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1 Respondent's Background and Affiliation: Cylinder Records: Significance, Production, and Survival

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Bill Klinger
Association for Recorded Sound Collections

This document is a response to requests for comments and data that

might help to inform the National Recorded Sound Preservation Study.
It describes the significance of cylinder phonograph records and offers
quantitative estimates regarding their production and survival.

1 Respondent’s Background and Affiliation

I write partly as a private record collector and partly as a representative of the Association for Recorded
Sound Collections (ARSC).
ARSC is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1966, dedicated to the preservation and study of sound
recordings—in all genres of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. ARSC is unique in
bringing together private collectors, historians, discographers, engineers, and institutional professionals,
including representatives of some of the world’s largest libraries and archives.
I chair the Cylinder Subcommittee of the ARSC Technical Committee, which developed the ARSC
Guidelines for Cylinder Playback Equipment (funded by grants from the National Academy of Recording
Arts & Sciences). I am a Founding Member of the National Recording Preservation Board, representing
For more than thirty years, I have researched the history, technology, and products of the cylinder record
industry. My personal collection currently includes 7,277 cylinder records, of nearly all types and brands.

2 Significance of Cylinder Records

Mechanical sound-carriers configured in cylindrical form represent an important part of our recorded-
sound heritage, for many reasons:

2.1 World’s Oldest Format for Sound Recording and Playback

Thomas Edison’s tinfoil phonograph of 1877—which employed a thin sheet of metal foil, formed into a
cylinder—was the first device to successfully “capture” and reproduce sound.
The earliest recorded sounds that can be heard today come from wax cylinders recorded by Edison (or his
colleagues), for purposes of experiment and exhibition, in 1888. These cylinders are the incunabula of
sound recording, just as Gutenberg Bibles are the incunabula of moveable-type printing.

2.2 Dominated the U.S. Recording Industry for 23 Years

Commercial production of cylinder records for musical entertainment began at the Edison Laboratory, in
May 1889—the genesis of the worldwide recording industry. From evolving styles of popular music—
sentimental ballads, comic songs, military marches, ragtime, and jazz—to classical music, the recorded
repertoire was broad and varied. Artists ranged from stage celebrities to versatile studio musicians paid to
record what was asked of them. Entertainment cylinders brought minstrel shows, Broadway productions,
vaudeville sketches, and operas to urban audiences, and also reached remote rural folks located far from
Though Emile Berliner demonstrated his Gramophone and lateral-cut disc records in 1888, Berliner’s
products were not manufactured in significant quantities until the late 1890s.

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Cylinder records ruled the market, well into the 1900s. For example, in 1901, Edison sold eight times as
many cylinders as the Victor Talking Machine Company sold discs. In 1903, the Edison-to-Victor sales
ratio was 4 to 1. Victor disc production did not eclipse Edison’s 1903 cylinder volume until 1912.
Cylinder-sector sales thus led the U.S. recording industry throughout its first 23 years (1889 to 1912).
Despite fluctuating sales and declining demand, several firms persevered, releasing new cylinder titles
into the 1920s. The last holdout, Edison stopped making entertainment cylinders on July 6, 1929—
ending forty years of musical cylinder production.

2.3 Vast Global Output Produced by Many Small, Lesser-Known Companies

Four firms account for a majority of the commercial cylinder records manufactured worldwide: Edison,
Columbia, Pathé, and Edison Bell.
However, it is important to appreciate that hundreds of lesser-known companies produced at least 536
brands of cylinder records—primarily in the U.S. and Europe, but also in far-flung corners of the globe
such as Australia, China, India, Japan, the Middle East, and South America.
These diverse recordings carry a rich sonic legacy representing cross-sections of many musical cultures,
spanning two decades (roughly, 1890 to 1911, outside the United States).

2.4 Unique, “Unpublished” Historical Recordings

Beyond the commercial entertainment products described above, tens of thousands of unique,
noncommercial cylinders survive today, carrying “field recordings” of considerable anthropological,
ethnographic, linguistic, or musicological importance. Other unique, unpublished cylinder recordings
preserve our earliest oral history narratives and interviews.
As early as 1890, academic researchers were using cylinder phonographs “in the field,” on scientific
expeditions, to objectively capture music and speech for later transcription, analysis, and preservation—
often by experts located far from the remote performance venue. Scientists and explorers continued to
make extensive use of wax cylinders until the late 1930s, when portable electrical recording equipment
became available.

2.5 Pioneering Educational Recordings

From the 1890s to the 1910s, several competing firms published courses of instruction in foreign
languages, pairing a series of cylinder records with accompanying textbooks. Some of the leading
correspondence courses were interactive, in that students recorded examples of their progress on wax
cylinders, for evaluation by “professors.”
Additional courses guided physical exercise programs, taught the vocal arts or cornet mastery, informed
physicians about new developments in medical diagnosis and treatment, and even attempted to cure
stuttering and stammering—all by means of cylinder recordings.
In the 1920s and again during World War II, the U.S. Army Signal Corps commissioned the production
of special cylinder phonographs and Morse code records, for use in training and testing military
telegraphers and radio operators.

