FSC20 BA en 21
FSC20 BA en 21
FSC20 BA en 21
Legal Provisions
The information contained in these documents is property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Any publication, whether in
whole or in part, requires prior written approval by SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for
the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.
SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at www.SMA-Solar.com.
Software licenses
You will find the software licenses for the installed software modules on the Internet at www.SMA-Solar.com.
All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. Missing designations do not mean that a
product or brand is not a registered trademark.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric and is licensed by the Modbus Organization, Inc.
The SunSpec logo and the name SunSpec Alliance are trademarks of the SunSpec Alliance, Inc.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
Phillips® and Pozidriv® are registered trademarks of Phillips Screw Company.
Torx® is a registered trademark of Acument Global Technologies, Inc.
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal
Tel. +49 561 9522-0
Fax +49 561 9522-100
Email: info@SMA.de
Status: 5/15/2017
Copyright © 2017 SMA Solar Technology AG. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document..................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Validity ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Target Group ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Additional Information..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Symbols............................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Typographies ................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Nomenclature .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Intended Use.................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Safety Information ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Product Description ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Functions........................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Structure ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Key Switch ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Light Repeaters................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.5 Type Label........................................................................................................................................................ 13
4 User Interface ............................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Requirements for the user interface display ................................................................................................... 14
4.2 User Groups and User Rights ......................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Requirements for a Secure System Password ................................................................................................ 14
4.4 Design of the User Interface ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Buttons in the header....................................................................................................................................... 16
4.6 Home Page for User Group "User" ................................................................................................................ 17
4.7 Home Page for User Group "Installer"........................................................................................................... 18
4.8 Configuration Wizard ..................................................................................................................................... 18
4.8.1 Structure of the Configuration Wizard ........................................................................................................... 18
4.8.2 Buttons in the Configuration Wizard .............................................................................................................. 19
4.8.3 Setting Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 20
7 System Settings............................................................................................................................. 46
7.1 Configuring the Utility Grid............................................................................................................................. 46
7.2 Settings for the gensets.................................................................................................................................... 46
7.2.1 Parameters for Gensets with Genset Controller ComAp IG-/IS-NTC........................................................... 46
7.2.2 Parameters for Gensets with the Genset Controller DEIF AGC .................................................................... 48
7.2.3 Parameters for Gensets with Genset Controller DSE8610 ........................................................................... 49
7.2.4 Parameters for gensets with genset controller easYgen-3000 via the CAN network ................................. 50
7.2.5 Parameters for Gensets with Genset Controller easYgen-3000 via the ESENET Gateway ....................... 51
7.2.6 Parameters for Gensets without the Genset Controller.................................................................................. 52
7.2.7 Configuring Gensets ........................................................................................................................................ 53
7.3 Configuring the PV Power Plant...................................................................................................................... 54
7.4 Setting the Storage System ............................................................................................................................. 57
7.5 Settings on the Measurement Devices ........................................................................................................... 59
7.5.1 Making General Settings on Measurement Devices ..................................................................................... 59
7.5.2 Making Detailed Settings on Measurement Devices for Internal Measurement Modules of the SMA
Fuel Save Controller ....................................................................................................................................... 61
7.5.3 Making Detailed Settings on Measurement Devices for Data Acquisition Modules................................... 64
7.5.4 Activating/Deactivating Devices..................................................................................................................... 66
7.6 Setting the Temperature and Irradiation Sensors .......................................................................................... 67
7.7 Configuring Stop of the Fuel Save Controller via Switch Input DI 7 ............................................................ 68
7.8 Handling System Settings................................................................................................................................ 71
7.8.1 Ending System Settings .................................................................................................................................... 71
7.8.2 Saving System Settings .................................................................................................................................... 71
7.8.3 Loading System Settings .................................................................................................................................. 72
7.8.4 Deleting System Settings.................................................................................................................................. 73
1.4 Symbols
Symbol Explanation
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant
Desired result
1.5 Typographies
Typography Use Example
bold • Display messages • Connect the insulated conductors
• Parameter to the terminals X703:1 to
• Terminals
• In the Select language drop-
• Slots
down list, select the desired
• Elements to be selected language.
• Elements to be entered
> • Several elements that are to be selected • Open the dialog box Change
Password via the following path
Settings > Change Password.
[Button] • Button that is to be selected or clicked • Press the button [Change my
[Key] on Password].
1.6 Nomenclature
Complete designation Designation in this document
SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0 Fuel Save Controller
Sunny Tripower, Sunny Central CP XT, Sunny Central Storage Inverters
Electric generator with combustion engine Genset
System for the regulation and control of electric generators with com- Genset controller
bustion engine
2 Safety
2.1 Intended Use
Together with SMA inverters, the Fuel Save Controller is a system solution for the installation of PV diesel hybrid
systems through the integration of PV power plants into local utility grids based on gensets. The Fuel Save Controller
continuously monitors the power output of the SMA inverters as well as the operating state of the gensets and loads.
On this basis, the SMA Fuel Save Controller controls the SMA inverters and adjusts its output power, where necessary.
This will ensure a stabile operation of the PV diesel hybrid system.
Only use gensets in conjunction with the Fuel Save Controller which fulfill the reverse power limits of the
Fuel Save Controller.
The power management and the communication interface of the gensets must be compatible with the
Fuel Save Controller for optimal operation of the PV diesel hybrid system. Therefore, the combined use of the
Fuel Save Controller and the gensets must be coordinated with SMA Solar Technology AG (see technical information
"Gensets in PV Diesel Hybrid Systems with SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0").
