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Dara FLC Application Form Final

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Fund For Local Cooperation (FLC)


Completed application form and related attached documents should be sent to:

Embassy of Finland
Fund For Local Cooperation (FLC)
P.O. Box 1017, Addis Ababa
E-mail: and

A. Information on the applicant

1. Name of the Organization: Green Initiative Ethiopia Development Association (GIEDA)

2. Address: P.O. Box: 1579

3. Tel: +251 46 221 13 78 Mobile: +251 911 72 60 77

4. E-mail:

6. Bank references: Name of Bank

Account Name
Account Number
Swift Code

5. Director (Person in Charge): Fasil Asmamaw

6. Description of the Organization

Green Initiative Ethiopia Development Association (GIEDA) was established on

August 25, 2006. It has been working at the heart of local and rural
communities facing marginalization, exclusion and deeply at the dire of
poverty. The organization has well history of implementation in the areas of
women empowerment, livelihoods, participatory natural resources
management, and poverty reduction and food security initiatives.

7. Legal Status of the Organization (including the registration number and date):
Green Initiative Ethiopia Development Association (GIEDA) was registered by
Ministry of Justice with Registration Number 3051
8. Location (physical address/area): Awassa - Ethiopia
9. Number of Members

10. Number of Full-Time Employees

11. Financing sources of the organization, including own fund-raising and current financing from other
GIEDA has been implementing projects with the financial and technical auspices of Embassy of
Netherlands, Embassy of USA, Civil Society Support Programme, and United Nations
Development Program (UNDP ) SGP/GEF

12. Description of Key Activities of the Organization

Projects/Activities Period Location Budget Donors/Financing
(ETB) sources
B. Information on the proposed project
The applicant must provide the Mission with an application form accompanied by a project plan,
including the project's results chain or framework and a budget.
1. Name and description of the project
This project is entitled as “Ending Social Marginalization and Exclusion of Hadicho Societies in
the Dara District”. In the proposed district, there is pervasive social differentiation deeply
entrenched in culture and legitimized through myths or religious values and ideas on Hadicho
community. This ranges from avoidance and prohibition of commensality and intermarriage, to
disadvantaged access to resources and public participation, to very expressive forms of dominance
such as public insults, physical violence and other forms of disgraceful treatment. This is the product
of unequal power relations in social interactions which produced ruptures in relationships between
people and society and hence result in a lack of social participation, social protection, social
integration and power.
This project is expected to mitigate the existing social exclusion and discrimination of the Hadicho
community through intergenerational dialogues and promotion of positive deviant groups.
2. The outcome of the FLC program's theme to which the project's outputs aim are contributing
The project will contribute to FLC’s outcome of: Societies have become more democratic and better-
3. Explanation on how the outputs will contribute to the objectives of the FLC program
The outputs of this project will contribute to the objectives of the FLC program by identifying and
capacitating indigenous social and religious institutions, undertake mapping of perpetuating
marginalization of the Hadicho society. The project then conducts intergenerational dialogues among
different groups of societies using participatory democracy approaches, identify and recruitment of
positive deviant groups, actors of change/champions, and role player cases.
The project follows multi-pronged approach in which beneficiaries; different stakeholders like youth
leaders, community opinion leaders, church leaders, school community and elderlies, government
authorities are invited and make justification against the existing social exclusion.
4. Project Management and the key project persons
Well-linked partnerships with the local government, village community social structure,
scouts/Ejetto, and church based institutions will come together for joint planning and action. The
district and kebele level government offices are expected to provide venue halls for regular meetings
and dialogue sessions. This ensures that the project implementation is very participatory and
The project will hire two community mobilization officers and one cashier-accountant. The program
manager, monitoring, evaluation assessment, and learning (MEAL) officer, and chief accountant will
take the upper-echelon lead for the implementation of this project.
Furthermore, immediate to the signing of the agreement, project implementation manual, checklists
will be prepared and handed-over to the responsible leads/staffs.
5. Previous experience of the organization in the same sector and theme
GIEDA has not directly implemented the project concerned to social marginalization and exclusion
but related projects like community based natural resources management, women and youth
empowerment, mobilization and partnerships and collaborations.
6. The organization has concrete evidence of the proper bookkeeping and transparency by sharing
its recent financial statements.
The organization has advanced financial management systems supported by PEACHTREE
accounting software package. There is updated financial procedures manual guiding disbursements,
cash management and preparation of financial reports including due diligence, grant/fund
management and donor compliance requirements.
7. Good track record for project management and adequate capacity to manage the project. The
latest annual reports of the organization as well as references to previous projects of the same size
have relevant information. If these are not available, other descriptive information is required.
Internally, GIEDA has strong management and expertise with good track of implementing projects.
Hence, there are many best practices and learning case stories in audio, video and photo voice that
can be shared on the due course of proposal evaluation, if deemed necessary. Complex and multi-
sector as well as multi-disciplinary type interventions have been implemented at GIEDA since its

