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Improved IDMA For Multiple Access of 5G: Brahim Akbil, Driss Aboutajdine

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International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

Improved IDMA for Multiple Access of 5G

Brahim Akbil, Driss Aboutajdine
LRIT Laboratory, URAC'29, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Morocco,

Abstract: Due to its good performance and low complexity, efforts made by several researches for cancellation of MAI,
IDMA is believed to be an important technique for future radio such as successive interference cancellation (SIC) [4-7] and
access (FRA). However, its performances are highly affected by the parallel interference cancellation (PIC) [8-10]. 4G networks
interleaver design. In this paper we propose two contributions to
rely on orthogonal frequency division multiple access
improve the performance of the IDMA. First, we propose a new
interleaver design, called "NLM interleaver", which improves the (OFDMA) in the downlink and on single carrier frequency
computational complexity, reduces the bandwidth consumption and division multiple access (SC-FDMA) in the uplink. However,
the memory requirements of the system. It also provides infinite sets considering the use of FRA, these approaches (CDMA,
and quasi-orthogonal spreading codes and interleavers based on OFDMA and SC-FDMA) are not sufficient or need to be
only one parameter. Second, we propose a new user grouping improved. Thus, to realize 5G promises (offer universal
algorithm based on the correlation function to improve the
communications for all users regardless of the time, terminal,
resources (codes and interleavers). In fact, all users are divided into
several equal-size groups where each group's data are transmitted at wireless device, or geographical position), advanced multiple
the same time, with the same frequencies and the same interleaver. access techniques need to be developed. Such techniques
The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme achieves should share frequency and time resources by multiple users
better performances compared to the existing algorithms. on the available bandwidth, and separate users’ signals using
another parameter.
Keywords: IDMA, G-CDMA-IDMA, Interleaver Domain, New In order to enhance the spectrum efficiency with new
Logistic Map, User Grouping, FRA, 5G.
parameter, Higuchi et al. superposed multiple users in the
1. Introduction power domain and have developed a new multiple access
technique called Non Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)
The 3G technology has achieved a lot of success by using [10]. In this technique the time and frequency resources are
spread spectrum DS-CDMA techniques. In the last four shared by all users and their different signals are separated by
years, the 4G mobile communication systems such as long- using the power domain. Its performance compared to the
term evolution (LTE) [1] and LTE-Advanced [2, 3] OFDMA increases when the difference in channel gains is
standardized during the spring 2011 by the 3rd Generation large [10].
Partnership Project (3GPP), have been widely deployed in Based on the advantages of SIC receiver, Saito et al. have
most countries in the world. This technology provides proposed a NOMA with SIC [11] in order to separate the
important benefits to users, i.e., improves robustness against desired and interfering signals. They argue that NOMA with
multipath interference and provides better affinity to MIMO SIC is a promising technique for FRA. The SIC schemes
technologies. attempt to remove MAI from each user received signal
However, 4G wireless networks have not been able to cope before making data decisions.
with the increasing demand of mobile devices’ users. This is Another multiple access technique, called Interleave-Division
why new telecommunication solutions, like future radio Multiple Access (IDMA) has been developed by Ping et al
access (FRA) or more particularly 5th generation wireless [12]. This technique explores the possibility to share time,
system (5G), have been adopted. Some of the main promises frequency and spreading codes by all users, and use the
of 5G wireless communication systems are achieving mobile interleavers to distinguish their signals. The adoption of the
broadband speeds up to 10Gb/s, multiply system capacity by IDMA technique has been limited due to:
1000; multiply energy efficiency by 10, multiply average • The bandwidth resources requirements: the exchange of
mobile cell throughput by 25, and add new services with less interleavers between transmitter and receiver requires a
power consumption. large bandwidth.
One of the hardest issues in all wireless networks (from 2G to • The memory resources requirements: amount of memory
5G) is sharing the communication channel and the common is needed to store the interleavers at the transmitter and
resources between large set of active users in a cell. To deal the receiver, which may cause serious concern when the
with this issue, several approaches have been proposed, such number of users is large.
as spread spectrum in CDMA (widely used in the 3rd • Computational complexity: computation of user specific
generation mobile communication system). In fact, CDMA interleaver.
has been emerged as the main technique where users’ data To overcome these limitations, some researchers have
are multiplexed by distinct spreading sequences rather than developed different designs of interleavers with the aim of
orthogonal frequency band, as in FDMA, or orthogonal time reducing the bandwidth and memory resources, such as
slots, as in TDMA. It has been limited by the mutual Orthogonal Interleaver (OI), Random Interleaver (RI),
interference (MAI) caused by the users’ signal. For this Nested Interleaver (NI) [13], Shifting Interleavers (SI) [14]
reason, CDMA is not suitable for 4G technology despite the and Deterministic Interleaver (DI) [15]. In most of these
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

