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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Thursday • June 6, 2019 • XIX, Edition 244

Board set to pick

Foster City school
construction bid
San Mateo-Foster City officials
narrow down builder choices
By Austin Walsh

Following years of hurdles, construc-

tion of a new Foster City elementary
school is slated to take a sizable step
forward as education officials may select
a builder for the new campus.
The San Mateo-Foster City
Elementary School District Board of Shara Watkins
Trustees is facing the selection of a pre-
ferred contractor from two bidding firms which have applied
to develop the school proposed at the former Charter Square
shopping center. The potential decision Thursday, June 6,
could mark a key advancement for the project which has
World War II veteran Joshua Abend in his Redwood City home. A combat engineer, Abend arrived in Normandy 10 days after been plagued with a variety of dilemmas since it was first
D-Day and participated in the ensuing Battle of Normandy, also known as Operation Overlord. proposed several years ago.
Recognizing the magnitude of the moment, school board

Remembering D-Day
President Shara Watkins expressed her enthusiasm regard-
ing the opportunity to push the project forward.
“It’s a huge step,” said Watkins. “Foster City is well over-
due for a new elementary school. There have been issues of
overcrowding for years.”
At the upcoming meeting, officials will weigh the lower
bid of $29.9 million from Overaa & Company against the
Redwood City’s Joshua Abend served as WWII combat engineer costlier bid of $32.2 million from Rodan Builders to con-
By Zachary Clark struct the two-story school designed to accommodate about
460 students at the intersection of Shell and Beach Park
Redwood City resident Joshua See BID, Page 19
Abend was 20 years old on D-Day,
waiting at a military camp in England
to be sent into war.
“In a way, I was kind of strangely
looking forward to getting called. I
San Carlos to cut ties
wanted the invasion to get going,”
Abend said. “I wasn’t
anxious to go out Inside
there and kill people, I Passing D-Day
with charter concept
just wanted to be out memories to District first in state to have a charter,
there. I wanted to be kids a priority
where the action was.” 75 years later
officials say it’s no longer necessary
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II delivers a speech during the event to commemorate D-Day is a military See page 9 By Austin Walsh
the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Portsmouth, Britain. term for the first day DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
of the allied invasion of Nazi-held
‘Thank you’: Queen honors France on June 6, 1944, the largest
amphibious invasion in history.
After establishing a legacy as an early
adopter of charter schools, the San

D-Day veterans at ceremony Thursday, June 6 marks its 75th

Carlos Elementary School District is
positioned to formally cut ties and trans-
form into a traditional public school
By Danica Kirka and Jill Lawless Across the Channel, American and About 156, 000 allied troops
stormed the beaches of Normandy in system.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS British paratroopers dropped into
the northwestern portion of France The district Board of Trustees will Michelle
northwestern France and scaled cliffs
that day after having sailed about 100 weigh Thursday, June 6, a proposal to Harmeier
PORTSMOUTH, England — Queen beside Normandy beaches, recreating
miles from England where Abend was convert Heather Elementary School from
Elizabeth II and world leaders includ- the daring, costly invasion that
stationed at the time. a dependent charter school to a non-charter public school by
ing U. S. President Donald Trump helped liberate Europe from Nazi
“You could hear the battleships fir- electing to not renew the school’s dependent charter status.
gathered Wednesday on the south occupation.
ing and I saw many airplanes on the If approved, the school will be the next in the district once
coast of England to honor the troops With the number of veterans of
way to Normandy,” said Abend, 95, comprised entirely of charter schools to revoke its status,
who risked and sacrificed their lives World War II dwindling, the guests of
who served as a combat engineer in the and more similar conversions are likely on the horizon.
75 years ago on D-Day, a bloody but honor at an international ceremony
1253rd Combat Engineering Superintendent Michelle Harmeier said operating the dis-
ultimately triumphant turning point
in World War II. See D-DAY, Page 8
See ABEND, Page 9 See CHARTER, Page 19
002 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:43 PM Page 1

2 Thursday • June 6, 2019 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“As far as we can discern,
the sole purpose of human existence is to
kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
— Carl Jung

This Day in History

During World War II, Allied forces

1944 stormed the beaches of Normandy,

France, on “D-Day” as they began the
Western Europe.
of German-occupied

In 1 6 5 4 , Queen Christina of Sweden abdicated; she was

succeeded by her cousin, Charles X Gustav.
In 1 7 9 9 , American politician and orator Patrick Henry
died at Red Hill Plantation in Virginia.
In 1 8 1 6 , a snowstorm struck the northeastern U.S.,
heralding what would become known as the “Year Without a
In 1 9 1 8 , U.S. Marines suffered heavy casualties as they
launched their eventually successful counteroffensive
against German troops in the World War I Battle of Belleau
Wood in France.
In 1 9 2 5 , Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corp.
In 1 9 3 3 , the first drive-in movie theater was opened by
Richard Hollingshead in Camden County, New Jersey. (The
movie shown was “Wives Beware, ” starring Adolphe REUTERS
Menjou.) People enjoy a ride in an amusement park as they celebrate the second day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks
In 1 9 3 9 , the first Little League game was played as Lundy the end of the holy month of Ramadan in Istanbul, Turkey.
Lumber defeated Lycoming Dairy 23-8 in Williamsport,
In 1 9 6 6 , black activist James Meredith was shot and In other news ...
wounded as he walked along a Mississippi highway to The boulder was the largest in a rock- To find food or mates, many ani-
encourage black voter registration. Florida thief takes blowtorch slide that destroyed pavement on a mals carry bacteria that generate blue
In 1 9 6 8 , Sen. Robert F. Kennedy died at Good Samaritan to ATM, welds it shut instead stretch of Colorado Highway 145 near or red light. That’s called biolumines-
Hospital in Los Angeles, 25 1/2 hours after he was shot by the town of Dolores on May 24. cence.
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. OKALOOSA ISLAND, Fla. —
Authorities say two Florida burglars It will cost about $1.3 million to re- Using microscopes, Meyers and his
In 1 9 7 8 , California voters overwhelmingly approved research team examined the teeth of
thought they were clever when they route the road, some of which will
Proposition 13, a primary ballot initiative calling for dragonfish they had dredged up from
used a blowtorch to break into an ATM come from federal emergency funding.
major cuts in property taxes. about a third of a mile (500 meters)
machine, but they never hit the jack- Polis said people will also have the
pot. opportunity to see the boulder dubbed underwater off the coast of San Diego.
Birthdays Instead, the burning heat actually
welded the ATM’s hinges shut.
“Memorial Rock.” It fell on Memorial
Day weekend.
Dragonfish teeth are made of the
same materials as human teeth — a
Okaloosa County Sheriff’s officials protective layer of enamel on the sur-
say video surveillance shows two male Scientists crack secret of face and a tough, deeper layer of
suspects entering the Boardwalk on fish’s deadly, transparent teeth dentin. But the minerals have a much
Okaloosa Island on Friday. One was finer microscopic structure that is
armed with a crowbar and appeared to NEW YORK — A deep-sea fish can organized more haphazardly.
serve as the lookout while the other hide its enormous, jutting teeth from “That was very surprising to us,”
took the blowtorch to the ATM. prey because its chompers are virtual- Meyers said.
Instead of cutting the ATM with the ly invisible — until it’s too late. The result is that light in the envi-
blowtorch, authorities say the would- What’s the dragonfish’s secret? The ronment or from bioluminescence—
Comedian Sandra Comedian Colin Actor Paul be thief welded the metal parts shut and teeth are transparent, and now scien- even from dragonfish themselves —
Bernhard is 64. Quinn is 60. Giamatti is 52. the pair left with nothing. tists have discovered how the fish doesn’t reflect off the teeth. Instead,
accomplished that trick. most light passes through the teeth
Singer-songwriter Gary “U.S.” Bonds is 80. Country singer Colorado will reroute highway Findings were published Wednesday so they’re almost completely con-
Joe Stampley is 76. Jazz musician Monty Alexander is 75. in the journal Matter. cealed.
Actor Robert Englund is 72. Folk singer Holly Near is 70. around boulder that fell on it The dragonfish is a small predator This, the researchers believe,
Singer Dwight Twilley is 68. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R- DENVER — A boulder the size of a with jagged, needle-like teeth pro- makes the dragonfish a stealthier
Tenn., is 67. Playwright-actor Harvey Fierstein is 67. house that crashed onto a southwestern truding from a jaw that can extend to hunter.
International Tennis Hall of Famer Bjorn Borg is 63. Actress Colorado state highway last month bite into prey up to half its body size. Transparent teeth could be a com-
Amanda Pays is 60. Record producer Jimmy Jam is 60. Rock will stay put. State officials plan to “They look like monsters, ” said mon strategy among deep-sea preda-
musician Steve Vai is 59. Rock singer-musician Tom Araya reroute the highway around it — sav- Marc Meyers of the University of tors, said Christopher Kenaley, a fish
(Slayer) is 58. Actor Jason Isaacs is 56. Actor Anthony Starke ing taxpayers money and possibly cre- California, San Diego. “But they’re biologist at Boston College who was-
is 56. Rock musician Sean Yseult (White Zombie) is 53. Actor ating a tourist attraction. mini monsters” — about as long as a n’t part of the study, noting that some
Max Casella is 52. Rhythm and blues singer Damion Hall Democratic Gov. Jared Polis said pencil. other fish share this feature.
(Guy) is 51. Rock musician James “Munky” Shaffer (Korn) is Tuesday that Colorado will save about Despite their short stature, these Among the most well-known of the
49. TV correspondent Natalie Morales is 47. Country singer $200,000 by not blasting the 8.5 mil- fish are at the top of the food chain in others are anglerfish, stubby creatures
Lisa Brokop is 46. Rapper-rocker Uncle Kracker is 45. Actress lion pound (3.9 million kilogram) their deep-ocean realm where it’s that wave a glowing rod-like growth
Sonya Walger is 45. Actress Staci Keanan is 44. Jazz singer boulder. almost pitch black. from their heads to lure prey.
Somi is 43. Actress Amber Borycki is 36.
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these Jumbles, June 5 Powerball Fantasy Five Thurs day : Partly cloudy in the morning
one letter to each square,
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to form four ordinary words. 17 23 28 34 38 8 13 20 21 33 36 then becoming sunny. Breezy. Highs in

the 50s to mid 60s. West winds 15 to 20

Daily Four mph... Becoming 20 to 30 mph in the

June 4 Mega Millions afternoon.
25 37 46 48 68 25 7 9 2 1 Thurs day Ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the
evening then becoming mostly clear.
Mega number
Daily 3 midday
NYIDK June 5 Super Lotto Plus
Breezy. Lows in the lower 50s. West winds
4 9 9 20 to 30 mph.
12 16 21 28 41 26 Fri day : Partly cloudy in the morning then becoming
Daily 3 evening sunny. Highs in the 50s to upper 60s. Northwest winds 10
TRTEEL to 20 mph...becoming west 5 to 10 mph in the afternoon.
Mega number

5 4 0
Fri day Ni g ht: Clear. Lows in the mid 50s. Northwest
The Daily Derby race winners are Whirl Win, No. 6, in winds 5 to 15 mph.
first place; Winning Spirit, No. 9, in second place; and Saturday : Sunny. Highs in the lower 60s to mid 70s.
Solid Gold, No. 10, in third place. The race time was Saturday Ni g ht Thro ug h Sunday Ni g ht: Partly cloudy.
NARACY clocked at 1:45.47. Lows in the upper 50s.
Now arrange the circled letters
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003 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 6:48 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Thursday • June 6, 2019 3

Oakland becomes second city to Police reports
There’s one key problem here
decriminalize magic mushrooms
By Samantha Maldonado
Someone stole house keys from a lock
box to gain entry to a home and stole
construction tools from the home in
Belmont, it was reported at 8:58 a.m.
SAN FRANCISCO — Oakland on Tuesday
became the second U.S. city to decriminal- FOSTER CITY
ize magic mushrooms after a string of peo- Di s turbance. Two people were yelling and
ple shared how psychedelics helped them throwing cans at one another on Baffin and
overcome depression, drug addiction and Melbourne streets, it was reported at 11:28
post-traumatic stress disorder. p.m. Saturday, June 1.
The City Council voted unanimously to Reckl es s dri v i ng . A motorist was mak-
decriminalize the adult use and possession ing unsafe lane changes on Metro Center
of magic mushrooms and other Boulevard, it was reported at 3:52 p.m.
entheogenic, or psychoactive, plants. Saturday, June 1.
Denver voters approved a similar measure Vandal i s m. The entire right side and hood
for people 21 and older last month. of a vehicle were scratched on Timberhead
Speakers overwhelmingly supported the Lane, it was reported at 12:51 p. m.
move, describing substances like peyote as Saturday, June 1.
traditional plant-based medicines. One man Arres t. A San Francisco man was arrested
who described himself as a former heroin for driving under the influence and driving
addict said such plants saved his life. Some with a suspended license on East Hillsdale
offered mystical descriptions of the hallu- Boulevard and Sea Spray Lane, it was report-
cinogens as providing spiritual healing. REUTERS ed at 11:20 p.m. Friday, May 31.
The vote makes the investigation and Oakland has become the second U.S. city to decriminalize magic mushrooms after people
arrest of adults who grow, possess, use or shared how psychedelics have helped them overcome depression, drug addiction and BELMONT
distribute entheogenic plants one of the post-traumatic stress disorder. Vandal i s m. Someone threw a rock and
lowest priorities for police. No city money broke a house window, it was reported at
could be used to enforce laws criminalizing Loren Taylor added caveats that the sub- law’s impact on the community.
stances “are not for everyone,” recommend- “Entheogenic plants and fungi are tremen- 9:24 a.m. Friday, May 31.
the substances, and the Alameda County dis- Theft. Multiple vehicles were broken into
trict attorney would stop prosecuting peo- ing that people with PTSD or major depres- dous for helping to enable healing, particu-
sion seek professional help before using larly for folks who have experienced trauma on San Juan Boulevard, it was reported at
ple who have been apprehended for use or 5:35 p.m. Wednesday, May 29.
possession. them and that people “don’t go solo” but in their lives,” Carlos Plazola, chairman of
seek expert guidance and have a trusted the advocacy group Decriminalize Nature Burg l ary . A wallet was stolen from a vehi-
Council member Noel Gallo, who intro- cle on Barclay Way, it was reported at 10:38
duced the resolution, had said decriminaliz- friend present during the use. Oakland, said before the council meeting.
The ordinance also directs the city admin- “These plants are being recommended pret- a.m. Monday, May 27.
ing such plants would enable Oakland Vandal i s m. A vehicle was vandalized on
police to focus on serious crime. istrator to come back within a year to pro- ty extensively undercover, underground, by
vide the council with an assessment of the doctors and therapists.” Irene Court, it was reported at 7:28 p.m.
Amendments offered by Council member Monday May, 27.

Democrat Gonzalez, Around the state

GOP’s Dahle win state Senate seats to count in Dahle’s race. But his opponent,
SACRAMENTO — Long Beach City fellow Republican Assemblyman Kevin
Councilwoman Lena Gonzalez and Kiley, conceded after calculating he would-
Republican Assemblyman Brian Dahle are n’t win enough to overcome the 8,297-vote
headed to the California Senate after win- deficit. The results maintain Democrats’ 29-
ning special elections to fill vacant seats. 11 advantage in the Senate.
Gonzalez, a Democrat, clinched her urban Gonzalez will succeed Democrat Ricardo
Southern California Senate district with Lara, who was elected insurance commis-
69% of the votes counted through Tuesday, sioner last year. She faced Republican
while Dahle received 53% in his sprawling Cudahy Councilman Jack Guerrero in the
rural northern district. 33rd District, where Democrats have a huge
There still are likely at least 20,000 votes edge in registrations.
004 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 6:23 PM Page 1

4 Thursday • June 6, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

House fire extinguished Local briefs

after displacing six after police encountered
Firefighters extinguished a fire that dis- them in a car in a mall
placed six residents and three pets at a home parking lot and they fled
in Daly City on Tuesday morning, accord- in their car, crashing it,
ing to the North County Fire Authority. then fled on foot Monday
Crews responded at 9:41 a.m. to a report night.
of a structure fire at 527 Crocker Ave. and At about 8:06 p. m. ,
arrived to find smoke and flames coming San Bruno police spotted
from the garage of a two-story home, fire the suspicious vehicle in
officials said.
Firefighters rescued a resident from the Christina Taylor a parking lot of the
Shops at Tanforan and
rear of the home and used hose lines to con- encountered Christina
tain the blaze to the garage and a nearby Taylor, 35, and Travis
storage room, although smoke damage was Penaluna, 29, both of
reported throughout the rest of the home, Rodeo. They caused two
according to the fire authority. car crashes, one of which
Six residents, two dogs and a cat are resulted in a minor injury
receiving housing assistance via the to a third party, accord-
American Red Cross. No injuries were ing to police.
reported to any firefighters or residents, fire Taylor was detained by
officials said. Travis Penaluna an outside agency. Woodside Fire Protection District Chief Rob Lindner said a fire Wednesday was likely caused
Penaluna was not located by a bus tire blowout, which led to a tire rim or axle hitting the road and creating sparks.
San Mateo police investigate but was found in Oakland the next day. A approached the man in a dark parking lot on 280 immediately after noticing the flames
home construction burglaries subsequent investigation revealed the two the San Francisco Bay Trail while on routine at about 10:30 a.m.
suspects were in possession of a large patrol around East Third Avenue and Anchor He was able to leave the bus and no other
Vacant residential homes on the west side
amount of stolen mail, credit cards, emboss- Road. occupants were on board.
of San Mateo have been burglarized in the
ing equipment and other identity theft relat- The officer spotted a blue Honda Civic Woodside Fire Protection District Chief
early morning and police are warning others
ed instruments. Both suspects were arrested backed into a parking spot with license Rob Lindner said the fire was likely caused
to prevent more crimes.
and booked into jail for multiple arrest war- plates registered to a Chevrolet. As officers by a tire blowout, which led to a tire rim or
Mirroring a statewide trend of property
rants and charges related to fraud, identity approached, he took off and nearly struck axle hitting the road and creating sparks.
crimes, the city has seen an uptick as well.
theft, possession of narcotics, and using a the officer. He failed to stop, leading offi- The flames then jumped to dry vegetation
In the most recent streak, police are investi-
vehicle to evade arrest in a reckless manner, cers on pursuit into Hayward just east of the on the side of southbound Interstate 280
gating multiple residential burglaries of
according to police. San Mateo Bridge. about a quarter-mile before the driver
vacant homes under construction in the gen-
eral area west of South El Camino Real and He collided into a fence and fled into noticed the flames and pulled over.
south of State Route 92.
Man nearly hits marshlands. Once he was arrested, he was Firefighters from Woodside, Menlo Park,
Anyone with surveillance or any informa- officer to begin hot pursuit identified as Jose Santiago Jr., 50, of South Redwood City and Palo Alto responded to
tion is encouraged to call Sgt. Lee Violett A man contacted by San Francisco. the scene, in addition to the San Mateo
with San Mateo Police Department’s police for loitering on County Sheriff’s Office and the CHP.
Investigations Bureau at (650) 522-7662. the San Mateo Bayfront Apple bus engulfed The two fires were under control in about
Anonymous tips can be submitted to suspiciously was arrested in flames, no one injured 30 minutes. Cal Fire officials said shortly or by calling (650) after a vehicle pursuit in after noon that forward progress of the fire
522-7676. No one was seriously injured after a com- had been stopped, and shared photos on
which he nearly struck a muter bus for Apple became engulfed in
police officer Tuesday social media of the burned skeleton of the
Two arrested for ID theft night, according to
flames Wednesday morning on Interstate bus.
280 near Portola Valley, according to the The bus is a total loss and was removed
crimes, fleeing from officers police. California Highway Patrol. from the scene by a tow truck. Lindner said
Jose At approximately The bus driver pulled over onto the Alpine
A man and a woman wanted by a variety of the bus driver sustained minor hand injuries
Santiago Jr. 10:07 p.m., an officer Road off-ramp from southbound Interstate
agencies for multiple thefts were arrested but refused treatment at the scene.
005 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:33 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Thursday • June 6, 2019 5

