Pgdca Syllabus
Pgdca Syllabus
Pgdca Syllabus
Duration : 01 Year (Minimum) 03 Year (Maximum)
अविध : 01 वष ( यूनतम) 03 वष ( अिधकतम)
Credit : 40 Credit
े िडट : 40 े िडट
Semester : Two Semester (20 Credit per Semester )
सेमे टर : दो सेमे टर ( 20 े िडट येक सेमे टर)
Fees/शु क :
पाठ् य म शु क वेश शु क नामां कन शु क प रचय प परी ा शु क उपािध/ माणप शु क
2500 ( थम स ) 200 200 100 250 ित नप 250
2500 (ि तीय स )
िनदेशालय के प रप .F.No.023/09/अ.बो.फा./41(पाट -1)1628 िदनां क 13/08/2015 के अनु सार
Medium : Hindi/English
मा यम : िहं दी/अं ेजी
Eligibility/यो यता : Any Graduate/ नातक उ तीण
First Semester:
Paper Code Paper Title / नप शीषक Credit े िडट
नप कोड
PGDCA-01 क यूट र: आधारभू त प रचय 04
Fundamentals of Computer
PGDCA-02 ऑपरे िटं ग िस टम एवं ए लीके शन ो ाम 04
Operating System and Application Program
PGDCA-03 ो ािमं ग ल वेज 04
Programming Language
PGDCA-04 C# के साथ ऑ जे ट ओरएं टेट ो ािमं ग 04
OOPS(Object oriented Programming ) with C#
PGDCA-05 सी ो ािमं ग का यावहा रक िश ण 02
Practical on C Programming
PGDCA-06 ए लीके शन ो ाम एवं C# का यावहा रक िश ण 02
Practical on Application Program and C#
कु लTotal 20 Credits
Second Semester:
Paper Code Paper Title Credit
First Semester
PGDCA-01 Fundamentals of Computer
Reference Book:
PGDCA-02 Operating System and Application Program
Unit – I Disk Operating System (DOS)
• Introduction, History & Versions of DOS
DOS basics
• Physical structure of disk, drive name, FAT, file & directory structure and naming rules, booting
process, DOS system files.
Basic DOS Commands
• Internal – DIR, MD, CD, RD, Copy, DEL, REN, VOL, DATE, TIME, CLS, PATH, TYPE etc.
• Executable V/s Non executable files in DOS
Worksheet: MS Excel
• Worksheet basics
• Creating worksheet, entering data into worksheet, heading information, data, text, dates, Cell formatting
values, saving & protecting worksheet.
• Opening and moving around in an existing worksheet
• Toolbars and Menus, keyboard shortcuts
• Working with single and multiple workbook – coping, renaming, moving, adding and deleting, coping
entries and moving between workbooks
• Working with formulas & cell referencing.
- Autosum
- Coping formulas
- Absolute & Relative addressing
• Working with ranges – creating, editing and selecting ranges, sorting.
• Formatting of worksheet – Auto format, changing – alignment, character styles, column width, date
format, borders &colours, currency signs.
• Previewing & Printing worksheet – Page setting, Print titles, Adjusting margins, Page break, headers and
• Graphs and charts – using wizards, various charts type, formatting grid lines & legends, previewing &
printing charts.
PGDCA-03 Programming Language
Unit – I C Language : Introduction
• Introduction
• C Character Set , Constants, Variables and Key words
PGDCA-04 OOPS(Object oriented Programing ) with C#
What is C#, Characteristics, Overview of C#, .NET Framework, CLR&CTS, Visual Studio.NET, Name Spaces,
Programme Structure.
Variable Declaration, Value type and reference type, initialization of variables, Default values, Arithmetic,
Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment and Decrement, Conditional Operators, Arithmetic Expression,
Evaluation of Expression, Type conversions.
If Statement, else if statement, Nested if else statement, Switch statement, While, do , for, foreach statement.