designs, the exchange of the spreading codes and been recently proposed as multiple access techniques for
interleavers' matrix between transmitter and receiver is FRA. The NOMA scheme should be used with dirty paper
needed. Thus, a large bandwidth will be consumed and the coding (DPC) or a SIC receiver to improve its performances.
spectrum efficiency will be reduced. In [26], NOMA is used with a SIC receiver to cancel inter-
In this paper, we firstly describe our motivation regarding cell interference. This receiver requires demodulation and
user grouping CDMA-IDMA with the New Logistic Map decoding for all sets of devices. This may increase the
Interleavers (NLM Interleavers). Secondly, we propose an processing delay. Due to the use of a SIC receiver, that
algorithm to generate the required parameters (spreading technique has a drawback in terms of receiver complexity. In
codes and the interleavers' matrix) to distinguish users in G- addition, its feasibility will highly depend on the evolution of
CDMA-IDMA, using only one parajj v device processing capabilities expected toward 2020s [26].
saaaaynhbbvbv cvvmeter (the initial state). This method is The SCMA is a multi-dimensional codebook-based non-
realistic, since it does not require a lot of memory to store v orthogonal spreading technique; it is a type of MC-CDMA
hggbbbbhgf gbetween the transmitter and the receiver is a with a particular choice of a sparse code book facilitating
single parameter. Thirdly, we propose a new user grouping low-complexity maximum likelihood (ML) detection. Such
algorithm based on a correlation function. We divide all as MC-CDMA, SCMA suffer from a high complexity in
users into several equal-size groups where each group's data receiver and transmitter and multi-user interference which
are transmitted at the same time, with the same frequencies make it complicated at high number of users. For this reason
and the same interleaver. We exclusively allocate an b nnnnnnnnnnnnn believe that the IDMA technique with
interleaver to a group and we affect the orthogonal spreading NLM interleaver and user grouping is a promising candidate
codes to different users. These codes are reused in other as multiple access technique for 5G networks.
Based on our simulation results, the chaotic system NLM,
used to generate radio resources (codes and interleavers), is
designed to be easily implemented. In addition, it has been
conceived to be secure and generate infinite sets of codes and
interleavers. This technique reduces bandwidth efficiency
and memory consumption. Moreover, our user grouping
algorithm is suitable when resource availability is a serious
concern in the desired systems, as in the case of 5G.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2
describes our motivations. Section 3 defines the system
model and G-CDMA-IDMA system structure. Section 4
develops our proposed algorithm to generate the spreading
codes and NLM interleavers. In Section 5, we discuss the
user grouping algorithm based on the orthogonality of
spreading codes. Section 6 presents simulation results and
discusses the performances of the proposed systems. Finally,
Section 7 concludes the paper.
2. IDMA Motivations
Various multiple access techniques are proposed to satisfy
4G requirements. Among these techniques, we can find MC- Figure 1. Four QPSK data symbols to be transmitted in
CDMA (Multicarrier-CDMA), OFDMA (Orthogonal NOMA, OFDMA and SC-FDMA.
FDMA), SC-FDMA (Single Carrier FDMA), and IDMA
2.1 Distinguishing users in single channel: required
(Interleave Division Multiple Access). They deliver high data
rates transmission and reliable coverage for broadband
wireless access with high efficiency. The MC-CDMA is based on the concatenation of spreading
In this section, OFDMA, NOMA, Sparse code multiple codes with multi-carrier modulation to distinguish user
access (SCMA) and IDMA are investigated to highlight their symbols. Consequently, the orthogonality of frequency
fortes and weaknesses as candidates for FRA. spreading sequences is required and the spectral correlation
The performance of the OFDMA and SC-FDMA, OFDMA should be null or small. On other hand, the system requires
and NOMA, and OFDMA and SCMA have been widely the exchange of the spreading codes at high rates, which
compared respectively in [17, 18] and [19]. The OFDMA makes it impractical at high traffic. In contrast to MC-
and SC-FDMA are adopted to achieve higher throughput CDMA, OFDMA based on OFDM techniques, formed by
performance for 4G. A number of existing works have found dividing the available subcarriers into several non-
that the OFDMA are sensible to imperfect synchronization overlapping subsets. The available subsets of subcarriers are
[23] and cross layer optimization (CLO) for heterogeneous assigned to each user (flexible assignment of frequency
users (becomes more complicated for device to device (D2D) resources to individual users). Using OFDMA allows more
communication) [21-25]. In this sense and to accommodate granular exploitation of multiuser diversity for higher
5G services, NOMA [26, 28], [33-35] and SCMA [29] has spectral efficiency [27] with an ability to provide superior
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