Trump sees progress in Mexico talks but ‘not nearly enough’
By Jill Colvin, talks would continue “with the understand-
Matthew Lee and Luis Alonso Lugo ing that, if no agreement is reached, Tariffs
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at the 5% level will begin on Monday, with
monthly increases as per schedule.”
WASHINGTON — Straining to stave off Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo
threatened U. S. tariffs, Mexican and Ebrard said immigration, not tariffs, was the
American officials claimed progress in main focus at the White House meeting,
White House talks late Wednesday, but which included Secretary of State Mike
President Donald Trump declared it was “not Pompeo, Vice President Mike Pence and
nearly enough” to halt the import taxes he other U.S. officials.
is holding out as a way to force Mexico to “We are optimistic,” he said at a news
stanch the flow of Central American conference at the Mexican Embassy.
migrants flooding America’s southern bor- Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are
der. threatening their own confrontation with
Talks continued into the night at the State Trump, warning the White House that they
Department and were to resume Thursday. are ready to stand up to the president to try
Underscoring the scope of the problem, to block his tariffs, which they worry would
the Department of Homeland Security spike costs to U.S. consumers, harm the
announced separately that U. S. Border REUTERS economy and imperil a major pending U.S.-
Patrol apprehensions of migrants illegally Donald Trump speaks on stage during an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Mexico-Canada trade deal.
crossing the border hit the highest level in D-Day in Portsmouth, Britain. Without a deal, the first tariffs — 5%
more than a decade in May: 132,887 appre- politically they underscore a major ideolog- including from fellow Republicans, about taxes on imports from Mexico, eventually
hensions, including a record 84,542 adults ical split between Trump and his party. the likely impacts on American manufactur- increasing to 25% — are to go into effect
and children traveling together and 11,507 Trump has increasingly relied on tariffs as a ers and consumers. next Monday, and Trump has said that is
children traveling alone. bludgeon to try to force other nations to Renewing his threat Wednesday, Trump “more likely” than not to occur despite the
The threatened tariffs carry enormous eco- bend to his will, dismissing warnings, tweeted from Ireland that the Washington stiff and vocal opposition from many fel-
nomic implications for both countries, and low Republicans.

Feds: No more education, legal services for immigrant kids

By Astrid Galvan legal services or recreational equipment. ment — if they can, or choose to. without a parent just last month. The kids
and Adriana Gomez Licon The move appears to violate a legal settle- BCFS, a nonprofit provider in several are transferred to the care of Health and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment known as the Flores agreement that Texas cities, said in a statement that it Human Services after the Border Patrol
requires the government to provide educa- would continue providing services because processes them. Health and Human Services
PHOENIX — The federal government has tion and recreational activities to immi- not doing so would violate state licensing contracts out their care and housing to non-
stopped paying for English-language cours- grant children in its care. standards. It said it will use emergency fund- profits and private companies.
es and legal services at facilities that hold But the agency says it doesn’t have the ing from its parent organization. “As we have said, we have a humanitarian
immigrant children around the country, funding to provide those services as it deals “The health and well-being of those in our crisis at the border brought on by a broken
imposing budget cuts it says are necessary with a soaring number of children coming care are of the utmost importance and we immigration system that is putting tremen-
at a time when record numbers of unaccom- to the U.S., largely from Central America. hope there is a rapid resolution to this fund- dous strain (on the agency),” spokeswoman
panied children are arriving at the border. It’s now up to the various nonprofit ing issue,” spokeswoman Evy Ramos said. Evelyn Stauffer said. “Additional resources
The Health and Human Services depart- and private organizations run facilities The government says it currently has are urgently required to meet the humanitar-
ment notified shelters around the country for the children to cover the cost of 13,200 children in its care, and more are ian needs created by this influx - to both
last week that it was not going to reimburse teachers, supplies, legal services and coming. The Border Patrol said Wednesday sustain critical child welfare and release
them for teachers’ pay or other costs such as even recreational activities and equip- that 11,500 children crossed the border operations and increase capacity.”

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006 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 7:06 PM Page 1

6 Thursday • June 6, 2019 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Trump halts fetal tissue Around the nation

research by government scientists on HIV vaccines, treatments that harness
WASHINGTON — The Trump administra- the body’s immune system to battle cancer,
tion said Wednesday that it is ending med- and other health threats, including some to
ical research by government scientists that fetuses themselves.
uses human fetal tissue,.
The Health and Human Services Alabama bill: Chemical
Department said in a statement that govern- castration for some sex offenders
ment-funded research by universities that
involves fetal tissue can continue for now, MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Some sex
subject to additional scrutiny — although it offenders in Alabama could be chemically
also ended one major university project that castrated before being released on parole,
used the tissue to test HIV treatments. That under a bill approved by state lawmakers.
school — University of California, San Lawmakers gave final approval to the bill
Francisco — called the decision “politically last week and sent it to Gov. Kay Ivey.
motivated.” Chemical castration involves taking med-
ication that blocks testosterone production
Administration officials said the federal
in order to decrease the person’s sex drive. REUTERS
policy changes will not affect privately
At least eight states allow the procedure — Joe Biden speaks at a campaign stop at the IBEW Local 490 in Concord, N.H.
funded research.
including California, Florida and Texas—
Ending the use of fetal tissue by the
National Institutes of Health has been a pri-
ority for anti-abortion activists, a core ele-
ment of President Donald Trump’s political
but it is unclear how often it is used.
The Alabama bill, sponsored by
Republican Rep. Steve Hurst, would require
sex offenders whose crimes involved chil-
Dem rivals rebuke Joe Biden for
base. A senior administration official said it
was the president’s call. The official wasn’t
authorized to publicly discuss internal
deliberations and spoke on condition of
dren younger than 13 to receive the medica-
tion before being released from prison on
parole. They would then be required to con-
not backing abortion rule repeal
By Will Wwissert, The hedging prompted intraparty outcry,
tinue the medication until a judge decided
anonymity. they could stop. Bill Barrow and Elana Schor with top Democrats reaffirming their commit-
But research using fetal tissue has led to “If it will help one or two children, and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment to abortion rights and scrapping the
lifesaving advances , including develop- decrease that urge to the point that person Hyde Amendment. They generally avoided
ment of vaccines for rubella and rabies and does not harm that child, it’s worth it,” WASHINGTON — Joe Biden is under fire mentioning Biden by name, but the pushback
drugs to treat HIV. Scientists around the Hurst said during debate on the bill in the from his Democratic presidential rivals and marked the first significant instance in which
country denounced the decision, saying that House of Representatives. women’s rights advocates for his defense of a virtually the entire crowded 2020 field united
fetal tissue was critically needed for research decades-old prohibition on federal money to critique Biden, who has emerged as an early
paying for abortions. Democratic front-runner.
Most Democratic White House hopefuls New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who has
Obituary reflect their party’s latest platform calling for campaigned as an unapologetic feminist,
the outright repeal of the Hyde Amendment, tweeted “reproductive rights are human
Antonietta Gattuso Tantillo which traces back to a compromise made rights, period. They should be nonnegotiable
May 6, 1933 – June 1, 2019 when Biden was a young Delaware senator in for all Democrats.” On Capitol Hill,
the years after the landmark Roe v. Wade California Sen. Kamala Harris told the
“Nona” Antonietta Gattuso Tantillo, late of Millbrae and Associated Press she was “absolutely
San Mateo County resident since 1961, entered into rest at her Supreme Court ruling legalized abortion
nationwide. opposed to the idea that a woman is not going
home on June 1, 2019. Beloved wife of the love of her life to have an ability to exercise her choice based
Giovanni Tantillo. Devoted daughter of the late Antonio and But a Biden campaign spokesman said
Wednesday that the former vice president sup- on how much money she’s got.”
late Maria Gattuso. Loving mother of John (his wife Ginger), Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, dur-
Tony Tantillo (his wife Marie), Frank Tantillo (his wife Traci), ports the measure, though he “would be open
to repealing it” if abortion access is further ing an MSNBC town hall in Indiana, said
Anna Maria Tantillo Panozzo and Chiara Tantillo. Dear sister Biden was wrong to support the abortion
of Salvadore Gattuso (his wife Pina) and the late Fina (the threatened by restrictive state laws, like those
recently passed in Georgia and Alabama. funding restriction.
late John Carlo). Also survived by her grandchildren Robert, Jennifer, Kimberly,
Jonathan, Stephanie, Anthony, Andrea, Brianna, Ava and Dante along with her 7 great
grandsons and many nieces, nephews, cousins and close friends including relatives
in Sicily and Italy.
Born on May 6, 1933 in Santa Flavia, Sicily, age 86 years.
A member of the Italian American Social Club in San Mateo; Famous to her family
and friends for Sunday dinners and as a gourmet Italian cook; A Roman Catholic
devoted to Jesus Christ, the blessed Madonna, Padre Pio and prayed the Rosary daily.
Family and friends may visit on Friday, June 7, 2019 after 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM
at the CHAPEL OF THE HIGHLANDS, El Camino Real at 194 Millwood Drive
in Millbrae, with a Vigil Service at 7:00 PM. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated
on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Saint Dunstan Catholic Church, 1133
Broadway in Millbrae. Committal will follow at the Italian Cemetery in Colma.
Donations, if you wish, may be made to St. Jude Children’s Hospital at www. or to Little Sisters of the Poor at www.littlesistersofthepoorsanfrancisco.
007 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 7:03 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION/WORLD Thursday • June 6, 2019 7

Sudan protesters say 40 bodies Around the nation
Doctor accused of murder
in 25 patient overdose deaths
pulled from Nile River in capital COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio doctor was
charged with murder Wednesday in the deaths
of 25 hospital patients who, authorities say,
By Bassam Hatoum and Samy Magdy were killed with deliberate overdoses of
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS painkillers, many of them administered by
other medical workers on his orders.
KHARTOUM, Sudan — More than 40 In one of the biggest cases of its kind ever
bodies of people slain by Sudanese securi- brought against an American health care
ty forces were pulled from the Nile River in professional, William Husel was accused of
the capital of Khartoum, organizers of pro- ordering outsize doses of the powerful
democracy demonstrations said painkiller fentanyl. Many of the patients
Wednesday, and new clashes brought the who died were on ventilators and receiving
death toll in three days of the ruling mili- palliative care. The deaths occurred between
tary’s crackdown to 108. 2015 and 2018. Franklin County Prosecutor
The Sudan Doctors Committee, one of Ron O’Brien compared Husel’s actions to
the protest groups, reported eight more extinguishing a dwindling candle.
deaths by late Wednesday and said at least “That candle, while there may be just a half
509 people had been wounded. an inch of wax left, if I blow that candle out,
Word about the retrieval of the bodies I’m causing that flame to go out sooner than
came as Sudan’s ruling general called for a it would naturally,” O’Brien said.
resumption of negotiations with the Husel, 43, pleaded not guilty after turning
protest leaders, which they promptly himself in earlier in the day. A judge set bail
rejected. They said the generals cannot be at $1 million.
serious about talks while troops keep
killing protesters. Judge: Claims of political
A spokesman for the protesters said that motives in census fight ‘serious’
instead they would continue their demon- REUTERS
strations and strikes seeking to pressure A protester gestures as he runs past a barricade along a street while demanding that the NEW YORK — Allegations that
the military into handing over power to a country’s Transitional Military Council hand over power to civilians in Khartoum, Sudan. Republicans pushed to add a citizenship
civilian authority. question to the 2020 census because they
The reported discovery of the bodies in the Mediterranean. Another 10 were reported killed in clashes thought it would give white people an elec-
the Nile suggested that Monday’s violent The committee said in a statement that a Tuesday in Khartoum and Omdurman, the toral advantage are “serious,” a judge said
dispersal of the protest movement’s main day earlier, militiamen of the Rapid capital’s twin city across the Nile, and far- Wednesday as he put the matter on a slow
sit-in camp, outside military headquarters, Support Forces were seen pulling 40 bod- ther south in the White Nile state. track to keep it out of the way of an immi-
was even bloodier than initially believed. ies from the river and taking them away. It At least 18 more were killed in clashes or nent Supreme Court ruling.
The attack on the camp was led by a noto- said it was not known where they were died of earlier wounds Wednesday, the U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman spoke in
rious paramilitary unit called the Rapid taken. Doctors Committee said late in the day. a crowded New York courtroom where some
Support Forces, along with other troops One activist, Amal al-Zein, said the num- The committee said it feared the final death anticipated he’d quickly get to claims made
who waded into the camp, opening fire and ber could be even higher. She said activists toll would be much higher. last week by opponents of the citizenship
beating protesters. and private citizens had pulled dozens more Protests continued in Omdurman and question.
During the mayhem, the Doctors bodies from the Nile in areas near the sit-in Khartoum’s central Bahri and Buri district, The high court is considering the Justice
Committee said witnesses reported seeing and took them to a hospital morgue. where clashes erupted with the Rapid Department’s appeal of rulings by Furman
bodies loaded into military vehicles to be “Some bodies have wounds from bullets, Support Forces, activists said. and two other judges in California and
dumped into the river. The camp was not far others seemed to have beaten and thrown “In Buri, there were lots of shootings and Maryland who concluded that the question
from the Blue Nile, just upstream from in the Nile,” she said. tear gas, ” said Hashim al-Sudani, an was improperly added to the census last year
where it joins the White Nile and then On Monday, the Doctors Committee put activist. “They tried to force people into by the Commerce Department without ade-
flows north through Sudan and Egypt to the death toll from the crackdown at 40. narrow streets” to beat them. quate consideration.
008 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:21 PM Page 1

8 Thursday • June 6, 2019 NATION/WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

But the stars of the show were the elderly more. Whenever their images came up on

Continued from page 1
veterans of that campaign who said they
were surprised by all the attention: They
were just doing their jobs.
Comment on
or share this story at
the big screen, people cheered. The former
servicemen have reacted to such shows of
attention with humility and surprise, as
“I was just a small part in a very big many believed they had been forgotten.
machine,” said 99-year-old John Jenkins, a “What happened to me is not important.
in Portsmouth were several hundred men, veteran from Portsmouth, who received a in time, with world leaders, reading the I’m not a hero. I served with men who were,”
now in their 90s, who served in the conflict standing ovation as he addressed the event. words of participants in the conflict. said Les Hammond, 94, who landed at Juno
— and the 93-year-old British monarch, “You never forget your comrades because Trump read a prayer that President Beach with the Royal Electrical Mechanical
also a member of what has been called the we were all in it together,” he said. “It is Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered in a radio Engineers. “I’m very lucky I’m a survivor.”
“greatest generation.” right that the courage and sacrifice of so address on June 6, 1944, extolling the On Thursday the focus shifts to France,
The queen, who served as an army many is being honored 75 years on. We “mighty endeavor” Allied troops were where commemorations will be held at sim-
mechanic during the war, said that when she must never forget.” engaged in. ple military cemeteries near the Normandy
attended a 60th-anniversary commemora- The event, which kicked off two days of British Prime Minister Theresa May read a beaches.
tion of D-Day 15 years ago, many thought D-Day anniversary observances, paid trib- letter written by Capt. Norman Skinner of Events in France began early Wednesday
it might be the last such event. ute to the troops who shaped history during the Royal Army Service Corps to his wife, morning with U.S. Army Rangers climbing
“But the wartime generation — my gener- the dangerous mission to reach beachheads Gladys, on June 3, 1944, a few days before the jagged limestone cliffs of Normandy’s
ation — is resilient,” she said, striking an and fight in German-occupied France. the invasion. He was killed the day after D- Pointe du Hoc to honor the men who scaled
unusually personal note. D-Day saw more than 150,000 Allied Day. them under fire 75 years ago.
“The heroism, courage and sacrifice of troops land on the beaches of Normandy in “Although I would give anything to be They were recreating a journey taken in
those who lost their lives will never be for- northwest France on June 6, 1944, carried back with you, I have not yet had any wish 1944 by the U. S. Army’s 2nd and 5th
gotten, ” the monarch said. “It is with by 7,000 boats. The Battle of Normandy, at all to back down from the job we have to Ranger Battalions to destroy Nazi guns atop
humility and pleasure, on behalf of the codenamed Operation Overlord, was a turn- do,” he wrote. the cliffs, helping prepare the way for Allied
entire country — indeed the whole free ing point in the war, and helped bring about French President Emmanuel Macron read troops to land on the coast.
world — that I say to you all, thank you.” Nazi Germany’s defeat in May 1945. from a letter sent by a young resistance
Elsewhere in Normandy parachutists
Several hundred World War II veterans, fighter, Henri Fertet, before he was executed
Wednesday’s ceremony brought together jumped from C-47 transporters in WWII col-
aged 91 to 101, attended the ceremony in at the age of 16 years old.
presidents, prime ministers and other repre- ors and other aircraft, aiming for fields of
Portsmouth, the English port city from “I am going to die for my country. I want
sentatives of more than a dozen countries wild flowers on the outskirts of Carentan,
where many of the troops embarked for France to be free and the French to be
that fought alongside Britain in Normandy. one of the early objectives for Allied
Normandy on June 5, 1944. happy,” it said.
The leader of the country that was the troops.
Many will recreate their journey, with less The ceremony ended with singer Sheridan
enemy in 1944 , German Chancellor Angela Among the jumpers was American D-Day
danger and more comfort, by crossing the Smith performing the wartime hit “We’ll
Merkel, also attended— a symbol of veteran Tom Rice, 97. He jumped into
Channel by ship to Normandy overnight. Meet Again,” as many of the elderly assem-
Europe’s postwar reconciliation and trans- Normandy with thousands of other para-
They are due to attend commemorations bled veterans sang along.
formation. chutists in 1944 and recalled it as “the worst
Thursday in Bayeux, the first major town Then WWII Spitfire and Hurricane fighter
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who jump I ever had.”
liberated by Allied troops after D-Day. jets, modern-day Typhoons and the Royal
Mixing history lesson, entertainment attended 70th anniversary commemorations Air Force’s Red Arrows aerobatic unit Like many other veterans , Rice said he
and solemn remembrance, the ceremony in in France five years ago, has not been invit- swooped over the dignitaries, veterans and remains troubled by the war.
Portsmouth was a large-scale spectacle ed. Russia was not involved in D-Day but large crowd of spectators. “We did a lot of destruction, damage. And
involving troops, dancers and martial was instrumental in defeating the Nazis on The crowd beyond the security barriers we chased the Germans out and coming back
bands, culminating in a military fly-past. the Eastern Front. loved the planes but loved the veterans even here is a matter of closure,” he said. “You
The ceremony sought to take people back can close the issue now.”
009 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION/WORLD Thursday • June 6, 2019 9

Passing D-Day memories to children a priority 75 years later
By Sylvie Corbet and Raf Casert them on to the youngest generation. captured the Pointe du Hoc on after scaling ers’ astonishment and respect.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One of the French children who heard high cliffs. “It’s absolute awe, because I turned a cor-
firsthand accounts of D-Day, 10-year-old “We lost hundreds of our men trying to ner and just all of a sudden you see all these
SAINT-LAURENT-SUR-MER, France — Martin Deshayes, marveled at the thousands take this particular spot,” Brian Goodbrake, crater sites from all the bombs, and you just
Anyone who lives long enough knows that and thousands of troops who landed on a history teacher who traveled from see all these vets all over the place,”
children soak up memories that can stay beaches when Germany occupied his coun- Nebraska with 48 students, said. Pearson said.
with them forever. A hardy bunch of 90- try. Standing there provides an understanding Several thousands of students from the
somethings are counting on it. “There are so many who have died for us, of the scope of the fighting in Normandy United States and Canada are touring
A group of French students joined 15 to rescue us,” Martin said. “If they hadn’t that can’t be communicated any other way, Normandy and attending D-Day commemo-
World War II veterans from the United States landed at that time, maybe we would be Goodbrake said. rations. Some get to ask a panel of veterans
who returned this week to the beach U.S. Germans now or we wouldn’t exist.” “I’ve studied this for 20 years. World War questions at Utah Beach later in the week.
troops stormed on D-Day and an emotional The faces of the American veterans and the II is one of my areas of specialty,” he said. “I Erin McGrew, 18, from Colorado, imag-
ceremony at the Normandy American French youngsters conveyed emotion as don’t think I understood it until I was here ined what Allied troops her age and even
Cemetery that overlooks it. they posed for a group photo on Omaha the first time, stepping in the bomb craters, younger experienced, their fears and exhaus-
With fewer men left to share war stories, a Beach. going into the German command center. I tion.
focus of commemorations for the 75th Groups of American high schools visited got it, finally,” he said. “It’s different to see it in person and see
anniversary of D-Day has been keeping their another significant D-Day site a few kilome- One of the Nebraska students, where it actually happened. I think it makes
memories from June 1944 alive by passing ters away on Wednesday; U.S. Army rangers Maximillian Pearson, 18, shared his teach- it more real,” she said.

