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Topic: Probate Proper Topic: Proof When Will Is Contested

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(85) Testate Estate of Felicidad Esguerra handwriting of the deceased can be determined by
Alto-Yap. Fausto Gan the probate court.
Topic: Probate Proper
(87) Federico Azaola v. Cesario Singson
QUICK FACTS: Upon the death of Felicidad Yap, Topic: Proof when Will is Contested
Fausto Gan initiated a probate proceeding seeking
the probate of the holographic will allegedly QUICK FACTS: Upon the death of Fortunata, Maria
executed by Felicidad. This petition was opposed Azaola was made her sole heir. Following such
by Felicidad’s surviving husband, Ildefonso death, the witness, Francisco Azaola, testi ied that
stating that she did not leave any will, nor he and his wife was handed the holographic will
executed any testament during her lifetime. The and last saw it one month, more or less, before the
will itself was not presented. However, Gan testator’s death. The witness claims that he knows
presented witnesses to testify to the due execution the signature of the testator. The probate was
of the alleged holographic will. The Court herein opposed by Singson stating that the testator did
ruled that it cannot apply the provisions of the not intend the instrument to be her last will, and
Civil Code (Succession) and that of the Rules of that the same was actually written either on the
Court regarding handwriting of the deceased 5th or 6th day of August 1957 and not on
because Gan failed to present the will itself. November 20, 1956. The Trial Court denied
probate on grounds: under Article 811 of the
DOCTRINE: The execution and the contents of a Civil Code, the proponent must present three
lost and destroyed holographic will may not be witnesses who could declare that the will and
proved by the bare testimony of witnesses who the signature are in the writing of the testatrix.
have seen and/or read such will. Petitioner argued that he is not bound to produce
more than one witness because the authenticity of
(86) In the Matter of the Petition to Approve the will was not questioned. The Supreme Court
the Will of Ricardo B. Bonilla Deceased, held that The Court found that since the
Marcela Rodelas, petitioner-appellant vs. authenticity of the will was not contested, he was
Amparo Aranza, et al., oppositors-appellees, not required to produce more than one witness;
Atty. Lorenzo Sumulong, intervenor but even if the genuineness of the holographic will
Topic: Probate Proper were contested, Article 811 does not require the
compulsory presentation of 3 witnesses.
QUICK FACTS: Upon the death of Ricardo Bonilla,
appellant herein iled for probate of his DOCTRINE: The presentation of 3 witness is not
holographic will. The petition was opposed by mandatory in holographic cases and in case of
appellees, Amparo, Wilferine, and Expedita absence of competent witnesses, the court may
Bonilla. The appellees allege that, among other resort to handwriting experts.
things, the holographic will itself and not an
alleged copy thereof, must be produced, otherwise (88) Maloles II v. Phillips
it would produce no effect. The Court herein held Topic; When the Testator is the Petitioner
that the photostatic or xerox copy of the lost or
destroyed holographic will may be admitted QUICK FACTS: Arturo Delos Santos iled before
because then the authenticity of the handwriting Makati City Branch 61 for probate of his will in
of the deceased can be determined by the probate 1995. He declared that he has no compulsory heirs
court and named Arturo Delos Santos Foundation, Inc.
as the sole devisee and legatee. He also named
DOCTRINE: The photostatic or xerox copy of the Pacita De Los Reyes Phillips as the executrix. The
lost or destroyed holographic will may be trial court accepted the will for probate. 10 days
admitted because then the authenticity of the later, he died. Pacita then filed for motion for 1/7
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issuance of letters testamentary before Branch will and testament of Jose Vano before the CFI of
61 but withdrew the said motion and Cebu and likewise asked to be appointed as
transferred the same to Branch 65. This was administrator. Paz Vano, the cousin of Teodoro
