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2b Assess 2

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How important is pre-service teachers' mathematical

content knowledge?

ABSTRACT: Based on the research and frameworks of teacher knowledge, a pre-service teachers’
mathematical knowledge (MCK) is categorised as imperative for effective teaching and enhancing
students’ learning (Shulman, 1986). Research also conveys that some pre-service teachers are not
equipped with the MCK needed prior to entering secondary school mathematics teacher education
programmes, while some come in rich with MCK, yet lack understanding of the conceptual basis for
that knowledge, thus lack the confidence to teach it. Developing pre-service teachers’ MCK can be
achieved including a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge to bridge the gaps
(Novotná, 2009).

There is a growing body of research concerning the training of pre-service teachers for the
mathematics classroom, with great emphasis on the importance of pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) and mathematical content knowledge (MCK) in which pre-service teachers
attain during their tertiary education (Linsell & Anakin, 2013). In accordance, Gresham
(2008) states as an outcome of that education, pre-service teachers could attain the content
knowledge and procedures that they need to teach, but inversely have frail understanding
of the conceptual basis for that knowledge, deeming it difficult to guide students’
misconceptions during the learning. They also struggle solving problems involving more than
routine calculations and difficulty in clarifying mathematical ideas. Recent studies conducted
in Australia by Callingham, Chick, & Thornton (2012), report on the challenges that come
with building on MCK when assisting pre-service teachers to develop the complex
knowledge required for effective teaching. furthermore, Stacey (2008) suggests most
students who enter pre-service secondary school mathematics teacher education
programmes are not equipped with the content knowledge needed to teach the discipline.

As highlighted in Shulman’s work (1986) the importance and relevance of MCK: knowledge
of the mathematics relevant to the learning area as well as an understanding of where and
how mathematics is used, is essential for effective teaching. Literature suggests, this
knowledge branches out beyond definitions, theorems and algorithms, it encompasses
understanding the structure of mathematics as a discipline, the relative importance of
particular mathematical ideas within the discipline and the principles of mathematical
inquiry – how new ideas are added to the body of knowledge and erroneous ideas are
rejected (Petrou & Goulding, 2011). Also, according to Skemp (1978) there are two types of
mathematical understanding: instrumental understanding- ‘rules without reason’ and
relational understanding- ‘knowing both what to do and why’. The former leads to teacher-
directed teaching while the latter leads to teaching the concept and constructing a
connection in the knowledge. These are often linked to two types of knowledge: procedural
and conceptual knowledge (Southwell, 1992) as defined by Star and Rittle-Johnson (2009),
procedural knowledge is “the ability to execute action sequences to solve problems,
including the ability to adapt known procedures to novel problems” (p. 410). Whereas
conceptual knowledge is defined as “an integrated and functional grasp of mathematical
ideas” (National Research Council, 2001). Albeit, MCK is crucial to provide effective teaching
, alone is not efficient in providing best practice as stated by Shulman (1986), it is a
collaboration of knowledge between MCK and PCK. Yet, without MCK a teacher is incapable
of nourishing students’ conceptual knowledge.

Building on the work of Skemp and Shulman, MCK is identified into three dimensions, as
conveyed in the article, Thoughts Behind the Actions: Exploring Preservice Teachers’
Mathematical Content knowledge by Leah Daniel and Josephine Balatti (2013): Specialised
content knowledge, horizon knowledge and common content knowledge. All three
categories important in assisting pre-service teachers to prepare their students more
effectively for more advanced mathematical ideas (Ball & Bass, 2009). The article also
demonstrates how pre-service teachers’ prior experiences of mathematics through lack of
participation in senior secondary and tertiary mathematics courses hinder their specialised
content knowledge resulting in pre-service teachers attaining a lack of confidence in
teaching mathematics. Other research declares, pre-service teachers may have the
necessary content knowledge to teach, but often have a weak understanding of the
conceptual basis for that knowledge. In a study conducted by Gresham (2008), mathematics
anxiety is brought to light and he suggests a link between high levels of mathematics anxiety
and low levels of self-efficacy, specifically highlighting pre-service teachers’ beliefs in their
ability to teach mathematics effectively.

A national survey conducted on pre-service secondary teachers found that only 55 % saw
themselves as confident teachers of Mathematics and only 33% felt that they were well
prepared to teach it (Milton, Rohl, & House, 2007). This conflicts with the requirements
associated with the second Australian Professional Standard for Teachers which clearly
states, “know the content and how to teach it”. It is a necessity for pre-service teachers to
have the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively supports students’
mathematical proficiency (thornton & Hogan, 2004). Moreover, if students are to develop
mathematical proficiency, teachers must be familiar with the horizons of the mathematics
to accommodate and adjust the learning experiences to guide students’ understanding,
fluency, reasoning and problem solving through effective curriculum. Sequentially,
constructing an effective curriculum necessitates a correlation between the content to be
learnt and the learners themselves (Linsell & Anakin, 2013). Regardless to the resources
available to the pre-service teacher, they must meet the emerging needs of all their
students through their knowledge of the content and channel that knowledge adequately
enough to be understood by their students to further advance and enhance their leaning
(Prodromou, 2013).