The work was done at night and German sol-

Continued from page 1
diers were heavily armed and waiting on the
other side of the river. The Germans would
occasionally shoot a flare into the sky that
would make a loud whooshing sound which
meant Abend had about three seconds to take
Battalion, A-Company. cover before everything would be illuminat-
The invasion consisted of almost 7,000 ed. Gunfire and artillery would soon follow.
allied vessels and close to 3,000 aircraft “What you don’t want to be doing is sit-
while more than 13,000 paratroopers were ting there or moving because now you’re a
dropped behind enemy lines the night target, he said.
before. An estimated 4,900 allied troops
were killed, missing or wounded that day. End of the war
Abend’s company was held back in
England for 10 days after the D-Day inva- Toward the end of the war, Abend was
sion began. On June 16, he and about 80 walking by himself down a street in a
soldiers boarded a transport vessel loaded German town when he saw 22 armed German
with supplies, jeeps, trucks and other equip- soldiers accompanied by a tank. They were
ment. coming toward him.
Abend recalls a short journey across the “This guy is hailing me and he knew some
English Channel to Normandy — it felt like English. He was trying to get my attention.
15 to 20 minutes, he said — and his ship I thought this will be interesting — they
sailed in a group of about a dozen others that got a whole bunch of guys with guns and I
docked at Omaha Beach, a 5-mile stretch of have this little peashooter,” he said. “The
coastline that saw especially fierce fighting The 1253rd Combat Engineering Battalion, A Company. A 20-year-old Abend is sitting in the German wanted to know where he could sur-
on D-Day. The allies suffered an estimated second row, the third one from the right. render. Why? Because the Russians were
2,000 to 5,000 casualties at Omaha Beach coming and he was trying to surrender to the
“I considered the possibility of being did is we purified water,” he said. Americans as quickly as possible.”
that day. killed, but never had a sense of overwhelm- “We put it in big 10-gallon cans and
As Abend’s ship approached the beach, he The Russians were known for killing sur-
ing fear. I was too young or too dumb to racked them in the back of the jeep and we’d rendering Germans and not taking prison-
saw a handful of smaller troop transports think about it,” he said. “Little by little I go into combat zones looking for a compa-
that had been hit with artillery or compro- ers.
saw it was possible to get yourself killed.” ny or group of soldiers. There was a sense of
mised in some way. The beach was littered Before sailing to Europe, Abend trained at
When he saw about a dozen dead American danger roaming around in a combat zone,
with debris and shell casings from the battle locations all over the United States, includ-
soldiers being carted away from the battle- but we felt good about it because we knew
10 days prior, but the dead bodies had ing the Bay Area for a brief period of time.
field, the reality of war began to sink in. these guys and they had to have water. I felt
already been collected and taken away. There On one training mission, he was driving
“I remember the first time I saw them very connected to that. To this day I don’t
were no Germans defending Omaha Beach around Palo Alto in a jeep, tasked with
unloading bodies and these guys looked like waste water.”
when Abend arrived as they had been pushed locating specific targets. At one point, he
me, they were wearing the same outfit and His company had trucks that carried water-
inland by then and were fighting with the found himself looking down at a beautiful
they were stiff as a board,” he said. “It was purifying equipment. Once Abend arrived in
first waves of allied soldiers. campus that he thought might’ve been a
the first time I saw Americans being Germany, water was sometimes purified in
“We were coming at a very safe time,” religious retreat of some kind. He later
scooped up and what you looked like when small pools they had constructed that were
Abend said. “It never occurred to us there learned it was Stanford University.
you were frozen to the ground and dead. about 5 feet deep and 12 feet in diameter.
would be other things waiting for us.” Somehow that was different than seeing it Knowing the pools of water were used to “I said I think I want to go back there,” he
in action. That I found troubling.” hydrate the allied soldiers, German pilots said.
On the battlefield As a combat engineer, Abend was tasked were able to spot them from the sky and
Abend experienced combat for the first with erecting portable, pre-fabricated would often target them with strafing runs,
Returning home
time about 30 miles from Omaha Beach at bridges called pontoon or Bailey bridges. Abend said. After the war, he did go back to Stanford
Villers-Bocage. That engagement is known The wood and steel bridge parts were trans- The Germans would also blow up bridges and studied there on the GI Bill, which cov-
as “the battle of the hedgerows” because it ported in trucks and then assembled by hand as they retreated to slow down the allied ered tuition costs for veterans. Abend
took place on farmland separated by thick over bodies of water, the finished product advance. enjoyed a career as a product and industrial
hedgerows. strong enough to support tanks. “In one case the Germans were so anxious designer and has lived in the Bay Area since.
“There were these hedgerows and we knew to get out that they blew up a bridge and left Abend’s Redwood City home is filled with
on either side were Germans in various Under enemy fire behind a whole line of wounded soldiers that artifacts he brought back from the war —
buildings and I recall firing on them,” Abend’s duties also included removing was about 2 miles long,” Abend said. “I saw helmets, a bayonet, medals and his uniform
Abend said. “I think we took a fair amount land mines, purifying water and distributing a young German soldier and he was slumped — as well as photo albums and a U.S. Army
of them out when they came to the win- it to soldiers on the front lines. The work over, obviously wounded. They just left poster.
dows.” was often done under enemy fire. them there and they died.” “We fought and died for democracy,” he
Abend said he was seldom fearful for his “Absolutely the most important thing we Abend recalled erecting one pontoon said. “Fortunately I didn’t die, but my bud-
life. bridge across the Rhine river in Germany. dies did.”
010 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 5:50 PM Page 1

10 Thursday • June 6, 2019 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Tech companies lead stocks broadly higher

By Daian J. Troise and Alex Veiga
High: 25,544.66
Stocks closed higher on Wall Street for Low: 25,373.58
the second straight day Wednesday, extend- Close: 25,539.57
ing Tuesday’s strong gains as investors bet
Change: +207.39
an interest rate cut could be ahead.
Technology, industrial and health care OTHER INDEXES
companies accounted for much of the broad
gains, which were tempered by a slide in S&P 500: 2826.15 +22.88
energy stocks following a 3.4% plunge in NYSE Index: 12,614.71 +54.14
the price of U.S. crude oil. Nasdaq: 7575.48 +48.36
Traders shrugged off a report showing pri-
NYSE MKT: 2483.49 +4.46
vate U.S. companies added the fewest jobs
in nine years last month. The bleak jobs Russell 2000: 1506.79 -1.77
snapshot may have been welcomed by Wilshire 5000: 29,101.19 +196.27
investors hoping that it could help persuade
the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.
“It could help underpin a Fed rate cut,” said 10-Yr Bond: 2.12 +0.00
Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at Oil (per barrel): 51.69 -1.79
Prudential Financial. “The market has been Gold : 1,334.70 +6.00
in essence calling for a rate cut for a number
of months as the economic data have waned
and tariff issues have intensified.” nation’s economic expansion. from making their way to the U. S. Technology companies were among the
The S&P 500 index gained 22.8 points, or Investors now expect the central bank to Oil prices slumped following a report most notable gainers Wednesday. Apple
0.8%, to 2,826.15. The benchmark index’s cut rates at least once and possibly twice showing an unexpected surge in U.S. crude rose 1. 6% and Microsoft added 2. 2%.
2.1% gain Tuesday was its best performance before year’s end, in part because of fallout supplies. Salesforce climbed 5. 1% after blowing
since January. from the trade war. Benchmark U.S. crude settled at $51.68 a away profit forecasts.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed Stocks slumped in May as investors grew barrel. Brent crude oil, the international Traders also snapped up health care
207.39 points, or 0.8%, to 25,539.57. The anxious over the trade disputes. An escalat- standard, closed 2.2% lower at $60.63 a bar- stocks. Boston Scientific gained 2.5% and
Nasdaq composite rose 48.36 points, or ing trade war between the U.S. and China rel. Medtronic rose 2.3%.
0.6%, to 7,575.48. The Russell 2000 index and the added threat of a new trade war with U.S. crude has fallen in five of the past six Industrial stocks rose broadly, with
of smaller companies slipped 1.77 points, Mexico sent investors fleeing to safer hold- weeks amid signs that China’s economic notable gains by airlines as fuel costs fell.
or 0.1%, to 1,506.79. ings, like bonds. growth is slowing. It’s now 22.1% below American Airlines Group gained 4.3% and
Major stock indexes in Europe closed The U. S. and Mexico were holding trade its 2019 closing high of $66.30 in April. Southwest Airlines rose 2.6%.
broadly higher. t al k s i n Was h i n g t o n l at e Wedn es day The slide puts U.S. crude in what Wall Street A trickle of corporate earnings reports
Bond prices rose, pulling down yields on afternoon. A 5% tariff on imports from calls a bear market. moved several stocks.
the 10-year Treasury note to 2.12% from Mexico, which could affect U. S. compa- “Oil is lagging and it has to do with the Campbell Soup jumped 10% after the
2.13% late Tuesday. nies making everything from cars to beer perception that demand is down,” Krosby iconic 146-year-old company swung to a
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and tacos, is due to go into effect on said. “Couple that with supply growing and fiscal third quarter profit and beat Wall
said Tuesday that the central bank was Monday, barring an agreement between the equation is not positive for the price of Street forecasts. The maker of Pepperidge
“closely monitoring” developments in the the two countries. The Trump administra- oil.” Farm cookies and V8 juice also beat revenue
United States’ multiple trade conflicts and tion is demanding that Mexico step up Occidental Petroleum dropped 4.6% and forecasts for the quarter and said sales
would “act as appropriate” to sustain the efforts to halt Central American migrants Halliburton slid 3.5%. growth was fueled by its snacks business.

GM adding trickier roads to its

semi-autonomous driving system
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and be ready to act if necessary.
Two people have died on Florida high-
DETROIT — General Motors is adding ways driving Teslas while using the compa-
70,000 miles of roads across the U.S. and ny’s semi-autonomous Autopilot system. In
Canada to the area where its Cadillac Super each case neither the system nor the driver
Cruise semi-autonomous driving system can braked for tractor-trailers turning in front of
run, including some with cross traffic simi- the cars. The National Transportation Safety
lar to those that have confused Tesla’s Board and the National Highway Traffic
Autopilot system. Safety Administration are investigating the
Currently the GM system can travel on most recent crash, which happened March 1
130,000 miles of limited-access highways in Delray Beach, Florida. The first fatality
that don’t have crossing traffic or intersec- occurred in 2016 near Gainesville. Tesla’s REUTERS
tions. It will expand to 200,000 miles in system uses cameras, long-range radar and
the fourth quarter of this year.
John Elkann, Chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
computers to detect objects in front of the
GM says it has tested the system and it
should spot cross traffic and brake. But it
also tells drivers they have to pay attention
cars to avoid collisions. The system also
can keep a car in its lane, change lanes and
navigate freeway interchanges. Fiat Chrysler: French politics
YouTube updates hate speech
guidelines to prohibit videos
SAN FRANCISCO — YouTube is updating
Business brief
that deny certain proven events have taken
place, such as the Holocaust.
ended merger with Renault
By Angela Charlton and Tom Krisher independent strategy.”
its hate speech policies to prohibit videos The changes come as YouTube, Facebook, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The combined company would have pro-
with white supremacist and neo-Nazi content. Twitter and other online services face duced some 8.7 million vehicles a year,
mounting concern that the platforms allow, PARIS — Fiat Chrysler pulled out of an more than General Motors and trailing only
The video streaming company says it has
and in some cases foster, extremism. offer to merge with French automaker Volkswagen and Toyota. Fiat Chrysler had
already made it more difficult to find such
YouTube’s new policies will take effect Renault late Wednesday, saying in a state- proposed merging with Renault to create the
videos, but it’s now removing them out-
immediately. ment that France’s political climate would world’s third-biggest automaker, worth
right. YouTube will also prohibit videos
prevent the tie-up from being a success. almost $40 billion.
The surprise move came on a tumultuous But it could have been gummed up by job
day that saw a tentative agreement on merg- and other assurances sought by the French
er terms between FCA and the French government.
Government fall apart. The Groupe Renault Earlier in the day, a person briefed on the
board met for six hours outside of Paris to matter said Fiat Chrysler and the French
consider the merger, only to postpone a government had reached a tentative deal on
decision at the request of the government, terms for the potential merger, a good sign
which owns 15% of the company. for the plan, but no guarantee it would be
For now, it appears the merger has been approved. The person didn’t want to be iden-
scuttled, with FCA thanking Renault and its tified because Renault’s board was still
alliance partners Nissan and Mitsubishi for meeting to discuss the proposal.
their work on the proposal. The merger would have saved billions in
“It has become clear that the political purchasing costs and helped each company
conditions in France do not currently exist share costs of developing autonomous and
for such a combination to proceed success- electric vehicles. It also would have
fully,” the Fiat Chrysler statement said. reshaped the global auto industry, especial-
“FCA will continue to deliver on its com- ly if the new company maintained ties with
mitments through the implementation of its Japan’s Nissan.
011 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 9:50 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, Dunn didn’t let

2015 failure stop her in 2019
Thursday • June 6, 2019

Daschbach drafted by Baltimore

By Terry Bernal Stanford departs First-Year Player Draft. Daschbach was one
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Thursday morning for of nine Cardinal selected as the Sacred Heart
Starkville, Mississippi Prep graduate led off Day 3 as the first pick
to take on Mississippi of the final day, going in the 11th round to
From exhaustion to elation to realizing a State in the team’s first the Baltimore Orioles.
lifetime dream, it has been quite a roller- Super Regional appear- “You do everything you can to not think
coaster week for Stanford junior Andrew ance since 2014. about the draft,” Daschbach said. “You know
Daschbach. Nestled between the your priority at Stanford comes first. And
After emerging from the grind of a two playoff series, that can be difficult at times. … You work
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL Stanford Regional playoff series smelling Andrew Stanford enjoyed a your whole life for that day, and it’s difficult
Andrew Daschbach, a 2016 Sacred Heart Prep like a rose — the Cardinal’s capped their strong showing in the not to think about it. So, now that it has
graduate and finishing up his junior year at Daschbach
fifth game in four days Monday night with a Major League Baseball
Stanford, was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles. 9-7 win over Fresno State to advance — See DRAFT, Page 14

Curry’s 47 not enough

Toronto takes 2-1 series lead against short-handed Warriors
Dragons in
Foster City?
f you’re looking for the dragon boat
By Janie McCauley races Sunday in Foster City, just fol-
Raptors 123, Warriors 109 low the drum beat.
The 12th annual Bay Area Dragon Boat
OAKLAND — Kawhi Leonard, Danny Novice Race will fill the Foster City
Green and Kyle Lowry kept finding answers Lagoon with hundreds of rowers in the
for every big shot by Stephen Curry and the water and spectators along the banks as
beat-up Warriors, and the Toronto Raptors the Bay Area Dragons, the club sponsor-
grabbed a pivotal road win in the NBA ing the event, try to drum up funds for
Finals by beating Golden State 123-109 on Alzheimer’s research.
Wednesday night for a 2-1 series lead. Dragon boats racing is similar to the
Curry scored a playoff career-best 47 sport of crew, but instead of pulling on
points to go with eight rebounds and seven oars like in a rowboat as is done in crew,
assists, but couldn’t do it all for the two- dragon boat racers use paddles and stroke
time defending champions, down starters like a canoe. A boat is comprised of 22
Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson and key participants — 20 paddlers, the drummer
backup big man Kevon Looney because of — who sets the
injuries. pace — and a steer-
Leonard scored 30 points, Lowry con- er in the rear, to
tributed 23 with five 3- keep the boat
pointers and Green had going straight
18 points with six 3s down the course.
after Pascal Siakam got Many of the 36
the Raptors rolling early participating teams
as Toronto shot 52.4% are comprised of
and made 17 from deep. company-spon-
Splash Thompson sored teams, like
missed his first career Genentech,
playoff game after strain- Facebook and
Kawhi Leonard ing his left hamstring Uber, but there are
late in Game 2, while also private entries like Ralston Middle
Looney is out the rest of the series after a School, Foster City Parents Club and
cartilage fracture on his right side near the Boy Scout Troop 47 Foster City.
collarbone that also happened Sunday. Most of the participants have never
Durant, a two-time reigning NBA Finals paddled a dragon boat previously, so
MVP, is still out because of a strained right teams are given two practice sessions to
calf. get a feel for the sport before they go
Golden State hopes to get healthier by head-to-head on the lagoon.
Game 4 on Friday night back at Oracle The races begin at 9 a.m. and will be
Arena. run every 15 minutes until 4 p.m. Food
The Warriors trailed 96-83 going into the trucks and lunch-hour entertainment will
final quarter then Curry’s three free throws at also be on display.
10:37 made it a seven-point game before While the event is used as a fundraiser,
back-to-back baskets by Serge Ibaka. it’s also a way to introduce newcomers to
Siakam scored 18 points and established the sport, as well as promoting healthy
the momentum for Toronto from the tip, hit- lifestyle, Bay Area Dragons also use it as
ting his first three shots and setting a tone a recruiting tool to find paddlers for their
for a defensive effort that stayed solid with- competitive teams that travel around the
out the foul problems that plagued the KYLE TERADA/USA TODAY SPORTS country and world.
Steph Curry shoots over a pair of Toronto defenders on his way to a career-high 47 playoff points.
See NBA, Page 15 But the rest of the Warriors roster combined for just 62. See LOUNGE, Page 16