opposed by Maloles II contending that he is the iled an opposition stating that such will was
next in kin, being the nephew of Arturo - he should procured by undue and improper pressure and
be administrator. Judge Abad Santos of Branch 65 in luence, Teodoro is not an acknowledged natural
issued an order transferring the motion iled by child of the deceased, Jose was mentally incapable
Pacita to Branch 61 on the ground that since the of making the will, and that the deceased signature
probate proceeding started in Branch 61, then it was procured through fraud and trickery.
should be the same court which should hear However, three witnesses attested to Jose’s
Pacita’s motion since probate proceedings soundness of mind when he made the will. The
continues until distribution of the estate. Branch Supreme Court held that the will should be
61 however refused to consolidate and referred probated. The Court found credence in the fact
the case back to Branch 65 on the ground that that Jose Vano was suffering from advanced
there is no pending case relating to the said estate pulmonary tuberculosis as well as rheumatism
since the probated proceeding was already done when he was signing the will, hence the apparent
and inal. The Court held that after the allowance discrepancy in the two signatures presented.
of the will of Dr. De Santos on February 16, 1996,
there was nothing else for Branch 61 to do except DOCTRINE: Before the probate court can allow
to issue a certi icate of allowance of the will the will, it must be satis ied upon proof taken and
pursuant to Rule 73, 12 of the Rules of Court as he iled that the will was duly executed, and that the
was still living and succession has not taken place testator at the time of its execution was of sound
yet. and disposing mind and not acting under duress,
menace, and undue in luence, or fraud. When the
DOCTRINE: Ordinarily, probate proceedings are genuineness of the testator’s signature is put in
instituted only after the death of the testator, so issue, his age, in irmity, and state of health should
much so that, after approving and allowing the be given due consideration.
will, the court proceeds to issue letters
testamentary and settle the estate of the testator. (90) In the matter of the last will and
The cases cited by petitioner are of such nature. In testament of Jose Vaño v. Vda. de Garces, et. al.
fact, in most jurisdictions, courts cannot entertain (Supra)
a petition for probate of the will of a living testator Topic: Sufficiency of Evidence
under the principle of ambulatory nature of wills. ·
It is far easier for the courts to determine the DOCTRINE/RULING: It must be noted as well
mental condition of a testator during his lifetime that on December 11th of the same year when he
than after his death. Fraud, intimidation and executed Exhibit "A", he was suffering from
undue in luence are minimized. Furthermore, if a apparently advanced pulmonary tuberculosis as
will does not comply with the requirements well as rheumatism which according to Dr.
prescribed by law, the same may be corrected at Osmundo Rama who had been treating him until
once. the day he died. With the situation of the testator
at that time, It is natural that his signatures on
(89) In the matter of the last will and Exhibit "A" should lack the irmness, rhythm, lack
testament of Jose Vaño v. Vda. de Garces, et. al. of effort and continuity of motion that they had
Topic: Oppositor’s evidence not limited to grounds before he became quite ill and in irm. Examining
alleged in the opposition the signatures on Exhibit "A", the original of the
will, and those on "3-A", a carbon copy thereof, it
QUICK FACTS: Jose vano died on January 28, will be readily observed that while the signatures
1950. Teodoro Vano petitioned for probate the last on the original are already in irm, rough and 2/7
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jagged, suggesting a hand in irm and trembling, for bacillus leprosy according to Dr. Antonio Garcia
those on the duplicate (Exhibit "3-A") are still and an expert from the NBI who con irmed that
more so, showing the effects of the concentration the signature was forged. The Supreme Court held
of attention, exertion and effort of the testator in that there was suf icient evidence in proving that
reading and signing the original. it was impossible for Vito to sign the will.

