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San Mateo Daily Journal 04-10-19 Edition

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001 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:51 PM Page 1



Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Wednesday • April 10, 2019 • XIX, Edition 196

City eyes new election maps

Map 21f gaining momentum; Redwood City to adopt new district map in May
By Zachary Clark meeting, a map of district boundaries called voted for on first reading in March. them, it seems just about everyone consid-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF 21f appears to be the most popular. Roughly two weeks ago the city’s demogra- ers the latest maps a significant upgrade
Councilmembers will vote for a final map at pher, National Demographics Corporation, over the previous options.
Redwood City’s laborious transition to a meeting May 6 with a second reading set informed the city for the first time that it Many Latino residents have been calling
district elections continued Monday when for May 20. was in fact possible to address both the for maps that include two districts with
the City Council discussed the merits of a The city’s attorney negotiated an exten- community’s concerns as well as legal obli- Latino majorities in terms of voting age;
new batch of “focus maps” in preparation of sion for the adoption of district boundaries gations in alternative draft maps. the pervious options included just one. Each
the final selection in May. because there were widespread concerns There are now six draft maps in the mix
Based on the discussion at Monday’s among residents about the map the council and while there are tradeoffs with each of See MAP, Page 27

San Carlos explores

workforce housing
Shortage sparks talk of rule changes
By Anna Schuessler

In an effort to address
San Carlos’ workforce
housing shortage, offi-
cials are pegging for
future study its below-
market-rate unit ordi-
nance and the possible Mark Olbert
removal of the option for
residential developers to pay in-lieu fees
instead of building affordable units on the
site of new projects.
Officials will also take another look at
zoning for specific parts of the city where
more dense housing can be accommodated.
The City Council’s Monday discussion of
measures officials could take so developers
and homeowners are incentivized to boost
the city’s affordable housing stock came 10
years into the 20-year General Plan officials
and residents shaped in 2009, explained
Community Development Director Al
See HOUSING, Page 18


Newsom: Surfing
Some supporters of the Burning Man festival are complaining about new restrictions the federal government is proposing for the event. can connect state
Burning Man backers blast proposed restrictions and El Salvador
By Kathleen Ronyane
Bureau of Land Management discusses more security searches, new barriers THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

By Scott Sonner SAN SALVADOR, El

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Salvador — California
masterfully markets its
SPARKS, Nev. — Some supporters of the surfing culture and Gov.
Burning Man counter-culture festival are Gavin Newsom said
complaining about new restrictions the fed- Tuesday he wants to
eral government is proposing for the event. share that expertise with Gavin Newsom
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management held El Salvador to help boost
a public meeting Monday on a draft envi- tourism and provide more economic oppor-
ronmental impact statement that includes tunities for its impoverished citizens.
proposals to step up security searches and “There’s no doubt there’s a lot we can do
erect new barriers around the event if it is together in this space,” Newsom said after a
permitted to expand its capacity to discussion about the surfing industry’s eco-
See BLM, Page 19 See NEWSOM, Page 18
002 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:38 PM Page 1

2 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“Work is something you can count on, a
trusted, lifelong friend who never deserts you.”
— Margaret Bourke-White, American photojournalist

This Day in History

Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, a day

1865 after surrendering the Army of

Northern Virginia at Appomattox
Court House, said farewell to his men,
praising them for their “unsurpassed
courage and fortitude.”
In 1 8 6 6 , the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals was incorporated.
In 1 9 1 2 , the British liner RMS Titanic set sail from
Southampton, England, on its ill-fated maiden voyage.
In 1 9 1 6 , the Professional Golfers’ Association of America
was founded in New York.
In 1 9 2 5 , the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel “The Great Gatsby”
was first published by Scribner’s of New York.
In 1 9 3 2 , German President Paul Von Hindenburg was re-
elected in a runoff, with Adolf Hitler coming in second.
In 1 9 4 7 , Brooklyn Dodgers President Branch Rickey pur-
chased the contract of Jackie Robinson from the Montreal
In 1 9 6 2 , Stuart Sutcliffe, the Beatles’ original bass player,
died in Hamburg, West Germany, at age 21.
In 1 9 6 8 , “In the Heat of the Night” won best picture of 1967 REUTERS
at the 40th Academy Awards; one of its stars, Rod Steiger, was People enjoy cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C.
named best actor while Katharine Hepburn was honored as
best actress for “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
In 1 9 7 1 , a table tennis team from the United States arrived In other news ...
in China at the invitation of the communist government for organs were on the wrong side. raci al l y deg radi n g .
a goodwill visit that came to be known as “ping-pong diplo- Bad idea: Pouring gas on
In a telephone interview Tuesday, The Department of Motor Vehicles
macy.” wet ballfield, setting it on fire Walker said the unusual blood vessels says it does not comment on pending
In 1 9 8 1 , imprisoned IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands was RIDGEFIELD, Conn. — Authorities by the heart helped compensate for lawsuits.
declared the winner of a by-election to the British Parliament. say it could cost over $50,000 to the rare condition.
In 1 9 9 8 , the Northern Ireland peace talks concluded as The discovery astounded Walker, all The complaint accuses the
repair a Connecticut baseball dia-
negotiators reached a landmark settlement to end 30 years of the more so because Rose Marie Department of Motor Vehicles of
mond where somebody dumped gaso-
bitter rivalries and bloody attacks. Bentley, whose body the students depriving Kotler of his right to free-
line and set it on fire to dry out the
were examining in his Oregon Health dom of speech. Kotler is asking the
court to declare the DMV’s criteria for
Birthdays Police are investigating the fire in
Ridgefield in which 25 gallons of
& Science University class, lived to
age 99. personalized license plates unconsti-
People with the condition tend to tutional.
gasoline was poured on the field
Saturday. have life-threatening ailments.
First Selectman Rudy Marconi told Bentley’s daughter, Louise Allee, Man sentenced for conspiring
Hearst Connecticut Media that 75 to said no doctor ever informed her with officers to sell drugs
100 people watched as it happened, mother of the condition, even though
with some recording video on their one couldn’t find her appendix. BAKERSFIELD — A man who con-
cellphones. The town’s high school spired with two Bakersfield,
baseball team had been planning to Suit targets California’s ban California police detectives to sell
host Amity on the field. methamphetamine and marijuana
on ‘Come on You Whites’ plate stolen from police evidence has been
Football Hall of Actor-comedian Singer Mandy Workers from the state Department
of Energy and Environmental LOS ANGELES — A soccer fan sentenced to 7 1/2 years in federal
Famer John Orlando Jones is Moore is 35.
Protection responded. A hazardous claims in a lawsuit that the California prison.
Madden is 83. 51. Department of Motor Vehicles violat-
waste removal crew began digging up The U. S. Attorney’s office says
Actor Max von Sydow is 90. Actress Liz Sheridan is 90. the contaminated soil Sunday, and ed his First Amendment rights by Noel Carter must also forfeit more
Reggae artist Bunny Wailer is 72. Actor Steven Seagal is 67. Marconi says the spill team will rejecting a personalized license plate than $285, 000 in drug trafficking
Folk-pop singer Terre Roche (The Roches) is 66. Actor Peter move it off site this week. he said would celebrate his favorite proceeds and pay $70,000 in restitu-
MacNicol is 65. Actress Olivia Brown is 62. Rock musician No one has been charged. team, but which the DMV said might tion.
Steven Gustafson (10,000 Maniacs) is 62. Singer-producer be deemed offensive.
The Bakersfield Californian reports
Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds is 61. Rock singer-musician Woman lived to 99 with most The federal suit filed Tuesday says
prosecutors agreed to recommend a
Brian Setzer is 60. Rock singer Katrina Leskanich is 59. Actor Jon Kotler applied for a plate that
Jeb Adams is 58. Olympic gold medal speedskater Cathy
organs on wrong side of body would read COY-W. That’s an abbrevi- penalty on the low end of the sentenc-
Turner is 57. Rock musician Tim “Herb” Alexander is 54. R- SALEM, Ore. — Cameron Walker’s ation of “Come on You Whites,” a slo- ing range for Carter’s cooperation in
and-B singer Kenny Lattimore is 52. Rock musician Mike medical students were examining the gan used by fans of London-based the case.
Mushok (Staind) is 50. Rapper Q-Tip (AKA Kamaal) is 49. heart of a cadaver when they noticed Fulham Football Club. In 2016 his co-conspirators, former
Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens is 45. Actor David the blood vessels were different. Th e s ui t s ay s t h e Dep art men t o f detectives Damacio Diaz and Patrick
Harbour is 44. Blues singer Shemekia Copeland is 40. Actress When they opened the abdominal cav- Mo t o r Veh i cl es s ai d i t co ul d b e Mara, were each sentenced to five
Laura Bell Bundy is 38. Actor Harry Hadden-Paton is 38. ity, they discovered all the other co n s i dered h o s t i l e, i n s ul t i n g , o r years in federal prison.
Actress Chyler Leigh is 37.
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these Jumbles, April 6 Powerball Fantasy Five Wednes day : Sunny, breezy. Highs in the
one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words. 15 33 43 59 60 8 9 30 32 33 38 60s. North winds 10 to 20 mph increasing

to northwest 20 to 30 mph in the after-
SATYT April 9 Mega Millions

Daily Four noon.

Wednes day Ni g ht: Clear, breezy. Lows
11 22 34 44 58 9 1 5 2 7 in the lower 50s. Northwest winds 20 to
30 mph decreasing to 10 to 20 mph after
Daily three midday
Mega number
April 6 Super Lotto Plus 8 1 3 Thurs day : Partly cloudy in the morning then becoming
mostly cloudy. Breezy. Highs in the upper 50s to mid 60s.
1 23 29 33 42 3 Daily three evening Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph. Gusts up to 45 mph in the
TCOEKS Mega number

2 3 0 afternoon.
Thurs day Ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Breezy. Lows in the lower
The Daily Derby race winners are Solid Gold, No. 10, 50s. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to around 45
in first place; California Classic, No. 5, in second place; mph decreasing to 10 to 20 mph after midnight.
Fri day : Sunny. Highs in the 60s.
GLONLA and Whirl Win, No. 6, in third place.The race time was
clocked at 1:42.25. Fri day Ni g ht And Saturday : Clear.
Now arrange the circled letters
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003 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:47 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 3

Redwood City to consider safe gun storage rules Police reports
By Zachary Clark Serenade among the stars
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF A  man  was  outside  singing  loudly  on
Baldwin  Avenue  in  San  Mateo,  it  was
The Redwood City Council will soon con- reported at 3:11 a.m. Saturday, April 6. 
sider  a  safe  storage  of  firearms  ordinance
modeled  after  the  one  county  officials
approved in February. REDWOOD CITY
Councilwoman  Shelly  Masur  requested Arre s t .   Someone  was  arrested  on
staff develop such an ordinance and, during Woodside Road for driving under the influ-
a  meeting  Monday,  a  majority  of  coun- ence and crashing, it was reported at 7:18
cilmembers expressed interest by way of a p.m. Saturday, March 30.
“thumbs-up”  in  at  least  considering  new Arre s t .   Someone  was  arrested  on
rules for firearm storage. Seabrook Court for driving under the influ-
The county’s ordinance, which applies to ence,  it  was  reported  at  1:38  a.m.  Friday,
unincorporated San Mateo County, requires Redwood City is considering new rules for firearm storage. March 29. 
gun owners who store their guns at home to teaches them how to do so. which also cites a study that found the pres- Into x i cated.  Someone  had  been  intoxi-
keep weapons in a locked container or dis- “I do have some concerns about the ordi- ence  of  guns  in  the  home  increases  a  per- cated for four days and was seen on Uptown
abled  with  a  trigger  lock.  Also,  lost  or nance.   In  my  view,   it  doesn’t  include son’s risk of death by homicide by 90 per- Street  trying  to  purchase  liquor,  it  was
stolen firearms must be reported to a local enforcement or consequences,” Reddy said. cent. reported at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, March 28. 
law enforcement agency within five days. “I  would  like  to  work  with  the  Police State  law  requires  firearms  purchased  or Di s turbance. Someone yelled at a driver
The  penalty  for  breaking  the  aforemen- Department and find out if there’s a way to transferred by a licensed dealer to be accom- after  almost  being  hit  while  crossing  the
tioned rules is up to six months in county join  the  [gun]  buyback  program  with  free panied  by  safety  devices  such  as  safes  or street.  No  location  was  provided,  it  was
jail or as much as $1,000 in fines or both. locks  and  instruct  people  how  to  safely trigger locks and the ordinance in question reported  at  3:05  p.m.  Wednesday,  March
City Attorney Veronica  Ramirez  said  the secure  their  weapons  because  people  don’t takes that rule a step further by forcing gun 27.  
ordinance  could  reduce  insurance  rates  for know how to do that.” owners  to  use  those  safety  devices  when Petty theft. A bag and phone were stolen
homeowners and would not otherwise affect She  also  said  she’ll  work  with  staff  to storing guns at home, according to the let- on Broadway, it was reported at 9:36 a.m.
the city. modify  the  ordinance  so  it  addresses  her ter. Wednesday, March 27.
At Monday’s meeting, every councilmem- concerns.   
ber  except  Councilwomen  Janet  Borgens The  county’s  ordinance  was  meant  to
and  Diana  Reddy  signaled  support  for  the serve as a model for all 20 cities within San (650) 344-5200 ext. 102
ordinance.  Mateo  County,  according  to  a  letter  that
Borgens didn’t elaborate,  but Reddy said supervisors  Dave  Pine  and  David  Canepa
the  county’s  ordinance  is  ineffective  in sent Mayor Ian Bain in March.
part  because  it  lacks  enforcement.   She Fourteen  other  California  jurisdictions,
also  claimed  many  gun  owners  do  not including  Sunnyvale,  San  Jose,  Oakland
know  how  to  safely  store  their  weapons and San Francisco have adopted safe firearm
and  wants  to  implement  a  program  that storage ordinances, according to the letter,

•  Mi l l brae is  seeking  applications  from  residents  interested
in serving on a variety of community boards, including the parks
and  recreation  or  planning  commissions  and  the  community
enhancement or cultural arts advisory committees. Visit ci.mill- to find out more
about the opportunities, or to apply. Entries are due by May 31.
004 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:30 AM Page 1

4 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

t1rescriptions & Home

Medical Supplies Delivered
29 West 25TH Ave.
(650) 349-1373 (Near El Camino)
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005 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 7:28 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL STATE/NATION Wednesday • April 10, 2019 5

State closer to first-in-US rules on police shootings By Don Thompson vandalism suspect Stephon Clark in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sacramento inspired the legislation that
would allow officers to kill only if there is
no reasonable alternative, such as verbal
SACRAMENTO — A grieving mother
persuasion or other non-lethal methods of
choked up as she questioned why police did-
resolution or de-escalation.
n’t use other tactics instead of killing her
son. A deputy recalled the terror of second- “It’s time to make clear that the sanctity
guessing herself as she traded fire with a of human life is policing’s highest priori-
suspect who killed her partner. ty, ” said Democratic Assemblywoman
The emotional testimony Tuesday came Shirley Weber of San Diego, adding later
before California lawmakers advanced a that her proposal “is designed to change the
first-in-the-nation measure restricting when culture of policing in California.”
police can use deadly force, one of two radi- The committee’s chairman, Democratic
cally different legislative proposals seek- Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los
ing to cut down on deadly shootings in the Angeles, said a tougher standard will do lit-
nation’s most populous state. tle good without buy-in from law enforce-
The measure faces a tougher fight in the ment organizations.
full Assembly. Even some supporters on the Those groups are supporting a different
public safety committee said it goes too far plan, which is also before lawmakers, to
and will require changes as lawmakers try to require that every department have policies
STEVE RHODES ON VISUALHUNT balance the safety of officers and those on when officers should use de-escalation
A first-in-the-nation measure would restrict when California officers can use deadly force is they’re tasked with protecting. tactics and other alternatives to deadly
moving forward. Last year’s police shooting of unarmed force.

Capitol Hill hearing on online hate sees it firsthand

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ful comments.” Neil Potts, Facebook director of public among some of the witnesses, with
The incident came as executives from policy, and Alexandria Walden, counsel for Republican members of Congress denounc-
WASHINGTON — A congressional hear- Google and Facebook appeared before the free expression and human rights at ing as hate speech Democratic Rep. Ilhan
ing on online hate turned into a vivid House Judiciary Committee to answer ques- Google, defended policies at the two com- Omar’s criticism of American supporters of
demonstration of the problem Tuesday tions about the companies’ role in the panies that prohibit material that incites Israel.
when a YouTube livestream of the proceed- spread of hate crimes and the rise of white violence or hate. Google owns YouTube. As the bickering went on, committee
ings was bombarded with racist and anti- nationalism in the U.S. They were joined “There is no place for terrorism or hate on chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., was
Semitic comments from internet users. by leaders of such human rights organiza- Facebook,” Potts testified. “We remove handed a news report that included the hate-
YouTube disabled the live chat section of tions as the Anti-Defamation League and any content that incites violence.” ful comments about the hearing on
the streaming video about 30 minutes into the Equal Justice Society, along with con- The hearing broke down into partisan YouTube. He read them aloud, along with the
the hearing because of what it called “hate- servative commentator Candace Owens. disagreement among the lawmakers and users’ screen names, as the room quieted.
006 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 6:38 PM Page 1

6 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

98º to perform at two right lanes. victim with an object at

Local briefs 8:33 p.m. on the BART
San Mateo County Fair South San Francisco house and then ran- Man, 25, gets 50-to-life platform.
Power pop boy band 98º is set to perform sacked it early Tuesday morning, police sentence for murder The victim suffered a
at the final weekend of the San Mateo said. cut to his neck that was
A man convicted of first-degree murder not considered life-
County Fair, set to run June 8 through June The robbery occurred around 2 a.m. at a for fatally shooting 31-year-old threatening. BART offi-
16, officials announced this week. home on the 500 block of Baden Avenue. Christopher Puckett in June 2016 was sen- cials said the victim was
“We are beyond excited that 98º, with After getting inside the home, the sus- tenced to 50-years-to-life in prison
singing sensations Nick and Drew Lachey, pects demanded money from a resident, treated for the injury and
Monday in a San Mateo County court- released.
Jeff Timmons and Justin Jeffre, are playing then stole jewelry and other personal room. Suspect
our fair,” said Dana Stoehr, chief executive property, according to police. Saturday night police
Lionel Jericho McCoy Jr., 25, was found detained a different person who was not
officer of the San Mateo County Event The victim was not injured by the rob- guilty in December 2018 after a 26-day
Center and Fair. “In their first five years, bers, who then fled west on Third Lane in a involved in the assault, BART spokes-
jury trial, prosecutors said. woman Alicia Trost said Tuesday.
this amazing group sold a staggering 10 vehicle with a loud exhaust, police said. McCoy and another man approached
million records and has resurged with Detailed descriptions of the suspects The station was closed for about 45 min-
Puckett on the 2400 block of Illinois utes while police investigated.
impressive success.” were not immediately available. Anyone Street in East Palo Alto around 10 p.m.
with information about the case is encour- Anyone with information about the sus-
In addition to 98º, the 2019 concert series June 10, 2016. pect is asked to call BART police at (510)
announced to date includes Morris Day & aged to call the Police Department at (650) They got into an argument, which esca-
877-8900. 464-7040 or anonymously at (510) 464-
The Time (June 8); Air Supply (June 9); lated to a physical struggle on the ground. 7011.
Queen Nation — A Tribute to the Music of When McCoy got up, he pulled a handgun
Queen (June 10); and Petty & The Motorcyclist injured and fatally shot Puckett. Highway 1 lane
Heartshakers — A Tom Petty Tribute Band in Highway 101 crash McCoy had prior felony strike convic- closed for stolen car retrieval
(June 11); Sir Mix-a-Lot (June 12); Better tions, and one of the related charges
A motorcyclist involved in a multiple- A stretch of state Highway 1 south of
Than Ezra (June 13) and The Commodores against him in this case was being a felon
vehicle collision early Tuesday morning Gray Whale Cove State Beach was reduced
(June 14). in possession of a firearm.
on northbound Highway 101 near Willow to one lane Tuesday as San Mateo County
All main stage concert general admission Road in Menlo Park suffered a compound In addition to at least a half-century of
seating is free with fair admission, on an prison time, the 25-year-old has also been sheriff’s deputies work to recover a stolen
fracture in one of his legs, according to car from the beach.
open seating, space-available basis. For the California Highway Patrol. sentenced to pay $7,274 in restitution.
reserved seating, the fair’s Gold Circle Deputies as of late Tuesday afternoon
The motorcyclist struck a sound wall at a McCoy’s defense attorney, Savas asked drivers to avoid Highway 1 between
admission includes fair admission plus high rate of speed after colliding with a Loukedis, didn’t respond to requests for
reserved prime seating in Fiesta Hall (main Moss Beach and Pacifica for the next few
vehicle at about 4:55 a.m., leaving his comment. hours.
stage). Gold Circle tickets are just $40 in bike mangled, Menlo Park Fire Protection The vehicle had been reported stolen to
advance. Gold Circle, discount admission District Battalion Chief Tom Calvert said. Images of BART assailant released Hayward police on Jan. 26 before being
and discount carnival wristbands are on sale The man, said to be in his late 20s or early Images of a suspect in an assault found on the beach, sheriff’s officials
now at 30s, was taken to Stanford Hospital. Saturday night at the Daly City BART sta- said.
Nobody else was injured, but a big rig tion have been released by police, BART The Sheriff’s Office will send out updates
Three sought in home invasion and sedan were involved in a separate non- officials said. on Twitter and through the county’s alert
Three suspects kicked in the door of a injury collision nearby that blocked the The suspect in the images struck a male system when the road is clear.
007 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 7:15 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Wednesday • April 10, 2019 7

