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6592coding Sheet

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UK Data Archive Study Number 6592 -

National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative: Cancer Awareness Measures, Humber and Yorkshire Coast Cancer Network, 2010:
Special Licence Access

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Awareness
Measure (CAM)

Coding sheet
(for use with SPSS or EXCEL)

This survey instrument (CAM) was developed by Cancer Research UK, University College
London, Kings College London, and University of Oxford in 2007-2008.
Below is a format for recording the data of the CAM so that it is suitable
for depositing in the data archive. We are currently making
arrangements to deposit the data at the UK Data Archive and will
provide instructions on how to do this at a later date.

You can see that as well as numbers for coding the data, we are also
providing a set of correct ‘variable names’ (e.g. LumpC). Please use
these ‘variable names’ when recording your data.

For every question it is possible to code data as ‘refused’. Use this code
when the participant actively chooses not to respond. Where appropriate
there is a code for ‘don’t know’, please see relevant questions below.
For all other missing data just leave a blank.

Please store the data in either EXCEL or SPSS for transfer to the
archive. There is a template EXCEL and SPSS data file available, if you
require it.

We have not provided guidance about how the CAM should be scored,
but we are happy to give advice and can provide syntax files for coding
in SPSS.

Contact details: Dr Alice Simon:

There are many warning signs and symptoms of cancer. Please name as many as you can think of:
Variable names: SymptomO1 to SymptomO18
• Please create 18 variables labelled 1, 2, 3’ etc up to 18. Each symptom must be recorded as a
new variable using the coding frame below. For example if the first response is ‘weight loss’
code as ‘9’ in SymptomO1. If the second response is ‘bleeding’ code as ‘3’ in SymptomO2 etc

• To code a variable that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code 17) and write the variable verbatim
in: SymptomO17 or SymptomO18. This can be done for 2 ‘other’ variables.

Warning sign Code

Lump/swelling 1
Pain 2
Bleeding 3
Cough/hoarseness 4
Change in bowel/bladder habits 5
Difficulty swallowing 6
Change in appearance of a mole 7
Sore that does not heal 8
Weight loss 9
Tiredness/fatigue 10
Nausea/sickness 11
Generally unwell 12
Bruising 13
Loss of appetite 14
Blurred vision 15
Feeling weak 16
Other 17
Nothing 18
Refusal 98
Don’t know 99

The following may or may not be warning signs for cancer. We are interested in your opinion:
Question followed by corresponding Scoring
SPSS/Excel Variable Name
Yes No Don’t know

Do you think an unexplained lump or swelling 3 2 1

could be a sign of cancer?

Do you think persistent unexplained pain could 3 2 1

be a sign of cancer?

Do you think unexplained bleeding could be a 3 2 1

sign of cancer?

Do you think a persistent cough or hoarseness 3 2 1

could be a sign of cancer?

Do you think a persistent change in bowel or 3 2 1

bladder habits could be a sign of cancer?

Do you think persistent difficulty swallowing 3 2 1

could be a sign of cancer?

Do you think a change in the appearance of a 3 2 1

mole could be a sign of cancer?

Do you think a sore that does not heal could be a 3 2 1

sign of cancer?

Do you think unexplained weight loss could be a 3 2 1

sign of cancer?

If you noticed an unexplained lump or swelling how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment
to discuss it? Variable name: LumpTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you had unexplained pain how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss it?
Variable name: PainTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had unexplained bleeding how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss it?
Variable name: BleedingTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had a cough or hoarseness how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss
it? Variable name: CoughTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you noticed a change in bowel or bladder habits how soon would you contact your doctor to make an
appointment to discuss it? Variable name: BowelTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had difficulty swallowing how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss it?
Variable name: SwallowingTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you noticed a change in the appearance of a mole how soon would you contact your doctor to make an
appointment to discuss it? Variable name: MoleTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had a sore that did not heal how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss
it? Variable name: SoreTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had unexplained weight loss how soon would you contact your doctor to make an appointment to discuss
it? Variable name: WeightTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you had a symptom that you thought might be a sign of cancer how soon would you contact your doctor to
make an appointment to discuss it? Variable name: CancerSignTime

1-3 days 4-6 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 6 weeks 3 6 12 Never

months months months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sometimes people put off going to see the doctor, even when they have a symptom that they think
might be serious. These are some of the reasons people give for delaying. Could you say if any of
these might put you off going to the doctor?