(91) Ortega v. Valmonte DOCTRINE: It must be conceded that in this

Topic: Sufficiency of Evidence jurisdiction, the subscribing witnesses to a
contested will are regarded as the best witnesses
QUICK FACTS: Placido and Jose ina got married. in connection with its due execution. It is similarly
Placido was 80 years old while Jose ina was 28 true, however, that to deserve full credit, their test,
years old. Placido died 2 years later. He executed a testimony must be reasonable and unbiased, and
last will and testament before he died. It contained that, as in the case of any other witness, their
2 pages, one dated June 15 1983 and one August 9 testimony may be overcome by any competent
1983 The probate of the will was opposed by evidence — direct or circumstantial.
Leticia, the sister of Placido. According to the
notary public who notarized the testator’s will, (92) Testate Estate of Catalina de la Cruz v.
after the testator instructed him on the terms and Pedro de la Cruz, et. al.
dispositions he wanted on the will, the notary Topic; Sufficiency of Evidence
public told them to come back on 15 August 1983
to give him time to prepare. Petitioners argue that QUICK FACTS: Catalina de la Cruz died, signle and
Placido was already 83 years old and no longer of without any surviving descendant or ascendant.
sound mind and that his signature was procured Petition for probate of her will was iled by Andres
by fraud. The Supreme Court held that Placido was Pascual, who was named in the will as the
of sound mind as he was able to identify executor and sole heir. It was opposed by Pedro
accurately his properties. And that the petitioner Dela Cruz and 26 other nephews stating that the
failed to convince the Court that there was indeed formalities of law were not complied with, that
fraud. Catalina was mentally incapable, that it was
procured by undue and improper in luence, and
DOCTRINE: The party challenging the will bears that the signature was obtained through fraud.
the burden of proving the existence of fraud at the The Supreme Court admitted the probate of the
time of its execution. The burden to show will. As regards to undue in luence, which the
otherwise shifts to the proponent of the will only Court herein focused on, it held that to be
upon a showing of credible evidence of fraud. suf icient to avoid a will, the in luence must be of a
kind that so overpowers and subjugates the mind
(92) Testate Estate of Vito Borromeo v. Crispin of the testator as to destroy his free agency and
Borromeo, et. al., make him express the will of another rather than
Topic: Sufficiency of Evidence his own. That mere general or reasonable
in luence is not suf icient to invalidate a will. The
QUICK FACTS: Vito Borromeo died at the age of 88 contestants simply failed to establish actual undue
without any forced heirs. Jose Junquera iled in luence or improper pressure exercised on the
before the CFI a petition for probate of the will of testatrix by the proponent.
the deceased. Teo ilo Borromeo iled an opposition
stating that, among others, the signature of the DOCTRINE: A mere general or reasonable
deceased was a forgery. The trial court granted the in luence is not suf icient to invalidate a will. That
opposition. Witnesses argue that it was impossible to be suf icient to avoid a will, the in luence
for Vito to sign the will because of his physical exerted must be of a kind that so overpowers and
condition. He was believed to have been positive subjugates the mind of the testator as to destroy 3/7
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his free agency and make him express the will of special administrator. This was opposed by
another rather than his own Manuel and Benjamin Palaganas, stating that the
will should not be probated in the Philippines
(93) Testate Estate of The Late Adriana Maloto, because it was already probated in the US. The
et. al. v. Court of Appeals, et. al., Supreme Court held that our laws do not prohibit
Topic; Sufficiency of Evidence the probate of wills executed by foreigners abroad
although the same have not as yet been probated
QUICK FACTS: Adriana Maloto died, she left four and allowed in the countries of their execution.
heirs, Aldina, Constancio (Petitioners), Pan ilo, and
Felino (Respondents). The said heirs proceeded to DOCTRINE: The rules do not require proof that
ile a petition for intestate proceedings because the foreign will has already been allowed and
they believed that the deceased did not leave any probated in the country of its execution. Our laws
will. Pending the case, the heirs decided to settle do not prohibit the probate of wills executed by
the estate extrajudicially. Three years later, the foreigners abroad although the same have not as
former associate of Adriana’s counsel discovered a yet been probated and allowed in the countries of
will which the deceased wrote. The will favored their execution.
two (petitioners) of the four heirs as they were
given a bigger share, and the will named a few (95) Vda. de Perez v. Tolete
more devisees and legatees. A motion to cancel the Topic: Reprobate
proceedings was initiated by the respondents
because according to them, the will was deemed QUICK FACTS: Spouses Jose and Evelyn Cunanan,
revoked because of the presence of burned marks. both doctors, together with their family, all died in
The Supreme Court held that the will was not a ire in New York. Rafael, the trustee of Jose in the
deemed revoked. To constitute as such would latter’s will, iled for probate of the said will.