Trump says not looking to reinstate Around the nation
Mnuchin says he’ll ‘follow
his migrant family separation policy the law’ on Trump tax returns
WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary
Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that his
By Colleen Long and Jill Colvin
department intends to
“follow the law” and is
reviewing a request by a
WASHINGTON — Facing bipartisan push- top House Democrat to
back on his immigration shake-up, provide President Donald
President Donald Trump said Tuesday he’s Trump’s tax returns to
not looking to revive the much-criticized lawmakers.
practice of separating migrant children But in Capitol Hill
from their families at the southern border. appearances on Tuesday,
At the same time, he suggested the policy Mnuchin dodged answer-
had worked to deter migrants from coming Steven
Mnuchin ing whether he would
into the U.S.
comply with the request
Immigration experts say his policies and to supply Trump’s tax returns by
practices are contributing to the surge of Wednesday, and he also said he has not
promised to authorize the IRS to supply the
Last summer the administration separated returns.
more than 2,500 children from their fami- “I have said we will comply with the law,”
lies before international outrage forced
Mnuchin told the House Financial Services
Trump to halt the practice and a judge
Committee. “I have not made a comment
ordered them reunited.
one way or the other on whether we will pro-
“We’re not looking to do that,” Trump vide the tax returns.”
told reporters before meeting with Egypt’s
The head of the IRS, meanwhile, agreed
president at the White House. But he also
noted: “Once you don’t have it, that’s why
REUTERS FILE PHOTO with Democrats that it’s primarily his deci-
you see many more people coming. They’re Donald Trump addresses the Republican Jewish Coalition 2019 Annual Leadership Meeting. sion to make — though he reports to
coming like it’s a picnic, because let’s go to and private concerns about the shake-up circumstances including the health and wel- Mnuchin.
Disneyland.” orchestrated by the White House and cau- fare of the child and a parent’s criminal his-
The potential reinstatement of one of the tioned that leadership changes wouldn’t tory. This is why children were separated
Acting Pentagon chief
most divisive practices of the Trump admin- necessarily solve the problem. under the Obama administration. defends space force amid skepticism
istration was just one aspect of the upheaval As for the separation of children, Trump At hearings across Capitol Hill, lawmak- COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. —
evident at the Department of Homeland declared that he was “the one that stopped ers grilled administration officials on Sharpening his argument for a Space Force,
Security this week following the resigna- it” and said his predecessor, President whether the practice would resurface despite the acting Pentagon chief on Tuesday called
tion of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. With Barack Obama, was the one who had divided last year’s outrage and evidence that separa- it a “low cost, low bureaucracy” way to stay
talk that more top officials were likely to be family members. The administration is tions were likely to cause lasting psycho- ahead of China, Russia and other nations
pushed out, Republicans expressed public allowed to separate children under certain logical effects on the children.
seeking to erase American military advan-
tages in space.

Redacted Mueller report coming ‘within a week,’ Barr says The Pentagon and Congress have dis-
cussed for years the possibility of estab-
lishing a military service for space, but
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS redacted material after redactions after Democrats failed “to reach some key lawmakers remain skeptical of the
consulting with congres- an accommodation with the attorney gener- need and wary of the cost. The debate enters
WASHINGTON — Attorney General sional leaders, but main- al under which we would see the report and a new phase this week with the Senate
William Barr told Congress Tuesday he tained he had no plans to the underlying evidence.” He said of Barr: Armed Services Committee holding its first
expects to release his redacted version of seek a judge’s approval “He has been unresponsive to our requests.” hearing Thursday on the administration’s
the special counsel’s Trump-Russia investi- to disclose grand jury The attorney general appeared before a proposal to phase in a Space Force over five
gation report “within a week, ” while material. Democrats, he House appropriations subcommittee to dis- years and establish a space warfighting
Democrats criticized his handling of the said, were “free to go to cuss his department’s budget request — nor- command this year.
long-awaited document and demanded he court” on their own to mally a sleepy affair — but Democrats, in Patrick Shanahan, whose own future as
turn it over in full.
Barr bluntly defended his dealing with the William Barr ask for it. particular, were more interested in asking the acting secretary of defense may be tied
House Judiciary questions about the report. While opening to the success of his push for a Space Force,
report and said portions must remain hidden Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said he the hearing, subcommittee Chairman Jose is trying to persuade lawmakers that it is
to comply with the law. He said he could be could issue subpoenas “very quickly” if Serrano of New York called it “the elephant urgently needed to preserve U.S. dominance
open to eventually releasing some of the Robert Mueller’s report is released with in the room.” in space.
008 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 7:21 PM Page 1

8 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Border chaos forces truckers Around the world

Britain’s May makes
to wait hours, sometimes days
By Cedar Attanasio
pre-summit plea for new Brexit delay
BRUSSELS — With nearly everyone fully resigned to
Britain’s departure from the European Union, two questions
took center stage Tuesday: How — and
when — to get the U.K. politely out the
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — To EU leaders will confront British Prime
deal with a surge of migrating Central Minister Theresa May for the second
American families, the Trump adminis- time in three weeks on her government’s
tration has reassigned so many inspec- delayed plans at an emergency Brexit
tors from U.S.-Mexico border cross- summit on Wednesday, and such gather-
ings that truckers are waiting in line ings aren’t getting any friendlier.
for hours and sometimes days to get The bloc’s leaders have tried to help
shipments to the United States. Theresa May
May over the past two years of negotia-
Truckers have been sleeping in their tions, and even after she missed her hand-picked Brexit date
vehicles to hold spots in line in Ciudad of departure on March 29 because of a parliamentary revolt.
Juarez, across the border from El Paso, So EU countries, especially France, have become increas-
Texas. The city brought in portable ingly exasperated with the political division and uncertain-
toilets, and an engine oil company ty in Britain about a way forward.
hired models in skin-tight clothing to On a charm offensive with key leaders, May first flew to
hand out burritos and bottled water to Berlin Tuesday to plead for good terms with German
idled drivers. Chancellor Angela Merkel and then set off for Paris for an
“My family doesn’t recognize me at encounter with President Emmanuel Macron, seen as her
home anymore, ” Jaime Monroy, a REUTERS counterpart with the toughest demands.
trucker who lives in Ciudad Juarez, said Trucks wait in a long queue for border customs control to cross into U.S. at the “France is really trying to play bad cop here,” said Larissa
after sleeping overnight in his truck World Trade Bridge in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Brunner, an analyst at European Policy Center, referring to
hauling a load of wooden furniture. “I “This is a systemwide issue,” said at the border in March, an average of French insistence that another extension to her deadline
leave at 3 in the morning and come Paola Avila, chairwoman of the Border more than 1,700 per day. That breaks a must come with strings attached and assurances from
back at 10 at night.” Trade Alliance, a group that advocates record set in February, when 36,000 London.
The waits are a reminder that even for cross-border commerce. parents and children were apprehended.
though President Donald Trump walked “Everyone’s feeling this.” Trump responded by shaking up the Putin outlines ambitious
back his threat to close the border, the The traffic congestion comes as a top ranks of the Department of Arctic expansion program
administration has created significant growing number of families from Homeland Security, culminating with
impediments for truckers and travelers Central America have been arriving at the resignation of Secretary Kirstjen ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — President Vladimir Putin on
with its redeployment of customs the border in recent months, over- Nielsen. Tuesday put forward an ambitious program to secure
agents. whelming the federal government. The migrant families have forced Russia’s foothold in the Arctic, including
Business leaders are starting to lose The Border Patrol said Tuesday that it many line agents into humanitarian efforts to build new ports and other infra-
patience as they struggle to get prod- set a new monthly record for apprehen- roles and have strained detention facil- structure facilities and expand an ice-
ucts to American grocery stores, manu- sions of families in March. More than ities built when the Border Patrol pri- breaker fleet.
facturers and construction sites. 53,000 family members were stopped marily apprehended single adult men. Speaking at the Arctic forum in St.
Petersburg attended by leaders of
Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden,
Putin said that Russia plans to dramati-
cally increase cargo shipments across
Vladimir Putin the Arctic sea route.
He said that the amount of cargo carried
EXAMINATIONS across the shipping lane is set to increase from 20 million
TREATMENT metric tons last year to 80 million tons in 2025.
of “This is a realistic, well-calculated and concrete task,”
Diseases & Disorders Putin said. “We need to make the Northern sea route safe and
of the Eye commercially feasible.”
He noted that Russia, the only nation with a nuclear ice-
and breaker fleet, is moving to expand it.
D R. A NDRE W C . SO S S CONTACT LENSES Russia currently has four nuclear icebreakers, and Putin
said that three new such ships are currently under construc-
GL AU C OM A E ve n i n g a nd S a tu rd ay ap pt s tion. By 2035, Russia stands to have a fleet of 13 heavy
STAT E B OARD C E RT a l so ava i l a bl e
icebreakers, including nine nuclear-powered ones, he said.
6 50 -5 79 - 77 7 4 The Russian leader said that Russia plans to expand the
ports on both sides of the Arctic shipping route —
w ww. D r-A n d rew S o ss. n e t
Murmansk on the Kola Peninsula and Petropavlovsk-
P rov i d e r fo r V S P a n d m o s t m a j o r m e d i c a l Kamchatsky on the Kamchatka Peninsula — and invited
in s u ran c e s i n c l u d i n g M e d i c a re a n d H P S M foreign companies to invest in the reconstruction project.
009 0410 wed:1030 FRI 64 4/9/19 5:37 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Wednesday • April 10, 2019 9

The jobs/housing imbalance in Burlingame
be encouraging
Based on reality?
By Mike Dunham

Much has been written in these

commercial growth
in mixed-use devel-
opments in our
Guest “A
great number of our decisions are not really
ours but are suggested to us from the outside;
we have succeeded in persuading ourselves
pages recently about regional and
state initiatives to encourage more
downtowns that are
complementary to
perspective that it is we who have made the decisions, whereas we
have conformed with expectations of others, driven by
housing development in the Bay Area, local businesses, the fear of isolation and more direct threats to our life,
such as the CASA Compact and Senate not in giant self- Burlingame Planning Department freedom and comfort.” — Erich Fromm, “Escape from
Bill 50 (“Burlingame City Council contained office website at Freedom.”
fends for local control” in the April 3 parks that are dis- ments/planning/majorprojects_new.p Our brains need exercise as much as our muscles do, yet
edition of the Daily Journal). As a connected from the hearts of our hp. This includes both a new hotel we don’t hear much about mind aerobics. Sometimes we
Burlingame resident for the last four cities. We should be insisting that and an enormous new Facebook cam- read that to forestall old age dementia, we should keep our
years, I have seen firsthand the deteri- large corporations bear the true costs pus on the Bayfront. Altogether, a minds challenged, but if you want to be looked upon as
orating quality of life that follows of doing business here, rather than fairly conservative estimate suggests someone to be emulated, join the jogging bunch or the
when cities, including my own, con- skating by paying minimal fees that at least 5,000 new workers will be aerobics activities at the gym. A person who enjoys time
tinue creating far more jobs than they understate their local impacts. And employed in Burlingame in just the alone in deep, creative and critical thought and the exer-
do homes: increased traffic, strained city councils need to plan sufficient next few years, far outstripping the cising of his mind is often considered somewhat strange,
parking and rising rents that limit housing at all levels of affordability 1,300 new residential units in the especially if it doesn’t bring in monetary reward. Our
opportunity for young people and in their downtowns to support the job pipeline. heroes are not those who are deep thinkers. Physical
families and displace longtime resi- growth they do approve. The consequences of ignoring this attractiveness, athletic prowess and/or the ability to
Yet, many local officials appear jobs/housing imbalance are clear for entertain are rewarded with big bucks and much fanfare.
dents. Our cities have to drastically
unwilling to take the steps necessary Burlingame residents: more traffic on Notoriety is considered the key to success, it seems, no
improve how they manage the
to bring job creation and housing cre- highways and local roads, even matter how it is attained. Our culture rarely rewards the
jobs/housing balance, or they only
ation into proper balance. In tighter parking downtown and on our habit of thought.
have themselves to blame for the
Burlingame, the City Council passed residential streets, and escalating Thinking critically does
state stepping in to manage it for a new General Plan in January that, to
them. rents that limit opportunity for resi- not necessarily mean find-
its credit, envisions adding 3,000 dents of all ages. How many young ing fault. According to the
As a former teacher, I most recently homes to our city in areas that are people graduating from Burlingame authors of “The Art of
spent three years working for an edu- well served by public transit. This High School will ever get the chance Being Human,” it is using
cation nonprofit in Redwood City kind of transit-oriented development to raise a family of their own in the careful analysis to lead to
and, in that time I noticed a disturbing is essential to creating the vibrant, city they grew up in? How many sen- an evaluation. It is an
trend: Most of my colleagues who walkable, sustainable neighborhoods iors on fixed incomes will still be activity of the mind which
planned to stick around the Bay Area of the future that will help us lower able to afford to live here five or 10 carefully defines, describes
for the long term were married to carbon emissions and avert climate years from now? The consequences of and analyzes something —
someone who worked in tech, myself catastrophe. inaction on this problem are devastat- a speech, an event, a
included. Having a tech salary in your Unfortunately, right as the city is ing. politician’s decision, a
household was basically the only way about to dig itself out of this hole, Preserving our cities as places of newspaper article, a son’s
to afford a decent-sized apartment on the General Plan also envisions opportunity necessitates that city desire for a car of his own.
the Peninsula within reasonable com- adding more than three times as many councils use every tool they have to You don’t put any label on
muting distance of your job. My jobs — 9,731 is the estimate — to bring job creation and housing cre- the subject or criticize until all of the data is in.
friends who happened to fall in love Burlingame over the next two ation into balance. When they neg- The non-critical thinker takes things literally. His ten-
with someone who also worked at decades. And given our region’s very lect to do this, local leaders have dency is to jump to conclusions, refusing to be influenced
their nonprofit or also taught at their successful tech industry and the eco- nobody to blame but themselves by facts that don’t fit into his preconceived ideas of right
school inevitably left for more afford- nomic pressures it creates, it’s no sur- when the state steps in to do it for and wrong, black and white. He’s fearful of ambiguity.
able parts of the country when they prise that developers are clamoring to them. Instead or thinking of ways to creatively solve problems
wanted to start families. Losing this build those commercial properties and improve things, he is constantly trying to justify
kind of civic-minded talent is a huge first. himself at all times and at all costs. How can a democratic
blow to our communities. Already, there is more than 1.5 mil- Mik e Dunham is an education data con- nation thrive if inhibited by such types?
There are plenty of levers policy- lion square feet of commercial devel- sultant and affordable housing adv ocate What is disconcerting is that in our schools, the trend
makers control to address this opment projects approved or in the who liv es in Burlingame. is away from exercising the mind in creative and critical
jobs/housing imbalance. We should application stage, according to the ways. The education of our youth has become very lop-
sided in deference to the obsession with improving test

Letters to the editor scores in math and reading. The “No Child Left Behind”
and “Race to the Top” movements of recent years, the
increasing emphasis of achievement tests has led to
once again be part of daily life. Too those who applied for asylum com- even more compartmentalized training of the logical,
Back to business simple?    
symbolic left brains. The intuitive, creative right brain
plied with their court hearing obliga-
Editor, is largely left to fend for itself and unless a child has a
tions. Out of 66,592 final asylum very strong will to counteract this, or he lives with peo-
Before the election, our president Robert Nice decisions, 7,072 denials were the ple who help make up for the loss, he becomes another
said he would show his tax record
Redwood City result of the asylum seeker failing to victim of the disease of consumerism and conformity.
after the election, he stated he had
nothing to hide. After the Mueller appear in court. Unfortunately, “Ours is an age which is proud of
investigation, he said let everyone See the DOJ Statistics Yearbook machines that think and suspicious men who try to.” —
see it as he claimed he had nothing to
False claims Fiscal Year 2017. H.M. Jones.
hide. Editor, This 3% number is a common false When it comes to controversial ideas, questionable
Neither got done and both sides are In the April 9 letter “Immigration claim — fake news — that needs to be practices, persuasive con men (from politician to star-
fighting over it and the business of concerns” by Virgil Stevens, he challenged whenever it’s presented gazer), it helps to ask ourselves a few questions before we
government is being unattended to. It claimed only 3% of asylum seekers because it is false and completely decide whether to go along with the ideas of others, disre-
is time to prove to the people that he actually show up to their court dates. opposite of the truth. gard them or keep them on hold.           
really has nothing to hide. Opening According to Department of Justice 1. Have I thought through the pros and cons and used
statistics, between 2013 and 2017, my own personal, ethical and moral values as guidelines
these two pieces of information to
instead of automatically adopting other people’s views? If
the public in their entirety would for- 92% of asylum seekers appeared in Joseph Lederer I haven’t, do I avoid making decisions one way or the
ever benefit the Republican party and court to receive a final decision on
San Carlos other until I am better informed?
the business of government could their claims. In FY 2018, 89.4% of 2. Have I done research on the subject, keeping an open
mind to new and unusual ideas?
OUR MISSION: 3. Am I for or against this because it meets some mis-
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most placed need of mine for security, dependence or accept-
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for ance? To be right? Am I looking for someone to cling to
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula.
By combining local news and sports coverage, who will do my thinking for me?
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, 4. Am I for or against this because of some preconceived
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to notion of mine that has little basis in reality?
Paul Moisio Jeff Palter provide our readers with the highest quality 5. Do I realize that most people who are out to persuade
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County.
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we me to think the way they do (and/or to do what they want)
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer do not really care about me, but are serving their own
choose to reflect the diverse character of this
Dave Newlands, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community. interest, whether self-aggrandizement, the control of oth-
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Talia Fine ers or profits?
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events
Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM The progress of our nation, if it is to be the sort that
Tom Jung Shavonne Lin benefits us instead of destroying us, depends on those who
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Diego Emilio Perez Vishu Prathikanti Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Nick Rose Joel Snyder
are able to think deeply, critically and creatively instead
REPORTERS: Gary Whitman of those who blindly follow the choices and beliefs of
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler
others. As Richard A. Clarke wrote in “Against All
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at Enemies”: “As Americans, it is up to us to be well-
informed and thoughtful, to help our country make the
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy right decisions in this time of testing.”
Should be no longer than 250 words. The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be between 500-780 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and Since 1984, Dorothy Dimitre has written more than 1,000
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal columns for v arious local newspapers. Her email address is
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
010 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 5:12 PM Page 1

