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Para Jumbles - 2019

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Comprehensive Placement Training – 2019

Department of Communication and Soft Skills

Para Jumbles
A. That begins with bringing in data and analytics-based insights about what really matters to
customers and how best to deliver it tothem
B. To not only stay in the game but capture new sources of value, incumbents will need to
reinvent their customerexperience
C. Some companies fail to capture the full benefits of their improvement efforts because they
concentrate on optimizing individual touch points rather than tackling the customer experience as
customers actually experience it a complete journey that cuts across multiple functions and
D. Digital is reshaping customer experience in almost everysector
E. disrupting the ways that companies and customers interact and setting a high bar for
simplicity, personalization andinteractivity
F. Digital-first attackers are entering markets with radically newoffers,


A. The idea needs to be nipped in the bud. Instead of more bank finance for long-gestation
projects, what we need is a thriving corporate bond market, arm’s-length financing and multiple
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake in thesenew
C. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of wholesale banks that
provide long-term finance for infrastructure and Greenfieldprojects,
D. Also, the licenses are to be available ‘on tap’, so as to boost supply of loanablefunds
E. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale and long-term
finance banks be the same as those for a ‘universal bankinglicense’
F. with a minimum capital requirement of Rs

1,000crorea.CAFEBD b.CAFBDE c.CFAEBD


A. But it makes sense to think of it as a prudent and affordable insurancepolicy.
B. This should make us think about smart, alternativesolutions.
C. But one such alternative, geoengineering, is a solution that manypeople
refuse to entertain.
D. Geoengineering means deliberately manipulating the Earth’sclimate.
E. Even climate activists increasingly recognize that the lofty rhetoric of the
global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, concluded in Parisjust
over a year ago, will not be matched by its promises’ actual impact on
F. It seems like something from science fiction.


A. Instead of more bank finance for long-gestation projects, what we need is a thrivingcorporate
bond market, arm’s-length financing and multiplevetting.
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake in these new
C. Also, the licenses are to be available ‘on tap’, so as to boost supply of loanablefunds.
D. The idea needs to be nipped in thebud.
E. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of wholesale banks that
provide long-term finance for infrastructure and Greenfield projects, with a minimum capital
requirement of Rs 1,000 crore.
F. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale and long-term
finance banks be the same as those for a ‘universal bankinglicense’,


A. Most of the 40 amendments proposed have nothing to do with Article 110(1) of the
Constitution, defining a Money Bill: related to changes in taxation, spending of taxpayer money,
changes in Central or state accounting,etc.
B. Many of these amendments are ridiculous. The merging of tribunals is devoid of rationale.
C.The government’s move to tag substantive amendments, many of the 40 relating to diverse
aspects of regulation and representation, on to the Finance Bill is an unwelcome blow to the
heart of Indian democracy.
D. The government’s claim that these diverse amendments can be lumped together as a Money
Bill, outside the scrutiny of the Rajya Sabha, where the BJP is in a minority, holds nowater.
E. By incorporating these amendments, which include subjects as diverse as the mandatory
necessity of Aadhaar numbers for income-tax returns, removing transparency in political
donations and government meddling in the process of appointing appellate tribunals, the Bill
seeks to bypass broaderparliamentary
scrutiny and debate.


A. State-owned LIC is widely invested in many listed companies and should acquire the
capability to take a view on business strategy, performance or approach to risks in aninvestee
B. Ditto for all otherinsurers.
C. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has done well to ask all
insurers to publicly disclose their voting policies in companies where they holdstakes.
D. The need is for LIC to play an active role to understand how businesses are run and enter into
a dialogue with the board for betteroversight.
E. The directive, part of IRDAI’s guidelines on a stewardship code, will help raise corporate
governance and returns.
F. It is also in sync with the principles adopted by institutional investors such as mutual funds,
pension’s funds and foreign portfolio investors, this iswelcome.


A. A similar stand has been taken for tighter emission norms for power plants aswell.
B. It is welcome that the government did not back down on the decision to switch over to
tougher emission norms codified as Bharat Stage IV (BS-IV) forautomobiles.
C. This changeover was announced years ago and industry had plenty of time to switch
production lines and be compliant by thedeadline.
D. This is all to thegood.
E. When the time comes for the automobile industry to switch over to BS-VI, on April 1,2020,
industry will know that the goalpost would not shift and will be ready with compliant vehicles
probably ahead ofschedule.
F. If it thought it could game the system and blackmail the government with tales of inventory
build-up that would be a dead loss, it thoughtwrong.


A. It would make sense to deploy advances in imaging technology, ranging from holography to
virtual/augmented reality at or near sites that are difficult to reach or too fragile to be exposedto
the prying eyes and phone cameras of visitinghordes.
B. That governments, central and state, are moving away from that model is welcomenews.
C. The breathtaking rock-cut temples at Ajanta and Ellora, world heritage sites inAurangabad
district, Maharashtra, are a ready candidate for suchembellishment.
D. For long, governments have succumbed to threatened shocks to the system, such as a spurt in
unemployment and opted to let implementationslide.
E. Tourism cannot just earn foreign exchange from visitors from abroad but also educateIndia’s
own people about the richness and diversity of its cultural heritage, creating the sensibility of
tolerance and accommodation a prosperous India callsfor.
F. For too long, the Indian approach has been to frame laws and observe them more in thebreach


A. And yet, as disagreeable as the outcomes may have been so far, we must continue to focuson
the Arab Spring uprisings, in order to uncover their rootcauses.
B. Like any landmark event, they have posed new and difficultquestions.
C. But waning interest in the Arab uprisings reflects a deeper shift: hope for new, more
representative political systems has given way to despair, as expectant revolutions havemorphed
into counter-revolution, civil war, failed states, and intensifying religiousextremism.
D. The sixth anniversary of the Arab Spring uprisings this year came and went largelyunnoticed.
E. And one of the most important is why economists failed to anticipate theunrest.
F. Unlike in previous years, there was no torrent of commentary about the tumultuous events that
shook the Arab world and seemed to promise a transformation of its politics, Of course, novelty
wears off overtime.


A. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have started to
replace taxi drivers.
B. The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the European Parliament
prepared by MEP MadyDelvaux from the Committee on Legal Affairs.
C. AndDoordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving vehicles, is replacing
restaurant delivery people.
D. The public reaction to Delvaux’s proposal has been overwhelmingly negative, with the
notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it.
E. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand, In just the past year, we have seen the
proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo Dot (Alexa), which replace
some aspects of household help.
F. Emphasizing how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that there might be a
“need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the extent and proportion of the
contribution of robotics and AI to the economic results of a company for the purpose of taxation
and social security contributions.”


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