Question followed by Yes often Yes No Don’t know
SPSS/Excel variable name

I would be too embarrassed 4 3 2 1


I would be too scared 4 3 2 1


I would be worried about wasting the doctor’s 4 3 2 1


My doctor would be difficult to talk to 4 3 2 1


It would be difficult to make an appointment with 4 3 2 1

my doctor

I would be too busy to make time to go to the 4 3 2 1


I have too many other things to worry about 4 3 2 1


It would be difficult for me to arrange transport to 4 3 2 1

the doctor’s surgery

I would be worried about what the doctor might 4 3 2 1


Question followed by Yes often Yes No Don’t know
SPSS/Excel variable name

I wouldn’t feel confident talking about my 4 3 2 1

symptom with the doctor

Other (please specify) Other Type in verbatim

What things do you think affect a person’s chance of getting cancer?
Variable names: RiskO1 to RiskO26
Please create 26 variables labelled 1, 2, 3 etc, up to 26. Each risk factor must be recorded as a new
variable using the coding frame below. For example if the first response is ‘being overweight’ code as
‘6’ in RiskO1. If the second response is ‘pollution’ code as ‘22’ in RiskO2 etc.

To code a variable that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code 25) and write the variable verbatim in:
RiskO25 or RiskO26. This can be done for 2 ‘other’ variables.
Risk Factor Code
Smoking 1
Exposure to another person’s 2
cigarette smoke (passive smoking)
Drinking alcohol 3
Not eating enough fruit and 4
Eating red or processed meat 5
Being overweight 6
Getting sunburnt/exposure to the sun 7
Older age 8
Family history/having a close relative 9
with cancer/Hereditary
Infection with HPV (human 10
Not doing enough exercise/physical 11
Diet (unspecified) 12
A high fat diet 13
A low fibre diet 14
Food additives 15
Being underweight 16
Genes/genetics 17
Infection with viruses 18
Having many sexual partners 19
Taking HRT/the (contraceptive) pill 20
Living near power lines 21
Pollution 22
Risk Factor Code
Radiation 23
Stress 24
Other 25
Nothing 26
Refusal 98
Don’t know 99
Medical scientists suggest that these are some of the things that can increase the chance of getting
cancer. How much do you agree that each of these can increase the chance of getting cancer?

Question followed by Strongly Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly

disagree agree
SPSS/Excel variable name

Smoking any cigarettes at all 1 2 3 4 5


Exposure to another person’s cigarette 1 2 3 4 5


Drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol a 1 2 3 4 5

day AlcoholC

Eating less than 5 portions of fruit and 1 2 3 4 5

vegetables a day

Eating red or processed meat once a 1 2 3 4 5

day or more MeatC

Being overweight (BMI over 25) 1 2 3 4 5


Getting sunburnt more than once as a 1 2 3 4 5

child SunburnC

Being over 70 years old 1 2 3 4 5


Having a close relative with cancer 1 2 3 4 5


Infection with HPV (Human 1 2 3 4 5

Papillomavirus) HPVC

Doing less than 30 mins of moderate 1 2 3 4 5

physical activity 5 times a week
Here is a picture of 100 people. Out of 100 people, how many do you think will develop cancer at some
point in their life?

___ ___ ___ people out of 100 will develop cancer at some point in their life

Record the actual number (0-100) that the respondent gave as the answer in the
variable name: Incidence
Below are the variable names used in Q9, please turn to the next page for the
appropriate coding frame that accompanies these variable names.

What do you think is the most common cancer in women?

Variable name: Cancer1F
NB To code a variable that is not on the list, code as ‘Other’ (code ‘19’) and then write the variable
verbatim in: ‘Cancer1otherF’ or in the appropriate ‘other’ variable field. Further explanation on next

What do you think is the second most common cancer in women?

Variable name: Cancer2F

What do you think is the third most common cancer in women?

Variable name Cancer3F

What do you think is the most common cancer in men?

Variable name: Cancer1M

What do you think is the second most common cancer in men?

Variable name: Cancer2M

What do you think is the third most common cancer in men?

Variable name: Cancer3M


Data archive: Please use the coding frame for men and women below for transfer to the
data archive. Example: If the response for the ‘most’ common cancer in women is ‘lung
cancer’ place code ‘9’ under variable name Cancer1F.
Code a response that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code ‘25’) and write the
variable verbatim in: Cancer1otherF or in the appropriate ‘other’ variable field.
Cancer type Code

Bladder 1
Bowel/colorectal/rectal 2
Brain 3
Breast 4
Cervical/cervix 5
Kidney 6
Leukaemia 7
Liver 8
Lung 9
Lymphoma 10
Melanoma 11
Mesothelioma (protective lining of the lung, stomach, heart) 12
Multiple myeloma 13
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 14
Oesophagus/gullet/food pipe 15
Oral/mouth/oropharynx/lips/tongue 16
Ovarian 17
Pancreatic 18
Prostate 19
Skin 20
Stomach 21
Testicular 22
Throat 23
Uterus/endometrial/womb 24
Other 25
Refusal 98
Don’t know 99
Is there an NHS breast cancer screening programme?
Yes No Don’t know
Variable name: BreastScreening
3 2 1
If yes, at what age are women first invited for breast Age in
cancer screening? ________
years Refused Don’t know
For the age component of this question, please record
the actual age the respondent gave as the answer in
the variable name. 988 999
Variable name: BreastAge

