development of new and effective
Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells; HPTLC: High Performance therapeutic drugs are also discussed.
Thin Layer Chromatography; HPLC: High Performance Liquid
Chromatography; DNP: Dictionary of Natural Products; CNS: Origin of the Word Alkaloid
Central Nervous System The word alkaloid was framed by Meisner et al. [2] in 1819
from alkaline refers ‘alkali-like’. Alkaloids are cyclic compounds
Introduction of biological origin with nitrogen atom attached to at least two
Medicinal plants usage for the treatment of diseases, injuries, carbon atoms. The nitrogen may exist as primary, secondary,
infections, health benefits and disease management is age old tertiary or quaternary amine form. Mostly, the alkaloids are
as mankind. Ethnic medicine is the sum total of knowledge and crystalline and colourless with exceptions like coniine, pilocarpine
practical application, whether explicable or not, used in diagnosis, and nicotine (liquid) and berberine, colchicines (yellow) and
prevention and elimination of disorders which is handed over canadine (orange). These natural organic molecules provide
from generation to generation orally or in scripts. Recently, positive response with specific reagents in qualitative analysis as
World Health Organization imitated programmes to promote and shown in Table 1 [3].
develop this indigenous medicine in health care systems and also Narcotine is believed to be the first alkaloid isolated in 1803 [4],
to integrate this ethnic herbal medicine with modern to revitalize followed by morphine in 1806 [5]. Dictionary of Natural Products
and strengthen the manpower [1]. The medicinal properties of documented a pool of alkaloids comprising approximately
herbals are attributed by their rich pool of diverse phytochemicals 27,683 types [6]. Generally, in plants alkaloids provide defense
distributed within them. The major class of phytochemicals against pest, pathogen and herbivory. Majority of the alkaloids
identified in plants with remarkable therapeutic properties are weak bases, but some like theobromine and theophylline are
includes the categories such as alkaloids and polyphenols. amphoteric. Solubility of alkaloids in water is poor but dissolves
Species of Solanum are widely used in health care systems and in organic solvents like diethyl ether, chloroform or petroleum
represents a source for diverse phytochemicals including alkaloids. ether. Examples of water soluble alkaloids are caffeine, cocaine,
Since decades, Solanum alkaloids have been a topic of interest in codeine and nicotine (with a solubility of ≥1g/L), while others
pharmacological and therapeutical studies because of the wide like morphine and yohimbine are less water soluble (0.1–1g/L).

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Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 2/14

Alkaloids and acids form salts of different strengths and these benzylisoquinolines, canthinones, imidazoles, indolquinazolines,
derived products are usually soluble in water and alcohol and less furoquinolines and quinazolines [7]. Further, a chemotaxonomic
soluble in organic solvents except scopolamine hydrobromide approach in alkaloid classification was also available [8]. Another
and the water-soluble quinine sulphate. Majority of alkaloids have classification of alkaloids was true, pseudo and proto alkaloids
a bitter taste and are poisonous. characterized with heterocyclic nitrogenic bases derived from
amino acids or heterocyclic nitrogen base is not derived from
Table 1: Qualitative identification of alkaloids.
amino acids or they are basic amines derived from amino acids,
Reagent Positive Colour but nitrogen is not part of aromatic system (e.g. vanillylamid). A
Composition Change more practical system of classification includes a heterocyclic and
non-heterocyclic group corresponding to whether or not nitrogen
Potassium bismuth is a part of cyclic ring system [9].
Dragendorffs Reagent Reddish-brown
Potassio mercuric White or pale Heterocyclic alkaloids or typical alkaloids
Mayer’s Reagent
iodide yellow ppt This represents the largest group in which the nitrogen
Hager’s Reagent Picric acid Yellow becomes a part of the cyclic ring system. It is further subdivided
into 14 groups (Table 2).
Solution of iodine in Yellow or
Wagner’s Reagent
potassium iodide brown ppt. Non-heterocyclic alkaloids or a typical alkaloids
Murexide Test (for Potassium chlorate + In the case of non-heterocyclic alkaloid division nitrogen is not
Caffeine and Other Purine drops of HCl. Expose a part of the ring system and is relatively less common. Alkaloid
Derived Alkaloids) the resultant to NH3
of this category includes hordenine, erythromycin, ephedrine,
colchicine, jurubin, pachysandrine-A, mescaline, taxol and a few
Distribution of Alkaloids others.
Alkaloids are reported mostly from angiosperms (10 to 20%
Biological potentials of alkaloids
and more among dicots than monocots) followed by gymnosperms,
pteridophytes and fungi. Interestingly animals and microbes Alkaloids can be considered as one of the best studied class
are also known to produce alkaloids. The common alkaloid of phytochemicals especially in taxonomic and pharmacological
bearing families were Chenopodiaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, fields. Chemotaxonomists apply this in resolving taxonomic
Berberidaceae, Menispermaceae, Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, confusion among and within the taxa. Meanwhile, pharmacologists
Fumariaceae, Papilionaceae, Rutaceae, Apocynaceae, Loganiaceae, use the bioactive principles in ameliorating simple to complex
Rubiaceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae and multifaceted diseases. Many of the known alkaloids are noxious,
Campanulaceae. Based on the plant species, the highest some are addictive (morphine, cocaine) while, a few have clinical
concentration is noticed in the leaves (black henbane), fruits applications [6,10]. Table 3 narrates the bioactive alkaloids and
or seeds (Strychnine tree), root (Rauwolfia serpentina) or bark their source from which they were isolated.
(cinchona). However, different cells of the same taxa may possess
diverse alkaloids. The nitrogen containing molecules of plant origin have served
as scaffold in designing of cough suppressant drugs or drugs
used for more chronic disorders such as Parkinson’s and cancer
(Table 4). Unfortunately, the total number of alkaloids that were
Alkaloids are large class of nitrogen containing compounds marketed as prescribed drugs accounts to less than 0.002% of the
differ in terms of structure, synthesis and biological activity. total alkaloids in the Dictionary of Natural Products (DNP) list.
Therefore different classifications are available in alkaloids based In the last 20-25 years, galanthamine and taxol were the newly
on some criteria. Generally, alkaloids are classified based on: introduced drugs in the global pharmaceutical armamentarium
a. Biosynthetic pathway based on the precursor used for
synthesis, Solanum as source of alkaloids
b. Chemical classification-based on chemical entity, Many studies have shown Solanum species as a rich store
of diverse alkaloids [11]. In pharmacological studies, these
c. Pharmacological classification-based on specific
compounds have exhibited promising biological activities both
pharmacological properties and
in vitro and in vivo. Further, drug manufacturers have made use
d. Taxonomic classification-based on distribution of alkaloids of these alkaloids as lead molecules in the synthesis of novel
in different plant groups. steroidal drugs for various treatments (Table 5).
Alkaloids are grouped into six based on the nature of amino Steroidal glycoalkaloids are a class of glycosidic compounds
acid from which it initiates its biosynthesis (namely anthranilic derived from nitrogen-containing steroids. Structurally it consists
acid, ornithine, lysine, histidine, phenylalanine and tryptophan). of C27 cholestane skeleton to which 1 to 5 sugar moiety is attached
Another system of classification includes nine categories at the 3-OH region of the aglycone. The monosaccharides comprise
based on chemical structure: acridines, amides, amines, D-glucose, D-galactose, D-xylose and L-rhamnose and many

