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THE MAYANS Number 81
• ~ .J. L. ~J.ii. ( •JJ


(P&rt Two)

6th and 7th Degrees


Beloved Companion:

As a Mayan of advanced degrees, it is only natural that more and more

often you will find yourself advising others on problems of development. Perhaps
someone~ of your acquaintance who sincerely desires illumination, but who to his or
her misfortune, happened to be drawn into membership in some of the several groups
of “secret societies” and, with the usual result of such error, the “progress” in-
to greater and still deeper confusion.

Such of course is the opposite of illumination but it is the usual result

when the instruction is incorrect or is not carefully given, or when instruction
is accepted by a beginner from several in—coordinated directions simultaneously.

Nevertheless you should occasionally encounter those who by your counsel

can be straightened out or at least helped. If in your discussions with them they
indicate a willingness to accept what you have to give, the suggestions in this
lesson should be helpful. In fact, parts of this lecture seem to speak directly to
them. Basically, it is a continuation of your class studies but with admonishments
for those described above. Please read it carefully, thoughtfully storing up in
your mind those parts by which you may be able to help others on occasion.

The chief difficulty in trying to help these people usually is their highly
opinionated attitude. Discussions with them sometimes would lead a listener to
suppose that they were masters and you the confused student. Do not let such an
attitude disturb you. It may be only a pose to cover an inferiority complex which
their confusion has evolved. Remain calm, let them talk. Listen and note what is
in error and when opportunity opens, offer to instruct them in the things that they
have missed. If they accept your offer in the right way, you CAN help them. If
they persist in their folly there is little you can do until they are PREPARED to
receive. Never let an opinionated and wrong person disturb your poise. You have
something of great value to them IF they are READY for receiving. If they are not
able to receive, you cannot force it on them. To do so would be like casting your
Rev. 81P2: G:H: 3.58

pearls of wisdom before swine. This situation is a phase of life and every man and
every woman must A.S.K., — Ask, Seek and Knock on the door before they can truly

The greater part of your Mayan Lessons have been so written that every
reader will get something from them. But the true seeker will get more than the
less enthusiastic student. The true seeker is prepared to receive. The beginner
and the highly developed mentality will both find inspiration and revelation in al-
most all of the thousands of words in every Mayan Lesson. They may not be thrilled
by the same thoughts for one is evolved to a higher degree than the other. But the
same words will bring both (different) revelations. One of the peculiarities of
Mayan Lessons is that even when a Mayan reaches far higher degrees he can still go
back to earlier lessons and constantly make new discoveries. As he developed he
prepared himself to receive things which, while not ~thidden1t
from him, had never-
theless been invisible to his perceptions when he first passed that way. And this
is true all through DAayanry.

If you encounter a blind man, do not blame him for being blind. Help him
to perceive light. Do not force him to see it, let him see it, — as he is willing
to be shown. Remember the adage, “there are none so blind as those who will not
see.~t In this world there are many who are blind in spirit. If we live in a
world of the blind, the man of vision is a strange thing. Nor should the blind
condemn those of vision. Yet, in a world of the blind, he ‘is often condemned. It
is very hard- fo-r a blind man to accept that which the man of vision can describe
for him. It is necessary to describe so well that the blind one can envision all
of it. When he is able to do that, he is no longer blind. He has become “ready”,
“prepared”, — and is himself a man of vision.

But, let us proceed with the lecture:

In the first lesson of this series, a daily period of silence was recommend—
ed. It was not suggested, however, as a time to be spent in idle reverie, but in
carrying out a constructive spiritual program.

In the second lesson, one use for this period of silence was indicated as
the cultivation of the spiritual senses, especially those of sight and hearing.
We are now to consider another practical use for the silence —that of creative
meditation. But, let us first back away and look at the matter in perspective.

Those who deal in philosophical questioning sometimes say that there is but
one proposition which is not open to argument the proposition that we exist. If

it is said that we may only be dreaming we exist, they reply that one has to exist
even to dream. If it is said that we may be mistaken about it, they answer that
one has to exist even to be mistaken

Consciousness, then, is the irreducible minimum of our individual existence.

