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English X 2. Letter Writing New

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Note :  

 Divide the Lecture into 2 parts. Give stress on Format, Layout, Tips etc. Explain

Types of Letters.
   Discuss about Type of Formal Letters and give atleast 2-3 solved examples of

   Some unsolved examples atleast 15-20 to be given for practice.

   This sample writing on the topic of letter writing is provided for your reference.

You can add your inputs to it.
Before the advent of modern technology made communication so easy, the art of writing
a letter was considered an important requirement. Even now-a-days a letter is an important
means of communication both at the workplace as well as in our personal lives. So let us
try and understand the nuances of letter writing.

Letter Writing
A letter is a written message that can be handwritten or printed on paper. It is usually
sent to the recipient via mail or post in an envelope.
Now that e-mails and text messages have become the norm for communication, the art
of letter writing has taken a backseat. However, even a lot of our communication, especially
the formal kind, is done via letters. Therefore, it is important that we know the intricacies
of letter writing.

Types of Letters
 Formal Letters
 Informal Letters
Formal Letters
These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. They are strictly kept professional in
nature and directly address the issues concerned. Any type of business, official or letter to
authorities fall within this category.
Writing a formal letter is a great way to engage with a topic you are passionate about and
to influence public opinion.

Informal Letter
They are personal letters. They need not follow any set pattern or adhere to any formalities.
They contain a personal information or are written conversation. They are generally written
to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc.

In class X, you get a question on Formal Letter / Complaint / Inquiry / placing an order /
Letter to the editor.

Tips for writing formal letters

1. Properly write your postal address, phone number or any other contact information.
2. Write a simple salutation
3. State the argument you are responding to, provide evidence and say what should be
4. Have a simple closing.
Sender’s address
Name and address of addresses
Body - Introduction, Content, Conclusion
Complimentary close
Signature of the sender
Designation of the sender
Marking Scheme
Content & Format :- 5 marks [includes date, subject, addresses and complimentary closing

Expression :- 3 marks [fluency and accuracy to be taken into account]

Types of Formal Letters
1. Complaint
Writing a formal letter of complaint remains an effective way to alert a company to a problem.
Before writing your letter gather all the information you need to include in your complaint.
Note : Give atleast 2 solved examples and 5 unsolved examples of this type
1. You bought a flat at Ganpati Apartments, Mathura. Within a period of two
months, you have started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and
ceilings, leaking sanitary fittings, lift getting stalled etc. Write a letter of com-
plaint in 100 – 120 words to the Works Manager. You are Nidhi.
Ans. A-9/GE
Ganpati Apartments

25 Feb 20××
The Works Manager
PQR Buildings
Sector 59
Subject : Complaint Regarding the Flat
Dear Sir,
I had bought a flat in the month of May from PQR Builders at Ganpati Apartments,
but I am very disappointed that the quality, that you had promised, has not been
Not even a year has passed and we have already started facing a lot of problems.
There is seepage in the walls and ceilings. The wall paint is peeling off and even
the sanitary fittings are leaking. But the greatest inconvenience is caused because
of the lift. It gets stalled every now and then and we, especially the senior citizens,
have to face a lot of problems.
We did not expect these kind of services from a renowned builder like you. Kindly
look into the matter and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
2. You are Mahima / Mahim of 37, Raj Nagar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Gen-
eral Manager J.T.C. complaining about inadequate bus service in your area and
requesting him to take urgent steps in the matter.
(Word limit 100 – 120 words) [8 Marks]
Ans. 37, Raj nagar
31 March 20××
The General Manager,
Subject : Complaint shortage of buses in your area.
I would like to inform you that in our area i.e., Raj Nagar the bus service is very
poor. Very few buses ply through our area which creates a lot of inconvenience to
the people. The area is a bit away and residents need to go to every part of the city.
Therefore, you are requested to arrange more buses in this area so that the people
do not face the problem of transportation.
I hope you will take some action and do the needful as soon possible.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
3. You are Ravi / Ravina. You bought a pair of shoes from M/s Shoe line, Halwasiya
Market, Rakabgani, Lucknow. On unpacking them you found to your surprise,
that both the shoe are meant for your right foot. Write a letter of complaint to
the Manager of M/s Shoe line, asking for replacement at their cost.
(word limit 100 – 120 words) [8 Marks]
Ans. 14, Napier Town,
27 March 20××
The Manager
M/s Shoe line,
Halwasiya Market
Rakabganj, Lucknow.
Subject : Complaint for Defective Pair of shoes.
I purchased a pair of shoes on the receipt no. 10579 from your shop on 25th May,
20××. It is of renowned brand and the item no. is S15. On unpacking the box at
home I found that both the shoes are of right foot.
I, therefore, request you to kindly replace the pair with a new one or refund the
I will be thankful if the matter can be attended to at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
2. Enquiry
An enquiry letter is written by a potential customer, on the looks out for a product or with
a desire to avail the service offered by a seller or an organization.
Note : Give atleast 2 solved examples and 5 unsolved examples of this type
You are Tripti, Head Girl of Guru Nanak girls Sr. Sec. School, Kanpur. Write