The current and voltage measuring of the SMA Fuel Save Controller is designed for four-conductor utility grids with
three line conductors and one neutral conductor as well as for three-conductor utility grids with three line conductors. If
another grid type is used, the connection of the current transformers must be coordinated with SMA Solar Technology
The Fuel Save Controller has a Modbus/TCP and CAN interface for communicating with peripheral devices. Ensure
that all communication between the Fuel Save Controller and the gensets takes place via either the Modbus/TCP
interface or the CAN interface.
The inverter data must only be retrieved via the Fuel Save Controller. During commissioning, the correct setup of the
system network is documented. Unauthorized configuration changes of the system network after commissioning will
result in any warranty or warranty claims becoming null and void.
The product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally
applicable standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of
SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases
terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as the intended use.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for
future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
Suitable personal protective equipment has to be worn by all persons working on or with the product.
The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.
3 Product Description
3.1 Functions
Together with SMA inverters, the Fuel Save Controller is a system solution for the installation of PV diesel hybrid
systems through the integration of PV power plants into local utility grids based on gensets. The Fuel Save Controller
continuously monitors the power output of the SMA inverters as well as the operating state of the gensets and loads.
On this basis, the SMA Fuel Save Controller controls the SMA inverters and adjusts its output power, where necessary.
This will ensure a stabile operation of the PV diesel hybrid system.
Data transmission
Modbus TCP
* Battery system optional
The Fuel Save Controller is equipped with a Modbus/TCP interface for local and remote monitoring as well as for the
communication with peripheral devices. Depending on the configuration, it is possible to communicate with the
following peripheral devices:
• A higher-level control system with up to eight gensets
• Controllers for up to eight gensets
The power management and the communication interface of the gensets must be compatible with the
Fuel Save Controller for optimal operation of the PV diesel hybrid system. Therefore, the combined use of the
Fuel Save Controller and the gensets must be coordinated withSMA Solar Technology AG (see technical
information "Gensets in PV Diesel Hybrid Systems with SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0").
• up to 64 inverters
• a remote monitoring system (SCADA or user interface/FTP)
The Fuel Save Controller is also equipped with a CAN interface for communicating with up to eight gensets. Ensure
that all communication between the Fuel Save Controller and the gensets takes place via either the Modbus/TCP
interface or the CAN interface. The Fuel Save Controller is not designed to communicate with gensets via the Modbus/
TCP interface and CAN interface at the same time.
In combination with the system specifications defined during commissioning and the data from the load measurements
and grid analyses, the Fuel Save Controller calculates power values for active power and reactive power suitable for
the inverters. The power values are transmitted as setpoints to the PV inverters.
For local and remote monitoring, the Fuel Save Controller logs data on the power and operating state of the inverters
and the loads, and the power and operating state of the gensets. The logged data is saved in CSV format for
100 days and can be accessed via the integrated FTP server.
The Fuel Save Controller is equipped with up to three internal measurement modules. Each measuring module has one
measuring system for voltage measurement and two measuring systems for current measurement. All measuring
systems records the measuring values via three conductors. During network analysis, the Fuel Save Controller uses the
measured values. Further measuring systems can be implemented via an optional Data Acquisition Module in
consultation with SMA Solar Technology AG.
During commissioning of the Fuel Save Controller, the user has the possibility to activate various functions for stable
and reliable operation such as minimum genset loading and power control range. In addition, it is possible to remotely
monitor all relevant measurement data, process data and the current system status by means of SCADA or a web-
based interface.
3.2 Structure
Figure 2: Fuel Save Controller
Position Designation
A Key switch
B Operation light repeater
C Warning light repeater
WEEE designation
Do not dispose of the product together with the household waste but in accordance with the dis-
posal regulations for electronic waste applicable at the installation site.
4 User Interface
4.1 Requirements for the user interface display
☐ A computer for displaying the user interface must be available.
☐ The computer must be connected to the SMA Fuel Save Controller via Ethernet.
☐ A web browser must be installed on the computer.
☐ JavaScript must be enabled in the web browser.
☐ In the operating system and in the web browser, anti-aliasing must be activated.
☐ The IP address of the Fuel Save Controller sent from the DHCP server to the local network of the PV system
operator must be known.
Supported web browsers:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer from version 9
• Google Chrome from version 40
Display resolution:
• Minimum: 800 pixels x 600 pixels
• Recommended: from 1280 pixels x 1024 pixels
You can increase the security of your system password with the following measures:
• Select system passwords containing at least eight characters.
• Use combinations of upper-case and lower-case letters, special characters and numbers.
• Do not use names or common words (e.g., "dog", "cat", "house").
• For the system password, avoid using words that have any personal relevance to you such as the names of
persons or pets, personnel numbers, identification numbers or car license plates.
• Do not repeat names or words (e.g., "househouse" or "catcat").
• Do not use combinations of numbers or letters in the same order as they appear on your keyboard (e.g.,
"12345", "qwert").
Plant* Use this symbol to call up the Hybrid Plant Overview page. The Hy-
brid Plant Overview page shows an overview of the display values for the PV
diesel hybrid system (see Section 6.1, page 26).
Wizard* Use this symbol to call up the configuration wizard and edit the system settings
(see Section 7, page 46).
Control * Use this symbol to set various parameters relating to system control (see Sec-
tion 8, page 74).
The home page for user group User shows an overview of all display values of the PV diesel hybrid system (see
Section 6.1 "Retrieving Display Values of the Entire PV Diesel Hybrid System", page 26).
Button Description
Plant Overview Access to system monitoring(see Section 6, page 26)
Control Functions Access to system control (see Section 8, page 74)
Configuration Wizard Access to system settings (see Section 7, page 46)
Parameter Files Save current system settings and load/delete saved system settings (see Section 7.8,
page 71)
Button Description
Adjust Adjust configuration of a subsystem
Apply Save system settings
This saves all system settings in the active dialog. If you exit the active dialog
without saving the system settings, any system settings made since the last save
will be discarded.