It is also the irreducible minimum of the universe and its cause. Men may argue
about God all they will, but one thing always remains after their most destructive
logical exploits are over universal consciousness from the planning and energiz—

ing power of which all things emerge. That is the princirle of creation —Energiz—
ing Thought. It has been written about in poetic language which leads the literalist
to believe the universe was put together as a carpenter builds a house. But after

Rev. 81: P3: G:H: 3.58

all, the carpenter is only energizing a thought, isn’t he?

There is an old school book poem in which the poet imagines himself asking
a baby where it came from, and the baby is imagined as replying, “God thought about
me, and so I am here.t’ There is a world of wisdom in that poem, for its writer had
grasped the principle of creation, which is Meditation so carried on that it re-
leases energy and sets creative processes going

There are three kinds of meditation so—called, but one of them is not medi-
tation at all, — neither is it creative. It is Random Reverie, which is nothing but
mental idleness in which the mind scatters itself all over the landscape and accomp-
lishes nothing.

Of the two forms of true meditation, one is passive and the other active,
but both are creative. Passive Meditation is concentrated reverie, and it tends
to create the illumination which always precedes inspiration. Out of it come music,
literature, invention, reform, and all kinds of service rendered by the people who
are inspired. A psalmist of the Old Testament revealed its nature when he said,
“And while I was musing the fire burned.” This form of meditation melts the way
through obstructions to some truth on which new achievement, discovery or revelation
is based. It is the secret of the poet, prophet, and discoverer.

What we will call Active Meditation is something different. It is much more

positive in its nature and effect. It is more like the original process of creation
itself must have been. It does not merely light the way to some creative process
by some person, but it is in itself creative. It is based on the law that positive
thought tends to energize new things and conditions into existence without the
sound of hammer or the touch of hands. Creative Imagination permeates them both.
This power resides in the Soul.

This power and the use of it are among the things taught and practiced
from ancient times by the wise men of various parts of the world. It is one of the
most important and valuable things one can learn, because it is the key to the
storehouse of universal energy.

Understand it? “Canst thou by searching find out God?” You might as well
try to understand how electricity drives or bread nourishes. No man knows. We
only know that if we release these forces under certain conditions they will do cer-
tain things, and that is enough.

The power to use Creative Meditation is based on the operation of what is

commonly called the subconscious mind. Many speak of this as a separate mind, and
some even add a third mind which they call the unconscious one. Still others speak
of these as compartments or special phases of the mind.

Such things are hard to prove, but probably all this is one mind and some
of its operations are subconscious for the reason that consciousness is too weak
and limited to clear many, perhaps most, of the things done and known by the mind
at its subconscious level. Some ancient wise men and at least one recent poet have
taught that at birth the flesh blacks out the eternal memory and universal under
standing of the soul, and limits our mental operations to the powers of a physical
brain. The poet’s pronouncement on the subject is at the beginning of Wordsworth’s


Rev. 81: P4: G:H:l 3.58

“Ode on Intimations of Immortality”:

“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting.
The soul that rises—in—us, our life’s—star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar.
Not in entire forgetfulness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God who is our home.”

Keep it always clear that the brain is not the mind, but merely the instru-
ment it is using in this material environment called the earth life. Take away the
inner self, or mind, or personality, or soul, and the brain like the rest of the
~hvsical organs promptly ceases to function. This shows that it is only a mechanism
which functions when an operator commands , and at the controls of which operators
can come or go.

A physical instrument may be complex, wonderful, and efficient; but it is

never perfect. When things go wrong mentally and otherwise, the trouble is with
the instrument and not the operator. The greatest musician is limited in what he
can express when he sits down to a small folding organ, or a broken and damaged
instrument. Many minds have very inadequate brain facilities with which to work,
but the reserves of wisdom and power are there just the same.

The brain is the instrument of consciousness, while the mind is the instru-
ment of thought and reason, which is something quite different. The brain reports,
but the mind interprets. The brain experiences, but the mind remembers. The brain
serves, but the mind commands. The mind has depths, powers, understandings, and
functions the brain is not equipped to express. One might as well expect a bargain
counter alarm clock to keep adjusted to the stars.