10 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks close lower, ending S&P 500 win streak

By Alex Veiga
High: 26,246.34
Industrial companies led a broad slide in Low: 26,103.14
stocks on Wall Street Tuesday, ending the
Close: 26,150.58
benchmark S&P 500’s eight-day winning
streak. Change: -190.44
The sell-off came as traders weighed grow-
ing trade tensions between the U.S. and the OTHER INDEXES
European Union, and a report forecasting S&P 500: 2878.20 -17.57
dimmer global economic growth this year. NYSE Index: 12,849.72 -93.63
Banks and technology companies also
lost ground. Only utilities and communica- Nasdaq: 7909.28 -44.61
tions service providers, a broad category NYSE MKT: 2569.18 -13.84
that includes entertainment, telecommuni- Russell 2000: 1559.68 -19.32
cations and internet companies, notched
gains. Wilshire 5000: 29,710.98 -197.92
Smaller company stocks fell more than
the rest of the market. Bond prices rose, 10-Yr Bond: 2.49 -0.02
sending yields lower, as investors moved Oil (per barrel): 64.10 -0.30
money into safer holdings. The price of Gold : 1,308.00 +6.10
gold rose.
Tuesday’s wave of selling marks a reversal
for the market, which has been moving
decidedly upward in recent weeks. The mar- posite slid 44. 61 points, or 0. 6%, to the International Monetary Fund lowered its tral bank releases minutes from its latest
ket is primed for more market-moving news 7,909.28. The Russell 2000 index of small- forecast for global growth this year. The policy meeting. The European Central Bank
this week, as the latest round of corporate cap stocks gave up 19.32 points, or 1.2%, IMF now projects 3.3% global growth in will also meet Wednesday.
earnings reports kicks off on Wednesday or 1,559.68. 2019, matching the weakest year since Pentair led the sell-off in industrial stocks
with Delta Air Lines. Several banks, includ- European indexes also finished broadly 2009. The U.S. fared particularly poorly in Tuesday after the maker of pool and other
ing JPMorgan Chase, will release their lower, giving up early gains, after the U.S. the report, with growth now expected at aquatic products slashed its profit forecast
first-quarter results on Friday. Analysts threatened to impose $11.2 billion in tar- 2.3%, down from 2.9% in 2018. for the year. Cold and wet weather weighed
expect earnings for the S&P 500 to decline iffs on European products, including cheese, Even against the backdrop of slowing down sales in the first quarter for the com-
for the first time in almost three years. wine and helicopters. global economic growth and a global trade pany’s pool equipment, which includes fil-
“We’re in the later stages of the economic The threat from President Donald Trump war, U.S. stocks are off to a blockbuster ters and pumps. It also sells equipment used
cycle, so earnings are definitely needed to could make investors even more concerned start this year. The S&P 500 now sits just for wells and water treatment facilities. The
keep the momentum going,” said Jennifer about trade disputes hurting an already slow- 1.8% away from its most recent record high, stock plunged 13.5%.
Green, global investment specialist at J.P. ing global economy at a time when the U.S. which was set in September. The index has American Airlines Group fell 1.7% after
Morgan Private Bank. “We’ve seen a very is trying to resolve a trade conflict with been tacking on more gains since closing the airline cut a key revenue measure
nice run, so far year-to-date, so the next China. out its best quarter in nearly a decade, with a because of grounded flights following
stage is listening to how the earnings come That spat has already made a list of goods 13.1% rise in the first three months of the Boeing’s 737 Max troubles. Regulators
in and the outlook and the guidance that more expensive for consumers and is weigh- year. grounded Boeing’s 737 Max jets following
these companies give us.” ing on an already slowing Chinese econo- The Federal Reserve eased fears about a two deadly international crashes. That
The S&P 500 index fell 17.57 points, or my. Negotiators met again last week and recession by saying it may not raise inter- included 24 planes in American Airlines’
0. 6%, to 2, 878. 20. The Dow Jones both sides have said they are making est rates at all in 2019. fleet. The airline also cited the lingering
Industrial Average dropped 190.44 points, progress. Investors will get more clues about the impact from a government shutdown for the
or 0.7%, to 26,150.58. The Nasdaq com- Traders also were disappointed to see that Fed’s intentions Wednesday, when the cen- lower revenue estimate.

IMF forecast: Global growth

will weaken this year to 3.3%
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The gloomier picture in the IMF’s latest
World Economic Outlook contributed to a
WASHINGTON — The International selloff in stocks, with investors concerned
Monetary Fund on Tuesday downgraded its that slower global growth could weaken cor-
outlook for growth in the United States, porate earnings. It comes on the eve of
Europe, Japan and the overall global econo- meetings in Washington this week of the
my and pointed to heightened trade tensions IMF and its sister lending organization, the
as a key reason. World Bank. Those meetings are likely to
The IMF expects the world economy to be dominated by discussions of how to com-
grow 3.3% this year, down from 3.6% in bat growing risks to international growth.
2018. That would match 2016 for the weak- “This is a delicate moment for the global
est year since 2009. In its previous forecast economy,” Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s chief
in January, the IMF had predicted that inter- economist, said at a news conference, while
national growth would reach 3.5% this year. cautioning that the fund does not foresee an
For the United States, IMF economists international recession. REUTERS
downgraded their growth forecast for this Gopinath said it was “imperative that People pass by a Levi Strauss store in New York City.
year to 2.3% from 2.9% in 2018. costly policy mistakes are avoided.”

WD-40: Fiscal 2Q Earnings Snapshot

SAN DIEGO — WD-40 Co. on Tuesday
Business brief
WD-40 expects full-year earnings to be
Levi’s fiscal 1Q revenue up
reported fiscal second-quarter net income of
$15.9 million.
The San Diego-based company said it had
net income of $1.14 per share.
$4.51 to $4.58 per share, with revenue in
the range of $425 million to $437 million.
WD-40 shares have decreased 6 percent
since the beginning of the year. In the final
7% in first post-IPO report worn every day. And Levi’s is contending
The maintenance and cleaning product By Anne D’Innocenzio
minutes of tradin, shares hit $172.34, a rise THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with a shrinking number of department
company posted revenue of $101.3 million of 32 percent in the last 12 months.
in the period. stores, once its traditional venue of distri-
NEW YORK — Levi Strauss & Co. swung bution. Discounters like Walmart have also
to a profit and reported a nearly 7% increase been developing their own brands.
in net revenue during the company’s fiscal Since assuming the helm in 2011, Levi’s
first quarter, an indication the jeans maker’s CEO Chip Bergh has refashioned the brand
investments online and in its denim prod- and image. It didn’t chase after the yoga
ucts are paying off. trend but rather focused on enhancing the fit
The company said it also plans to invest of its women’s jeans with stretchier fabrics.
as much as $200 million to open 100 new Bergh also has created buzz with partner-
stores over the next year as well as invest in ships with celebrities like Justin
other areas. It currently operates roughly Timberlake while increasing Levi’s market-
800 stores globally. ing at events like Coachella, where
Tuesday’s earnings report marked the Beyonce performed in the brand’s cut-off
iconic blue jeans maker’s first since its shorts.
return to the public markets last month. Its At the same time, the company has been
stock rose 3% in after-hours trading. expanding online and juggling between
Levi’s IPO came amid increasing competi- selling to low-end and high-end stores. It is
tion and a changing retail landscape. expanding its tops assortments while look-
Women are opting for yoga pants or other ing for growth outside the U.S., particularly
comfortable athletic sportswear that can be China.
011 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:53 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, Both Giants

and A’s notch victories
Wednesday • April 10, 2019

CSM soph fires no-no in first collegiate start

By Terry Bernal over De Anza at Bulldog “It was pretty crazy, ” Karalius said. “I to Karalius being announced as the
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Stadium. struck the last guy out. So there was a Bulldogs’ starting pitcher three hours
The sophomore pretty good dog pile in front of the before game time.
Brett Karalius has been champing at the allowed just two base- mound. ” “I’ve wanted to (start),” said Karalius
bit for two years to earn his first start for runners and set down the With CSM ranking eighth in Northern who’s had 28 career relief appearances,
College of San Mateo. last 23 batters he faced, California with a 3.67 ERA, rotation spots including 13 this year. “But all three of our
When the sophomore right-hander got the earning his 10th strike- have essentially been spoken for. The starters are doing really well. So, I can’t
call Tuesday, he delivered — big time. out of the afternoon by three-man rotation of Sean Prozell, Jamie complain.”
Karalius made as good a case as is even
Karalius joined the Bulldogs’ rotation by Brett Karalius getting a swing-through Kruger and Nico Zeglin hadn’t missed a start
firing the first no-hitter for a CSM pitcher on a fastball from pinch this season. That changed Tuesday, howev-
in at least a quarter century in a 10-0 win hitter Hansel Monleon to end it. er, when Zeglin was a late scratch, leading See NO-NO, Page 16


Aragon’s Cam Grant crushes a three-run
homer in the bottom of the fourth inning of
the Dons’ 6-2 win over El Camino.

Strong pitching,
Woodside third baseman Kassidy James tags out San Mateo base-runner Izzy Borges in the third inning Tuesday at San Mateo High School. timely hitting
lead Dons to win
Woodside prevails in 9
By Terry Bernal victory at San Mateo (3- Sheehan’s fragility certainly was not
By Nathan Mollat

Spring break certainly didn’t seem to dull

the Aragon baseball team.
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF 2, 6-3). apparent once she stepped onto the diamond
“I was hoping to pitch Tuesday. Not only did she whirl a four-hit The Dons entered the break following a
a full game, ” Sheehan shutout, she navigated through errors in sweep of Sequoia to put them atop the
Extra-innings was just more time to shine Peninsula Athletic League Ocean Division
for the kid they call “Precious.” said. “But I didn’t know it each the second and third inning, each put-
was going to be a Major ting runners in scoring position with less standings.
Woodside pitcher Devon Sheehan hadn’t
League Baseball full than two outs. They played two non-league games last
thrown a complete game prior to Tuesday.
The senior has split time in the circle with game.” Then, in the bottom of the ninth, she week, both wins, and returned to Ocean
freshman Madi Truesdale all year. In fact, Sheehan’s Woodside turned in some game-saving defense on a Division play by hosting El Camino
Truesdale has shouldered more of the work- teammates call her squeeze play to cut down San Mateo junior Tuesday afternoon at Aragon.
Devon Sheehan The Colts have also played well this sea-
load, herself recording four CGs in her past “Precious” because of the Jordan Seyfried at the plate. With Woodside
five outings. quirky way she runs, but it doesn’t help she clinging to a 1-0 lead, Sheehan darted out of son and they went pitch-for-pitch with the
None of those four complete games has endured a litany of physical ailments. the pitching circle as Kylie Galea bunted the Dons through the first half of the game.
totaled the mileage of Sheehan’s effort She has undergone two foot surgeries, one ball toward the middle of the diamond. But with the game tied at 1-all in the bot-
Tuesday, though, as the senior right-hander as a freshman to repair a displaced bone, and Sheehan scooped it up and hustled an under- tom of the fourth, a Cam Grant three-run
soldiered through nine innings to notch the a follow-up surgery on the same foot as a handed toss to catcher Megan Barstad, who bomb gave Aragon the cushion it would need
Wildcats’ (3-1 PAL Bay, 4-5 overall) first sophomore. She also suffers from scoliosis. to post a 6-2 victory — the Dons’ sixth
shutout of the year in a 1-0, nine-inning “I’m very fragile,” Sheehan said. See SOFTBALL, Page 16 See BASEBALL, Page 14

A healthy Thornton key for Sharks

By Josh Dubow won by Vegas in six games last year. with his 33 points since Jan. 7 ranking third
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thornton missed the first two games of the on the team in that span.
2017 playoffs before returning to play the Thornton’s play has given the Sharks three
final four of a first-round loss despite having a top centers, along with Logan Couture and
SAN JOSE — Joe Thornton’s contributions Tomas Hertl, after being thin down the middle
to the San Jose Sharks in last year’s playoff torn ACL in his left knee. He then missed the
entire postseason with a torn ACL in his right last year. While the top two lines get most of
series against Vegas were limited to pregame the attention from the opposition, Thornton
warmups and leadership. knee last year.
has created consistent offense with wingers
After being hampered by knee injuries the “He’s put a lot of work in the past couple of
Kevin Labanc and Marcus Sorensen.
past two postseasons, Thornton is healthy to years just to have this opportunity,” captain
“He’s been an elite player in this league for
start the playoffs this year for the first time Joe Pavelski said. “It’s a credit to him. As much
20 however many years now,” Vegas defense-
since leading the Sharks on a run to the Stanley as he wants to be around us, we want him
man Deryk Engelland said. “He brings a lot, he
USA TODAY SPORTS Cup Final in 2016. San Jose opens the first around.”
sees the ice extremely well, he’s a big guy and
Even at 39 years old, Joe Thornton is round Wednesday night against the Golden The 39-year-old Thornton enters the postsea-
still one of the Sharks’ best players. Knights in a rematch of a second-round series son playing his best hockey of the season, See SHARKS, Page XX
012 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:57 PM Page 1

12 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

TUESDAY over the Cherokees.

Local sports roundup South City (4-0 PAL Ocean, 8-6 overall)
Warriors 112, Pelicans 103
shutout win over the Rams in a Coast scored two runs in the first, three in the sec-
Half Moon Bay 8, Mills 0
The Cougars scored runs in the first three
innings as they cruised to the PAL Ocean
Pacific game that solidified Skyline’s sec-
ond-place standing.
Skyline (6-4 conference, 18-13 overall)
ond, five in the third and four in the fourth.
Karizma Bergesen swung the big bat for
the Warriors, collecting five RBIs while
going 4 for 4, which included a double and a
Cousins leads
Division win over the Vikings.
After scoring single runs in the first and
second innings, HMB (4-3 PAL Ocean, 12-4
got four RBIs from Mitchel Plane and three
from Matt O’Mahoney to pace the offense.
O’Mahoney led the Trojans with four hits,
while Plane, Andrew Roy and each added
home run.
Hailey Meisenbach also went a perfect 4
for 4 for South City.
the Warriors,
overall) broke the game open with three
more in the third. They Cougars rounded out
the scoring with a three-spot in the sixth.
HMB pitcher Danny Guevara was the
three hits.
Nate Rumb picked up the win on the
mound for Skyline, working six innings,
allowing three hits while striking out six.
Notre Dame-Belmont 17,
Mercy-Burlingame 1
Curry injured
recipient of the offense, as he pitched six Four relievers combined to finish out the The Tigers got back into the WBAL race
scoreless inning, with seven strikeouts. game, allowing only two more hits along by handing the Crusaders their first league
Dwyer Lewis pitched a perfect seventh for NEW ORLEANS — DeMarcus Cousins had
the way. loss of the season in a game ended by the
the Cougars. 21 points and 12 rebounds, and the Golden
mercy rule.
State Warriors defeated the Pelicans 112-103
Jake Perkins drove in a pair of runs for the Girls’ lacrosse With the win, NDB (5-2 WBAL) finds
on Tuesday night in a game that saw guard
Cougars, while Jack Mettam and Preston itself one game behind Mercy-Burlingame
McAuley both had two hits. Sacred Heart Prep 14, Menlo-Atherton 5 Stephen Curry leave with a
(7-1), which fell into a first-place tie with
The Gators scored seven goals in each mild foot sprain.
King’s Academy.
Menlo-Atherton 9, San Mateo 6 half as they cruised to a WBAL win over the The Warriors announced
Ashleigh Dean did it all in leading the that Curry, who played the
Four runs in each the second and third Bears.
Tigers. She homered in the bottom of the first nine minutes of the
innings propelled the Bears to the PAL Ellie Noto and Genna Gibbons each first inning on her way to a four-RBI day.
Ocean Division victory over the Bearcats. scored five times for SHP, which led just 7-4 game, was held out the rest
She later added a double. of the night as a precau-
John Quinlan and Kyle Hartmanis each at halftime.
Dean’s offense was more than enough for tion. Golden State, which
drove in three runs for M-A (4-2 PAL Ocean, M-A was led by Theresa McGannon, who her in the circle, as she handcuffed the
6-8 overall), while Jake Albro added a pair. scored netted a hat trick. already had clinched the
Crusaders, allowing one run on three hits, top playoff seed in the
San Mateo (3-2, 9-4) were led by Antonio striking out five. DeMarcus
Rojas, who finished with three hits, and Boys’ tennis NDB was leading 9-1 going into the sixth Cousins
Western Conference, also
Ethan Fadrilan, who had two. played without several
Menlo-Atherton 6, Aragon 1 inning before the Tigers erupted for seven other prominent players,
The Bears, barring a disaster over the rest more. They finished the game with 18 hits, including forward Kevin Durant, who was list-
Softball of the week, wrapped up their 11th straight with Sophia Dinelli going 4 for 5 at the ed out with an illness, and guard Klay
Notre Dame-Belmont 17, Mercy-SF 0 PAL Bay Division title. plate. Thompson, who was given an opportunity to
A 13-run second inning sent the Tiger to Aragon has lost two league matches this rest his sore right knee.
an easy WBAL victory, their second in a season — both M-A. Boys’ tennis The game also likely marked the end of the
row. Tim Berthier and Maksim Lukic, the Aragon 6, Burlingame 0 Anthony Davis era in New Orleans — and
It’s second time in as many days the Bears’ No. 1 and No. 3 singles players, each The Dons all but wrapped up the No. 1 unceremoniously so. The disgruntled All-Star,
Tigers have scored 17 runs. lost only one game. The No. 1 doubles team seed in the PAL team tournament as they who missed his seventh straight game with
Sophia Dinelli and Megan Sarhatt paced of Zach Ostrow and Griffin Voss lost only shut out the Panthers. what the team has officially listed as back
the offense for NDB (5-2 WBAL, 7-4 over- two games. The No. 3 and No. 4 singles players for spasms, wore a T-shirt with the famous
all), driving in three runs each. Ashleigh Aragon picked up its win at No. 3 doubles, Aragon (8-1 PAL Bay, 11-2 overall), Ilan Looney Toons sign off, “That’s All Folks,”
Dean and Kelly Nolte each added a pair of where Arnav Kothari and Tyler Khun rallied Leventhal and Nicky Dobbs, both won their written across the chest. As he walked down
RBIs. from a set down to win 2-6, 6-4, (10-5). matches at love. Daniel Duan, playing at the tunnel toward the locker room after the
Dean and Nolte then combined on a three- No. 2 singles for the Dons, dropped only game, he gave one fan a high-five.
inning perfect game. MONDAY one game in a straight-set victory. Davis is under contract through next season,
Burlingame fell to 2-8 in league play and but has asked to be traded and is expected to be
Boys’ golf Softball 3-8 overall. this offseason.
Half Moon Bay 264, Capuchino 302 San Mateo 1, St. Ignatius 0, 9 innings Damion Lee, who has a two-way contract
The Cougars posted the PAL Ocean Jada Walker scored on a passed ball in the Boys’ golf with Golden State and has spent much of this
Division win in rough conditions at Half bottom of the ninth to give the Bearcats a Harker School 199, Sacred Heart Prep 215 season in the G-League, matched his career
Moon Bay Golf Links, with winds gusting non-league, walk-off win over the Wildcats. high with 20 points. Former Pelican Quinn
A 2-over 38 from Finn O’Kelly was not
to 30 miles per hour and overgrown rough. Cook scored 19 points.
That run made a winner of pitcher Sage enough to lift the Gators over the Eagles in
Tyler Hern posted the low round of the Christian Wood had 26 points and 12
Hager, who pitched a gem of a game. She a WBAL match.
day, finishing with a 49 — the only player rebounds for the Pelicans
went the distance, scattering three hits and Not when Harker (6-1 WBAL) had Bradley
to break 50. Cousins, playing in New Orleans for the
striking out nine while walking none. Lu fire a 1-under 35 and teammate Jaimin first time since tearing his Achilles as a mem-
Bhagatt carding an even-par 36.
College baseball South City 14, Sequoia 3 Beck O’Kelly followed his brother with a
ber of the Pelicans in January 2018, was greet-
ed with a mixture of boos and cheers when he
Skyline 10, Gavilan 0 The Warriors scored multiple runs in all 44, while Ryan Rizvi and Thomas was introduced as a starter.
A four-run third sparked the Trojans to the four innings they posted a mercy-rule win Molumphy each shot 46s for SHP (3-4).
013 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:59 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • April 10, 2019 13

