Power Factor Improvement by Pulse Width Modulated Switched Single Capacitor
Power Factor Improvement by Pulse Width Modulated Switched Single Capacitor
Power Factor Improvement by Pulse Width Modulated Switched Single Capacitor
Abstract – Reactive power is recognized as an essential factor in network independent from probable changes that appear in
the design and good operation of power system. Real and the distribution points. Compensation of the load is one of
reactive power on a transmission line in an integrated network techniques for the controlling of reactive power, so to
is governed by the line impedance, voltage magnitudes, the improve the quality of the energy in the ac transmission
angle of differences at the line ends, and the role the line plays lines; this technique is generally used for the compensation
in maintaining network stability under dynamic contingencies.
Reactive power compensation or control is essential part in a
of individual or a group of loads. Power factor correction is
power system to minimize power transmission loss, to maximize the capability of generating or absorbing reactive power to a
power transmission capability, and to maintain the system load without the use of the supply. The major industrial loads
voltage within desired level. In this paper a new method is have are inductive loads, hence the current tends to go
proposed which improves the power factor automatically of beyond the necessary value to active power absorption alone.
varying lagging loads to unity, using one single large shunt But active power is usually used for the power conversion,
capacitor instead of using a bank of switching capacitors. and an excessive load current represents a loss for the
Basically, this control scheme is a static power factor correction consumer, who not only pays for the over dimensioning of
method by continuous voltage or current control of a capacitor. the cable but also for the excessive power loss in the cables.
In this work the voltage across the capacitor is being changed
by a bi-directional switch to control the magnitude of
The electric companies do not want to transport the useless
compensating capacitor current and thereby attaining unity reactive power of the alternators towards the loads, the
power factor. This system incorporates high-speed insulated distribution network cannot be used at high efficiency, and
gate bipolar transistor switching technology. The gate signal of the voltage regulation in the various points becomes
the switching devices is generated by using a compact and complicated. The pricing used by these electric companies
commercially available IC chip SG1524B.The scheme is simple almost always penalizes the low power factor of the clients;
in this sense that it uses only one static bi-directional switch hence the development of systems for power factor
controlled by an electronic control circuit that uses only analog improvement is necessary.
ICs and some discrete digital components.
III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Optocoupler is used to isolate the control or gate signal of
IGBT with respect to ground. In the proposed circuit an input
For power factor correction the control scheme is involved filter is used to smooth the input current waveforms. Fig. 1
in detecting the power factor of the load and the magnitude shows the proposed circuit to attain unity power factor for
of the load current. The control circuit then provide an error varying loads by pulse width modulated single capacitor.
voltage, which is the product of load current and power
factor. This error voltage is the negative input of the error IV. RESULTS OF PROPOSED POWER FACTOR
amplifier of the IC chip SG1524B. The SG1524B is a voltage IMPROVEMENT CIRCUIT
regulating IC whose output frequency can be controlled by
controlling the value of RT and CT and duty cycle can be Results of the proposed circuit for improve power factor
controlled by controlling the input voltage of positive and are shown in fig. 2. When load is varied from single 50+j31.4
negative error amplifier. In this paper the operating Ω to four 50+j31.4 Ω the input power factor is unity as
frequency of pulse width modulated signal is 4 KHz. The shown figs. 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively. When load is
positive input of the error amplifier is taken from the 50+j31.4 Ω, 50+j31.4 Ω and 50+j31.4 Ω, it is seen that input
reference voltage of the IC chip after voltage dividing, which power factor is also unity as shown figs. 2(e), (f) and (g)
is constant. When the error voltage increase or decrease then respectively. The voltage across the capacitor corresponding
the duty cycle of the gate signal of IGBT decrease or increase to the load of figs.2 (a), (b), (c) and (d) are shown in figs.
as a result the voltage across the capacitor decrease or 3(a), (b), (c), and (d) respectively. It is seen from fig.3 with
increase. So when the load current or load power factor increase in load current i.e. the reactive component of load
increase or decrease then the proposed control circuit current the voltage across the capacitor also increase in order
automatically control the voltage across the capacitor to to increase the compensating capacitive current. Table I
control the compensating capacitive current accordingly to summarizes the result of the proposed circuit to attain unity
attain unity power factor. The high operating frequency power factor both for the variation of load power factor and
results in the smaller size of the filter capacitors and current.
inductors since generally the size of inductors and filter
capacitors is inversely proportional to the frequency.
D1 D2
C2 100 800
emitter R9
50 D3 D4 0 15
10 R3
V1 .01 V4
VOFF = 0 L1 C1 C6 150k
VAMPL = 300 10k
FREQ = 50 100mH 10u 2u
.01 emitter
Proceedings of India International Conference on Power Electronics 2006
300V 10A 1
1 2
150V 5A 200V
0V 0A
0V 0A
-150V -5A
-300V -10A
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms >>
-350V -8.0A
1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2) 200ms 220ms 240ms 260ms 280ms 300ms
Time 1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2)
(a) (e)
350V 7.0A
300V 14A 1 2
1 2
175V 3.5A
150V 7A
0V 0A
0V 0A
-175V -3.5A
-150V -7A
-350V -7.0A
-300V -14A
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2)
1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2)
350V 6.0A
1 2
300V 20A
1 2
175V 3.0A
150V 10A
0V 0A
0V 0A
-175V -3.0A
-150V -10A
>> -350V -6.0A
-300V -20A 300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms 1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2)
1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2) Time
Fig. 2. Input voltage, input current and load current waveforms for loads (a)
26A 50+j31.5 Ω one load (b) 50+j31.5 Ω two load (c) 50+j31.5 Ω three load (d)
50+j31.5 Ω four load (e) 50+j47 Ω (f) 50+j63 Ω and (g) 50+j78.5 Ω, where
150V 13A V(V1:+) is input voltage, -I(V1) is input current and –I(R2) is load current.
0V 0A
-150V -13A
-300V -26A
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
1 V(V1:+) 2 -I(V1) -I(R2)
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
Proceedings of India International Conference on Power Electronics 2006
In this paper, a solid state reactive power compensator has
0V been presented. The simulation results shown in fig. 2 shows
that the proposed circuit improves the power factor to unity
-100V for the variation of load power factor and load current. The
input current of the proposed circuit is sinusoidal. Our
300ms 320ms 340ms 360ms 380ms 400ms
proposed circuit is an attempt to suggest a simple controlled
V(C2:2,C2:1) compensating circuit for a medium voltage line. A reactive
current component cancellation principle is proposed, which
is found to be very effective to improve power factor.