Blues wearing down Bruins in Cup Finals

By Stephen Whyno final, and with Boston potentially without that would be tough to defend against.”
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS captain Zdeno Chara for Game 5 Thursday Chara did not go to the arena at all
St. Louis is now two victories away from Wednesday, 36 hours after taking a puck to
BOSTON — Twice the Boston Bruins have lifting the Stanley Cup as the healthier the jaw in Boston’s Game 4 loss that tied
been forced to finish a Stanley Cup Final team. the series at two games apiece. Coach Bruce
game down a defenseman. The St. Louis “We can see it throughout games and Cassidy didn’t talk to and only briefly
Blues won each time. throughout series, ” Blues captain Alex texted with the 42-year-old defenseman,
That’s not a coincidence. Pietrangelo said Wednesday. “It’s tough who has a facial injury that has been report-
Wearing out opponents and winning the minutes to play against our forward lines ed to be a broken jaw.
war of attrition has been an ingredient of the when they’re playing the way they can. You Just like the Sharks series in the Western JEFF CURRY/USA TODAY SPORTS
Blues’ playoff success. They took advantage can see the momentum we create by our line Conference final, the Blues insist their St. Louis’ Vladimir Tarasenko, left, checks
of injuries to San Jose’s Erik Karlsson, Joe changes in the offensive zone, we’re just Boston’s David Pastrnak during Game 4 of the
Pavelski and Tomas Hertl to move on to the using all four lines. If I was a defenseman, See NHL, Page 16 Stanley Cup Finals.
012 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 11:58 PM Page 1

12 Thursday • June 6, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Serra duo leads Chapman to Division III national title

By Terry Bernal may have ended as an 11- baseman Henry Zeisler, strikeouts per nine innings. He also posted a
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF 0 blowout, but Chapman prompting a dog-pile in 9-0 record with a 0.64 ERA, surrendering
didn’t get on the score- the middle of the infield, just four earned runs all year.
It was in Iowa — which served as the set- board until the sixth which Shimabuku, being “I came back and everything just started
ting for the classic baseball film “Field of inning. And even in tak- a center fielder, ended up to come together for me on the mound,”
Dreams” — where Nick Garcia’s and Brad ing a 1-0 lead into the on top of. Garcia said, “… and it’s worked out pretty
Shimabuku’s baseball dreams came true. seventh, Chapman had “I don’t know if it’s well for us.”
The two Serra alumni enjoyed quite the yet to register a hit as still set in yet,” Garcia With the Division III national champi-
haul while in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this week, Birmingham starting said. “I’m glad it’s over. onship series opening Friday, May 31,
as their Chapman University baseball team Brad pitcher Hanan Mauldin Nick Garcia I’m glad we got to win the Garcia went on to pitch four times in five
claimed the NCAA Division III national Shimabuku fired six innings of no- last game of the year. days, logging eight innings. One of his
championship. It marks the second national hit baseball. Only one team gets to do that. … It’s just rockiest outings of the year came in the
championship in the baseball program’s Against the Birmingham bullpen, though, something that’s a lifelong memory that World Series opener Tuesday against
history, and the first since 2003. Shimabuku broke up the no-no with an RBI you can never take away.” Birmingham. “Rocky,” by Garcia’s stan-
The Panthers swept their way to the title in single to center field. Garcia enjoyed a transformative year as dards, means allowing one run on two hits
the best-of-three championship series, tak- “I just knew I had to stay locked in to the Chapman’s closing pitcher, a role that was through two innings of work.
ing down Birmingham-Southern College moment,” Shimabuku said. “The intensity new to him after playing primarily as a posi- “I was giving everything I had,” Garcia
with wins of 6-4 followed by the 11-0 coro- was obviously pretty high … but you have tion player during his freshman season in said. “Everything and anything I had left in
nation in a Tuesday doubleheader. to stay locked in. And I got a pitch up, put a 2017. He drew on his relief pitching experi- the tank I left it on the field right there.”
“It was great,” Shimabuku said. “Words swing on it and got a base knock.” ence from high school, where he pitched 12 The fire-balling right-hander was the last
can’t really describe it. A moment like that, Chapman added on to take a 3-0 lead 1/3 innings as a senior at Serra in 2017. man standing in the Game 1 victory, though,
it’s something you’ll remember for a life- before breaking it open with an eight-run This year, though, he reached new heights as he preserved the win for starting pitcher
time.” rally in the bottom of the eighth. The — and then some. Tyler Peck by recording his 12th save with a
A 2018 graduate of Serra, Shimabuku was Panthers sent 12 batters to the plate in the Not only did the sophomore lead the fly out to right.
Chapman’s leading hitter as a true freshman inning, including Shimabuku, who added a SCIAC with 12 saves this season — tied for “Just relief,” Garcia said of the finish. “I
this season, batting .340 — ranking 10th in two-run triple. second in the nation — he also ranked fifth knew winning that game set us up to win the
the Southern California Intercollegiate Chapman starting pitcher Mason Collins in the conference with 82 strikeouts. The whole thing. That took all the emotion out of
Athletic Conference — and saved his most closed out the complete-game shutout by four pitchers ranked in front of him were all the other team … and just gave our guys all
pivotal hits for last. setting down the side in order in the ninth. starting pitchers. He was tops in the confer- the confidence possible to win just one more
Tuesday’s Division III World Series finale The championship out was a popup to first ence, and sixth in the nation, with 13.18 game. That’s what was in everyone’s heads.”

Angels 10, A’s 9

Mets shut out Giants

NEW YORK — Coming off the first quali-

ty start of his big league career, Tyler Beede
Mets 7, Giants 0
major league win.
A’s drop wild one to Halos
By Joe Reedy The Angels tied it at 9 when Shohei
The night, instead, belonged to the jour- Ohtani was walked by Ryan Buchter with the
returned to his frustratingly wild ways. neyman veteran out of Long Beach State,
The 26-year-old right-hander allowed six bases loaded in the eighth.
left-hander Jason Vargas. Ohtani homered and tied a career high
runs (five earned) in five The southpaw threw 117 pitches for his ANAHEIM — Dustin Garneau’s ground-
innings while walking rule double with two outs in the ninth with RBIs. He added to earlier homers by
first shutout in two years, Amed Rosario hit Tommy La Stella and Mike Trout, who had
four for the Giants, who a three-run homer, and Michael Conforto inning scored Brian Goodwin with the
opened a three-game game-winning run and gave the Angels a 10- the big hit in a four-run third when he drove
and Adeiny Hechavarria each had a solo
series with the New York 9 victory over the A’s Wednesday night. Daniel Mengden’s curveball to left-center
homer for the Mets, who ended a three-game
Mets with a 7-0 defeat. skid with their second win in seven games. Oakland left fielder Robbie Grossman was for a two-run shot.
The loss snapped a Vargas (2-3) was maligned by Mets fans as playing shallow and made a long run to the The first four hitters in Los Angeles’ lineup
three-game winning an unworthy No. 5 starter coming into the warning track, but was unable to catch — La Stella, Trout, Ohtani and Albert Pujols
streak for the Giants. season, but the 14-year veteran has been Garneau’s drive before it bounced and went over — had seven of their 10 hits and drove in a
“He’s got to get this stellar lately, allowing one run or fewer in the wall. Goodwin got aboard with a two-out combined six runs. Robles (3-0) got the win
Tyler Beede after allowing one hit in 1 1/3 innings.
figured out as far as being seven of his past eight starts. single off Lou Trivino (2-4) and stole second.
consistent with the command of his pitch- Despite averaging just 84 mph on his fast- The A’s were up 7-1 after 2 1/2 innings Grossman tied a career high with four hits
es,” manager Bruce Bochy said. “We all ball, the 36-year-old lefty struck out a sea- before Los Angeles rallied with seven and made a diving catch in the eighth on
know he’s got the stuff. He’s got the equip- son-best eight, allowed five hits and a walk, straight runs to take an 8-7 lead after four. Luis Rengifo’s line drive.
ment, but I think tonight was really a per- and threw his most pitches in five years. His Oakland regained the lead with two in the Marcus Semien had three hits and three
fect case of you don’t have to throw that previous high this season was 98. eighth when Matt Olson hit an RBI single RBIs for Oakland. He had the key hit in a
hard to get hitters out.” First baseman Pete Alonso gave Vargas and Matt Chapman scored on Hansel four-run second when his single drove in
Beede was coming off his best start in the the ball and a big hug after the final out of Robles’ wild pitch, beating Jonathan two runs. Oakland added to its lead with
majors, going six innings in a 3-1 win his eighth career shutout and 13th complete Lucroy’s tag at the plate. Chapman was three in the third on RBI singles by
against Miami. The 2014 first-round pick game. His previous shutout came on June 2, originally ruled out but the call was over- Grossman, Jurickson Profar and Semien.
out of Vanderbilt is still seeking his first 2017, for Kansas City against Cleveland. turned following a replay review. Profar also had three hits.
013 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:49 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Thursday • June 6, 2019 13

Dunn upped her game after getting cut in 2015

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS just invest in who I wanted to be as outside back.’ I think I’m always
a player. And I think just brushing learning, I’m always trying to be
LONDON — Crystal Dunn was myself off just helped me get to at my best.”
among the last cuts from the U.S. where I am now.” The U.S. team is in Group F at
national team roster for the 2015 While the 2015 team was tra- the World Cup, which kicks off
Women’s World Cup in Canada. versing Canada en route to its third Friday in Paris with a match
That just made her all the more World Cup title, Dunn was back between France and South Korea.
determined to get to France. home in the National Women’s Following the Americans’ opener
Dunn is expected to start for the Soccer League and lighting it up. against Thailand in Reims, they’ll
defending champions, one of 24 She had 15 goals for the face Chile in Paris. The final match
teams competing in this year’s Washington Spirit and was awarded of the group stage is against neme-
tournament. The Americans open the league’s Golden Boot. sis Sweden, which knocked the
play Tuesday with a match against She also played a season over- Americans out of the Rio Games,
Thailand. seas in Chelsea before returning in Le Havre.
“I’m just so excited to get into home and landing with the NWSL’s This World Cup is all the more
this World Cup so that I can no North Carolina Courage. Dunn is a special for Dunn because her hus-
longer be known as that girl that midfielder for the Courage, which band, Pierre Soubrier, was born in
didn’t make a World Cup,” she said won last season’s NWSL title after France and still has family there.
with a laugh. a record-breaking season. A former player at Quinnipiac
Dunn was in camp with the In the intervening four years, KYLE TERADA/USA TODAY SPORTS University, Soubrier is the head
United States on Wednesday at she also became a regular on the After being one of the last cuts from the 2015 World Cup team, Crystal athletic trainer for the Portland
Tottenham’s training center in national team, earning a spot on Dunn has gotten better and better. Thorns — the team the Courage
north London. The team was the 2016 Olympic roster. She’s beat to win the title last season.
spending 10 days there before scored 24 goals in 84 appearances. Kelley O’Hara. “Keeper. That’s the only one that I Dunn and Soubrier married late last
heading to France. Dunn’s versatility is valued by “She’s the most versatile player refuse.” year.
The 26-year-old native New coach Jill Ellis, who has at times I’ve ever coached,” Ellis said. “It’s “Yes, it is challenging at times,” “I always tell Pierre’s family
Yorker said the experience of get- moved her up to a more attacking not just her ability to play in dif- she said about her shifting role. “I that, obviously, the French side, it
ting cut has made her into the play- role late in games when subs are ferent lines, it’s the quality with think I’ve been fortunate to actual- would be great for women’s soccer
er she is today. made. The starting backline for the which she plays in different lines, ly be on this team where people if they were to do well as the host-
“I supported them (the 2015 U.S. team during the World Cup which is quite extraordinary.” help me. It’s not so much about, ing country,” she said. “But of
team) along their journey, but I was will likely include Dunn, Becky Dunn joked that there’s one ‘You have to do this, this and this course not too well because we’re
able to reflect on myself and really Sauerbrunn, Abby Dahlkemper and position she’ll stay away from: right in order to be the world’s best trying to win this thing.”

Gaffalione has become horse racing’s rising star

By Stephen Whyno ing a crescendo for 24-year-old relaxed and made a perfect move graded stakes winners.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Gaffalione. The 2015 champion when space opened up at the rail to At age 20, Gaffalione won what
apprentice rider gets another glide through. amounts to the Eclipse Award’s
Tyler Gaffalione seems poised to chance to add to his already “Like a dream come true, ” rookie of the year honors when he
add his name to the list of all-time impressive resume when he rides Gaffalione said. “It’s like every- won 217 races and over $5.8 mil-
great jockeys in horse racing that War of Will in the Belmont on thing that you could ever want to lion in earnings in 2015 facing
includes Ron Turcotte, Jerry Saturday. happen, happened. I couldn’t tough competition at Gulfstream
Bailey, Gary Stevens, John Gaffalione is third generation in believe that it was just right there Park.
Velazquez and Mike Smith. the profession after grandfather for me and my horse didn’t hesitate “Mentally I’m so much stronger
While there may not be a specif- Bobby rode more than 3, 200 at all. He’s such a fabulous horse than I used to be,” Gaffalione said.
ic moment when people in horse times and father Steve won over and he didn’t hesitate at all and he “I used to let things get to me
racing realized those jockeys 800 races over 20 years. As a really came home strong.” when I’d lose races. I would get a
would become all-time greats, child, Tyler straddled the armchair With his family connection to little bummed out. ... I just always
Gaffalione has had two that stand of the couch to simulate riding a the sport, Gaffalione fell in love expected so much more of myself
out for Bailey: July 4, 2017 when racehorse. with horses while growing up in and I wanted to be the best rider
the young rider tied the Hall of GEOFF BURKE/USA TODAY SPORTS Davie, Florida. His first time on a possible. I have a lot more confi-
“I call Tyler the next Johnny
Famer’s track record with seven Velazquez, ” trainer Mark Casse Tyler Gaffalione celebrates his horse was at the Ocala tracks dence in my decision-making, a
victories in a day and May 18, said. “He’s an extremely good ath- Preakness win aboard War of Will. Cardinal Hill and Classic Mile lot more patience I would say and I
2019 when he won the Preakness lete. I think he can do a little bit of Gaffalione thinks about every- when he was 11. He begged his dad think it helped tremendously. But
aboard War of Will. anything. He’s good on front end, thing before and during a race, to let him ride for real and a year or I’ve had great support around me.”
“I think the Preakness will he’s good from coming out, he’s exhibiting the experience of a sea- two later he did. Gaffalione faced a huge test in
probably be a defining mark in an extremely, extremely strong soned pro. During his masterful Gaffalione’s first race was Sept. the aftermath of the historic
this young man’s career,” Bailey finisher. And for a young rider, he ride on Casse-trained and Gary 5, 2014 at Florida’s Gulfstream Kentucky Derby disqualification
said. does a lot of thinking, which is Barber-owned War of Will in the Park. He has had 6,448 mounts of Maximum Security for interfer-
It’s early in a career that’s reach- good.” Preakness he kept the horse since with 1,094 victories and 23 ing with War of Will.
014 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 10:08 PM Page 1

14 Thursday • June 6, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Giants draft a number of familiar names

By Terry Bernal games at China Basin Aldrete said he will remain in Arizona for
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF with his mother, Tisha. the time being but is eager to get to work in
“To come back full cir- professional baseball.
The hometown ties for the San Francisco cle, it’s pretty exciting,” “I’m ready to sign whenever they have
Giants in the 2019 MLB First-Year Player Aldrete said. something for me to sign,” Aldrete said.
Draft run much deeper than the first-round Aldrete played a lot of With Aldrete likely to report to rookie
selection of Serra graduate Hunter Bishop outfield as a junior this camp in Scottsdale, Arizona, he’s perfectly
out of Arizona State. season, though he also placed right where he is. He currently
With the three-day draft concluding saw time at second base. resides less than five minutes away from
Wednesday, the Giants selected two of Carter Aldrete He was listed as a second Scottsdale Stadium, he said.
Bishop’s former amateur teammates. In the baseman by the Giants as “I’m quite excited,” Aldrete said. “It’s so
33rd round, San Francisco selected Serra per his draft announcement. close. I just have to move my locker down
graduate Nolan Dempsey, a second baseman With Arizona State hitting 96 home runs the street instead of across the country.”
out of Fresno State. Earlier in the day, as a team this season, Aldrete produced nine
Bishop’s recent Arizona State teammate, of them. He hit .288 and took a nine-game Second-base depth with Dempsey
Carter Aldrete, was selected in the 15th hitting streak into the Sun Devils’ final The Giants drafted two second basemen
round. regional playoff game, a heartbreaking 13- among their 40 picks this week. The first
While Bishop and Dempsey both grew up 12 loss to Southern Mississippi, in which was Aldrete. Dempsey was the other, as the
Giants fans, Aldrete’s allegiances have long he went hitless through five at-bats. offensive middle infielder made a home there
tended toward Oakland, as his uncle Mike is The heartbreaking part, though, was for two seasons with Fresno State.
the hitting coach for the A’s. Those alle- Arizona State led 10-2 in the fifth inning. A transfer from De Anza College-
giances changed quickly, however, when Southern Miss went on to put up three Cupertino, Dempsey went on to hit .324
the Monterey native heard his name called. crooked numbers, though, including three through two seasons with the Bulldogs. A
“To join the organization and to do it with runs in the eighth and four more in the ninth middle-of-the-order presence, he ranked sec-
my best friends, it means so much to me,” to score a dramatic walk-off victory and end TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL ond on the team in 2019 with 57 RBIs.
Aldrete said. the Sun Devils’ season. Nolan Dempsey, a 2014 Serra graduate and a He closed his collegiate career over the
When he signs, Aldrete is a second-gener- “It was tough,” Aldrete said. “To put all second baseman at Fresno State, was drafted weekend at the Stanford Regional, with
ation Giant. Not only did his uncle come up that hard work in all season, and to play a by the Giants in the 33rd round. Fresno State advancing through the win-
with the Giants and play his first three big good game, to be up six runs and not come ners’ bracket to the championship round
league seasons in San Francisco, his father, out on top, it’s tough. It’s just one of those wouldn’t trade my experience for anything
in the world and, to move on with the San before losing two straight to Stanford.
Rich, played five seasons in the Giants’ things … Obviously it’s surprising but Dempsey went 3 for 11, including a home
farm system. He also grew up going to baseball is like that sometimes. … But I Francisco Giants, I’m just so blessed to be
in the position I was in.” run in Saturday’s 7-2 victory.