Giants finish off San Diego this time around

Giants 7, Padres 2 2-3 first before the Giants scored six in the
SAN FRANCISCO — Derek Holland got first inning they hit some balls hard but he “Just a couple of bad pitches here and
two big assists from catcher Buster Posey found his command and all his pitches and there,” he said. “I only gave up three hard
and the Giants defense in the first inning, pitched a terrific game.” hits, a few bloops. I’m just going to sleep it
setting the tone for the left-hander’s It was Holland’s longest outing since he off, move on and get ready for the next
longest outing in nearly two years. lasted eight innings for the Chicago White start.”
Then he received more help from an Sox on May 21, 2017. Pillar, who hit a grand slam Monday,
unlikely source in the Holland got a big lift from San smacked a three-run double in the second
second — San Francisco’s defense early. and scored on Austin’s RBI single, then
Francisco’s spotty Posey threw out Wil Myers attempting to added a sacrifice fly in the fourth. The new-
offense. steal second in the first inning. Two batters comer from Toronto became the first Giants
Kevin Pillar drove in later, after Manny Machado walked, Franmil player with at least four RBIs in back-to-
four runs for the second Reyes singled but was nabbed trying to go back games since home run king Barry
straight game, Evan to second on a relay throw by shortstop Bonds did it April 2-3, 2002.
Longoria broke out of a Brandon Crawford. “Any time you are traded and brought to a
long slump with an RBI “They were making some hard contact,” new clubhouse, you want to go out there and
Kevin Pillar single and the Giants Holland said. “Any time these guys make have kind of your moment,” Pillar said.
beat the San Diego plays you want to do whatever you can to “Today is kind of showcasing what I feel
Padres 7-2 on Tuesday night. pick them up, too. They made some great KELLEY L. COX/USA TODAY SPORTS like I can bring to the table.”
Holland (1-1) pitched seven crisp plays for me.” Gerardo Parra, left, Evan Longoria, center, and The game drew 28, 506, the smallest
innings, allowing five hits with two walks The Giants set a season high for runs, one Yangervis Solarte celebrate after scoring in crowd in San Francisco since Sept. 1, 2010.
and a season-best nine strikeouts. He struck night after blowing a five-run lead with ace the bottom of the second inning. The Giants set an NL record with 530 con-
out hot-hitting rookie Fernando Tatis Jr. Madison Bumgarner on the mound. secutive sellouts at their waterfront ball-
looking three times and fanned the final two Gerardo Parra doubled and scored twice in 8) avoid their worst start through 12 games park from 2010-17 but have failed to reach
batters he faced after giving up Hunter his return to the lineup after getting hit in in the San Francisco era. 30,000 in each of their last two games.
Renfroe’s solo homer in the seventh. the face by a 93 mph fastball that ricocheted Padres starter Joey Lucchesi (2-1) went Parra made a quick return to the lineup,
“He gave us something we needed with off his shoulder in the series opener into the game as one of two NL pitchers who one day after his lip was cut when he was
some length,” San Francisco manager Bruce Monday. Yangervis Solarte and Tyler Austin hadn’t allowed a run in 10 innings this sea- struck by a fastball from Brad Wieck. Parra
Bochy said. “What a great job he did. The also knocked in runs to help the Giants (4- son. Lucchesi ran his streak to 11 with a 1- contemplated getting stitches but declined.

Profar’s big game helps snap four-game slide

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS we play. We have lots of guys up and Martin was thrown out by Laureano
A’s 13, Orioles 2 down lineup who can hit it.” — who threw out three Boston run-
BALTIMORE — A’s manager Bob player at 0 for 49. Trey Mancini singled in the first ners in a series earlier this season —
Melvin is confident his lineup can Marcus Semien also homered as and has reached base safely in all 11 trying to score from second on a sin-
put up some big numbers. the A’s won on the road for the first games for the Orioles, who have gle by Joey Rickard that could have
Those bats finally broke out time in five tries this season. Center dropped five of their last six. loaded the bases with no outs.
against the Baltimore Orioles. fielder Ramon Laureano threw out The Athletics scored five times Rickard was then called out trying to
Jurickson Profar got four hits, another runner and drove in two runs in the second off rookie John take second on a double steal.
including a homer, and drove in a for Oakland. Means (1-1), who was making his “That’s a learning lesson for our
career-high five runs, leading Brett Anderson (3-0) won his third first career start. Alberto had a guys,” Orioles manager Brandon
Anderson and the Athletics over the straight start, allowing two runs and costly throwing error from third Hyde said. “So, we got a little too
Orioles 13-2 Tuesday night and end- seven hits in 6 2/3 innings. He base with two outs that allowed a aggressive there at times. Just one of
ing a four-game losing streak. retired 11 in a row before Dwight run to score, and Semien followed those nights where a lot of things
“I just tried to get the bat on the Smith Jr. and Hanser Alberto man- with a three-run homer that made it didn’t work out.”
ball,” Profar said. “I wasn’t thinking aged back-to-back singles in the sev- 5-0. Profar hit his first home run of the
about getting RBI, just about getting enth. “I was getting soft contact for the season off Orioles reliever Richard
on base. Every at-bat you have to try Pedro Severino hit a two-run dou- most part,” Means said. “I had a lot Bleier in the seventh that provided a
to do something to help the team. ble later that inning that ended of teammates come up to me and say 6-0 lead. Profar added another two-
Tonight, I was getting the hits.” Anderson’s outing. they’ve never seen anything like run single and Semien had a sacrifice
Slumping Orioles slugger Chris “It was a pretty good night, except that with all of those infield base fly off Miguel Castro in the eighth. USA TODAY SPORTS
Davis didn’t play, a day after he set I didn’t get through seven,” hits.” Castro had two balks and allowed a Oakland second baseman Jurickson
the major league record for the Anderson said. “I felt good. Got early The Orioles ran themselves out of a two-run single to Laureano and an Profar celebrates his seventh-inning
longest hitless streak by a position groundballs. Good to get back to way potential rally in the third. Richie RBI double to Profar in the ninth. home run.
014 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 10:19 PM Page 1

14 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Souza said. “I knew one of them would do

Continued from page 11
something to make an impact.”
That four-run fourth gave Hourigan some
breathing room and he took advantage.
After allowing four hits and walking four
straight win and three in a row in division through four innings, he allowed only one
play. more hit over his final two-plus innings of
“The first win of any series is huge,” said work — a one-out triple to Levi Stubbles in
Aragon manager Lenny Souza. “You can’t the seventh.
sweep a team without winning on Tuesday. Other than that, Hourigan was in control.
If you want to be a postseason team, you He went on to finish with 10 strikeouts and
have to sweep some teams.” was his sixth walk away from finishing the
Aragon (4-1 PAL Ocean, 10-3 overall) game.
will get its chance to take the two-game “I could have had better command, ”
series from El Camino (2-2, 5-5) when they NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL
Hourigan said. “But, overall, we won, 6-2.”
face off in South San Francisco Thursday. Aragon pitcher Conor Hourigan, left, pitched
6 2/3 innings, allowing two runs on five hits Aragon tacked on an insurance run in the
The Dons will have to be on top of their bottom of the fifth as Matt Mukai, who had
game if they want to complete the sweep while striking out 10. El Camino’s Jacob Soto,
above, scores the Colts first run on the game two of Aragon’s 10 hits, legged out an
because the Colts gave Aragon all it could infield hit to open the fifth. He went to sec-
handle. on a wild pitch in the top of the fourth inning.
ond on a Sterling Miller single to left and
Aragon starting pitcher Conor Hourigan advantage. It was Grant’s fourth home run of took third on a passed ball before Evan
and his El Camino counterpart Justin the season. Donath worked a walk after falling behind
Keegan hooked up in a pitching duel for the “The fourth inning was a big inning,” 0-2 to load the bases.
first three innings. Hourigan said, who worked into the seventh
inning before hitting the 110-pitch limit. A pair of strikeouts brought up Calvo,
Keegan allowed one run on four hits
but a Hourigan strikeout with the bases “I was excited when [Grant] hit that.” who eventually took an RBI walk to push
through the first three innings, his only
loaded snuffed the potential rally. Keegan was lifted after that hit, with his the Dons’ lead to 6-1. It was Calvo’s second
mistake coming on a pitch to Hourigan,
In the bottom of the inning, the Dons final line being five runs allowed on eight RBI of the game.
who hit it out to right for a solo home run in
took advantage of their rally. With a run hits. He and reliever Ryan Thompson com- Stubbles, who had two of the Colts’ five
the bottom of the first.
already on a Thomas Calvo RBI fielder’s bined to strikeout nine. hits, tripled and then scored on a passed ball
But the Colts got to Hourigan in the top choice, the Dons got a single from Jace
of the fourth, manufacturing a run when Souza knew sooner or later the top of his in the seventh to round out the scoring for
Jeremiah to put runners on first and second lineup would get something going, so it the day.
Jacob Soto singled, went to second on a as Grant came to the plate. He took ball one
Gunnar Rullhausen sacrifice bunt, took was no surprise his leadoff and No. 2 hitter, “Conor, he was awesome. He was in some
and, on the second offering, whipped it over Jeremiah and Grant, factored into the Dons’
third on Keegan’s second infield hit of the the fence in right field for an opposite-field, holes, but he stopped digging pretty quick-
game and scored on a wild pitch. big inning. ly,” Souza said. “Conor got their better hit-
three-run shot that gave the Dons a 5-1 “Cam and Jace don’t go 0-fer too often,”
The Colts had a chance to take the lead, ters out, or at least didn’t let them hurt us.”

ward at the trade deadline in Gustav Nyquist. “It was hard last year obviously, we defi- percentage in the series. Fleury missed nearly

Continued from page 11
The Golden Knights added an entirely new
second line that is talented enough to be the
top group on many teams. Vegas signed Paul
nitely didn’t have as much depth as now,” for-
ward Jonathan Marchessault said. “I think we
have a healthy team and we definitely have the
three weeks late this season with a lower-body
injury and allowed eight goals in two losses
after returning. But he has shown the ability to
Stastny as a free agent in July, acquired Max depth. We’re a confident group, we know we carry a team in the playoffs in the past.
Pacioretty in a deal with Montreal in can make some damage in the playoffs.”
on that third line I think he’s the type of guy Here are some other things to watch: PLAYOFF JONES
September and then got the big piece that
who makes everyone around him better.”
sparked the season at the trade deadline with a Sharks goalie Martin Jones heads into the
A healthy Thornton isn’t going to be the deal for Mark Stone. KARLSSON’S HEALTH postseason with the lowest save percentage of
only difference when these teams meet in the The Knights won 10 of 11 after the trade, Karlsson missed 17 games with his sec- any starting goalie in the playoffs. But ever
playoffs for a second straight year. The Sharks including a 7-3 win in San Jose, before a late- ond groin injury of the season before return- since arriving in San Jose before the 2015-16
also added star defenseman Erik Karlsson in a season slump cost them a chance at home-ice ing with some rust for the regular-season season, Jones has been better in the playoffs
trade before the season and another skilled for- in this series finale. San Jose hopes he can shake that than the regular season. His .926 career save
rust quickly and get the team back to the percentage in the playoffs ranks sixth best in
form it had in December and January before NHL history among goalies with at least 40
the first injury happened and the Sharks starts. He has allowed two or fewer goals in
were playing as well as anyone. Coach Peter nearly two-thirds of his postseason starts.
DeBoer called Karlsson a critical piece who
helps on both ends of the ice. FOURTH-LINE GRINDERS
“He’s probably one of the best, if not the Both teams have plenty of skill up front but
best transporter of the puck in the league,” the Golden Knights can bring an element of
DeBoer said. “That speaks for itself. We physicality with the fourth line featuring
missed him and it’s nice to have him back.” Ryan Reaves and Williams Carrier. Reaves led
the league with 305 hits, while Carrier ranked
IN BLOOM fourth with 277. The Sharks will answer with
Perhaps the biggest difference in last year’s enforcer Micheal Haley on the fourth line to
series was the play of Vegas goalie Marc-Andre start the series but could switch to Joonas
Fleury, who had two shutouts and a .935 save Donskoi later.
015 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 10:35 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • April 10, 2019 15

Chris Mullin resigns as WEDNESDAY
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB

St. John’s basketball coach Terra Nova vs Capuchino at Skyline College, Hills-
dale at Burlingame Menlo-School at Carlmont, 4
Tampa Bay
New York

3 1/2
3 1/2
New York

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mullin, however, said in a separate Softball Boston 3 9 .250 6 Miami 3 8 .273 4 1/2
Mills at El Camino, Sequoia at Menlo-Atherton, 4
statement he had suffered a “recent p.m.
NEWYORK — For a second time in Central Division Central Division
personal loss,” without elaborating. W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
the storied history of St. John’s bas- Boys' tennis
His older brother, Roddy, died last Menlo-Atherton at Woodside, Hillsdale at Aragon, Cleveland 7 3 .700 — Milwaukee 8 3 .727 —
ketball, the Chris Mullin era is over. month at 58 after battling cancer for Carlmont at Burlingame, 4 p.m. Minnesota 6 3 .667 1/2 Pittsburgh 5 4 .556 2
The school’s Detroit 7 4 .636 1/2 St. Louis 6 5 .545 2
years. Gerard Richard Mullin played Swimming Chicago 3 7 .300 4 Chicago 3 7 .300 4 1/2
greatest player basketball at Siena from 1979-83. Half Moon Bay at Capuchino, 3:30 p.m. Kansas City 2 8 .200 5 Cincinnati 2 8 .200 5 1/2
“stepped down” Mullin had two years remaining on
Track and field West Division West Division
as coach Tuesday his contract. The 55-year-old coach St. Ignatius at Serra, Aragon at Menlo-Atherton, Mills W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
after four years was coming off his first winning sea- at Carlmont, Capuchino at Woodside, San Mateo at Seattle 11 2 .846 — Los Angeles 8 4 .667 —
on the job, citing son and only trip to the NCAA Hillsdale, 3 p.m. Houston 7 5 .583 3 1/2 San Diego 7 5 .583 1
A’s 7 8 .467 5 Arizona 6 5 .545 1 1/2
a “personal Tournament, an accomplishment he Boys' lacrosse Los Angeles 5 6 .455 5 Giants 4 8 .333 4
loss.” described as a “lifetime memory.” The Serra at Menlo School, 3:30 p.m. Texas 5 6 .455 5 Colorado 3 9 .250 5
While the pro- Red Storm lost to Arizona State in a Boys' tennis Tuesday’s Games Tuesday’s Games
gram progressed First Four game last month. WCAL championships at Cuesta Park-Mountain Cleveland 8, Detroit 2 Cincinnati 14, Miami 0
Chris Mullin under Mullin dur- Mullin called this an “extremely View, TBD
Toronto 7, Boston 5 Washington 10, Philadelphia 6, 10 innings
ing his time on emotional decision.” THURSDAY Tampa Bay 10, Chicago White Sox 5 Minnesota 14, N.Y. Mets 8
Softball Oakland 13, Baltimore 2 St. Louis 4, L.A. Dodgers 0
the sideline, the results fell far short Bobby Hurley, the Arizona State Minnesota 14, N.Y. Mets 8 Atlanta 7, Colorado 1
Burlingame at Carlmont, Half Moon Bay at Aragon,
of his four sensational seasons on the coach with a New Jersey background, Capuchino at San Mateo, Hillsdale at Woodside, Houston 6, N.Y. Yankees 3 Arizona 5,Texas 4
court. is reportedly thought to be a top tar- Mercy-Burlingame at Notre Dame-Belmont, 4 p.m. Seattle 6, Kansas City 3 San Francisco 7, San Diego 2
Arizona 5, Texas 4 Milwaukee at L.A. Angels, late
Athletic Mike Cragg director get for St. John’s to replace Mullin. Baseball Milwaukee at L.A. Angels, late Wednesday’s Games
announced the decision, noting Hurley was a star point guard at Duke, Menlo-Atherton at San Mateo, Woodside at Se- Wednesday’s Games Atlanta(Gausman1-0)atColorado(Anderson0-2),12:10p.m.
Mullin’s “contributions” and “deep quoia, Aragon at El Camino, Half Moon Bay at Mills, Cleveland (Bauer 1-0) at Detroit (Boyd 0-1), 10:10 a.m. SD (Margevicius 0-1) at Giants (Rodriguez 1-1),12:45 p.m.
where Cragg spent more than three South City at Harker, 4 p.m. Tampa (Glasnow 2-0) at CWS (Lopez 0-1), 11:10 a.m. Miami (Richards 0-1) at Cincy (Mahle 0-0), 3:40 p.m.
passion for this program,” but did not decades before being hired by St. A’s (Montas 1-1) at Baltimore (TBD), 4:05 p.m. Washington (Hellickson 0-0) at Philly (Pivetta 1-0),4:05 p.m.
detail reasons for the move. John’s last September. Boys' tennis Minnesota(Odorizzi0-1)atMets(Syndergaard0-1),4:10p.m. Minnesota(Odorizzi0-1)atMets(Syndergaard0-1),4:10p.m.
WCAL championships at Cuesta Park-Mountain Yankees (Paxton 1-1) at Houston (McHugh 1-1),4:40 p.m. Dodgers (Maeda 2-0) at St.Louis (Flaherty 0-0),4:45 p.m.
View,TBD; Menlo-Atherton at Burlingame, Carlmont Seattle (Kikuchi 0-0) at Kansas City (TBD), 5:15 p.m. Pittsburgh (Lyles 0-0) at Cubs (Darvish 0-1), 5:05 p.m.
Sports brief at Hillsdale, Aragon at San Mateo, 4 p.m. Texas (Lynn 0-1) at Arizona (Ray 0-1), 6:40 p.m.
Milwaukee (Woodruff 1-0) at Angels (Pena 0-1),7:07 p.m.
Texas (Lynn 0-1) at Arizona (Ray 0-1), 6:40 p.m.
Milwaukee (Woodruff 1-0) at Angels (Pena 0-1),7:07 p.m.
spiracy to commit mail fraud and South City at Hillsdale, Aragon at Mills, Capuchino
New charges in college at Burlingame, 4 p.m.
admissions scandal
honest services mail fraud.
Loughlin and Giannulli are Aragon at San Mateo, Mills at Carlmont, Burlingame BASEBALL RHP Ervin Santana from Charlotte.
BOSTON — Actress Lori accused of paying $500,000 in at Woodside, Sequoia at Menlo-Atherton, 3:30 p.m.; MLB — Suspended Pittsburgh RHP Chris Archer CLEVELAND INDIANS — Placed RHP Mike
WBAL Rivalry A at Castilleja, Rivalry B at Woodside
Loughlin and her fashion designer bribes to get their daughters admit- Priory, Rivalry C at Sacred Heart Prep, Rivalry D at
five games and fined him an undisclosed amount Clevinger on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Monday.
for intentionally throwing a pitch at Cincinnati’s Recalled RHP Nick Wittgren from Columbus (IL).
husband, Mossimo Giannulli, have ted to the University of Southern Harker, 4 p.m. Derek Dietrich. Suspended Cincinnati OF Yasiel Puig OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Sent RHP Chris Bassitt to
been hit with a new charge in the California as crew team recruits, two games and Cincinnati manager David Bell one Las Vegas (PCL) for a rehab assignment.
game and fined them undisclosed amounts for
sweeping college admissions even though neither of them played SHARKS PLAYOFF SCHEDULE their aggressive actions during the incident. SEATTLE MARINERS — Placed RHP Chasen Brad-
bribery case. the sport. American League ford on the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP Erik Swanson
from Tacoma (PCL).
San Jose vs. Vegas BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Placed RHP Nate Karns
Loughlin and Giannulli were They have not publicly comment- on the 10-day IL and RHP Alex Cobb on the 10-day National League
Wednesday, April 10: Vegas at San Jose, 7:30 p.m.
among 16 prominent parents indict- ed on the allegations. Friday, April 12: Vegas at San Jose, 7:30 p.m. IL, retroactive to April 6. Recalled RHP Evan Phillips COLORADO ROCKIES —Placed OF David Dahl on
ed Tuesday on a charge of money from Norfolk (IL). the 10-day DL, retroactive to Monday. Recalled OF
The new charges come a day after Sunday, April 14: San Jose at Vegas, 7 p.m.
BOSTON RED SOX — Optioned INF Tzu-Wei Lin Yonathan Daza from Albuquerque (PCL).
laundering conspiracy. fellow actress Felicity Huffman and Tuesday, April 16: San Jose at Vegas, 7:30 p.m. to Pawtucket (IL). Reinstated 2B Dustin Pedroia from LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Placed LHP Hyun-Jin
x-Thursday, April 18: Vegas at San Jose, TBA the 10-day IL. Ryu on the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP JT Chargois from
The parents were arrested last a dozen other parents announced x-Sunday, April 21: San Jose at Vegas, TBA CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Optioned OF Ryan Oklahoma City (PCL). Sent LHP Clayton Kershaw to
month on a single charge of con- they would plead guilty to the scam. x-Tuesday, April 23: Vegas at San Jose, TBA Cordell to Charlotte (IL). Selected the contract of Tulsa (TL) for a rehab assignment.

