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The Use of Electronic Money and Its Impact On Monetary Policy

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Popovska-Kamnar, Neda

The use of electronic money and its impact on
monetary policy

Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues

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Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics

Suggested Citation: Popovska-Kamnar, Neda (2014) : The use of electronic money and its
impact on monetary policy, Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues, ISSN
1857-9108, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics, Skopje, Vol. 1,
Iss. 2, pp. 79-92

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Review paper



Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc1


E-money is the newest payment instrument. As a part of the new electronic payment
system (possible future substitute of traditional payment), e-money raises the professional
interest about its implications to further development of banking functions in the global
and networked economy. Statistical evidence confirms the existence of e-money in the
developed countries, which is understandable because of their high technological level and
knowledge and the ability to absorb useful innovations of any kind. But, although electronic
money has been present in their markets for more than 20 years, its use is still at a very
low level. Countries from the region2 are in the early beginning. They are in the phase
of accepting electronic banking, and putting into force the legislation for e-money. The
reason could be found in the level of economic and technological development. One of the
leading factors opposing the existence of e-money is the strong competition from the debit/
credit cards. The possible influence of e-money on the monetary policy is also a topic of
professional interest overall. E -money has the potential to substitute currency in circulation,
which is part of the monetary aggregates from the balance sheet of central banks. Now, the
influence is not significant - central banks are recording very low decrease of currency in
circulation as a result of increase of e-money. But still, having in mind that any innovation
takes time to be accepted on the market, in the future central banks and experts need to
follow the developments surrounding e-money more closely and more carefully.

Keywords: e-money, European countries, countries of region, monetary statistic, monetary


JEL Classification: E51, E52, E58, E61, F69

The technological progress contributes to development of a new direction in the payments
system, called the electronic payments system. This new system refers to all transactions
which are conducted electronically. It is clear that the development of the electronic payment

1 Analyst, Department for research and monetary policy, National bank of the Republic of Macedonia,
2 West Balkan countries
3 The views express here are sorely the responsibility of the author

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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

system is connected with the advancement of information technologies and the development
of global economy caracteristic. The process is not linear and uniform. Many factors have
influenced the new electronic system features: level of development of one country, its
openness to global market and integration of different markets of money and commodities,
a country’s capability of accepting new challenges that come with the technology, and lately,
the importance of educational level of one country has been more often emphasized. The
reality is that the traditional banking is changing and countries are facing challenges to
accept new banking practices, such as electronic banking.

Electronic money or E-money was introduced as a payment instrument more than 20 years
ago. The dynamics of the use of e-money was much slower than expected in the beginning,
primarily as a result of the expensive implementation, while at a later stage the introduction
of complex regulations for an electronic money institution played an inhibitive role. That is
why in this paper (after the definition of e-money, the analysis of e-money as an instrument
and its introduction to the market) the main focal point is the process of regulation needed
for new system implementation. There are beneficial experiences of the countries of the
Euro-zone and also the countries from the region which help each country to discover and
investigate new challenges in the domain of using e-money and implementation of new
ways of banking. Having in mind that the digital era is yet to come, e-money will bring many
discussions and issues in the near future.

On the other hand, the presence of e-money gives rise to many debates about its influence
on monetary policy, through its ability to replace the currency in circulation. So far its
influence has been insignificant. In order to develop an objective approach to the analysis
of future interconnections between these processes, this paper analyzes the influence of
e-money on the monetary policy of central banks.

Definition of e-money

E-money is the newest instrument in the payment system, and according to one broader
definition this is the money that is transferred electronically. But still, the definition of e-money
is more complex and more precise, and it is a problem “to describe a dynamic phenomenon
within a comparatively static framework”.4 According to the European directive, e-money
presents a monetary value, as represented by a claim on the issuer, which is stored on
an electronic device, issued upon receipt of funds in an amount not less in value than the
monetary value issued and accepted as a means of payment by undertaking other that the

E-money is not printed money or a deposit. Payments are limited only to the sum which
is stored on the electronic device. One of the main differences with the other payment
instruments is that the issuer and the recipient of e-money are different, while in the case
of other payment instruments they are the same (for example banks can issue credit cards
and at the same time accept payments with such cards). An issuer of electronic money
can be a bank (if it has a special permission to carry out this activity) or a special electronic

4 Robert Guttmann(2002) Cybercash: The Coming Era of Electronic Money Palgrafe Macmillan p.p. 9
on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions amending Directives
2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 2000/46/EC