Continue Wizard Continue to the next dialog
Delete config. Delete configuration of a subsystem
Discard Discard system settings
Any system settings made in the active dialog and not saved by pressing the Ap-
ply button will be discarded.
Done Close the active dialog and switch to the overview of current system settings
Remove item Remove device type, e.g. a type of inverter
Start Start automatic configuration wizard
View Show overview of current system settings
1. Log in as Installer (see Section 5.1, page 21).
2. Select a menu via the page and menu selection.
3. Select desired parameter in the content area:
• To change parameters with an entry field, enter new values and press Enter after each entry.
By pressing Enter, the entered value is adopted in the user interface of the Fuel Save Controller.
• To change parameters with a checkbox, activate the required checkbox.
• To change parameters with a drop-down list, select the desired value in the appropriate drop-down list.
4. If the border of the input field flashes red, check the input and set the parameter to a valid value. To do this,
repeat the previous step.
5. To adopt current parameter settings in the control of the Fuel Save Controller, select the [Apply] button.
6. To discard current parameter settings, select the [Discard] button.
5 Getting Started
5.1 Logging In and Out of the User Interface
Log in
User group Default password
User 0000
Installer 1111
☐ The IP address of the Fuel Save Controller (defined during commissioning) and the subnet mask must be known.
☐ The computer used to display the user interface must have an IP address located in the same subnet as the IP
address of the Fuel Save Controller.
If the IP address of the Fuel Save Controller has been set e.g. to, the IP address for the computer
with the user interface could be e.g. It is important that the subnet sections of both IP addresses
172.16 tally.
1. Enter the IP address of the Fuel Save Controller marked with the extension :8080 (e.g., in
the address bar of the web browser and press Enter.
☑ The home page of the user interface appears (see Section 4.6, page 17).
2. Log into user group User or Installer with the appropriate password for the user group:
• When logging in for the first time, enter the default password of your user group.
• If you have already changed the default password of your user group, enter the changed password.
• Press the enter key.
• Select the button [Login].
☑ The home page of the selected user group appears.
✖ The message Login error appears.
The maximum number of logins for the selected user group has been reached.
• To cancel the login, answer the question Would you like to send a force log in request? with No.
• To resume the login, answer the question Would you like to send a force log in request? with Yes. This
notifies users that are already logged in of your request. You will then receive a message regarding the
success or failure of your request.
Log out
A maximum of 5 Usersand 1 Installer can be logged into the user interface of the Fuel Save Controller
simultaneously. Users are not automatically logged out by closing the web browser. Therefore we recommend always
logging out of the user interface prior to closing the web browser.
If a user has not shown any activity on the user interface for more than 30 minutes, this user will be warned that he is
about to be logged out automatically. If this warning is not acknowledged within 10 seconds, the user is automatically
logged out.
• Click the logout link in the header.
☐ To change the password for the user group User, you must be logged in as User.
☐ To change the password for the user group Installer, you must be logged in as Installer.
1. Open the Plant Overview menu via the page and menu selection.
2. Open the Change password menu via the page and menu selection. To do this, select the down arrow button
on the scroll bar next to the page and menu selection.
3. Enter the current password in the entry field Current Password: and press the enter key.
4. Enter the new password in the entry field New Password: and press the enter key.
5. Enter the current password in the entry field Please repeat new Password: and press the enter key.
6. Select the [Apply] button.
1. Open the Plant Overview menu via the page and menu selection.
2. Open the General Settings menu via the page and menu selection.
3. Set the parameter UTC time zone offset according to the local time zone (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
4. Carry out the following steps to arrange for the system time to be specified automatically:
• Activate the Use SNTP client checkbox.
• Set the parameters Address of SNTP server and Time interval to the desired values.
5. Carry out the following steps in order to set the system time manually:
• Deactivate the Use SNTP client checkbox.
• Set the parameters Date and Time to the desired values.
6. In order to set the Fuel Save Controller for use as an SNTP server for other devices, activate the Start SNTP
server checkbox.
7. Select the [Apply] button.
1. Configure the system router so that the secure VPN connection of the Fuel Save Controller is enabled for Service.
2. Make sure that the FSC router has established an Internet connection.
3. Call Service (see Section 12 "Contact", page 108).
☑ Service will check whether the FSC router has established a VPN connection.
6 System Monitoring
6.1 Retrieving Display Values of the Entire PV Diesel Hybrid System
Overview of the display values
Figure 9: Hybrid Plant Overview: Overview of the display values for the PV diesel hybrid system (example)
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Go to the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Stations > General Overview via the page and menu selection.
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Go to the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Stations > Genset System via the page and menu selection.
☑ The designations of all the gensets are displayed in the page and menu selection.
3. Select the desired genset via the page and menu selection.
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Go to the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Stations > PV System via the page and menu selection.
☑ The designations of all the inverters are displayed in the page and menu selection.
3. Select the desired inverter via the page and menu selection.
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Select the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu
2. Select Stations > Measurements via the page and menu selection.
☑ The designations of all the measurement systems are displayed in the page and menu selection.
3. Select Internal Measurement or DAQ from the page and menu selection.
4. Select the [Show] button in the List of measured device bar.
5. In the Selected measurement points menu, select the desired measurement system and select the [Close]
Figure 14: Diesel, PV data: Overview of data records of the PV power plant, storage system, loads, and gensets (example)
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Go to the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Visualizations > Diesel, PV Data via the page and menu selection.
3. Select the desired period (e.g., Show last hour) via the drop-down list.
6.7 Monitoring the status of the digital switching inputs and outputs
Digital inputs:
Display value Description Value Explanation
Genset # Status Current status of the circuit CLOSED Circuit breaker is closed.