The junior’s overall performance has been drafted out of SHP in the 40th round by the chance on me. There were other options, but

Continued from page 11
quite the comeback story. Through
Stanford’s first 19 games, Daschbach was
scuffling through a .196 stint (9 for 46) but
Tampa Bay Rays in 2016, but likely would
have gone much higher if not for his com-
mitment to play at Stanford on a full ride
the chance to play with two of my best
friends, and just the big picture in Baltimore
… there are a lot of things I like about that
turned things around in a big way. He hit —  Granato said he was impressed by the organization.”
safely in nine of his next 10 games. But the absence of arrogance in Daschbach’s per- With Sowers, Handley and Daschbach
happened, it’s nice to be able to just think most noteworthy splash came April 19 at sonality.
about winning two games and moving on to having appeared in the playoffs every sea-
Oregon when he hit four home runs in one “He wasn’t like that at all,” Granato said. son they’ve been at Stanford, there is also a
Omaha.” game. “He was actually the exactly the opposite. palpable buzz from Daschbach that the trio
Leading off isn’t new territory for Daschbach is now ranked ninth in the He was coachable and always looking to could be the start of something special for
Daschbach, who literally batted leadoff his Pac-12 Conference with a .626 slugging learn more … and always leading by exam- an Orioles organization that hasn’t reached
entire senior season at SHP in 2016. percentage. ple. It was really refreshing to have a kid the World Series since the 1983 world cham-
Despite his coming off a junior season in
“That’s in there,” Granato said. “That’s like that with that kind of mentality.” pionship season.
which he posted a .814 slugging percent-
age, Sacred Heart Prep manager Anthony not a fluke thing that just happens. It’s Players are prohibited from negotiating “[The Orioles] seem very excited, ”
Granato was intent on getting his Stanford- something he’s done time and time again.” with major league clubs until their college Daschbach said. “All three of us are obvi-
bound prospect as many at-bats as possible. When Granato arrived at SHP 2015, season is over, so Daschbach won’t be eli- ously very excited. We’re all likeminded and
“I hit him leadoff so he could get the most Daschbach already had one successful varsi- gible to sign until after Stanford’s postsea- we have similar work ethics, and we also
at-bats of anyone on the team,” Granato ty season under his belt. In taking over his son is complete. bring a lot of different things to the table in
said. “And he ended up giving us that first high school program, Granato was Of Stanford’s nine draftees, three were terms of our skill set … but I think they
spark.” immediately struck by Daschbach’s maturi- taken by Baltimore. Outfielder Kyle Sowers took note of that in thinking that we can
In three years at Stanford, though, ty. was selected by the Orioles in the build something very special. So, I think
Daschbach has grown into a middle-of-the- “I was really surprised by the way … just Competitive Balance B round. In the sixth that both sides are really excited.”
order presence for one of the top baseball physically and character wise and all of round, the O’s drafted catcher Maverick Daschbach is the second SHP alumnus
programs in the nation. After hitting 16 that, he was clearly a standout and way Handley. ever drafted by MLB. The first was Spencer
home runs as a sophomore in 2018, he has above his years,” Granato said. “My focus is just still on Stanford base- Lucian, who was selected by the New York
amassed his best season this year batting Already being a nationally recognized ball,” Daschbach said. “But I really like that Yankees in 2008 out of Princeton
.300 with 17 home runs, both career-highs. prospect —  Daschbach would go on to be fit. I’m really happy Baltimore took a University.
015 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 11:53 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Thursday • June 6, 2019 15

Sharks’ Karlsson has groin surgery AMERICAN LEAGUE
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
By Josh Dubow lar-season games for San Jose.
New York 38 22 .633 — Philadelphia 35 27 .565 —
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Karlsson returned in the final regu- Tampa Bay 36 23 .610 1 1/2 Atlanta 33 28 .541 1 1/2
lar-season game and played in the Boston 32 29 .525 6 1/2 New York 29 32 .475 5 1/2
postseason despite being visibly Toronto 23 38 .377 15 1/2
SAN JOSE — San Jose Sharks hampered by the injury.
Washington 28 33 .459 6 1/2
Baltimore 19 42 .311 19 1/2
defenseman Erik Karlsson has Karlsson finally wore down at
Miami 23 36 .390 10 1/2
undergone groin surgery before the end of the postseason. He Central Division Central Division
becoming eligible for free agency missed most of the second half of W L Pct GB
this summer. W L Pct GB
the third period in a Game 4 loss to Minnesota 40 20 .667 —
Chicago 34 26 .567 —
The Sharks said Wednesday that St. Louis in the Western Cleveland 31 30 .508 9 1/2
Milwaukee 34 28 .548 1
Karlsson had the operation last Conference final, missed the Chicago 29 32 .475 11 1/2
St. Louis 30 29 .508 3 1/2
week and has already started reha- entire third period when the Detroit 23 35 .397 16
KYLE TERADA/USA TODAY SPORTS Pittsburgh 29 31 .483 5
bilitation. The team says Karlsson Sharks lost the following game Kansas City 19 42 .311 21 1/2
Erik Karlsson, shown getting Cincinnati 28 32 .467 6
is expected to recover fully in the and then didn’t travel for the Game
offseason and be ready for the start checked into the boards by a 6 loss that ended San Jose’s sea- West Division
St. Louis Blues player, had groin West Division
of the 2019-20 season. son. W L Pct GB
surgery as he prepares to hit the Houston 42 21 .667 — W L Pct GB
The big question surrounding Despite the injury that left him Los Angeles 43 20 .683 —
Karlsson now will be where he free-agent market. at less than full speed, Karlsson
Texas 31 28 .525 9
A’s 30 31 .492 11 Colorado 31 29 .517 10 1/2
plays next season. The Sharks July 1 and has given no indication still managed to make a major San Diego 31 31 .500 11 1/2
Angels 30 32 .484 11 1/2
acquired the two-time Norris whether he wants to return to San impact in the playoffs. He is tied Arizona 31 32 .492 12
Seattle 26 39 .400 17
Trophy-winning defenseman from Jose or find a new team. for the NHL lead with 14 assists Giants 25 35 .417 16 1/2
Ottawa just before the start of the The 29-year-old Karlsson ini- this postseason and also had two Wednesday’s Games
season. Karlsson is eligible to tially injured his groin in January goals, including the overtime win- Washington 6,ChicagoWhite Sox 4 Wednesday’s Games
become an unrestricted free agent and missed 27 of the final 33 regu- ner in Game 3 against the Blues. Toronto 11,N.Y.Yankees 7 Cincinnati at St. Louis, ppd.
Cleveland 9,Minnesota 7 Washington 6, Chicago White Sox 4
Patrick McCaw, who departed after semifinals against the Rockets.

Tampa Bay 4,Detroit 0 Arizona 3, L.A. Dodgers 2, 11 innings
last season in contract dispute, Thompson was hurt in Game 2 Texas 2,Baltimore 1,12 innings Philadelphia 7, San Diego 5
drew boos from the crowd when he on Sunday and was to be evaluated Boston 8,Kansas City 0 Pittsburgh 7, Atlanta 4

Continued from page 11 checked into the game late in the by the training staff before tipoff. Angels 10,Oakland 9 N.Y. Mets 7, San Francisco 0
first. He didn’t end up warming up on the Seattle 14,Houston 1 Miami 8, Milwaukee 3
Warri o rs : Curry’s 17 first-quar- court. Thursday’s Games Chicago Cubs 9, Colorado 8
Raptors in Game 2. ter points matched his most in the Thompson did some running and Tampa Bay (TBD) at Detroit (Norris 2-4),10:10 a.m. Thursday’s Games
Golden State greatly missed not period for the postseason. He also shooting earlier in the day but Kerr Boston (Weber 1-1) at Kansas City (Duffy 3-2),10:15 a.m. Giants (Anderson 1-1) at Mets (Wheeler 5-3),9:10 a.m.
only Thompson’s touch from out- did so on April 27, 2014, against said the Warriors weren’t going to Houston (Verlander 9-2) at Seattle (Milone 1-1),12:40 p.m. Atlanta (Foltynewicz 1-4) at Pitt (Archer 2-5), 9:35 a.m.
side but also his stifling defense. the Clippers. ... In the first half, play him “if there’s risk” of further N.Y.Yankees (Happ 5-3) atToronto (Jackson 0-3),4:07 p.m. Cincy (Mahle 2-5) at St. Louis (Mikolas 4-5), 10:15 a.m.
Raptors coach Nick Nurse chal- Curry was 4 of 8 from 3-point damage at this stage of the series. Minnesota (Berrios 7-2) at Cleveland (Bauer 4-5),4:10 p.m. Miami (Smith 3-3) at Milwaukee (Woodruff 7-1),11:10 a.m.
lenged his team to produce more range the rest of the Warriors 1 for Thompson is averaging 19. 5 Baltimore (Cashner 6-2) atTexas (Jurado 2-2),5:05 p.m. Colorado (Gray 5-4) at Cubs (Quintana 4-4),11:20 a.m.
defensive stops in order to get out 11. ... Draymond Green’s streak of points, 4. 0 rebounds and 2. 1 Oakland (Fiers 4-3) at Angels (Skaggs 4-5),7:07 p.m. Washington (Corbin 5-3) at SD (Lucchesi 4-3),7:10 p.m.
in transition — “make them miss double-doubles ended at a career- assists this postseason, including
more,” he said. Ibaka produced six best six games. A 12th overall this 23.0 points through the first two TRANSACTIONS NBA FINALS
blocked shots in the effort. postseason would match Denver’s finals games.
“We’re at a point in the series BASEBALL Toronto 2, Warriors 1
Nikola Jokic for most in the 2019 He will have another full day to American League
we’ve got to get out and guard playoffs. ... Tim Hardaway from recover before Game 4. BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Sent DH Mark Trumbo
Thursday, May 30: Toronto 118, Warriors 109
these dudes,” Nurse said. the Warriors’ “Run TMC” era to Norfolk (IL) for a rehab assignment. Sunday, June 2: Warriors 109, Toronto 104
Curry shot 14 for 31 including 6 attended the game. ORACLE OVERDUE HOUSTON ASTROS —Optioned RHP Corbin Mar-
tin to Round Rock (PCL). Recalled LHP Reymin Wednesday, June 5:Toronto 123,Warriors 109
of 14 on 3s while making 13 of 14 The home fans waited 20 days Guduan from Round Rock.
free throws in his sixth career 40- WARRIORS INJURIES between home playoff games with ANGELS — Released RHP Matt Ramsey. Friday, June 7: Toronto at Warriors, 6 p.m.
point playoff performance. Durant went through extensive the long layoff after the Western
SEATTLE MARINERS — Placed RHP Connor Monday, June 10:Warriors at Toronto, 6 p.m.
Sadzeck on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Monday.
Nurse pulled out a box-and-one workouts both Tuesday and Conference finals sweep of Optioned RHP Andrew Moore to Arkansas (TL). Re- x-Thursday,June 13:Toronto at Warriors,6 p.m.
to try to stymie Curry in Golden Wednesday at the practice facility Portland then Golden State open- instated RHP Gerson Bautista from the 60-day IL.
State’s 109-104 Game 2 win, then National League x-Sunday, June 16:Warriors at Toronto, 5 p.m.
with the hope he would do some ing the finals in Toronto. ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Traded C Tyler
the Raptors made Curry’s short- scrimmaging Thursday. While the It had been since Game 2 against
handed supporting cast try to beat Warriors weren’t scheduled for a the Trail Blazers on May 16 that
Heineman to Miami.
them this time — and it sure regular practice Thursday, coach the Warriors hosted — the second- on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Monday. Recalled
OF Kyle Garlick from Oklahoma City (PCL). Sent C Boston 2, St. Louis 2
worked. Steve Kerr said some of the coach- longest lapse between home Austin Barnes to Rancho Cucamonga (Cal) for a
Monday, May 27: Boston 4, St. Louis 2
es and younger players might be games since the current 16-game, SAN DIEGO PADRES — Placed LHP Matt Strahm
TIP-INS called upon to give Durant the full- four-round format was established
on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Monday. Optioned
LHP Brad Wieck to El Paso (PCL). Designated OF
Wednesday, May 29: St. Louis 3, Boston 2, OT
Rap t o rs : All five Toronto speed court work he still needs in 1983. Alex Dickerson for assignment. Reinstated RHP Saturday, June 1: Boston 7, St. Louis 2
Miguel Diaz from the 60-day IL. Recalled RHP Cal
starters scored in double digits and before being medically cleared to The Warriors hosted a Game 3 in Quantrill from El Paso. Monday, June 3: St. Louis 4, Boston 2
Fred VanVleet added 11 off the return. the finals for the first time since SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS —Placed C Buster Posey
Thursday, June 6: St. Louis at Boston, 5 p.m.
bench. ... The Raptors began 10 He missed his eighth straight winning the 1975 title, having on the 10-day IL. Reinstated RHP Trevor Gott from
the 10-day IL. Sunday, June 9: Boston at St. Louis, 5 p.m.
for 14 and scored 12 early points game since the injury May 8 in begun at home in each of the pre- WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Signed RHP Fer-
in the paint. .. Former Warriors G Game 5 of the Western Conference vious four. nando Rodney to a minor league contract. x-Wednesday, June 12: St. Louis at Boston, 5 p.m.
016 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:49 PM Page 1

16 Thursday • June 6, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

time manager last month. and drastically improved their puck move-

Continued from page 11
Lesyna is a 2013 graduate of Gunn High
School in Palo Alto, where she was an all-
CCS player throughout her four-year varsi-
Continued from page 11
“He’s a dynamic player,” coach Craig
Berube said. “He can make something out of
ty career. She spent two seasons playing at nothing a lot of times. He’s very good at that.
Foothill College in Los Altos, helping the He’s elusive and even coming out of our own
*** Owls to a fourth-place finish at the state game plan doesn’t change depending on
who’s in or out of the lineup on the other side. end, you feel like there are times when the
The Bowditch Middle School girls’ soc- championship tournament. She transferred
That includes Chara, even though missing puck is going to get stopped up and he’ll do
cer team went 11-0-1 in capturing their to U.C. Davis and helped the Aggies to the
him on the penalty kill and defensively could something and make a move and a quick play
fifth-straight unbeaten championship for 2017 National Collegiate Club
make a big difference. with the puck that breaks a guy out and it’s a
the San Mateo school. Championship. great play that we’re going up the ice now.”
During their five-year run, Bowditch has She started her coaching career at her at “We prepare for a game from our side,” Conn
compiled a record of 58-0-2. Smythe Trophy candidate Vladimir Tarasenko It appears rugged Robert Bortuzzo will
her alma mater, where she was the junior return to the Blues’ lineup in place of Joel
Bowditch outscored the opposition 34-2 varsity head coach and assistant varsity said. “We can control our game. We don’t
and capped the season with a 5-1 win over know what’s gonna happen if he’s gonna play Edmundson, who had his ice time reduced for
coach. She has also spent the last four sea- performance reasons by coach Craig Berube in
Abbott Middle School in the champi- sons coaching for Stanford Water Polo or no. We just follow our plan. That’s it.”
onship game. The absence of Chara could prove to be the Game 4 . Bortuzzo came out when Dunn was
Club. ready to return but has two goals in the past
The team is comprised of Ryann Abad, *** tipping point in a bruising battle between the
Lily Bernard, Akshita Bisht, Maddie Bruins and Blues. Boston defenseman Matt two rounds despite not being much of a scorer.
Serra is looking for a varsity boys’ water
Cummins, Lauren Davies, Dylan Domingo, Grzelcyk is out with a concussion and St. Cassidy and Berube have been matching
polo coach for the 2019 season. Matt
Taylor Hardman, Naia Hsieh, Kayli Fong, Louis forward Robert Thomas is out with a sus- wits all series with roster decisions. From this
Jones guided the Padres last season as he
Keren Kreindler, Rhiana Gardon, Sofie pected hand or wrist injury. Cassidy said point on, the right and wrong calls could
took over for former longtime program
Knox, Hope Loy, Natalie Masarova, Grzelcyk, who practiced in a no-contact jersey determine the Cup champion, and the Bruins
head Bob Greene.
Sammy Pera, Ren delos Reyes, Evelyn Su, Wednesday, is still in concussion protocol have faith in Cassidy to push the right buttons
For more information, contact Serra ath- and would need to be medically cleared in order and compensate for injuries.
Victoria “Vic” Tapper and Enya Yuan.
letic director Justin Ferdinand at jferdi- to play in Game 5 on Thursday night.
*** “He kind of knows how to get guys going,” If Boston is without two of its top five
Menlo-Atherton announced this week the center Patrice Bergeron said. “He has a good
The ironic thing is, the best candidate is defensemen in Chara and Grzelcyk, it would
hiring of Lauren Lesyna as the school’s read and a good feel on how to do that and how
sitting in the Serra AD office. Ferdinand mean bigger roles for John Moore and Connor
varsity girls’ water polo coach. Lesyna to handle it.”
turned a moribund Half Moon Bay program Clifton and the possibility of Steven Kampfer
will also teach biology at the school. Berube has tweaked far more in this series
into a Central Coast Section qualifier dur- seeing his first action since Game 1 of the
She replaces Travis Wycoff, who served than previous rounds, all the while counting
ing his five years with the Cougars before East final. And the Bruins’ entire approach
as head coach the last two seasons. on St. Louis to not stray from its straightfor-
taking the athletic director position with would change.
She becomes the fourth new hire for the the Padres prior to the start of the 2018-19 ward game that thrives off punishes oppo-
M-A athletic department, joining new foot- “You lose a little bit of your team defense,
school year. nents.
ball coach Steve Papin and new girls’ bas- well, maybe you’ve got to create more offense
ketball coach Steve Yob. David Trujillo, to balance that out,” Cassidy said. “You got a “We have to keep pounding them,” forward
who was named interim manager with one guy that kills penalties well, maybe stay a lit- Patrick Maroon said. “We just got keep doing
Nathan Mollat can be reached by email: tle more disciplined. Down the line of how can the same thing. Our team’s not flashy at all.
week left in the regular season, had the or by phone: 344-
“interim” tag removed and hired as the full- 5200 ext. 117. you make up for what he brings without one It’s north/south. Dumping it in. Wearing

guy going in there.” teams down.
Meanwhile, St. Louis is relatively healthy “When we don’t do that, their defense is
except for Thomas. The Blues got defenseman effective in moving up in the play. Odd-man
Vince Dunn back for Game 4 after he missed rushes. The D can jump higher. When we’re
almost three weeks after taking a puck to the doing well, we’re limiting their time and
face in the West final, and he assisted on a goal space. We’re wearing them down.”


