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Modal Verbs: Can / Could/ Must / Should

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Poder, saber hacer algo.
I can speak English = Sé hablar inglés
I can't speak German = No sé hablar alemán
Can you hear me? = ¿Puedes oírme?

Podía, podría, pudo ( Es el pasado de “can”)

He could run very fast = Él podía correr muy rápido

He couldn't play football last week = Él no pudo jugar al fútbol la semana pasada
Could you open the door? = ¿ Podrías abrir la puerta?

Deber , tener que.
En afirmativa e interrogativa expresa obligación.
They must go now = Ellos deben irse ya.
Must we do the homework? = ¿Debemos hacer los deberes?
En negativa expresa prohibición
You mustn't eat in class = No debes comer en clase

En afirmativa se usa para dar y pedir consejos o para hacer sugerencias.
You should pay attention = Deberías atender
En negativa se utiliza para dar a entender que algo no nos parece buena idea.
You shouldn't smoke = No deberías fumar
– Utilizan la misma forma para todas las personas.
– Van seguidos de infinitivo sin “to”.
– En negativa añaden “not” o su forma breve al verbo.
– En interrogativa invertimos el sujeto y el verbo

 Elige "Must" / "Should" / "Have to" (en el tiempo correspondiente)

para completar las oraciones:

1.You _______ speak to your brother and try to solve that problem.
2.You_________ come with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous
3.You are very fat. You________ practice sport (consejo)
4.Please, we are in the church; you___________ stop making that unpleasant noise
5. If you want to watch TV, first you ____________ finish your homework
6.You cannot go out with your friends. You_________ stay at home because you have fever
7.You_____________ visit Paris. What a beautiful city!
8.Our teaches have told us that we____________ be quiet during the class (A father to his son)
9. You will have exams in two weeks. You_______ study harder (obligation)
10.(The police officer to the protesters) You_______ leave this place immediately.
11.The weather is really nice. We____________ go for a walk.
12.You____________ to go to the dentist; you have lost a filling (consejo muy enfático)
13.You ___________ read more; it is very good for your Education.
14.Kevin, you _______ shave yourself; you look a little bit scruffy (A mother to her son).
15. You __________ get up; it is very late (orden)
16. Jane, you ___________ rest; you look very tired
El primer condicional

CONDICIÓN: If+ Sujeto+ Presente Simple, RESULTADO: Sujeto+ will+ infinitivo

If he works hard, he’ll pass his exams.

If I do some sport everyday, I’ll be healthy.

RESULTADO: Sujeto+ will+ infinitivo CONDICIÓN: If+ Sujeto+ Presente Simple

She will buy some popcorn if she goes to the cinema.

They will be sad if they lose the match.

 La primer condicional se usa para expresar situaciones posibles y lo que ocurrirá si se cumplen.

If it rains, I’ll take an umbrella

 Las oraciones de primer condicional llevan if + sujeto + present simple (en la situación) y sujeto
+ will / won’t + infinitivo sin to (en el resultado).

 Si la situación va primero, ponemos una coma entre las dos partes.

If you play basketball well, your team will win the match.

 Si el resultado va primero, no se es necesario escribir ninguna coma.

I’ll feel tired if I run 10 km.
 Choose the correct verb tense in each of the following sentences.
Escoje el verbo correcto para cada oración. Y escribe la letra que representa
en los espacios.

1.If she goes to the birthday party, she____a present.

2.I _____the doctor if my stomach still hurts tomorrow.

3.She will do the exercise again if she ____a lot of mistakes.

4.If they practice a lot, they _____the game.

5.I will take my umbrella if it _____tomorrow.

6.She will marry him if he _____her.

7.If we go out tonight, we ______the door.

8.I will make a sandwich if I_____hungry.

a) takes b) will take c) take

a) will call b) called c) call

a) will make b) makes c) make

a) wins b) win c) will win

a) rains
b) raining c) will rain

a) will ask b) ask

c) asks

a) will lock b) are locking c) lock

a) be b) will be c) am
She _______ just
_______he ever
_________ a pie
_______a magic trick?

Mickey _____
He _____never
_____his exams.

I _____ already We ______our bike for

a long time.
______a tractor.