quality of service (QoS). Unfortunately, there are also some

disadvantages to this technique, such as strong sensitivity to
carrier frequency offset and strong sensitivity to nonlinear
distortion in power amplifier. This is due to the high peak to
average power ratio (PAPR). NOMA utilizes power domain
such as new additional domain for user multiplexing.
However, SIC and capacity- achieving channel codes (like
Turbo code or LDPC) are used to achieve separation of
users’ signals.
In SCMA systems, data of different users are spread in Figure 3. G-CDMA-IDMA receiver structure.
frequency-domain using a sparse code book (SCB). The SCB
We assume that group the user belongs to and the interleaver
produces low-complexity maximum likelihood (ML)
of this group are perfectly known at the receiver.
The iterative detection process treats group-by-group, where
In IDMA technique, users are distinguished by their unique
the IUI in each group can be completely eliminated (the
user-specific interleavers. Each users’ data spread using same
orthogonal spreading codes are employed in each group). It
spreading codes and transmitted at the same time and the
can implement an Elementary Signal Estimator (ESE) and
same frequencies. With user grouping technique we
U single user a posteriori probability decoders (APP-DEC).
succeeded to divide all users into several equal-size groups.
After knowing the group to which the user belongs, the
Each groups’ data are transmitted at the same time, with the
receiver works in the same way as in IDMA systems [32]. A
same frequencies and the same interleaver. The orthogonal
list of the symbols and their description used in this paper is
spreading codes are affected to different users in a group and
given in Table 1.
reused in other groups.
2.2 Utilization of additional domain for user multiplexing
In the main multiple access technologies, the access
coordination may be carried out in the frequency domain
(FDMA, OFDM, OFDMA,...), in the time domain (TDM,
TDMA,...), in the code domain (CDMA) or in a combination
of these domains (MC-CDMA, SC-FDMA, ...). The NOMA
[33, 35] utilizes an additional new domain, i.e., the power
domain. Users in this domain share a common primary
supply set, which is unusable when the number of users is
very large. This is mainly due to the difficulty of power
control. As a different technique, IDMA utilizes the
interleaver domain (superposes multiple users in the
interleaver domain).
Figure 2. G-CDMA-IDMA transmitter structure.
3. IDMA System Model
4. Generating the Interleavers and spreading
In our G-CDMA-IDMA system, U simultaneous users are
codes: Proposed algorithms
divided into G smaller and equal-size groups using a user
grouping algorithm (which will be described in section 5). Here, we modified the logistic map [30] and developed, as
Each user u in a group g spreads its information bits au, g explained in [16], a new one-dimensional chaotic map,
by its spreading sequence Cu of length Nc, given in bits. The named "New Logistic Map (NLM)". To generate the
u,g u,g spreading codes and the interleavers' matrix of all users we
spreading operation generates b = a × C u . The use the NLM described by:
chip streams of all users in the same group are interleaved by Z
g Z = λZ (1 − n ) (1)
an interleaver Π with a length N ( N belong to the set (n + 1) n N
of natural numbers excluding zero) allocated to this group. Where Znϵ[0 N] and N represent the sequence (code or
u, g u,g interleaver) length.
The sequences d = Π (b ) , produced after
The results of NLM chaotic behavior (Lyapunov exponents
interleaving, are modulated by using Binary Phase Shift
and bifurcation diagram) and its stability points are presented
Keying (BPSK).
in [16].
At the receiver, the signal is perturbed by Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with zero mean and
covariance σ .
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