2.6 Longevity of the Cylinder Format in Business Applications

Spoken-word business dictation was the earliest and most enduring application for sound recording in the
cylinder format.
The Bell-Tainter Graphophone of 1887 was designed specifically for dictation purposes. The wax-coated
cardboard tube known as “the Bell-Tainter cylinder” saw limited use, because of technical shortcomings

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Significance, Production, and Survival

in the Bell-Tainter Graphophones. Nonetheless, the six-inch length of that cylinder persisted in office-
dictation products of the Columbia Phonograph Company and their offshoot, the Dictaphone Corporation,
for sixty years (1887-1947).
Similarly, the six-inch-long Edison Business Blank of 1905 led to the ubiquitous Ediphone- and
Voicewriter-brand wax-cylinder blanks, manufactured well into the 1960s.
Between 1917 and the 1940s (and possibly longer), Edison and Dictaphone each distributed multiple
series of cylinder records that provided instruction, exercise, and testing in stenography, typewriting,
secretarial practice, speech, etc.

3 Cylinder Production

3.1 Types of Cylinder Records

In assessing the relative survival rates of cylinder records, it is essential to recognize that, over the years,
various types of cylinders were manufactured, using diverse materials, constructions, and processes. One
cylinder type can differ greatly from another in sound quality, ruggedness, long-term physical stability,
and resistance to environmental influences.
For the purpose of making survival estimates, we can categorize nearly all cylinder records into three
basic, generic types:

3.1.1 Brown-Wax Records (1889-1902)

For more than a decade, most cylinder records intended for musical entertainment were made by cutting a
modulated groove on a cylinder “blank”—a hollow cylinder cast from a relatively soft wax-like material.
A range of metallic-soap compounds came to be known as “brown wax”—though the color of the
material varies from very light tan to dark brown, depending on manufacturing process conditions.
The earliest brown-wax records were directly recorded “originals”—recorded either one-at-a-time or in
multiples (using a bank of recording phonographs).
In July 1890, Thomas Edison was making duplicate copies from “master” records by two different
methods, one of which invoked an early form of molding. From July 1891 on, it was common practice in
the fledgling industry to produce duplicates pantographically, by mechanically tracing a master record
and coupling the motion of the tracing stylus to a cutting stylus, which copied the original recording onto
a wax blank. Most brown-wax records surviving today were made by mechanical duplication.
In the pantographic duplication process, gradual wear and degradation of the master record limited the
number of acceptable-quality duplicates that could be copied from a given master. To maintain a
continuous supply of good-selling titles, studio managers often needed to call recording artists back, to
make a new batch of master records. Over time, the company issued many different performances (later
termed “takes”), all under the same catalog number and title, without any markings on the records to
differentiate each take. When the original performers were unavailable for further work, substitute
vocalists or musicians cut “re-makes”—again, usually issued under the same catalog number as the earlier
version. Such variations in recorded content now complicate matters for catalogers, discographers, and
collection curators.
The making of brown-wax records was not limited to the corporate recording studio, as was the case for
contemporary disc records. Virtually anyone owning a cylinder phonograph was equipped to make
recordings on brown-wax blanks, at home or “in the field.” Recordists could shave and reuse their soft-
wax cylinders, a number of times.

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3.1.2 Molded Black-Wax Records (1902-1923)

Brown-wax cylinders were constrained by the technical tradeoff between recordability and durability: the
“wax” material had to be soft enough to be accurately cut by the recording stylus, yet hard enough to
deliver an acceptable playback “life.” Further, wax blanks intended for repeated use (in home recording
or business dictation) needed to be readily shaveable, to prepare the recording surface for reuse.
On the other hand, a duplicate record intended strictly as a permanent copy, for playback only, could be
made of a much harder, more durable material. In the late 1890s, the high demand for entertainment
records drove the development of a rapid, low-cost duplicating process. After years of experiments,
Edison’s laboratory team devised a “black wax” metallic-soap compound suitable for molding high-
quality duplicate cylinder records.
The new Edison Moulded Records, which began shipping in January 1902, employed the black-wax
compound. (The more widely used brand name, “Edison Gold Moulded Records,” was introduced in
November 1903.) These hard-wax cylinders could be made to yield louder playback than the soft brown-
wax records, without rapid wear, allowing the new molded product to compete more effectively with the
rather loud-playing lateral-cut disc records.
Columbia followed suit with a cylinder molded of rather soft brown wax—their XP Record—in March
1902. After August 1903, Columbia used a harder black-wax material for XP Records.
Major cylinder makers in Europe and elsewhere quickly adopted the black-wax molding technology.
Only the smallest companies continued to produce brown-wax records (whether “original” or
pantographed) after 1902.
These leading firms made black-wax cylinder records until, at least, the dates shown:
• Columbia (December 1907 in England; May 1909 in U.S.)
• Pathé (1906 in England; 1911 in France; 1917 for Norway)
• Edison (January 1914)
• Edison Bell (December 1914)
• Clarion Record Co., Ltd. (November 1923).

3.1.3 Celluloid Records (1900-1929)

Wax cylinders are fragile. If dropped, struck, or squeezed, a wax record is likely to crack or break.
Inventors seeking a more rugged material that could serve for the mass-production of duplicate cylinder
records were attracted to celluloid (which had been developed for industrial molding processes in the
1870s). Edison considered using the material, early on, but instead chose to pursue waxes and metallic
soaps—probably because, in the late 1880s, his focus was on recordable blanks.
In France, Henri Jules Lioret made a small number of celluloid cylinder records in 1893, followed by
modest commercial quantities during the rest of the 1890s.
The first celluloid cylinders marketed in the U.S. were the Lambert Indestructible Records, manufactured
in Chicago by The Lambert Company, between 1900 and 1905. The patent rights and technology of that
firm (bankrupt by January 1906), passed on to the Indestructible Phonographic Record Company, which
produced celluloid cylinders in Albany, New York from 1907 to 1922.
Edison wanted to use celluloid for making molded cylinders in 1900, but was barred from doing so by a
court decision citing a prevailing Lambert patent. Faced with declining sales of wax cylinders in 1911,
Edison at last paid for a license permitting Thomas A. Edison, Inc. to mold cylinder records from tubes of