a letter to Dimple caterers, Motijheel, Kanpur to find out the rate for conduct-
ing the XII standard farewell party, enquiring about catering charges per head,
service charges and advance to be paid. (Word limit 100 – 120 words)
[8 Marks]
Guru Nanak Girls,
Sr. Sec. School
Lajpat Nagar
28 December 20××
Dimple Caterers
Subject : “Enquiring Charges”
We are conducting a farewell party for the students of class XIIth on 30th January,
20××. We want the details regarding your catering services. We wish to know the
number of items that will be provided by you, the services and the catering cost per
head. We will not in any way compromise on promise on the service and quality of
food. It should be the best.
Also inform us whether you will be providing snacks and soft drinks alongwith the
the food and if a sweet dish is included in your meal. If so, how many sweet dishes
will be provided to us. We will need you to arrange the snacks, soft drinks, food,
sweet dish, crockery etc. We request you to provide us with the best, prompt and
quick servicemen.
Send in your details with the price list at the earliest so that we can book our order.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Class XI-A)
You are Neeta / Naveen of 43, Ram Nagar, Meerut. You wish to join NDA coach-
ing classes. Write a letter to the director Akash classes, Kota enquiring about
the coaching classes for the next examination. Ask for all necessary details in
100 – 120 words. [8 Marks]
43, Ram Nagar,

26th January 20××
The Director,
Akash Classes,
Jaipur Road,
Subject : “Enquiry about the Coaching for NDA”
I have just passed class XII and now want to join NDA. I have come to know that
your institution gives coaching to qualify the admission test for NDA. I would like
to join the same. Kindly furnish me with the following details :
 The duration of the course

 The fees

 The qualification to join the the course (if any)

If you have any printed material or brochure on the same, kindly send it to me on
the above address.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
You are Sunita / Suraj 4 Grant Road, Dabar. You need accommodation for
yourself. Write a letter to the Manager of paying guest service, 15, Aditya
Complex Laxmi Nagar, Delhi, enquiring about the details such as type of
accommodation, montly charges, facilities provided etc.
4, Grant Road,

25th February 20××
The Manager
Paying Guest House,

Subject : “Enquiry About Accommodation”.
I am a resident of Dadar, Mumbai, and have joined coaching classes in Laxmi Nagar
Delhi. I want to enquire if there is a room available as an accommodation for a paying
guest in and around this area. If so, please let me know whether it is single or twin
sharing. Besides this, could you also send me the details regarding monthly charges
of boarding and lodging. Kindly also let me know if there is 24 hours power-supply,
mode of transport available and also if there is any shopping centre located close by.
Hope you would send me the details as soon as possible so that I could shift there
at the earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
3. Placing Order
An order letter is usually written to assign orders or place order of goods. The letter
is written in a very precise and specific manner. Order letters are quite common and
are written on daily basis. The language of the letter is formal and everything is
written in a standard format. If you need to write an order letter, make sure to keep
the language formal and easy so that reader does not find it difficult to read.
Note : Give atleast 2 solved examples and 5 unsolved examples of each
You are the librarian of Delhi Public School, Meerut. Write a letter to Oxford
University Press, Ghaziabad, placing an order for books. Mention at least 4 titles
of the books to be supplied immediately. Address yourself as Kalpana, (Word
limit 100 – 120 words)
Delhi Public School,
Bye-Pass Road,

2nd October 20××
The Manager
M/s Oxford University Press
Civil Lines
Subject : “Supply of books for the School Library”
Through this letter we wish to place a bulk order for the supply of books to our
school library.
The list of books with their particulars is attached herewith.
List Books :
S.No. Name of Books Authors or Publishers Copies required
1. History of India L. Prashad 20
2. Modern Trigonometry Bansi Lal 30
3. Modern Algebra S.K. Sen 25
4. The New Atlas of the World Frank Bros. 30
5. Wonder of India Bhisham 15
6. India Wins Freedom M.A.Q. Azad 10
We shall not settle for less than 20% discount on the purchase of the books. Besides,
we request you to give another 5% special discount that is usually granted to the
institutional buyers. It goes without saying that you will have to bear the mail and
other expenses involved in the dispatch and delivery of books.
The above books must reach us in proper condition not later than 25th November,
if our terms and conditions are acceptable to you.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
You are Ms. Monika Pundhir, the Sports Instructor in Army Public School, Agra.
The Principal asks you to place an order for buying necessary sports equipments
required, you decide to place an order to M/s Sethi sports, Jalandhar. Write a
letter placing an order for the same in 100 – 150 words. [8 Marks]
Army Public School,