Table 1. Used parameters and their descriptions Algorithm 1 Generating NLM Interleavers

Require N , i = 0 , n = 0 , g = 1 , Π g = { } , Z ig −1 ,
Symbols Description

U Number of users
Z ig −1
β = Z ig −1 (1 − ) and χ z .
G Number of groups N
Information bits of user u in a group
au, g g −1  N N −1  N N −1 
Z ∈  0.... (1 − ) ∪  (1 + ) ..... N 
Spreading sequence
 2 N  2 N 
for g = 1 to G do
Nc Length of spreading sequence
Z ig ⇐ Z ig −1 + ( g − 1) × χ z

Π g
Interleaver of group g {
Πg ⇐ Πg , Zig  }
Length of Interleaver
While n ≤ N do
Z ig
χz , χ y Footsteps Z ⇐ 4 × Z (1 −
if Z i  ∉ Π then
g g
U ss Number of desired spreading codes

G max Maximum number of users in a group {

Πg ⇐ Πg , Zig  }
n ⇐n +1
Ψ (.,.) Correlation function
U g Number of users in a group i ⇐i +1
end if
Ng Number of groups (according to the number of available end while
orthogonal spreading codes and available number of
end for
We generate the first spreading code by the system (1) (with
The system (1) will be chaotic when the signs of Lyapunov
exponents are all positive or when λ>3.58. Thus in the rest of N = 1 ). The initial state Y 1 is given by the solution of the
this paper, we fixed λ =4. following equation:
To generate the first interleaver, the system (1) starts at an
initial state Y 1(1 − Y 1) = Z1 (1 − 0 ) (2)
0 0 0 N
 N N − 1   N N −1 
Z 1 ∈ 0 (1 − )∪ (1 + ) N . By solving this equation, we find two fixed points:
0  2 N    2 N 
  
(1 − (1 − 4β ) ) (1 + (1 − 4β ) )
We calculate the states Z = Z 1,Z1 ,....., Z1  of the system. Y01 = and Y0 =
 1 2 N 2 2
These states form a set of real sequences between 0 and N. Z1
Where β = Z 0 (1 − 0 ).
The transition to integer sequences is realized by maximizing
Z  to remove the decimal numbers and keep only the main
integers. Finally, to obtain the interleaver matrix, we Only one value of Y 1 will be chosen. To extract u th
eliminate redundant elements from the founded integer
vector. spreading code C u from the i th real value of the sequence
We construct the initial state to generate the second
Y u , we use the threshold function:
interleaver by adding a footstep χz to the Z 01 i

( Z0 = Z 01 + χ z ). 1 for Yu > I

Cu =  i th
The initial state to generate g th interleaver is given by −1 for Y u ≤ I
 i th
Z 0g = Z 01 + ( g − 1) × χ z . This operation is repeated until
obtaining desired interleavers. Where I is the threshold. It ensures that the number of
ones and zeroes in the binary code is the same.
We construct the new initial state to generate the next
spreading code by adding a footstep χ to the Y 1 . We
y 0
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

repeat this technique until Uss, with Uss is the desired number Algorithm 3 User grouping algorithm
of spreading codes.
The interleavers generated will be assigned randomly to Require U , G , G , g =1 , U = 0 and
ss max g
different groups and there are two scenarios to assign the
= { } , ∀g ∈ G
spreading codes to different users after dividing it into C
groups. In fact, in the first scenario, we allocate the spreading while g ≤ G do
codes to the users, one by one, of each group. When a group repeat
has reached its maximum spreading code capacity, the next for u = 1 to U do
spreading codes are allocated to the users of the next group. a ss
By this way, we allocate all generated codes to the users. In u
Generate C a by Algorithm 2
the second scenario, we select only orthogonal spreading
 u 
codes among those generated and we apply our user grouping g  
C ⇐ C a 
algorithm as detailed in Algorithm 3.  
Algorithm 2 Generating NLM Spreading Codes U ⇐ length ( C )
Require N = 1, i = 0, n = 0, u = 1, U , for u = 1 to U do
ss b ss
1   Y u , χ and I . u
Z ∈ 0 1 ,
0 
  i y th Generate C b by Algorithm 2
u u
(1 ± (1 − 4β ) ) if Ψ ( C a , C a ) → 0 and U ≤G then
Ensure Yi u = g max