(#1 to #6) breaker that connects the genset
or the utility grid to the hybrid OPEN Circuit breaker is open.
Fast stop Status of digital switching input CLOSED Section 7.7, page 68
Grid status Current status of the circuit CLOSED Circuit breaker is closed.
breaker that connects the genset
or the utility grid to the hybrid OPEN Circuit breaker is open.
Custom #1 Reserve (see Fuel Save Controller installation manual)
Custom #2 Reserve (see Fuel Save Controller installation manual)
Power good Status of the supply voltage CLOSED Supply voltage is on.
OPEN Supply voltage not found.
Digital outputs:
Display value Description Value Explanation
Operation LED Status of the Operation light re- CLOSED The light repeater is lit up.
OPEN The light repeater is off.
Warning LED Status of the Warning light re- CLOSED The light repeater is lit up.
OPEN The light repeater is off.
Inverter fast stop Status of the signal generator for CLOSED The values CLOSED and OPEN
disconnecting the PV power plant are determined when connecting
from the local utility grid OPEN the contactors to the switching
outputs of the Fuel Save Con-
Custom #1 Status of the signal generator for CLOSED troller (see the Fuel Save Con-
connecting the PV power plant troller installation manual).
from the local utility grid OPEN
1. To do this you must be logged in as Installer: Go to the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Visualizations > Digital IO via the page and menu selection.
Figure 17: Alarm list in the SMA Fuel Save Controller (example)
Damage to the PV inverters, gensets, or loads caused by the input of incorrect setpoints
In Manual mode, the setpoints for the PV inverters and the reserve power to be kept by the gensets are specified via
the user interface. If the specifications are incorrect, the technical thresholds of the PV inverters, gensets, or loads can
be exceeded. An exceeding of technical thresholds can lead to damage of the PV power plant, gensets or loads.
• For continuous operation of the Fuel Save Controller, always use the automatic operating mode.
• Only activate the manual operating mode in temporary and exceptional situations (e.g., when carrying out
• In the operating mode, verify that the technical thresholds for PV inverters, gensets, and loads are being
adhered to:
– For the manual operating mode, at least 2 persons must be present at all times and must be trained in the
use of the manual operating mode.
– Both persons must continuously monitor the adherence to technical thresholds during manual operating
mode via the Fuel Save Controller user interface.
If the Fuel Save Controller remains five minutes in the operating mode Manual and no user is logged in, the
Fuel Save Controller switches automatically to the operating state Standby via the SLOW STOP mode.
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Operations > Mode via the page and menu selection (see Section 6.10.1 "Overview of Operating
Modes and Setpoints", page 42).
3. Select the [Activate] button in the Activate automatic mode bar
to activate Automatic mode.
4. To activate Manual mode, select the [Activate] button in the Activate manual mode bar.
5. To deactivate Manual mode, activate Automatic mode or select the logout button in the header.
7 System Settings
7.1 Configuring the Utility Grid
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller can only be adjusted when the Fuel Save Controller is in STANDBY or
ERROR mode. The operating state STANDBY can be reached by stopping the SMA Fuel Save Controller.
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Grid bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. To activate the utility grid connection, set the parameter Enable to Yes.
4. To deactivate the utility grid connection, set the parameter Enable to No.
5. Select the [Apply] button. This will adopt the setting.
6. Select the [Continue wizard] button.
7. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Alias Genset / genset controller ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
IP address IP address of the genset con- to Address range defined by 172.16.1
troller (not applicable with a the Fuel Save Controller for .31
higher-level control system) gensets
Unit-ID (Mod- Genset controller ID for the Mod- 1 to 254 – 0
bus/TCP) bus/TCP protocol
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
Enable setpoint Activates the dynamic specifica- Yes Dynamic specification of No
mechanism tion of a setpoint for the reserve setpoints for the reserve
power power is activated.
No Dynamic specification of
setpoints for the reserve
power is deactivated.
Apply changes Configures the gensets according
to all devices to a uniform structure: the entered
nominal power is adopted and
the IP address is incremented by
7.2.2 Parameters for Gensets with the Genset Controller DEIF AGC
Genset general configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Remaining Remaining number of config- – – –
available de- urable gensets
Number of de- Number of installed gensets 0 to 8 – 0
Generator In- Type of genset interface* DEIF AGC Genset Controllers of the None
terface Type DEIF AGC Series
* The display of the following parameters changes according to the setting of the parameter Genset interface Type.
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Alias Genset / genset controller ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
IP address IP address of the genset con- to Address range defined by 172.16.1
troller (not applicable with a the Fuel Save Controller for .31
higher-level control system) gensets
Unit-ID (Mod- Genset controller ID for the Mod- 1 to 254 – 0
bus/TCP) bus/TCP protocol
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
Apply changes Activates transfer of the current Checkbox activated Transfer of current settings Deacti-
to all devices settings for all gensets with for all gensets is activated. vated
Genset Controller DSE8610
Checkbox deacti- Transfer of current settings
vated for all gensets is deacti-
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Alias Genset / genset controller ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
IP address IP address of the genset con- to Address range defined by 172.16.1
troller (not applicable with a the Fuel Save Controller for .31
higher-level control system) gensets
Unit-ID (Mod- Genset controller ID for the Mod- 1 to 254 – 0
bus/TCP) bus/TCP protocol
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
Apply changes Activates transfer of the current Checkbox activated Transfer of current settings Deacti-
to all devices settings for all gensets with for all gensets is activated. vated
Genset Controller DSE8610
Checkbox deacti- Transfer of current settings
vated for all gensets is deacti-
7.2.4 Parameters for gensets with genset controller easYgen-3000 via the CAN
Genset general configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Remaining Remaining number of config- – – –
available de- urable gensets
Number of de- Number of installed gensets 0 to 8 – 0
Genset inter- Type of genset interface Easygen 3000 CAN Genset controller "Wood- None
face Type ward Easygen 3000" with
CAN communication *
CAN#1 pass- Password for write access to the 0 to 9999 For setting the password, –
word genset controller refer to manufacturer docu-
Genset setpoint Activates the writing of reserve Checkbox activated The specification of set- Deacti-
mechanism power setpoints to the genset points for the reserve vated
controller system (see Sec- power is activated
tion 8.1.1, page 74).
