Holcim AFR Directive 2008
Holcim AFR Directive 2008
Holcim AFR Directive 2008
1. Basis
• Holcim Group Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Policy, 2007
• Management Handbook for Occupational Health & Safety of Holcim Ltd 2003
• Holcim Contractor Control Minimum OH&S Requirements 2005
• Holcim Fatality Prevention Elements 2007-2008
• Holcim AFR Policy, 2006
• Holcim AFR OH&S Manual, 2002
• Holcim AFR Quality Control Manual, 2004
• Holcim Standard Design Criteria, 2008
• Holcim Corporate Engineering Design Specification for Waste/AFR Facilities, 2005
• Holcim Integrated Management System Audit for AFR Platforms, 2006
• Holcim OH&S AFR Screening Audit, 2002
• Holcim-GTZ Guidelines on Co-processing Waste Materials in Cement Production 2006
• ISO 14001
• ISO 9001
2. Approval
This directive was approved by the Holcim Executive Committee on 27 March 2008.
3. Validity
This directive shall come into force on 1 April 2008.
4. Replacement
This Directive replaces the Holcim AFR OH&S Manual of 2002 which has now been
reclassified as recommendations.
Directive on OH&S
1. Context
2. Purpose
3. Minimum Standard
4. Scope
5. Responsibilities
5.1. Responsibility of Group Company
5.2. Responsibility of Corporate OH&S
5.3. Responsibility of Corporate Industrial Ecology
5.4. Responsibility of Cement Manufacturing Services
6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
6.1. Identification
6.2. Risk Assessment for Waste Acceptance
6.3. Action Plan and Monitoring
7. Legal Requirements
7.1. Absence of Local Legal Requirements
7.2. Local Legal Requirements Exist
8. Managing OH&S Aspects along the AFR value chain
8.1. General Principles
8.2. Waste Pre-qualification
8.3. Waste Collection And Transport
8.4. Waste Receipt and Storage
8.5. On-site Pre-processing
8.6. Processed AFR Transport (from pre-processing facility to co-processing facility)
8.7. Co-processing
8.8. Disposal
9. AFR Management Support Activities
9.1. Facility Design
9.2. Initial Commissioning
9.3. Laboratory Facilities
9.4. Maintenance
10. Miscellaneous
10.1. Archiving
10.2. Auditing
10.3. Human Resources
10.4. Flow Chart
11. Glossary of Terms
12. References
13. Annexes
13.1. Annex 1. Diagram 1. Value Chain
13.1.2. Diagram 2. OH&S Control and Multiple Control Points (MCP)
13.2. Annex 2. Management of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials (AFR) –Schematic
13.3. Annex 3. Risk Acceptance/ Risk Evaluation
1.0 Context:
The use of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials (AFR) is an integral part of the Sustainable Development
concept of the Holcim Group. AFR constitute many different products utilized at Holcim facilities worldwide.
Because AFR may consist of hazardous wastes or materials, specialized procedures are required. The AFR
business involves specific hazard evaluation and risk management, and, potentially, liability of Holcim.
Proper control of these risks along the “waste to AFR value chain” (Appendix 1), and of the associated
potential liability, is essential to the continued use of AFR and other alternative resources in the production of
clinker, cement, asphalt, concrete, or energy co-generation. This Directive is intended to identify
requirements and procedures to be applied in the acceptance, handling, storage, pre-processing and co-
processing of AFR for the above mentioned activities in order to not harm people and minimize any potential
2.0 Purpose:
The purpose of this Directive is to:
• define measures to reduce safety and health risks related to acceptance, transport, storage, pre-
processing, co-processing, and disposal of AFR or waste-containing materials in Group Companies
to a level that is as low as is reasonably practicable;
• establish criteria to assist Group Companies in complying with the Holcim OH&S and Holcim AFR
• mandate that each Group Company has, and updates, an AFR Register of risks; and,
• establish that management of wastes/AFR can be audited per Annex 1 and Annex 3.
3.0 Minimum Standard:
This Directive, which may be amended from time to time, provides a minimum standard of mandatory
elements with respect to the management of the “waste to AFR value chain.”
Should the content of this Directive not comply with local legal and/or regulatory requirements ("Legal
Requirements") for an individual facility, the applicable local Legal Requirements shall prevail, but only to the
extent that such Legal Requirements are not less stringent than the minimum standards of this Directive.
