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842pm7.Dr. Nilmani Tripathi, Dr. Vidhi Bhargava & Dr. Kamini C.tanwar

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Volume - 5, Issue- 1, January 2017 e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187

EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
ISI Impact Factor (2013): 1.259 (UAE)

Research Paper



Assistant professor, Amity college of Commerce, Amity University, Gurgaon,

Dr. Nilmani Tripathi1
Haryana, India

Dr. Vidhi Bhargava2

HOI, Amity College of Commerce, Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

Dr. Kamini C.Tanwar3

Assistant Professor, AICP, Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India


O ver the last few decades there is great debate over the ethical conduct of directors of the
company, auditors and managers, especially in the corporate world. Harshad Mehta
scam, satyam scam, Sarda group financial scandal all are the results of unethical practice of corporate
professionals. This paper is mainly concern with the analysis of personality of young accounting
professionals like CA, CS and MBA and the ethical conduct practiced by them. The study tries to
establish relationship between personality and the ethical conduct practiced by these professionals.
Further study tries to find out association between ethical papers and ethical conduct of the
professionals. The study shows that there is negative correlation between extraversion personality
and the ethical conduct. Furthermore, it shows that it is the profession which defines conduct as
ethical or non-ethical. However, the professionals who studied ethics in their curriculum are more
professional and ethical in their conduct.

KEY WORDS: Big five personality traits, ethics, extraversion

Every human being has been created differently not. Researchers like Margaret, 2009 suggest for use of
by the Mother Nature. This nature determines the way personality profile as a tool for evaluation of employee
of reaction of individual to the environment or situation. performance and his/ her contribution to the organization.
This nature is also termed as personality of the The success of any organization to a large extent
individuals. Actually, the way an individual reacts, depends upon the personality of its employees. The
perceive, thinks, or behave to the environment is known personality not only helps in achieving organizational
as personality of the person. In more specific way, objective, but also helps in profitability of the
personality is a set of physical characteristics possessed organization. Chen et al, 2002 recognized that profitability
by an individual that stimulate on cognition, motivation of the organization is directly dependent on degree of
and behavior of an individual in different situation. It is loyalty of the customer and impression of customers
a combination of unique characteristics of an individual towards organizations employee is key for building such
which differentiate him from others. For example, some loyalty.
people are talkative and open minded but other maybe Vol - 5, Issue- 1, J anuary 2017 59
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review| SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
Employee’s personal attributes, values, life for morality. Big Five Theory was developed by
skills and his efforts to maximize his/her job performance Goldberg in year 1993. This theory had 44 items that
and contributing to the company tools that can be used measures an individual on Big Five Factors or
to evaluate an employee (Margaret, 2009). dimensions of the personality. Each of these five factors
Organizational performance can also be easily predicted is further sub divided into different personality traits.
with the help of personality as is defined as a situation The Big Five Dimensions are:
when organization meet its set objectives with the help 1. Extraversion vs. introversion
of all personality dimensions which affect performance. 2. Agreeable vs. antagonism
3. Conscientiousness vs. lack of direction
Actually it is the end result of all organizational
4. Neuroticism vs. emotional stability
processes and activities and employee’s personality is 5. Openness vs. clossedness to experience.
an important weapon to achieve that successfully. The people who are highly sociable, energetic,
This research paper tries to find out the adventurous, enthusiastic, outgoing and assertiveness
association between the individual personality of in their personality are extraversion personality people.
accounting professionals and their accounting practices. While those who possess these personalities a little bit
The research tries to build an insight into causes due to are introversion person. Similarly, agreeableness
which a person makes frauds in the organization. It also personality people have the traits like trust, modesty,
tries to find out whether it is possible to reduce such tender mindedness (sympathy) and compliance. They
unethical practices from the organization by providing are straight forward person. People who are efficient,
ethical education to the future managers, accountant organized, dutiful, self-discipline and deliberant, are
and legal advisors. To judge the personality, one conscientiousness type personality person. Neuroticism
dimension of big five inventories is used and for the personality people are always tense, moody, angry,
ethical aspect structured questionnaire is used. depress, vulnerable and shy. People who are curious,
This paper is organised in five section: first artistic, excited and unconventional are openness
part as discussed above, second part set up the personality people. Among all these five dimensions
theoretical framework of the study, third part discuss extrovert personality is considered as a key to job
the research design and research methodology, fourth satisfaction and have a positive impact on employee’s
part deals with the analysis and finally fifth part performance (Judge et al, 2002 and Sinha, 2005).
represents findings and conclusions. Ethics studies the moral of an individual, nation
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK or a social class. It studies how our decisions affect
Personality is defined as traits that denote some other people. It is a study of human rights & obligations,
uniqueness to the individual life and that can account moral standards that people use while making decisions
for differences in behaviour across time & situation. and the nature of people relations. Human resources of
The present empirical work has shown that there is a an organization i.e. individual traits of employee
relationship between personality and ethical moral represent a critical link in ethical behave. (Bogdanovic,
behaviors of employees (accounting professionals). 2008, p-296)
Research on behaviour ethics (Trevino, weaver & According to Schlenker, miller & Johuson,
Reynolds, 2006) has also decremented a line between ethical ideology is “an integrated system of beliefs,
personality and various antisocial outcomes (e.g. theft, values, standards and self-assessment that define an
deviance, unethical behavior) in the workplace. A individual’s orientation towards matters of right &
commonly accepted framework from psychology wrong”.
conceptualizes personality as consistency of five factors The relation among personality, moral identity,
(the Big 5") (e.g. Goldberg, 1993). Several writers have ethical ideology & workplace outcomes are shown
argued that some of these dimensions have implications through following model- Vol - 5, Issue- 1, J anuary 2017 60

e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr. Nilmani Tripathi, Dr. Vidhi Bhargava & Dr. Kamini C.Tanwar

