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3 Write The Past Simple Form of The Verbs.: He Walked Home. He Didn't Walk Home

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3 Write the past simple form of the verbs.

travel travelled 1 invent _____________ 2 visit _____________

3 name _____________ 4 discover _____________ 5 invade _____________
6 use _____________ 7 live _____________ 8 change _____________
9 like _____________

Look at the sentences. Then write the past simple negative form of the verbs.
He walked home. He didn’t walk home.
1 I played football. I ___________________ football. 2 We prayed. We ___________________.
3 She washed.  She ___________________. 4The spider jumped. The spider_______________.
5 You travelled by train.  You___________________ by train.

Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use the correct form of was or were.
They (students / not teachers)
They were students.
They weren’t teachers.
1 This book (interesting / it not boring) 2 They (Japanese / not American)
______________________________________ _____________________________________
______________________________________ _____________________________________
3 We (in the café / not at school) 4 Tweetie (a bird / he not a parrot)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Write questions with was or were.
where / you / yesterday / ?  Where were you yesterday?
1 they / at the cinema / ? 2 who / your / favourite actor / ?
______________________________________ ______________________________________
3 she / a maths teacher / ? 4 when / they / born / ?
______________________________________ ______________________________________

Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

They live in this house.  They lived in this house.
1 We listen to music.  ______________________________________
2 I don’t like animals.  ______________________________________
3 The chameleon changes colour.  ______________________________________
4 You travel by car.  ______________________________________
5 Fabio doesn’t stay here.  ______________________________________
6 They don’t watch TV.  ______________________________________
7 I name my dog Rico.  ______________________________________

Choose the correct past simple form.

1 meet meet / met 2 win wan / won 3 lose lost / losen
4 buy buyed / bought 5 eat ete / ate 6 see saw / sew

Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs.
They named (name) the dog Bikolo.
1 I ________________ (find) the bag under the desk.
2 He ________________ (go) there on holiday.
3 We ________________ (visit) the museum.
4 She ________________ (have) pizza for dinner.

Tick the correct past simple sentences.

They didn’t play basketball. She travelled to France.
We didn’t went home. He build a new house.
She didn’t invent anything. My dad made us dinner.
They didn’t walked to school.

Complete the questions with the words inthe boxes.

Did you watch TV last night?

did (x3) finish invent watch

1 ___________ Alexander Bell ___________ the telephone?
2 ___________ she ___________ her homework last night?

did (x3) finish invent watch

3 Where ___________ they ___________ Alice?
4 What ___________ you ___________ at the restaurant?

did (x2) buy visit

5 ___________ you ___________ the museum?
6 Where ___________ they ___________ those CDs?
Look at the information about Lucia’s week. Then write affirmative and negative sentences.
1 On Tuesday, she________________________ .
She ____________________________________.
2 On Wednesday, she ______________________
3 On Thursday, she _______________________ .
She __________________________________ .
4 On Friday, she __________________________
______________________________________ .
She __________________________________ .
Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
Juan Hi Suzy. Where (1) ______________ you last week?
Suzy Hi Juan. I (2) ______________ on holiday with my mum and dad.
Juan Really? Where were you?
Suzy We (3) ______________ in Brighton, in England.
Juan Wow! (4) ______________ it good?
Suzy No, it (5) ______________. The weather (6) ______________ horrible and the sea (7) ______________ cold.
Juan Where did you stay?
Suzy In a hotel.
Juan (8) ______________ there a swimming pool?
Suzy No, there (9) ______________.
Juan (10) ______________ the rooms nice?
Suzy No, they (11) ______________.
Juan Oh dear!
Suzy It (12) ______________ a terrible holiday!

A detective (D) is interviewing a bank robber (BR). Complete the dialogue with the correct form of was or were.
D Mr James. Where (1) ____________ you last Thursday?
BR What time last Thursday?
D Where (2) ____________ you at eleven o’clock last Thursday?
BR I (3) ____________ at home.
D No, you (4) ____________. You (5) ____________ in Smith Street.
BR No, I (6) ____________. I (7) ____________ at home.
D (8) ____________ there anybody at home with you?
BR Yes, my mum and dad (9) ____________ with me.
D I don’t believe you. Your parents (10) ____________ with you!
BR Yes, they (11) ____________. Then we went to the bank in Smith Street … oops!
Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the boxes.
be go meet not sleep stay swim take
Last year Jack (1) _____________ camping in France with his family. They (2) _____________ a tent with them but
they (3) _____________ in the tent every night. They sometimes (4) _____________ in a hotel and Jack (5)
_____________ in the pool. There (6) _____________ usually lots of people on the campsite and he (7)
_____________ some really
interesting people.
buy eat finish like speak not want
He (8) _____________ excellent food in some local cafés. He really (9) _____________ the cheese and the bread of
the region. He (10) _____________ some presents for his friends in the market and (11) _____________ to them on
his mobile every day. But when the holiday (12) _____________, he (13) _____________ to come home.

Choose the correct words.

A Where was / were you yesterday afternoon?
B Oh, I (1) was / were at the library.
A No, you (2) wasn’t / weren’t. The library (3) wasn’t / weren’t open. (4) Was / Were you at the shopping centre?
B No! I (5) wasn’t / weren’t at the shopping centre. OK, I (6) was / were with Xiana and we (7) was / were at the
café. Why? (8) Was / Were there a party or something?
A No, it (9) was / were the football match. We (10) wasn’t / weren’t very good. Thanks to you, there (11) was /
were only ten players in our team!

Write questions for the answers.

What did he invent?  He invented the telephone.
Did they go to the beach?  Yes, they went to the beach.
1 What .............................................................? I bought some magazines.
2 .....................................................................? Yes, I made dinner.
3 Where ...........................................................? We met at the library.
4 .....................................................................? Yes, we travelled by bus.
5 Who ..............................................................? I saw Sara.
Correct the sentences.
1 Where went you on holiday last August?
2 There was a lot of people in the park.
3 Did you liked the new James Bond film?
4 There wasn’t any problems last time.
5 She didn’t played tennis on Monday.

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