4.0 Scope:
The scope of this Directive is world-wide and is applicable to all Group Companies’ and joint venture (see
clause 8.1 below) activities in the “waste to AFR value chain.”
• train and instruct those qualified persons (as per clause 5.1) regularly;
• assure that the Directive is integrated into the “waste to AFR value chain” Head of AFR-BD
business model;
• train its consultants on the content of this Directive and its implementation;
• coordinate periodic independent process audits for Holcim AFR operations; Manager AFR
Process Audit
• provide standard tools and procedures to Group Companies;
• ensure that systems are in place which evaluate and review AFR
toxicological information and its communication to the appropriate persons;
• provide competency reviews e.g. waste chemistry (see clause 8.2).
• train its consultants involved with AFR with regard to the contents of this
The risk assessment process must identify and address potential OH&S risks as
close as possible to the point where the waste and secondary materials are
generated, minimally to the first tier of the Group Company value chain. [Refer to
the Holcim OH&S Management Handbook].The risk assessment process must be
carried out by a multi-disciplinary team.
• whether the waste can be accepted “as is” (current state/as generated);
• the risk assessment must specify the type and specification of personal
protective equipment (PPE) needed for employees and contractor
personnel, and for exposure monitoring and health surveillance;
• the risk assessment must specify the level of security required of personnel
who shall handle the waste (e.g., fiscal/bonded waste).
6.1 Identification
The Group Company shall take the steps necessary to identify and categorize
Local AFR Manager,
accepted wastes; methods for their transport, handling and storage; material flow
Co-processing Site
rates, processing and testing; along the “waste to AFR value chain”. (List of Manager
6.2 Risk Assessment for Waste Acceptance
Annex 3 must be used to perform a risk categorization for the acceptance and
Local CEO
handling of wastes to be used for AFR. Risk categorization records must be
maintained and used to determine specifications and safe working procedures. The Local AFR
list of activities must be used to perform the risk assessments and establish the Director/Manager
register of risks/catalogue. Whether such materials are present intermittently,
occasionally, or on a continuous basis, the related risks must be assessed. Re- Local Technical
evaluation of these risks must be conducted if significant changes occur. The Group Director
Company shall perform a health and safety risk assessment and shall establish a
Register of risks. The risk assessment (and Register of risks) must address the
potential health and safety risks, including process safety risks. For materials in
Quadrant 1 of Annex 3, the risk assessment must include a detailed Process
Hazard Analysis (PHA). Additionally an external audit must be provided to ensure
that the requirements of this Directive are fulfilled (see clause 10.2)
• Monitoring of potential for personal exposure to AFR (Industrial Hygiene) Local OH&S
and protection of worker health (Medical Monitoring); and Manager
This action plan must be reported to the Local CEO and Corp OH&S. Local AFR Manager,
Local Technical
Procedures and work instructions shall be reviewed for AFR specific risk activities
and rewritten to address these identified risks. Local CEO ,
Local AFR Manager,
Local Technical
If the local Legal Requirements are less stringent than the Holcim Contractor
Management Directive, the latter shall prevail.
Contract partners must provide full disclosure of materials generated, processes
Local AFR
used, and material storage and handling procedures with regard to OH&S. Holcim
personnel must have the opportunity to observe these procedures to ensure
compliance with the requirements of this Directive.
• Group Company must ensure that the Directive is applied in any joint
• All Group Companies presently involved with AFR including those already
branded “Geocycle” must demonstrate compliance via external audits within Corp OH&S
two years of the issue of this Directive (see clause 10.2);
• Any Group Company planning to start AFR activities must comply with this Local CEO,
Directive before commencing. Local AFR
• Visit and inspect the site where the waste shall be generated and/or stored
to determine if additional support will be needed to pre-qualify the waste or
contract partner;
• Environment
• AFR pre-processing
To ensure that these competencies exist and are maintained, mandatory training
and re-training must be provided by the Group Company.
• Prior to using a new type of waste or waste sources from a new generator,
Local AFR
a risk assessment must be undertaken and documented (see clause 6). Directors/Manager
A procedure must be in place to ensure that the requirements of this clause of the
Local AFR
Directive have been satisfied.