Checkbox deacti- The specification of set-
vated points for the reserve
power is deactivated
* For settings regarding the genset controller, see technical information "Gensets in PV Diesel Hybrid Systems with
SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0"
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Label Genset / genset controller ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
7.2.5 Parameters for Gensets with Genset Controller easYgen-3000 via the
ESENET Gateway
Genset general configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Remaining Remaining number of con- – – –
available de- figurable gensets
Number of de- Number of installed 0 to 8 – 0
vices gensets
Genset inter- Type of genset interface Easygen 3000 ES- Genset controller "Woodward None
face Type ENET-Gateway Easygen 3000" with Modbus/
TCP communication via the ES-
ENET gateway *
CAN#1 pass- Password for write access 0 to 9999 For setting the password, refer to 0
word to the genset controller manufacturer documentation
Parameter com- Compares the nominal Checkbox activated Comparison of genset nominal Deacti-
pare mecha- power values of the power is activated vated
nism gensets set in the Fuel Save
Controller with those of the Checkbox deacti- Comparison of genset nominal
genset controllers vated power is deactivated
* For settings regarding the genset controller, see technical information "Gensets in PV Diesel Hybrid Systems with
SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0"
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Alias Genset / genset controller ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
ESENET-Gate- IP address of the genset con- to Address range defined by 172.16.1
way IP Address troller (not applicable with a the Fuel Save Controller for .31
higher-level control system) gensets
Unit ID (Mod- Genset controller ID for the Mod- 1 to 254 – –
bus/TCP) bus/TCP protocol
Generator configuration wizard: detailed configuration
Parameter Description Value Explanation Default
Alias Genset ID – – –
Enable this gen- Determines whether the Yes The Fuel Save Controller No
erator Fuel Save Controller should take takes the genset into ac-
the genset into account for con- count.
trol of the PV diesel hybrid system
No The Fuel Save Controller
does not take the genset
into account.
Nominal active Nominal power of the genset 0 kW to 10000 kW – 0 kW
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Genset System bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. Set the parameters in the menu Genset general configuration (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
4. Select the [Continue wizard] button.
5. Set the parameters in the menu Generator configuration Wizard: detailed configuration (see Section 4.8.3,
page 20).
6. To change a particular parameter for all gensets, activate the Apply changes to all devices checkbox.
7. To change a particular parameter for individual gensets, deactivate the Apply changes to all devices
8. To continue with system settings, select the [Continue wizard] button.
9. Select the [Done] button.
10. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
PV general configuration
Button Parameter
Add new item Add a device type for the PV inverter
Remove item Remove a device type for the PV inverter
Parameter Description Value Explanation
Remaining available Remaining number of con- – –
devices figurable inverters
Type of inverter Inverter device type Sunny Tripower Type of an inverter of the Sunny Tripower se-
ries: STP 20000TL-30 / STP 25000TL-30 /
STP 15000TLEE-10 / STP 20000TLEE-10
Sunny Tripower Type of an inverter of the Sunny Tripower se-
TL-60 ries: STP 60-10
Sunny Central Type of an inverter of the Sunny Cen-
CP tral CP XT series
Number of inverters Number of installed invert- 0 to 64 –
ers of the same device type
PV detailed configuration
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the PV System bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. Set the parameters in the menu PV general configuration (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
4. Select the [Continue wizard] button.
5. Set the parameters in the menu PV general configuration (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
6. To change a particular parameter for all inverters, activate the Apply changes to all devices checkbox.
7. To change a particular parameter for individual inverters, deactivate the Apply changes to all devices
8. To continue with system settings, select the [Continue wizard] button.
9. Select the [Done] button.
10. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
Figure 21: Settings for the storage system in the Battery general configuration and Battery controller configuration sections.
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Battery system bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. Set the parameters in the Battery general configuration and Battery controller configuration sections (see
Section 4.8.3, page 20).
4. To continue with system settings, select the [Continue wizard] button.
5. Select the [Done] button.
6. Activate monitoring for the state-of-charge limits Upper SOC operating limit and Lower SOC operating limit
(see Section 8.3.1, page 90).
7. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Select the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Measurement System bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. To configure measurement devices that are connected via the internal measurement modules of the
SMA Fuel Save Controller, perform the following steps:
• In the menu Measurement devices general configuration, set the parameters in the area Internal
measurement devices (see SMA Fuel Save Controller user manual).
• Select the [Continue wizard] button. Doing so calls up the detailed system settings (see Section 7.5.2,
page 61).
4. To configure measurement devices that are connected via a Data Acquisition Module, perform the following
• In the menu Measurement devices general configuration, set the parameters in the area External
measurement devices (see SMA Fuel Save Controller user manual).
• Select the [Continue wizard] button. Doing so calls up the detailed system settings (see Section 7.5.3,
page 64).
Figure 23: Detailed system settings for measurement devices that are connected via the internal measurement modules of the
SMA Fuel Save Controller (example)
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
☐ You must have performed all necessary settings in the area Internal measurement devices in the menu
Measurement devices general configurations (see Section 7.5.1, page 59).
1. Set the desired parameters in the menu Measurement devices general configurations (see
SMA Fuel Save Controller user manual).