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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Thursday • June 6, 2019 17

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018 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:14 PM Page 1


Lesson from Miss

Kim: Give other
lilac species a try
Face it: We grow lilacs mainly for their
The problem with Miss Kim is she doesn’t flowers. In this respect, Miss Kim is similar
look like what you might expect. She’s a to her Occidental cousin. Her blooms,
lilac (Syringa patula), but not what we usu- which open two weeks or more after those of
ally think of as a lilac. the common lilac, have more white in them,
giving them a pleasantly icy appearance.
Miss Kim, who is from north China and
Korea, is a different species from the lilac The flowers, like those of common lilac,
we know in the U.S., called, appropriately, are fragrant. Not to my nose deliciously so
common lilac (S. vulgaris), and hailing though because they have more of the aroma
from southern Europe. She looks and acts of privet (a lilac relative). For some reason,
differently from, and is in many ways better Miss Kim changes once she comes indoors,
than, her common lilac cousin. however, then becoming pleasantly and
strongly fragrant, with even a single cluster
Miss Kim lilac is one of a number of lilac species that are worth growing in addition to or A BETTER FIT FOR SMALLER SPACES of blossoms perfuming a whole room.
instead of the usual common lilac. For one thing, Miss Kim is a compact OTHER LILACS WORTH GROWING
shrub, often billed as growing only 3 feet
high and wide. In fact, she’s capable of Miss Kim is not the only lilac that is
growing 8 to 10 feet. That’s still substan- unlilac-like. There’s also the so-called early
tially smaller than common lilacs, which, lilac (S. oblata) from Korea, which, besides
left to their own devices, swell to 20-foot blooming early, has loose panicles of flow-
behemoths. My own Miss Kim is 5 feet ers and nice autumn leaf color.
high, in her third year, and still growing Japanese tree lilac (S. reticulata) is —
strongly. So for smaller yards or more inti- what can I say? — from Japan and a tree,
mate spaces, Miss Kim might be the lilac of developing a hefty, single trunk and bloom-
choice. ing a couple of weeks after common lilacs.
And rather than creating an arching foun- The branches become smothered in frothy,
tain of stems, leaves, and flowers, Miss Kim white blooms which, unfortunately, smell
presents a dense, rounded mass of greenery very much like privet blooms.
and flowers. Her leaves are also smaller than Meyer lilac, from northern China, is
those of the common lilac and, with their unlilac-like in that its blooms develop all
rippling surfaces, lend an unlilac-like look along the stems, covering the entire shrub
to the shrub. from top to bottom.
Miss Kim also looks decidedly unlilac- Cutleaf lilac, from western China, is
like in summer, when her leaves retain their notable for having finely lobed leaves that
healthy green color rather than being give the whole bush a lacy texture.
marred by the powdery mildew disease that All these unlilac-like lilacs have qualities
attacks common lilac (but does those plants that make them worth growing not instead
no particular harm). In autumn, as common of but in addition to the common lilac
lilac’s leaves drop with little fanfare, Miss which, on the other side of the Pacific
Kim’s leaves turn reddish burgundy. Ocean, is itself the unlilac-like lilac.
019 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:47 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Thursday • June 6, 2019 19

said the Heather Elementary School
Calendar CHARTER
Continued from page 1
site council requested the change. If
the school board approves the propos-
al, the conversion will be final, as it
THURSDAY, JUNE 6 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno.
Mid Peninsula V illage— Entertainment is Manny Cantania. was already voted on by the school’s
Redefining Aging. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information call 583-4499. site council and its teachers.
San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 trict as a network of affiliated but tech- Looking ahead, she said the rest of
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. San Mateo Japanese American nically independent charter schools
Mid Peninsula Village is a nonprofit Community Center Park ing Lot the district’s dependent charter
organization fueled by volunteers. Sale. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. San Mateo causes administrative headaches and renewals are up in the coming year and
They provide social events, access to Japanese American Community offers no benefit, motivating officials Harmeier expects they too will seek to
services and help members rediscov- Center, 503 E. Fifth Ave., San Mateo.
er passions and hobbies that may Items for sale will include clothing, to consider the shift. convert back to traditional programs.
have become dormant. Free. For household goods and plants. For “There’s no incentive, no advan-
more information call 522-7490. more information call 343-2793. Additionally, she said the conver-
tage, and there is a lot more work sion is facilitated by officials adopt-
Mexican Train Dominoes. 10 a.m. to Writers Group. 10:30 a.m. South San involved for the parent community, ing much of the innovation often
noon. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. All Orange Ave., South San Francisco. administrators and the teachers to associated with charter schools and
levels of skill are welcome. Free. For Free. For more information call 829- maintain these charters,” she said. folding that into the district’s strate-
more information call 522-7490. 3860.
The district operates as a dependent through administrative hoops with the gic plan, broadening the reach of such
Kids’ Upcycle Style: T-Shirt Totes. 1 The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival. charter system, under which the state due to its relatively unique status. programs.
p.m. South San Francisco Main Noon to 11 p.m. Nativity School, 1250
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food court, schools are technically independent Officials already started the shift Harmeier said when San Carlos initi-
San Francisco. Bring outgrown T- games, raffle drawings, music, carni- according to the state’s definition, but away from dependent charters when ated the conversation around the con-
shirts to the library and transform it val rides and tiki bar. Free. For more
into a summer tote bag. Free. For information call 323-7914. still rely on financing from the coun- officials agreed the district’s newest version, state education officials
more information call 829-3860 ty, state and federal government while campus, Mariposa School, should be referred administrators to other
Origami time. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Reach adhering to a conventional administra-
Sof t Sk ills: Passion Pitch, And Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave., San launched as a traditional establish- dependent charter districts in
Communication and B ody Mateo. All ages welcome and all tive system with direction from a ment. The same decision was made California which are considering simi-
Language Presented by the San materials provided free. Free. For school board and superintendent. Such when Arroyo School was opened as lar shifts as a model.
Mateo County Jobs for Youth. 6 more information call 759-3784.
p.m. South San Francisco Main a structure differs from independent well. Ultimately, beyond the operational
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South Slime! 1 p.m. South San Francisco charters, which operate similarly Beyond the operational inefficien- advantages offered by doing away with
San Francisco. Learn how to craft a Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave.,
effective, attention-grabbing passion South San Francisco. Through the use financially but are not overseen by a cies, Harmeier said the motivation to a system which only seemingly causes
pitch that you can use in a number of of the scientific method, test, observe school district. convert the district is also fueled by administrative challenges with no
professional situations. Free. For and record findings to better under-
more information call 829-3860. stand what it takes to make the per- In 1993, the district was the first in most members of the school communi- apparent incentives, Harmeier framed
fect slime. Free. For more information the state to adopt charters, and the ty assuming San Carlos is just a tradi- the upcoming decision as a matter of
Richard Rhodes Discusses ‘Energy: call 829-3860.
A Human History.’ 7 p.m. to 8:30
Charter Learning Center, the pioneer tional school system. common sense.
p.m. Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main St., Catsino Night to Benefit Nine Lives school, will preserve its status. “Nobody really understands that we “It doesn’t make sense that we are a
Half Moon Bay. Pulitzer Prize winning Foundation. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. charter, when we are really operating
author and Half Moon Bay resident Veterans Memorial Senior Center, Harmeier said the district was initial- have this burden and we are just suffer-
Richard Rhodes will discuss his book. 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City. ly willing to operate as a charter sys- ing so I don’t think there will be any as a whole district,” she said.
For more information call 315-0201. $125. Ticket includes barbecue din- issue about this,” she said.
ner, two drink tickets and $50 in tem to track down grant funding avail-
FRIDAY, JUNE 7 game chips. For more information able at the time. But that money has To that end, she said no one in the The San Carlos Elementary School
June Free First Friday. 10 a.m. to 4 call 368-1365. since dried up, and the district has long school community has raised concerns District Board of Trustees meets 6:30
p.m. San Mateo County History
Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood Morris Day and the Time. 7:30 p.m. operated largely as a traditional school about the proposal to shift away from p.m. Thursday, June 6, in the district
City. Not only is admission free the to 9 p.m. San Mateo County Event system, despite having to jump dependent charters. Contrarily, she board room, 1200 Industrial Road.
entire day, but two programs are Center, 2495 S. Delaware St., San
planned for the public without any Mateo. This concert is a part of the
fees. At 11 a.m., preschool children San Mateo County Fair’s concert
The failed development deal was the projects in a second phase of construc-
will be invited to learn about grow-
ing things. They will construct a
paper garden bed with flowers to
take home. At 2 p.m., museum
docents will lead tours of the muse-
series. Free for fair attendees. For
more information call 574-3247.
The 16th Annual Ryan’s Ride. 9:30
Continued from page 1
last phase of dysfunction for the proj-
ect, which also faced a lawsuit attempt-
ing to block its progress with claims
tion. The bond fund has about $102
million remaining, according to a
recent district report.
um for adults. Free. For more infor- a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Burlingame Main that the district subverted the public Should a contractor be identified
mation call 299-0104. Library, 480 Primrose Road,
Burlingame. While the event is free, process by hiring the previous land within the project budget, Watkins has
Kidz in Motion. 10:15 p.m. South children participants raise pledges Watkins acknowledged the two bids owner to build the school. The lawsuit said she expects Foster City elemen-
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W. for the Ryan Phua Memorial Fund, came in a bit higher than officials had was eventually settled. tary school construction could start in
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. established through the Livestrong
Foundation to fund cancer-related hoped, but she shared optimism that July with an anticipated completion in
Kids will move, play games, sing,
programs in the Bay Area. For more officials would be able to offset poten- Watkins cited the district’s ability to
stretch and balance to foster gross fall 2020. The site where a shopping
motor skills. Recommended for ages information call 245-6290. tial additional costs by pulling from independently seek bids as a crucial
2-5 years old. Free. For more informa- component to identifying potential center and post office once stood has
tion call 829-3860. 2019 San Mateo Color 5K charity other funds. since been cleared and is ready for con-
fun run. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. College Of builders willing and able to work
She further balanced that perspective struction.
British Mah Jong. 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. San Mateo, 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd., alongside the district.
San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 San Mateo. Registration is required. by noting that the two bids received
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Cost is $40. For more information call were relatively competitive, especial- “The option we had to go out to bid Following the variety of hurdles the
Join an experienced instructor for an 619-6346.
ly considering the rising costs of con- on our own has allowed us to have bids project has encountered, Watkins
introduction to the game of
The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival. struction throughout the Bay Area. which are more within the realm of shared her anticipation for the chance
Mahjong using British Mah Jong
Association rules. Free. For more Noon to 6 p.m. Nativity School, 1250
“They did come in much more rea- possibility for us,” she said. to push forward a priority project for
information call 522-7490. Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food court, the district.
games, raffle drawings, music, carni- sonable than we had anticipated,” said The project has also seen significant
Science Matters! 3 p.m. South San val rides and tiki bar. Free. For more Watkins. cost escalation and designs have been “It’s really exciting for us,” she said.
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. information call 323-7914.
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Officials took the school out to bid amended to be more affordable.
Identify minerals, surf Google Earth, San Mateo’s Spring Dance Show. 1 on their own following the dissolution Financing for the new campus as well The San Mateo-Foster City
find Sandy Land, consider conserva- p.m. to 4 p.m. Central Park Stage, E.
tion and more. Free. For more infor- Fifth Ave., San Mateo. Watch two of a construction deal with the former as gyms and classrooms throughout Elementary School District Board of
mation call 829-3860. youth dance shows. Free. For more property owner, which had previously the district is offered through the $148 Trustees meets 7 p.m. Thursday, June
information call 522-7488.
agreed to develop the campus after the million Measure X bond, which must 6, in the district office, 1170 Chess
CuriOdyssey ’s Summer Music
Festival. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ar t Docent Lecture: The Early district acquired the land. also address a variety of construction Driv e, Foster City.
CuriOdyssey, 1651 Coyote Point Celebrity of Peter Paul Rubens. 3
Drive, San Mateo. Dance to the p.m. to 4 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110
rhythms of New Orleans with Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont.
Inside look of the de Young A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Medicine Ball Music. Hot dinner avail- 1 D ? [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
able for purchase while kids play Museum’s collection of Peter Paul 7
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
with hands-on science exhibits. Cost Rubens. Free. For more information F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
call 591-8286. 6
included with admission. For more > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
information call 342-7755.
0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

R agazzi B oys Chorus Presents:

The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival. ‘Flight.’ 5 p.m. Aragon High School ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Nativity School, Performing Arts Center, 900 Alameda
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Inspired by
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_
1250 Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food
court, games, raffle drawings, music, Mexico and Colorado. $12-$23. For #[[TccTab,
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac
carnival rides and tiki bar. Free. For more information call 342-8785. 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^
more information call 323-7914. %[[TccTab,
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta
Air Supply. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. San &[[TccTab,
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT

1 6 0 C
Mateo County Fair, 2495 S. Delaware
Centennial Tribute Concer t to Nat
K ing Cole presented by St., San Mateo. Listen to a rock duo '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda
Burlingame Library Foundation. 6 with world-renowned fame. Free. For ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Jazz musician more information call 574-3247.
Freddy Cole will honor his late broth-

= B

A 3
er, Nat King Cole, with a Centennial
Concert commemorating his 100th Caption phones for hearing loss. FT_ _dcb
birthday. Burlingame Library, 480 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. San Mateo Senior ^U[[TccTab2
Primrose Road, Burlingame. Cost is Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas,
$35-$95. For more information call San Mateo. Clear Captions is a feder- 5X]S0
0C; ;40BC5 58E4F
348-1555. ally funded telecommunications A4;0C43C C>FF4338=6BXX]ccWT

0 8 4 F
company that provides real-time text
Burlingame Renter Meetup Party. of phone conversations for people
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. II Piccolo Caffe, with hearing loss. Free. Registration

1219 Broadway, Burlingame. Come required. For more information call
mingle and munch with other 522-7490.

B ; > E
renters and learn about state and
local efforts to achieve renter protec- Kaiser Knit for A Cause Outreach.

tions and affordable housing. Free. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Kaiser Cancer
For more information call 430-2073. Treatment Center, 220 Oyster Point
Blvd., South San Francisco. The Kaiser
Walk with a Doc. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Rockaway Beach, 100 Rockaway
Permanente Knitting Group meets
twice a month at Kaiser Permanente
Cancer Treatment Center and is open 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R %% (
to all knitters. Free. For more informa- !! (7
FTS]TbSPh´b1 1^VV[T1

Beach Ave., Pacifica. Enjoy a stroll

with physician volunteers who can tion call 829-3860. f
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ >=4CCF>CC4=558E4BB4E4=44;4E4=CCF4;E4CCF4=CH
answer your health-related ques-
tions along the way. People of all Doodle Club. 6:30 p.m. South San
ages and fitness levels are invited to Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
this free community health program. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
For more information call 312-1663. Free. For more information call 829-
San Bruno AARP Chapter 2895
Monthly Meeting. 10 a.m. to noon. For more events visit
San Bruno Senior Center, 1555, click Calendar.
020 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 2:44 PM Page 1

20 Thursday • June 6, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL




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021-026 0606 thu:Class Master Odd 6/5/19 3:48 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Thursday • June 6, 2019 21

104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- Representative needed to sell newspa- STATEMENT #281113 STATEMENT #281216
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
per print and web advertising and event
marketing solutions. To apply, please call
The following person is doing business
as: Ramirez Property Service, 22 Shrat-
The following person is doing business
as: Sweet Lil’ Lo’s Cookies, 37 Maple
bility shall be limited to the price of one 650-344-5200 and send resume to
The Daily Journal is looking for in- ton Ave, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Way, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis-
insertion. No allowance will be made for
errors not materially affecting the value
2 years experience terns to do entry level reporting, re-
Registered Owner: Rafael Ramirez Jr, tered Owner: Loretta Marie Hicks, same
search, updates of our ongoing fea- same address. The business is conduct- address. The business is conducted by
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- required. tures and interviews. Photo interns al- SALES/MARKETING ed by an Individual. The registrants an Individual. The registrants com-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis-
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate so welcome. INTERNSHIPS commenced to transact business under menced to transact business under their
Card. The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking their FBN on N/A. FBN on N/A.
Immediate placement We expect a commitment of four to for ambitious interns who are eager to /s/Rafael Ramirez Jr/ /s/Loretta Hicks/
eight hours a week for at least four
105 Education/Instruction
on all assignments. months. The internship is unpaid, but
jump into the business arena with both
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- of the newspaper and media industries.
sor-County Clerk on 4/30/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/10/2019. (Publish-
terns have progressed in time into This position will provide valuable ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,

Is your child's school

Call paid correspondents and full-time re-
experience for your bright future.
Email resume
5/16/19, 5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19). 5/16/19, 5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19).

maximizing their potential? (650)777-9000 College students or recent graduates

are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
Thrive at: experience is preferred but not neces- The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
sarily required. as: Tailor Made Barbershop, 7321 Mis- as: Mainfreight San Francisco, 50 Tan-
UP ACAdEMY Elementary sion Street, DALY CITY, CA 94014. foran Avenue, SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- GROUNdSPERSON - Please send a cover letter describing
your interest in newspapers, a resume Registered Owner: Abdolloh Dos, 89 CO, CA 94080. Registered Owner:
65-acre private property in and three recent clips. Before you ap- Hampshire Ave., Daly City, CA 94015. Watchpoint Logistics, Inc., CA. The busi-
Woodside is looking for one per- ply, you should familiarize yourself The business is conducted by an Individ- ness is conducted by a Corporation. The
with our publication. Our Web site: ual. The registrants commenced to registrants commenced to transact busi-
son for grounds maintenance transact business under their FBN on ness under their FBN on November 1,
and events setups. 10/2014. 2007.
Send your information via e-mail to /s/Abdolloh Dos/ /s/Jay Bellin/
Please call Carl 650-851-1457 or by reg- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
between 1pm - 3pm only to set ular mail to 1720 S. Amphlett Blvd., sor-County Clerk on 5/2/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/14/2019. (Publish-
up appointment #123, San Mateo CA 94402
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/16/19, 5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19). 5/16/19, 5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19).

Owner of a luxury home in the Burlingame area is
looking for a Housekeeper. This is a part-time po-
sition, 20 hours per week, paying $20.00 per
hour. Duties include light housekeeping, some
shopping, and keeping the house in good condi-
tion. No manual labor necessary. More impor-
tant, you will be supervising sub-contractors like
landscaping contractors, house cleaners, electri-
cians etc. to make sure that needed maintenance
and repairs get done timely and properly. This
would be the perfect job for a retired person.

