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Earth and Life Science, Grade 11

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Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.


Subject: Grade 11, Earth and Life Science S.Y.: 2020-2021

Teacher: RIZALDY O. GREGORIO Class Schedule: Online class: Monday and Wednesday Modular class: Tuesday-

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I. ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE OF 1. State the different hypotheses 1. Paper and Pencil Test Paper and Pencil Test ( Pre-test and
THE EARTH explaining the origin of the universe. ( Pre-test and Post-test). Post-test). A. 1. Most Essential Learning
A. Universe and Solar System B. S11/12ES -Ia-e-1 Competencies of DepEd
Earth and Earth Systems Activity 1. Challenge your self
2. Describe the different hypotheses 2. Recitation Objectives A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
explaining the origin of the solar system. - Explain the different hypothesis E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
S11/12ES -Ia-e-2 pertaining to the origin of the EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
3. Activities universe. Senior High School (Core
3. Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, Subject)
being the only planet in the solar system Activity 2. Creationist vs Big Bang
with properties necessary to support Objectives
- Explain why Big Bang theory is the
most accepted theory about the
S11/12ES -Ia-e-3
origin of the universe.
- Describe how did universe start
4. Explain that the Earth consists of four
based on creationist theory
subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow. Activity 3 Formation of the Solar
S11/12ES -Ia-e-4 System
5. Explain the current Objective:
advancements/information on the solar - Determine in tabular form and
system summarize the data about planets as
S11/12ES -Ia-e-5 to mean distance from the sun,
diameter, period of revolution and
6. Show the contributions of rotation.
Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.

personalities/people on the
understanding of the earth systems Activity 4, Major Contributor in
S11/12ES -Ia-e-6 the Field of Earth System
7. Identify the layers of the Earth (crust, - Identify those famous scientists
mantle, core). who contribute to the enormous
S11/12ES -Ia-e-7 knowledge in earth systems.

- Enumerate their contributions and

how it affects our contemporary
belief in earth systems

Activity 5, Layers of the Earth

Explain the relationship of different
layers of the earth and how they
sustain life to exist.
II. EARTH MATERIALS AND 1. identify common rock-forming 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 1, Classification of Rocks A. 1. Most Essential Learning
PROCESSES minerals using their physical and ( Pre-test and Post-test). Objectives Competencies of DepEd
A. Minerals and Rocks chemical properties - Classify rocks whether it is
S11/12ES -Ia-9 igneous, sedimentary or A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
2. classify rocks into igneous, 2. Recitation metamorphic E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
sedimentary, and metamorphic - Identify the common rock forming EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
S11/12ES -Ib-10 mineral and their use. Senior High School (Core
3. Activities Subject)
Activity 2, Draw and Discuss Rock
Determine the different stages of
rock cycle

Activity 3, Location of Different

Minerals in the Country.
Identify the location of different
minerals in the country

B. Exogenic Processes 3. describe how rocks undergo 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 4, Weathering A. 1. Most Essential Learning
Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.

weathering ( Pre-test and Post-test). Objectives Competencies of DepEd

S11/12ES -Ib-11
- Compare and Contrast A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
4. explain how the products of 2. Recitation physical and chemical E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
weathering are carried away by erosion weathering EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
and deposited elsewhere - Determine the role of Senior High School (Core
S11/12ES -Ib-12 3. Activities weathering by making Subject)
concept map
5. make a report on how rocks and soil
move downslope due to the direct Activity 5, Mass Wasting
action of gravity Objectives:
- Explain how rocks and soil
S11/12ES -Ib-13
move downslope due to
action of gravity
- Be able to determine other
factors that contribute to the
downslope soil movement of
the area.
C. Endogenic Processes 6. describe where the Earth’s internal 1. Paper and Pencil Test A. 1. Most Essential Learning
heat comes from. ( Pre-test and Post-test). Activity 6, Endogenic Forces Competencies of DepEd
S11/12ES -Ib-14 Objectives
- Compare and contrast slow A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
7. describe how magma is formed 2. Recitation movements and sudden movements E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
(magmatism) - Explain Endogenic forces by EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
S11/12ES -Ic-15 making a concept map Senior High School (Core
8. describe what happens after the 3. Activities Subject)
magma is formed (plutonism and Activity 7, Volcanism and
volcanism) Plutonism
S11/12ES -Ic-16 Objective:
- Describe the formation of magma
9. describe the changes in mineral in Plutonism and volcanism using
components and texture of rocks due to vein diagram
changes in pressure and temperature
(metamorphism) Activity 8, Formation of Igneous
S11/12ES -Ic-17 rocks
10. compare and contrast the formation - Describe the formation of
of the different types of igneous rocks igneous rocks.
Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.