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The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

money institution which is any legal person authorized to do so by a supervisor. Electronic

money has the following specific characteristics too6:

• Lower transaction costs in comparison with other payment instruments. One of the
reasons is that the institution does not need to keep cash in their ATMs, and the
costs are lower because there are less data to be exchanged comparing with other
payment instruments.
• Higher fixed costs in comparison with other payment instruments, as a result of using
the inevitable modern IT. Modern technology must be permanently renewed and
upgraded with the latest technological innovations. This feature of the technology
is rooted in the major breakthroughs in implementing e-money in the developed
• E-money has no value if not used for a transaction, while the other payment
instruments can be used as a banking deposit.
• E-money is less transparent, while credit cards have the name and the number of
the holder, for example.
• E-money can substitute the currency in circulation, but so far this influence has
been very low.

The process of transaction with e-money is different from the process of other payment
instruments, regarding the specific characteristics of the e-money.

The highest number of transactions is registered in the developed countries, which have
the largest share in globalization of the financial system. Nowadays e-money is most often
used for small payments, among retailers or in the virtual world. These two areas in which
e-money is most often used actually define the two basic types of e-money: hardware and
software e-money.

Hardware e-money

Hardware e-money is card-based e-money, mostly used by retailers. In most of the cases it is
used for small payments or for one type of payment. It can be divided according to the purpose,
for example e-money cards for parking payments, for transportation; according to the location
they are used at-only in the university area, in the sport centers; or according to the technology
they use-those that can be passed through a reader or those which are readable without contact.
Most popular e-money cards are Dumont, Mondex, Proton etc. One of the advantages of this
6 ECB (2000), Issues arising from the emergence of electronic money, Monthly Bulletin, November

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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

e-money card is that it does not have a large sum of money, and there are no data about the

In first place, transactions with e-money cards are very similar to the credit or debit cards,
but still there are differences between them. In the two cases, the user needs to transfer
cash in order to use the e-money card or the credit/debit card. Also, these two types of
cards can be used globally, using the internet connection. On the other hand, the e-money
card is not connected with a bank account (as the credit/debit card) but with the sum on the
electronic device. Also, with the e-card there are no possibilities for debt and the transaction
is only to the sum which is on the electronic device. Electronic money is neither deposit, nor
credits, so it cannot bring any interest to the owner.

Software e-money

The transfer of electronic money is through a telecommunication network and the internet,
while the money is stored on the server7. This type of e-money is not stored on the chip of the
card, or on the computer, but on the central server at the issuer of the e-money. It is known
as server based e-money or software e-money. Well-known examples are PayPal, DigiCash
etc. The payment is through on-line models, and the transfer of money is by an online account
(bank deposit accounts are not included). The user has access to his account by the internet
explorer, email or by his cell phone. This type of e-money is most often offered on the market
by nonbanking institutions. For example the money from the card is transferred on the PayPal
account. There is no access to the financial data of the user. An advantage of using PayPal is
that the user gets bonuses or points, lower provisions etc.

E-money legislation

The first legislation for issuing of e-money was enacted in 2000, as a European directive
for e-money. This directive gave the first definitions of e-money and its characteristics and
the legislation for establishment and functioning of the institutions for e-money. The aim of
the directive was to create a competition between the banking institutions and the e-money
institutions, and at same time to stimulate further innovations in electronic industry. But,
despite the established legislation for e-money, the development of this market was very
weak and failed to match the initial expectations.

In developed countries there were small numbers of e-money institutions and insufficient
interest for using e-money as a payments instrument. The analyses showed that the reasons
for the initial failure of e-money were in the weaknesses of the EU directive. The definition
of e-money was not complete. The definition only covered the e-money cards, but not the
e-money stored on a server. Also, the new e-money institutions had limited activities and
high initial capital, which was one of the reasons that the investors were not interested
enough in participation on this new market. In addition to the weakness of the EU directive,
e-money faced some other challenges, and that was repaid penetration of payment cards
on the market, which were serious competition to the e-money.

The statistical data prove the above mentioned conclusions for the development of e-money
7 Phoebus Athanassiou and Natalia Mas-Gui(2008) Electronic money institutions, current trends, regulatory issues and future
prosepcts, legarl working paper, ECB, p.p 6-7

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The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

institutions and e-money as a payment instrument. The lack of initiative for establishing e-money
institutions and at the same time the undeveloped system for stimulation of e-money transactions
can be seen through the annual data of the European Central Bank for the payments system
of European countries. The number of the established e-money institutions is from one to nine,
with the exception of the Czech Republic, where higher number of institutions can be found (this
high number is due to change of the legislation of e-money institutions, where every institution
can perform these activities as long as it has permission from the supervision).

