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High School Syllabus

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Meycauayan City, Bulacan


Grade: 7-10 Quarter: First Pre-requisite:

Subject Title: ICT

This is an exploratory and introductory course which leads to a Computer Hardware Servicing National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers five common competencies that a
Grade7/Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess: 1) use of tools; 2) maintaining tools, equipment and paraphernalia; 3) performing mensuration and
calculation; 4) interpreting technical drawing and plans; and 5) practicing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures. The preliminaries of this exploratory course include the following: 1)
discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative to the course; and 3) exploration of career opportunities.

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Assessment

Grade 7-8 PERSONAL
1. Assessment of Personal Entrepreneurial The learner The learner recognizes LO 1. Recognize PECs needed in The learner independently creates a plan of
Competencies and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis a demonstrates his/her PECs and Computer Hardware Servicing action that strengthens and/or further
practicing entrepreneur/ employee’s understanding of one’s prepares an activity plan 1.1 Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, develops his/her PECs in computer
1.1 Characteristics PECs in relation to that aligns with the PECs attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits hardware.
1.2 Attributes computer hardware of a 1.2 Assess practitioner’s PECs:
1.3 Lifestyle servicing. practitioner/entrepreneur’s characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, -matching type
1.4 Skills in computer hardware traits -guide question
1.5 Traits servicing 1.3 Compare one’s PECS with that of a -group activity
practitioner/ entrepreneur’s
2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a 1.4 Align one’s PECS with those of a
practitioner’s practitioner/entrepreneur’s
1. Key concepts of Environment and Market The learner The learner independently LO 1. Generate a business idea that relates The learner independently creates a
2. Products and services available in the demonstrates generates a business idea with a career choice in Computer Hardware business vicinity map reflective of potential
market understanding of the based on the analysis of Servicing market in computer hardware servicing in a
3. Differentiation of products and services concepts of environment and market in 1.1 Conduct SWOT analysis province.
4. Customers and their buying habits environment and market computer hardware 1.2 Identify the different products/services
5. Competition in the market that relate with a career servicing. available in the market -apply creativity and innovative techniques
6. SWOT Analysis choice in computer 1.3 Compare different products/services in to develop marketable products
hardware servicing. computer hardware servicing business -explain what makes a product unique and
1.4 Determine the profile potential competitive
1.5 Determine the profile potential
1.5 Generate potential business idea based
on the SWOT analysis
1. Hand tools in computer hardware The learner The learner independently LO 1. Prepare hand tools and equipment for Appropriate hand tools are identified and
servicing demonstrates uses hand tools and computer hardware servicing selected according to the task requirements
2. Equipment in computer hardware understanding of the equipment for computer 1.1 Prepare hand tools and equipment
servicing use of hand tools and hardware servicing. according to function and task requirement -use appropriate hand tools and equipment
equipment for computer -maintain hand tools
hardware servicing
3. Procedure in accomplishing forms: LO 2. Inspect hand tools and equipment
3.1 Job order slips received 1.2 Check the list of tools and
3.2 Tools and materials requisition slips equipment to be requested per job
3.3 Borrower’s slip requirement
4. Requisition procedures 2.2 Inspect the requested tools and
2.3 Assess the condition of all hand tools
and equipment for proper operation and
1. Safety procedures in using hand tools The learner The learner independently LO 1. Use and maintain hand tools, -tools are used according to tasks
and equipment demonstrates maintains the tools, measuring instrument and equipment 1.1 undertaken
2. Procedures in cleaning, tightening and understanding of equipment and Perform safety procedures in using hand -all safety procedures in using tools are