8. Total budget of the project and amount of the FLC grant applied for.
This project requested 1,200,000.00 (one million two hundred thousand) Ethiopian Birr/ETB

Attachment 1: Project Plan

a. Reason(s) for launching the project. Need Assessment
There is social marginalization and exclusion on Hadicho communities which is manifested in lack
of economic, social and political participation. The community is prohibited to engage in common
social affairs, intermarriages which predisposed/related them in a very low status. Therefore,
intervention is necessary to avert the situation and integrate them in to the larger community.
b. The beneficiaries are well defined and sex-disaggregated
The direct beneficiaries of this project are 3000 households (60% women and girls) of the
HADICHO community households facing exclusion and discrimination.
c. A results chain or framework. The expected results of the project (outputs, outcomes and
impact) are concrete and realistic. The outputs' contribution to the expected outcome of the FLC
program within the sector/theme in question is clearly explained, including also indicators,
baseline data, risks and a risk management plan.
This project has the following vertical logic/results chain elements.
Impact: to contribute to improved social cohesion
Outcome: reduced status and identity based social discrimination and exclusion of target Hadicho
communities as evidenced/verified by 90% of the beneficiaries’ self-reports
Output1: 2000 Hadicho community members have perceived improved social, political and
economic participation including representation at different issues, intermarriages with other
communities, and access to local resources
Output2: 1000 households members of local traditional institutions improved and increased their
capacity (Ejetto, elderlies, religion leaders, Hadicho community representatives, experts and leaders
at government and community based institutions)
The project assumes that the community at large and influential leaders are fully committed to
transform the myths circumscribing the Hadicho communities.
There is a risk that Hadicho communities could continue to accept their inferior positions as they
have been condoning to that status.
d. Activities contributing to the outputs and an implementation plan and/or method are clearly
Each activity with its respective outputs is cascaded with budget table and time table for
implementation plan and is appended as an attachment/project plan.
e. The Human Rights Based Approach and Cross-Cutting Objectives of the Finnish development
policy like gender equality (including distribution of resources and power, gender roles, norms
and values, participation in project activities and decision making, discrimination and gender
based violence), disability mainstreaming, reduction of inequality and climate sustainability are
The project will adopt the Do No Harm and Leave No One Behind principles for integration of
human rights and gender across all segments of the project cycle
f. The project management is clearly described
The project is managed with its head office at Hawassa town. Program manager, monitoring,
evaluation assessment, and learning (MEAL) officer and chief accountant will coordinate the
operation through the newly hired community mobilization officers and one cashier-accountant for
this specific project. Committees and local structures will be strengthened for continuous
supervision and ensuring implementation quality.
g. The persons conducting the project work are specified and have adequate qualifications
Proficient and experienced experts on social marginalization and exclusion sectors will be employed
for implementation of this project. Professionals with a minimum of first degree in relevant
disciplines with appropriate computer applications to document and process project data are
potential candidates. The existing staffs proposed to overtake lead in this project are also highly
qualified both in academic and exposure to such sectors. In this way, two program officers and one
cashier-accountant will be hired, and existing program manager, MEAL officer, and chief accountant
will be assigned from the existing staff.
h. Monitoring arrangements. Reporting schedule
Regular monitoring visits and reports in accordance with set indicators will be produced.
The MEAL officer of this project will quarterly undertake community focus groups discussions and
in-depth interviews with both the direct beneficiaries and partners.
The project prepares and compiles monthly reports for management. Quarterly reports will be
produced and submitted to the donor.
i. The commitment of the beneficiaries is clearly presented
The beneficiaries are expected to actively engage on the project and prioritize their social problems.
They are also expected to take a lead in identification and selection of champions, and role players.