This situation proves that there was a need for change in the e-money legislation. The
European commission published in 2009 the new E-money Directive8, which implemented
the main objectives of the first directive. A new definition of e-money covered the two
basic types of e-money: e-money cards and server e-money; the initial capital required for
establishing an e-money institution was decreased from 1 million Euros to 350.000 Euros; it
increased the number of activities that e-money institution can perform in order to stimulate
the competition. Other changes that were introduced with the new Directive were aimed at
allowing better access to new and safer services of the electronic market.

Most of the countries implemented the new E-money Directive till mid 2011. The experience
of the countries was different. Each of the countries searched the most proper way to
implement this directive according to their legal system. Some countries passed a new Law
for e-money; some implemented this directive as part of their current Payment Systems
Law (Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Bulgaria). Greece implemented the new legislation for
e-money in their Banking Law.

Chart 1. Number of electronic money institutions

Source: ECB, payment statistics, august 2013

Macedonia implemented the new EU directive for e-money too, which was one of our
obligations according to the Action plan for European partnership. The legislation for e-money
and for establishing the e-money institution is part of our new Law on payment operations.9 It


taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions amending Directives 2005/60/
EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 2000/46/EC.
9 Law on payment operations (2010), Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 22/2008, 159/2008 и 133/2009,
145/2010, 35/2011 и 11/2012145/10

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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

regulates the conditions in which an institution can issue e-money and also the way it is done.
E-money can be issued by banks which have a special permission from the National bank, or by
specialized institutions for issuing e-money. The act also specifies the conditions for establishing
these institutions, and provides the sections of the Banking Law which also regulate e-money.
This act regulates the risk management of e-money institutions. The relationship between the
issuer and the owner of e-money is regulated with the Macedonian obligation law.

So far, in Macedonia there has been no evidence of e-money transactions or special

institutions for issuing e-money. This current situation highlights the constant need for
analyzing the factors which influence the development and use of e-money.

Use of e-money in the European countries and in the countries from

the region

E-money is going to become a part of modern banking. Some of the factors that influence
its development have a global character (the new information communication technologies,
internet), and all others depend on the conditions developed in one country. The factors on
the national level are: the level of development of the country (influencing the purchasing
power and people’s standard of living), the absorption power for accepting technological
innovations, market developments, the regulatory system, the degree of integration in the
global economic and financial markets. Therefore, it is realistic to expect that the transactions
in e-money have been registered in the developed countries first, such as countries in the
European Union. In the countries from the region, electronic banking is still in its early phase
and it has not been accepted yet by the people and institutions.

E-money in the European countries

According to statistical data of ECB, the use of e-money based on cards started in 1998,
while the use of server e-money, ten years later. The total e-money in circulation had the
highest increase in the period 2008-2011.

Chart 2. Total issuance of electronic money and the value of e-money transactions

Source: ECB, payment statistics

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The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

The comparison with other instruments of the payment system in the European countries
gives a very clear picture. For example, transactions with debit/credit card account for
around 40% of the total payments transactions in comparison with transactions in e-money
which are very low. The share of the number of transactions in e-money in the total number
of transaction of the payment system in Euro area was only 2, 33% in 2012. A comparison
with previous years indicates a slight improvement (1, 35% in 2008 and 1, 70% in 2010)10.

According to the statistical data provided by ECB for each of the European countries, the
highest annual increase of e-money transactions was registered in 2008. This annual change
is mostly due to transactions in Luxemburg, especially to server e-money transactions. One
of the most powerful electronic companies “PayPal” moved its headquarters in the middle
of 2007 from Great Britain to Luxemburg, and at the same time they expanded their license
for e-money. With the new license, access to PayPal can be gained through all internet
pages, despite the past, when it could have been done only through the internet pages in
Great Britain.

