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Simit: Plant and Process For Engineering, Test and Training

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Siemens Simulation Center

Plant and Process Simulation
for Engineering,Test and Training

Industrial Solutions and Services

Your Success is our Goal
Table of Contents

SIMIT innovative and economical 5

An enormous spectrum of product benefits 6

Easy planning 6
Faster engineering 6
Test without risk 7
Train for the exact goal 7
Operate efficiently 7
Convince customers 7

The individual solution for you 8

Comprehensive and flexible 8
Technology independent basic configuration 9
Sophisticated process models 9

Simulation made simple - SIMIT and its standard features 10

How a model is created 10
Operator control and monitoring 10
Open all round 11
Siemens Simulation Center

SIMIT: The modular simulation concept 12

SIMIT Basic, the basic system 12
Component type editor: Expand libraries yourself 12
Hardware interfaces: Online test at the PLC 13
MPI coupling: The economical PLC coupling 13
HW-Config import: Configuration at the push of a button 13
OPC interface: The connection to your operator control system 13
Animated graphics: The pictures have learnt how to walk 13
Trend and messaging: The analysis of your simulation 13
FlowNet library: The introduction to the process simulation 13

The high performance solution: SIMIT VME 14

SIMIT VME in the plant test 14
The power in focus 14
SIMIT VME Master: The multi-user variant 14

Our service for you 15

SIMIT innovative and economical
SIMIT allows you to enter a com-
pletely new dimension in plant

SIMIT belongs to the innovative

generation of IT solutions from
Siemens that make use of the
enormous potential of modern
computer simulation for the pro-
cess and manufacturing industry:
improves quality and efficiency –
all of this with ease.

These advantages also save

money. And SIMIT is not expen-
sive. Our simulation platform is
designed so that you can custo-
mize its functionality and scope
to your individual requirements.
Irrespective of whether you wish
to simulate small or large plants,
simple or complex processes:
the modular structure of SIMIT
ensures that you only need to
procure what you actually use.

And this is what makes modern

computer simulation affordable.
In particular for small companies.
An enormous
spectrum of product benefits

SIMIT offers you an enormous Easy planning Faster engineering

product and service spectrum. Thus SIMIT is the ideal tool for Long before commissioning,
On the one hand, you can test you, even during the planning SIMIT provides a real-time simu-
your PLC program using simple phase of a plant. The simple lation of your plant under original
models. On the other hand, SIMIT handling allows you to develop conditions.
can reproduce arbitrarily complex your ideas on the screen quickly For this purpose the results of pro-
process and industry procedures and easily. cess and automation engineering
and simulate complete plants in You can: are simply combined. Open inter-
real-time. • Vary solution concepts at will faces ensure that you can also
The special feature: SIMIT sup- and test their effects immediately import data from other enginee-
ports you during all phases of a • Recognize errors early ring tools.
plant life, from the planning, inclu- • Reuse data from completed This means:
ding the engineering and plant planning in new projects. • The simulation discovers plan-
test, through to the actual opera- ning errors in the process engi-
tion. neering and automation system.
They can be rectified still in
the engineering phase. This brings
the goal of zero-error enginee-
ring within reach.
• You can now test extreme situ-
ations that would excessively
load a real plant or are too expen-
Validate with SIMIT:
Long before completion, you operate the
plant on the simulator by simulating the
process and automation in SIMIT.
Small, but powerful:
A complete plant fits in the training simu-
lator. Also make use of the enormous
potential of SIMIT to train your employees
efficiently and tailored for the exact goal.