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The resulting Edison Blue Amberol Record debuted in October 1912. Until the end of 1914, Blue
Amberol Records were derived from directly recorded wax “Cylinder Masters”—closely duplicating the
sonic quality of the master recording. In contrast, most Blue Amberols issued after December 1914 were
mastered by horn-to-horn copying (“dubbing”), from a Diamond Disc Submaster to a Cylinder Master.
Consequently, dubbed Blue Amberols suffer from a noticeably restricted audio bandwidth and increased
noise and distortion.
The Blue Amberols released in June 1929 were the final commercially manufactured entertainment

3.2 Cylinder Record Producers and Production Quantities

3.2.1 Coin-Slot Novelty in the NAPCo Period

During the first half of the 1890s, Americans were most likely to hear recorded music through listening
tubes and earpieces, after depositing a nickel in the coin slot of an “automatic” cylinder phonograph. The
typical listener was standing in a “phonograph parlor”—strategically located in a railroad station, ferry
terminal, shopping arcade, or saloon. Almost no one owned a phonograph, at home. This situation arose
through an early and abrupt shift in the commercial use of phonographs.
From July 1888 until August 1894, the North American Phonograph Company (NAPCo) controlled the
manufacture and distribution of cylinder phonographs in the United States and Canada.
Thirty-four regional NAPCo “sub-companies” were formed, intending to rent and service phonographic
equipment in specific territories, for use in business dictation. However, NAPCo was very slow in
delivering enough dependable machines for office use. Most of the sub-companies soon saw greater
potential for profit in the public exhibition of phonographs equipped with coin-slot mechanisms and
musical records.
NAPCo had granted the Edison Phonograph Works exclusive rights to make musical records. In May
1889, Thomas Edison began a program to produce musical “phonograms” at his laboratory in West
Orange, New Jersey. Sub-companies purchased the resulting cylinder records from NAPCo and deployed
them in nickel-in-the-slot machines, arrayed in parlors located in major cities. The parlors proved to be
incredibly profitable. Some machines reportedly earned as much as $24 per day—at a time when the
average weekly wage was less than $10.
After Edison received complaints about the quality of records delivered by NAPCo to the local companies
(due in part to damage during shipment), he shut down his Music Room operations, on January 23, 1890.
Edison suggested, “It might be more satisfactory for the different phonograph companies to make their
own records.”
When Edison halted his recording activity, NAPCo was left holding some 600 orders for records that they
could not immediately fill. (The NAPCo parent organization, a sales agency, had no manufacturing
facilities.) NAPCo arranged for the New York Phonograph Company to fill some of the orders, but also
permitted the individual franchisees to make their own records.
Indeed, a number of the sub-companies—desperate for a steady supply of musical records—hired local
musicians, singers, and comics, to record their performances on brown-wax blanks bought from NAPCo.
Coin-slot profits motivated extensive production of both original and duplicate records by the local firms,
despite their ostensible territorial restrictions. The quality of the locally generated records naturally
varied from quite good to very poor, yet certain titles commanded prices as high as $5 each, in the
intercompany trade. (Records typically sold for $1.00 to $2.50, in 1890.)
The sub-companies’ growing need for low-cost entertainment records of consistently high quality
presented a new business opportunity for Edison. On December 11, 1890, he wrote: “I do not want to

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make original cylinders [and] I have no objection to the local companies making theirs[;] what I want is
the manufacturing of duplicates.”
Edison’s laboratory team had experimented off and on since April 1888 toward the development of
various processes for duplicating cylinder records. In July 1891, Edison was at last ready to offer a
duplication service. He advised the NAPCo sub-companies that, if they shipped their cylinders to his
laboratory, his staff could make “from 30 to 150 duplicates of good quality” for a duplicating charge of
35 cents per record (not including the cost of blank cylinders, boxing, or packing).
Eight of the NAPCo sub-companies confirmed that they were producing records locally, as of June 14,
• Columbia Phonograph Co.
• Kansas Phonograph Co.
• Louisiana Phonograph Co.
• Michigan Phonograph Co.
• New England Phonograph Co.
• New Jersey Phonograph Co.
• New York Phonograph Co.
• Ohio Phonograph Co.
Columbia, New York, and the Metropolitan Phonograph Company had begun recording in 1889. Other
NAPCo local firms, including the Chicago Central Phonograph Company and the Pacific Phonograph
Company, at times made their own records.
Production of Edison Records resumed at West Orange, as indicated by Bulletin No. 1, The North
American Phonograph Co. List of Musical Records for the Phonograph, dated April 1, 1892. NAPCo
endeavored to maintain a stock of 25 to 150 copies of each title, “made exclusively for this company.”
During the summer of 1893, Edison supplied NAPCo with about 9,000 duplicate records per month.
On September 30, 1893, NAPCo Vice President Alfred O. Tate wrote to Thomas Edison, predicting a
market for 150,000 to 200,000 records per year. At the time, Tate could not have known that other firms
would end up supplying those records, after Edison intentionally caused the bankruptcy of NAPCo, in
August 1894 (in a move to regain control of his phonograph patent rights).