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 3/14

others. Since, nitrogen is inserted into a non–amino acid; these (as in solanidine). In these molecules, nitrogen can be bonded as
molecules belong to a subclass of pseudo-alkaloids-isoprenoid a primary amino group (free or methylated), which forms simple
alkaloids. The structural diversity of glycoalkaloids is confined to steroidal bases, ring-closed to skeletal as secondary NH or in two
two major groups that are based on their aglycone skeleton. The rings as a tertiary N, which often regulates the chemical character
spirosolan category is made up of tetrahydrofuran and piperidine of the molecule. Glycoalkaloids always contain double bonds and
spiro-linked bicyclic system with an oxa-azaspirodecane OH groups in various positions. Nearly 90 structurally unique
structure (as in solasodine) and the solanidane type is derived by steroidal alkaloids were reported from 350 Solanum species [11].
an indolizidine ring where tertiary nitrogen connects the 2 rings

Table 2: Types of heterocyclic alkaloids with examples.

Sl No: Name Structure Examples


1 Pyrrole and Pyrrolidine Hygrine; Stachydrine

Pyrrole Pyrrolidine

Senecionine; Echimidine;
2 Pyrrolizidine
Symphitine; Seneciphylline

Arecoline; Ricinine;
Trigonelline; Anabasine; Pelletierine;
3 Pyridine and Piperidine Lobeline;
Nicotine; Piperine;
Pyridine Piperidine

Tropane (piperidine/N-methyl-
4 Atropine; Hyoscyamine; Hyoscine;

Quinine; Quinidine;
Cinchonine; Cinchonidine; Cuspareine

Morphine; Emetine;
Isoquinoline Papaverine; Narceine;
6 N Narcotine; Tubocurarine; Codeine;
Berberine; Galanthamine; Corydaline;
Hydrastine; Cephaeline; Erythraline

Aporphine (reduced isoquinoline/

7 Boldine


Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 4/14

Lupanine; Cytisine;
8 Quinolizidine N Laburnine; Sparteine

Ergometrine; Ajmaline; Calabash;

Vinblastine; Vincristine; Strychnine;
9 Indole or Benzopyrole
N Brucine; Ergotamine; Serpentine;
H Yohimbine; Physostigmine; Reserpine

10 Indolizidine Castanospermine; Swainsonine


11 Imidazole or glyoxaline Pilosine; Pilocarpine
12 Purine (pyrimidine/imidazole) Theobromine; Caffeine



Steroidal (some combined as Conessine; Solanidine; Funtumine;

glycosides) Veratramine

14 Terpenoid
Atisine; Lycaconitine; Aconine

The major molecules of glycoalkaloid are α-solanine and chain. It is distributed in leaves, fruits and tubers of potato and
α-chaconine in S. tuberosum and solasonine and solamargine tomato. Its synthesis is considered as an adaptive defense strategy
in S. melongena, whereas α-tomatine and dehydrotomatine against herbivores. Intoxication (2-5mg/kg) from solanine leads
are spirosolane-type glycoalkaloids that occur in Lycopersicon to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal
esculentum. S. tuberosum produces α-chaconine and α-solanine, pain and neurological like hallucinations and headache. Similarly,
which share a common aglycone, solanidine, to which a it leads to poisonings in people with consuming berries from S.
trisaccharide moiety, either chacotriose (α-chaconine) or nigrum or S. dulcamara, or green potatoes [12].
solatriose (α-solanine), is connected. Similar molecules are
attached to the aglycone, like solasodine in the egg plant, thereby Extraction and purification of Solanum alkaloids
producing the glycoalkaloids solamargine and solasonine. Tomato Extraction, purification, fractionation and identification of a
species produces α-tomatine and dehydrotomatine, which differ bioactive compound from among a plethora of phytochemicals
only in terms of presence or absence of a double bond in the ring are nevertheless a simple procedure and it necessitates the
structure. Cultivar potato contains α-solanine and α-chaconine requirement of having different approaches with respect to the
the two dominant glycoalkaloids, but several other glycoalkaloids nature of compound in interest. Overtime, many researchers
may be found in wild species. formulated different methodologies for the effective isolation
Solanine is a toxic bitter tasted glycoalkaloid (C45H73NO15). It of alkaloids and later pharmacologists refined the protocols.
is derived from the alkaloid solanidine with a carbohydrate side Commonly employed alkaloid extraction processes include