Test without risk cost. Some benefits of simulator Convince customers

In the plant test the developed training are:
automation software is tested to • Optimally-trained personnel: SIMIT does not only allow for the
see whether it can correctly con- The plant runs economically optimum planning and operation
trol the plant process. SIMIT gives from the beginning, wear-prone of plants. SIMIT is also a valuable
you the option to perform these incorrect operation is avoided. acquisition instrument that you
test runs before delivery of the • Extreme situations and failures can use to convince your custo-
automation software. SIMIT is can be trained in advance, for mers with
coupled to the automation system SIMIT can place the virtual plant • Variable models:
and supplies it with original pro- in any desired state. You can quickly provide a plant
cess data via simulation. design that meets your custo-
Operate efficiently
The SIMIT model is still valuable mers requirements and that can
This allows all control functions be easily modified and extended.
even after commissioning.
to be verified systematically. • Impressive real-time simula-
Coupled to control engineering,
Benefits: tions:
SIMIT delivers important decision-
• The automation engineering You can demonstrate to your
making aids with regard to the fol-
results at delivery have a de- customers in conditions near to
lowing questions:
fined and documented quality reality how their plant will ope-
• You wish to change the method
level rate eventually.
of operation of your plant: The
• Save valuable time during the • Reliable economic and run time
simulation enables you to test
commissioning phase forecasts.
which measures are economical
• Avoid wear on the machinery.
under which general conditions.
Train for the exact goal • You wish to extend or modernize
If you have already used SIMIT for your plant: Then simply expand
engineering, the real-time simula- the existing simulation and test in
tion provides an ideal training advance how your goals can be
instrument for the technical plant best achieved.You have planning
personnel long before commissio- security and do not take any un-
ning. And this without additional necessary risks.

The individual
solution for you

Time and cost savings coupled Comprehensive and flexible

with quality improvement: these Right here lies one of the great
arguments are convincing reasons strengths of SIMIT. SIMIT gives
for using the potential of modern you the freedom to model a plant
computer simulation in plant con- under the perspective that is
struction. appropriate for your project.
Generally, SIMIT allows you to
Every plant project confronts
simulate all function levels of the
you with different conditions, and
process, the automation and the
an adequate and thus meaningful
control and monitoring of a plant -
simulation demands a consider-
individually and in cooperation.
able degree of flexibility.
And SIMIT does not place any
restrictions on the choice of the
complexity either: from simple
models based on characteristic
curves through to complex dyna- Because SIMIT can also simulate Sophisticated process
mic models that contain a physi- the controlled drives together with models
cal-mathematical description, their switch-on behavior, actuator- If you wish to represent the tech-
everything is possible. sensor tests are also possible. nical process behavior of a plant
When you switch on a motor via more exactly, SIMIT can demon-
Technology independent the PLC, you must receive a strate its full potential: the physi-
basic configuration motor feedback after a configur- cal-mathematical modeling of
Industrial plants are usually auto- able switch-on time. If this does technological components. You can
mated using programmable logic not happen, you have discovered leave it to SIMIT to calculate the
controllers (PLC). For example, at an error in the automation system. process behavior, you merely spe-
the automation level, you can use
cify the process model.
SIMIT to test your PLC programs, You can also produce models for
irrespective of the associated the plant test that cater for several For this purpose, we deliver SIMIT
industry sector. actuators and describe what with a comprehensive library for
effects they have on the process. continuous flow processes. It con-
SIMIT gives you the capability to We have provided SIMIT with the tains components, such as pipes,
check the correct addressing of required automation modules in fittings, tanks and heat exchangers,
signals from the automation engi- the form of a library. It contains all that can be configured in their
neering in the form of input and common open- and closed-loop physical properties. If you require
output tests. In the first case, you control functions that occur in additional industry-specific pro-
use SIMIT to send virtual periphe- modern plants. cess components, we would be
ral signals to the PLC; in the
happy to develop them together
second case, you transmit control
with you.
signals from the PLC to the virtual