Now let us think of the mind as an ocean. The conscious processes, sensa-
tions and their reactions together with our light and passing impressions would be
the waves on its surface. The subconscious levels would be the vast, silent depths
with their powerful currents and mighty undertows. But surface and depths, the
ocean is ONE, though its depth and power cannot be suspected from merely looking
at the surface.

At its subconscious levels the mind sees and knows things far
outside the reach of the brain. The proof of that is common and
easy. When some problem or question proves too much for the brain,
commit it to the subconscious mind and forget it. In hours or days
you will often get your answer, perhaps in the middle of the night,
or you may wake up in the morning with the report handed up into
consciousness for you. People have that experience each day.

As you study these subconscious operations and watch what happens you rn~
find reason to believe that at these depths the mind actually contacts the mind of
the Eternal, understanding all things and seeing all reality. This, then, may be
the bond between ourselves and God, the point at which the human and the divine
merge. If so, that explains why the subconscious powers of the mind are not only
surpassing in knowledge and wisdom but are also CREATIVE.
Rev. 81: P5: G:H:1 3.58 h

How do we know? In the same way we know of electric energy, or atoms, or

certain un—isolated virus or disease germs — by watching what they do. Effects
must be accounted for by assuming causes and then watching until those causes are
known. SOMETHING causes certain creative processes going on around us. Many
people have found that some of these things are geared to the positive meditating
they have done. The conclusion is evident, namely that to commit an affirmation
to the subconscious powers of the mind STARTS something that KEEPS GOING until the
affirmation becomes a reality; that is, provided it does not meet with too much
destructive interference.

You may find it necessary to adapt your methods to special conditions, or

you may find it desirable to devise different ones. This is not saying that the
practice of Creative Meditation must be carried on in one way, but it is saying
that to be effective it must accord with the laws life and nature have ordained for
it. However you do it, this is what MUST happen. The subconscious powers of the
mind must be given an affirmation of something you desire and believe to be right
and desirable. It must be made in faith, for faith is really the activating force.
Then you must give the mills time to work and bring to reality the pattern your
meditation has set.

The ancient masters developed a technique which they found effective. They
have not been hasty to teach it to others, but they have imparted the secret to a
few who have passed it on to others. In principle at least, it seems to be the
method that even Jesus used in changing conditions from worse to better. The long
hours He spent after others had gone to rest or before they had awakened, keeping
watch on the silent slopes of Olivet or on the rooftop or in the garden of the
home of some friend, were not for~naught. He was meditating out the old, — and
meditating ~ the new and better.

Here is how you may begin. Let us assume that you have already set
aside a daily period for silence, and that if possible you have ar-
ranged for the same time and place every day. Devote a part of’ the
silence to the cultivation of the spiritual senses and a part to
creative meditation. You will soon find that a half hour isn’t
long enough, and that you will want an hour or even two. Time spent
in creative meditation is not lost. It should so step up one’s
life as to be time saved rather than lost. But do not sit too long
at first. Let the length of time be determined by your progress,
and your needs.

Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position. Advanced masters usually sit on

the floor or ground, with legs crossed and folded under, and palms open upward on
their laps. They say this gives them a sevenfold contact with the magnetic currents
of the earth and thus increases the power of what they are doing. It may not be
convenient or possible for you to do this. If not, sit on a chair or in some other
position. To go into an unfolding or creative silence on retiring is a good way to
relax the body for sleep and rest, and waken really refreshed next morning.

Having made your preparations and entered upon your silence, close your eyes,
shut the sights and sounds of the world out as much as possible, concentrate your
thoughts as perfectly as you can on your affirmations, and impress by thought and
word the pattern of your desire upon the subconscious. It will be receptive, and
Rev. 81: P6: G:H: 3.58

you can rest assured that the creative process is going on and will be completed un—
less something defeats it or unless it is something that should not be done.

As to the affirmations, there are good ones in the Bible, excellent ones are
published in Daily Meditation, and you can feel free to make your own. It is said
that the Lord’s Prayer was really given as an affirmation, and it can easily be
transposed into that form. You will find that this kind of affirmative meditation
is really praying in a very effective way.