simple repair of hand tools, equipment and concepts and underlying paraphernalia for tools and equipment observed at all times.
paraphernalia principles in maintaining computer hardware 1.2 Follow procedures in cleaning, - malfunctions, unplanned or unusual
3. Common malfunction in hand tools, the tools, equipment servicing. tightening and simple repair of hand tools, events are reported to the supervisor
equipment and paraphernalia and paraphernalia for equipment and paraphernalia
4. Reporting to property custodian computer hardware 1.3 Identify common malfunction(unplanned
servicing. or unusual events) when using tools,
equipment and paraphernalia
1.4 Follow procedures in preparing a report
to property custodian
1. Types of components and objects to be The learner The learner independently LO 1. Perform basic mensuration -objects or components to be measured is
measured: demonstrates performs accurate 1.1 Identify object/s to be measured identified
1.1 Memory understanding of measurements and 1.2 Use the correct specifications as - correct specification are obtained from
1.2 Data storage capacity concepts and underlying calculations based on a specified in the operating system relevant source
1.3 Processor principles in performing given tasks. - Accurate measurement is obtained for job.
1.4 Video card measurements and -calculation needed to complete work is
2. Correct specifications of the relevant calculations. performed using the four fundamental
sources operations (addition, subtraction,
3. Conversion and calculation LO 2. Carryout mensuration and calculation multiplication and division).
3.1 Capacity and speed 2.1 Perform calculation needed to complete - numerical computation is self-checked and
3.2 Memory task using the four mathematical corrected for accuracy
3.3 Data storage fundamental operations (addition,
3.4 Processor subtraction, multiplication and division)
3.5 Video card 2.2 Employ different techniques in checking
accuracy of the computation
1. Basic symbols The learner The learner independently LO 1. Identify different kinds of technical -correct technical drawing is selected
2. Basic Elements demonstrates prepares and interprets drawings according to job requirements.
2.1 Schematic diagram understanding of technical drawings and 1.1 Identify basic symbols used in technical - Technical drawing are segregated in
2.2 Charts concepts and underlying work plans accurately. drawing 1.2 Select technical drawing in accordance with the types and kinds of
2.3 Block diagrams principles in preparing accordance with the job requirement drawings .
2.4 Layout plans and interpreting -components, assemblies or objects are
2.5 Loop diagram technical drawings and recognized as required
work plans for computer
hardware servicing.
3. Flowchart interpretation 3.1 Types of LO 2. Interpret technical drawing
flowchart 2.1 Identify the basic symbols used in flow
2.2 Interpret the symbols used in flow
1. Hazards and risks control The learner The learner consistently LO 1. Identify hazards and risks -workplace hazards and risks are identified
1.1 safety regulations demonstrates observes and practices 1.1 Explain hazards and risks in the and clearly explained
1.2 indicators of hazard and risks understanding of occupational health and workplace -contingency measures are recognized and
1.3 contingency measures concepts and underlying safety procedures in the 1.2 Identify hazards and risks indicators in established in accordance with
principles of workplace. the workplace organizational procedures
Occupational Health 1.3 Apply contingency measures in - hazards/risks and their corresponding
and Safety (OHS) accordance with the OHS procedures indicators are identified in accordance with
procedures in relation to the company procedures
hazards and risks in the
2. Evaluation of hazards and risks LO 2. Evaluate hazards and risks
2.1 Effects of hazards and risks in the work 2.1 Determine the effects of hazards and
place risks
2.2 Classify the types of hazards and risks
in the workplace
3. Hazards and risks control LO 3. Control hazards and risks
3.1 Safety regulation 3.1 Follow OHS Procedures for controlling
hazards and risks
3.2 Use personal protective equipment
3.3 Follow and observe organizational
protocol when providing emergency
4. Maintenance of OHS procedures LO 4. Maintain occupational health and
awareness safety regulations
5. OHS procedures, practices and 4.1 Participate in related drills and training
regulations 4.2 Prepare OHS personal records in
accordance with workplace requirements

