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A. Summary: The Nike commercial “Dream Crazy” appeared first on Youtube on
September 5th of 2018 and is shown different athletes who have overcome odds for many years.
Also, “Dream Crazy” contains the Marxist term of classism along with logos, pathos and ethos
rhetorical devices created by a Greek Philosopher, Aristotle. These rhetorical devices are used to
persuade others to believe certain points of view, and are normally used by authors in
B. THESIS STATEMENT: Nike’s “Dream Crazy” commercial claims that all the
people can become the best athletes no matter if they are different than others, but Nike has
issues by putting as a narrator Colin Kaepernick; Nike utilized Marxism to show the audience
how many athletes may feel classified. Also, Nike take advantage of ethos, logos and pathos and
the fallacy appeal to questionable authority, which creates an impulsive reaction of the meaning
of the commercial; thus, “Dream Crazy” serves as a motivation for people with difficulties to
accomplish their dreams.

Topic Sentence: Nike’s “Dream Crazy” commercial is narrated by Colin
Kaepernick and shows 16 different athletes with different stories of how they become
the bests in their sport.
1. Evidence: The commercial is addressing the general public, since it shows kids,
young adults, and adults that have overcome odds (“Dream Crazy” 00:00:07-
2. Summary: Nike claims that being different is what makes people the best. Also,
all the athletes in the ad are the best in what they do, not because they are similar to
other athletes, it is because they are different. Kaepernick gives a strong sense of
ethos to the commercial when he narrates the ad. However, critics may say that
Nike’s commercial is irrelevant, because is showing an NFL athlete that is been
controversial for kneeling during the U.S. national anthem.
3. Transition: On the other hand, others may think that ethos transmitted
sentiments that make the ad relevant.

Topic Sentence: By utilizing a Marxist lens people can identified how athletes are
been classified in the commercial “Dream Crazy.”
1. Evidence: According to Karl Marx, classism “is an ideology that equates
one’s value as a human being with the social class to which one belongs [...]
people at the top are more intelligent, more responsible [...] people at the bottom
of the social scale [...] are naturally shiftless, lazy, and irresponsible (Tyson 56).
For example, in the video “Dream Crazy” Colin Kaepernick said, “And if you’re
a girl from Compton, don’t just become a tennis player. Become the greatest
athlete ever” (“Dream Crazy” 00:01:38- 00:01:46).
2. Analysis: Basically, Serena Williams was classified by people in the past
because she was from Compton a city in southern Los Angeles county. People
used to tell her that she was not going to be able to become a professional tennis
player, because she was from Compton. Nike is showing this in its commercial to
demonstrate the reality of our society.
3. Warrant: Our society believes because people that have money can be better
athletes than those who are not wealthy. However, that is not true since all the
athletes shown in the “Dream Crazy” commercial are different than the majority
of people, which made them the best athletes in the world. This indicates that
been different is the key to be successful.
4. Transition: In the other hand, others may think that ethos transmitted
sentiments that make the ad relevant.
Topic sentence: In the article, “Marxist Criticism,” by Ashley Jean Granillo comes the
definition of this Karl Marx ideology.
1. Evidence: As stated in the article, when an “individual’s consciousness is
determined by their class, or mode of production [...] when an individual becomes
aware of the inequalities between themselves and the bourgeoisie, a revolution
arises” (Granillo 13). The athletes shown in the “Dream Crazy” commercial
became aware of this before they were professional athletes. The motivated all
these athletes to become the bests of the world. For example, Colin Kaepernick
said, “If you’re born a refugee, don’t let it stop your from playing soccer for the
National Team” (“Dream Crazy” 00:01:02- 00:01:08).
2. Analysis: This means that one of the athletes shown in the video felt that
sense of Individual consciousness. However, that did not stopped the athlete to
become on of the best soccer player in the world.
3. Warrant: Our society needs to get rid of the idea, that only people with
money can become the best. People need to think positive no matter how difficult
it is to become a good athlete. This commercial can impact the viewers if they see
the add from this point of perspective.
4. Transition: In the other hand, others may think that ethos transmitted
sentiments that make the ad relevant.
Topic Sentence: Ethos is utilized by Nike in the ad to establish trustworthiness.
1. Evidence: In the article, “Rhetorical Dimensions of Teaching Effectiveness,”
comes the definition of this rhetorical device. The author, Linda Timmerman said,
“Ethos involves persuasion achieved by the speaker’s personal character, which
makes him believable” (1). In the commercial, “Dream Crazy” Colin Kaepernick
is the voice that gives that sense of ethos to the ad. For example, Colin
Kaepernick said “Don’t believe you have to be like anybody, to be somebody”
(“Dream Crazy” 00:00:56- 00:01:00).
2. Analysis: The fact that Kaepernick is in the commercial, it gives credibility to
what he said because he is a public figure. Also, Kaepernick is an example that
everything is possible no matter in the consequences.
3. Warrant: In addition, Kaepernick voice is trying to build trust with the audience
to make clear that nothing is unattainable. This rhetorical device is important since it motivates
the viewers and give them confidence to achieve their dreams.
4. Transition: But, this is not the only rhetorical mode utilized by the brand.