require intent to revoke (animus revocandi) Thereafter, Evelyn’s mother iled a petition for
coupled with the actual physical act of destruction. reprobate in Bulacan. This was opposed by Rafael
No such destruction was made since the will was stating that Salud (mother) was not an heir
still presented in Court. according to New York Law. Reprobate was not
allowed in the trial court, petitioner failed to prove
DOCTRINE: The intention to revoke must be the law and procedure in New York relating to
accompanied by the overt physical act of succession. Moreover, respondent judge stated
burning, tearing, obliterating, or cancelling the that the probate of separate wills of two or more
will carried out by the testator or by another different persons even if they are husband and
person in his presence and under his express wife cannot be undertaken in a single petition. The
direction. Supreme Court held that the petitioner failed to
provide for the due execution of the will in
(94) IN RE: Petition to Approve the Will of accordance with the laws of New York and that it
Ruperta Palaganas failed to provide for the laws of New York
Topic: Reprobate altogether. Further, the Court held that the joint
probate of the wills of Jose and Evelyn was valid
QUICK FACTS: Ruperta Palaganas, a naturalized since both wills contain the same provisions and
US citizen, died single and childless. In her last will dispositions. Also, there no rule prohibiting such
and testament which was executed in California, join probate.
named her brother Sergio as the executor of her
estate (Properties in the US and in the PH). DOCTRINE: The evidence necessary for the
Ernesto Palaganas, the other brother of Ruperta, reprobate or allowance of wills which have been
iled before the RTC of Malolos a petition for probated outside of the Philippines are as follows:
probate of her will and prayed to be appointed as (1) the due execution of the will in accordance 4/7
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with the foreign laws; (2) the testator has his which is the domiciliary administrator of the
domicile in the foreign country and not in the estate. On August 12, 1960, Prospero Sanidad
Philippines; (3) the will has been admitted to instituted ancillary administration proceedings
probate in such country; (4) the fact that the with CFI-Manila which appointed Renato Tayag as
foreign tribunal is a probate court, and (5) the the ancillary administrator. A dispute arose
laws of a foreign country on procedure and between domiciliary administrator in New York
allowance of wills. and ancillary administrator in the Philippines as to
which of them is entitled to possession of the
(96) Ancheta v. Guersey-Dalaygon stock certi icates of Perkins. CFI-Manila ordered
Topic: Reprobate the domiciliary administrator to produce and
deposit the stock certi icates with the ancillary
QUICK FACTS: Audrey O’Neil, married to Richard administrator of with the Clerk of Court to which it
Guersey, died and her will was probated in did not comply with. The ancillary administrator
Maryland, US. the will named James Phillips as iled a petition to declare the stock certi icates
executor. Atty. Ancheta (petitioner) was likewise issued in the name of Perkins to be considered as
designated by the court as ancillary administrator. lost. Benguet Consolidated stated that it is
Richard then married respondent Candelaria. immaterial as to who possess the stock
Upon Richard’s death, his will was admitted for certi icates. They opposed the petition stating that
probate in a court in Maryland. Likewise, the shares of stock are in existence and is not lost
petitioner iled a petition for probate before the as it is in the possession of the domiciliary
Makati RTC. This petition was opposed by administrator, the County Trust Co. of New York.
respondent on the ground that under the law of Thus, they cannot be declared or considered as
the State of Maryland, a legacy passes to the lost. The Supreme Court held here that the shares
legatee the entire interest of the testator in the of stock should be declared lost because Benguet
property subject of the legacy. In the CA, petitioner did not dispute the power the ancillary
failed to present the pertinent laws of Maryland on administrator to gain control and possession of all
Estates and Trusts. The Supreme Court held that the assets of the decedent within the jurisdiction
such failure was fatal to his case as the of the Philippines.
presentation of the foreign law is necessary for
reprobate. DOCTRINE: The ancillary administration is
proper, whenever a person dies, leaving in a
DOCTRINE: While foreign laws do not prove country other than that of his last domicile,
themselves in our jurisdiction and our courts are property to be administered in the nature of assets
not authorized to take judicial notice of them; of the deceased liable for his individual debts or to
owever, petitioner, as ancillary administrator of be distributed among his heirs. Ancillary
Audreys estate, was duty-bound to introduce in administration is necessary or the reason for such
evidence the pertinent law of the State of administration is because a grant of
Maryland. administration does not ex proprio vigore have
any effect beyond the limits of the country in
(97) Testate Estate of Idonah Slade Perkins v. which it is granted. Hence, an administrator
Benguet Consolidated, Inc. appointed in a foreign state has no authority in the
Topic: Reprobate Philippines.