1. Assessment of Personal Competencies The learner The learner LO 1. Recognize PECs needed in The learner independently creates a plan of
and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis a practicing demonstrates demonstrates Computer Hardware Servicing action that strengthens and/or further
entrepreneur/ employee in locality understanding of one’s understanding of one’s 1.1 Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, develops his/her PECs in computer
1.1 Characteristics PECs in in computer PECs in in computer attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits hardware.
1.2 Attributes hardware servicing. hardware servicing. 1.2 Assess practitioner’s PECs:
1.3 Lifestyle characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills,
1.4 Skills traits
1.5 Traits 1.3 Compare one’s PECs with that of a
2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a practitioner /entrepreneur’s
practitioner’s 3. Align, strengthen and 1.4 Align one’s PECs with those of a
develop ones PECs based on the results practitioner/entrepreneur’s
1. Market (Town) The learner The learner independently LO 1. Recognize and understand the The learner independently creates a
2. Key concepts of Market demonstrates creates a business vicinity market in computer hardware servicing business vicinity map reflective of potential
3. Players in the market (Competitors) understanding of map reflective of the 1.1 Identify the players/ competitors within market in computer hardware servicing in a
4. Products and services available in the environment and market potential computer the town province.
market in computer hardware hardware servicing market 1.2 Identify the different products/services
servicing in one’s within the locality. available in the market
locality. LO 2. Recognize the potential
customer/market in computer hardware
2.1 Identify the profile of potential
2.2 Identify the customer’s needs and wants
through consumer analysis
2.3 Conduct consumer/market analysis
5. Market (Customer)
6. Key concepts of identifying and
understanding the consumer
7. Consumer Analysis through:
7.1 Observation
7.2 Interviews
7.3 Focus Group Discussion
7.4 Survey
1. OHS policies and procedures The learner The learner independently LO 1.Plan and prepare for installation -assemble computer hardware
2. Occupational Health and Safety laws demonstrates demonstrates the correct 1.1 Observe OHS policies and procedures
3. Personal safety understanding of planning, installing and in planning for installation activity in -prepare installer
4. Workplace hazards planning, installing and testing of computer accordance with requirements
5. Environment laws testing computer systems and networks. 1.2 Familiarize oneself with computer -install operating system and drivers for
6. Computer Peripherals/ Devices /Systems systems and networks peripheral/ devices/systems in accordance peripherals / devices
7. Personal computer systems and devices with established procedures correct
8. Peripherals operation and safety -install application software
9. Networking devices 1.3 Consult appropriate/ technical personnel
10. Tools, equipment and testing devices to ensure that work is coordinated with -conduct testing and documentation
others who are involved in the activity
1.4 Determine the location of the
devices/systems to be used
1.5 Obtain materials necessary to complete
the work in accordance with established
1.6 Check the materials received against
job requirements
LO 2. Install equipment/ devices and
2.1 Follow OHS procedures in installing
devices, systems, networking devices, and
2.2 Comply with the requirements in
installing devices,/systems, networking
devices, and peripherals
2.3 Install computer systems, networking
devices and peripherals in accordance with
job requirements
2.4 Perform variations in installing devices
and systems in accordance with
customer/client’s requirements 2.5 Obtain
approval from appropriate personnel before
implementing contingency procedures
2.6 Respond to unplanned events or
conditions in accordance to established
2.7 Check the quality of the work
undertaken in accordance with the
established procedures
11. Requirements for the job LO 3. Conduct test on the installed
12. Job orders computer system
13. Request forms 3.1 Follow OHS policies and procedures in
14. Report sheets conducting tests 3.2 Check circuits and
15. Safety procedures systemsbeing isolated using specified
16. System’s specifications testing procedures 3.3 Test devices,
17. Installation of equipment/ devices, systems and/or installation to determine its
peripherals and networking devices conformity with the requirements
18. Install computer systems 3.4 Undertake final inspections on the
19. Basic computer configuration set up installed devices, systems to ensure
conformity with the requirement
3.5 Accomplish technical reports on the
tests conducted 3.6 Follow procedures in
forwarding documentation to appropriate
personnel and/or authority on the test
20. Safety procedures
21. Burning or testing installed
22. Computer network systems connectivity
23. Reporting and documentation
1. Safety precautions The learner The learner independently LO 1. Plan and prepare for diagnosis of -create a diagnostic plan for troubleshooting
2. Types of computer systems errors demonstrates diagnoses and computer systems errors a computer component