Please send your resume to:
021-026 0606 thu:Class Master Odd 6/5/19 3:48 PM Page 2

22 Thursday • June 6, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra

203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices

STATEMENT #281317 STATEMENT #281452 STATEMENT #281354 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received in the Harbor District Administrative
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as:Toast Catering and Event Manage- as: Damisa Thai Massage & Skincare, Offices, San Mateo County Harbor District (District), either by U.S. Postal Service addressed to its
as: Laud Media, 303 Elm Street, SAN
ment, 404 San Pedro Avenue, PACIF- 15 W. 25th Avenue, SAN MATEO, CA
CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered Owner: mailing address, PO Box 1449, El Granada, CA 94018, by courier or personal delivery to 504
ICA, CA 94044. Registered Owner: Ali- 94403. Registered Owner: Damisa Avenue Alhambra, Ste. 200, El Granada, CA 94018, on July 10, 2019 by 2:00 pm, Pacific
cia C. Kite, 109 Williams Lane, Foster Kang, 7 Pacific Bay Circle #208, San Eric Lau, same address. The business is
City, CA 94404. The business is con- Bruno, CA 94066. The business is con- conducted by an Individual. The regis- Standard Time, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read for the following:
ducted by an Individual. The registrants ducted by an Individual. The registrants trants commenced to transact business
commenced to transact business under commenced to transact business under under their FBN on N/A. NOTE: The United States Postal Service does not deliver mail to the District office.
their FBN on N/A. their FBN on 06/03/19. /s/Eric Lau/
/s/Alicia C. Kite/ /s/Damisa Kang/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
The District shall not be responsible for timely receipt of submittals addressed to the
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 5/23/2019. (Publish- District’s PO Box address.
sor-County Clerk on 5/21/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 6/3/2019. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). CONTRACT NO. 2017-11
Pillar Point Fishing Pier Rehabilitation
STATEMENT #281268 The District seeks bids for the Pillar Point Fishing Pier Rehabilitation. Bids shall be submitted
The following person is doing business
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING on the District’s “Bid Form” and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “CONTRACT NO. 2017-
as: Sophia Nail Spa, 352 Woodside Pla- REGARDING WAIVER REQUEST 11, Pillar Point Fishing Pier Rehabilitation,” and plainly endorsed with Bidder’s name and ad-
za, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Regis- dress.
tered Owner: Belle Lueur Corp., CA. The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held
business is conducted by a Corporation.
The registrants commenced to transact on June 26, 2019, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at Allen Elementary Bidders bidding as the prime contractor must possess a valid State of California Class A or
business under their FBN on 4/16/2019. School, 875 West Angus Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066. Class C, Contractor’s License at the time of contract award. All subcontractors, if any, must be
/s/Doan Trinh Ngoc Tran/
This statement was filed with the Asses- properly licensed by the State of California to perform specialized trades.
sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- The hearing will be held to gather public comment before the
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Governing Board of the San Bruno Park School District con- A non-mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit will be held prior to the date of bid opening.
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). siders submitting a renewal of waiver request to the State District staff will be available to answer general questions pertaining to the solicitation documents
Board of Education, relating to Education Code sections and the specifications. Any questions that may require staff research to answer or that will other-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 17455, 17466, 17469, 17472, 17473, 17474, and 17475. The wise modify the meaning or intent of this solicitation shall be submitted to the District in writing as
STATEMENT #281314 renewal of waiver request will ask that the District be allowed
The following person is doing business described in Special Provision 1.8. The pre-bid conference will take place on June 18, 2019 at
as: Taxes Hispanos, 615 Woodside Rd. the extension to market and sell or lease surplus District prop- 10:30 am at the Pillar Point Harbor – Harbor Master’s Office located at 1 Johnson Pier, Half
STE A, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. erty located at 2101 Sneath Lane, San Bruno, California, Moon Bay, CA 94019. There will be a site visit immediately following the pre-bid conference. Any
Registered Owner: Kathleen Lois Amez- through a request for proposal process rather than a public bid
cua, 423 Hiller St., Belmont, CA 94002. individuals who participate in the site visit must bring their own safety gear (hard hat, safety vest,
The business is conducted by an Individ- process. The public hearing is required by the waiver proce- safety glasses, and steel toed shoes) to wear during the site visit.
ual. The registrants commenced to dures found in Education Code §§ 33050, et seq.
transact business under their FBN on
1/1/1986. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit either in the form of a certified or cashier’s check or Bid-
/s/Kathleen Lois Amezcua/ For further information, please contact Wendy Richard, Asso- der’s Bond, as described in the documents, which shall be applied to damages sustained by the
This statement was filed with the Asses- ciate Superintendent, Business Services, San Bruno Park District in the event that the successful Bidder fails or refuses to enter into a contract awarded to it
sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- School District, 500 Acacia Avenue, San Bruno, California
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, by the District.
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). 94066; Phone: 650-624-3100.
Requests for modifications or clarifications of any requirement must be submitted in writing to San
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Mateo County Harbor District, Attn: John Moren by e-mail at or by fac-
STATEMENT #281312 Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, June 6, 2019. simile at (650) 583-4614 by June 25, 2019 at 4:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time.
The following person is doing business
as: B Towed, 525 N. San Mateo Dr.
#101, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- This is a Public Works Contract. The general prevailing rates of per diem wages and the general
tered Owner: Karol Noworyta, same ad- prevailing rates for regular (straight) time, holiday and overtime work in San Mateo County for
dress. The business is conducted by an
Individual. The registrants commenced CITY OF SAN BRUNO each craft, classification and type of worker needed to execute the Contract shall be set forth in
to transact business under their FBN on the current General Prevailing Wage Determinations made by the Director of Industrial Relations
NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1720 et seq. The current General Prevailing Wage
/s/Karol Noworyta/
This statement was filed with the Asses- Determinations are incorporated into the Contract and are available at the California Department
sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Industrial Relations' website ( Should the
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
of San Bruno, California (the “City”) at its regular meeting on general prevailing wage rates not specify a wage determination for a particular type of worker, at-
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). tention is directed to 8 CCR 16202(b) regarding petitioning the Director of the California Depart-
Tuesday May 14, 2019, held a Public Hearing, and continued
it to its next regular meeting on Tuesday May 28, 2019 where ment of Industrial Relations for a special wage
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME determination. Responsibility for labor law enforcement remains with the Division of Labor Stand-
STATEMENT #281283 they also waived the first reading and introduced an ordi-
The following person is doing business nance for adoption. At its regular meeting on Tuesday June ards Enforcement.
as: Landsthetics, 1956 McNair St., EAST 11, 2019, at the Senior Center, located at 1555 Crystal
PALO ALTO, CA 94303. Registered
Springs Road, San Bruno, starting at 7:00 p.m., the City The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, both
Owner: Juan Moya, same address. The
business is conducted by an Individual. Council will consider the following actions to approve the pro- in the amount set forth in the Special Provisions.
The registrants commenced to transact posed three-story, nine-unit multi-family residential building lo-
business under their FBN on N/A.
cated at 500 Sylvan Avenue. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, the successful Bidder may submit certain se-
/s/Juan Moya/ curities in lieu of the District withholding funds from progress payments (retention) during the Proj-
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 5/16/2019. (Publish- Waive Second Reading and Adopt an Ordinance Amending ect.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). Chapter 12.96 of the San Bruno Municipal Code to Establish
a Planned Development District, Update the Zoning Map, and Bids will be examined and reported to the General Manager within ninety (90) calendar days after
Adopt a Development Plan for the Multi-Family Residential the bids have been opened. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to waive
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME any irregularities or informalities in any bid or in the bid procedure, or to postpone the bid opening
STATEMENT #281307 Development located at 500 Sylvan Avenue.
The following person is doing business for good cause. No Bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the
as: Byrd’s Filling Station, 95 Baywood The site is currently zoned R-2 (Low Density Residential) but date of opening of the bids. Each Bidder will be notified of award of contract, if award is made.
Avenue, SAN MATEO, CA 94402. Reg-
istered Owner: Byrd’s Filling Station, is also located in the Transit Corridors Plan (TCP) Area.
LLC, CA. The business is conducted by There are five-character areas located throughout the TCP Contractors and subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations
a Limited Liability Company. The regis- area. The subject site is located in the Central Business Dis- (DIR) at the time of bid, or else the bid may be rejected as non-responsive. (See Labor Code sec-
trants commenced to transact business tions 1725.5 and 1771.1.) For federally funded projects, the contractor and subcontractors must
under their FBN on N/A. trict (C-B-D) Character Area. An amendment to the Zoning
/s/Laura Porter/ District to change from the current Low-Density Residential be registered at the time of contract award. (See Labor Code section 1771.1(a). Each bidder must
This statement was filed with the Asses- (R-2) zoning classification to a Planned Development District submit proof of contractor registration with DIR (e.g. a hard copy of the relevant page of the DIR's
sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- database found at: This Contract is subject to monitoring
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, (P-D), and to adopt a related District Development Plan to es-
5/23/19, 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19). tablish use and development standards is required. The un- and enforcement by the DIR pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4.
derlying Low-Density Residential (R-2) zoning classification
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME would not allow for the project as proposed; therefore, a Plan- The Documents are available for download on the District's website. To download the documents,
STATEMENT #281352 ned Development District (P-D) will be established, consistent go to the District's website home page at, click on BIDS/RFPS, scroll to
The following person is doing business with the TCP Central Business District (C-B-D) Character Contract No. 2017-11 Pillar Point Fishing Pier Rehabilitation.
as: Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 12730
High Bluff Drive, Suite 160, SAN DIEGO, Area requirements.
CA 92130. Registered Owner: Mirum Downloading Bid documents from the District’s website does not imply your firm is a potential bid-
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., DE. The business In accordance with the Municipal Code, this ordinance will go der nor will your name automatically appear on the District's "List of Potential Bidders."
is conducted by a Corporation. The reg- The District requests that those who download the documents, complete and submit the online
istrants commenced to transact business into effect 30 days from adoption, which is Thursday, July 11,
under their FBN on 5/2/18. 2019. form.
/s/Chris Peetz/
This statement was filed with the Asses- Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Bidder to check the District's website for any Ad-
sor-County Clerk on 5/23/2019. (Publish- The public is invited to attend and comment. For more infor-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, mation call Matt Neuebaumer, Associate Planner in the Com- denda that may be issued relative to this Invitation to Bid.
5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19). munity Development Department at (650) 616-7042.
For additional information, please contact San Mateo County Harbor District, John Moren by tele-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Disabled persons requiring accommodation in order to partici- phone at (650)583-4962, by facsimile at (650) 583-4614, or by e-mail at
STATEMENT #281362 pate in the public hearing may contact the City Clerk’s Office
The following person is doing business
as: To do List Handyman, 10 De Sabla at (650) 616-7058. TDD users may contact the California Re-
Rd, Apt 1103, SAN MATEO, CA 94402. lay Service at: 1-800-735-2929. Dated at El Granada, this June 5, 2019.
Registered Owner: Oleksandr Sokolov,
same address. The business is conduct-
ed by an Individual. The registrants /s/ Melissa Thurman, CMC
commenced to transact business under San Bruno City Clerk
their FBN on 24 May 2019. June 5, 2019
/s/Oleksandr Sokolov/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 5/24/2019. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19).
021-026 0606 thu:Class Master Odd 6/5/19 3:48 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Thursday • June 6, 2019 23

203 Public Notices 296 Appliances 300 toys 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For sale 312 Pets & Animals
FiCtitiOus busiNess NAMe Air CONditiONer 10000 BTU w/re- AMeriCAN FlYer locomotive runs NeW deluxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin- ChrOMe bAthrOOM standard center ONe KeNNel Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
stAteMeNt #281449 mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must set faucet complete and ready to install, mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
The following person is doing business brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- Sell! (650) 875-8159. $5, (650)595-3933 (650)593-2066
as: 1)Pacific Anxiety Group 2)PAG, 845 0898 juMP ANd Play Keyboard brand new, in
El Camino Real, MENLO PARK, CA original box. $25.00. (650)454-7580. NiAgArA vibrAtiNg Adjustable bed COsCO PlAY Pen with travel bag. Used PArrOt CAge, Steel, Large - approx
94025 Registered Owner: Pacific Psy- Free WAsher and 220v dryer, both good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan once $35 (650)591-2981 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
chology Group, Inc., CA. The business working. Belmont (415) 902-4484. You stAr WArs Celebration 3 Darth Vader (408)656-0958
$20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 offer. (650)245-4084
is conducted by a Corporation. The reg- move, stairs. Cut glAss serving bowl 8" diameter
istrants commenced to transact business queeN sOFA Bed, $75 Sherrill (sp?), $25. Call 650-921-4016
under their FBN on 6/1/2019. glAss-PANel lAMPshAde. Similar 302 Antiques Salmon fabric, 91" wide, good condition, 316 Clothes
/s/Robert Holaway/ to TIFFENEY about16" diameter. multi- call (650)697-3709 deluxe FOlder Walker - 5" wheels -
This statement was filed with the Asses- ple tan/white mainly.Hang or lampshade. beer steiNs-OrigiNAl from Germa- . Never Used - $40 (650)341-5347 bOOts -lugz Orange County Chopper
sor-County Clerk on 6/3/2019. (Publish- $75 (650)727-7266 ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info Edition Motorcycle Brand New size 10
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, (650)592-7483 retrO hutCh Needs refinishing other- disPlAY CAse, glass top. 27”x20”x2” Black $60 . (510)684-0187
6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). hOtPOiNt heAvY Duty Dryer excellent wise good condition. Top detaches from Deep. $15.00. 650-588-0842.
working condition Burlingame $50 Call bottom $25. (650)712-9962 brOWN sued boots, fur-lined, size 8,
Dan (408)656-0958 drive 3-Wheel buggy $45. Call
MAhOgANY ANtique Secretary desk, new. $15.00. Call(650)872-2371
FiCtitiOus busiNess NAMe sOFA-beige FAbriC, Orig. $900, (650)589-1407
72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
stAteMeNt #281422 MAYtAg WAsher excellent working elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. Rarely used, 7ft long, $350 FANCY high heel shoes, never worn
The following person is doing business condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan (650)234-8218 Free MAgAziNes. Library discards size 8 1/2 $20.00 (650)592-2648
as: 1)Today Sotheby’s Realty 2)To- (408)656-0958 year old ones. Wide variety. Good for
rOseville tuliP Pitcher, Ca: 1900. crafts, light reading. (650)952-9074
daySIR 3)Only Today Sotheby’s Interna- $45. (650)574-2490. sOlid WOOd Dining table with exten-
tional Realty, 1250 San Carlos Ave. NeW, siNger Sewing Machine Univer- sion great piece great condition black FAux Fur Coat Woman's brown multi
Suite 101, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. sal Carry Case Model 620, Free Arm Ma- $80 (650)364-5263 Free: Wild turkey feathers; whole color in excellent condition 3/4
Registered Owner: Today Inc., CA. The chine Compatible, $35, (650)483-1222 303 electronics wings, full tail fans. Wild duck wings. For length $50 (650)692-8012
business is conducted by a Corporation. sOlid WOOd Entertainment Center- fly tying, art projects, etc. Call Mark
The registrants commenced to transact tiFFANY stYle Lamp shade. Older- Free televisiON - Mitsubishi, TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In (650)207-0882 KAYANO MeN’s Running shoes size 11
business under their FBN on N/A. multiple panels. 17” diameter. $75. (650) 26"W,22"H,18"D Works Great, Not Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in. good condition $20 (650)520-7045
/s/Jeanne G.Garde/ 727-7266. Flatscreen, Text (650) 333-8323 Local X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o geNuiNe sWiss Army Knife with knife
This statement was filed with the Asses- Delivery available. (925)482-5742 blade, nail file, nail cleaner, scissors, per- KNee-high blACK women's boots,
sor-County Clerk on 5/31/2019. (Publish- vACuuM CleANer (reconditioned) fect, $5, (650)595-3933 size 7, wide calf & wide width, new.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, $10 Call Ed (415)298-0645 ONKYO Av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital tAble 24"x48" folding legs each end. $40.00. Call (650)872-2371
6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost hANds Free, holds any cellphone firm-
$130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141 ly on handlebar, completely adjustable, lAdies sequiN dress, blue, size XL,
297 bicycles Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
locks in position, $9, (650)595-3933 pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
FiCtitiOus busiNess NAMe PhilliPs-50” COlOr t.v., Heavy, $99 thOMAsville diNiNg table, $50 4
stAteMeNt #281418 Adult biKes 1 regular and 2 with bal- chairs, mid-century blonde with two MeN's stetsON hat, size large, new,
loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 (650)591-8062 hAt, t-shirt, sweatshirt and comput-
The following person is doing business leaves call (650)697-3709. erbag $80.00 for all (650)592-2648 rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
as: Papi Chulo Salsa, 353 Angus Avenue (650) 578-9208
West, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Regis- Child’s sChWiNN biCYCle, blue in 304 Furniture tiKi bAr - Original from the 60’s,Like liONel ChristMAs Holiday expan-
tered Owner: Grace D. Ly, 201 Harrison good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. Elvis', made of wood, 68”X22X39, $3500 sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 shOes size 5 1/2 and 6 for $50 or less
St. #827, San Francisco, CA 94105. The ANtique diNiNg table for six people (650)245-4234. (650)508-8662
MOuNtAiN biKe new 21 gears $100. with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 liONel WesterN Union Pass car and
business is conducted by an Individual. (650)722-3634
The registrants commenced to transact dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 tuxedO size 40, black, including white
business under their FBN on N/A. ANtique MOhAgANY Bookcase. Four tWO tier Mahogany finish changing ta- shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189
/s/Grace D. Ly/ 298 Collectibles feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. ble with pad great condition-$30.00 MOtleY Crue lp signed by neil lee
WeddiNg dress-desigNer, Size 12,
This statement was filed with the Asses- (650)771-6324 sixx and mars $75 cash (408)661-6019 Needs Dry Cleaning, Org. $4000.00 Sell
sor-County Clerk on 5/30/2019. (Publish- 1984 tiMe magazine. Special 1994 bedsteAd siNgle, poster style, box
spring, mattress available. $40.00. NegriNi FeNCiNg Epee mask size M for $500 Call (650)867-1728
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Olympics report. $10.00. Leave msg tWO WOOd Book Shelves, $75 with
6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). (650)588-0842 (650)593-7408 drawers and pull-down desk call & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
(415)260-6940 WOMAN's AMeriCAN Rag faux leather
(650)697-3709 jacket. Perfect condition. Black
beige sOFA $99. Excellent Condition
49’er 1990-1991 calendar. Eddie (650) 315-2319 /2x/NW0T $25 (650) 952-3466
FiCtitiOus busiNess NAMe deBartolo on cover. Mint condition. used bedrOOM Furniture, FREE. Call Old b&l Microscope in good condition;
stAteMeNt #281466 $10.00. Leave msg (650)588 0842 (650)573-7381. 35x 100x 430x $50. (650) 588-0842. WOMAN's tAhAri jacket. Perfect con-
The following person is doing business buNK beds for sale. Cherry Wood, 2
years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or WAll uNit/rOOM Divider. Simple rAY-bAN tOP Bar Sunglasses dition. Royal blue/16W/NWT $25
as: Burlingame Energy Lacrosse, 1909 APPrOx. 40 yr old 1/2 l German Beer (650) 952-3466
Devereaux Dr., Burlingame CA 94010. B/O (650)685-2494 lines. Breaks down for transportation. RB31832 BlackFrameSemi rimless semi-
Stein, Raigimal, Gerz. $60 (650)207- $25.(650)712-9962 leave message wrap Lens:GreyUV UltraSleek Light-
Registered Owner: Burlingame Energy WOMeN's blACK suede fur lined
Basketball, Inc., CA The business is 4162 ChiNA CAbiNet Wallet, $20. Call weight New w/case $65.00 (650)591-
(650)589-1407 WAlNut Chest, small (4 drawer with boots, size 8. $10.00 call (650)872-2371
conducted by a Corporation. The regis- 6596
trants commenced to transact business ClAssiC lAMbOrghiNi Countach upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
Print ,Perfect for Garage,Framed Size ChOCOlAte brOWN living room chair WOrK bOOts. Iron Age, size 10-1/2,
under their FBN on May 1, 2019. rOllerblAdes, used, size 10. $20 brown, with steel metatarsal protection.
/s/David Weinstein/ Medium ,Good Condition $25. (510)684- with cushion. In excellent condition, $60. White WiCKer Armoire, asking $100, obo. Please call (650)745-6309
0187 Call 650-872-2371. great condition, text for picture (650)571- In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 6/4/2019. (Publish- 0947 sAMsONite 26" tan hard-sided suit
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, COlleCtAble CAbbAge Patch Kids COMPuter desK (glass) & chair. Like case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. 318 sports equipment
6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19). Luncheon Set. Royal Worchester. New new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or WOOd - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x $45. (650)328-6709
Box. Great Christmas Present. $100 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 big berthA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver
(650) 572-8895 silK sAree 6 yards new nice color.for ,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick
Order tO shOW CAuse FOr COMPuter desK with 3 side drawers . 306 housewares $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- (415)999-4474
ChANge OF NAMe COOl hOt Rod Print "Eddies Market" Pine wood lacquered. Almost new. Ask formation.
CASE# 19C1V02716 Perfect for Garage,Size Medium,Perfect for pic . $89 or bo.(650)255-3514 text or
budWeiser steiN $10 (650)589-5065 brANd NeW Golf bag with Stand.
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, condition $25. (510)684-0187 leave message siNK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet, Makes a great gift. $65. 415-867-6444.
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, CrYstAl WiNe glasses new (12ea) $15.00 (650)544-5306 No Texting.
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, dePressiON glAss Dining Plate. 8 COMPuter sWivel CHAIR. Padded
Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 $20.00 Call 650-592-2648
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 3/4", crows foot pattern, clear ruby red. slr leNs Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6 brANd NeW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods;
PETITION OF $12 (650)762-6048 gerMAN steiN $10 (650)589-5065 Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171 Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great
C KRISTIN EIDE desK 6 drawer - 53"w x 31 1/2"d x 29"h
- $40.00 (650)454-4902 gift $95. 415-867-6444. No Texting.
diNAh WAshiNgtON, Autographed MiKAsA set. White. Modern (square) stOCK Air intake, 5.7 hemi $80.00
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 8”x10” glossy photo. Good condition desK, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152. (650)454-4902 eAstON AluMiNuM bat.33 inches, 30
Petitioner: C KRISTIN EIDE filed a peti- $1200 OBO (650)342-3825 (650)458-3578 oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
tion with this court for a decree changing NeW "bellA" buffet triple slow cooker tires-set OF four P225 45 R18 $80
name as follows: gAMes OF the 23rd Olympiad maga- and food warmer $35.00 call (650)592- OBO (650)359-2238. everlAst 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
zine. 1984. $10.00. Leave msg (650)588- 2648 Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966
diNiNg rOOM tAble ANd six tuNturi rOWiNg Machine, Good
Present name: C KRISTIN EIDE 0842 ChAirs -Antique, Mahogany Chippen- siNK dOuble cast iron. Good condi- Condition, $75, (650)483-1222 guthY-reNKer POWer Rider,Ever-
dale Chairs- $3000 (650)888-2662 tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408 last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex-
Proposed Name: KRISTIN Q EIDE leNNOx red Rose, Unused, hand uNideN hArleY Davidson Gas Tank erciser $20 (510)770-1976
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons $12.00. (650) 578 9208. diNiNg rOOM Table-Antique,Oak, 307 jewelry & Clothing KNee rider $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269
interested in this matter shall appear be- 5chairs, w/ extension $200 WAlKer - Good Condition - Like New -
fore this court at the hearing indicated Miller lite Neon sign , work good (650)290-3188 ANNe KleiN silver-tone watch with $35 (650)341-5347 leAther gOlF bag with 23 clubs $90.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- $59 call (650)218-6528 Swarovski crystals & mother-of-pearl di- (650) 592-2648.
tition for change of name should not be al. $60.00 call(650)872-2371
granted. Any person objecting to the Old, ANtique, Bottle Collection: 20 diNiNg tAble (36"x54") and 4 match- 311 Musical instruments MeN's rOssigNOl Skis. $95.00,
name changes described above must file bottles in total. $40 for all. (650)762-6048
a written objection that includes the rea-
ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for 308 tools good condition, (650)341-0282.
$250 .(650)-654-1930. 1929 ANtique Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut-
sons for the objection at least two court ONe COlleCtiON of antique Cuban ONe dOzeN Official League Diamond
Cigar Bands. $95. (415) 867-6444. No ANtique irON Hand Drills. 3 available ter, Newly Refurbished $4,500 OBO Call
days before the matter is scheduled to diNiNg tAble - (72”x42”)WITH 2 FT (650)742-6776. Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
be heard and must appear at the hearing Texting. at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron (650)771-6324.
Extension, six upholstered chairs, excel-
to show cause why the petition should lent condition, $450 (650)692-8012.
not be granted. If no written objection is PAtriCK NAgel Print "Gallery in the CrAFtsMAN 6”x9” belt/disc sander, ChrOMAtiC hArMONiCA: Horner tOtAl gYM XLS, excellent condition.
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- Courtyard ' # 7, Custom Framed , $100 used once. Cost $330.00 check Sears The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
diNiNg tAble. 72" by 42". With leaf website. $150.00 (650)591-6283 (650)278-5776.
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the .(510)684-0187 90". $99 or best offer. (650)228-3389 (650)588-0828
petition shall be held on 7/5/19 at 9 a.m.,
Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- sMAll rug beater. $15.00 (650)207- dresser-ANtique vANitY Combo, 3 CrAFtsMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" viNtAge NAsh Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- 4162 beveled mirrors, Eight Drawers, $400 dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 ePiPhONe les Paul Custom Prophecy ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
der to Show Cause shall be published at (650)290-3188 Electric Guitar. Mint. $625.00. 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
least once each week for four successive tOPPs bAsebAll complete set 1987 lg CrAFtsMeN shop vac 6.5hp $60 (650)421-5469.
weeks prior to the date set for hearing on thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999- eNglish drAW Table, $50 Solid Wood (510)943-9221 WOrKOut beNCh, weights, bars, for
the petition in the following newspaper of 4474 48" with two 12" pull-out leaves, everett uPright antique piano. flat/incline bench and legs. $100.
general circulation: shOPsMith MArK V 50th Anniversary Lovely sound. $99. 650-365-5718. (650)861-2411
call(650)697-3709 most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
San Mateo Daily Journal tWO 1998 Star Wars R2-D2 action fig-
Filed: 5/23/2019 ure variations, new/unopened. $25 for (650)504-0585 huge ludWig Drum Set Silver Sparkle YAMAhA rOOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
ethAN AlleN sofa and love seat. Blue & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ both. Steve (650)518-6614 velveteen. Solid construction. Some col- (650)458-3255
Judge of the Superior Court viNtAge CrAFtsMAN Jig Saw. Circa Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $3,500
or fading in spots. Great sofa for reuphol- 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 (916)975-4969
Dated: 5/21/2019
(Published 5/30/19, 6/6/19, 6/13/19,
viNtAge steMWAre: 3 styles, 23
pcs. $60, (650)207-4162
stering. Free. (650)593-7001. 340 Camera & Photo equip.
6/20/19). PiANO-ANdreW KOhler, Mahogany,
glider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- 310 Misc. For sale Spinet piano, Very Good Condition, $250 NiKON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
299 Computers 500-600 big Band-era 78's--most mint,
iKeA dresser, black, 3 shelf. 23" x OMegA b600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
19" COlOr Monitor with stand VG con- 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
dition power cord/owners manual includ- PlAYer PiANO 1916 W/Bench 25 mu- struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
iKeA tAble, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. bessY sMAll Evening Hand Bag With sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892 larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
295 Art ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857
$ 30. (650)598-9804. Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
vivitAr v 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
Oil PAiNtiNg-CANvAss, Victorian reCOrdAble Cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- MAhOgANY tv Cabinet, $75 4'H x 3'W biFOld shutters 2x28”x79 $10.00 sPiNet PiANO + Bench, $50. Call original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
Scene, With Frame 56”x44” $350.00 ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, x 2'D, perfect condition call (650)697- (650)544-5306 (650)589-1407 (650)583-6636
OBO (650)515-6091 (650) 578 9208 3709
blue OYster cult lp signed by donald viNtAge AutOPiANO upright player
296 Appliances 300 toys MAttress, tWiN long, excellent condi- r. Eric b. And Wilcox. $40. Cash
piano $99.00 call (650)728-5053 leave
message or email
345 Medical equipment
tion, $25, (650) 552-9556
MFg h20lAbs Model 300 exc cond 14-1000-PCs Puzzles $3.00 ea. AdjustAble bAth shower transfer
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. (650)207-4162 tWiN bed, mattress, box spring, frame CAsh register Parts; Much Skin Not Wurlitzer uPright piano. Fair con- bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976
$ 50. (650)598-9804. Guts $500 (415)269-4784 dition. Free. No delivery. (650)455-5595
021-026 0606 thu:Class Master Odd 6/5/19 3:48 PM Page 4