2  u 
g  g a 
C ⇐ C ,C 
for u = 1 to U do  
Yi u ⇐ Yi u + (u − 1) × χ y U ⇐ length ( C
While n ≤ N c do u u
else if Ψ ( C a ,C a ) → 0 and U > G then
Yi ⇐ 4 × Yi (1 − Yi )
u u u g max

g ⇐g +1
if Y u f I then  u 
i + 1 g  g 
th C ⇐ C ,C b 
 
C ⇐ +1 U ⇐ length ( C
i ⇐i +1 g
end if
end for
u end for
C ⇐ −1 until all the users are grouped
i ⇐i +1 end while
end if
6. Simulations results
n ⇐n +1
6.1. Computational complexity
end while
end for The complexity of generating spreading codes and
interleavers' matrix (at the transmitter and receiver side) is a
5. User grouping algorithm major concern. Especially, when the number of users is high
[31]. In this section, this complexity is calculated for our
Here, we propose a straightforward strategy based on the strategy then compared to the complexity of the other
orthogonality of spreading codes. We assign to each user of a techniques. To estimate the complexity of generating the
group a spreading code weakly correlated with all others spreading codes (resp. the interleavers) we need to calculate
spreading codes assigned to other users. One of the the number of cycles in term of the number of users (resp.
advantages of this is that the number of desired spreading groups). The simulation results for the computational
codes is not large (due to reusing codes). Thus, it is easier to complexity to generate the interleavers are shown in Table 2.
find weakly correlated codes for all users (whatever the As expected, table 2 shows that the computational
number of users). complexity increases with the number of user U for Shifting
Let Gmax be the maximum number of users in a group and G interleaver (SI), whereas it is not the case for Orthogonal
be the total number of groups. (OI) and Nested Interleaver (SI). The SI focuses on the
The proposed user grouping algorithm is described as correlation between the first interleavers and, consequently,
follows: need more cycles to generate the next interleaver (the number
of reindexing is O(ωU)). For orthogonal and Nested
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

Interleaver, the complexity is linear to the number of users In the case of the Shifting Interleavers, the generating process
(number of groups). For our method (described in section 3), is based on the circular shifting master interleaver. This last
the complexity is O(1). In fact, it is independent from the interleaver is generated by a specific pseudo noise (PN)
number of users (number of groups). sequence generator and LFSR. The transmitter and receiver
need to exchange the primitive polynomial, the initial state of
Table 2. The number of cycles needed to generate the u th the LFSR and the master interleaver.
interleaver. Contrary to the previous designs, in our design, we exchange
U Orthogonal Shifting Nested NLM only a unique parameter Z (the initial state of the NLM
1 1 1 1 1 function) between the transmitter and the receiver. The
interleavers matrix are generated using the algorithm 1.
2 2 2×ω 2 1 In table 3, we show an example of the number of bits
transmitted in the frame. This enables the receiver to:
3 3 3× ω 3 1 generate a corresponding interleaver matrix. We assume that
4×ω the length of an interleaver N=64. The results are shown in
4 4 4 1
term of the number of simultaneous users U increases.
16 × ω
16 16 16 1 Table 3. The number of bits required as a function of U for
50 × ω different interleaver designs with N=64.
50 50 50 1
120 × ω
120 120 120 1 U RI OI SI NI NLMI
200 × ω
200 200 200 1 1 396 30 414 30 24
( ω = int( ) is the greatest integer not larger than .) 4 1548 30 414 30 24
Hence, our proposed method helps significantly reduced the 16 6156 30 414 30 24
computational complexity compared to the most used 30
schemes. 64 24588 414 30 24
Moreover, this complexity decreases when the number of the ____
128 49164 414 30 24
users in each group increases.
256 98316 414 ___ 24
6.2. Required bandwidth resource
Lack of bandwidth resource is one of the main issues in 6.3 BER performance results
communication systems. This becomes worse especially The next goal of this section is to evaluate the quality of
when the number of users is large. In fact, there is still a need transmission using bit error rate (BER) analysis of
to increase the number of users while the bandwidth is conventional IDMA system, without grouping, for proposed
limited. Another problem is that the transmitter and receiver NLM interleaver along with Random Interleaver. For
must hold the same spreading code and the same interleaver simplicity, we evaluate an IDMA system with BPSK
matrix. In most of existing algorithms, the transmitter needs modulation in AWGN channel. The block size of data bits
to transmit the code and the interleaver matrix, assigned for each user is 512 bits and the used spreading code for all
respectively to the user in a group and to a group; such users is C=[1, -1, 1,. . .,1] with the length S=32. The number
transmission requires a large bandwidth. of iterations is set to be 10 in each case.
We note that many works in the literature have treated the Figure 4 shows the simulation results for U=32, 64 and 128.
consumption of bandwidth using spreading codes. For One can observe that the NLM interleaver achieves similar
simplicity, we will study only the case of the interleavers. To BER performance compared to RI in case of similar
estimate the bandwidth consumption, we evaluate the simulation conditions when U=32 and U=64, but much
initialization parameters (required to generate interleavers' better than that of random interleaver when U=128. We find
matrix), and the number of bits occupied by all users (in the that the results are meaningful when the number of users is
different studied designs). large and at high SNR. Therefore, we can conclude that our
The process of generating Nested Interleaver starts by algorithm is more efficient with higher number of users.
initializing the state of the linear feedback shift register Now, we evaluate the quality of transmission and viability of
(LFSR) with a primitive polynomial. A pseudo random the proposed user grouping algorithm using bit error rate
interleaver, generated by using the bits, represents the (BER) analysis at different SNR values. First, we assume that
coefficients of this primitive polynomial. It is necessary to the IDMA system use BPSK modulation in single path
store the "seed" of these interleavers in the mobile stations. AWGN channel. We evenly divide 128 users into Ng=1, 2, 8,
According to the first interleaver, the next (g+1)th interleaver 32 and 128 groups with Ug=128, 16, 4 and Ug=1 users in
can be obtained by the permutation of Π οΠ with g = 1,2,....G .
g 1