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 5/14

soxhlet, Stas otto process, Kippenberger’s process, maceration, Dicentra

Manske’s process, negative pressure cavitation extraction, 14 Diuretic Chelerythrine
pressurized solvent extraction, ultrasonic assisted extraction and
Analgesic Codeine Papaver
pulse electric field extraction and for volatile alkaloids, steam 15
Narcotic Morphine (Papaveraceae)
distillation approach was used [13]. The alkaloids extracted by
above mentioned techniques were likely to contain impurities Duboisia
16 Parkinson disease Tigloidine
and these can be removed by treating the extracted alkaloids (Solanaceae)
with acid solution or precipitating alkaloids using precipitating Preoperative Duboisia
17 Hyoscyamine
reagents or crystallisation of alkaloid using suitable organic or treatment (Solanaceae)
mineral acid or by chromatographic technique (partition, column Cinchona
or ion-exchange) [14]. Subsequently, the alkaloid mixture was 18 Antiarrhythmia Quinidine
fractionated by fractional distillation, fractional crystallization,
Amoebic Cephaelis
derivatization or by various chromatographic techniques (HPTLC, 19 Emetine
dysentery (Rubiaceae)
HPLC, column or ion-exchange chromatography) [14]. Individual
alkaloids fractionated were then identified by NMR spectroscopy Cough Papaver
20 Narcotine
suppressant (Papaveraceae)
or X-ray crystallography [15].
Table 3: Plant alkaloids and their biological activities. Table 4: Trade name of the alkaloids which are marketed as prescribed
Sl.No Alkaloids Sources Diseases Alkaloid Product Name
Bufotenine Amanita Vincristine
1 Hallucinogen VincrisulTM; NorcristineTM
Muscarine (Agaricaceae) Vinblastine
Cancer Vinorelbine
Galanthus VelbanTM Navelbine®
2 Alzheimer disease Galanthamine (semisynthetic)
(Amaryllidaceae) TaxolTM
(Apocynaceae) Theobromine AtrofedTM
Picralima Lungs related Theophylline TheochronTM
3 Antimalarial Akuammigine
(Apocynaceae) disorders Lobeline LobatoxTM
Berberis Ephedrine PeripherinTM
Rauwolfia Turbocuranine TubarineTM
4 Tranquillizer Reserpine Muscle relaxant
(Apocynaceae) Galanthamine NivalinaTM
Cough Narceine PenerajTM
Ellipticine Ochrosia
suppressant Noscapine BequitusinTM
Vinblastine (Apocynaceae)
5 Anticancer Vincristine Catharanthus Hyoscyamine CystospazTM; DonnatabTM
Vindesine (Apocynaceae) Atropine EspasmoTM;ProtecorTM
Pacletaxel Taxus (Taxaceae)
Analgesic Codeine CodicapsTM; TussipaxTM
Yohimbe Eye disorders Strychnine DysurgalTM
6 Aphrodisiac Yohimbine
Catha Extraction protocols of alkaloids from Solanum species have
7 CNS stimulant Cathine been proposed by many researchers. Tomatine, solasonine and
solamargine were considered to be the most common Solanum
Anabasis alkaloids. Guo et al. [16] employed aqueous extraction protocol
Anabasine (Chenopodiaceae) for isolating solasonine and solamargine from S. nigrum, whereas
8 Insecticidal
Cevadine Schoenocaulon
alpha-tomatine was purified by infusion-extraction method
from the leaves of Solanum lycopersicum [17]. Bhattacharya et
Calystegia al. [18] isolated crystalline solasodine from the fruit of Solanum
9 Antiviral Calystegines
(Convolvulaceae) xanthocarpum. Solanaviol, relatively a rare Solanum alkaloid was
Coca extracted by Laskin et al. [19]. Pressurized liquid extraction of
Cocaine solanidine from potato peels was described by Hossain et al. [20].
10 Local anaesthetic (Erythroxylaceae)
Lolium (Graminae)
Biological potentialities of Solanum alkaloids
Induces Colchicum
11 Colchicine Solanum species are traditionally used for curing many
polyploidy (Liliaceae)
disorders including antimetastasis. Over time many workers have
12 Antihypertension Rubijervine Veratrum (Liliaceae) attempted to scientifically validate this traditional knowledge.
Some worked on the crude plant extracts while others isolated the
13 Anthelmintic Arecoline Areca (Palmae) typical phytochemical like alkaloids and polyphenols and some
fractionated the active principle or the potent derivatives (Table

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 6/14

6). Biological activities of Solanum alkaloids and its derivatives are S. auriculatum;
carried out including their genes regulating their biosynthesis. Solasodamine S. sodomaeum;
Table 5: List of Solanum alkaloids and its source. S. marginatum

Solasuaveoline; Dihydrosolasuaveoline;
Alkaloid Source S. suaveolens
Solaverbascine S. verbascifolium
Tomatine S. cathayanum
Solanaviol S. aviculare
Solalyratines A and B S. lyratum
Chaconine S. tuberosum
Demissidine; Dihydrosolacongestidine S. leucocarpum Solamaladine S. hypomalacophyllum
Solanidane; Solanidine S. tuberosum
Khasianine S. xanthocarpum Solanocardinol S. neocardenasii

Solangustine S. angustifolium Solanoforthine S. seaforthianum

Solacongestidine; Solafloridine;
23-oxo-solacongestidine; 24-oxo- S. congestiflorum Solaradixine; Solashabanine;
S. laciniatum
solacongestidine solaradinine
solaspiralidine S. spirale
S. dulcamara
15-alpha-hydroxy-tomatidine S. toxicarium S.
S. palinacanthum; S.
Solamargine Solaquidine S. pseudoquina