t t t
016 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:52 PM Page 1

16 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

However, Walker had been thrown out try- fice bunt by Monet Scheller. Then after The run broke a streak of 20 scoreless

Continued from page 11
ing to steal to end the eighth inning, where-
as the rule is the runner assigned to second
base is to be the ninth batter due up in the
Seyfried was thrown out at home, the game
ended on a pop-out off the bat of Julia
innings recorded by San Mateo pitchers.
The majority of those innings were worked
by sophomore right-hander Sage Hager,
inning. Woodside scored the only run of the game who took the loss Tuesday, just one day
“It’s the last person to bat; if it’s the bat- in the top of the ninth. With Barstad due up after throwing a three-hit shutout in a 1-0,
swiped back to tag Seyfried as she lunged nine-inning, non-league win over St.
ter that’s up to bat that makes the out, it’s ninth in the inning, she was to be dis-
toward the outside of the plate. Ignatius.
her, ” said Mac Parfet, softball umpire patched to second base as per the
“I’m really grateful for Megan,” Sheehan assignor for the Silicon Valley Sports International Tie Breaker, but Woodside uti- “Sage is such a workhorse,” Jepsen said.
said. “She’s an amazing catcher. … She’s a Officials Association. “Or, if she doesn’t lized freshman Emma Kinder as a pinch-run- “In high school, your pitching wins ball-
very key player and she really comes complete her at-bat, it’s the last batter (to ner. Senior Gianna Voltattorni then deliv- games … so more, at that point, your pitch-
through when she needs to.” make an out).” ered a single to put runners at the corners, er needs her defense to play behind her.”
The defensive gem was preceded by some faking a bunt before pulling the bat back to
controversy at the start of the half inning. Play was halted with Walker standing on Hager gave way Tuesday after the first four
second base, and Woodside’s infield gath- throw a flare into left field. innings. Freshman right-hander Bethany
The International Tie Breaker rule goes into
effect in the ninth inning, meaning a runner ered in the pitching circle, as Jepsen and “I told Gianna to fake bunt and hit away,” Shih then worked 3 2/3 innings but Hager
is stationed at second base to start the Woodside head coach Alexa Daines con- Daines said. “So, that was huge execution.” reentered in the eighth with runners at the
frame. San Mateo has now actually played ferred with the umpires. Ultimately, Truesdale followed by falling behind in corners and two outs, recording one of her
in four consecutive extra-inning games in Seyfried — having made the last batted out the count. But with two strikes on her, she eight strikeouts on the day to end the threat.
which the International Tie Breaker has of the bottom of the eighth inning — was lifted a high fly ball to center to drive home Sheehan notched eight strikeouts as well.
been used. dispatched to second base in place of Kinder with a sacrifice fly. She also had one of Woodside’s five hits.
San Mateo head coach Alyssa Jepsen sent Walker. “She got down in the count but she’s a Oh, and she’s also coming around on the
speedy senior Jada Walker to second base at “We didn’t have a definite,” Daines said. smart hitter,” Daines said. “And she got it “Precious” nickname.
the start of the bottom of the ninth, as she “We agreed on it.” done. And great execution, at the end of the “I have grown to love it,” Sheehan said.
made the last out of the previous inning. Seyfried moved up to third base on a sacri- day, is all you can ask for.” “It’s accurate.”

outset, he said. And it occurred to him fairly inning, he stepped onto the mound know- ‘I’m going to put a little extra on this one,’”

Continued from page 11
early on, in the fourth inning, he had a no-
hitter in progress.
“But I was trying not to think about it too
ing full well the gravity of the situation.
And with it, he got some added adrenaline.
“Last inning I was pretty amped, honest-
Karalius said. “And I got it by him and that
was the game.”
Karalius, a 2017 graduate of Terra Nova, is
much. I didn’t want to jinx myself, ” ly,” Karalius said. one of many former Tigers who are pitching
Karalius said. He seized on a spike in velocity by strik- collegiately.
possible to earn another start. He allowed By that time, Karalius had all the run sup- ing out the first batter of the inning, Scott
just one walk on the day, issuing a free pass port he needed. CSM freshman leadoff hitter Fernald. Then Tyler Jochen followed by giv- Three former Tigers — Dylan McDonald,
the second batter of the game, Samio Uze. Christian Ontai drilled his second home run ing Karalius a scare by shooting a line drive Nate Rumb and Tony Zamagni —  have
Then in the second inning, Cameron of the season, a two-run shot in the third to the outfield, but it sailed right into the logged starts for Skyline College this sea-
Casteneda reached on an error to lead off the inning. The Bulldogs added three more in glove of Ontai in left for the second out. son, combining for a 10-5 record. Skyline
inning. Casteneda was wiped out when the the fourth, highlighted by an Ontai two-run When Monleon came to the plate as a transfer Ray Falk is a redshirt junior at Ole
following batter, Austin Tremelling, double. The freshman added a three-run dou- pinch hitter, Karalius was confident in chal- Miss, and CSM transfer Jared Milch is also
grounded into a double play. ble in the eighth to break the game wide lenging the strike zone knowing the fresh- pitching in the Division I ranks as a true
De Anza did not have a base-runner reach open. man had yet to face him. Monleon took a junior at Stony Brook in New York.
the rest of the day. Ontai was 3 for 5 with two doubles and a first-pitch fastball for a strike then was late With the win, second-place CSM (9-4
Karalius had not previously pitched a no- home run, and a career-high six RBIs. in fouling off another fastball. So, when Coast Golden Gate, 20-11 overall) gains
hitter at any level. He had come close, tal- “He was locked in at the plate,” Karalius CSM catcher Danny Carnazzo put down the ground in the Coast Conference Golden
lying several one-hitters, most recently for said. “He was seeing the pitcher, obviously, sign for the fastball again, Karalius was Gate, moving to within one game of first-
Pacifica Joe DiMaggio last summer. very well. His home run, off the bat I knew confident to rare back and shoot for his best place Mission. The two teams square off in a
Tuesday, both his fastball and curveball it was a home run.” bolt. two-game series to close the regular season
felt good coming out of his hand from the With Karalius rolling into the ninth “The fastball was called so I was just like, starting Tuesday, April 23.
017 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:31 AM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 17

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018 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:35 PM Page 1

18 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

in the city where they work. housing officials documenting the city’s whether accessory dwelling units, or

Continued from page 1
Ettari said she currently rents a home in
the city with her husband and third-grade
daughter, and has attended open houses for
progress toward its RHNA allocation in
Because the city needs to build 190 more
ADUs, counted toward the maximum floor
area allowed on a homeowner’s property
and how that might factor into residents’
the last three years in the hopes of finding units that are affordable at very-low decisions to build ADUs. City Planner Lisa
a home they can purchase. She said the income levels and 96 more units affordable Porras said ADUs currently count toward
Savay. Ranging from setting a minimum family is beginning to give up hope they at low-income levels to fulfill the city’s the maximum floor area allowed on the
density for specific zones in San Carlos to will find a home in the Peninsula, where RHNA housing allocation, McDowell property, and that officials could consider
acquiring properties that can be assembled they have lived for some 15 years, and hoped officials could consider whether the making a percentage of them or the entire
into larger properties the city could sell to noted the situation is even more daunting city could remove in-lieu fees as an option project exempt from the maximum floor
developers, councilmembers discussed an for new teachers or those living on one for developers in an effort to encourage the area on a property. Porras added officials
array of strategies aimed at increasing income. production of on-site, affordable units in could monitor how new home-size rules set
housing in the city, which Mayor Mark “I wonder how we will be able to retain housing projects. to take effect May 10 would affect the num-
Olbert pegged for continued discussion at our good teachers who support our families “It doesn’t seem like developers are ber of ADUs proposed in the city.
the council’s April 22 meeting. [and] our students [and] who are collabora- using any of those tools in the toolkit that Acknowledging how time consuming
“I think it’s great that we’re finally pay- tive members of our staff and schools, we’re trying to use to incentivize develop- updating the city’s General Plan would be,
ing some significant attention to this,” he unless there are some more affordable ment of below-market-rate units,” she said. Olbert asked Savay whether it would be
said, according to a video of the meeting. options that come our way,” she said. “I’d like to make it crystal clear that writ- possible for officials to study specific
“I just think communities that are more Councilwoman Sara McDowell was ing the check is no longer an option and zones in the city and determine whether
broadly based and are more diverse are just among several councilmembers who we really need the below-market units to be any changes to the city’s zoning could be
more exciting and healthy communities, voiced support for removing in-lieu fees as constructed.” considered. Savay said officials could
so I’m glad to see we’re working on that.” an option for residential developers. Martin Romo, the city’s Economic explore amendments to the zoning of spe-
Leaders of nonprofits supporting resi- Developers can currently pay those fees Development and Housing manager, said cific, smaller sections of the city in a less
dents with developmental disabilities, instead of designating some of the units in the city’s ordinance pertaining to below- intensive process, noting officials recent-
b us i n es s o wn ers an d t each ers i n San a given project as affordable at specific market-rate units hasn’t been updated sub- ly discovered the density of building proj-
Carlos schools were among several resi- income levels. stantially in recent years and does allow ects proposed for the southern section of
dents and workers in the city who stepped Required to ensure there is adequate zon- developers to propose other alternatives to Laurel Street could be increased without
forward with concerns about the shortage ing and sites available to accommodate building affordable units if they are able to increasing the maximum allowable build-
of affordable housing in the region. Liz 596 units between 2015 and 2023, accord- prove the inclusion of below-market-rate ing height.
Ettari, a kindergarten teacher at Arundel ing to the city’s Regional Housing Needs units would make the project economically Olbert suggested officials continue to
Elementary School, was among those in Allocation, San Carlos has permitted since infeasible. generate ideas for further study before the
t h e ci t y ’s educat i o n co mmun i t y wh o 2015 388 units, the majority of which are Councilman Adam Rak suggested offi- council’s April 22 meeting and send them
voiced concerns about the challenge she in the market-rate category, according to a cials review San Carlos’ entire below-mar- to staff members so they can continue the
and other teachers face in buying a home report city officials prepared for state ket-rate unit ordinance, and also asked discussion in future meetings.

we want to work together.” ic tourism may be one of the most tangible the coastal area called El Zonte to build

Continued from page 1
California has a long history with surf-
ing, which became the state’s official sport
last year. It’s the home of The Beach Boys,
ways Newsom can build a partnership with
El Salvador. His visit is aimed at better
understanding what is prompting thousands
hotels and a water treatment plant. MCC has
pledged $277 million for coastal develop-
ment and other projects over a number of
whose version of surf music produced a of people to flee to the United States. Many years.
series of smash hits in the 1960s including end up in California, which has the lion’s Several surfing business owners who
nomic potential with local business own- “Surfin’ USA” with its lyrics highlighting share of the U. S. population of joined Newsom on Tuesday said without
ers, investors and U.S. Ambassador Jean many of Southern California’s signature Salvadorans. improved roads and sewage treatment it is
Manes. surf beaches. Sept. 20 is designated But a governor has limited power to effect harder to attract more tourists. El Salvador
He’ll have a willing partner in President- California Surfing Day and the state markets immigration, an issue firmly in the purview already has to compete with nearby Costa
elect Nayib Bukele, who he met later. surf vacations. of the federal government. Rica and its world-renowned beaches and
Bukele has an initiative titled “Surf City” Newsom said the state’s tourism arm, Bukele, who takes office in June, wants to surfing.
aimed at investing in beaches to drive Visit California, has already expressed
tourism. strengthen U.S.-Salvadoran relations and Beyond the economic benefits, surfing
interest in working with El Salvador. was diplomatic when asked his views on can provide a dream for young children with
“We have the best surfing beaches in the Though El Salvador has among the high-
world and they have the other ones,” he told President Donald Trump. few opportunities, said Marcelo
est homicide rates in the world and the U.S. Castellanos, who runs a surfing academy in
reporters after meeting with Newsom. “So “We don’t want to meddle into U.S. poli-
government warns its citizens about travel- the area. He told Newsom about an 11-year-
tics,” he said. “We will work with any
ing there, Newsom and old boy he trained who eight years later
Bukele said tourist areas are became a professional surfer traveling the
much safer than other parts The U. S. government already invests
some money in Salvadoran infrastructure, world.
of the country. Bukele said
he’ll work to get the U.S. including roads and water and sewage treat- “All the kids that grow up in these poor
travel advisory removed ment near El Salvador’s coasts through the areas know they all can dream,” he said.
when he takes office. Millennium Challenge Corporation, created “That happened because we have this pro-
Working together on pro- in 2004 under then-President George W. gram, and we invite the kids who can’t pay.
moting surfing and econom- Bush. Last year it contributed about $3 mil- The ocean is free, the waves are free. They
lion for a $10.8 million project to develop can make a living and that’s the example.”
019 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:28 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Wednesday • April 10, 2019 19

Calendar Loughlin, husband, others hit
with money laundering charge
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 used books, DVDs, CDs and audio-
Technology Showcase. 10 a.m. to 1 books. Most items are $2 or less. For
p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda more information call (617) 285-
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Learn more 5894.
about the newest technology and
gadgets. 2019 Lef t Coast Annual Juried By Alanna Dukin Richer
Exhibition. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. Sanchez Art THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Computer Coach. 10:30 a.m. to Center, 1220-B Linda Mar Blvd.,
noon. Belmont Library, 1110 Pacifica. Free. For more information
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. call 355-1894. BOSTON — Federal prosecutors
Drop into a relaxed computer tutor-
ing session. ‘Peter Pan.’ 7:30 p.m. Bayside added money laundering to the list of
Performing Arts Center, 2025 Kehoe accusations against actress Lori
Intimacy Anorexia: The Dark Ave., San Mateo. Soar away to
Secret That’s K illing Mar riages. Neverland in this magical musical. Loughlin, her fashion designer hus-
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Bethany Cost is $17-$23. For more informa- band, Mossimo Giannulli, and 14
Lutheran Church, 1095 Cloud Ave., tion call 332-4625. other prominent parents Tuesday in
Menlo Park. Featuring a filmed inter-
view with Dr. Douglas Weiss. Free. For SATURDAY, APRIL 13 the college admissions bribery case,
more information call 854-5897. Tax Preparation Assistance. increasing the pressure on them to
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de
The Rhy thms of Cuba with las Pulgas. Free for ages 18 and over. plead guilty as other parents have
Tumbao Bravo. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide agreed to do.
Redwood City Library Community offers free tax preparation to anyone
Room, 1044 Middlefield Road, of any age — especially if you are 50 Loughlin, who starred in the sitcom
Redwood City. Enjoy the upbeat, or older or can't afford paid tax “Full House, ” and Giannulli are
exciting sounds of an award-win- preparation. Registration required among 33 wealthy parents accused of
ning band. by calling 591-8286.
participating in a scheme that REUTERS
Water Eff icient Organic Edible Break fast with the Easter Bunny. 9 involved rigging college entrance Actor Lori Loughlin, and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, leave
Gardening. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Millbrae a.m. to 10:10 a.m. California Pizza
Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. Learn Kitchen, Hillsdale Shopping Center, exams and bribing coaches at top uni- the federal courthouse after facing charges in a nationwide college admissions
organic gardening techniques for 60 31st Ave., San Mateo. Tickets are versities. cheating scheme.
vegetable growing. Free for all ages. $12.99 per person, for both children
For more information call 697-7607. and adults. For more information call The new charges come a day after Other parents indicted on the new him “is deeply flawed.”
571-1029. “Desperate Housewives” actress charge Tuesday include Michelle “We look forward to presenting his
THURSDAY, APRIL 11 Felicity Huffman, 12 other parents
Virtual Reality Experience. San Bruno AARP Chapter 2895 Janavs, whose family developed the side of the story,” Hueston said.
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de Monthly Meeting. 10 a.m. to noon. and a coach agreed to plead guilty. microwave snack line Hot Pockets Messages seeking comment were
las Pulgas, Belmont. Ages 13 and up. San Bruno Senior Center, 1555 The parents were arrested last
Come to the library to use our Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno. For before selling their company, and left with representatives for
Oculus Rift and experience Virtual more information call 583-4499. month on a single charge of conspir- William McGlashan, who co-founded Loughlin, Giannulli and Janavs.
Reality. This immersive experience acy to commit mail and wire fraud. An an investment fund with U2’s Bono in Attorneys for the parents charged in
will allow you to play, explore and Touch-a-Truck. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The
learn in a new way. Patrons can sign Port of Redwood City, 451 Seaport indictment brought Tuesday adds a 2017. the indictment Tuesday accused prose-
up by calling 591-8286 or Court, Redwood City. Eighth annual charge of money laundering conspira- McGlashan’s attorney John cutors of “judge shopping” to get
visiting Touch-A-Truck presented by Open cy against the couple and the 14 other
Events Gate Nursery School, where kids are Hueston said Tuesday the case against their case in front of a tough jurist.
encouraged to touch, climb on and parents.
Foster City 55+ Club. 11 a.m. to 12 ask questions about their favorite
p.m. Foster City Recreation Center, trucks in a safe, supervised environ-
annually to the costs of the weeklong than a bucket full,” Osterhagen said.