Is there an NHS cervical cancer screening

programme (smear tests)?
Yes No Don’t know
Variable name: CervicalScreening
3 2 1

Age in
If yes, at what age are women first invited for years Refused Don’t know
cervical cancer screening? _______
For the age component of this question, please
record the actual age the respondent gave as the
answer in the variable name 988 999
Variable name: CervicalAge

Is there an NHS bowel cancer screening programme? Yes No Don’t know

Variable name: BowelScreening
3 2 1
If yes, at what age are people first invited for bowel Age in
cancer screening? _________
years Refused Don’t know
For the age component of this question, please record
the actual age the respondent gave as the answer in
the variable name 988 999
Variable name BowelAge
Please put the following things in order of how much you think they contribute to cancer in the UK:

Lifestyle (e.g. smoking, diet, physical activity)

Environmental factors (e.g. pollution, radiation)
Genetic inheritance (e.g. runs in the family)

1. _____________________________ (Most important)

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________ (Least important)

Data archive: Please use the following coding frame for transfer to the data archive –

Contributing Corresponding variable name Code

factor in EXCEL/SPSS data file
Most Second Third Fourth Least
11i. Lifestyle Lifestyle 1 2 3 4 5
11ii. Chance Chance 1 2 3 4 5
11iii. Aging Aging 1 2 3 4 5
11iv. Environment 1 2 3 4 5
11v. Genetic Genetic 1 2 3 4 5

Demographic Questions – Coding

1. What is your age?

Variable name: Age
2. What is your gender?
Variable name: Gender
Male Female
1 2

3. Which of these best describes your ethnic group?

Variable name: EthnicGroup
To code an ethnic group that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code 16) and write the variable
verbatim in: OtherEthnic

White Mixed Asian or Black or

Asian Black Chinese/othe
British British r
White 1 White and 4 Indian 8 Black 12 Chinese 15
British Black Caribbean
White 2 White and 5 Pakistani 9 Black 13 Other……… 16
Irish Black African
Any other 3 White and 6 Bangladesh 10 Any other 14
White Asian i Black
backgroun background
Any other 7 Any other 11
Mixed Asian
background background

4. What is your marital status?

Variable name: MaritalStatus
Single/never Married/living Married Divorced Widowed Civil partnership
married with partner separated from

1 2 3 4 5 6

5. What is the highest level of education qualification you have obtained?

Variable name: HighestEducation
To code an ethnic group that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code 7) and write the variable
verbatim in: OtherEducation
1 Degree or higher degree 5 O Level or GCSE equivalent (Grade A - C)

2 Higher education qualification below degree 6 O Level or GCSE (Grade D - G)

3 A-levels or highers 7 Other ………………………….

4 ONC/BTEC 8 No formal qualifications

6. Please tick the box which best describes your living arrangement:
Own Own Rent from Local Rent Squatting Other (e.g. living with
outright mortgage Authority/Housing privately family/friends)
1 2 3 4 5 6

7. What is your Postcode?

Variable name: Postcode
Please record the respondents postcode by writing it in the variable field labelled Postcode

8. Are you currently:

Variable name: Employed
1 Employed full-time 5 Full-time homemaker

2 Employed part-time 6 Retired

3 Unemployed 7 Student

4 Self-employed 8 Disabled or too ill to work

9. Does your household own a car or van?

Variable name: Car
No Yes, one Yes, more than one

1 2 3

10. Have you, your family or close friends had cancer? (please tick all that apply)
You Yes 1 No 2 Close Friend Yes 1 No 2
CancerYou CancerCloseFriend
Partner CancerPartner Yes 1 No 2 Other Friend Yes 1 No 2
Close family member Yes 1 No 2 Not sure 99
CancerCloseFamily CancerNotSure
Other family member Yes 1 No 2 Do not wish to answer 98
CancerOtherFamily CancerRefusal

11. How many years have you been living in the UK?
Variable name: YearsUK

12. What is the main language spoken at home?

Variable name: Language
To code an ethnic group that is not on the list code as ‘Other’ (code 7) and write the variable
verbatim in: OtherLanguage

1 English 5 Sylheti

2 Urdu 6 Cantonese

3 Punjabi 7 Other…………………..

4 Gujarati

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