Chart 3. Importance of payments instruments in the euro area

Source: ECB, payment statistics

The analysis shows that the highest number of e-money transactions was registered in
Luxemburg, Holland, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic and Germany. Still, the method in
which the transactions were conducted was different. High number of issued e-money
cards was registered in the Netherland, Germany, Belgium and France. Luxemburg was
the leading country by e-money transactions, but the number of e-money cards was very
small, which means that the transactions were mostly done through the server. In the last
years, almost 80% of the total number of payment transactions in Luxemburg has been
done through e-money purchase transactions, while in the other European countries it is
between 0,01-3%. Luxemburg was the leading country according to the value of e-money
purchase transactions, which in 2012 was 34,8 billion Euros. In the second place was Italy,
with 12,7 billion Euros11.

10 ECB, Payment Statistics, annual data, data as of August 2013

11 Payment statistics, ECB, august 2013

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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

Chart 4. Importance of e-money cards and e-money purchase transactions

Source: ECB

In spite of the initial enthusiasm for massive use of e-money, it becomes clear that the
competition with the debit/credit cards was much stronger than expected. The great number
of payment transactions in the European countries is due to credit cards mostly because of
their easy use. People need more time to accept the new digital money.

E-money in the country of the region

In the countries of the region (including Macedonia), there have been no data about e-money
transactions so far. This process is in its very early stage, with initial efforts invested in
establishing legislation and institutions for the use of e-money. Acceptance of electronic
banking leads to building a network for internet connection between banks and clients.
There are many reasons for the delays in this process. We can mention only one: in the
countries from the region massive use of internet started just 10 years ago in comparison
with developed countries where it started 10 years before it! It reflects the existence of
not only technological, but at the same time educational, institutional and economic gap
between countries from the region and developed countries.

Chart 5. Internet users (as % of the total population in the contry)


86 | JCEBI, Vol.1 (2014) No.2, pp. 79 - 92

The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

In spite of the lack of data about e-money, the process of preparation for functioning of the
e-money market has grown into an ongoing process. At the same time, electronic banking
(even not e-money), is an early step to a new kind of payment system (the electronic payment
system). Recently, Albania issued a piece of legislation for instruments for electronic payments,
where electronic money is defined as a payment instrument, different from the rest, which can
be loaded with monetary value each time when there is a need for that. The only issuers of
e-money can be banks and branches of foreign banks. In the central bank of Albania there
are data about internet banking, which means different banking services through internet, like
paying bills, checking the account balance and etc. The foregoing notwithstanding, e-money is
still not present in this country. In Serbia, electronic banking is primarily connected with electronic
transactions between banks and their clients. So far, the development of electronic banking in
this country has been of a slow pace, partly because of the level of internet connectivity. Around
30% of the households in Serbia used internet only for checking their e-mail or reviewing web
pages, but not for certain banking services. In Croatia, e-money legislation was introduced in
2011. Since March 2011, PayPal has been used, and through this system users can receive
e-money, not as before only to order and pay through PayPal. Today, any user who has e-mail
account on PayPal can send money to another user.

E-money in the monetary statistics

E-money is included in the monetary statistics - the data can be found in the ECB statistics.
But, the specific characteristics of e-money make the scope of transactions with e-money and
the records of used e-money questionable (for example the users which use PayPal make a
direct contact with this system). So, there are challenges in the future for further development
of monetary statistics.

The statistical record of e-money in European countries started in January 199612. As we

mentioned before, e-money is divided as software and hardware e-money. In the beginning, the
monetary statistics of ECB only recorded hardware e-money, but since January 2003 software
e-money has been recorded, too.

E-money is included in monetary balance sheet, according to EU regulation EC/25/2009

of the ECB, for the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions (ECB/2008/32). The
transactions with e-money are on the liabilities side, in the category overnight deposits, included
in the transferable deposits, as part of monetary aggregates. The overnight deposits are
balances which can immediately be converted into currency or used for cashless payments,
and their transfer is not performed with any delay or certain limitations. Also, overnight deposit
is included in the monetary aggregates and it is a subject of minimum reserve requirements.


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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

Table 1. ECB definitions for monetary aggregates

М1 М2 М3
Currency in circulation X X X
Overnight deposits X X X
Deposits with agreed maturity of up to 2 years X X
Deposits redeemable at a period of notice up to 3 months X X
Repurchase agreements X
Money market fund X
Debt securities up to 2 years X
Source: ECB

According to this, e-money is included in the broad money supply. This kind of statistics is also
recommended by IMF.