Co-processing Site
• the driver is licensed to collect and transport the waste; Co-process Site
• the relevant waste acceptance criteria are satisfied or, that waste is not
• the waste containers are in good condition and there are no visible
indications of potential hazards (e.g., elevated temperature, barrel
expansion, smoke, spillage, leaks);
• loading the waste onto the transport occurs in a manner that ensures that
only compatible materials are transported together;
• the transport vehicle is clean, fit for use, and all safety equipment is
operational and easily accessible;
• prior to loading and transporting waste, the driver has received clearance
that the requirements of clause 8.3 of the Directive have been satisfied.
Local Logistics
Upon arrival at the Group Company waste acceptance facility, personnel shall
Local AFR
ensure that:
Operations Manager
• the relevant waste specific acceptance criteria are satisfied, or that waste is
not accepted;
Co-processing Site
• a procedure must be in place to deal with wastes which are not accepted
(e.g. quarantine area, legal requirements, notification etc.);
• transfer of the waste to site storage occurs in a manner which ensures that
only compatible materials are stored together;
• acceptance of the waste shall not cause maximum permitted storage levels
to be exceeded, (e.g., regulatory levels, containment capacities);
• storage times for hazardous wastes are minimized on the basis of “first in,
first out.”
Group Company shall be responsible for ensuring that:
Local AFR
• site personnel have been trained with regard to the chemical properties of
the waste, the acceptance criteria, transference procedures, storage
requirements, and emergency procedures;
Co-processing Site
• suitable safety, monitoring, and emergency response equipment is available
and operational at all times;
• transfer to storage does not occur if the two previous criteria are not met;
• site personnel have been trained with regard to the chemical properties of
the waste, pre-processing procedures, and emergency procedures;
• the transport vehicle is clean and fit for use, and all safety equipment is
• the driver has been instructed with regard to the properties of the AFR,
loading/unloading , transport, and emergency procedures.
In those cases where a Group Company engages a contractor to transport the AFR,
Local AFR
the Group company must ensure the requirements of clause 8.6 of this Directive are
A procedure must be in place to ensure that the requirements of this clause of the
Local AFR
Directive have been satisfied.
8.7 Co-processing
Group Companies shall be responsible for ensuring that:
• A procedure exists specifying the type, volumes and delivery rates of AFR Co-processing Site
waste to be co-processed. Manager
• site personnel involved in AFR have been instructed with regard to the
chemical properties of the AFR and the co-processing procedures, and are
trained in emergency procedures;
• suitable process controls are in place to ensure that AFR can be safely co-
8.8 Disposal
Disposal of wastes, waste-contaminated materials, or unused waste or AFR, must
Local AFR
be in accordance with local, state, or national legislation, and must use nationally or
Director/Manager or
Holcim approved contractors and facilities. A certificate of safe disposal must be
obtained from the disposal facility. Co-processing Site
Third parties used by Group Companies for disposal activities must be prequalified
by Group Companies at a minimum according to ISO 14001 requirements
A procedure must be in place to ensure that the requirements of clause 8.8 of the
Local AFR
Directive have been satisfied.
Local AFR
The equipment and facility design used for waste handling must comply with the
Local AFR
minimum criteria specified in the Holcim Corporate Engineering Design
Specifications for Waste / AFR facilities. Key criteria include:
Local Technical
• Materials of construction must be compatible with waste to be handled; Director
• Access to and egress from enclosed spaces must be well marked and must
be guaranteed at all times;
• Ventilation which is adequate and protective for the overall facility and for
specific work areas must be installed and operational;
After the facility design is complete, but prior to construction, a review of the initial
Local AFR
PHA must be undertaken and documented.
Director/Manager or
Updated designs must be integrated into the construction. Co-processing Site
• Equipment manuals
• Electrical diagrams
9.4 Maintenance
A maintenance program must be established for all waste handling facilities, AFR
Local AFR
facilities, co-processing facilities and equipment. This program must demonstrate:
• compliance with the requirements of the Holcim Occupational Health and
Safety Management system and Holcim FPEs; and, and
Co-processing Site
• focus on intersecting / overlapping activities within the facility. Manager
A procedure must be in place to ensure that the requirements of clause 9.4 of the
Local AFR
Directive are satisfied.
Operations Manager
Co-processing Site
10.0 Miscellaneous
10.1 Archiving
Samples of waste/AFR materials should be archived based upon the
Local AFR
recommendations of the AFR Quality Control Manual.