Murach, Joel & Boehm, Anne (2012). Murach's C# 2012.Mike Murach & Associates Inc
Khadanga, G.(2004). C# Programming – Beginners to Advanced , New Delhi : BPB Publication.
Kanetkar, Yashvant. C#.NET Fundas. New Delhi : BPB Publication.
Balaguruswamy(2010). C#.New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Each candidate will present a small program with the help of C Programming. Evaluation will be done on the
basis of written program, Practical presentation on Computer and Viva.
Second Semester
PGDCA -07 Data Base Programming
Unit–I SQL Basic
A Brief History of SQL, RDBMS, Creating Database, Table, adding record, T-SQL, Constants,
Expression, T-SQL variable, T-SQL Function, String, Math function, aggregate function, Date Time
function, conversion function, T-SQL – flow control – if …else, case, while, Go To and return.
Reference :
PGDCA -08 C# .NET with Windows & Web Programming
Unit- 1 Introduction Windows Applications
Windows Control – Text Box, Label, List – box, combos, radio button , message box, dialogue box ,
directory control.
Unit-2 ADO.Net
ADO.Net object, connection, Data Adaptor, Data set server, explorer, Data Bound controls, grid view,
data row, data list, data repeater.
Reference :
1 Jerke, Noel (1998). Visual Basic 6.0 The complete Reference. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
2 Smilly, John(2001). Visual Basic Database .New Delhi : Firewall Media.
3 Mauer, Lowell. Visual Basic 6.0 (Hindi). New Delhi: B.P.B. Publisher
4 Naik, Nitin K.(2013). Basics of Visual Basic. Indore : Kamal Prakashan.
PGDCA-09 Internet and Web Page Designing
Unit – I Internet
• Evolution, Protocols, Interface Concepts, Internet Vs Intranet, Growth of Internet, ISP, Connectivity –
Dial-up, Leased line, VSAT etc. URLs, Domain names, Portals, Application.E-Mail
• Concepts, POP and WEB Based E-mail, merits, address, Basic of Sending & Receiving, E-mail
Protocols, Mailing List, and Free E-mail services, FTP.
Unit – IV HTML
• Concepts of Hypertext, Versions of HTML, Elements of HTML syntax, Head & Body Sections,
Building HTML documents, Inserting texts, Images, Hyperlinks, Backgrounds and Colour controls,
Different HTML tags, Table layout and presentation, Use of font size & Attributes, List types and its
Reference :
1 Pawel, Thomas A(2010). HTML Complete Reference. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
2 Web & Graphics .New Delhi: B.P.B Publisher.
3 Singh, Minakshi & Singh,VishnuPriya. Web Designing Course. Delhi : Asian Publisher .
4 Naik, Nitin K.(2014). Internet Web Technology E- Commerce. Indore : Kamal Prakashan.
PGDCA-10 DTP (Desk Top Publishing)
Unit 1 PageMaker
Creating a New Document, Entering Text, Saving document, Developing a Paragraph, Formatting Paragraph,
Creating a Frame, Inserting & Removing pages, Adjusting Hyphenation, Adjusting Indents and Tabs, Adding
Shapes, Changing lines and fill specifications, Changing Round Corner, Creating Header & Footer, Defining Style,
Developing a long Document, Using Color, Printing.
Unit 3 Photoshop
Introduction of Photoshop, Creating a New File, Color Mode, Foreground & background, Using Brushes, Rubber
Stamp Options, Using the Editing Tool, Selection Tools, Introduction of layers, Creating Layer Mask, Adding Fills
and Gradients, Applying Filters, Printing document, Save file as a JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG.
Bangia, Ramesh (2011). Learning Desk Top Publishing. Delhi : Khanna Book Publishing.
Gupta, Vikas (2004).Comdex Desk Top Publishing Course List. Delhi : Dream tech Press.
Jain, Satish. BPB's DTP Course. New Delhi : BPB Publications.
Dream Tech Press (2012). Photoshop CS6 in Simple Steps. Delhi : Dream tech Press.
Dayley, L D & Dayley, B.(2012). Adobe Photoshop CS6. Wiley.