Some will say it is very foolish to sit, claiming as a fact something that
does not yet exist or has not yet happened, even putting it in the present tense.
The answer is that declaring a thing to be true is the best way to set the mould
for it to become formed in material reality. Jesus did that constantly. Facts are
mostly shaped in subjective thought and purpose. And remember that you must put
confidence into your affirming, realizing that it is ALWAYS according to our faith
that things are done.

There is also a place for the negative affirmation or denial. As you medi-
tatively affirm the good, so you may meditatively deny the evil. As subconscious
power on the one hand strives to realize the good, so it tends to destroy the evil.
By this process you get rid of the bad by so multiplying the good that it crowds
the bad off the scene. Is not that what Paul bade us to do — overcome evil with

Remember that all this must be taken very much in earnest. If you consider
it lightly you will get nowhere. Those who mistakenly do so sometimes go on their
way claiming there was nothing to it anyway, when they could have accomplished won-
ders if they had made their approach in the right way and with sufficient earnest-
ness and faith. Tell these people to: “Work, study, and practice till you can put
great earnestness and force into your affirmations, yet without the least tension
Remember that the greatest power can be very calm and self—possessed. The greatest
force we have yet unleashed on the material level is the atom, yet it is the smallest
and most silent thing in nature. Don’t waste any of your power putting on an act.
Center it all in your faith in the claim you are presenting before the throne of the
Creator by the courtesy of your mind at its subconscious level.”

If you compose any of your own affirmations, do it with great care. It would
be better to write them out. Make them brief and clear, first making sure you know
what you want. It is better not to start out with too many to keep in mind well.
There is great power in even one, if it is well constructed. A half dozen or less
is quite enough at first. Work on them until one or more has been realized, then
check off those you have finished and put others in their places. Little by little
you can do a great deal to improve the world for yourself and others, and it will
probably be done sometimes by the improvement of yourself and others.

Practice the eye of the soul in visualizing the things and conditions you
seek. The subconscious can construct them better when they are visualized, for it
is like laying a blueprint before a builder and thus giving him something to go by.
You will find that you can do this visualizing with increasing clearness. Always
insist on seeing them perfect. If you allow any blemishes in the pattern they are
likely to register in the finished result. Try always to make the patterns in your
own mind like they would be if it were the Infinite Mind. By doing this you keep


Rev. Sl: p7: G:H: 3.5~

exerting an upward pull both in your own life and the world life.

A certain young man starting out in a profession greatly wished that he would
become the head of a certain institution. He knew he was too young for it then,
and he did not even assume that he could ever have it. He did not know this creat-
ive law, but just kept visualizing that position and thinking about it for the sheer
attractiveness of it. Though he did nothing whatever to get it but think about it,
after eleven years he was asked to occupy the position temporarily; and succeeded so
well that his tenure was made permanent. Believe it or not, that is the way a lot
of things get done and a lot of conditions come into being.

Realization may begin to take place at once, or it may not. Do not insist
in your mind that it be completed right away, for the more important a thing is the
more time it MAY take to bring it about. Think how long God took to think, will,
and energize the world and the universe into being. There are several reasons for
patience at this point. One is that the creative process cannot always be hurried.
THING. One is that if anything creative could be hastened it would probably lessen
its quality. It has been said that God can grow a squash in three months, but it
takes a century to grow a great tree.

Many steps may be necessary in the completion of the process. In some cases
old conditions will have to be changed before the way is clear. In others hindering
influences will have to be overcome or changed. These, especially if they are human
attitudes, may require a great deal of time and transforming power. It takes longer
to set up a great building because the ground must first be cleared and the excava-
tion made.

If you see no change as soon as you think you should, that may be the reason.
Or it may be that you are on the wrong track, and are seeking for the wrong thing or
the right thing in the wrong way. Or you may not be putting enough FAITH into the
effort, and it CANNOT be accomplished without plenty of that mysterious, all—powerful
force. In any case, do not be impatient. Strive to keep your motives and methods
right, send out your creative thoughts in faith, and possess your soul in patience
while the laws operate.

Tell those who have failed to get results to remember that at first you are
only practicing anyway, and should not expect the results you will get when you
have become a master at it. You will find that as you continue with your drill you
will keep doing it better and more successfully. The progress you can make and the
results you can achieve will fully compensate for the amount of time and effort it
took. Many people work on a thing for years before they see results. Suppose it
is a lifetime task. What is time anyway but duration in which to do things, and
there is a whole eternity of it. Nothing has finished today.