Solamarine S. dulcamara Anticancer activities

Solanandaine S. asperum In India, cancer has been identified as one of the leading
causes of mortality with a frequency rate of 0.4 million deaths per
Solanigrine S. nigrum
year. Moreover, a drastic increase has been recorded year after
Solanine S. nigrum; S. tuberosum year [21]. However, in most cases conventional radiotherapy or
chemotherapy approach was considered for the treatment. But
Solanocapsine; Solacasine; the drug resistance gradually developed by the patient was found
Solateinemine; 2-fluoro-2’,4,5 to be a major hurdle in the treatment of cancer by chemotherapy.
benzenethanamine; hexatriacontane; Thus, there is an increased demand for formulating more potent
3-ethoxyamphetamine; S. pseudocapsicum novel drugs or that complement the existing ones. In this juncture,
alkaloids isolated from Solanum species were attempted as the
O-methylsolanocapsine; Episolacapine;
anticancer agents.
Alpha-chaconine, a derivative of the aglycone solanidine,
Aculeamine S. aculeatum
exhibited remarkable inhibition of proliferation, invasion and
migration of A549 cells (lung adenocarcinoma  cell) as well
Solanopubamine S. schimperianum
as bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs). The underlying
molecular mechanism of these antimetastatic activities was
Solaparnaine S. asperum
shown as inhibition of phosphorylation of JNK and Akt pathways.
Solapalmitine; Solapalmitenine S. tripartitum However, the alkaloid has no effect on the phosphorylation of
Solaphyllidine; Desacetylsolaphyllidine S. oblongifolium
ERK and p38. Further, alpha-chaconine remarkably lowered
the nuclear level of NF-kappaB factors and expression of matrix
25-isosolafloridine; Solacallinidine; S. callium metalloproteinase-2/-9 (MMP-2/-9) in A549 cells and MMP-2 in
BAECs (matrix metalloproteinase-2 is involved in angiogenesis)
Soladunalinidine S. dunalianum
[22,23]. Reddivari et al. [24] reported that a combination
S. leucocarpum; S. treatment of gallic acid and alpha-chaconine was effective against
the proliferation of prostate cancer cells lines such as LNCaP
S. lycocarpum; S. and PC-3. Interestingly the same combination triggered caspase-
dependent apoptosis in LNCaP cells and increased cyclin-
Solasurine S. surattense dependent kinase inhibitor p27 levels in LNCaP and PC-3 cell
lines. This apoptotic effect can be attributed to activation of JNK
Solamine; Cuscohygrine; Anabasine S. carolinense
produced by the combined effect of alpha-chaconine and gallic
Tomatidine S. arboretum acid.

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 7/14

Table 6: Derivatives of Solanum alkaloids and its therapeutic significance.

Alkaloid Derivative Activity Reference

solanidine N-oxide; 5 alpha,

Solanidine Teratogenicity [42]

solasodine O-(diethyl phosphate);

Solasodine Cholinergic [85,86]

toxicity study; neuritogenic and ngf-

Tomatidine Dihydrotomatidine; Pregnane derivative [87,88]
enhancing activities.

Solamargine [O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1®4)]-b-D- Anticancer [89]

3-βN, 23-βO-diacetylsolanopubamine; 3,
Solanopubamine Anticancer and antimicrobial [42]
Solanopubamine 23-βO-undec-11-enoate;

Chaconine 6-O-sulfated chaconine Cytotoxicity studies [90]

Solanine 6-O-sulfated solanine Cytotoxicity studies [90]

In cancer studies, solanine exhibited promising chemoprotective 60) by chemically synthesized three solanidine analogues were
and chemotherapeutic effects via induction of apoptosis, evaluated in yet another study. Interestingly data revealed a
inhibition of proliferation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis. similar cytostatic effect for all the three analogs, with an IC50
In in vitro and in vivo studies of alpha-solanine  significantly value range of 1.27-2.94. Similarly, increase in condensation
inhibited proliferation of human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines of chromatin materials and membrane permeability was also
(PANC-1, SW1990, MIA PaCa-2 cells), human  melanoma  cell observed (Hoechst staining method). In continuation, delayed G1,
line (A2058), human  prostate cancer  cell (PC-3) and mouse S and G2/M phases were noticed within a span of 24h. A gradual
mammary carcinoma cells. Solanine treated mouse exhibited reversal in these activities also noted after 48h (flow cytometry).
an increased expression of proapoptotic Bax protein. The Another solanidine analogue demonstrated inhibitory properties
suppression in expression of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein and towards ribonucleotide reductase and bear significant free radical
angiogenic parameters in solanine-treated mouse were reported. scavenging activity [28]. Study on solanidine effect on human
Further, suppression of phosphorylation of Akt, mTOR, and 1547  osteosarcoma  cells, revealed significance of conformation
Stat3, strengthened phosphorylation of β-catenin and decreased at C-5 and C-25  carbon  atoms, hetero-sugar moiety and the
expression profile for β-catenin and TCF-1 were documented for 5,6-double bonds in inducing apoptosis and favouring cell cycle
PANC-1 cells following solanine treatment. α-solanine  inhibited arrest [29]. Despite of having desirable antiproliferative effect
NF-κB activity in PANC-1 and A2058 cell lines and also inhibited against cancer cells, this compound was reported to have high
JNK in A2058 cells and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways in A2058 and retention period in human body. Study on the absorption and
PC-3 cells. Alpha-solanine elevated the expression of E-cadherin retention of solanidine in the human body revealed an increase
in PANC-1 and human prostate cancer cell (PC-3), correlated with in solaniine level in RBC compared to that of plasma, with poor
reduced mRNA level of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-2/9) and excretion rate through urine and stool. Further, spectroscopic
extracellular inducer of matrix metalloproteinase (EMMPRIN) in studies of solanidine from human liver, proposed prolonged
PANC-1 and PC-3 cell lines. Suppression of ERK, down regulation storage of solanidine may lead to undesired effects and metabolic
of oncogenic microRNA-21 (miR-21) and up regulation of stress [30].
tumor suppressor miR-138 expression was noted in solanine
Several studies examined the effect of tomatidine on the
treated PC-3 cells. These research findings proves significant
migration and invasion of cancer cells. Anticancer effect of alpha-
therapeutic potentiality of α-solanine  in inhibiting proliferation
tomatine was confirmed by Tomsik et al. [31] against solid Ehrlich
and suppressing the invasion of various carcinoma cells [25,26].
tumour in mice. In vitro analysis of human lung adenocarcinoma
Solanidine another alkaloid, exhibited suppression of A549 cells with tomatidine resulted in significant suppression
proliferation of MCF-7 cancer cell lines under in vivo conditions of cell invasion (Boyden chamber invasion assay) but does not
[27]. Inhibition of proliferation of human leukemia cells (HL- exhibited effective inhibition of migration and viability of A549