6th July, 20××
M/s Sethi Sports
Rainak Bazaar
Subject : “Supply Of Sports Equipments For School”
Through this letter, our school wants to place a bulk order for the supply of sports
The list of particular are as follows :
1. Hockey Sticks — 15
2. Tennis Recquet — 20

3. Cricket Kits — 20
4. Tennis Ball — 10
5. Wickets —6
We request you to give 15% discount on the purchase of the sports equipments and
a further 10% discount that is usually granted to the institutional buyers. It goes
without saying that you will have to bear the mail and other expenses involved in
the dispatch and delivery of equipments.
The above equipments must reach us in proper condition by 15th July 20×× if our
terms and conditions are acceptable to you.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Monika Pundhir
(Sports instructor).
4. Letter to the Editor
A letter to the Editor may be written to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine. It
is written to highlight a social issue or problem. These letters are intended for pub-
lication and language used should be strictly formal. In such letters personal outlook
must be included but biased language should be avoided. Repetition of ideas must
be avoided. Word limit must be kept in mind.
Note : Give atleast 2 solved examples and 5 unsolved examples of each
You are Varun. You attended “Art of Living for Students” workshop organized
by your school’s Yoga Club. Write a letter in about 100 – 120 words to the
editor of the local daily expressing your views about the same. You can use the
hints given below.
 very beneficial programme
 teaches
 time management techniques
 coping with academic pressure
82, Civil Lines
New Delhi
9 March 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject : “Art of Living for Students”
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views
about the benefits of Art of Living for students. This programme is very beneficial
for student. I got the opportunity to attend it, which was organised by the school’s
yoga club. It teaches the techniques of time management. Moreover, how students
can cope up with academic pressure, was also taught.
In a nutshell, in my view every student should attend this workshop. Awareness to
students should be given by the authorities. I hope you would do the needful in the
interest of students.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Now-a-days, we see the rise in prices of edible things like pulses, onions, oils
and some other products. The layman is facing hardship on account of it. Write
a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a reputed daily requesting him to
highlight the difficulties faced by the common man due to the rise in prices.
Sign yourself as Pranjal/Praneeta living at 124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi
[Board Term-II, 2016, Set-2/1/1]8
124, Vivek Vihar
April 5, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject : “Rising Prices”
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to express my deep concern
regarding the rising prices. This inflation has made the life of a common man very
difficult. The worst hit are the fixed income groups like the salaried people, labour
class and the pensioners. For them, even the commodities of basic necessities like
wheat, pulses, grains, vegetables etc. are getting out of reach. Every increase in price
disturbs their budget.
The government should tackle this problem in the best possible way. The hoarders,
black marketers and profiteers should be dealt with severely. The public distribu-
tion system of rationing should be made more transparent and efficient. Moreover,
taxes on basic necessities should be reduced to bring down the contrast between the
wholesale and the retail prices. The policy decision makers should always keep the
layman in mind while making and executing policies.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Note : Unsolved examples you can add on your own
Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in your area are littered with

garbage. Not only the place is stinking but also is a health hazard. As miki/
Manish of 112, Laxmi Nagar, write a letter in 100–120 words to the editor of a
local newspaper informing the concerned authorities of the unhygienic conditions
and requesting them to take appropriate and necessary action in the matter.
[Board Term II, 2016, Set-2/1/2]8

Suggested Value Points :


 Road littered with garbage.


 Stinking smell poses great health hazard.


 Unhygienic conditions may lead to epidemic.


 Pollutes the environment.
  [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] 8

Detailed Answer :

112, Laxmi Nagar,
New Delhi

March, 5, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject : Littered Roads : A Health Hazard
Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in our area are littering with garbage.
If garbage heaps around in a residential area, they not only present an unpleasant
sight but also pose a great health hazard. This is precisely the problem in this part of
the capital which I seek to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities through
the columns of your reputed newspaper.
Since Rajendra Nagar is a relatively new locality, there are numerous vacant plots,
that are being invariably and insensitively used by the public to dump their garbage.
The stench in the air is unbearable, not to mention the peril of an outbreak of
infectious diseases.
Attempts to counsel the people on the importance of community hygiene are being
counter-argued, i.e., that in the absence of proper dumping sites or dustbins, vacant
spots are their only option.
It is important that both the public as well as the authorities should take up a collective
responsibility to maintain a clean environment and contribute towards the common
I hope this letter of mine will awake the concerned authorities, who, in turn will
take necessary action at the earliest to safeguard the residents from any epidemic.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully


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