Pre-service teachers’ frail confidence in MCK as mentioned by Goodnough (2011) can be

addressed by participation in professional learning, this in turn can lead to increased
reflection and investigation of their own practice and aid in creating their mathematical
identity. Their belief about content and how it should be taught stems from their
misconceptions of what is mathematics and whether or not they can be effective
mathematic teachers. furthermore, Bennison and Goos (2013) suggest this belief can be
subject to change through collaboration and interaction with colleagues, school
administrators and professional learning groups, the concept is further augmented by
Beisiegel and Simmt (2012) suggesting how pre-service teachers content knowledge can be
influenced by expectations of colleagues.

The literature on MCK reveals the various categories and complexities of knowledge needed
for pre-service mathematical teachers when teaching, it informs the differences conveyed
between a pre-service teacher who is rich in MCK as compared to one deficient in MCK. As
proposed in the literature (Goos, 2013), mathematics is suggested to engage students
through innovative tasks that challenge student’s conceptual knowledge and build on their
understanding to advance their mathematical knowledge. This is achieved via inquiry-based
learning or problem-based learning, whereby students’ learning is gauged by their prior
knowledge and guided by the teacher’s MCK to develop further understanding and address
misconceptions. For example, introducing the following topic: MA-C1 Introduction to
Differential Calculus: Interpret the derivative as the gradient of the tangent to the graph at a
point (ACMMM085) , to a class of year 11 students by a pre-service teacher who is not
confident to teach the content and lacks MCK. The lesson focuses mainly on teacher
instructed learning harnessing on instrumental knowledge, whereby rules for differentiation
are provided to the students as step by step instruction, accompanied with repeated
problem-solved examples leaving students feeling unchallenged and unmotivated for the
learning. In such traditional methods of teaching students find the content irrelevant and
unrelatable to real world applications because teachers’ MCK was not advanced enough to
associate the learning to real world applications. Furthermore, pre-service teacher couldn’t
draw out misconceptions through questioning and building on discussion and ideas students
could have shared via open-ended questioning.

On the other hand, based on the literature provided in this critical reflection, if the topic was
taught by a pre-service teacher rich in MCK especially exceeding in specialised content
knowledge. The lesson is conveyed confidently with smooth transition between context
evidenced to pre-service teacher’s foundation knowledge. Introduction to the topic
incorporates an innovative activity, whereby students take part in an outdoor task which
requires them to critically think how they could measure speed over time. The pre-service
teacher could scaffold the learning to guide students who need further assistance to
develop the understanding to complete the task demonstrating MCK by assessing where
students are at with their understanding and adjusts the learning accordingly (Ediger, 2012).
Students work in groups on the task to measure the distance they run over time in order to
inversely calculate speed. The relation between the variables is made clear and tied to
lesson contexts to highlight change over time as a graphical representation and integrate
methods of gradient tying it all back to differentiation, a backward mapping approach.
Furthermore, students’ conceptual understanding is targeted via inquiry-based questioning
guiding the learning and linking to real-world applications with emphasis on the necessity of
differentiation in our daily activities. There is also provision of open-ended questions
providing opportunity for the students to respond with a range of answers, allowing the pre-
service teacher to filter out any misconceptions and promoting opportunities for
contingencies. According to Ball and Rowan (2004) teachers could draw on MCK to answer
questions raised by students promptly through selecting the appropriate explanation or
example to answer the question. The teaching methods target relational understanding,
students knowing what to do in the activity and why they are doing it, not just regurgitating
formulas, definitions and taking part in countless worked examples.
Mathematical content knowledge
Mathematical content knowledge (MCK) is deep understanding a teacher attains about
mathematical concepts, models and theories. This in-depth knowledge allows the teacher to
teach students effectively and confidently. Moreover, it provides the foundations from
which students can enhance their learning, by applying their learning in class activities,
relate content to real world applications and feel motivated to learn mathematics. The
research states.
Research suggests:
-Pre-service teachers’ rich in mathematical content knowledge will provide teaching
methods that stimulate students to think critically by questioning and reasoning while
becoming mathematically fluent.
-Pre-service teachers are lacking in mathematical content knowledge, because they did not
take part in the necessary mathematical units in their undergraduate teaching years at
University before becoming pre-service mathematical teachers.
-Some pre-service teachers have rich mathematical content knowledge but lack the skills to
teach it and are not confident to teach the content.
-Pre-service teachers mathematical content knowledge, alone, is not enough to provide
effective teaching, they need to know how to teach and why they are teaching it.
- A pre-service teacher lacking in mathematical content knowledge will teach students
directly from the book with worked examples, while a pre-service teacher rich in
mathematical content knowledge will provide lessons full of innovative, fun and engaging
tasks to motivate students to learn and make connections with and for the learning.

Suggestions for improvement

To ensure future pre-service teachers’ mathematical content knowledge is enhanced to the
best of their ability and they are classroom ready, special pre-service teachers’ education
programs within the school will run to accommodate them. The program allows pre-service
teachers to take part in in-class observations of colleagues and members of faculty, to
reflect on their teaching prior to essentially teaching.

Based on the literature obtained pre-service teachers’ MCK intertwined with PCK, proves
highly important to provide best practice. If pre-service teachers do not attain the
foundation knowledge required, they are unable to filter out student misconceptions and
build on conceptual knowledge (Thornton & Hogan, 2004). The teaching will highly likely
favour traditional methods of teaching mathematics and neglect any attempt of
incorporating innovative tasks stimulating critical thinking and inquiry. lastly, teacher
education programs can deliver the help needed for pre-service teachers to teach
confidently and build on their MCK. This could be provided by the University in collaboration
with Schools for in-class experiences after completion of their practicum, via assisting their
mentors and observing lessons (Harlow & Cobb, 2014).

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