650 Shell Blvd., Foster City. Seniors. ment. Cost is $5. For more informa-
For more information call 286-2585. tion call 369-6833. event that culminates Labor Day Several speakers said the agency
ESL Conversation Club. 10:30 a.m. Coastal Wildflower Day. 10 a.m. to 3 weekend with the burning of a tower- was creating solutions for problems
to noon. Belmont Library, 1110 p.m. Francis State Beach, 95 Kelly ing wooden effigy. that don’t exist. Some shouted insults
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Ave., Half Moon Bay. The sixth annu- Continued from page 1
Come practice speaking and listen- al Coastal Wildflower Day celebrates Another public meeting was sched- at Bureau Field Manager Mark Hall.
ing in English. Improve your gram- the native wildflowers of the San uled Tuesday night in Lovelock, But Patrick Donnelly, Nevada state
mar, vocabulary and pronunciation Mateo coast with activities for the 100,000. Nevada. director for the Center for Biological
while meeting people from all over whole family. Events include live Several festival supporters among
the world. Light refreshments and music, dance performances, food “BLM envisions you under surveil- Diversity, said his national environ-
snacks will be served. truck, artwork, games and educa- the nearly 200 people who jammed lance in Black Rock City, surrounded mental group supports many of the
tional activities for youth, guided the meeting room said the plans
Ombudsman Services of San nature walks, resources to help you not by scenic landscape but by “sensible measures” proposed to bet-
Mateo County Inc. Volunteer grow your own native plants and a would cause more harm to the envi- impenetrable concrete barriers, where ter protect the desert ecosystem.
Recognition Luncheon. 11:30 a.m. to native plant sale. Free. For more ronment than existing requirements, dumpsters replace goodwill, where “In 15 years of attending public
1:30 p.m. Crown Plaza Hotel, 1221 information call 726-8814.
Chess Drive, Foster City. Cost is $75.
including mandating trash containers your actions are monitored by police meetings on environmental review
For more information call 780-7249. Friends of the San Bruno Public that would attract an accumulation of and security guards ... where you are documents, I’ve never seen BLM be
Library Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. garbage at the site where “leave no
Writing Workshop: Finding Power San Bruno Library, 701 Angus Ave. W, greeted by a constitutional viola- quite so accommodating to people
in Your Family’s Stor y. 2:30 p.m. to 4 San Bruno. Bring your own grocery trace” is a mantra and most festival- tion,” said Marmee Benson, Burning shouting, interrupting and heckling,”
p.m. Computer Lab at Cañada size bag and fill it up with books. goers are dedicated to packing in and
College Library, 4200 Farm Hill Blvd., Cost is $7. For more information call Man’s associate director of govern- Donnelly said.
Redwood City. Learn to develop your 616-7078. out their own trash. ment affairs. “We’re dealing with a public lands
authentic voice and create a com- The potential measures are included “We see Black Rock City as an user group that has had few controls
pelling story. Cost is $5 to $10. For Menlo Park Sidewalk Spring Art
more information call 306-3423. Stroll. 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. as part of its consideration of a new imperfect but magnificent cultural put on their behaviors for decades and
Celebrating its 37th year, visitors are 10-year special use permit for the epicenter, characterized by kindness they want to see it stay that way,” he
Pub Style Trivia. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. welcome to browse handcrafted temporary community known as
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de works of more than 60 artists in a and generosity, creativity, self- said. “Burning Man is the single
las Pulgas, Belmont. Test your knowl- free open-air marketplace down- Black Rock City on the Black Rock expression,” she said. “Where people largest gathering on any sort of pub-
edge. Pub snacks served. town along Santa Cruz Avenue. Visit Desert, 100 miles (160 kilometers) come together to celebrate the human lic lands in the country and needs to
Notre Dame de Namur sidewalk-spring-art-stroll for more north of Reno. spirt and celebrate our public lands.” be treated the same way we treat a gold
University’s Bohemian’s Literar y information. Moved there from San Francisco’s Frederick Osterhagen, a “leave no mine, an oilfield or an off-road vehi-
Magazine and Open Mic Event. 7 Baker Beach in 1990, the celebration
p.m. to 9 p.m. This event celebrates Earth Day on the Bay 2019. 10:30 trace” instructor from Carson City cle race.”
the 2019 literary magazine. For more a.m. to 4 p.m. Marine Science of creativity and free-expression is who’s been volunteering to pick up Hall said the agency intends to
information call 281-9067. Institute, 500 Discovery Parkway, dubbed the largest outdoor arts festi-
Redwood City. Free for all ages. For trash on the playa for 30 years, issue a final impact statement in July
FRIDAY, APRIL 12 more information call 364-2760. val in North America, with drum cir- vouched for the group’s environmen- after deciding on options to either
Health and Aging Education Day
One City One Book : Author Talk
cles, decorated art cars, guerilla the- tal credentials. boost capacity to 100,000, keep it at
presented by Rotar y Club of atrics and colorful theme camps.
Foster City. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crowne and Book Discussion with David Before Burning Man arrived, he said the current 80,000, cut it to 50,000 or
Plaza Hotel, 1221 Chess Drive, Foster Goodrich. 2 p.m. South San Clothing is optional. he would gather three or four big deny a special use permit altogether.
City. Seven experts from the fields of Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Organizers say the bureau’s pro- garbage bags full of trash on a single He indicated the no-permit alternative
healthy aging and retirement will
present important information on Free. For more information call 829- posed changes would add $10 million visit. “The last time I did it, I got less is unlikely to prevail.
medications, sleep patterns, heart 3860.
therapies, lifestyle, legal and retire-
ment knowledge vital to a produc- Burlingame Librar y Foundation’s
tive and healthy lifestyle as we age. Spring Used Book Sale. Noon to A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Cost $8 to $20. For more information 4:30 p.m. Burlingame Library, Lane 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Room, 480 Primrose Road, ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
call 218-5234.
Burlingame. Thousands of gently F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Menlo Park Sidewalk Spring Art used books, DVDs, CDs and audio- 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
books. Most items are $2 or less. For 0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

Stroll. 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Celebrating its 37th year, visitors are more information call (617) 285- ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
welcome to browse handcrafted 5894.
works of more than 60 artists in a
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_
free open-air marketplace down- Por tola Ar t Gallery Presents A #[[TccTab,
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac
town along Santa Cruz Avenue. Visit R eception to Alan McGee’s
‘Woodlands.’ 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Portola 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ for
more information. Art Gallery, 75 Arbor Road, Menlo %[[TccTab,
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT

8 B 0 8
Park. The show features photo-
3D Printing. Belmont Library, 1110 graphs from the last half century of '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Alan’s explorations. Free. For more
information call 321-0220.
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
Sign up for a two-hour block of 3D
printing. Visit to A
‘Peter Pan.’ 2 p.m. Bayside

< 6
make a reservation.

; >
Performing Arts Center, 2025 Kehoe
Ave., San Mateo. Soar away to FT_ _dcb
Coloring and Coffee for Adults.
Neverland in this magical musical. ^U[[TccTab2
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de
las Pulgas, Belmont. Relax for some Cost is $17-$23. For more informa-
tion call 332-4625.
art and refreshments. Supplies will 2>D=CAH2 20?8C0;BXX]ccWTV

> 4 8 >
be provided but feel free to bring
Israeli Chamber Project [TccTab
your own.
Performance. 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
San Mateo Public Library, 55 W. Third

Health & Aging Education Day.
Noon. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1221 Ave., San Mateo. Light refreshments.
Free. For more information call 522-

Chess Drive, Foster City. Tickets are

E A : E
$8 for seniors and $20 for general 7849.

admission. For more information call
218-5234. Jazz Appreciation Month: Kristen
Strom. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Belmont

Burlingame Library Foundation’s Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Spring Used Book Sale. Noon to Belmont. Enjoy a saxophone per-
4:30 p.m. Burlingame Library, Lane formance. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R #  (
Room, 480 Primrose Road, For more events visit !! (7

Burlingame. Thousands of gently, click Calendar. f

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ A>>:F
FA4=B BF0=2 2A>F33D2:33>E4
020 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 11:31 AM Page 1

20 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL






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021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:27 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 21

Personals 104 Training 106 Tutoring 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
Is your child's school The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- acadEMIc TUTORING & cRYSTaL cLEaNING vaRIOUS LEvELS OF EXPERIENcE.
fieds will not be responsible for more Gilead Sciences, Inc., a biopharmaceuti-
Personal Training/ cENTER
maximizing their potential? than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
bility shall be limited to the price of one San Mateo, ca
cal company, has openings in Foster
City, CA for Associate Manager, Out-
Thrive at: insertion. No allowance will be made for Nutrition sourced Manufacturing (AMOM01): Man-
errors not materially affecting the value
of the ad. All error claims must be sub-
All Subjects & French, All Levels, Exam *customer Service age outsourced materials and logistics
activities such as warehousing, broker-
UP acadEMY Elementary mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- & All Standardized Test Prep, Adult or
Are you... Dependable, age, and transport and related project lo-
Children, Conversation/Business French ing conditions, please ask for a Rate
Card. classes. Weight Mgmnt & Cardiovascu- friendly, detail oriented, gistics; Sr. Clinical Trials Management
Associate (CTMA08): Without direct re-
lar/Stamina/Strength Development. willing to learn new skills? ports, assist in the review of routine data
and preparation of safety, interim, and fi-
caLL (650)481-5748 Do you have .... Good nal study reports, and resolution of data
discrepancies (requires 10-15% domes-
communication skills, a tic and/or international travel); Manager
desire for steady R&D Info Systems (MRDIS03): Without
110 Employment employment and direct reports, engage in systems devel-
opment; Clinical Data Management As-
employment benefits? sociate II (CDMA04): Work collaborative-
adMIN. aSSISTaNT for San Carlos
Plbg. Co.-part time, 3 days per week- ly with Clinical Programmers, CRA, Stat-
Please call for an istical Programmers, Biostatisticians and
Proficient in Excel & Word--dependable
and pro-active. Some knowledge of con- Appointment: (650)342-6978 other Clinical, DSPH, Regulatory and
struction industry preferred. Project Management staff to meet project
deliverables and timelines for clinical da-
ta acquisition, quality checking and re-
porting; Sr. Regulatory Affairs Associate,
CMC (RAA03): Ensure that CMC and
ROW registration documents meet inter-
national registration standards; and Di-
rector, Medical Affairs (DMA01): Estab-

NOW HIRING lish credible knowledge base regarding

HCV disease state and develop strat-
egies to address unmet medical needs
within the patient populations affected.

OUTSTANDING PEOPLE Ref. code and mail resume to Gilead,

Attn: HR, #CM-0819, 333 Lakeside
Drive, Foster City, CA 94404.


t Caregiver 2 years experience
t Cook Apply online: Immediate placement
t Dishwasher
t Driver on all assignments.


EEO M/F/D/V (650)777-9000
t Lead Wait Assistant
t Life Enrichment Assistant ENGINEERING -
Scalyr, Inc. accptg resumes for Senior
Software Engineer in San Mateo, CA.
t Laundry/Floorperson Implement new query features in the da-
tabase engine to enable new customer
features. Mail resume to Scalyr, Attn:
t Resident Services Staffing Dept, 101 S San Mateo Drive,
San Mateo, CA 94401. Must reference
Director LVN/RN

It’s simply wonderful. Sr Bioinformatics Scientists. Play key

role in leading the design of next genera-
Sales Office: 1600 Trousdale Drive tion sequencing data analysis workflows
Managed by Eskaton to support our single cell genomics plat-
Burlingame, CA94010 form. Mission Bio, Inc. South San Fran-
License 415601015 cisco, CA. c/o Job ref BioRX-3

HELP WANTED The Daily Journal seeks

two sales professionals
SALES for the following positions:


Join the Daily Journal Event marketing We are looking for a telemarketing whiz,
team as a Sales and Business Development who can cold call without hesitation and
Specialist. Duties include sales and close sales over the phone. Experience
customer service of event sponsorships, preferred. Must have superior verbal,
partners, exhibitors and more. Interface phone and written communication skills.
and interact with local businesses to Computer proficiency is also required.
enlist participants at the Daily Journal’s Self-management and strong business
ever expanding inventory of community intelligence also a must.
events such as the Senior Showcase,
Family Resource Fair, Job Fairs, and
more. You will also be part of the project
To apply for either position,
management process. But first and
please send info to
foremost, we will rely on you for sales
and business development. or call
This is one of the fastest areas of the 650-344-5200.
Daily Journal, and we are looking to grow
the team.
Must have a successful track record of
sales and business development. Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:27 PM Page 2

22 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices Tundra Tundra Tundra
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
Representative needed to sell newspa- STATEMENT #280630
per print and web advertising and event The following person is doing business
marketing solutions. To apply, please call as: Beauty Atelier, 717 S B St., SAN MA-
650-344-5200 and send resume to TEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner: Pil- lib Corporation, CA. The business is con-
ducted by a Corporation. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
SALES/MARKETING their FBN on April 2014.
/s/Pillib An/
INTERNSHIPS This statement was filed with the Asses-
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking sor-County Clerk on 3/11/2019. (Publish-
for ambitious interns who are eager to ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
jump into the business arena with both 3/20/19, 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19).
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
of the newspaper and media industries.
This position will provide valuable FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
experience for your bright future. STATEMENT #280754
Email resume The following person is doing business as: Growth Markets Partners, 81 Loma
Rd, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis-
tered Owner: Valery A. Talma, same ad- Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
Senior UI Engineer (F/T) sought by dress. The business is conducted by an
SnapLogic, Inc., in San Mateo, CA. Mas- Individual. The registrant commenced to
ter's degree (or frgn equiv) in Comp Sci- transact business under the FBN on
ence, Comp Eng’g or rltd field + 3yrs of 03/21/2019.
professional exp as a Sftwr Engineer or /s/Valery A. Talma/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
rltd occupation. In lieu of Master's de- sor-County Clerk on 3/21/2019. (Publish-
gree, employer will accept Bach's De- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
gree (or frgn equiv) in Comp Science, 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19).
Comp Eng’g or rltd field + 5yrs of post-
baccalaureate professional exp as a
Sftwr Engineer, or rltd occupation. Edu or FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
exp background must incl Javascript, STATEMENT #280744
NEWSPAPER INTERNS HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Redux, Back- The following person is doing business
bone, JQuery, & Git. Any suitable combo as: 1. 2. C3 AI, 1300 Seaport Blvd.
JOURNALISM of exp of edu, training, or exp is accepta- #500, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063.
The Daily Journal is looking for in- ble. To apply, send resumes in attention Registered Owner: C3 loT, Inc., DE. The
terns to do entry level reporting, re- to Winnie Wong at 1825 S. Grant Street, business is conducted by a Corporation.
search, updates of our ongoing fea- Suite 550, San Mateo, CA 94402. The registrants commenced to transact
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- business under their FBN on February 9,
so welcome. 2019.
/s/Eric Jensen/
Sr. Market Analytics & Strategy Analyst This statement was filed with the Asses-
We expect a commitment of four to for Genentech USA Inc., South San sor-County Clerk on 3/20/2019. (Publish- 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
eight hours a week for at least four Francisco, CA. Req: Master's in Health- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
months. The internship is unpaid, but care Mgmt, Mrkg, or rltd + 2 yrs exp. 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO 94063.
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- Apply: STATEMENT #280735 ADMINISTER ESTATE OF If you object to the granting of the peti-
terns have progressed in time into The following person is doing business Mohammed Ali George Dembele tion, you should appear at the hearing
paid correspondents and full-time re- (Job ID: 201904-110105) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as: AU-Q-MIA PET SALON, 1499 Old Case Number: 19PRO00374 and state your objections or file written
porters. STATEMENT #280755 Bayshore Hwy, Suite 132, BURLIN- objections with the court before the hear-
The following person is doing business GAME, CA 94010. Registered Owner: To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- ing. Your appearance may be in person
as: Davis Partners, 1420 Bristol Street AU-Q-MIA PET SALON, LLC, CA. The tingent creditors, and persons who may or by your attorney.
College students or recent graduates
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper 203 Public Notices North, Suite. 100, NEWPORT BEACH, business is conducted by a Limited Lia- otherwise be interested in the will or es- If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
CA 92660. Registered Owner: Davis tate, or both, of Mohammed Ali George itor of the decedent, you must file your
experience is preferred but not neces- bility Company. The registrants com- Dembele. A Petition for Probate has claim with the court and mail a copy to
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Property Management, Inc., CA. The menced to transact business under their
sarily required. STATEMENT #280692 been filed by Aminata Dembele in the the personal representative appointed by
business is conducted by a Corporation. FBN on NA.
The following person is doing business The registrants commenced to transact Superior Court of California, County of the court within the later of either (1) four
Please send a cover letter describing /s/Iolanda Duarte Felix/ San Mateo. The Petition for Probate re- months from the date of first issuance of
as: ESN Homes, 533 Airport Blvd. Suite business under their FBN on 08/09/2017. This statement was filed with the Asses-
your interest in newspapers, a resume 400, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis- /s/Robert J. Thiergartner/ quests that Aminata Dembele be ap- letters to a general personal representa-
and three recent clips. Before you ap- tered Owner: Elizabeth S. Nelmipa, 812 sor-County Clerk on 3/20/2019. (Publish- pointed as personal representative to ad- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
This statement was filed with the Asses- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, minister the estate of the decedent. California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days
ply, you should familiarize yourself Peninsula Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010. sor-County Clerk on 3/21/2019. (Publish-
with our publication. Our Web site: The business is conducted by an Individ- 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19, 5/1/19). The petition requests authority to admin- from the date of mailing or personal de-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ister the estate under the Independent livery to you of a notice under section ual. The registrants commenced to 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19).
transact business under their FBN on Administration of Estates Act. (This au- 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth-
03/15/2019. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME thority will allow the personal representa- er California statutes and legal authority
Send your information via e-mail to tive to take many actions without obtain- may affect your rights as a creditor. You or by reg- /s/Elizabeth S. Nelmipa/ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #280793
This statement was filed with the Asses- The following person is doing business ing court approval. Before taking certain may want to consult with an attorney
ular mail to 1720 S. Amphlett Blvd., STATEMENT #280780 very important actions, however, the per- knowledgable in California law.
sor-County Clerk on 3/15/2019. (Publish- The following person is doing business as: UMAX Mortgage, 2000 Broadway St.,
#123, San Mateo CA 94402 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Regis- sonal representative will be required to You may examine the file kept by the
as: Gofffre, 88 South Broadway Unit give notice to interested persons unless court. If you are a person interested in
3/20/19, 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19). 2206, MILLBRAE, CA 94030. Regis- tered Owner: SNR Real Estate Corp, CA.
The business is conducted by a Corpora- they have waived notice or consented to the estate, you may file with the court a
tered Owner: A. Tsaryk Confectionary the proposed action.) The independent Request for Special Notice (form DE-
LLC, CA. The business is conducted by tion. The registrants commenced to administration authority will be granted 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
a Limited Liability Company. The regis- transact business under their FBN on unless an interested person files an ob- praisal of estate assets or of any petition
trants commenced to transact business 03/24/14. jection to the petition and shows good or account as provided in Probate Code
under their FBN on N/A. /s/Scott Roseveare/ cause why the court should not grant au- section 1250. A Request for Special No-
/s/Anastasiia Tsaryk/ This statement was filed with the Asses- thority. tice form is available from the court clerk.
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 3/25/2019. (Publish- A hearing on the petition will be held in Attorney for Petitioner:
sor-County Clerk on 3/25/2019. (Publish- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, this court as follows: APR. 30, 2019 at Anne Steele
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19, 5/1/19). 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of 456 San Mateo Avenue, Suite 8
3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19). California, County of San Mateo, 400 SAN BRUNO, CA 94066
County Center, Redwood City, CA (650)952-0950
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ADMINISTER ESTATE OF If you object to the granting of the peti- (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
STATEMENT #280784 Lorna Della Rocco tion, you should appear at the hearing nal on 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/18/19 )
The following person is doing business Case Number: 19PRO00354 and state your objections or file written
as: AC Trucking, 225 San Benito Ave. objections with the court before the hear-
#4, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- ing. Your appearance may be in person
Owner: Abel Cadena Montes, same ad- tingent creditors, and persons who may or by your attorney.
dress. The business is conducted by an otherwise be interested in the will or es- If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
Individual. The registrants commenced tate, or both, of Lorna Della Rocco, Lor- itor of the decedent, you must file your
to transact business under their FBN on na Lee Alvord. A Petition for Probate claim with the court and mail a copy to
N/A. has been filed by Kathleen Thompson in the personal representative appointed by ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
/s/Abel Cadena Montes/ the Superior Court of California, County the court within the later of either (1) four CHANGE OF NAME
This statement was filed with the Asses- months from the date of first issuance of CASE# 19C1V01244
of San Mateo. The Petition for Probate letters to a general personal representa-
sor-County Clerk on 3/25/2019. (Publish- requests that Kathleen Thompson be ap- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
pointed as personal representative to ad- California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days
3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19). minister the estate of the decedent. 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
from the date of mailing or personal de- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
The petition requests authority to admin- livery to you of a notice under sectioin
ister the estate under the Independent PETITION OF
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- Allen Sanchez
STATEMENT #280850 Administration of Estates Act. (This au- er California statutes and legal authority
The following person is doing business thority will allow the personal representa- may affect your rights as a creditor. You TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
as: Advisortho, 105 Seville Way, SAN tive to take many actions without obtain- may want to consult with an attorney Petitioners: Allen Sanchez filed a petition
MATEO, CA 94402. Registered Owner: ing court approval. Before taking certain knowledgable in California law. with this court for a decree changing
very important actions, however, the per- You may examine the file kept by the name as follows:
Advisorthopaedics Incorporated, CA. The court. If you are a person interested in
business is conducted by a Corporation. sonal representative will be required to Present name: Allen Sanchez
give notice to interested persons unless the estate, you may file with the court a Proposed Name: Allen Garcia
The registrants commenced to transact Request for Special Notice (form DE-
business under their FBN on September they have waived notice or consented to
the proposed action.) The independent 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
5, 2012. praisal of estate assets or of any petition
/s/Nancy M. Lynch/ administration authority will be granted interested in this matter shall appear be-
unless an interested person files an ob- or account as provided in Probate Code fore this court at the hearing indicated
This statement was filed with the Asses- section 1250. A Request for Special No-
sor-County Clerk on 3/29/2019. (Publish- jection to the petition and shows good below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
tice form is available from the court clerk. tition for change of name should not be
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, cause why the court should not grant au- Attorney for Petitioner:
4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19). thority. granted. Any person objecting to the
Anne Steele name changes described above must file
A hearing on the petition will be held in 456 San Mateo Avenue, Suite 8
this court as follows: MAY 01, 2019 at a written objection that includes the rea-
SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 sons for the objection at least two court
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of (650)952-0950
STATEMENT #280848 days before the matter is scheduled to
California, County of San Mateo, 400 FILED: 3/29/2019 be heard and must appear at the hearing
The following person is doing business County Center, Redwood City, CA (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
as: F & M Properties, 1014 Woodside to show cause why the petition should
94063. nal on 4/2/19, 4/9/19, 4/10/19 ) not be granted. If no written objection is
Road # A, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. If you object to the granting of the peti- timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
Registered Owner: Kathi L Petrick, Trust- tion, you should appear at the hearing tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
ee, 1014 Woodside Road # 7, Redwood and state your objections or file written petition shall be held on 4/24/19 at 9
City, CA 94061. The business is con- objections with the court before the hear- a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center,
ducted by a Trust. The registrant com- ing. Your appearance may be in person Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
menced to transact business under their or by your attorney. Order to Show Cause shall be published
FBN on 1/1979. If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- NOTICE OF PETITION TO at least once each week for four succes-
/s/Kathi L Petrick/ itor of the decedent, you must file your ADMINISTER ESTATE OF sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
This statement was filed with the Asses- claim with the court and mail a copy to John Martin Smith ing on the petition in the following news-
sor-County Clerk on 3/29/2019. (Publish- the personal representative appointed by Case Number: 19PRO00403 paper of general circulation:
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, the court within the later of either (1) four San Mateo Daily Journal
4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19). months from the date of first issuance of To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- Filed: 3/13/2019
letters to a general personal representa- tingent creditors, and persons who may /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the otherwise be interested in the will or es- Judge of the Superior Court
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME tate, or both, of John Martin Smith. A Dated: 3/12/2019
STATEMENT #280859 California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days (Published 3/20/19, 3/27/19, 4/3/19,
Petition for Probate has been filed by
The following person is doing business from the date of mailing or personal de- Evelyn Albaracin in the Superior Court 4/10/19).
as: AMB Pro Painting, 35 Atherwood Ave livery to you of a notice under sectioin of California, County of San Mateo. The
#5, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Regis- 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- Petition for Probate requests that Evelyn
tered Owner: Alfredo Hernandez Garcia, er California statutes and legal authority Albaracin be appointed as personal rep-
same address. The business is conduct- may affect your rights as a creditor. You resentative to administer the estate of
ed by an Individual. The registrants may want to consult with an attorney the decedent. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
commenced to transact business under knowledgable in California law. The petition requests the decedent’s will CHANGE OF NAME
their FBN on N/A. You may examine the file kept by the and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro-
/s/Alfredo Hernandez Garcia/ court. If you are a person interested in bate. The will and any codicils are avail- CASE# 19C1V01512
This statement was filed with the Asses- the estate, you may file with the court a able for examination in the file kept by SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
sor-County Clerk on 3/29/2019. (Publish- Request for Special Notice (form DE- the court. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- The petition requests authority to admin- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19). praisal of estate assets or of any petition ister the estate under the Independent
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
or account as provided in Probate Code
section 1250. A Request for Special No- thority will allow the personal representa- PETITION OF
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME tice form is available from the court clerk. tive to take many actions without obtain- Xiaoxia Zeng and Weihao Chen
STATEMENT #280817 Attorney for Petitioner: ing court approval. Before taking certain
The following person is doing business very important actions, however, the per-
Donald Slater sonal representative will be required to TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
as: UPS STORE #0294, 204 E. 2nd Barr & Young Attorneys Petitioners: Xiaoxia Zeng and Weihao
Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- give notice to interested persons unless
318-C Diablo Road they have waived notice or consented to Chen filed a petition with this court for a
tered Owner: ADIRATH LLC, CA. The DANVILLE, CA 94526
business is conducted by a Limited Lia- the proposed action.) The independent decree changing names as follows:
(925)314-9999 administration authority will be granted
bility Company. The registrants com- FILED: 3/22/2019
menced to transact business under their unless an interested person files an ob-
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- jection to the petition and shows good Present names:
FBN on N/A. nal on 4/2/19, 4/9/19, 4/10/19 ) cause why the court should not grant au- 1. Zhefeng Chen
/s/Maulik Anil Pandit/ thority.
This statement was filed with the Asses- 2. Sunny Chen
A hearing on the petition will be held in
sor-County Clerk on 3/27/2019. (Publish- this court as follows: MAY 6, 2019 at
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of Proposed Names:
4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19, 4/24/19). California, County of San Mateo, 400 1. Terrance Wenshuo Zeng
County Center, Redwood City, CA
021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:28 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 23