Simulation made simple
- SIMIT and its standard features

SIMIT makes everything as simple The "Code Generator" converts

as possible for you. Although a your model to the real-time simu-
computer simulation is a very com- lation. It uses differential equa-
plex affair, you do not need to be a tions and reduces the data volume
specialist to work efficiently with to such an extent that even stan-
SIMIT. You merely operate the gra- dard computers are capable of
phical user interface of the pro- displaying real-time models.
gram. For complex plants (highly detailed,
SIMIT runs hidden in the back- high volume of signals) we offer
ground to perform all physical, SIMIT VME, a multiprocessor sys-
mathematical and information pro- tem, that can operate in
cedures on the way to the virtual realtime.
Operator control
How a model is created and monitoring
As usual for Windows applica- Once you have completed your
tions, all important functions in virtual plant, you have several pos-
SIMIT are only a mouse-click away. sibilities to control and monitor the
To create a new project, just drag processes:
the required modules from the
corresponding libraries, set their • Control simulation process:
parameters and connect them to A fully-graphical user interface
form a complete plant. You do not allows you to individually configure
need to do anything else. the simulation process. Depending
on need, the process can be stop-
ped, executed step by step or re-
peated. Individual components can
also be directly controlled and

• Analyze processes:
We have given SIMIT two additio-
nal functions that support the
analysis. All process quantities –
analog or binary – are converted to
curve pictures that can be indivi-
dually configured and archived.
The internal message system is
designed to supply you with addi-
tional information about defined
events – from the simple success
message to error message – in
the plant. The definition of the
events and the layout of the mes-
sage text lies entirely in your

• Work under live conditions:

Based on real plant operation,
SIMIT provides various operator
control and monitoring pictures
from which you can control the
virtual process under live condi-
tions. Interfaces also allow Operator control and monitoring:
existing visualization systems • In addition, SIMIT is import
The charts (above) provide you continually
to be coupled to SIMIT. and export compatible with data with information about the process data.
stored in tabular form and the data This guarantees that you do not miss any-
thing during the analysis.
All this makes SIMIT a valuable format of the future: XML.
analysis instrument with which Use the operator control pictures (below)
• SIMIT can also cooperate with to control the simulation. You always have
you can analyze and display all operator control and monitoring the capability to intervene in the process
levels of a plant, systematically programs, such as WinCC, via its and to manipulate it at will.
and formalized. OPC interface. Of course, you can
Open all round exchange data between several
SIMIT is used in an environment SIMIT applications without a pro-
with a wide range of data formats blem. This applies to individual
and data systems. Consequently, library components and complete
we have intentionally kept it open models.
to other systems. Special software • Hardware interfaces:
and hardware interfaces ensure all You need hardware interfaces
round compatibility. when you wish to connect SIMIT
• Software interfaces: to original automation devices.
SIMIT allows the transfer of data
from other engineering tools or to
output SIMIT data for the further
processing in other systems. This
data transfer is particularly simple
when you have already worked
with Siemens applications, such
as SIMATIC S7, for the peripheral
configuring (HWConfig).

SIMIT: the modular
simulation concept

You pay only for what you need: Macro components:

from a pure PC simulator in the Easily create new com-
design phase through to complex ponents
real-time simulators. Library components are combined
to form function units and integra-
The basic system ted as reusable macro components
SIMIT Basic in the library. Interconnect existing
SIMIT Basic introduces you to
components on a macro plan in
the world of real-time simulation.
the usual manner. Define which
SIMIT Basic is the ideal tool for
connection points are to be visible
the offline simulation in the plan-
externally and store these new
ning phase. It also forms the plat-
macro components in the library.
form for the utilization of exten-
You can now use these macro
sion modules.
components as often as necessa-
ry in your models and configure
them individually.

Component-type editor:
Expand your libraries your-
The component-type editor is the
proper tool to create new base
components. All component pro-
perties are freely configurable.
These include: connections, para-
meters, state variables quantities,
graphical symbols, operator con-
trol window and the model beha-
Virtual plant – original operator environment:
The standardized OPC interface makes this
attractive combination possible. An optimum
basis for training simulations.