3.2.2 Post-NAPCo Period: Growth of the Home Entertainment Market

Litigation following the NAPCo bankruptcy temporarily prevented Edison from making and selling any
further musical records. Several of the NAPCo franchisees continued their local recording activities,
happily filling the supply void left by the idled Edison Phonograph Works.
The Columbia Phonograph Company of Washington, D.C. had been one of the most active suppliers of
records, during the NAPCo Period. With NAPCo in bankruptcy, the “Columbia Phonograph Company,
General” emerged as an independent player, openly marketing entertainment cylinders, nationwide. The
United States Phonograph Company of Newark, New Jersey (spun off from the New Jersey Phonograph
Company) was another prolific record maker, between 1894 and 1897. United States Phonograph even
supplied duplicate records to Columbia, in 1894 and 1895.
In late 1894, as before, Columbia, United States Phonograph, and their competitors were selling most of
their records to coin-slot operators. Fewer than 1,000 phonographs had made their way into American

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The electric-motor phonographs made between 1888 and 1894 were large, heavy, and required messy
wet-cell batteries. They were initially leased (at a rental fee of $40 per year). Unrestricted outright sales
of phonographs began after the July 12, 1892 settlement of a legal dispute. However, since the various
Edison “Class M” Phonograph Outfits cost from $150 to $315, only highly motivated and affluent people
bought them for personal amusement.
Columbia’s sister firm, the American Graphophone Company, pioneered in manufacturing practical
spring-motor machines. Their Spring-Motor Graphophone, priced at $110, was first advertised in August
1894. Truly affordable Graphophones, designed for use in the home, followed a bit later: the $40 Type N
(in 1895) and the $25 Type A (in December 1896). Edison responded with the Home Phonograph, priced
at $40 in December 1896, and the Standard Phonograph, at $20, in February 1898. These low-cost
machines created a large home-entertainment market eager for music on cylinders.
The National Phonograph Company had been organized in January 1896, as an Edison-controlled
successor to NAPCo. The new firm initially concentrated on the sale of NAPCo equipment assets and the
development of spring-motor machines.
Research authority Ray Wile could find no evidence that National Phonograph sold any records at all
during 1896. Wile concluded that the “Edison Records” marketed by the company, starting in May 1897,
were, at first, pantographic duplicates of masters recorded by the United States Phonograph Company.
Edison resumed his own recording operations in West Orange on October 9, 1897, but apparently could
not keep pace with the growing demand for new titles. Between August 1898 and April 1899, the
National Phonograph Company regularly purchased master records from Walcutt & Leeds, Ltd., a New
York City firm. Many titles listed in the National Phonograph catalogs of 1898 and 1899 reflect the
Walcutt & Leeds recordings.
The National Phonograph Company reported manufacturing 87,690 brown-wax records during Fiscal
Year 1897. Their output increased nearly fivefold in FY1898, to 428,310 records.
Production of brown-wax Edison Records plateaud at roughly two million per year, during 1899, 1900,
and 1901—perhaps limited by the capacity of Edison’s pantographic duplication facilities.

3.2.3 Mass Production of Molded Cylinders

With the early-1902 introduction of the Edison Gold Moulded Record, Edison’s cylinder sales surged to
4.38 million in 1902 and 7.66 million in 1903.
Unfortunately, I haven’t yet found dependable production figures or sales figures for Columbia’s cylinder
record activity, and I hesitate to trust the numbers that Columbia occasionally gave in their advertising.
For example, in a 1903 popular-magazine ad, Columbia cited “Our enormous output of Two Million
Records a month,” claiming “We Hold the Record.” However, in February 1904, the National
Phonograph Company reported to their dealers: “An investigation into the output of every factory in the
country making cylinder Records shows that we are to-day, and have been for months, making fifty per
cent more Records than any other company. This statement is made on the most reliable information, and
the claim of others to the contrary is the merest buncombe.”
Perhaps Columbia tallied their worldwide production of cylinder and disc records, to yield the figure of 2
million records per month. Still, that impressive number (which implies an annual volume of 24 million
Columbia records) must have been bold hyperbole created by the Columbia sales staff. The Census of
Manufactures (taken every five years, between 1899 and 1919) indicates that the entire U.S. industry
manufactured a total of 21 million cylinders and 4 million discs, in 1904.
The peak year for U.S. cylinder record production seems to have been 1907, when Edison was making as
many as 110,000 wax records in a single day.

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The next Census of Manufactures shows that 18.6 million cylinders and 8.6 million discs were
manufactured in the U.S. during 1909.
Between 1911 and 1929, Edison sold 21.4 million cylinder records.
Clearly, hundreds of millions of cylinder records were manufactured, worldwide, between 1889 and 1929.

3.3 Census of Titles Issued on Cylinder Records

Since 1999, I have gradually compiled a “census” enumerating the number of distinct titles (that is,
recorded “selections”) known to have been commercially issued on various brands of entertainment
cylinder records.
Most entries in my Cylinder Record “Title Output” Census spreadsheet are based on exact title counts,
taken from catalog listings studied series by series, for each major record brand and cylinder type. A few
entries are based on the best available estimates—from my own judgment or provided by an expert
familiar with a specific brand or series.
My preliminary analysis shows that the global tally of commercial cylinder record titles is at least 82,477.
Approximately 47,000 of those titles were produced in U.S. recording studios.
The eventual tallies will surely be much higher, since the “Title Output” Census covers only 69 cylinder-
record brands, while my Cylinder Industry Database currently lists more than 536 brands! (Sadly, we
may never have access to the catalogs or company files needed to document the recordings produced by
the smaller, now very obscure firms.)

4 Cylinder Survival

4.1 Dispersion and Conservation: Where are the cylinders?

Despite their age and fragility, quite a few cylinder records survive today. Groups of cylinders reside in
thousands of places, around the world, by chance or by intent. Naturally, the owners and custodians
differ widely in their attitudes, goals, and activities surrounding these “old records.”