each group, respectively.

In order to have a similar Nested Interleaver in the Note that Ng=1 corresponds to the Ci-CDMA system and
transmitter and the receiver, it is necessary to exchange the Ng=128 leads to an IDMA system. We make 10 iterations for
primitive polynomial, the initial state of the LFSR and the each block size of 512 data bits. Figure 5 presents the results
first pseudo random interleaver. of the BER performances of the G-CDMA-IDMA system at
different SNR values.
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

We observe that for Ng=1, 2, 8, 32 and 128, the value of the

BER at high SNR is not the same even is the total number of
users is the same. This implies that Ng has an important effect
on the BER performances. Hence, increasing the number of
users per group would increase the number of spreading
codes and decreases the number of interleavers

Figure 6. BER Performance comparison between G-CDMA-

7. Conclusion
This paper presented a G-CDMA-IDMA concept to increase
the spectral efficiency of FRA toward the 2020s. Different
from the current techniques, G-CDMA-IDMA utilizes the
Figure 4. BER Performance comparison of NLM interleaver chaotic interleaver domain and the user grouping algorithm.
and Random Interleaver in IDMA system without grouping. These features provide several advantages for G-CDMA-
IDMA: i) simplicity to generate a considerable number of the
parameters required to distinguish a large number of users; ii)
reduce bandwidth consumption (exchanged information
between the transmitter and the receiver is only the initial
state rather than the spreading codes and interleavers' matrix.
Future work will focus mainly on extending the use of NLM
Interleaver in the communication systems. Also, we plan to
include an improvement of our user grouping algorithm to
group users more efficiently.

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International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2015

Abbreviation Full Name

IDMA Interleave-Division Multiple Access

FRA Future Radio Access


PAPR Peak to Average Power Ratio

SIC Successive Interference Cancellation

PIC Parallel Interference Cancellation

HSPA High Speed Packet Access

NOMA Non Orthogonal Multiple Access

SI Shifting Interleavers

NI Nested Interleaver

DI Deterministic Interleaver

NLM I New Logistic Map Interleaver

SCMA Sparse code multiple access

CLO Cross Layer Optimization

D2D Device-to-Device

DPC Dirty Paper Coding

LDPC Low-Density Parity Check

SCB Sparse Code Book

ESE Elementary Signal Estimator

APP-DEC A Posteriori Probability DECoders

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