3. Diagnosing computer systems understanding of the troubleshoots computer 1.1 Follow OHS procedures in planning and -use several test to make sure that the unit
4. Manual diagnosis underlying concepts and systems as prescribed by preparing diagnosis of computer systems is defective.
5. Software diagnosis principles of diagnosing TESDA Training errors -write down the equipment to be used in
and troubleshooting Regulations. 1.2 Determine the computer systems errors steps in determining if the component is
computer systems. using manual and software diagnosis defective or not.
6. Safety precautions LO 2. Diagnose and configure computer
7. Basic concepts of Electricity systems and networks
8. Techniques for diagnosing computer 2.1 Follow OHS procedures in planning and
systems 9. Diagnosing tools: preparing diagnosis of computer systems
9.1 Manual and network errors
9.2 Software 2.2 Identify the diagnosed computer
10. Computer systems and network systems and network errors based on the
configurations job requirements
2.3 Configure computer systems and
11. Safety precautions LO 3. Inspect and test the configured
12. Determining defective components computer systems and networks
13. Repairing/replacing different 3.1 Follow OHS procedures in inspecting
components and testing configured computer systems
13.1 Wiring techniques and networks
13.2 Power supplies 3.2 Inspect configured computer systems
14. Basic networking errors and networks
3.3 Replace defective components
3.4 Reinstall defective computer systems
3.5 Identify network errors
3.6 Repair network errors based on
standard procedures 3.7 Test the
configured computer systems and networks
15. Safety precautions LO 4. Test Systems and Networks
16. Guidelines for testing computer 4.1 Follow OHS procedures in testing
systems and networks systems and networks 4.2 Test computer
systems and networks in accordance with
the job requirements
4.3 Accomplish technical reports on the
tests conducted
GRADE – 10
1. Assessment of Personal Competencies The learner The learner independently LO 1. Develop and strengthen PECs The learner independently creates a plan of
and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis those of a demonstrates creates a plan of action needed in Computer Hardware Servicing action that strengthens and/or further
practicing entrepreneur/employee in a understanding of one’s that strengthens/ further 1.1 Identify areas for improvement, develops his/her PECs in computer
province. PECs in computer develops one’s PECs in development and growth hardware.
1.1 Characteristics hardware servicing. computer hardware 1.2 Align one’s PECs according to his/her - Identify areas for improvement,
1.2 Attributes servicing. business/career choice development, and growth
1.3 Lifestyle 1.3 Create a plan of action that ensures - Align your PECs according to your
1.4 Skills success of his/her business/career choice business or career choice
1.5 Traits - Create a plan action that ensures
2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a success in your business or career
practitioner choice
3. Application of PECs to the chosen
1. Product Development The learner The learner independently LO 1. Develop a product/service in The learner independently creates a
2. Key concepts of developing a product demonstrates creates a business vicinity computer hardware servicing business vicinity map reflective of potential
3. Finding Value understanding of map reflective of the 4.1 Identify what is of “value” to the market in computer hardware servicing in a
4. Innovation environment and market potential computer customer province.
4.1 Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in computer hardware hardware servicing market 4.2 Identify the customer to sell to
servicing in one’s in one’s town/municipality 4.3 Explain what makes a product unique
town/municipality. and competitive 4.4 Apply creativity and
innovative techniques to develop
marketable product 4.5 Employ a Unique
Selling Proposition (USP) to the
5. Selecting a Business Idea LO 2. Select a business idea based on the
6. Key concepts in selecting a business criteria and techniques set
Idea 2.1 Enumerate various criteria and steps in
6.1 Criteria selecting a business idea
6.2 Techniques 2.2 Apply the criteria/steps in selecting a
viable business idea
2.3 Determine a business idea based on
the criteria/techniques set
7. Branding LO 3. Develop a brand for the product
3.1 Identify the benefits of having a good
3.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the
3.3 Enumerate the criteria for developing a
3.4 Generate a clear appealing product
1. Safety procedures The learner The learner independently LO 1. Plan and prepare for configuration The learner independently demonstrate
2. Inspecting work instructions according to demonstrates demonstrates skills in 1.1 Follow OHS in planning and preparing competencies in configuring and
job requirements understanding of the configuring computer for configuration of computer systems maintaining system and networks
3. Planning and preparing of standard underlying concepts and systems and networks as and networks
operating procedures principles in configuring prescribed by TESDA 1.2 .2 Prepare computer systems, tools,
4. Procedures in using the tools and computer systems and Training Regulations. devices, equipment and materials