4.1.1 Institutional Repositories

Cylinder collections in libraries, archives, museums, and historical societies tend to reflect the mission of
the particular institution. They are likely to be more formally cataloged and stored under better
(“archival”) conditions than the typical private collection.
It seems that only a few institutional repositories now actively seek to acquire commercial entertainment
cylinder records. More often, existing private collections were donated to the institution, at various points
in the past, perhaps toward a goal of long-term preservation or broader public access.
A number of the larger institutional cylinder collections consist primarily of unique, noncommercial
cylinders recorded long ago by academic researchers or scientific professionals. Happily, in many cases,
preservation transfers have already been made from these unique historic artifacts, or are planned for the
near future.

4.1.2 Private Collections

Many hundreds of private collections owned by individuals account for the majority of cylinders extant

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Collectors can be very good custodians of their treasured objects. However, many collectors are not well
informed about the preferred archival practices that would help to conserve their records; others don’t
have the resources to apply the best practices, even if they wish to.
Too often, collectors do not make plans for the ultimate disposition of their holdings. Important
collections that took decades to gather, organize, and catalog are frequently broken up and widely
dispersed, losing the integrity and accessibility the collection once had, as a localized whole. Worse,
entire collections can disappear into the trash heap.

4.1.3 Dealers
It’s no secret that millions of “old records” are held—at least temporarily—by antique shops, resale
stores, record shops, mail-order dealers, pawnshops, and auctioneers. Web-based auction services such as
eBay now facilitate very active commerce in collectibles. More vintage records change hands today,
more rapidly, than ever before.
One downside to the increased movement of cylinders and shellac discs is that the records are exposed to
greater risk of damage or breakage in transit, when poorly packaged for shipment. Sought after, one-of-a-
kind records have been destroyed at an increasing rate, in recent years.

4.1.4 Forgotten Caches

Clusters of cylinder records still sit—unknown or forgotten—in attics, basements, garages, and barns, but
most pre-1930 records either were discarded or came into the hands of collectors between the 1950s and
the 1970s, as the families who originally purchased the records (and their descendents) passed on or
moved away. Only very seldom does a cache of new-old-stock cylinders turn up in an old warehouse or
general store—something that occasionally happened in earlier decades.

4.1.5 Record Companies

Regrettably, the firms that manufactured cylinder records did not keep their metal molds or example
copies of the records for very long, after ceasing cylinder production.
Columbia and Pathé both turned their attention to disc product lines before 1910, and my understanding is
that their corporate successors today hold no cylinders or cylinder molds at all.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc. disposed of the bulk of their cylinder molds, some time after production ended in
1929; only a few select molds were retained. A nearly complete set of Edison Blue Amberol Records was
reportedly shipped to Henry Ford’s Edison Institute, in Dearborn, Michigan. In October 1929, the
remaining stock of 212,566 Edison cylinder records was scheduled to be destroyed by burning. The
company did keep many of the Edison disc molds and example disc-pressings, which are now expertly
conserved at the Edison National Historic Site.

4.2 Global Cylinder Survival: Projected Figures

In 1995, for an ARSC Journal article, I estimated that at least 300,000 cylinder records survive in public
and private collections in the United States, “with fewer in Europe.” I based the estimate on my
knowledge of holdings in the largest U.S. and European institutions, and in major private collections, at
that time.
Now, after ten years of monitoring eBay sales activity, I realize that many more cylinders are “out
there”—singly, or in random groups, if not part of a formal collection. Thousands of cylinders have
“come out of the woodwork,” thanks to the economic incentive of an expanded, more lucrative
I now believe that at least one million cylinders survive, worldwide.

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4.3 Threats to Cylinder Survival

Like many historical artifacts, cylinder records are subject to threats posed by a variety of adverse
influences. Archival conservation should seek to minimize the effects of these influences:

4.3.1 Humid Environments

Most types of “wax” cylinders are vulnerable to biological attack from fungi that feed on the natural-wax
components of the metallic-soap compounds. Moisture and elevated humidity promote and accelerate
these attacks.
Brown-wax records seem to be most susceptible to fungal growth, with black-wax records only slightly
less so. The very hard metallic soap used to make Edison Amberol Records (and some late-production
Edison Gold Moulded Records) appears to be immune to fungal attack, as are celluloid records (though
their core materials may not be).
It is prudent to keep all types of cylinders clean, dry, and free from condensation.

4.3.2 Temperature Extremes

High ambient temperatures, caused by exposure to direct sunlight, steam-heat radiators, or tropical
environments can soften and permanently distort or efface the recorded surface of many wax cylinders.
Celluloid cylinders are vulnerable to damage at low temperatures, because the celluloid sleeve is likely to
contract against the constraining core, causing catastrophic splits in the sleeve. “Important” celluloid
cylinders should not be taken outdoors or shipped during the winter months.

4.3.3 Handling and Transport

Different types of wax cylinders are composed of diverse metallic-soap compounds, with mechanical
properties ranging from very soft to quite hard and brittle. For example, the playing surface of a soft
brown-wax cylinder is vulnerable to physical scratching or abrasion that will distort or destroy the sonic-
information content of the record. In contrast, Edison Amberol Records were made of a hard metallic
soap that is now so brittle and fragile that even slight mechanical forces or small temperature changes can
catastrophically shatter the cylinder.
Personnel who handle cylinder records should be trained to recognize the different cylinder types and to
treat each type appropriately.