S11/12ES -Ic-18
D. Deformation of the Crust 12. explain how the continents drift 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 9, Continental drift theory A. 1. Most Essential Learning
S11/12ES -Id-20 ( Pre-test and Post-test). Objectives: Competencies of DepEd
- Identify the proponents of
13. cite evidence that support continental drift theory A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
continental drift 2. Recitation - Explain how continents drift E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
S11/12ES -Id-21 - Determine the factors leading EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
continents drift Senior High School (Core
14. explain how the movement of plates 3. Activities Subject)
leads to the formation of folds and faults Activity 10, Folds and Faults
S11/12ES -Id-22 Objectives:
- Determine the factors
causing folds and faults
15. explain how the seafloor spreads
- Explain how folds and faults
S11/12ES -Id-23
become a factor in
deformation of crust

Activity 11, Seafloor spreading

- Identify what are factors
causing seafloor spreading
- Determine the positive and
negative impact of seafloor

E. History of the Earth 17. describe how layers of rocks 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 12, Relative and absolute A. 1. Most Essential Learning
(stratified rocks) are formed ( Pre-test and Post-test). dating Competencies of DepEd
S11/12ES -Ie-25 Objectives:
- Define the meaning of relative A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
18. describe the different methods 2. Recitation and absolute dating E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
(relative and absolute dating) to - Compare and contrast EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
determine the age of stratified rocks relative and absolute dating Senior High School (Core
S11/12ES -Ie-26 3. Activities Subject)
Activity 13, Fossils
19. explain how relative and absolute Objective
dating were used to determine the - Explain the importance of
marker fossils in tracing the
subdivisions of geologic time
geologic time scale.
S11/12ES -Ie-27
Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.

20. describe how marker fossils (also Activity 14, Earth’s Age
known as guide fossils) are used to Objectives
define and identify subdivisions of the - Explain the Earth’s Geologic
geologic time scale time scale
S11/12ES -Ie-28 - Identify the factors to be
considered in getting earth’s
21. describe how the Earth’s history can age.
be interpreted from the geologic time
S11/12ES -Ie-29
III. NATURAL HAZARDS, 1. describe the various hazards that may 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 1, Natural Hazards A. 1. Most Essential Learning
MITIGATION, AND ADAPTATION happen in the event of earthquakes, ( Pre-test and Post-test). Objectives Competencies of DepEd
volcanic eruptions, and landslides - Identify various natural
A. Geologic Processes and S11/12ES -If-30 hazards A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
Hazards 2. Recitation - Explain the tendencies of E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
each hazards and how will EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
they affect living organisms. Senior High School (Core
3. Activities Subject)

B. Hydro meteorological 2. using hazard maps, identify areas 1. Paper and Pencil Test Activity 2, Coping with Geological A. 1. Most Essential Learning
Phenomena and Hazards prone to hazards brought about by ( Pre-test and Post-test). hazards Competencies of DepEd
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and Objectives
landslides - identify areas prone to hazards A.2 Gloria G. Salandanan, Ruben
S11/12ES -If-31 2. Recitation brought about by earthquakes, E. Faltado III, Merly B. Lopez,
volcanic eruptions, and landslides EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCES for
3. give practical ways of coping with Senior High School (Core
geological hazards caused by 3. Activities - give practical ways of coping with Subject)
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and geological hazards caused by
landslides S11/12ES -If-32 earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
and landslides
4. identify human activities that speed
up or trigger landslides Activity 3, It’s your Fault
Carthel Science Educational Foundation Inc.

S11/12ES -If-33 - identify human activities that speed

up or trigger landslides
5. suggest ways to help lessen the - identify ways to lessen landslides
occurrence of landslides in your caused by humans
S11/12ES -Ig-34

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