2. To activate or deactivate devices for the selected measurement device, select the button [Show devices] in the
Assign measurement points bar (see Section 7.5.4, page 66).
Figure 24: Detailed system settings for measurement devices that are connected via a Data Acquisition Module (example)
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
☐ You must have performed all necessary settings in the area External measurement devices in the menu
Measurement devices general configurations (see Section 7.5.1, page 59).
1. Set the desired parameters in the menu Measurement devices general configurations (see
SMA Fuel Save Controller user manual).
2. Ensure that the devices connected to the digital inputs of the Data Acquisition Module are correctly configured in
the SMA Fuel Save Controller. To do so, select the button [Show devices] and compare the devices connected
to the Data Acquisition Module with the devices configured on the Fuel Save Controller.
If the genset 1 is connected to digital input DI 1 on the Data Acquisition Module and the utility grid is connected
to digital input DI 2, then the settings on the SMA Fuel Save Controller are correct in this example.
If the utility grid is connected to digital input DI 1 on the Data Acquisition Module and the genset 1 is connected
to digital input DI 2, then the settings on the SMA Fuel Save Controller are incorrect in this example. Incorrectly
configured devices must be deactivated and reactivated with the correct settings.
3. To activate or deactivate devices for the selected measurement device, select the button [Show devices] in the
Assign measurement points bar (see Section 7.5.4, page 66).
4. To continue with system settings, select the [Continue wizard] button.
5. Select the [Done] button.
6. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
Figure 25: System settings for the temperature and irradiation sensors
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Meteorological data bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. Set the parameters in the menu Meteorologic general configuration (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
4. To continue with system settings, select the [Continue wizard] button.
5. Select the [Done] button.
6. End the system settings (see Section 7.8.1, page 71).
7.7 Configuring Stop of the Fuel Save Controller via Switch Input DI 7
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller can only be adjusted when the Fuel Save Controller is in STANDBY or
ERROR mode. The operating state STANDBY can be reached by stopping the SMA Fuel Save Controller.
Custom Inputs
Parameter Description
Custom Input DI9 Freely configurable digital input to which special functions can be assigned:
• No function
• Feedback from the generator switch of genset 7
Custom Input DI10 Freely configurable digital input to which special functions can be assigned:
• No function
• Feedback from the generator switch of genset 8
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Configuration Wizard via the page and menu selection.
2. In the Digital Input/Output bar, select the [Adjust] button.
3. To enable the stop of the Fuel Save Controller via switch input DI 7, activate checkbox Use digital input 7 to
stop the FSC system.
4. To disable the stop of the Fuel Save Controller via switch input DI 7, deactivate checkbox Use digital input 7 to
stop the FSC system.
5. If the checkbox Use digital input 7 to stop the FSC system is activated, configure the desired values for
stopping the Fuel Save Controller via switch input DI 7 in the dropdown lists Signal mode and Stop mode.
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller are saved in parameter files. You can overwrite the current parameter
file or create a new parameter file.
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller can only be saved, loaded or deleted when the Fuel Save Controller is
in STANDBY or ERROR mode.
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
Maximum number of parameter files
It is possible to save up to ten different system settings in parameter files.
• Once this number has been reached, delete parameter files you no longer need (see Section 7.8.4,
page 73).
1. Choose the menu Parameter Files via the page and menu selection.
2. To overwrite the current parameter file, select the [Overwrite] button in the Current file bar.
3. To create a new parameter file, perform the following steps:
• Enter the desired file name in the New file bar and press Enter.
By pressing Enter, the entered value is adopted in the user interface of the Fuel Save Controller.
• Select the [Save] button.
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller can only be saved, loaded or deleted when the Fuel Save Controller is
in STANDBY or ERROR mode.
After a software update, the Fuel Save Controller restores automatically the system settings from the file that has been
saved last. Due to the newly added parameters in the new software version, the Fuel Save Controller remains in the
operating state ERROR and signals the error 2069 until the system settings are saved again and the system has been
The new parameters, which have been added through an update, can be found in the respective release notes that are
included in the software update package.
☐ You must be logged into the user interface as Installer.
☐ The Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant must have been stopped (see Section 10.1, page 104).
Power supply failure when the SMA Fuel Save Controller is restarted
Before restarting the SMA Fuel Save Controller, the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant must be stopped.
It can take a few minutes for the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant to stop because the PV inverters
have to reduce their output power slowly. If the PV inverters are still feeding energy to the grid when the SMA Fuel
Save Controller is restarted, this may cause failure of the power supply.
• Once the SMA Fuel Save Controller has stopped, wait until the PV inverters have reduced their output power to
zero. This can take several minutes.
1. Choose the menu Parameter Files via the page and menu selection.
2. Only if no parameter file is selected, the Fuel Save Controller can be restarted with a parameter file:
• Select a parameter file in the drop-down list File database.
• In the Reboot with a selected file bar, select the [Reboot] button.
3. To overwrite the current parameter file, select the [Overwrite] button in the Current file bar.
4. Choose the parameter file with the required system settings via the dropdown list File database.
5. In the Reboot with a selected file bar, select the [Reboot] button.
The system settings of the Fuel Save Controller can only be saved, loaded or deleted when the Fuel Save Controller is
in STANDBY or ERROR mode.
☐ You must be logged into the user interface as Installer.
1. Choose the menu Parameter Files via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose the parameter file with the required system settings via the dropdown list File database.