4.3.4 Inherent Failure Mechanisms

Some types of cylinder records are afflicted by inherent, ongoing physical or chemical failure
mechanisms. These processes degrade recordings and may doom them to eventual destruction.
For example, celluloid cylinders can develop devastating cracks and splits in the record surface, caused
by internal tension built up over time, as volatile camphor (originally employed as a plasticizer) gradually
evaporates from the celluloid material and the celluloid shrinks.
Certain wax-cylinder compounds may undergo chemical decomposition, such as efflorescence, in which a
powdery “bloom” coats the surface of the record, interfering with the retrieval of the recorded sound.
Efflorescence may be mistaken for fungal mold or mildew, but it is not a biological phenomenon. Today,
it is most often seen as a thin, light-bluish-gray coating on some Edison Amberol Records—the result of
an apparently self-limiting decomposition process.
Attempting to replicate Edison’s metallic-soap “wax” material, Thomas Macdonald formulated a lead-
soap compound for the American Graphophone Company, in late 1892. His lead soap rapidly
effloresced, causing unacceptably noisy playback. Cylinder blanks that American Graphophone supplied

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to Columbia (prior to August 1895) came to be termed “the blue cylinders.” Some Columbia Records
made on Macdonald’s troubled blanks self-destructed—“Sweating destroyed the record entirely.” Even
with help from outside chemists, it was roughly November 1896 before Macdonald succeeded in making
blanks free from clouding, “sweating,” and air-bubble pinholes.
The best advice here is to transfer vulnerable recordings, as soon as possible.

4.3.5 Playback with Improper Equipment

The nature and use of playback equipment affect the retrieved sound quality and the life of the sound
carrier. When accurate playback is needed for archival transfer and preservation of cylinder recordings,
antique cylinder phonographs should not be used. The ARSC Guidelines for Cylinder Playback
Equipment describe a set of recommended features, functions, and minimum performance levels of
equipment for archival-quality playback of cylinder records.

4.4 Title Survival

To provide an idea of “what is extant” and “how much is lost,” I offer estimates of the number of titles
that can be found, as of 2007, for various types and brands of commercial entertainment cylinder records.
Here, I define a title as “a given musical or spoken piece, listed under the name of a particular artist, in the
catalog(s) of a specific company.” I have not attempted to count the multiple performances (different
recorded events: “takes” or “re-makes”) sometimes issued for a specific title, over time. That level of
detailed information is no longer available for most types of cylinder records.
Extant means “at least one playable copy exists, somewhere.”
Please note that it’s very tricky business to accurately extrapolate survival rates, in the absence of a
detailed and far-reaching census of current holdings. As human beings, collectors naturally have their
own special interests, preferences, biases, and misunderstandings. Truth and objectivity can be elusive, in
making projections of this sort.
The survival figures and percentages given in Table 1 convey my personal opinion, informed by
discussions with other veteran record collectors. The numbers are based on our study of record-industry
catalogs, together with decades of experience observing the trade in surviving cylinder records.

4.4.1 NAPCo-Era Edison Records

Between May 1889 and April 1892, the Edison Laboratory produced approximately 1,978 unnumbered
record titles. That early commercial output was followed by another 1,468 titles, issued between April
1892 and August 1894, in a Numerical Series of “Edison Records,” sold through NAPCo.
Virtually all of these soft brown-wax Edison/NAPCo records were played over and over, day and night, in
coin-slot machines installed in public phonograph parlors. After perhaps 200 plays, the worn-out
cylinders were discarded or recycled. That typical usage pattern explains the very low survival rate of
these early records. Today, we would be lucky to find just 3% of the catalog titles, carried on playable
Edison cylinders surviving from the NAPCo Period.
Now, it’s not always possible to determine, with certainty, exactly when a surviving brown-wax cylinder
record was recorded or duplicated. An artist who recorded a given title in 1890 can also have recorded
the same title a decade later. A good example is George W. Johnson’s “Laughing Song”—arguably the
most popular title of the 1890s. Johnson repeatedly performed that song for several NAPCo sub-
companies, between 1890 and 1894. He continued to record the piece on brown wax, for many different
cylinder brands, through 1902. Without a distinctive announcement, it can be hard to identify and date
these assorted recordings.

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Number of Titles Issued and Estimated Title Survival, for each
major brand of cylinder record distributed in the United States


of ISSUE TITLES Titles % Extant
1889-1894 NAPCo Edison Records all available listings 3,689 100 3%
1889-1894 NAPCo Local Companies all available listings 3,860 80 2%
1895-1902 17 small firms, taken together post-NAPCo brown wax 8,174 400 5%
1895-1902 Columbia P Records post-NAPCo brown wax 3,929 2,000 51%
1898-1902 Edison Records post-NAPCo brown wax 2,390 1,200 50%
standard-size 953 750 79%
1900-1905 Lambert Indestructible Records
Concert-size 125 80 64%
U.S. Popular 3,173 3,000 95%
1902-1912 Edison Gold Moulded Records Grand Opera 113 110 97%
Foreign 6,365 3,150 49%
1902-1909 Columbia XP Records U.S. Popular 2,224 1,800 81%
1907-1922 Indestructible Records all 1,598 1,590 99.5%
U.S. Popular 1,157 1,150 99%
1908-1912 Edison Amberol Records Concert and Grand Opera 212 210 99%
Foreign 1,709 900 53%
U.S. Popular 978 960 98%
1910-1913 U-S Everlasting Records Grand Opera 51 45 88%
Foreign 163 80 49%
U.S. Popular 4,198 4,196 99.95%
Concert 189 187 98.9%
1912-1929 Edison Blue Amberol Records
Royal Purple Amberols 77 77 100%
Foreign 1,705 730 43%
TOTALS: 47,032 22,795 48%

