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Ip Access Lists

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With backpacks filled with smartphones, gaming devices as well as tablet and laptop computers, students at today’s colleges and
universities depend on wireless connectivity. This world without wires is rich with opportunities. It means that on-the-go students,
faculty, and administrators connect to information in real time, interact with one another using a variety of communication devices,
and extend the learning environment from the classroom to dorms, student union centers, research facilities, stadiums, and
beyond. However, this new freedom makes new demands on college and university networks, which must adapt to accommodate
this unprecedented influx of users, devices, and applications—all for the betterment of education.

Although the deluge of users, devices, and applications comes at a time when ongoing budget cuts and overloaded IT resources
are already causing strain, colleges and universities remain steadfast in meeting their goals. By turning to Cisco® Mobility
and Wireless Solutions, higher education institutions are taking advantage of the investment made in wired networking, while
transforming their existing infrastructure into a secure, versatile environment that promotes the success of a new generation of
learners by realizing all their connectivity needs.

By deploying Cisco Mobility and Wireless Solutions for Higher Questions to Consider
Education on a Unified Access Network, your institution
can bring the network to locations where traditional wired • How can you address the proliferation of mobile
connections cannot reach—and do it easily and cost-effectively. devices and applications on your network?
These flexible solutions allow you to:
• How can you determine and control who, what,
• Meet campus mobility demands by putting students, faculty,
when, where, and how users and devices access
staff, administrators, and campus assets in motion
your network?

• Deliver integrated mobility applications through an open,

• How can you monitor users and devices regardless
extensible wireless networking platform
of how they connect or where they are located on
your network?
• Provide ubiquitous network access anytime, anywhere,
indoors and outdoors—without the need for cabling
• How can you ensure a consistent, reliable user
experience no matter how, when, or where they
• Make network management, including adds, moves, and
connect to your network?
changes, easier and more cost-effective

• How can you support a broad set of use cases while

• Simplify tools to support the wave of new mobile devices
having the peace of mind that your network will
arriving on campus, some of which are 100-percent
scale easily and affordably in response to demand?
wireless (with no wired port)

1 © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Mobility and Wireless Solutions for Higher Education give With Wireless, Opportunities Are Limitless
students and staff the freedom to be anywhere on campus
and still perform all the tasks they would normally do on a
With Cisco Mobility and Wireless Solutions for Higher
classroom’s wired network. The solutions enable new network
Education, you can bring your IP network to more users
connections to laptops, smartphones, printers, cameras,
throughout the campus environment while improving
interactive whiteboards, and other devices, making campus
safety and security, administration and operations, as
resources more widely available and improving collaboration
well as 21st century teaching and learning. Here are
among students, faculty, administrators, and visitors such as
just a few examples:
guest lecturers.

• Maintain safe buildings and grounds by using

the wireless network to assist with monitoring of
2YHUYLHZRI&LVFR0RELOLW\DQG:LUHOHVV behavior and receiving alerts about unauthorized
6ROXWLRQVIRU+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ activities or events.

Cisco Mobility and Wireless Solutions for Higher Education are • Protect confidential data and keep wireless
flexible and support many of your initiatives, with added focus on transmissions secure from wireless attacks,
the following three areas: unauthorized access, rogue devices, and
malicious intruders.

• Safety and security: Maintaining safe buildings and grounds • Improve faculty and administrator access to
while keeping the network secure is critical. With Cisco Safety resources such as administration and learning tools,
and Security Mobility and Wireless Solutions, your institution research information, and email.
can enhance physical campus security, track assets, protect
the network, and prevent unauthorized network access. • Support bandwidth-intensive applications such as
video streaming, video-on-demand, gaming, and
• Administration and operations: Delivering quick and multimedia for use in research, learning, virtual
cost-effective broadband access improves campus environments, and social networking.
operations, collaboration, and productivity. With Cisco
Administration and Operations Mobility and Wireless • Deliver a better end-user experience in areas
Solutions, you can support secure, reliable network access with dense wireless usage such as lecture halls,
to voice, video, and data applications for students, faculty, auditoriums, open spaces, and social areas.
administrators, staff, and visitors as they roam the campus.
• Save money with Wi-Fi-enabled services that
• 21st century teaching and learning: Facilitating teaching automatically manage campus resources and assets.
and learning means giving students and professors the right
tools at the right time. With Cisco 21st Century Teaching and • Support green initiatives, improve energy efficiency,
Learning Mobility and Wireless Solutions, you can provide and create smart buildings through improved real
a solid, robust foundation for next-generation education estate management.
using web-enabled tools, social networking, context-based
applications, and more. • Improve learning, enhance the campus experience,
and better prepare students for entry into
Each of the above offerings builds on the Cisco Unified Access the workforce.
Network to deliver innovative solutions that meet the unique
mobility requirements of colleges and universities.

2 © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

“Our reliable, high-performance Cisco 802.11n wireless network enables us to create the most innovative academic
experience possible, improving students’ learning today and ensuring their professional success in the future.”

--Scott Ksander, Executive Director of IT Networks and Security, Purdue University

For the full story, visit:

Cisco has a proven heritage of leadership and innovation in wireless networking, as a market share and innovation leader for
10+ years (largest WLAN patent portfolio in the industry), 77% of Fortune 1000 have installed Cisco 802.11n, and 93% of
Fortune 1000 use Cisco WLAN.

Cisco Capital financing is uniquely positioned to assist our education

customers. By creating innovative, flexible financing, Cisco Capital
bridges the gap between education technology requirements and
budget availability, to assist in obtaining the products and services
that colleges and universities need today. For more information, visit:

Moreover, Cisco is recognized throughout colleges and universities

worldwide for its:

• Leadership in LAN, WLAN, and VPN technology, offering unique

expertise in delivering a unified access network that
cost-effectively and easily scales

• End-to-end network architecture, with layers of built-in, airtight

security, extending from the wired to the wireless network

• Breadth and depth of the Cisco product line that can adapt and
accommodate to more use cases than any other portfolio in
the industry

• Global community of trained and certified partners

• Renowned service and support

3 © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco will work with you to transform your higher education institution’s campus into a dynamic instructional environment that
empowers students, faculty, administrators, and staff to stay continuously connected to vital resources. For more information
about how to elevate the academic experience through mobility, call a Cisco representative or Cisco Certified Partner, or visit:

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Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Cisco Systems International BV
San Jose, CA Singapore Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at

Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks
mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)

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