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PPG Q2 Week Ef - Political Engagement and Youth Empowerment

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Grades 1 to 12 School SHS Region 3 MTOT Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON Teacher HUMSS Class D Group 6 Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
Teaching Dates and Time Week 7 (day 1-4) Quarter 2nd or 4th Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day



The learners demonstrate an understanding of citizenship

A. Content

The learners shall be able to propose a project on political engagement and youth empowerment.
B. Performance

C. Learning Identify issue related to Determine programs that address Asses an existing program that addresses an issue related to political engagement and youth
Competencies/ political engagement and the issues related to political empowerment .
Objectives youth empowerment. engagement and youth
Write the LC empowerment.
code for each
HUMSS_PG12-IIe-f-16 HUMSS_PG12-IIe-f-18

13.INTEGRATION-13.1 How the concepts/ideas learned in a class can be utilized in actual experiences.


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Editorial Cartoon, Data Video 1: Issues of Youth Interview questionnaire, Interview Video
Resources Retrieval
Video 2: Teen-ager-:A Very Good
Short Film for Teen-agers.


A. Reviewing (5 Mins.) (2mins.) (5mins.) (5mins.)

previous lesson "GENIUS HAT": The What are the different issues "Finding Dory" Help Dory to find Identify the Needed Information
or presenting students will sing related to political engagement its way home. Match the different Example:
the new lesson "TATLONG BIBE" while and youth empowerment present programs in Column A which is -Name some of the institutions that promotes
passing the genius hat in your community? being addressed by the statements empowerment and political engagement of the youth.
and when the teacher in the Column B.
tapped the table the song
will be stopped and the Column A Column B
one who is wearing the YFC A. Political
genius hat will give the Involve
definitions in their own ment
about citizenship. (e.g. SK B. Parish

C. Establishing a (3mins.) ( 3 minutes) (15 mins)

purpose for the "PICTELL" The class will A video presentation regarding “Family Feud”
lesson be divided into six groups. “Issues of the youth” will be Guess the assessment of your fellow
Each group will be given presented students about the following
an editorial cartoon about empowerment and political
issues related to political engagement of the youth in our
engagement and youth school.
empowerment wherein
these groups will identify Example: According to 50 surveyed
the editorial cartoon students:
assigned to them and give 1. What are the 3 delicious or
some of their observations healthy food in the canteen?
within their group.-Group 2. (Possible Answers: Banana
1: Broken Family Group 2: Que, Lugaw, Nilagang
Addiction Group 3: Saguing)-Health What are
Violence Group 4: Poverty the 3 most visible/active
Group 5: Election Group clubs for the students in our
6: Social Media school?
Ex. (Possible Answers: Glee
Club, Science Club, Sports
Club)-Youth Empowerment
3. What are three most loved
activities that were initiated
by SSG?
(PROMENADE, Teachers’ Day
Celebration, Gift Giving during
Christmas)-Political Engagement

D. Presenting (7mins.) (5minutes) (15mins.)

examples/instan "THINKING OUT LOUD" Questions after the Video “Data Retrieval Chart” The
ces of the new Based on the activity done Presentation students will fill up the concept map
lesson earlier each group will be 1.If you were in the shoes of the about youth empowerment and
given a minute to share youth in the video presentation, political engagement based on
their observation to the what would you do or your last yesterday’s discussion.
whole class. resort?

Parish YFC
DSWD Sagip Tambay at
Rugby Boy
Smoke Free Balanga City,
Tobacco Free
Violence Against PREDA
Women and
Political PROGRAM
School SSG
Barangay S.K.

E. Discussing new (20mins.) (10minutes) (10mins.) (10Mins.)

concepts and "DISCUSSION & Group the class into 5 and let a.“K-W-L CHART” Presentation of the interview conducted.
practicing new REPORT" them brainstorm on the programs According to the groups in the class,
skills #1 Each group will be given a that could help save the youth ( the students must complete the “K- a.“K-W-L CHART”
Reading Material with refer to the Issues presented W-L CHART” about the programs in According to the groups in the class, the students must
guide questions. The yesterday) Ask and guide them to the data retrieval chart done earlier. complete the “K-W-L CHART” about the programs in
students will answer the come up with different Example: the data retrieval chart done earlier.
guide questions and share Organizations and Programs that WHAT I KNOW WHAT I WANT Example:
their ideas about political address different issues TO KNOW LEARNED
engagement and youth PARISH IS IT POSSIBLE PARISH IS IT (the students
empowerment that were INVOLVEMENT FOR EVERY INVOLVE POSSIBL Will provide the
identified earlier YOUTH TO JOIN MENT E FOR Possible
(Teachers will provide a template for ZATION?
Parental Consent, Principal’s Let recorded video be shown as a basis for answering
Approval and Proper Brgy. and assessing WHAT I LEARNED COLUMN.

Assign the groups accordingly.