203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices 298 Collectibles 304 furniture
2. Sunny Wenyue Zeng oRdeR to show Cause foR larios de la corte y más información en el 49’eR 1990-1991 calendar. Eddie ethan allen sofa and love seat. Blue
Change of name Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- deBartolo on cover. Mint condition. velveteen. Solid construction. Some col-
CASE# 19C1V01501 puBliC notiCe fornia (, en la biblio- $10.00. Leave msg (650)588 0842 or fading in spots. Great sofa for reuphol-
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, docket no. 18-CpR-032194 teca de leyes de su condado o en la stering. Free. (650)593-7001.
interested in this matter shall appear be- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, in the estate of sui fai Jow, corte que le quede más cerca. Si no ColleCtaBle CaBBage Patch Kids
fore this court at the hearing indicated 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, deceased puede pagar la cuota de presentación, Luncheon Set. Royal Worchester. New
in fort Bend County Court at pida al secretario de la corte que le dé glideR rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 law no. 4. un formulario de exención de pago de
Box. Great Christmas Present. $100 lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644.
tition for change of name should not be PETITION OF (650) 572-8895
Second Amended Application to cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a ikea dResseR, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
granted. Any person objecting to the Martha Turnage Declare Heirship and Second tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- depRession glass Dining Plate. 8 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
name changes described above must file Amended Application for Dependent plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- 3/4", crows foot pattern, clear ruby red.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Administration and for Letters of eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten-
a written objection that includes the rea- Petitioners: Martha Turnage filed a peti- $12 (650)762-6048 ikea taBle, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
Dependent Administration cia. $ 30. (650)598-9804.
sons for the objection at least two court tion with this court for a decree changing Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- games of the 23rd Olympiad maga-
days before the matter is scheduled to name as follows: Citation by publication mendable que llame a un abogado inme- zine. 1984. $10.00. Leave msg (650)588- inflataBle Coleman queen size
be heard and must appear at the hearing Present name: Washington diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, 0842 mattress-56"x75". Includes air pump,
to show cause why the petition should Proposed Name: Martha Turnage Greetings. . . . puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a sheets and mattress pad. $25 (650)654-
You are hereby commanded to sum- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- lennox Red Rose, Unused, hand 9252
not be granted. If no written objection is THE COURT ORDERS that all persons mon Qinan Zhu, known to be an heir gado, es posible que cumpla con los painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- interested in this matter shall appear be- of Sui Fai Jow, Deceased, whose requisitos para obtener servicios legales $12.00. (650) 578 9208. mahogany tV Cabinet, $75 4'H x 3'W
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the fore this court at the hearing indicated residence and whereabouts are un- gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- x 2'D, perfect condition call (650)697-
petition shall be held on 5/2/19 at 9 a.m., below to show cause, if any, why the pe- known to the Petitioner, Linda Jow gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar milleR lite Neon sign , work good 3709
tition for change of name should not be Kraner, by making publication of this estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio $59 call (650)218-6528
Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- citation at once, at least ten days pri- web de California Legal Services, mattRess, twin long, excellent condi-
granted. Any person objecting to the
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- name changes described above must file or to the return day hereof, in some (, en el Centro old, antique, Bottle Collection: 20 tion, $25, (650) 552-9556
der to Show Cause shall be published at a written objection that includes the rea- newspaper published in your county, de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, bottles in total. $40 for all. (650)762-6048
to appear at the next regular term of ( o poniéndose en new deluxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
least once each week for four successive sons for the objection at least two court the County Court No. 4 of Fort Bend one ColleCtion of antique Cuban ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo-
weeks prior to the date set for hearing on days before the matter is scheduled to County, Texas, after service has gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte Cigar Bands. $95. (415) 867-6444. No Sell! (650) 875-8159.
the petition in the following newspaper of be heard and must appear at the hearing been perfected, to be holden in the Texting.
to show cause why the petition should tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los
general circulation: courthouse thereof, in Houston, costos exentos por imponer un grava- niagaRa ViBRating Adjustable bed
not be granted. If no written objection is Texas, the same being April 22, men sobre cualquier recuperación de small Rug beater. $15.00 (650)207- good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
San Mateo Daily Journal timely filed, the court may grant the peti- 2019, then and there to answer the 4162 (408)656-0958
Filed: 3/20/2019 $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the petitions filed in same court on March diante un acuerdo o una concesión de
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ petition shall be held on 5/2/19 at 9 a.m., 25, 2019, in a probate action now stemmed CRystal. 3 styles. 13 offiCe type 34"X 60" heavy solid
arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. pieces. Pattern: "Catherine".
Judge of the Superior Court Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- pending in said court in the above Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte wood with formica wood grain top $25
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- numbered and styled estate on the $45. San Bruno.(650)794-0839 (650) 787-9753
Dated: 3/20/2019 antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
der to Show Cause shall be published at probate docket of said court, wherein caso.
(Published 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, least once each week for four successive in Linda Jow Kraner is petitioner, and The name and address of the court is (El
topps BaseBall complete set 1987 queen sofa Bed, $75 Sherrill (sp?),
4/17/19). weeks prior to the date set for hearing on Qinan Zhu, heir of Sui Fai Jow, de- thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999- Salmon fabric, 91" wide, good condition,
nombre y dirección de la corte es): 4474
the petition in the following newspaper of ceased, is the respondent; said peti- Palm Springs Courthouse call (650)697-3709
general circulation: tions containing allegations as shown 3255 East Tahquitz Canyon Way .
on the filed copies of said petitions. Vintage stemwaRe: 3 styles, 23
San Mateo Daily Journal PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 pcs. $60, (650)207-4162
Herein fail not, but have you before The name, address, and telephone num- RetRo hutCh Needs refinishing other-
Filed: 3/20/2019 wise good condition. Top detaches from
oRdeR to show Cause foR /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ said court, at the time aforesaid, this ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with-
Change of name Judge of the Superior Court writ your return thereon, showing out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- 299 Computers bottom $25. (650)712-9962
Dated: 3/20/2019 how you have executed the same. ción y el número de teléfono del aboga-
CASE# 19C1V00678 Issued and given under my hand of do del demandante, o del demandante 19" ColoR Monitor with stand VG con- sofa-Beige faBRiC, Orig. $900,
(Published 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, Rarely used, 7ft long, $350
said court, at Richmond, Texas, this que no tiene abogado, es): dition power cord/owners manual includ-
29th day of March, 2019. ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 (650)234-8218
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, Christopher Kelly, Esq.
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, Laura Richard, County Clerk, Fort 777 E Tahquitz Canyon Way
Bend County, Texas, 1422 Eugene PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 solid wood Dining table with exten-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 ReCoRdaBle Cd-R 74, Sealed, Unop- sion great piece great condition black
Heimann Circle, Richmond, Texas (760)364-5815 ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
PETITION OF 77469, /Velma Padron/, Deputy, L. FILED: 9/14/2018 $80 (650)364-5263
(650) 578 9208
Kathleen Megumi Steul & Donald oRdeR to show Cause foR Andrew “Andy” Dunham, Attorney DATE (Fecha): 9/14/2018 solid wood Entertainment Center-
Raymond Steul Change of name Clerk (Secretario) by, V. Lopez
CASE# 19C1V01635 (SEAL) 300 toys TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, You are served. 14-1000-pCs puzzles $3.00 ea. X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
Petitioners: Kathleen Megumi Steul & (650)207-4162 (925)482-5742
Donald Raymond Steul filed a petition REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 summons (CitaCion JudiCial) (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- taBle 24"x48" folding legs each end.
with this court for a decree changing PETITION OF Case numBeR (número del Caso): nal: 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, 4/17/19) ameRiCan flyeR locomotive runs
good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost
names as follows: DAI LIU psC1805527 $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
Present name: Jump and Play Keyboard brand new, in
Erika Duong Steul TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: notiCe to defendant: original box. $25.00. (650)454-7580. thomasVille dining table, $50 4
Petitioners: DAI LIU filed a petition with (aViso al demandado) chairs, mid-century blonde with two
Proposed Name: this court for a decree changing names staR waRs Celebration 3 Darth Vader leaves call (650)697-3709.
Erika Thi Thuy Duong Steul as follows: ANN R. ANGELO, an individual, or HER $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568
Present name: DAI LIU TESTATE AND INTESTATE SUCCES- tiki BaR - Original from the 60’s,Like
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons SORS; ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN Elvis', made of wood, 68”X22X39, $3500
Proposed Name: DIAMEN LIU LEO
CLAIMING ANY TITLE OR INTEREST 302 antiques (650)245-4234.
interested in this matter shall appear be- IN THE WITHIN-DESCRIBED REAL
fore this court at the hearing indicated THE COURT ORDERS that all persons BeeR steins-oRiginal from Germa-
interested in this matter shall appear be- PROPERTY.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info twin Bed, mattress, box spring, frame
fore this court at the hearing indicated (650)592-7483
tition for change of name should not be below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
you aRe Being sued By 295 art $ 50. (650)598-9804.
granted. Any person objecting to the plaintiff:
tition for change of name should not be (lo esta demandado el deman- twin Bed- Free you pick up. Call
name changes described above must file granted. Any person objecting to the dante)
oil painting-CanVass, Victorian
mahogany antique Secretary desk, (650)344-2109
a written objection that includes the rea- name changes described above must file Scene, With Frame 56”x44” $350.00
OBO (650)515-6091 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
sons for the objection at least two court a written objection that includes the rea- KELLY F. NAPLES and MADELYN R. elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. two wood Book Shelves, $75 with
days before the matter is scheduled to sons for the objection at least two court NAPLES, as Co-Trustees of the “KELLY drawers and pull-down desk call
days before the matter is scheduled to tapia: painting, seasCape, RoseVille tulip Pitcher, Ca: 1900. (650)697-3709
be heard and must appear at the hearing F. NAPLES AND MADELYN R. NAPLES FRAMED, w/light, 60"sq., $499.OBO.
be heard and must appear at the hearing 1971 TRUST”, RAYMOND DEAN $45. (650)574-2490.
to show cause why the petition should to show cause why the petition should PAGLIA, VINCENT M. PAGLIA, an indi-
Local Artist, Call for info (650)303-1670 used BedRoom Furniture, FREE. Call
not be granted. If no written objection is (650)573-7381.
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
not be granted. If no written objection is vidual, and MICHAEL PAGLIA, an indi- 303 electronics
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- vidual 296 appliances wall unit/Room Divider. Simple
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the tion without a hearing. A hearing on the fRee teleVision - Mitsubishi, lines. Breaks down for transportation.
petition shall be held on 4/23/19 at 9 petition shall be held on 5/8/19 at 9 a.m., NOTICE! You have been sued. The court aiR ConditioneR 10000 BTU w/re- 26"W,22"H,18"D Works Great, Not $25.(650)712-9962 leave message
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- may decide against you without your be- mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG Flatscreen, Text (650) 333-8323 Local
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- ing heard unless you respond within 30 brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- Delivery available. walnut Chest, small (4 drawer with
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this days. Read the information below. 0898
Order to Show Cause shall be published der to Show Cause shall be published at upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
least once each week for four successive You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
at least once each week for four succes- this summons and legal papers are onkyo aV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
weeks prior to the date set for hearing on fRee washeR and 220v dryer, both Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, white wiCkeR Armoire, asking $100,
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- the petition in the following newspaper of served on you to file a written response working. Belmont (415) 902-4484. You great condition, text for picture (650)571-
at this court and have a copy served on Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
ing on the petition in the following news- general circulation: move, stairs. 0947
the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not
paper of general circulation: San Mateo Daily Journal protect you. Your written response must phillips-50” ColoR t.V., Heavy, $99
wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
San Mateo Daily Journal Filed: 3/27/2019 glass-panel lampshade. Similar (650)591-8062
be in proper legal form if you want the to TIFFENEY about16" diameter. multi- 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
Filed: 3/21/2019 /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ court to hear your case. There may be a ple tan/white mainly.Hang or lampshade.
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ Judge of the Superior Court court form that you can use for your re- $75 (650)727-7266 304 furniture 306 housewares
Dated: 3/25/2019 sponse. You can find these court forms
Judge of the Superior Court (Published 4/3/19, 4/1019, 4/17/19, and more information at the California hotpoint heaVy Duty Dryer excellent antique dining table for six people
Dated: 3/21/2019 4/24/19). Courts Online Self-Help Center with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 Complete set OF CHINA - Windsor
working condition Burlingame $50 Call
(Published 3/27/19, 4/3/19, 4/10/19, (, your Dan (408)656-0958
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
4/17/19). county law library, or the courthouse antique mohagany Bookcase. Four 20-pieces in original box, never used.
nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. $250 per box (3 boxes available).
maytag washeR excellent working (650)342-5630
fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan
form. If you do not file your response on (408)656-0958 Bedstead single, poster style, box
inVitation foR Bid time, you may lose the case by default, spring, mattress available. $40.00. CRystal wine glasses new (12ea)
and your wages, money, and property mfg h20laBs Model 300 exc cond (650)593-7408 $20.00 Call 650-592-2648
may be taken without further warning counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839.
peninsula family service is a non-profit child development from the court. Beige sofa $99. Excellent Condition mikasa set. White. Modern (square)
program that participates in the USDA Child and Adult Care There are other legal requirements. You new, singeR Sewing Machine Univer- (650) 315-2319 Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152.
may want to call an attorney right away. sal Carry Case Model 620, Free Arm Ma-
Food Program. We are currently soliciting letters of interest If you do not know an attorney, you may chine Compatible, $35, (650)483-1222 BRown liVing room chair with cush-
new "Bella" buffet triple slow cooker
from prospective suppliers of meals in order to comply with want to call an attorney referral service. If and food warmer $35.00 call (650)592-
ion. Dimensions 38"W, 32"H, 37"D. 2648
federal regulations governing the program in matters of pro- you cannot afford an attorney, you may tiffany style Lamp shade. Older- $70..00. Transport yourself. Call
be eligible for free legal services from a multiple panels. 17” diameter. $75. (650) (650)872-2371
curement. The contract will be for meals served to children at nonprofit legal services program. You 727-7266.
sink douBle cast iron. Good condi-
the Peninsula Family Service childcare centers located in Men- tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408
can locate these nonprofit groups at the Bunk Beds for sale. Cherry Wood, 2
lo Park, Redwood City, San Mateo, Daly City, and South San California Legal Services Web site VaCuum CleaneR (reconditioned) years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or
Francisco. The selected vendor will provide approximately 324 (, the Califor- $10 Call Ed (415)298-0645 B/O (650)685-2494 307 Jewelry & Clothing
nia Courts Online Self-Help Center
breakfasts, 301 lunches, and 356 snacks daily at the locations (, or by 297 Bicycles China CaBinet Wallet, $20. Call anne klein silver-tone watch with
indicated above for children ages six (6) weeks to twelve (12) contacting your local court or county bar (650)589-1407 Swarovski crystals & mother-of-pearl di-
association. NOTE: The court has a stat- al. $60.00 call(650)872-2371
years, and the meal pattern must meet the USDA meal pattern utory lien for waived fees and costs on
adult Bikes 1 regular and 2 with bal-
ComputeR desk (glass) & chair. Like
for children ages six (6) weeks to twelve (12) years. Additional- loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
any settlement or arbitration award of new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or 308 tools
ly, meals served under this contract must meet the require- $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
Child’s sChwinn BiCyCle, Blue in
court's lien must be paid before the court
ments of 7 CFR Part 226, Child and Adult Care Food Program will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. 2 CRaftsman 16in Reel Mowers new
ComputeR desk with 3 side drawers . in box $40 each(650)766-4858
Regulations. demandado. Si no responde dentro de mountain Bike new 21 gears $100. Pine wood lacquered. Almost new. Ask
30 días, la corte puede decidir en su (650)722-3634 for pic . $89 or bo.(650)255-3514 text or
contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in- antique iRon Hand Drills. 3 available
The Bid will be open on March 26, 2019 at 9AM. The Bid will formación a continuación. mountain Bike. Top brand. Runs
leave message at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
be closed on April 10, 2019 at 5PM. Bids received after closing Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- good. $39. (660)342-5220 ComputeR swiVel CHAIR. Padded BRiggs & Stratton Lawn Mower with
time will not be considered. In Addition, only sealed bids will be spués de que le entreguen esta citación Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 Mulch rear bag-like new- $95.00.
y papeles legales para presentar una re-
accepted. As required by USDA, the contract will be awarded spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer 298 Collectibles desk, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o.
to the lowest, most responsible and responsive bidder. que se entregue una copia al deman- (650)458-3578 CRaftsman 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- 15 lp ALBUMS including "Sinatra Trilo-
gy", Ronstadt, Minelli, Streisand, and dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
applications for food service bid and contract is available crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- more. $40. San Bruno. (650)794-0839 lg CRaftsmen shop vac 6.5hp $60
at dining ChaiRs -Six Antique,
recto si desea que procesen su caso en Mahogany Chippendale Chairs- $675 (510)943-9221 la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- 1984 time magazine. Special 1994 (650)888-2662
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- shopsmith maRk V 50th Anniversary
The food service vendors who may have interest in bidding for spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu-
Olympics report. $10.00. Leave msg
most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
this contract are requested to submit by or before April 10, (650)588-0842 (650)504-0585
dining Room Table-Antique,Oak,
2019 a letter of interest and application to: 5chairs, w/ extension $200 Vintage CRaftsman Jig Saw. Circa
(650)290-3188 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
Peninsula Family Service
24 Second Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94401
Attention: Rianda Levin
legal notiCes dining taBle (36"x54") and 4 match-
ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
$250 .(650)-654-1930.
310 misc. for sale
500-600 Big Band-era 78's--most mint,
Fictitious Business Name Statements, no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
dining taBle - (72”x42”)WITH 2 FT
The bid opening will be made public on April 10, 2019 at 6PM Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, Extension, six upholstered chairs, excel- Bessy small Evening Hand Bag With
at the above address Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, lent condition, $450 (650)692-8012. Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
Notice of Public Sales and More. dining taBle. 72" by 42". With leaf Bifold shutteRs 2x28”x79 $10.00
Any questions regarding this proposed contract may be 90". $99 or best offer. (650)228-3389 (650)544-5306
referred to Rianda Levin at 650.403.4300x4710 or Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. dResseR-antique Vanity Combo, 3
Blue oysteR cult lp signed by donald
beveled mirrors, Eight Drawers, $400
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. r. Eric b. And Wilcox. $40. Cash
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 (650)290-3188
Email them to: english dRaw Table, $50 Solid Wood
48" with two 12" pull-out leaves, Cash RegisteR Parts; Much Skin Not
call(650)697-3709 Guts $500 (415)269-4784
021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:28 PM Page 4