j. The budget supports the achievement of the expected project's output that is clear, detailed, and
includes all relevant items (unit cost included, salary costs detailed, breakdown of costs per year if the
project is covering several calendar years, audit costs and contingencies)
All program/actions, human resources, supplies, monitoring and evaluationas well as audit costs are
fully segregated in to unit costs and total costs with its operation time period.

k. The unit costs for the project personnel are clearly defined and the total costs are justified for the
achievement of the project's outputs
Three new project personnel/staffs will be paid on a monthly basis at local currency/Ethiopian Birr.
There is no budget allotted for existing staffs (program manager, monitoring, evaluation assessment, and
learning (MEAL) officer and chief accountant) assigned to additionally engage on this project.
l. The allowances are based on relevant local norms and are well justified
Per-diem and transport allowances will be paid according to the organization’s pay scale which is
justified by financial policy and guideline and in compliance to the donor’s rules.
m. Auditing arrangements.
The project will provide semi-annual audit reports through independent licensed auditor.
N .Proposed procurements of new human resources, services, and property are well justified against the
achievement of the project's outputs
The project will make procurement of human resources and equipment based on the principle of Value-
For-Money (VFM) and each invested cent should contribute to the proposed outputs. Changes like
budget transfer, activity addition or omissions are expected to follow the donor’s program management
o. Good track record for project management and adequate capacity to manage the project
GIEDA has adequate and quality project management history with successive unqualified audit reports,
documentation and monitoring framework.
P. previous experience of the organization in the same sector/theme
Even though GIEDA has not implemented social exclusion and marginalization projects, the
organization is well situated in community mobilization, empowerment and identity emancipation.
Attachment 2: Results Framework (if available)
Attachment 3: Summary table of total financing of the project
Amount/Currency 1,200,000.00 (one
million two hundred
thousand) Ethiopian
Financing Requested from the Mission of Finland 1,200,000.00 (one
million two hundred
thousand) Ethiopian
Finances requested from other sources 0.00
Funds already contributed by the Mission of Finland 0.00
Funds already available from other sources 0.00
Contribution of the Organization 0.00
Contribution of the beneficiaries 0.00
Total 1,200,000.00 (one
million two hundred
thousand) Ethiopian

Attachment 4: CVs of the key project persons

Attachment 5: Latest Annual Report and Financial Statement of the Organization (audit report)

Other Possible attachments

 Renewed Registration permit from either the former Charities and Societies Agency or the Agency
for Civil Societies Organization (ACSO)

I herewith confirm that all the above information is correct

Date Name Signature & stamp
Attachment: project plan for one year
S/N Budget Item Unit of quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
Start-up Activities
Project launching workshop Event 1 80,000.00 80,000.00
Hiring of officers (2community Number 3 5,000.00 180,000.00
Stationery, visibilities, utilities Lump sum 50,000.00
Undertake confirmatory rapid baseline Baseline 1 100,000.00 100,000.00
assessment report
I. Output1: 2000 Hadicho community
members have perceived improved
social, political and economic
participation including representation
at different issues, intermarriages with
other communities, and access to local

