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FDG-Droid Tech #1 - Sentry Droid

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Fat Dragon Games

About the Author

Tom Tullis has worked as a freelance aviation artist and technical illustrator for 15 years and has illustrated over 100 books
on aeronautics. He brings that experience to the Starship Tech and Droid Tech series applying his vast knowledge of real world
aeronautical systems to create realistic starship and robotic designs. Tom has been an avid RPG player & gamemaster for 25
years and is the president of Fat Dragon Games.

COVER: SR-75A (Block 10) Sentry Droid.


Model SR-75B (Block 30)


SR-75 Series Overview

The SR-75 series of sentry droids is pro-

duced by Standard Robotics Inc. with
Hughes Microtechnologies acting as pri-
mary supplier for the onboard sensor pack-
age. The original SR-75A production unit
was hailed as a major advance in the com-
pany’s droid product line - cheap, effective
and easily maintained.

Increasing request from customers regard-

ing custom enhancements for the armor of
the units resulted in a production upgrade in
the middle of the block 20 production line.
Block 25 and higher units (designated SR-
75B models) featured better armor plating
in response to customer input.

The success of the line eventually resulted

in a much anticipated military order. This
model would be based on the SR-75B frame
but would feature better armor, additional
weaponry and an artificial intelligence
upgrade. A single FSD (Full Scale
Development) prototype was created for
this order. After initial testing it was decid-
ed to enhance the unit’s offensive capabili-
ties by pushing a new Standard Robotics
Inc. prototype laser carbine into production
for use on the military order. The military
version was introduced on the production
line at the block 45 stage and became
known as the SR-75C series. The SR-75C
maintained the mounted laser pistol on the
unit’s right forearm, and the new laser car-
bine was mounted on the droid’s torso to the
left of the video system.

The models are easily distinguishable by

the color of their armor plating. The original
block 5, 10, 15 and 20 series of units were
white, the block 25, 30, 35 and 40 units
were a blue-gray and the block 45 military
order was a smoke-gray color per a request
in the military contract (the original FSD
unit was black.)

Design Configuration
1-M2911A-1 Laser Pistol
2-ANR-226 Radar (short range)
3-Hughes VT-7 Video System
4-Hughes ST-2 Audio and Olfactory Sensor Suite
5-SR-A55 Armor
6-Mod II Grip Array
7-SR-Q26 Mobility System


Standard Robotics SR-75 (PL6)

SR-75A System Description:
Frame: Biodroid.
Locomotion: Legs (2, speed-enhanced).
CR 1; Medium Construct; HD 1d10+10; hp 20; Mas-;
Manipulators: Hands (2).
Init +1; Spd 25 ft.; Defense 14 (+3 equipment, +1
Armor: Duraplastic Armor.
Dex); touch 11; flatfooted 13; BAB 0; Grp +2; Atk +2
Sensors: Class IIIa.
melee (1d3+2 non lethal, 2 hands) or +1 ranged (2d8
Skill Software: Listen skill progit (4 ranks), Search
laser pistol); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct
skill progit (4 ranks), Spot skill progit (4 ranks)
traits; AL owner; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 0;
Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency progit
Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 12, C -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1.
Ability Upgrades: Dexterity Upgrade (+2)
Accessories: AV Transmitter, Magnetic Feet, Weapon
Purchase DC: 27
Restrictions: Licensed (+1)
Skills: Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Equipment: M2911A-1 Laser Pistol (mounted)


CR 1; Medium Construct; HD 1d10+10; hp 20; Mas-;

Init +1; Spd 25 ft.; Defense 19 (+8 equipment, +1
Dex); touch 11; flatfooted 18; BAB 0; Grp +2; Atk +2
melee (1d3+2 non lethal, 2 hands) or +1 ranged (2d8
laser pistol); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct
traits; AL owner; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 0;
Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 12, C -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1.

Purchase DC: 28
Restrictions: Restricted (+2)
Skills: Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Equipment: M2911A-1 Laser Pistol (mounted)

System Description:
Frame: Biodroid.
Locomotion: Legs (2, speed-enhanced).
Manipulators: Hands (2).
Armor: Duralloy Armor.
Sensors: Class IIIa.
Skill Software: Listen skill progit (4 ranks), Search
skill progit (4 ranks), Spot skill progit (4 ranks)
Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency progit
Ability Upgrades: Dexterity Upgrade (+2)
Accessories: AV Transmitter, Magnetic Feet, Weapon

Model SR-75C FSD Prototype


CR 2; Medium Construct; HD 1d10+10; hp

20; Mas-; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 20 (+9
equipment, +1 Dex); touch 11; flatfooted 19;
BAB 0; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (1d3+2 non
lethal, 2 hands) or +1 ranged (2d8 laser pistol)
or +1 ranged (2d12 laser carbine) or +1 ranged
(2d8 laser pistol) and -4 ranged (2d12 laser
carbine) or +1 ranged (2d12 laser carbine) and
-4 ranged (2d8 laser pistol); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.;
Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct traits; AL owner; SV
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 14,
Dex 12, C -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 1.

Purchase DC: 29
Restrictions: Military (+3)
Skills: Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Equipment: M2911A-1 Laser Pistol (mounted) and
X25 Laser Carbine (mounted)

System Description:
Frame: Biodroid.
Locomotion: Legs (2, speed-enhanced).
Manipulators: Hands (2).
Armor: Duralloy Plus Armor.
Sensors: Class IIIa.
Skill Software: Listen skill progit (4 ranks), Search
skill progit (4 ranks), Spot skill progit (4 ranks)
Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency progit
Ability Upgrades: Dexterity Upgrade (+2)
Accessories: AV Transmitter, Magnetic Feet, Weapon
Mount (2).

Model SR-75C (Block 45)

Class IIIa Sensor System (PL 5)

This sensor system includes a video camera with I.R. capability, an audio receiver, a basic chemical sniffer, and a
short range radar unit. A robot with this sensor package gets +1 equipment bonus on initiative checks.

Type: Audio, Olfactory, Visual

Purchase DC: 18

Duralloy Plus Armor (PL 6)

Duralloy Plus is an improved formulation of standard Duralloy. The armor gives better protection and is lighter
resulting in a smaller speed penalty.

Equipment Bonus: +9
Weight: One-quarter of the weight of the robot’s frame (rounded down).
Speed Penalty: -5 feet.
Purchase DC: 11 plus one-half the base purchase DC of the robot’s frame.
Restriction: None

X25 Laser Carbine (PL 6)

Damage: 2d12; Critical: 20; Damage Type: Fire; Range Increment: 60 feet; Rate of Fire: S; Magazine: 50 box;
Size: Medium; Weight: 6 lb.; Purchase DC: 18; Restriction: Mil (+3)

Also from Fat Dragon Games...

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Droid Tech: SR-75 Sentry Droid Copyright 2005, Tullis Aviation Art, Ltd.
Fat Dragon Games is a product line owned by Tullis Aviation Art, Ltd.
All CGI renders Copyright 2005 Thomas A. Tullis

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