If all goes well, there will come a day when you will suddenly see that
SOMETHING has come about through this creative process you have so long been concen-
trating on. It will seem hard to realize, for it will seem too good to be true, yet
there it will be before you. It will give you the thrill of a lifetime to know that
you have claimed your birthright as a creator. As such experiences multiply the ex-
perience will become common, but it will never become commonplace.
Rev. 51: PS: G:H: 3.58

You will then begin to realize what Paul was taThing about when he said we
should become laborers together with God, for you will be applying the law by which
it is done. You will also remember that Jesus said that after He had gone to the
Father, the things He had done we should do also, and that we should do even greater
things. You will be doing some of those things.

The Word that tells us we are made in the image of God does not mean that we
look like God physically, for God is a spirit. It means that we are like God in a
much deeper and more important sense — we are like Him in nature, and it is a part
of His nature to create. You will then have recaptured the creative phase of the
divine image. You will be using a divine power in partnership with the Divine.

When that time comes do not be self—important about it. You will not have
accomplished anything any other person could not accomplish as well. All people have
the power you have utilized. The only difference is that you have learned to use it.
Countless people may catch up with you tomorrow, so keep humble.

This is the kind of thing with which it is very easy to make mistakes so the
remainder of the time will be occupied with certain words of caution. Like the
atomic energy science has now released, this power is as beneficent or as dangerous
as the use made of it and the motives and purposes with which it is used. It is a
much greater power than atomic energy, for it is a sharing in the power that made
atomic energy in the first place.

When you have learned the use of this marvelous principle do not begin to
exult in the thought that you have found a great treasure by means of which you can
start realizing all kinds of selfish ambitions so you can lord it over others. You
can’t. If you try, it will break you. Even the Master did not. Knowing the law,
He would not have dared even if He had wanted to.

Remember that the devil is only a fallen angel, and that he fell because
he used spiritual powers for wrong purposes. Remember too that he tempted Jesus to
do the same, and in His perfect wisdom Jesus refused. How fearful would have been
the consequences if in His hunger, poverty and loneliness, He had yielded

Creative Meditation may be used to solve personal problems, to bring about

right and normal conditions for yourself and those you love, to help you and others
to achieve right and just purposes, and to make you the kind of person, winning the
kind of success approved by the heavenly Father’s will.

But it is not to bring about selfish purposes, to accomplish things that

would involve injustice and hardship to others, to win more than your rightful
share of happiness or gain. Least of all is it to work revenge or ill—will of any
kind against others. It is for the doing of good, and for no other purpose. If
you say it is a great responsibility for one to take on himself, you are right.
It is.

It is human to err. What if you should go into Creative Meditation to ac-

complish something that should not be done, and suppose you should be successful.
What then? You would spend the rest of your life regretting it, of course.

But there is a safeguard against such a thing happening. You may not always
Rev. 51: P9: G:H: 3.58

know what is best, but God does. Always leave plenty of room for Him to overrule
your purposes, and to defeat you even when you are striving to bring about something
that should not be. Jesus even gave us a formula for this purpose, the very one He
used Himself. He always included in every request, and no doubt in every Creative
Meditation, “nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.” That formula, sincerely
used, should take care of this phase of the problem.

What, then, do you get out of all this? The same as God does, or Jesus, or

AND SAVE OTHERS. Isn’t that enough? Perhaps, but YOU get still more. YOU GET THE

The spirit of God brooded over primal chaos, willing it into order, life,
and beauty. It has hovered over the human race throughout its history, realizing
progress and happiness for mankind. That was and is creative meditation. You can
join in it, hand worthy patterns to your creative powers, and watch the loom of life
begin to weave them into being.

May you and your Mayan Ministry with its rich and noble philosophy be
blessed richly.

Your Instructor,
on The Mayan Path.




Philosophy Series Number I, Part II. Your fourth lesson in

Spiritual Cultivation, discussing The Healing Power of Spirit







These are the principal thoughts and revelations contained

in Your Next Mayan Monograph Number 52.


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