Moral Identity citizenship
Principled Vs.
expected Ideology

Moral Propensity to
Personality disagree

Empirical research’s by schlenaker & his

colleges (2007 &2008) shows that people who adopt a
principles ethical ideology have higher standards for
The study is mainly based on the primary data
moral conduct report telling fewer lice are less likely to
collected through Questionnaire. Questionnaire consists
rationalize unethical & immoral behaviour & exhibit
of three parts 1, 2, and 3. First part deals with personal
greater benevolence & helping behaviors.
details of respondents such as sex, education, age, etc.
Ethics is concerned with the individual’s
while second part consists of 8 statements to measure
personal judgement about right and wrong. Actually
the personality. Only extraversion personality question
ethics tries to answer questions like- what actions are
are used from Big Five model in the questionnaire and
right or wrong in particular circumstances. The
last part consists of 9 statements which are used to
accounting professionals like accountants, managers
measure ethical conduct.
and auditors require high level of ethics in their
By including variables, questionnaire is prepared with
profession as stake holders, investors, creditors and five points Likert scaling system.
government rely heavily on the reports prepared by them Then analysis is made with appropriate statistical tools,
for their investments. Therefore these professionals in order to prove the objectives of the study and to test
must follow ethics in their profession. Although ethics the causal impact of personality on ethical conduct.
is toughed in various accounting courses at higher level RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and by the organizations to their accountants and Cronbach Alpha is the most commonly and
managers while training them. Yet, due to diverse range widely used tool for the reliability and validity of
of accounting practices, every year corporate frauds questions in the questionnaires. The reliability of scale
are heard. These frauds and scandals had resulted into is very important as it shows the extent to which the
wide spread disregard for the accounting professionals. scale produces the constant results if the results are
To take care of this accounting organization and made repeatedly. It is done by finding out the association
government have developed various rules and between scores obtained by different administrators of
regulations. This paper tries to find out the type of the scale. If the association between the scores is high,
personality and ethical conduct so that a relationship the scale yields consistent result, thus is reliable. The
may be established between them and it is easy to find reliability test for the whole 25 items in the questionnaire
out the persons who may make fraud in future. Further distributed shows 0.78 as the value of Cronbach alpha
it tries to find out the solution to this problem also. is more than 0.7 it is considered acceptable. Vol - 5, Issue- 1, J anuary 2017 61

EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review| SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
Table 1- Reliability Analysis
Variable Driver Number of Items Cronbach Alpha (α)
Personality Extraversion 8 0.80
Ethical Behaviour Ethical conduct 8 0.79
Subject read Study 4 0.75
Overall Scale Reliability 0.78

The table 1 above shows the Cronbach’s was 2.1 which indicate that all 100 respondents are
Alpha for extraversion is (0.80), ethical behaviour (0.79) almost equally distributed as 1 was assigned to the high
and subject read (0.75) are considered to be acceptable extroversion personality person, 2 was allotted to medium
and has good reliability for the scale. Thus, the extroversion personality people and 3 to the low
Cronbach’s Alpha for all variables is considered and extroversion personality people. Similarly, the conduct
acceptable. of the respondent was coded as 3 for most ethical, 2 for
Descriptive analysis:- moderate ethical and 1 for non-ethical. The mean
The descriptive analysis of the study shows indicates most of the responded are moderate ethical in
that almost all variables in the study are evenly their conduct. Most of the respondent had studied one
distributed except age. The mean of the personality or more subject during the study period in their life (mean
Table 2- Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Type of personality 2.1000 .64354 100
Conduct is ethical or not 2.1600 .67749 100
Subject of ethics read 1.3000 .46057 100
Gender 1.4500 .50000 100
Age 1.1200 .35619 100
Profession 1.6200 .48783 100
Correlation Analysis:-
The correlation analysis shows that most of the subject of ethics read by the respondent. Again the
the variables under study are negatively correlated with profession of the respondent was also significantly
each other. However gender of the respondent is correlated with the subject read of ethics by them.
positively correlated with the type of personality and
Table 3- Correlation Analysis
Type of Conduct is Subject of Gender Age Profession
personality ethical or ethics read
Type of personality 1
Conduct is ethical or
-.060 1
Subject of ethics read .000 -.091 1
Gender .047 -.036 .066 1
Age .035 .003 -.099 -.023 1
Profession -.039 -.242 * .378 ** -.079 -.142 1
*correlation is significant at 0.05level (2 -tailed)
**correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2 -tailed)

Implications of Research: Based on the Further Research Direction: Since this study
findings, it is evident those high extroversion people was conducted only on one aspect of personality, it
are more ethical than low and moderate extroversion may not be able to generalize the finding. However by
person. Therefore one should first identify the conducting this research on all five personality traits
personality type before making any recruitment and could confirm the findings and maybe a significant
selection decision regarding managers and accountant. contribution to this field of study. Vol - 5, Issue- 1, J anuary 2017 62

e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr. Nilmani Tripathi, Dr. Vidhi Bhargava & Dr. Kamini C.Tanwar
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