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 8/14

cells. Furthermore, tomatidine reduced MMP-2 and MMP-9 studies evaluated cytotoxicity of O-methyl solanocapsine against
(matrix metalloproteinase-2/-9) mRNA level, extracellular signal various malignant cell lines such as Vero, HeLa, HEp-2 and A-549
regulating kinase (immunoblotting assays), phosphorylation of cell by SRB and MTT methods. HeLa cell culture found to be more
Akt, nuclear level of NF-κB and increased the expression of tissue susceptible to O-methyl solanocapsine [39].
inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1). These findings suggest
Steroidal alkaloid soladulcidine isolated from Solanum
the possible utilization of tomatidine as a potent therapeutic drug
dulcamara and ten of its derivatives were shown to have
in anti-metastatic therapy [32]. α-tomatine when administered
significant antiproliferative effect against prostate cancer (PC-3)
with paclitaxel (standard drug for cancer), exhibited enhanced
cells. Further, compound designated 19 in the series showed the
apoptosis of PC-3 cells (by PI3K/Akt inhibition, elevated BAD
highest suppression of PC-3 cell proliferation with an IC50 value
and lowered Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expression) and reduced cell
of 4.8±0.9μmol/L [40]. Beta-solamarine from Solanum dulcamara
viability. However, this combination produced no inhibition
has been hypothesised to bear tumor-inhibitory activity against
of RWPE-1 (non-neoplastic prostate), but very effectively
Sarcoma 180 in mice [41]. Al-Rehaily et al. [42] evaluated cell
controlled subcutaneous tumor development in mouse. These
toxicity of solanopubamine and its derivatives against various
findings propose that alpha-tomatine can be an effective drug in
cancer cell lines. Solanopubamine alone exhibited remarkable
combination with paclitaxel against prostate cancer [33].
inhibitory action against many tumor cell lines. Solasonine from
Further, solamargine significantly lowered cell viability and Solanum lycocarpum fruit was evaluated for the inhibition on
induced apoptosis in SMMC-7721, HepG2 cells, multi drug resistant various tumor cell proliferations. Among the various cell lines
K562/A02 cells and osteosarcoma U2OS cells. Solamargine evaluated such as B16F10, HT29, MCF-7, HeLa, HepG2, MO59J,
increased the mRNA, protein expression of p53, Bax and Bcl-2 in U343 and U251 by MTT assay, HepG2 was found to be most
U2OS and K562/A02 cells (real time-PCR, western blot), whereas susceptible with IC50 6.01μg/mL [43].
a suppression in phosphorylation of Akt, mRNA expression and
promoter activity of EP4, protein expression of SP1 and NF- Neurotoxicity and neuroprotective activity
κB subunit p65 were noted in lung cancer cell lines. A down Neurotoxicity refers to structural or functional damage
regulation of MDR1 mRNA, P-glycoprotein and actin were noted occurred to nervous system caused by agents which usually result
in solamargine treated K562/A02 cells. Further, solamargine into impaired or altered functioning. Impairment in function
enhanced cytochrome c release and up regulation of caspase-9 may occur via interactions of toxic agents with the normal
and capsase-3 in U2OS, SMMC-7721 and HepG2 cells (western neurotransmission mechanisms with or without causing structural
blot, colorimetric assay). In SMMC-7721 and HepG2 cells, damage. Expression of these effects is sometimes spontaneous or
solamargine caused cell cycle arrest at phase G2/M [34,35]. Most transient and still others are much more insidious. The search for
of the researchers also correlated the role of carbohydrate moiety novel molecules that can interact with central nervous system
of solamargine in inducing apoptosis. (CNS) and can be used for treatment purposes was initiated in
Anticancer properties of solasodine in mice model was the nineteenth century. However, investigations targeting plant
attempted and found that under in vivo solasodine glycosides sources with this sort of biological activity was limited. Many of
treatments  exerted significant inhibition of murine sarcoma the Solanum alkaloids are shown to have regulatory activity on
180  cell lines (S180) [36]. Based on further molecular nervous system at low dosage regimens, but exert its neurotoxicity
investigation, the probable role of rhamnose in solasodine above optimal doses.
glycosides binding  on tumour cells and its specificity was Neuroprotective activity of solasodine was evaluated
proposed. 0.005% mixture of  solasodine  glycosides  (Zycure) against ischemia in rats. The suppression of LPO and NO and
was demonstrated to be an effective dose on human beings. enhancement of GSH, CAT and thiols was observed in ischemic
0.005% exhibited 66% and 78% curability at 56 days and 1 year rats after solasodine administration. Also solasodine exhibited
follow-up, respectively [37]. In another study, the importance of neuron protection in brain coronal region as revealed by
carbohydrate moiety (C3 side chain) and conformation at C-5 and histopathology studies. Based on these findings, a part of
C-25 of solasodine in apoptosis induction was evaluated. Further, protective activity of neuron exhibited by solasodine could
cell toxicity, cell proliferation inhibition, cell cycle arrest and be ascribed by its free radical scavenging properties [44]. In
induction of apoptosis (human 1547 osteosarcoma, MCF-7) was addition to neuroprotection, solasodine was experimentally
also evaluated by many workers [38]. showed to possess significant neurogenesis properties in mice
Khasianine is a steroidal alkaloid. Khasianine C3 side chain model. Solasodine induced differentiation of mouse embryonic
possess 4’Rha-Glc. The cytotoxic studies on human hepatoma cells teratocarcinoma P19 cells into cholinergic neurons with axonal
showed that this alkaloid has an insignificant toxic effect against formation. Also, solasodine treated left brain ventricle exhibited
cancer cells. Carbohydrate moiety in khasianine has a regulatory remarkable hike in bromodeoxyuridine utilization by ependymal
effect on expression of TNFR I and II. These results propose that cells. Moreover, differentiated and matured ependymal cells
the carbohydrate moieties seen in steroidal alkaloids may have regained their division and differentiation properties. Solasodine
a role in altering the binding specificity to steroid receptors stimulated GAP-43/HuD signal pathway and regeneration of
which ultimately result in gene expression regulation in varied neuroblasts and GABAergic progenitors in GAD65-GFP mice [45].
manner [38]. Akter et al. [38] worked on cell cycle arrest and anti- Neuroprotective effects of tamatidine has been demonstrated
apoptotic properties of khasianine on MCF-7 cell lines. Several by Taveira et al. [46]. Tamatidine exhibited protective effect