3. In the bar Delete selected file, press [Delete].
8 System Control
8.1 Genset control
8.1.1 Configuring the Minimum Genset Load Threshold
Parameter overview
Figure 30: Minimum Genset Load: Settings regarding the minimum load of the genset
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Genset control functions > Minimum genset load via the page and menu
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 31: Reverse Power Protection: Settings for reverse power protection of the gensets
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
Power supply failure caused by unexpected stop of a genset due to reverse power protection
To ensure that a genset is protected from backfeed damage, reverse power protection must be enabled and
configured in the Fuel Save Controller and the genset. The parameters on the Fuel Save Controller and the genset
must be configured so that the reverse power protection is always triggered at the Fuel Save Controller first. If the
reverse power protection first triggers in the genset, this results in an unexpected stop of the genset which cannot be
foreseen by the Fuel Save Controller. The unexpected stop of a genset may result in a power failure in the entire PV
diesel hybrid system.
• Only use gensets with reverse power protection which fulfill the reverse power limits of the Fuel Save Controller
(see installation manual of the SMA Fuel Save Controller).
• Ensure that the reverse power protection of the gensets is always active when operating the
Fuel Save Controller.
• Adjust the reverse power protection parameters to ensure that reverse power protection always triggers first at
the Fuel Save Controller and only then at the genset.
1. Go to Control Functions > Genset control functions > Reverse power management via the page and
menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 32: Genset Power Management: Power management of gensets: settings for reserve power
Figure 33: Genset Power Management: Power management of gensets: settings for reserve power (continued)
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Genset control functions > Genset power management via the page and menu
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 34: Reactive Power Control: Settings for power factor control of the gensets using the reactive power release of the PV inverters
Figure 35: Reactive Power Control: Settings for power factor control of the gensets using the reactive power release of the PV inverters
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > PV control functions > Reactive power control via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
8.2.2 Setting the Control of the PV Power Plant Reactive Power According to
Electrical Load
Parameter overview
Figure 36: Reactive Power Management: Settings regarding the reactive power of the PV power plant
Figure 37: Reactive Power Management: Settings regarding the reactive power of the PV power plant (continued)
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > PV control functions > Reactive power management via the page and menu
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Parameter overview
Figure 38: MPP Calculation: Specifications on the MPP calculation for the PV inverters
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > PV control functions > MPP calculation via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
3. Make sure that the parameters MppNormOpCellTemp and MppPwrTempCoeff are set in accordance with
the technical data of the PV module (see manufacturer documentation). Setting the parameters
MppNormOpCellTemp and MppPwrTempCoeff in accordance with the technical data of the PV modules
enables a reliable estimation of the PV power from the Fuel Save Controller.
Figure 39: State of charge: Settings regarding the thresholds for the state of charge of the battery
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Battery control functions > SOC control via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
8.3.2 Setting the Setpoints for the Storage System According to the Rise and
Drop of PV Power
The parameters of the function Ramp rate control can only be set if a battery inverter has been installed.
When using a storage system in PV diesel hybrid systems: Measurement of PV power via the
measurement inputs of the Fuel Save Controller
If a storage system is implemented in the PV diesel hybrid system, the Fuel Save Controller has to calculate the
setpoints of the storage system for the charging and discharging of the battery depending on the PV power. To
correctly calculate the setpoints, the Fuel Save Controller requires the data of the PV power in a very high
temporal resolution.
For this, a current measurement input and a voltage measurement input of the Fuel Save Controller or of the
optional Data Acquisition Module must be used for capturing the PV power. The data transmitted via the internal
communication network of the PV diesel hybrid system do not have the required resolution.
Parameter overview
Figure 40: Ramp rate control: Settings regarding the calculation of setpoints for the battery according to the active power supplied by the PV
power plant
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Battery control functions > Ramp rate control via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 41: Energy Shifting: Settings for charging the battery using PV energy
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Battery control functions > Energy Shifting via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 42: Ramps: Settings for the setpoint change rate for inverters and gensets
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > FSC control functions > Ramps via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
8.4.2 Options for Specifying the Reserve Power Setpoint of the Gensets
Parameter overview
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > FSC control functions > Genset setpoints via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
Figure 44: Inverter management: Management of the PV power plant: Switching inverters on and off
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > FSC control functions > Inverter management via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
☐ You must be logged in as Installer.
1. Go to Control Functions > Grid control functions > Feed in protection via the page and menu selection.
2. Set the desired parameters (see Section 4.8.3, page 20).
9 System History
9.1 Overview of the Data Structure
The SMA Fuel Save Controller records the system history and saves three files with different data each day:
• One file with data for fast acquisition of measured values
• One file with data for slow acquisition of measured values
• One file with event and error messages
Once the SMA Fuel Save Controller has recorded the system history for 100 days in a ring buffer, it starts to overwrite
the files.
The files are saved in CSV format and recorded according to the following pattern:
File content Name structure Save Path for open access Read access for
interval user group
Data for fast acquisi- LogDataFast_JJJJ-MM- 10 s /cfs0/fsc/log/DataFast/ … User and Installer
tion of measured val- TT.csv
Data for slow acquisi- LogDataSlow_JJJJ-MM- 300 s /cfs0/fsc/log/DataSlow/ … User and Installer
tion of measured val- TT.csv
Event and error mes- ErrEvtLog_JJJJ-MM-TT.csv – /cfs0/fsc/log/ErrEvt/ … only
sages Installer
System settings – – /cfs0/fsc/param/ … only
Stopping the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant using the switch cabinet key
1. Turn the SMA Fuel Save Controller key switch to Stop.
2. Wait until the SMA Fuel Save Controller has stopped the inverters. This can take several minutes.
3. To disconnect the inverters from the AC grid, disconnect the inverters from voltage sources (see inverter
Stopping the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant via the user interface
☐ You must be logged into the user interface as Installer.
1. Log into the user interface as Installer.
2. Choose Settings > General via the page and menu selection.
3. In the Start/Stop FSC system bar, select the [Stop FSC] button.
4. Wait until the SMA Fuel Save Controller has stopped the inverters. This can take several minutes.
☑ The Fuel Save Controller is off message is displayed.