I.1 Comprehensive manual on social Document 1 50,000.00 50,000.00

marginalization and exclusion
I.2 Community awareness, sensitization and Events 3 50,000.00 150,000.00
value clarification
I.3 Recruit, train and deploy actors of Number 50 5,000.00 250,000.00
I.4 School and village based role players, Events 3 40,000.00 120,000.00
host dramas and contests
I.5 Coffee ceremony for inter-community Number 50 2,000.00 100,000.00
discussions, debates, deliberations
I.6 Inter-generational dialogues Sessions 10 2,000.00 20,000.00
I.7 Identify positive deviant sessions 2 10,000.00 20,000.00
groups/community members and
organize learning-sharing sessions
II Output2: 1000 households members of
local traditional institutions improved
and increased their capacity (Ejetto,
elderlies, religion leaders, Hadicho
community representatives, experts
and leaders at government and
community based institutions)

II.1 Local scout called Ejettos (both in-school Events 3 2,000.00 6,000.00
and out-of-school) mobilization
II.2 Value clarification spearheaded by Sessions 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
church leaders
II.3 Value clarification spearheaded by Sessions 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
community opinion leaders
II.4 Value clarification spearheaded by local Sessions 1 10,000.00 10,000.00
traditional elderlies and renowned figures
II.5 Multi-stake holder dialogue (government Dialogue 2 10,000.00 20,000.00
actors, CBOs, community including
victims of exclusion)
II.6 Hand-shake and hags-up events between Events 2 50,000.00 100,000.00
Hadicho and other communities
II.7 Conduct research on the traditional Studies 1 100,000.00 100,000.00
legacy of the Hadicho community and
historical precedence of perpetuated
discrimination and exclusion by Hawassa
II.8 Conduct quarterly project performance Quarter 4 2,000.00 8,000.00
II.9 Conduct project terminal evaluation Reports 1 80,000.00 80,000.00
II.10 Conduct periodic audit Audit 2 30,000.00 60,000.00
Total Budget for this project 1,200,000.00

Results Framework
Narrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Important Assumptions and
Verification anticipated Risks
Impact Impact: To contribute to improved
social cohesion The project assumes that
Outcome Outcome: Reduced status and 75% of the beneficiaries confirmed
about their full integration to the the community at large
identity based social discrimination broad community through self- and influential leaders
and exclusion of target Hadicho reports
are fully committed to
communities as evidenced/verified by transform the myths
90% of the beneficiaries’ self-reports circumscribing the
Outputs Output1: 2000 Hadicho community Number of trained persons Regular
reports Hadicho communities.
members have perceived improved social, Number of positive deviant Monitoring
political and economic participation peoples reports
including representation at different issues, Number of role players Quarterly There is a risk that
intermarriages with other communities, and Number of dramas and poster performance Hadicho communities
access to local resources contests hosted Physical could continue to accept
Number of inter dialogue Observation their inferior positions
Output2: 1000 households members of local sessions
traditional institutions improved and Number of awareness Key as they have been
increased their capacity (Ejetto, elderlies, sessions informants condoning to that status.
and focus
religion leaders, Hadicho community Quantity of Manuals, groups
representatives, experts and leaders at booklets Evaluation
government and community based and research
institutions) Case stories
Number of platforms from inter-
Number of local leaders, generation
religion heads and dialogues and
institutions capacitated deviants
Number of declarations
Number of negotiation events
Activities  Comprehensive manual on social Inputs
marginalization and exclusion
 Community awareness, sensitization and Hire officers
value clarification Procurement of equipment
 Recruit, train and deploy actors of and supplies
change/champions Utilities including office rent
 School and village based role players, Stationeries
host dramas and contests
 Coffee ceremony for inter-community
discussions, debates, deliberations
 Inter-generational dialogues
 Identify positive deviant
groups/community members and
organize learning-sharing sessions

 Local scout called Ejettos (both in-

school and out-of-school) mobilization
 Value clarification spearheaded by
church leaders
 Value clarification spearheaded by
community opinion leaders
 Value clarification spearheaded by local
traditional elderlies and renowned
 Multi-stake holder dialogue (government
actors, CBOs, community including
victims of exclusion)
 Hand-shake and hags-up events between
Hadicho and other communities
 Conduct research on the traditional
legacy of the Hadicho community and
historical precedence of perpetuated
discrimination and exclusion by
Hawassa University
 Conduct quarterly project performance

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