One or more of these criteria can help to identify cylinder records produced during the NAPCo era:
• a channeled end-rim (originally intended to accept a narrow paper ring, printed with title
information—though very few surviving examples are still so labeled)
• a spoken announcement that cites an Edison Record Number (from the Numerical Series of 1892-
• a typically lengthy announcement that includes the name of a NAPCo sub-company
• an accompanying original paper “record slip,” printed in a format and style used during the
NAPCo era, which can be clearly tied to a catalog title of the era
• a distinctive topical title listed in a NAPCo catalog but not listed in post-NAPCo catalogs.
Lacking such explicit identifying evidence, it’s tough to prove that a given cylinder record was actually
made during the NAPCo Period.
Genuine NAPCo-era records are exceedingly scarce artifacts. Their rarity all too often inspires collectors
and dealers to “age” their brown-wax records—erroneously believing or describing a fairly common post-
NAPCo cylinder to have been made years earlier than it actually was.

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Significance, Production, and Survival

4.4.2 Records Produced by NAPCo Local Companies

At least ten of the NAPCo sub-companies made their own records, but surviving cylinders can’t always
be ascribed to a specific franchisee. Sub-companies seeking to sell or trade records outside their assigned
geographic territories often omitted the company name from the title-and-artist announcement spoken at
the beginning of the recording.
The sampling of NAPCo-era sub-company record catalogs and supplementary lists now available for
study does not convey the full extent of the local-company output. The number of Issued Titles given in
Table 1 is accordingly understated.
The vast majority of the records made by the NAPCo local companies simply wore out, in coin-slot
service. Many parlors changed their “program” daily, to provide fresh selections for their patrons and
assure a high-quality listening experience. Operators were urged to replace records after no more than
two days of use. These policies assured the rapid destruction of most local-company cylinders.
For example, only one Louisiana Phonograph Company cylinder is known to exist, and it is now so worn
as to be barely decipherable. I’m aware of a couple records actually announced with the Michigan
Phonograph Company name. A smattering of possible Ohio Phonograph Company cylinders has been
reported. Columbia, New England, and New Jersey records are a bit more plentiful.
Phonograph exhibitors, who traveled from town to town, demonstrating the novelty of recorded
entertainment, may have unwittingly saved some of the sub-company records that survive today. The
very few private collectors active in the early 1890s may have retained other examples.
Unfortunately, I doubt that more than 2% of the sub-company titles are now extant.

4.4.3 Post-NAPCo Brown-Wax Records

Between 1895 and 1902, Columbia, Edison, and seventeen smaller firms issued at least 14,000 titles on
brown wax, in the United States.
That seemingly large number still doesn’t represent the total U.S. cylinder-title output during this period.
Other shoestring outfits briefly flourished, making their own cylinder records. We know their corporate
names, locations, and key personnel, but typically haven’t seen any of their catalogs and therefore lack a
good basis for estimating their title output.
Most post-NAPCo brown-wax records were sold directly to consumers, in the burgeoning home-
entertainment market. Many examples survive today because they were played mainly on Sunday
afternoons, when the family gathered with visiting relatives and friends, in the home parlor. As treasured
possessions, these records were generally treated with care and respect. They were not quickly “played to
death” the way NAPCo-era coin-slot records were.
The “big seller” titles distributed by Columbia and Edison turn up repeatedly today, but copies of their
slower selling titles have largely been lost to fungus, breakage, wear, etc. On average, it seems that
perhaps 50% of the Columbia and Edison brown-wax title output can still be found.
Lamentably, the 8,000 or so titles issued by seventeen independent companies have not fared so well.
Confirmed extant examples suggest a title-survival rate no higher than 5%. In fact, it seems that the
entire output of several small companies that each offered more than a thousand titles may now be lost.

4.4.4 Lambert Indestructible Records

Harbingers of durable molded products to come later, Lambert celluloid cylinders were manufactured on
a smaller scale than the contemporary wax records made by Columbia and Edison, and carry a similar

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Collectors tend to prize Lambert cylinders—particularly those dyed a bright pink color—as desirable
oddities among the commonplace celluloid cylinders colored blue or black. The rarely seen “Concert-
size” Lambert Indestructible Records were the only five-inch-diameter cylinders made of celluloid, rather
than wax. The collectibility and rising market value of Lambert records could be skewing their survival
rate toward higher percentages.

4.4.5 Edison Gold Moulded Records

The brand of wax cylinder most commonly found today, Edison Gold Moulded Records were distributed
by the tens of millions in the U.S. alone. Thirty million of these black-wax records had been sold in
Europe by January 1904—just two years after sales of the brand began.
Most of the titles in the U.S.-popular and Grand Opera series can eventually be found, through persistent
effort. However, many foreign-series titles cannot be located today.

4.4.6 Columbia XP Records

Columbia’s molded wax cylinders (at first brown, later black in color) may have initially been produced
in even greater numbers than the competing Edison Gold Moulded Records, yet Columbia XP Records
seem to have disappeared at a faster rate than the Edison product.
My impression is that Columbia’s metallic-soap compounds readily support fungal growth, under humid
conditions. Consequently, many Columbia cylinders may have been discarded as “ruined,” based on their
altered appearance. Ironically, it is possible for a moldy-looking Columbia XP Record to remain
somewhat playable, while the recording on a moldy Edison Gold Moulded Record is likely to be
destroyed, at the site “eaten” by fungus.
Perhaps the presence of Thomas Edison’s name and photo on virtually every Edison cylinder box made
past owners think twice before throwing away a group of Edison cylinders. “Lady Columbia” (the
trademarked graphic design employed on Columbia cylinder boxes) may not have carried the same
historical cachet.