24 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

310 Misc. for Sale 316 Clothes 379 open houses 625 Classic Cars 650 rVs 680 Autos Wanted
CoSCo PlAy Pen with travel bag. Used Work BootS. Iron Age, size 10-1/2, CheVy ‘86 CorVette. Automatic. CheVrolet ‘88 Itaska; Motor Home: Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
once $35 (650)591-2981 brown, with steel metatarsal protection. 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 Sun Downer, Excellent Cont., All Ameni- Novas, running or not

Cut GlASS serving bowl 8" diameter

In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494 oPen houSe obo. (650) 952-4036. ties, 19,000 miles, $6000.00 (415)239-
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
$25. Call 650-921-4016
318 Sports equipment
liStinGS CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50k
MileS. New upgrades; best offer. Gulf StreAM, Sun Voyager ‘04.
Give me a call
Joe 650 342-2483
deluXe folder Walker - 5" wheels - (415)602-8480. Mr. Roberts. 36 ft, Excellent Condition. $39,500.
Never Used - $40 (650)341-5347 BiG BerthA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver
List your Open House 650-349-3087.
,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick in the Daily Journal. MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
driVe 3-Wheel buggy $45. Call Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-
(650)589-1407 (415)999-4474 670 Auto Service
Reach over 83,450 0878
free MAGAzineS. Library discards BrAnd neW Golf bag with Stand. potential home buyers & MerCedeS ‘89 300e, Low Miles, Excel.
Makes a great gift. $65. 415-867-6444.
year old ones. Wide variety. Good for
crafts, light reading. (650)952-9074 No Texting. renters a day,
from South San Francisco
Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint,
$13,900 (650)303-4257. Leave msg.
BrAnd neW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods; Complete Repair & Service
free: Wild turkey feathers; whole to Palo Alto. $29.75 plus certificate fee
wings, full tail fans. Wild duck wings. For Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great
in your local newspaper. 630 trucks & SuV’s (most cars)
fly tying, art projects, etc. Call Mark gift $95. 415-867-6444. No Texting.
(650)207-0882 ford ‘10 F150 Super Crew cab, 78K 869 California Drive .
eASton AluMinuM bat.33 inches, 30 Call (650)344-5200 miles. System-One toolboxes and rack. Burlingame
hAt, t-Shirt, sweatshirt and comput- oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
erbag $80.00 for all (650)592-2648 $16K contact or text (650)520-3725 (650) 340-0492
eVerlASt 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
lionel ChriStMAS Holiday expan- Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966 kiA ‘15 Sorento V6,4 wheel drive, 73K
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
Guthy-renker PoWer Rider,Ever- 470 rooms miles, white, $14,800 (650)302-5523
lionel WeStern Union Pass car and last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex- SMoG CheCk
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 erciser $20 (510)770-1976 leXuS ‘00 RX 300, $4,900. 163K miles, $29.75 + $8.25 certificate
hiP houSinG $4,900. (650)302-5523
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program VAlid Mon thru thu
Motley Crue lp signed by neil lee knee rider $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269 9am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5pm
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Sell your vehicle in the HP. NIssan Outboard Motor. $800. Photos. San Mateo $75 (650)727-7266
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tunturi roWinG Machine, Good
reach 83,450 drivers
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Condition, $75, (650)483-1222 ViVitAr V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
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original manual. Like new. $99 SSF from South Sf to
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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
WAlker - Good Condition - Like New - 345 Medical equipment Call (650)344-5200
ACROSS DOWN 32 On-the-sly alcohol 51 Santa __
$35 (650)341-5347
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ChroMAtiC hArMoniCA: Horner Auto AuCtion
The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, ed. Asking $20 obo. Please call if inter- Every Tuesday 11am
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CheVrolet ‘86 ASTROVAN, 95K instruments 5 Utah ski resort 40 Upper body 55 Discourage
Electric Guitar. Mint. $625.00.
miles, $2000 (650)481-5296 14 GoPro product, 6 Break open 45 Soup legume 56 Pull an all-nighter
driVe deluXe two button walker $10
(510)770-1976 CheVy ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT briefly 7 Word for word? 47 Cultural, as 57 Urge
eVerett uPriGht antique piano.
Lovely sound. $99. 650-365-5718.
CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. 15 Many a 8 Tiber River cuisine 58 Item in a kit
homecoming capital
rAdiAtion ProteCtion 1/2-apron
Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
Got An older 49 Sheep’s cry 60 “__ to My Right
attendee 9 Center starter
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16 Covent Garden 10 Cincinnati player
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desk poem
offerings 11 “Happy Days”
WAlker/rolAtor. neW. large, bas-
Do the humane thing.
Donate it to the
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18 Controversial 12 Inhabitant
Spinet piano, Very Good Condition, $250
(415)334-1980 (650)727-7266 Call 1- 866-899-3051
excavation of ancient
Garage Sales method Palestine
PlAyer PiAno 1916 W/Bench 25 mu- leXuS ‘06 330 white fully loaded, 149K
sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892 miles, $7,500. (650)302-5523 20 Beach house? 13 NCO rank
22 Little biter 19 Work at, as a
SPinet PiAno + Bench, $50. Call GArAGe SAleS MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con-
23 Bible book trade
dition One owner Fully loaded Low
eStAte SAleS miles reduced $16,995 obo (650)520- between Daniel 21 Reason-based
VintAGe AutoPiAno upright player
Make money, make room!
and Joel faith
24 Biblical pronoun
piano $99.00 call (650)728-5053 leave
message or email 25 Easter liturgy
Wurlitzer uPriGht piano. Fair con- List your upcoming MAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per-
fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles 25 Nursery cry 27 One-piece
dition. Free. No delivery. (650)455-5595 garage sale, $19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 26 Form 1040 agcy. dresses
moving sale, 28 Permanent 28 Go through
312 Pets & Animals sites? 29 Floored it
niSSAn ‘12 Leaf, Electric, low mileage
estate sale, 34,500 Excellent condition (650)796-
3896. 30 Sounds of 30 On __ with
one kennel Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. yard sale, contentment 31 Constitution
PontiAC ‘97 Passenger Van. Aluminum
rummage sale, 33 __ Fables section that
Rims with good tires. Needs engine
PArrot CAGe, Steel, Large - approx clearance sale, or work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell
9650)714-3865. 37 Criticize harshly creates the
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
offer. (650)245-4084 whatever sale you 38 Beachfront executive
have... VW ‘13 TIQUAN, SUV, white, 80K miles,
$9,800 (650)302-5523
property, often branch 04/10/19
316 Clothes 41 Org. for netmen
BroWn Sued boots, fur-lined, size 8, Reach over 83,450 readers 625 Classic Cars 42 “Barney Miller”
new. $15.00. Call(650)872-2371 from South San Francisco star Hal
to Palo Alto. CAdillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado 43 Linear
44 Biathlon weapons
fAnCy hiGh heel shoes, never worn 44,632 original miles. Needs body work
in your local newspaper. and headliner $2,475 OBO (650)218-
size 8 1/2 $20.00 (650)592-2648
4681. 46 __ Bund: Swiss
Call (650)344-5200 newspaper
CheVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
48 Skelton’s
fAuX fur Coat Woman's brown multi
color in excellent condition 3/4 Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
length $50 (650)692-8012 obo. (650)952-4036.
kAyAno Men’S Running shoes size 11 49 Merit badge org.
good condition $20 (650)520-7045 52 Tut-tutted
knee-hiGh BlACk women's boots,
56 Scottish family
size 7, wide calf & wide width, new. 57 Breed of Tonto’s
$40.00. Call (650)872-2371 Scout
lAdieS Sequin dress, blue, size XL, 59 Handyman’s
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 work suggested
Men'S StetSon hat, size large, new, by the starts of
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 18-, 20-, 38- and
(650) 578-9208 57-Across
ShoeS Size 5 1/2 and 6 for $50 or less 61 Shortest
(650)508-8662 surname in
tuXedo Size 40, black, including white Cooperstown
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 62 Kin of jujitsu
WeddinG dreSS-deSiGner, Size 12, 63 Yours, to Yves
Needs Dry Cleaning, Org. $4000.00 Sell 64 Once known as
for $500 Call (650)867-1728 65 Planted a red
WoMAn'S AMeriCAn Rag faux leather herring, say
jacket. Perfect condition. Black 66 Poolroom
/2x/NW0T $25 (650) 952-3466
powder By Jeff Stillman
67 Drop the ball 04/10/19
WoMAn'S tAhAri jacket. Perfect con- ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
dition. Royal blue/16W/NWT $25
(650) 952-3466
WoMen'S BlACk suede fur lined
boots, size 8. $10.00 call (650)872-2371
021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:28 PM Page 5

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 25

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021-026 0410 wed:Class Master Odd 4/9/19 3:28 PM Page 6

26 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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027 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 8:31 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday • April 10, 2019 27

not run for re-election in District 2 that year Island and Redwood Shores,” Reddy said.

Continued from page 1
because Hale’s term extends to 2022. Masur
would be eligible to run in 2022.
Not every draft map includes a pairing of
Comment on
or share this story at
“This is a unique community, they’re both
east of 101, they both have horrendous traf-
fic and soon sea level rise issues and those
councilmembers, but every pairing does issues cannot be ignored.
include Masur. That said, Masur, who is run- “There are things to celebrate about 13g,”
of the latest maps does include two Latino edge the needs of the community and take
ning for a seat in the California Senate in she continued. “In addition to there being
voting age majority districts and they’re those to heart. … This process is about the
2020, favored 21f. now two newly formed minority majority
also compact and adhere to other districting community, it’s not about saving seats,”
criteria, including balanced populations, “I’m sticking with my original things she said before articulating her preference districts, voters in both of those districts
according to a staff report. that when I didn’t support the previous map for 13h and 21f. “I honestly couldn’t tell the will be able to vote in 2020 and neither will
“I want to thank City Council for listen- we voted for I said two things: I wanted to difference between [those maps] at first have to vote in 2022. In that vein, I was
ing to the Latino community,” said resident respect the wishes of Redwood Shores and glance. They are both good maps, they also pleased to determine that Bair Island
Arnoldo Arreola. Speaking on behalf of the put them in a single district and I wanted to check a lot of the boxes that we heard and has the same voting age percentage of Asian
local advocacy group Latino Focus, Arreola find the greatest representation of the my preference is solely based on the com- residents as Redwood Shores so it doesn’t
endorsed map 21f, as did every other resi- Latino community in other districts, ” munity input, which has loudly been for dilute Redwood Shores as we first feared.”
dent who spoke during public comment. Masur said. “I’m really happy we’re recon- 21f.” Hale agreed that sea level rise, for exam-
That map meets almost all of the common sidering [the map] and I’d narrow it down Councilwoman Diana Reddy, on the other ple, is an increasingly significant issue for
preferences, including Redwood Shores get- quickly to 21f and 13h would be fine as well, hand, favored a map called 13g that does not the residents of Bair Island and Redwood
ting its own independent district, but the they’re relatively similar except for the pair any councilmembers in a single dis- Shores and that’s why she wants them in
downtown neighborhood is not together in pairings. I’m fine with either of those.” trict. It also places Redwood Shores and separate districts.
one district and there is one pairing of coun- Hale applauded Masur’s position on the Bair Island together in the same district, “For me personally, the argument to put
cilmembers in a district: Councilwomen matter and also expressed support for those splits downtown into two districts and pre- the Shores with Bair Island for sea level rise
Giselle Hale and Shelly Masur are both in maps. serves just seven neighborhood associa- — pardon the pun — it doesn’t hold water,”
District 2. “What you heard from Councilmember tions while 13h and 21f maintain 10 and she said. “I want to see greater representa-
If that map and the proposed sequence of Masur is leadership. That’s leadership — nine neighborhood associations respec- tion for those issues and I think you achieve
elections is adopted, then Masur would com- stepping aside when it’s the right thing for tively. that by having two councilmembers focused
plete her four-year term in 2020 and could the community, when you want to acknowl- “I continue to support combining Bair on that issue.”

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028 0410 wed:0410 wed 196 4/9/19 7:24 PM Page 1

28 Wednesday • April 10, 2019 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Israeli exit polls show Netanyahu edging ahead of rival

By Josef Federman ands Aron Heller

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu appeared to be headed toward re-election early
Wednesday, as exit polls and partial results showed him edg-
ing ahead of his main competitor in a tight race that was
seen as a referendum on the long-serving leader.
Both Netanyahu and former military chief Benny Gantz,
leader of the rival Blue and White party, declared victory in
speeches to boisterous gatherings of supporters. But as the
night went on, there were growing signs that Netanyahu’s
Likud was pulling ahead.
With a victory, Netanyahu would capture a fourth consec-
utive term and fifth overall, which this summer will make
him Israel’s longest-ever serving leader. Perhaps more cru-
cially, re-election will give him an important boost as he
braces for the likelihood of criminal charges in a series of
corruption scandals.
The 69-year-old prime minister has been the dominant
force in Israeli politics for the past two decades and its face
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara react as they stand on stage following the announcement of exit to the world. His campaign has focused heavily on his
polls in Israel’s parliamentary election. friendship with President Donald Trump and his success in
cultivating new allies, such as China, India and Brazil.
But the corruption scandals created some voter fatigue.
Along with two other former military chiefs on his ticket,
Gantz was able to challenge Netanyahu on security issues,
normally the prime minister’s strong suit, while also tak-
ing aim at the prime minister’s alleged ethical lapses.
Israel’s attorney general has recommended charging
Netanyahu with bribery, breach of trust and fraud. The
telegenic Gantz, who has been vague on key policy fronts,
has presented himself as a clean, scandal-free alternative to
Initial exit poll results by Israel’s main TV stations
showed the two parties far ahead of all of the other com-
petitors in the race and indicated that Blue and White would
emerge as the largest party.
“Elections have losers and elections have winners. And
we are the winners,” Gantz told a victory rally shortly after

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