5. To disconnect the inverters from the AC grid, disconnect the inverters on the DC main distributor from voltage
sources (see inverter documentation).
10.2 Starting the PV Power Plant and SMA Fuel Save Controller
1. Start the gensets (see system documentation).
2. Connect supply voltage to the SMA Fuel Save Controller (see Fuel Save Controller installation manual).
3. Connect the current and voltage measurement inputs (see Fuel Save Controller installation manual).
4. To start the PV power plant and SMA Fuel Save Controller using the switch cabinet key, turn the SMA Fuel Save
Controller key switch to Start.
5. To start the PV power plant and SMA Fuel Save Controller via the user interface, carry out the following steps:
• Log into the user interface as Installer.
• Choose Settings > General via the page and menu selection.
• In the Start/Stop FSC system bar, select the [Start FSC] button.
☑ The Fuel Save Controller is on message is displayed.
6. Connect the PV inverters on the DC main distributor to the AC grid (see inverter documentation).
☑ The PV power plant synchronizes to the available AC grid. How long synchronization takes depends on the
current solar irradiation on the PV modules and on the current power required by the loads.
☑ The Fuel Save Controller reports the event 2097: Valid product licence found: The Fuel Save Controller is fully
✖ The Fuel Save Controller generates a warning: 2098: No product licence found, 2099: Product licence is
not valid, or 2100: Product licence is empty. This prevents access to the optional functions of the
Fuel Save Controller.
The software license installed may be invalid.
• Install a valid software license (see Section 10.4, page 106).
10.3 Restarting the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV Power Plant
☐ You must be logged into the user interface as Installer.
☐ The SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant must have been stopped (see Section 10.1, page 104).
Power supply failure when the SMA Fuel Save Controller is restarted
Before restarting the SMA Fuel Save Controller, the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant must be stopped.
It can take a few minutes for the SMA Fuel Save Controller and PV power plant to stop because the PV inverters
have to reduce their output power slowly. If the PV inverters are still feeding energy to the grid when the SMA Fuel
Save Controller is restarted, this may cause failure of the power supply.
• Once the SMA Fuel Save Controller has stopped, wait until the PV inverters have reduced their output power to
zero. This can take several minutes.
1. Choose the menu Plant Overview via the page and menu selection.
2. Choose Settings > General via the page and menu selection.
3. In the Reboot FSC system bar, select the [Reboot] button.
☑ The PV power plant synchronizes to the available AC grid. How long synchronization takes depends on the
current solar irradiation on the PV modules and on the current power required by the loads.
☑ The Fuel Save Controller reports the event 2097: Valid product licence found: The Fuel Save Controller is fully
✖ The Fuel Save Controller generates a warning: 2098: No product licence found, 2099: Product licence is
not valid, or 2100: Product licence is empty. This prevents access to the optional functions of the
Fuel Save Controller.
The software license installed may be invalid.
• Install a valid software license (see Section 10.4, page 106).
11 Cleaning
Additionally required maintenance material (not included in the scope of delivery):
☐ Use touch-up sticks, paint brushes, spray paint or 2K-PUR acrylic paint to repair minor surface damage.
☐ Use touch-up paint or 2K-PUR acrylic paint to repair extensive surface damage.
1. Check whether the Fuel Save Controller shows any externally visible damage.
If the Fuel Save Controller shows any externally visible damage, carry out the following measures:
• Decommission the SMA Fuel Save Controller (see Fuel Save Controller installation manual).
• Contact the SMA Service Line (see Section 12, page 108).
2. Remove coarse dirt contamination from the outside of the enclosure with a soft brush or similar tool.
3. Remove dust from the outside of the enclosure using a moist cloth.
4. Check the enclosure for corrosion and eliminate if necessary:
• Use touch-up sticks, paint brushes, spray paint or, alternatively, 2K-PUR acrylic paint to repair minor surface
damage. When doing so, adhere to the relevant instructions of the paint manufacturer.
• Use touch-up paint or 2K-PUR acrylic paint to repair extensive surface damage. When doing so, adhere to
the relevant instructions of the paint manufacturer.
12 Contact
If you have technical problems with our products, please contact the SMA Service Line. We require the following
information in order to provide you with the necessary assistance:
• Device type
• Serial number
• Error- and warning messages displayed
• Type of genset control unit used
Danmark SMA Solar Technology AG Belgien SMA Benelux BVBA/SPRL
Deutschland Niestetal Belgique Mechelen
Österreich Sunny Boy, Sunny Mini Central, België +32 15 286 730
Schweiz Sunny Tripower: +49 561 9522‑1499 Luxemburg SMA Online Service Center:
Monitoring Systems Luxembourg www.SMA-Service.com
+49 561 9522‑2499 Nederland
United Arab SMA Middle East LLC India SMA Solar India Pvt. Ltd.
Emirates Abu Dhabi Mumbai
+971 2234 6177 +91 22 61713888
SMA Online Service Center:
SMA Solar (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 대한민국 SMA Technology Korea Co., Ltd.
+66 2 670 6999 +82-2-520-2666
South Africa SMA Solar Technology South Africa Argentina SMA South America SPA
Pty Ltd. Brasil Santiago de Chile
Cape Town Chile +562 2820 2101
08600SUNNY (08600 78669) Perú
International: +27 (0)21 826 0600
SMA Online Service Center:
Australia SMA Australia Pty Ltd. Other countries International SMA Service Line
Sydney Niestetal
Toll free for Australia: 1800 SMA AUS 00800 SMA SERVICE
(1800 762 287) (+800 762 7378423)
International: +61 2 9491 4200