4.4.7 Indestructible Records

The rugged celluloid cylinders manufactured by the Indestructible Phonographic Record Company have
survived well. Their particular construction is practically immune to splitting, even as the celluloid
Nearly all Indestructible Record titles can be found today.

4.4.8 Edison Amberol Records

Standard-size molded cylinders made after 1901, recorded at 160 RPM, had a playing time of
approximately two minutes—comparable to that of the 7-inch disc records in common use at that time.
However, the increasingly popular 10-inch discs could play for three minutes, and 12-inch discs could
approach 4½ minutes.
To compete with the perceived disc threat, Edison established a new type of cylinder, of the standard size,
but recorded at a groove pitch of 200 turns per inch (200 TPI), instead of the usual 100 TPI, thereby
doubling the playing duration. Edison needed a “very hard and tough” material for the 200-TPI record,
but he refused to pay for a license to use celluloid. Instead, he pushed his staff to develop a new, harder
metallic-soap compound.
When the Edison Amberol Record was first sold to the public, in October 1908, National Phonograph
Company advertisements boasted: “Amberol Records are the longest playing Records of any kind yet
produced.” (The company claimed a maximum playing time of four minutes and forty-five seconds.)

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Significance, Production, and Survival

Unhappily for Edison and the National Phonograph Company, the “Amberol wax” was not sufficiently
durable. While indeed quite hard, it was too brittle. Customers quickly found that Edison Amberol
Records wore prematurely, mistracked, and fractured all too easily. Mounting complaints from dealers
finally forced Edison to switch to celluloid, for the Edison Blue Amberol Record.
The technical shortcoming of the wax Amberol was linked to the relatively high forces and pressures
applied to the record groove by the mechanical reproducers employed on phonographs of the day. That
problem notwithstanding, the typical Edison Amberol Record was in fact expertly recorded. An unworn
wax Amberol carries remarkably high-fidelity sound, from an era when Edison catalogs proudly listed
acclaimed celebrities of the Broadway stage, leading opera houses, and the best bands and orchestras in
Though thousands of wax Amberols have been damaged, broken, and lost over the years, it’s still possible
to find virtually all U.S.-popular, Concert, and Grand Opera titles, in playable condition.
Among foreign-series wax Amberols surviving in North America, records in the British, German, and
French series are most common. Examples from the other 25 ethnic series are seldom seen. Many
foreign-series wax-Amberol titles were later duplicated as Blue Amberols, which increases the likelihood
of access to those recordings.

4.4.9 U-S Everlasting Records: Special-Case Data

The U-S Phonograph Company of Cleveland, Ohio was the last new venture to challenge Edison and
Columbia, in the cylinder field. Between 1910 and 1914, U-S Phonograph manufactured a line of
technically advanced phonographs and high-quality celluloid cylinder records.
Intrigued by the history and products of this plucky little company, I am attempting to acquire an example
copy for each of the 1,192 issued U-S Everlasting Record titles. This is no easy task, because a typical
population of 500 cylinder records might include just one U-S record. (U-S cylinders were produced in
much smaller quantities than Edison or Columbia cylinders.)
After 26 years of ardent search and acquisition, I have managed to gather examples for 93% of the
company’s popular-series titles. However, I have so far found just 57% of the U-S Grand Opera titles and
only 26% of the foreign-series titles.
Since they are based on known extant holdings, the above percentages serve as definitive low-end
baseline values for the title-survival rates of one brand (and type) of celluloid cylinder. They also
illustrate the relative difficulty of building a comprehensive collection of scarcer cylinder records, nearly
a century after the records were first sold.

4.4.10 Edison Blue Amberol Records

Despite being manufactured in smaller lots than their wax predecessors, Blue Amberols are by far the
most populous cylinders among all types and brands surviving in the 21st century. Edison had 13,000
dealers in 1912, when the Blue Amberol was introduced—meaning lots of shelves to stock. Seventeen
years of production and distribution spread these blue celluloid records far and wide.
Essentially all of the U.S.-popular and Concert series can be located (with some effort). Titles in certain
foreign series can be difficult to find, even more so than for the wax Amberol counterparts.
A Blue Amberol variant, having the celluloid dyed purple instead of blue, was issued between 1918 and
1921, as a follow-up to the earlier premium-priced Concert series. Edison Royal Purple Amberol Records
carry Grand Opera selections and other recordings by celebrity artists. Copies of all 77 Royal Purple
titles are known to exist today.

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5 Preservation Suggestions
Programs to make archival-quality audio extractions from cylinder records (before the original carriers
deteriorate further) can help to assure the long-term preservation of these vintage and historic recordings.
When prioritizing preservation activities for various types and series of cylinders, I suggest that attention
be given first to:
• vulnerable types most in danger of deterioration, coupled with
• series having the lowest title-survival percentages.
Those two criteria point strongly to the brown-wax records of the 1890s as the leading contenders for the
most urgent and careful processing.
Next in line should be molded wax cylinders, followed closely by the celluloid cylinders most prone to
catastrophic failure (splitting), such as U-S Everlasting Records.

6 Acknowledgements
I am grateful for the expert advice, helpful comments, and useful data provided by fellow collectors and
researchers: Tim Brooks, (the late) Bill Bryant, Mike Eert, Patrick Feaster, Allen Koenigsberg, Anna-
Maria Manuel, Kurt Nauck, Bert Pasley, and Ray Wile.

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