BPB Adobe Photoshop (2009). New Delhi : BPB Publications.
Sharma, M.C.(2009). Corel Draw : Graphics Suite X4. New Delhi : BPB Publications.
Singh, Vishnupriya (2008). Corel Draw. Delhi : Asian Computech books.
Kogent Learning Solution Inc.(2013). Corel Draw X6 in Simple Steps. Delhi : Dream tech Press.
BPB (2012). BPB Adobe PageMaker 7. New Delhi : BPB Publications.
Behera, S R. & Mishra Debasis (2013). Smart DTP Course. B. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
थम सेमे टर
PGDCA-01 क यूटर: आधारभू त प रचय
इकाई 1 – क यूटर: प रचय
इकाई 2 – सं हण िडवाईसेस
इकाई 3 – क यूटर सा टवेअर
PGDCA-02 ऑपरेिटं ग िस टम एवं ए लीके शन ो ाम
इकाई 1 – िड क ऑपरे िटं ग िस टम
इकाई 2 – िवं डोज
इकाई 3 – िलन स
इकाई 4 – माइ ोसा ट ऑिफस ( एमएस वड, ए सेल, पॉवर पां इट)
ि तीय सेमे टर
PGDCA-07 डाटा बेस ो ािमं ग
इकाई 1 – एस यूएल बेिस स
इकाई 2 – एस यूएल कमां ड
इकाई 3 – आरडीबीएमएस/डीबीएमएस पैकेज
इकाई 4 – डाटा इं टी ेशन
इकाई 5 – टोर ोसेड्यू र एं ड फं शस
PGDCA- 09 प रयोजनाकाय
सभी िव ािथय को िन निलिखत ए लीके शं स म से िकसी एक क सहायता से प रयोजना काय स प न करना होगा-
C Language,
Visual Basics and DBMS,
Proposed Evaluation (PGDCA):
First Semester:
Paper Code/ Paper Title / नप Assignment Minimum Semester End Exam/ Minimum Passing Total
नप कोड / Passing स ां त परी ा Marks in
शीषक स ीय काय Marks in Semester End
Assignment Exam
PGDCA-01 क यूट रआधारभू त : 30 12 70 28 100
प रचय
Fundamentals of
PGDCA-02 ऑपरे िटं ग िस टम एवं 30 12 70 28 100
ए लीके शन ो ाम
System and
PGDCA-03 ो ािमं ग ल वेज 30 12 70 28 100
PGDCA-04 C# के साथ ऑ जे ट 30 12 70 28 100
ओरएं टेट ो ािमं ग
Programming )
with C#
PGDCA-05 सी ो ािमं ग का 50 20 50
यावहा रक िश ण (10 no. for
Practical on C Program Writing
Programming in Copy)
(30 no. for
Presenting of
Program on
( 10 no. for Viva)
PGDCA-06 ए लीके शन ो ाम का - 50 20 50
यावहा रक िश ण (10 no. for
Practical on Program Writing
Application in Copy)
Program (30 no. for
Presenting of
Program on
( 10 no. for Viva)
Total 400
Second Semester:
Paper Code/ Paper Title / नप Assignment / Minimum Semester End Minimum Passing Total
नप कोड स ीय काय Passing Marks Exam/ Marks in
शीषक in Assignment स ां त परी ा Semester End
PGDCA-07 डाटा बेस ो ािमं ग 30 12 70 28 100
Data Base
PGDCA-08 िव डोज और वेब 30 12 70 28 100
ो ािमं ग के साथ C#
C# .NET with
Windows &
PGDCA-09 इं टरनेट एवं वेबपेज 30 12 70 28 100
िडजाइिनं ग
Internet and
Web Page
PGDCA-10 डीटीपी (डे क टॉप 30 12 70 28 100
पि लिशं ग)
DTP (Desk Top
PGDCA-11 प रयोजना काय - - 100 40 100
Project Work (25 no. for
(50 no. for
and live demo
of Program)
( 25 no. for
Total 400