(See attached Questionnaires and

F. Discussing new (10Minutes)

concepts and Presentation of outputs
practicing new Sample Programs
skills #2 .1. “Civic organizations
a.Parish Involvement and
other church related
b.Youth Organizations such as
S.K. , Purok Youth Organizations
and the Like.
c. School organizations such as
SSG and the like.
3.Other related Group for Youth
a.Adopt-a-child program
c. Sagip tambay at rugby boy
d. Violence against women and

G. Developing (10 mins.) (10 Minutes) (20 Mins.)

mastery (leads "CONTEXTUALIZATION “Paint a Picture “ A.”MusiKabataan”
to Formative " According to the group Let the group pick one issue Base on their assessment of the interview, each group
Assessment 3) created earlier, each regarding political involvement will make a music video that shows the best practices
group will identify and and issues about youth of today. of the existing program.
share issues related to (ex. The Video should last for 3mins.
political engagement and Drug Dependence, Bullying and
youth empowerment in etc.) Ask them to paint a picture (10Mins.)
their locality or what program should be in charge B.”AnneBisyosa”
community. of the issue and their action Students Presentation of the output.
giving them time to move –act and
freeze after the count of ten. (See attached Rubric)

H. Finding practical (5mins.)

applications of "WHAT'S ON YOUR
concepts and MIND" The students will
skills in daily post a groupie with hash
living tag about their issue
assigned to their group.

I. Making (5mins) (5 minutes) (5MINS.) (5mins.)

generalizations "Tell Us Quickly" In case that you were physically, Name some of the existing programs that “Open-Ended Statement”
and abstractions Identify issues related to emotionally and sexually abuse, were discussed earlier and its characteristics. Complete the statement:
about the lesson political engagement and whom you will ask for help and “There are many programs for the empowerment and political
youth empowerment how will you cope up? engagement of the youth but for me, the best practice in those is
based on the lesson *Ask assistance to government _______________________________
discussed. and nongovernment agencies because________________________________.”
such as the DSWD and PREDA
and other counselling agencies. “I would like to commend the _____________________
** The duty of the youth is to open because _____________________________.”
up with the parents and make
daily conversation.
*** accept that we are different
individuals with different
opportunities. Our role is to make
a difference in a positive way.
J. Evaluating (5MINS.) (15 Minutes) (5Mins.) (5mins.)
learning "MOST LIKED GROUP" A short film is to be watched “Reflection” "MOST WATCHED GROUP"
Based on the posted entitled “Teen-Ager” Ask them “ If Upload the Video on YOUTUBE.
groupie with hashtag the you were in the Lead Character’s Write your reflection about the
students should gather Shoes, to whom will you run and government program giving condom
likes, hearts and happy be comforted? to high school students.
Rubric: Rubric:
Creativity of the Photo-5 Comprehensiveness of Ideas - 5
Most liked Photo- 5 Discussion of the ideas- 5
Group Cooperation- 5 Correct format of writing- 5_
15 Total 15

K. Additional Agreement Assignment

activities for (2mins.) (2mins.)
application or B.Now I’ve Seen Everything "MOST WATCHED GROUP"
remediation Ask the student to conduct an
interview to their respective Within a day the most watched video with comments
communities or school about existing will get the highest points.
programs about empowerment and Creativity of the Video -5
political engagement of the youth to Most liked Video- 5
answer the WHAT I LEARNED Clearness of audio and video 5
Column. Group Cooperation- ______5___
It must recorded through a video as (to be checked the following day
a basis for the conduct of interview
which has a theme of the program
assigned to each group. The
program will be assessed.

Let the student plan and share ideas

about this.


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

1. What is the main issue in your reading material?

2. Share the idea/s in your reading material with the class.
3. What could be the ways to change the perspective of the youth if he is experiencing a problem like this?

Broken Families

The problems begin at home. Since the 1950s, the number of single parent homes has consistently increased to the point of catastrophe. Today, 14 million single parents
are responsible for 28 million children. Raising a child is difficult enough in a two parent home, especially in tough economic conditions. The situation is even direr when
there is only one parent. Economically, a single parent is likely to bring less income home. This equates to fewer opportunities for such vital necessities as education.
Trying to make ends meet also takes time – time that is spent away from children who need a parent’s guiding/influence. Absent a parent’s diligent guidance, children
become subject to higher dropout rates, higher risk of dangerous sexual behaviors and pregnancies, higher chances of drug and alcohol abuse –etc. It truly takes a village
to raise a child.

Drug/Alcohol Abuse

There was a time in cinematic history where virtually every actor/actress was portrayed on screen with a cigarette in hand. Smoking, it was implied, was cool. As a result
everyone was doing it, including kids. Well, as awareness to the danger of smoking increased, “cool” images of smoking disappeared. Unfortunately, the same can’t be
said about drugs and alcohol. These vices are staples in everyday media. Simply, drinking and using drugs is shown as being cool. The numbers bear the tale. 21% of
high school seniors say they get high and 41% of the same group report drinking alcohol. Our kids are literally moving around in an intoxicated daze. Immature behavior
is then amplified due to being under the influence. Drunk driving, poor grades and attendance, anti-social and violent behavior and the list goes on.


A child’s education is the foundation from which he or she will be able to go forth out into the world and build a life. Schools play a major role in this endeavor, and
therefore it is reasonable to expect that these places of learning would be safe havens for the children while they are preparing for adulthood. Unfortunately, this is not
always the case. In many instances, especially in low income, urban settings, schools can be a war zone. We are not talking about minor bullying, but rather serious
violence. Consider that in the last decade 284 kids were murdered due to school violence – these were shootings, stabbings, fighting and suicides. Growing up is tough
enough without having to be worried about being killed while going to math class.

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