_______ you ever

It_____ the bone yet.
________a dragon?
Brighton in the Rain
Fill in the gaps and complete the song lyrics with the Present Perfect Tense of the
verbs listed below. (verbs may be used more than once) Listen to the song and
check your answers.

be drive drink eat go have hear kiss

know learn read sail see spend study watch

I’ve never (1) _ _ _ _ to Athens and I’ve never (2) _ _ _ _ to Rome.

I've only (3) _ _ _ _ the Pyramids in picture books at home.
I've never (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ across the sea or (5) _ _ _ _ inside a plane.
I've always (6) _ _ _ _ _ my holidays in Brighton in the rain.
I've never (7) _ _ _ _ _ foreign food or (8) _ _ _ _ in a foreign bar.
I've never (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign girl or (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign car.
I've never (11) _ _ _ to find my way in a country I don’t know.
I've always (12) _ _ _ _ _ just where I am and where I’ll never go.
I've (13) _ _ _ _ travel books by writers who have (14) _ _ _ _ to Pakistan.
I’ve (15) _ _ _ _ _ people telling stories of adventures in Iran.
I’ve (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV documentaries about China and Brazil.
But I've never (17) _ _ _ _ abroad myself. It’s making me feel ill.
I've (18) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ several languages like Hindi and Malay.
I've (19) _ _ _ _ _ _ lots of useful sentences I’ve never (20) _ _ _ _ able to say.
The furthest place I’ve ever (21) _ _ _ _ was to the Isle of Man, and that was full of
tourists from Korea and Japan.
My name’s Albert and I’m a lifeguard. I’ve worked here for 4 years
and I really love my job. I’ve saved some lives and that’s really
rewarding. It’s nice to know that my job is important to keep
people safe while they’re resting and having fun at the beach.
I also like to know that my advice is useful to keep people free
from being assaulted, injured or even sunburned. I work from
Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 to 5 and rest two Sundays a month.
Twice a month I work from 9 to noon because while people rest I
have to do my job.
My friends think I should quit and have the opportunity to rest
and go out during the weekend, but I can’t imagine doing anything

Answer the questions about the text:

Mark true (T) or false (F) according to the
What’s Albert’s job?
text. You’ll have to explain orally when it’s
Does he like his job? What does he say
Albert is a swimming instructor. ( )
about it?
His job is to keep people safe at the beach. ( )
He likes his job. ( )
How long has he been a lifeguard?
He works during the week and the weekend as
well. ( )
What are his work hours?
His friends think he should get another job. ( )
He saves lives and gives advice on how to swim
Does he work only during the week?
well. ( )
Advising people to use sunscreen and to protect
How many Sundays a month does he
from the sun isn’t one of his duties. ( )
When Albert says “I’ve worked here for 4 years” is
What are his duties at work?
he referring only to the present or is he referring to
the past (4 years ago) and the present (he still works
there)? What do people do while Albert is doing
_________________________________________ his job? What does that mean?
If he said: “I worked there 4 years ago.” would it be a ______________________________
reference to the past or present? ______________________________
_________________________________________ What do Albert’s friends think of his
And if he said: “I work here”? job?
Since he’s referring to both past and present, how
does he express it?
Complete with the past simple or the present perfect of the verb given:
a) Paul ___________________ to the US in 2001. (to move)
b) The kids ____________________ outside all the morning. I think it’s time for
them to stop. (to play)
c) I ____________________ at a bank for 10 years. Now I work at a supermarket.
(to work)
d) Jim __________________ for Susan for 2 hours; he is getting furious! (to wait)
e) I ____________________ a gorgeous blouse at the mall yesterday. (to buy)
f) We ______________________ for someone to bring our order but all the
waiters are pretty busy. (to wait)
g) The dog _________________ a dead squirrel when he was digging the backyard
this morning. (to find)
h) You’re late. The singer __________________ for 30 minutes. (to sing)


- Buy and sell
-Over packaging
- Disposable Income
- Fashion
- Technology

Palabras a favor o en contra

- Like, similar as, same in the same way, the same as similarly
- As well as
-Although, yet, while, instead, unless, unlike, on the contrary, contrary to…

Expresiones para proponer/ mostrar una solución

-If… then
- Whether or not…
-I have a proposal ( to make)
-I would like to put forward a proposal (formal)
- This is the result

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