equipment networks. 1.3 1.3 Check computer systems and
networks configuration against specified
1.4 1.4 Identify the procedures in using the
tools and equipment
5. Safety precautions LO 2. Configure computer systems and
6. Networking devices, media and networks
connectors 2.1 Follow OHS procedures in configuring
7. Internet Protocols (IP) computer systems and networks
8. Network Security 2.2 Inspect networking devices, media and
9. File and Printer Sharing connectors
2.3 Create cross-over and straight-through
2.4 Assign IP address to clients and
2.5 Configure the assigned IP address to
clients and servers 2.6 Enable network
security to the computer systems
2.7 Configure file and printer sharing
10. Safety precautions LO 3. Inspect and test configured computer
11. Guidelines for testing computer Systems and networks
systems and networks 1.1 Follow OHS procedures in testing
systems and networks 1.2 Test computer
systems and networks in accordance with
the job requirements
1.3 Accomplish technical reports on the
tests conducted
1. Safety procedures The learner The learner independently LO 1.Plan and prepare for the maintenance -review the different networking devices,
2. Procedures in planning and conducting demonstrates demonstrates skills in of computer systems and networks media and connector.
maintenance understanding of the computer and network 1.1 Follow OHS procedures in maintaining -the learner shows visuals of the common
3. Identification and diagnoses of faulty underlying concepts and systems as prescribed by computer systems and networks types of network cable
computer and networks systems principles in maintaining TESDA Training 1.2 Plan on how to maintain computer and
4. Tools and tests equipment computer and networks Regulations. networks systems -recognizing the safety precautions in
5. PC specifications systems. 1.3 Identify faulty computer and networks system and network configuration
6. Network functions and specifications systems
1.4 Identify tools in maintaining computer
and network systems 1.5 Inspect testing
1.6 Check PC specifications 1.7 Verify
network functions and specifications
7. Safety procedures LO 2. Maintain computer systems
8. Diagnosis and identification of faulty 2.1 Follow OHS procedures in maintaining
systems computer systems 2.2 Identify faulty
9. Diagnostics software computer systems
10. Repair or replace faulty system 2.3 Test normal functions of computer
11. Maintenance of computer systems systems
11.1 Procedures in cleaning hardware 2.4 Perform repair and replacement of
components faulty computer systems
11.2 Defragment 2.5 Adhere to the recommended schedule
11.3 Scandisk and techniques in maintaining and cleaning
11.4 Delete temporary files computer systems
11.5 Uninstall unused Programs 2.6 Respond to sudden breakdowns of
computer systems in accordance with
established procedures
12. Safety procedures LO 3. Maintain network systems
13. Procedures in maintaining network 3.1 Follow OHS procedures in maintaining
systems network systems 3.2 Identify procedures in
14. Diagnostics software maintaining network systems 3.3 Check or
15. Repair or replace faulty systems and run the diagnostic software
cables 3.4 Adhere to the recommended schedule
16. Burn-in test computer system and techniques in maintaining and cleaning
network systems
3.5 Respond to sudden breakdowns of
network systems in accordance with
established procedures
3.6 Run the burn-in test on computer
17. Safety procedures LO 4. Inspect and test configured/repaired
18. Maintenance of computer systems and computer systems and networks
networks 4.1 Follow OHS procedures in maintaining
19. Computer communications network systems 4.2 Maintain the computer
20. Internet connectivity systems and networks to ensure safe
21. Burn-in test repaired computer systems operations
and networks 4.3 Run or conduct computer to computer
22. Documentation of tasks communications 4.4 Connect computer
systems to the internet
4.5 Check computer systems and network
to ensure safe operation
4.6 Run the burn-in test on computer
4.7 Conduct final inspection on EARNING
4.8 Prepare technical reports that comply
with job requirements

Major Requirement:

Performance Task


Submission Deadline: A


Reference Materials:
a. Online Resources

Submitted by:

ICT Learning Goals Students will:

- Know that the study of ICT is concerned with applying technology to gather, use and exchange information

- Know about an increasing number of applications of ICT for work, communication and leisure

- Be able to use ICT safely, responsibly and respectfully

- Be able to gather and interrogate information by framing questions appropriately

- Be able to interpret their findings and identify whether their findings are valid

- Be able to manipulate and combine different forms of information from different sources in an organised and efficient way

-Be able to use ICT to present information in a variety of forms

-Be able to exchange information and ideas in a number of different ways

- Be able to use ICT to plan and control events

-Be able to use ICT to sense physical data

- Be able to use ICT-based models and simulations to predict outcomes

- Understand that the quality of information affects the results of any enquiry

- Understand the importance of considering audience and purpose when presenting Information

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