24 Thursday • June 6, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

345 Medical equipment 379 Open houses 620 Automobiles 620 Automobiles 630 trucks & SuV’s 670 Auto Service
COMMODe, Very clean and disinfect- POntiAC ‘97 Passenger Van. Aluminum FOrD ’88 F150 4x4 Camper shell, 83K
ed. Asking $20 obo. Please call if inter- Don’t lose money Rims with good tires. Needs engine miles, $2000 obo (650)868-3010 SMOG CheCk
ested. (650)745-6309 OPen hOuSe on a trade-in or work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell
9650)714-3865. leXuS ‘07 GX450, 124K miles, $11,900
$29.75 + $8.25 certificate
VAliD Mon thru thu
DriVe 3-in-1 commode with seat,buck- liStinGS consignment! (650)302-5523 9am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5pm
et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10 tOyOtA ’96 Tercel Original owner,
(510)770-1976 30mpg, original paint/Interior, will not tOyOtA ‘06 4runner, 190K miles, Look for coupon in the Daily Journal
List your Open House Sell your vehicle in the start, $850.00 (650)367-0597. $7,900.. (650)302-5523 luxurati Auto
DriVe DeluXe two button walker $10 in the Daily Journal. Daily Journal’s 704 N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo
Auto Classifieds. 625 Classic Cars 635 Vans 650-458-6666
rADiAtiOn PrOteCtiOn 1/2-apron Reach over 83,450 CADillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado tOyOtA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227- potential home buyers & Just $45 44,632 original miles. Needs body work dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
and headliner $2,475 OBO (650)218- miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See
7742. renters a day, We’ll run it 4681. craigslist for pics. 670 Auto Parts
WAlker/rOlAtOr. neW. large, bas-
from South San Francisco ‘til you sell it!
640 Motorcycles/Scooters 1960S CADillAC hub caps $40
ket, quickly convert to wheelchair. Large to Palo Alto. CheVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
size to 400LBS.8" wheels $45.00 Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
in your local newspaper. reach 83,450 drivers obo. (650)952-4036. BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
BriDGeStOne AlenzA 235/65R17,
from South SF to (650) 995-0003
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
Garage Sales Call (650)344-5200 Palo Alto CheVy ‘86 COrVette. Automatic. used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 MOtOrCyCle SADDleBAGS,
obo. (650) 952-4036. with mounting hardware and other parts CheVy S-10 center caps - 4 / $60.00
Call (650)344-5200 $35. Call (650)670-2888. (650)454-4902
PAlO AltO 380 real estate Services
COrVette ‘69 350 4-SPeeD. 50k
MileS. New upgrades; best offer.
(415)602-8480. Mr. Roberts. 645 Boats CheVy/GMC 1994. Full size. Front
plastic/bumper/grill complete. Perfect
hiGh SChOOl AutO AuCtiOn BOAt- 7 FT Livingston Fiber Glass., 2.5
Photos. San Mateo $75 (650)727-7266
CAll CrOnAn Real Estate today at DAtSun ‘83 280zx, T-Tops, 159K miles,
FleA MArket 650 274 0259 to learn how to win
in the local real estate market. Lunch
Every Tuesday 11am
280 A Street Colma
good condition, cosmentic and mechani-
cal. $6500 OBO. 650-302-4747.
HP. NIssan Outboard Motor. $800.
(650) 591-5404.
GM truCk/SuV 1994? Large Vehicle.
Front Bumper/plastic/grill unit
is on us! complete/perfect. Perfect/photos availa-
Saturday June 8 hOnDA ‘92 CiViC, Classic Commuter MAliBu 24 ft with tower. Completely re- ble .$75. (650)727-7266
CheVy ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT Gas Saver. Restored. 40+ mpg. built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
(9am-3pm) CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. 200k miles. $3,700. (415)999-4947. 20K obo. (650)851-0878. OFF rOAD LIGHTS ,Baja Tough by
470 rooms Desert Fox ,Quartz Halogen,New in box,
hOnDA ‘10 CiViC, 87K miles, $6,800. $30. (510)684-0187
50 Embarcadero (650)302-5523
MerCeDeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top. SeA rAy 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs
(corner of El Camino hiP hOuSinG Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732. White StAr Tire Chains, never used.
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program MAzDA ‘06 Miata MX5, Grand Tour- 0878
and Embarcadero) P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
San Mateo County ing, 152K miles, very clean. $5900.00 650 rVs
(650)348-6660 Call Mike (650)339-0807 MerCeDeS ‘89 300e, Low Miles, Excel.
(650)324-flea(3532) Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint, GulF StreAM, Sun Voyager ‘04.
680 Autos Wanted $13,900 (650)303-4257. Leave msg. 36 ft, Excellent Condition. $35,000. Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
MAzDA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 650-349-3087. Novas, running or not
620 Automobiles dition One owner Fully loaded Low MuStAnG ’73- All Original: Miles 300,
Parts collection etc.
Paperwork, Light Brown Paint, 351
CheVrOlet ‘86 ASTROVAN, 95K
miles reduced $15,995 obo (650)520-
4650 V/8Cleveland, Auto-Trans, P/S, P/B, 670 Auto Service So clean out that garage
$30,000 (650)359-6001. Give me a call
miles, $2000 (650)481-5296 Joe 650 342-2483
GArAGe SAleS MAzDA ‘16 Sky Active one owner per- AA SMOG
eStAte SAleS GOt An OlDer fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles
$18,995 OBO (650)520-4650.
POrSChe ‘88 Carrera Targa, 139K
Miles, BK-BK, $32,500. (650) 589-9766. Complete Repair & Service
Make money, make room!
CAr, BOAt, Or rV? $29.75 plus certificate fee
Do the humane thing. niSSAn ‘01 MAXiMA 160K miles, 630 trucks & SuV’s (most cars)
Donate it to the $3,500. (650)302-5523 869 California Drive .
List your upcoming Humane Society. niSSAn ‘12 Leaf, Electric, low mileage
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26 Thursday • June 6, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL


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027 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 8:19 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION/WORLD Thursday • June 6, 2019 27

Senators launch bipartisan bid to block Saudi arms sales
By Susuannah George Yemen, Republican Sen. Todd Young of
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “While I understand that Saudi Arabia is a strategic Indiana, and Democratic Sens. Patrick
ally, the behavior of Mohammed bin Salman cannot Leahy of Vermont and Jack Reed of Rhode
WASHINGTON — Directly challenging Island.
President Donald Trump’s use of executive be ignored. Now is not the time to do business as usual The Trump administration in May
power, Democrats and Republicans in the with Saudi Arabia.” invoked an emergency provision in the
Senate are banding together to introduce Arms Export Control Act to push through
more than a dozen resolutions aimed at — Lindsey Graham of South Carolina $8 billion worth of arms sales to the
blocking the Trump administration’s sale Saudis, the United Arab Emirates and
of weapons to Saudi Arabia. decision in May to sell the weapons, in a information, which he received from the Jordan. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
The maneuver amounts to a remarkable manner intended to bypass congressional Department of Energy, added “to a disturb- said the sales were necessary to counter
display of bipartisan pushback to Trump’s review, further inflamed the tensions. ing pattern of behavior” by the administra- “the malign influence of the government
foreign policy and threatens to tangle the “While I understand that Saudi Arabia is a tion. of Iran throughout the Middle East
Senate in a series of floor votes this sum- strategic ally, the behavior of Mohammed Menendez’s introduction of the 22 reso- region.”
mer. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the bin Salman cannot be ignored. Now is not lutions Wednesday creates a challenge for Some of the weapons could be delivered
top Democrat on the Senate Foreign the time to do business as usual with Saudi Senate leadership, as he is using a proce- later this year, while other arms will not
Relations Committee, is leading the effort, Arabia, ” Graham said in a statement dure that can force action on the Senate ship for another year or longer. The sale
but he has support from two of Trump’s Wednesday. U. S. intelligence agencies floor. Other supporters of the effort include included precision guided munitions, other
allies in Congress: Lindsey Graham of have concluded that an operation like the Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of bombs and ammunition and aircraft main-
South Carolina and Rand Paul of Kentucky. killing of Khashoggi could not have hap- Connecticut, a longtime critic of the war in tenance support.
Anger has been mounting in Congress pened without the knowledge of the power-
over the Trump administration’s close ties ful crown prince.
to the Saudis, fueled by the high civilian Adding to the outcry, Sen. Tim Kaine of
casualties in the Saudi-led war in Yemen — Virginia revealed this week that the Trump
a military campaign the U.S. is assisting administration continued to transfer
— and the killing of U.S.-based columnist nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia even
Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents. Trump’s after Khashoggi’s murder. Kaine said that
028 0606 thu:0606 thu 244 6/5/19 7:08 PM Page 1

28 Thursday • June 6, 2019 NATION/WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Trump, Irish prime minister differ on Brexit, meeting venue

By Jonathan Lemire

SHANNON, Ireland — For the backdrop to his first offi-

cial visit to Ireland, President Donald Trump wanted to pro-
mote his golf course on the nation’s rocky west coast. The
Irish government countered with the grand staging of an
ancient castle.
In the end, neither side got what they wanted. The com-
promise location for Trump’s meeting Wednesday with Irish
Prime Minister Leo Varadkar was the VIP lounge at Shannon
Airport, just down the hallway from the food court and duty-
free shop.
And the meeting itself was more than just a warm hand-
shake for the cameras, as the two broke sharply on what
would be best for Ireland if the United Kingdom were to
leave the European Union.
Varadkar has become a vociferous opponent of Brexit, a
move Trump supports. Many in Ireland express worry that if
the U.K. does leave, a “hard border” will return between
Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K,
REUTERS potentially reigniting sectarian tension that lasted for
Donald Trump meets with Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at Shannon Airport in Shannon, Ireland. decades and sometimes exploded into violence.
“Probably you’ll ask me about Brexit because I just left
some very good people who are very involved with Brexit,
as you know,” Trump said in the leaders’ meeting. “And I
think it will all work out very well, and also for you with
your wall, your border.”
Varadkar quickly retorted: “I think one thing we want to
avoid, of course, is a wall or border between us.”
“I think you do, I think you do,” Trump responded. “The
way it works now is good, you want to try and to keep it that
way. I know that’s a big point of contention with respect to
Brexit. I’m sure it’s going to work out very well. I know
they’re focused very heavily on it.”
Trump also has one other stop during his two days in
Ireland, and it’s not the capital of Dublin or the famed Cliffs
of Moher. Rather, it’s his own golf course in Doonbeg,
where he will sleep for two nights amid the commemora-
tions of the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

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