Operations Manager
The Register of risks and all related reports and documents should be archived at a
Local AFR
central location on a project-by-project basis with the Group Company’s qualified
person for at least 30 years
10.2 Auditing
Self-compliance reviews to evaluate whether the requirements of the AFR OH&S
Local AFR
Directive are being met must be undertaken at least annually in accordance with the
Group Company internal review/audit plan.
Local Technical
For each new high risk and high impact AFR waste stream shown in Quadrant 1
Local CEO
(see Annex 3), an external audit must be performed to ensure the requirements of
the AFR OH&S Directive are fulfilled. Local AFR
External audits against the requirements of the AFR OH&S Directive shall be based
upon performance, but must occur, at a minimum, once every three years after the Corp OH&S Director
initial audit.
Group Companies which do not fulfill the requirements of this Directive shall define Regional OH&S
an improvement plan which shall be reviewed by OH&S personnel Consultant
Collector Own or third party site used to sort, classify and bulk waste materials suitable
for pre-processing. Materials not suitable for co-processing are sent for
recycling or disposal.
Contract Partner Contract Partner shall mean any international or national company properly
qualified (and certified and/or licensed, if applicable). Includes waste
generators, brokers, collectors, transporters, disposal companies.
Disposal The process whereby materials that have been accepted by a Group Company,
but which cannot be used for co-processing (e.g., residuals acquired under the
“total offer concept”), are sent to other approved third parties or facilities (e.g.,
Logistics The process of waste delivery to and from our sites, including AFR delivery
from our pre-processing sites to co-processing sites. Also includes direct
delivery to co-processing sites.
Multiple Control Critical control points in the “waste to AFR value chain”. Risk prioritization and
Points (MCP) management is essential to reducing transfer of liability.
Pre-processing The process in which wastes or secondary materials are physically modified i.e.
size, shape, granulometry, heterogeneity to produce AFR.
A health & safety record is a record of “evidence”. Once they are generated,
Records they cannot be changed or updated. Records provide evidence of the status of
the system at any given time.
It is essential that all Holcim operations have an effective records management
system. As a minimum, records need to be held for:
• Risk assessments (e.g. studies surveys, risk assessments etc);
• Health & safety training;
• Calibration and maintenance of monitoring equipment;
• Incidents, hazard reports, follow-up actions;
• Inspections (pre-operation, equipment, pre-commissioning)
• Task/safety observations
• Supplier and contractor information; and
• Health & safety audits.
Note: records are not subject to government document requests without
authorisation by Holcim legal counsel. The retention period for records
depends on local statutory, legal, and regulatory requirements but, at a
minimum, must be 30 years.
Recycling The collection of waste materials for the purpose of re-processing into primary
materials e.g. lead waste for battery manufacture, scrap iron for foundries
Regetox A risk screening program based upon the INRS “Simplified Methodology for
Chemical Risk Assessment.”
Responsible/Respo The party which is liable/The ability or authority to act or decide on one’s own
nsibility without supervision. The “Responsibility” may be delegated, but the
“Accountability” remains with the designated person.
Register of risks A collection of risks, their causes, controls, risk rankings, etc., associated with
all stages of the value chain. The Register of risks must address process safety
as well as occupational health and safety.
12.0 References
The Council of the European Union. Council Directive 96/82/EC of December 1996 on the control of major-
accident hazards involving dangerous substances. Official Journal of the European Communities. No. L
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Directive 2003/105/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2003 amending Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of
major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances. Official Journal of the European Union. L 345//97.
U.S. House of Representatives H.R. 5695. Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. A bill to amend the
Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide for the regulation of certain chemical facilities, and for other
purposes. June 28, 2006.
Code of Federal Regulations. 6 CFR Part 27, Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards. April 9, 2007.
Code of Federal Regulations. 40 CFR Part 372, Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Community Right-to-
Know. February 16, 1988
U.S. Code. Title 42, Chapter 116, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know. October 17, 1986.
OSHA - 29 CFR 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 750: Management of Process Hazards. February
Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety. April 2007
Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Implementing Process Safety Management Systems.
April 15, 1994
AS/NZS 4360:2004. Risk Management
AS/NZS4801:2001. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Specification with Guidance for
INRS. 2005 - Simplified Methodology for Chemical Risk Assessment: A decision making tool (in French) ND-
13.0 Annexes