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 9/14

on neuron against glutamate-induced cell toxicity in SH- et al., [55] investigated trypanocidal activity of solamargine
SY5Y  neuroblastoma cells. Further, tomatidine was shown to isolated from the fruits of S. palinacanthum and S. lycocarpum by
have interacted specifically with alpha 7 type nicotinic receptors, MTT colorimetric assay. In in vitro studies, solamarine exhibited
there being nullifying its effect on muscarinic receptors. Thus, the strong molluscicidal properties against snail, Galba truncatula
selective cholinesterases inhibition of tomatidine eventually may [56]. Solanopubamine exhibited remarkable fungicidal activity
find its way in the development of novel neuroprotective drugs. against Candida albicans and C. tenuis [42]. Solaphyllidine and
desacetylsolaphyllidine from Solanum oblongifolium, were studied
Rozengart et al. [47] conducted a comparative study on the
for their effects on pathogenic microbes [57]. Solasodine from S.
effect of 18 different anabasine derivatives, on the activity of
leucocarpum showed inhibitory action against Staphylococcus
brain cholinesterase and visual ganglia of Rana temporaria
aureus in agar well diffusion assay [52]. Some other works studied
(frog) and squids (Todarodes pacificus and Berryte uthis). Its
the antifungal properties of solasonine against Rhizoctonia
effect on butyrylcholinesterase (serum) and acetylcholinesterase
solani and Phoma medicaginis over a wide range of pH. However,
(erythrocyte) was also determined.
solasonine showed no action against Rhizoctonia solani, but
O-alkyl-O-(anabasinoisopropyl)- and O-alkyl- significantly inhibited mycelia growth of P. medicaginis in a pH
O-(anabasinobutin-2-yl)-phenylphosphonates and dependent manner. Inhibitory activity increased with an increase
diphenylphosphynates has been evaluated for its anti- in pH (as indicated by dose-response curves). Interestingly,
monooxygenase and anti-cholinesterase potentialities. a combination of solasonine and solamargine in the ratio 1:1
Anticholinesterase property of these compounds were found to produced more potential inhibition (50 µM each) and found to be
be dependent upon the structure of phosphoryl part and alkyl effective against R. solani, but not influenced by pH [58].
radical of the investigated molecule. Further, antimonooxygenase
Tomatidine, an aglycone of tomatine, possess strong
test, showed that these compounds were better inhibitors than
antimicrobial effects. Staphylococcus aureus, is considered to be
the standard inhibitor SKF [48].
one of the noxious infectious agent due to its resistances to many of
Roddick et al. [49] showed that up to a range of 100 µM, the available synthetic antibiotic drugs. S. aureus has the ability to
β-solamarine has no influence against acetylcholinesterase but at produce small-colony variants (SCVs) with reduced susceptibility
higher doses it cause membrane damage. Garcia et al. [50] proved to aminoglycoside antibiotics. Studies has shown that tamatidine
the possibility of the synthesis of ideal acetylcholinesterase possess significant inhibitory effect against small-colony variants
inhibitor from solanocapsine and its synthetic derivatives, as a growth. The underlying mechanism of bactericidal activity was
probable cure for Alzheimer’s disease. attributed by the impaired or dysfunctional electron transport
system caused by tomatidine treatment in S. aureus cells. Further,
Similarly, direct excitation of cholinergic receptors may be tomatidine blocks the intracellular replication of a clinical SCV in
another possible way for neutralizing scopolamine related polarized CF-like epithelial cells. These results indicate that the
amnesia when compared with indirect excitation of cholinergic alkaloid tomatidine may be used as microbicidal either alone or
receptors by inhibitors of cholinesterase. Further, scopolamine in combination therapy with traditional antibiotics to eliminate
is playing variable roles in ambulation, grooming and rearing resistant strains of S. aureus [59].
responses. For example at higher dose of scopolamine leads to an
increase in rearing and U shaped response curve for ambulation, Solasonine (50μM) in in vitro conditions exhibited
there being producing nil effect on grooming. Pine needle extract schistosomicidal properties against Schistosoma mansoni.
counteract the effect of scopolamine induced memory impairment Schistosomicidal properties include tegument damage
(amnesia) in mice. Experimentation of mice pre-treated with and suppressed egg development. When supplemented in
pine extract followed by scopolamine injection intraperitoneally combination with solamargine, an augmentation in these results
to evaluate the memory function test by Morris water maze task was noted. In another study solasonine exhibited leishmanicidal
method exhibited a rise in cumulative path-length, escapes latency activity against Leishmania amazonensis (protozoa). Here also
and lessened time spent in target quadrant. Further, pre-exposure an equimolar mixture of solasonine and solamargine, exhibited
to pine needle extract significantly counteracted the scopolamine better activity [60]. Further, solasonine and solanandaine from
induced impaired acetylcholinesterase and neurogenesis function unripe S. asperum fruits was validated for its molluscicidal activity
and also improved multiplication and maturation of neurons [51]. against Biomphalaria glabrata [61].