Hardware interfaces: OPC interface: Trend and messaging:

Online test on the PLC The connection to your The analysis of your
We offer several solutions to operator control system simulation
couple your PLC to SIMIT. Choose The standardized OPC interface in The message system and charts
from a variety of interface boards SIMIT allows you to connect any permit the user-friendly analysis
that allow SIMIT to simulate arbi- OPC-compatible operator control and archiving of the simulation
trary Profibus DP slaves, and that and monitoring systems, such as results. Consider, for example,
for any Profibus Master. This gives WinCC.You use your original opera- your test documentation in accor-
you all capabilities, independent of tor control system to interact with dance with DIN EN ISO 9001!
the PLC type. the simulation. This, for example,
automatically gives you a training Events created by your model are
MPI coupling: The economi- system environment. Or use this recognized, displayed and archived
cal PLC coupling configuration to test your operator in the message system. This allows
Connect SIMIT with the SIMATIC- control and monitoring application. you, for example, to report error
S7 via the MPI interface. The only states. Thus you are immediately
additional hardware you need is Animated graphics: informed without your needing to
your MPI card in the PC. With the The pictures have learnt how continually monitor all signals. You
MPI interface the complete I/O pro- to walk can display the trend charts for
cess image of the SIMATIC PLC is The SIMIT graphical editor allows analog and binary values of your
accessible for the simulation. you to create sophisticated opera- simulation in graphical form.
tor control pictures. In addition
HWConfig import: to all common geometric base ele- FlowNet library:
Configuration at the push of ments, including Bezier curves, The entry to the process
a button you can include and animate arbi- simulation
SIMIT can import the hardware trary pictures.Your modeling brings The FlowNet library contains
configuration from the SIMATIC life to the graphics: this allows components for process models
Manager and create an appropriate all graphical elements to be moved, of continuous flow processes.
peripheral model fully automatical- rotated, displayed or removed Compose your model graphically
ly. This gives you a powerful test dynamically. by simply combining the available
environment for your PLC program tanks, pipes, valves, drives, heat
at the press of a button. When you exchangers and gauges. Configure
work with symbol tables, your the components with the plant-
input and output signals are de- specific quantities. SIMIT creates
signated with symbolic names on the process model for you.
the operator control pictures auto-
matically generated by SIMIT.

The high performance solution:
The simulation of complex proces- The power in focus
ses and large signal quantities is Depending on the data volume,
implemented with SIMIT VME. SIMIT VME can be expanded
Operate SIMIT from your PC to from a single-processor system
which the SIMIT VME unit is con- to a multiprocessor solution.
SIMIT VME in the plant test The multi-user variant
The connections to the automa- If desired, we can build client-
tion devices for the plant test run server solutions where you can
via the VME computer. This allows operate a central SIMIT com-
large volumes of I/O signals from puter from several workstations.
SIMIT to be represented in real-
SIMIT VME: time. A comprehensive I/O boards
An external computer unit which can be
equipped with one or more processors, spectrum is available for the con-
depending on the requirements, calculates nection of the peripheral signals.
your simulation.
Our service for you
As an industrially-oriented IT
Solution Provider with decades of
experience, it is obvious that we
offer our customers a broad ser-
vice spectrum:
• topic-oriented seminars and
workshops for SIMIT introductory
• Installation and integration of
SIMIT in your work environment
• Modeling of customer-specific
component types from plant
segments through to complete
• Integration of SIMIT in your plant
test environment, execution of
plant tests
• set up of training simulations,
implementation of simulation

Do you need more detailed infor-

mation about SIMIT or would you
like to speak directly with us?
Do not hesitate to contact our
SIMIT team.

All rights reserved.

The forwarding and copying or

translation of this document, the
use and disclosure of its contents
are not permitted without the prior
written agreement of Siemens

SIMIT is a registered trademark of

Siemens AG. All other product and
system names are (registered) tra-
demarks of their owner and must
be treated as such.

about SIMIT
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+49 (91 31) 72 27 35
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information on simulation:

Then just send us a fax. ❑ For planning ❑ For construction ❑ For plant operation
The more detailed the information you ❑ Please phone me
give us about what you want to know, the
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Quickly and without any commitment of

you. Because with the help of SIMIT you,

too, will firmly control the future of your


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