QUICK FACTS: Idonah Slade Perkins (Perkins)

died on March 27, 1960 in New York City leaving (98) Testate Estate of Suntay v. Intestate Estate
33,002 shares of stock of Benguet Consolidated of Suntay L-3081 and L-3088
Inc. (Benguet) the certi icates of which are in the Topic: Reprobate
possession of the County Trust Co. of New York 5/7
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QUICK FACTS: In 1934, Jose B. Suntay, a Filipino on the ground that the former has already been
citizen and a resident of the Philippines, died in convicted in Teves v. Sandiganbayan of violating
Amoy, China. He left real and personal properties Sec. 3(h) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
in the Philippines and a house in Amoy. During his Act (R.A. 3019), for possessing pecuniary or
lifetime, he married twice, the irst wife was inancial interest in a cockpit (prohibited under
Manuela Cruz, with whom he had several children. Sec. 89(2) of the LGC of 1991). Herminio claims
The second marriage was with Maria Natividad that the crime under which Edgar was convicted
Lim Brillian, with whom he had a son, petitioner was a crime involving moral turpitude, which
Silvino Suntay. Intestate proceedings were carries the accessory penalty of perpetual
instituted by the heirs from the irst marriage. disquali ication from public of ice. On May 11,
While the second wife, the surviving widow who 2007, COMELEC First Division disquali ied Edgar;
remained in Amoy China, iled a petition for the an Motion for Reconsideration was iled but the
probate of the last will and testament of the same was denied by COMELEC en banc, on the
deceased which was claimed to have been ground that the issue had now become moot and
executed and signed in the Philippines on academic since petitioner lost in the May 2007
November, 1929. The petition was denied due to elections anyway. The Supreme Court held that
the loss of the will before the hearing thereof. gambling is a malum prohibitum that is not
After the paci ic war, Silvino, claimed to have intrinsically evil and, thus, is not a crime involving
found among the records of his father, a last will moral turpitude
and testament in Chinese characters executed and
signed by the deceased on January, 1931 and DOCTRINE: Moral turpitude has been de ined as
probated in the Amoy District Court. He iled a everything which is done contrary to justice,
petition in the intestate proceedings for the modesty, or good morals; an act of baseness,
probate of the will executed in the Philippines on vileness, or depravity in the private and social
November 1929 or the will executed in Amoy duties which a man owes his fellow men, or to
China on November, 1931.The Supreme Court held society in general.
that the probate of the will in the PH cannot be
done because the petitioner failed to provide the (100) Republic of the Philippines vs. Ferdinand
fact that the municipal district court of Amoy, Marcos II and Imelda Marcos
China is a probate court must be proved and the Topic: Who are Competent to Serve as Executors or
law of China on procedure in the probate or Administrators
allowance of wills.
QUICK FACTS: The Pasig Court granted the
DOCTRINE: The presentation of evidence such as issuance of letters testamentary in solidum to
the laws of another country is requirement for Bongbong and Imelda as executors of the last will
reprobate in the Philippines. and testament of the late (dictator) Ferdinand
Marcos, with BIR Commissioner Vinzons-Chato
(99) Edgar Y. Teves, Petitioner, vs. The appointed as special administrator.Except for
Commission on Elections and Herminio G. petitioner Republic's allegation of want of
Teves integrity on the part of Imelda and Bongbong,
Topic: Who are Competent to Serve as Executors or named executors in the last will and testament,
Administrators the Court sees at this time that NO evidence on
record, oral or documentary, to substantiate and
QUICK FACTS: Petitioner Edgar Teves was support the said allegation. The petitioner
running as Representative of the 3rd legislative republic iled for a review (Rule 45) questioning
district of Negros Oriental during the May 14, the validity of the order granting the letters
2007 elections. On March 30, private respondent testamentary in favor of the respondents. The
Herminio Teves iled a petition to disqualify Edgar Supreme Court held that the RTC committed no 6/7
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error or grave abuse in inding that the allegations

of want of integrity is unfounded and
unsubstantiated so as to disqualify them from
being executors and administrators.

DOCTRINE: The Rules of Court gives the lower

court the duty and discretion to determine
whether in its opinion an individual is un it to
serve as an executor. 7/7

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