Antimicrobial, aphicidal, trypanocidal, molluscicidal, Anabasine, an alkaloid showing close proximity to nicotine and
schistosomicidal, leishmanicidal potentialities was validated for its antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal)
efficacy. Kulakov et al. [62] synthesised thiourea derivatives of
The purified alkaloid demissidine along with the alkaloids anabasine and evaluated its antifungal and antibacterial properties.
tomatidine, dihydrosolacongestidine and solasodine from Solanum Parallely, Bakbardina et al. [63] chemically synthesised alkaloid
leucocarpum  were showed bactericidal activities [52]. Similarly, anabasine and cytisine derivatives of monothiooxamides
antibacterial properties of solacasine from S. pseudocapsicum and determined its biological activity in terms of aphicidal
have already been reported [53]. Fungicidal potentiality of the and fungicidal properties. Anabasine showed strong insecticidal
alkaloid solacongestidine against selected fungal strains such as properties against Lepidopterous larvae (Pieris rapae larval
Candida albicans, Cryptococcus albidus and Trichophyton rubrum bioassay). Use of anabasine even in trace amounts in insect traps
revealed significant MIC values and time kill analysis [54]. Moreira proved to be effective in killing insects [64]. Solaverbascine, a new

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 10/14

alkaloid from S. verbascifolium, displayed significant germicidal encephalocele) on oral administration in Syrian hamsters. These
properties [65]. toxic effects of solanine were attributed by the ionic imbalance
in the cells. Several studies investigated the effects of solanine
Anti inflammatory effects on intracellular concentration of Ca2+ on mouse neuroblastoma x
Chronic inflammation is an undesirable phenomenon and gets rat  glioma  hybrid NG 108-15 cells, mouse-skin fibroblastoma
aggravated with the chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune L-929 cells and mouse Balb/3T3 cells lines. The results revealed
disorders, arthritis and vascular disorders. Numerous studies that the solanine-evoked Ca2+ influx due to the destabilization
have proved that natural compounds or extracts as human health of the cell membrane. Further, all the solanine treated cell lines
rejuvenators with safety and non-toxic effects. Eventhough many showed a marked increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations
of the phytochemicals isolated from herbs have exhibited anti- with the concentration of solanine [71].
inflammatory effects, only a few studies have investigated the In one investigation, solasodine produced sterility in male
underlying molecular events in anti-inflammatory actions of rats and dogs. The effect was reversed on cessation of solasodine
phytochemicals. supplement. Further testing showed inhibition of spermatogenesis
Solanidine,  α-chaconine and α-solanine were reported as and testosterone production and reduced movement of sperm in
anti-inflammatory compounds. Kenny  et al. [66] revealed that solasodine treated groups, without any remarkable change in size
α-chaconine and solanidine exhibited significant inhibitory of sex organs [72]. Above optimal doses anabasine is believed to
action on the production of key inflammatory compounds such be teratogenic in swine [73].
as interleukin-2/8 in Con A-induced Jurkat cells. Further, nitric Jacob et al. [74] studied 304 individuals (205 individuals used
oxide production was significantly reduced in LPS-stimulated smokeless tobacco and 99 were cigarette smokers) showed that
raw macrophages following α-solanine and solanidine treatment. presence of anabasine in urine samples and can be used as an
Pandurangan et al. [67] evaluated anti-inflamatory activity of effective marker to validate tobacco abstinence or to measure
solasodine from S. trilobatum in animal models. Solasodine the extent of use of tobacco in individuals who undergo nicotine
exerted antiinflammatory effect in a concentration dependent replacement therapy [74]. von Weymarn et al. [75] developed
manner in carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. Interestingly, a 96 well plate-based capillary LC-tandem mass spectrometry
solasodine on topical application significantly reduced method which was regarded to be accurate and precise for the
tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate induced inflammation in ear. analysis of anabasine and two more compounds nornicotine and
Further, reduction in exudates volume, leucocyte count as well anatabine in urine. Study was carried out on 827 smokers with a
as neutrophil migration was recorded following solasodine vast range of tobacco exposures. Traces of anabasine were found
administration. Zhao et al. [68] demonstrated that α-tomatine also in almost all the sample of urines (97.7%). The average amount of
showed similar effects. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines anabasine in urine was detected as 5.53ng/mL. The median ratio
was greatly suppressed by α-tomatine in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) of the glucuronidated to free anatabine was 0.74 (range, 0.1 to
induced macrophages. Chiu et al. [69] compared Solanum 10.9), and the median ratio of glucuronidated to free anabasine
alkaloids specially tomatidine and solasodine against LPS- was 0.3 (range, 0.1 to 2.9) [75].
stimulated inflammation in macrophage. Tomatidine found to be
more effective in suppressing inflammation than solasodine by Locomotor activity
attenuating the expression of NF-κB and JNK signalling molecules.
Locomotor activity in scopolamine treated mice strains, namely
Antioxidant potential/degenerative disorders and A, DBA/2 and C57BL/6, in association with shock treatment
anti-aging revealed behavioural suppression [76]. Another study in rats,
demonstrated the effects of scopolamine on pre and post-synaptic
Uncontrolled synthesis of free radicals or ROSs results into events related with dopaminergic function. Scopolamine showed
many neurodegenerative disorders can trigger aging and can be antagonist effects against inhibition produced by spiperone on
regulated by exogenous antioxidants. Extracts of Solanum species apomorphine associated behavioural action. In animals, exposed
have shown potential antioxidant power in 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl to 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), an increase in scopolamine-
hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, ABTS, FRAP, O2.-, H2O2 etc. induced locomotor activity was noted, but α-methyltyrosine
Positive correlation was noticed between the antioxidant activity inhibited this stimulation. However, the enzyme dopamine-beta-
and the content of alkaloids, signifying that the compounds to the hydroxylase remains unaffected in these treatments supports
radical scavenging potentiality. But the mechanism of scavenging the hypothesis that scopolamine association with presynaptic
action by stimulating cytokines (interleukin [IL] -2, IL-4, IL-12, dopaminergic fibers. Also, when alpha-methyltyrosine was
IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-γ]) remains to be administered to rats with 6-OHDA, recorded a suppression of
elucidated [70]. spiperone inhibition of locomotion induced by apomorphine.
In addition, the level of 3H-spiperone in brain and dopamine
Toxicity studies
associated activity of adenylate cyclase remains unchanged
Administration of α-solanine (75-100 mg/kg body weight) on a confirming the post-synaptic association of scopolamine [77].
daily basis found to be lethal in hamsters within 4-5 days. Solanine Solaphyllidine and desacetylsolaphyllidine from S. oblongifolium,
treated animals were also suffered from other undesired effects were studied for their effects on locomotor activity (mice) i.e.,
such as fluid-filled and dilated small intestines. α-solanine induced both the alkaloids reduced duration of sleep, while, solaphyllidine
craniofacial malformations (exencephaly,  anophthalmia and enhanced locomotor activity [57].

Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 11/14

Action on cell membrane exhibited haemolytic properties against RBC. Roddick et al. [49]
studied membrane damage and enzyme activity inhibition of
The effects tomatine on membrane damage was assessed by solasonine. As the study reveals that a combined application
measuring intracellular free Ca2+ level in NG 108-15 cells, L-929 of solasonine and N-nitrososolamargine failed to produce any
cells and Balb/3T3 cells in rat model. Positive correlation was liposomes disintegration. But with 75µM solamarine, solanine
seen with the concentration of tomatine with intracellular Ca2+ and solatriosides, solasonine produced disruption of liposome
level i.e., remarkable ED50 in NG 108-15 cells was noticed. These and also exhibited disruption of erythrocytes.
findings suggest the role of tomatine in membrane damage or in
combination with other alkaloids associated poisoning [78]. A Genes regulating alkaloid synthesis in Solanum
similar trend was also noticed with α- chaconine. The Ca2+ influx
evoked by α-chaconine could not be prevented by metal ions or Most of the Solanum members are toxic because of certain
by inhibitors of Ca2+ transport across membranes such as metabolites like glycoalkaloids. Many workers attempted
voltage-operated channel antagonists, muscarinic and nicotinic to elucidate gene regulated biosynthetic pathway related to
antagonists or Na(+) and K(+) channel blockers. The optimal glycoalkaloid synthesis particularly in potato. Nurun [82] reported
concentrations of alpha-chaconine that yield half-maximal six genes in association with steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGA) and
response (ED50) in NG 108-15 cells, L-929 and Balb/3T3 were 12.0 sterol biosynthesis in potato. Down regulation of StDWF1 (gene
mum, 10.2 mum and 9.5 mum respectively. The result supports encoding a sterol Δ 24-reductase) reduced both cholesterol and
the assumption that the alkaloid-evoked Ca2+ influx may be due to steroidal glycoalkaloid content (SGA), suggesting some crosstalk
the cell membrane destabilization. Chaconine was also assayed by between sterol and SGA synthesis. Carpintero et al. [83] studied
Roddick et al. [49] in order to assess its effect on disruption of cell expression of genes related to steroidal glycoalkaloid (SGA)
membrane and enzyme-inhibition. metabolic pathway, namely HMG1 (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
coenzyme-A reductase), HMG2, SQE (squalene epoxidase),
Hepatoprotective activity SGT1 (solanidine galactosyltransferase) and SGT2 (solanidine
glucosyltransferase) [83]. Similarly, Mariot et al., [84] based on
Hepatomegalyic (liver weight increase) effect of tomatidine genetic analysis in S. tuberosum proposed existence of relationship
was evaluated by Friedman et al. [79]. Pregnant and non-pregnant between content of total glycoalkaloid (TGA) and the expression
mice were fed with 2.4 =mmol/kg of tomatidine for 14 days. The profile of SGT1, SGT3 and GAME genes in S. tuberosum [85-90].
ratios of liver weight to body weight %  in non-pregnant mice,
were found to be markedly higher than those of the control values Conclusion
with a propotional increase in pregnant mice. Further, in this
study tomatidine exerted insignificant effects on the weight of the Solanum species are unique source of several pharmacologically
foetuses in pregnant mice and also no abortion of foetuses were important lead molecules, especially steroidal alkaloids such as
reported. In another study, khasianine remarkably suppressed solasodine, solasonine, solamargine and various other medicinally
CCl4 induced liver damage under in vitro condition [80]. useful alkaloids. This review has attempted to bring almost all sort
of scientific information in relation to pharmacological studies
Effect on cholesterol conducted on Solanum alkaloids. As most of the studies are basic
and are not up to the quality for the synthesis of compounds
Fujiwara et al. [81] examined the inhibitory effects of
with prescription grade, this comprehensive review is expected
tomatidine on the accumulation of cholesterol ester (CE) in human
to help the investigators to explore deep into this field that may
monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM) and also atherogenesis
benefit the development and emergence of new molecules with
in mice with apoE-deficiency. Tomatidine showed a concentration
significant therapeutic activities.
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Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review ©2016 Jayakumar et al. 12/14

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Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:
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Citation: Jayakumar K, Murugan K (2016) Solanum Alkaloids and their Pharmaceutical Roles: A Review. J Anal Pharm Res 3(6): 00075. DOI:

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