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James Nutt - Portfolio

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The Part II Application University of Cambridge

Portfolio of
James Nutt June 2019
Annecy Velodrome This ongoing project is a proposal for a single city. The proposal specifically
2019 - Ongoing a 3,000 seater velodrome in Annecy, looks at associating natural conditions
France. The scheme is part of a wider with sporting achievement and how
research proposal that investigates architecture can successfully facilitate
the possibility of a decentralised this. This project has primarily been
Olympic games where-bye the event is modelled in Rhino and Revit.
distributed nationally, not just within

Exploded Ax
Infield Perspective
Annecy Cycle Centre

Navigation Room
Annecy Cycle Centre

Decentralising the Olympics The project was initially conceived as and optimised purely for the tv viewer, L to R: The Virtual Games, The
2017-2019 a response to the declining interest in the second a decentralised format and Regional Games, The Symbolic
hosting the Olympics. The three drawings the third, a fixated event in Athens. Games
above demonstrate the three initial
alternatives to the games. These drawings were part of a series
exhibited in the University of Cambridge.
The first being a games that is placeless

Fieldwork analysis These diagrams represent the under- The images have been used to depict
2018 standing of the decentralised approach. situations from fieldwork taken in Rio.
By observing the conditions of the exist- The montage overleaf is an image of the
ing games the decentralised approach new Olympic movement proposed. This
has been adapted to change the proces- concerns the different levels of Olympic
sion of the event from an international integration at a range of different scales.
level to a regional concern.
The New Olym

mpic Movement

Aix-les-Bains Boat House As part of the 12 satellite sites, this The research maps overleaf highlight
2018 scheme was an initial programme the correlation between natural
for a boat house on Aix-les-Bains. environments and physical sporting
With a primary focus post-games the conditions within France.
infrastructure has been designed to
facilitate other schemes across the area

Design Thesis Abstract: of place, or genius loci be built into across a nation, not city. Using evidence This comparative discussion will
2018 the Olympic Games venue through the from London (2012), Rio de Janeiro help to more broadly understand
The rituals of Olympic Sport would decentralization of the event? (2016), Tokyo (2020) and Paris (2024) if decentralization will benefit this
seem to require a network of special the discussion aims to understand relationship between
arenas within a very distinctive built This paper evaluates a transformative and appropriate the relevance and place and the modern Olympic Games at
environment. But how special can the approach to the Paris 2024 Olympic accessibility of Olympic Induced a time of declining host interest.
modern arena be? Can ‘character’, sense games whereby the events are dispersed Architecture to the Olympic City.


Making Headway This project was a competition win in this I used grasshopper modelling to
2016 Stockport. The brief was to produce a alter the depth of the hats on a grid.
backdrop for an international fashion The project was published in multiple
show at the National Hat Museum. design magazines and led to another
commission to produce a stage design
I used paper hats for the competition for a music festival.
to vary the densities of opacity. To test

Making Headway This competition win was to produce
2016 a stage for a budget of £500 for the
biggest student festival in europe. I used
neon string and translucent materials to
produce a wormhole visual that altered
with light variances.


Case Study Model This model of a Kengo Kuma pavilion

2016 was produced to test connection details
within timber construction. The model
was produced with off cuts of MDF that
mimic the cross laminated application of
the scheme itself.

Manchester Spa This project was part of my third year
2016 submission at the University of Manches-
ter. The drawings depict an oasis for the
nearby Manchester Royal Infirmary. The
scheme looked specifically at how archi-
tecture can influence healthcare beyond
the facilitation of equipment.

Echo Street These images were produced for a
2017 co-housing unit that I worked on at
Sheppard Robson Manchester. These
visuals were the fruition of a final bid
that I was within. The bid was successful
and I continued with the team until my

James Nutt
Part II Portfolio


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