Topic Sentence: Nike uses logos in the commercial to try to persuade the viewers
with logic. Logos is an appeal to logic and it depends on facts to persuade the audience.
1. Evidence: In the video, “Dream Crazy” Nike show different athletes that
have disabilities and that have become the best in their sport. For example, Shaquem
Griffin does not have one hand, and he is part of the Seattle Seahawks (“Dream Crazy”
00:01:31- 00:01:37).
2. Analysis: By giving this example, Nike indicates that there is no excuses to
not give your best everyday. In the same way, it is a way to advertise Nike because the
athlete was wearing the brands clothes. Furthermore, the author of the commercial is
giving histories and facts, so that the audience believes the main point of the brand.
3. Warrant: However, the goal of the commercial is to show people with
disabilities or with any kind of difficulties that anything is possible if you work hard.
4. Transition: On the other hand, emotions were used a lot in the commercial.

Topic Sentence: The commercial “Dream Crazy” contains the rhetorical devices
pathos. Pathos elicits feelings that already reside in an audience.
1. Evidence: Colin Kaepernick states in the commercial, “Don’t ask if your dreams
are crazy. Ask if they’re crazy enough” (“Dream Crazy” 00:01:50- 00:01:54).
2. Analysis: Basically, Kaepernick is saying that every person can have simple
dreams; however, it has to be really crazy that can take every person to his or her highest levels,
just to accomplish that dream. Nike is giving that sense of hope to those who are attempting to be
champions, for people who want to be successful. However, it does not necessarily means that is
just for athletes, it is dedicated for people who suffer from racism too. Furthermore, this is not a
simple commercial. It is a campaign called “Dream Crazy”.
3. Warrant: By creating this commercial Nike built a stronger connection with the
public that had positive and negative effects.
4. Transition: In contrast, critics may have different beliefs about the ad.

Topic Sentence: Talking about negative effects, Nike lost credibility in another
words ethos. Ethos is an appeal to ethics and it depends on credibility.
1. Evidence: In the Nike commercial Colin Kaepernick said that “Believe in
something even if it means sacrificing everything” (“Dream Crazy” 00:01:20- 00:01:23).
2. Analysis: The essence of Kaepernick’s argument is that to change the world
humans have to sacrifice something. For example, Kaepernick sacrificed his own football
career just as a protest of racial inequality. This words were an inspiration for millions of
3. Warrant: Although not all the people think alike, some of them will probably
dispute that it is disrespectful for the American flags because Kaepernick was kneeling
during the national anthem. In addition, it is disrespectful for those who fought in the
past, according to critics.
4. Transition: Not to mention this commercial is known for his fallacies too.

Topic Sentence: The “Dream Crazy” commercial contains appeal to questionable
authority, which is a type of fallacy.
1. Evidence: Fallacy is a reasoning “trick” that people or brands utilize to persuade
the audience to accept a point or conclusion. The author is utilizing the fallacy appeal to
questionable authority by putting Kaepernick as the narrator (“Dream Crazy” 00:00:03-
2. Analysis: In other words, by utilizing a public figure, the viewers may find what
that person is saying more credible, because a famous person is saying it. In the other hand, if a
regular non-famous person tries to do the same, most people may not listen to that person since is
not recognized for what they do.
3. Warrant: Strategies like this one are often utilize by brand to try to persuade
people to buy products, in this case to make a change.
4. Transition: However, viewers that have knowledge about fallacies are able to
identify them in ads.
A. Re-stated thesis: In the same way, such rhetorical devices and fallacies were utilized
by Nike in the commercial “Dream Crazy” to present that disabilities or race are not an obstacles
for humans. Nike discusses in the ad that people can be whatever they want to be, if they push
themselves to their limits. However, many people got upset because Nike utilized a controversial
athlete in their video. In other words, they believe that a controversial athlete cannot make
people reflect, because of what they did in the past. Also, many athletes can feel classified due to
Marxism. In the other hand, many people felt motivated and passionate about the ad since ethos,
pathos, and logos were used to persuade the audience. Also, the fallacy that Nike is using in the
commercial of putting famous athletes gives more credibility to the main point of the brand.
B. Brief summary of main ideas: Society should know more about rhetorical modes and
fallacies since brand utilized them to persuade people to buy their products or to give them ideas.
Many brands utilize fallacies and people do not identify them because they have no knowledge
about the types of fallacies that exist.
C. Reflection/Call for action: In short, people can find this commercial relevant,
because the real purpose of it, is to encourage people to give their maximum every day.
Ultimately, commercials like Nike should be made more often, since gives the viewers new
motives to succeed.

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