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Notes On Valuation Approaches

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C. Valuation of Machinery and 2.

Where they are valued for removal,

Equipment: any allowance made for the costs of
decommissioning, removal, and possible
reinstatement following removal, and
C.1 Assumptions: which party is to bear those costs.

The most appropriate basis of 3. Factors such as finite sources or raw

value is Market Value. However, Market materials, the limited life of the
Value simply stipulates that an buildings or limited tenure of the land
exchange is assumed to take place on an and buildings housing the plant, and
arm’s length basis between statutory restrictions or environmental
knowledgeable and willing parties; it is legislation can also have a significant
silent as to how the particular asset is to impact on the value of plant and
be presented for sale or any of the other equipment.
specific circumstances that could have a
C.3 Approaches to Valuation:
fundamental effect on the valuation
Valuations of plant, machinery
When undertaking a valuation of
and equipment can be carried out using
plant, machinery and equipment, the
any of the following approaches:
Valuer must therefore, establish and
state the additional assumptions that 1. Sales Comparison Approach.
are appropriate, having regard to the
- Due to the lack of direct sales
nature of the asset and the purpose of
evidence the use of the sales comparison
the valuation.
approach is often limited to individual
1. That the plant, machinery and freestanding machines such as
equipment are valued as a whole, insitu generators, and motor vehicles.
(in place) and as part of the business as
2. Cost Approach
a going concern. (Value for Continued
Use) - Machinery and Equipment
valuations are usually carried out using
2. That the plant, machinery and
the Depreciated Replacement Cost
equipment are valued in-situ but on the
approach to reach a valuation
assumption that the business is closed.
3. That the plant, machinery and
- International Guidance Note
equipment are valued as individual
No.8 provides guidance in the use of the
items for removal from their current
Cost Approach for Financial Reporting.
It states that depreciated replacement
C.2 Other Factors that Can Affect the cost is an application of the cost
Market Value of Plant, Machinery and approach used in assessing the value of
Equipment. specialized assets for financial reporting
purposes, where direct market evidence
1. The costs of installation and
is limited. In the absence of direct
commissioning where plant, machinery
market evidence depreciated
and equipment are valued in situ.
replacement cost is regarded as an
acceptable method of determining value
and since the publication of the IVS
seventh edition (2005) depreciated
replacement cost is recognized as a
market-based methodology.
3. Insurance Valuations
- It is recognized that where the
cost approach is adopted for valuations
for insurance purposes, the approach
and assumptions used will be different
to those adopted when undertaking
valuations for financial reporting. The
valuation conclusion using the cost
approach for insurance valuations will
therefore not equate to Market Value.

4. Income capitalization
- In practice, this approach in the
valuation of machinery and equipment
is not adopted. It is recognized that it is
rarely possible to identify an income
stream and allocate it to individual
assets. As a result, it is generally very
difficult, if not impossible, to determine
values for individual assets by reference
to the income approach.

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