Influence of e-money on monetary policy

E-money can replace currency in circulation. A possibility of its influence on the monetary
policy is considered. But in this development phase of e-money, this kind of influence on
monetary policy is not registered. Currency in circulation is a part of central bank’s monetary
aggregates and balance sheets. The low level of substitute of currency in circulation is
proof for the most frequent conclusion for the small, negligible influence of the e-money.13

According to the Survey of developments in electronic money and internet and mobile
payment (2004) BIS,14 no central bank has registered influence on their balance sheet
caused by reducing currency of circulation as a result of e-money. Also, there are no
data registered for losing revenues. Although this survey was taken 10 years ago, the
conclusions are still valid for the present development of e-money.

Broadly speaking, any innovation has its own life cycle. E-money is a new payment
instrument on the electronic market – it is an innovation. Each of the innovations has its
own path from birth to withdrawal from the market. The first and the second phase of their
life cycle are followed by the phase of fast development and expansion in the market. There
follows the phase with decreasing interest in this innovation, and the cycle is finished with
the last phase when innovation leaves the market. For example, the first computer came to
the market in 1975, but its massive use was registered 16 years later. Cell phones started
to be used by the majority of population after 13 years from their first market entrance15.
The dimension of each of the phases of e-money development cannot be predicted. But
we know its life cycle started. That is why we can predict growing expansion of e-money
in the future and expect a phase of massive and full use of e-money. With further market
penetration of e-money, its influence on monetary policy will become greater. E-money is
going to become a very useful payment instrument, so monetary policy of each country will
have to face the consequences. Furthermore, monetary policy needs to develop a system
of instruments which will be capable of controlling the growing use of e-money and integrate
this coming trend into monetary policy fields of interest.

13 Reynolds Griffth (2004) Electronic Money and Monetary policy,Southwestern Economic Review, p.p 47
14 Survey of developments in electronic money and internet and mobile payment( 2004), Committee on Payment and
Settlement Systems, BIS, p.p.5 (95 central banks and monetary institutions were includes, for period 2002-2003)
15 Barbara Good(1998) Will electronic money be adopted in the United States, working paper 9820, FRB of Clevelend. P.P 1, 28

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The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

Chart 6. Share of electronic money in circulation in currency of circulation

in the euro area, in %

Source: ECB

The analysis of ECB shows possible implications of e-money over monetary policy: 16

1. There is a need for keeping the role of money as a unit for economic transactions;
2. Wider use of e-money can influence functions of monetary instruments
3. E-money can influence the information conveyed from monetary indicators, with
their only aim-price stability.

The danger from the high degree of substitute of currency in circulation with e-money is
presented through the influence of decreasing central bank balance sheet, which means
limitation of their positive influence on the monetary instruments. In order to avoid this
negative influence in the near future, there is another possibility taken into consideration
and that is the possibility for the central bank to impose reserve requirements on all
issuers of electronic money.17

According to previous analyses, the impact of the emergence of electronic money on

monetary policy can mostly be expected in the following areas:18

a) Decrease in the control of central bank over money supply. Decreasing the central
bank’s control of money supply depends on the degree of substitution of currency in
circulation with e-money. The currency in circulation is part of monetary aggregates,
and if it is decreased as a result of wider use of e-money, it will produce difficulties
in measurement of monetary aggregates and of the control of money supply by
the central bank. Possible solutions for limitations of this effect are for example,
limitations of the use of e-money. But this will be in direct confrontation with the
laws of technological progress and could produce negative external effects on the
banking in general. Because of that, there is a need for intensified research on new
opportunities to limit the adverse impacts of replacing cash with electronic money.

b) Increase in the velocity of money. The influence of e-money over monetary

policy can be seen through monetary aggregates, the ability of the central bank
to control money supply. In the future impact should be seen through indicators
related to monetary aggregates, like the velocity of money. With the use of
16 Issues arising from the emerging of electronic money(2000)Monthly Bulletin,ECB, p.p 54-56
17 Reynolds Griffth (2004) Electronic Money and Monetary policy,Southwestern Economic Review, p.p 53
18 Al Laham M, Abdallat N, Al Tarawneh H, (2009) Development of the electronic money and its impact on the central
bank role and monetary policy, Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 6

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Neda Popovska-Kamnar, MSc

e-money, transactions are relatively cheaper which allows increase in the number
of transactions, and increase in the speed of money. Generally speaking, it will
be useful, but only to the level that the central bank could control or measure the
monetary aggregates.

c) Volatility in exchange rates. The change of the monetary multiplier is an important

indicator. This indicator shows the share of currency in the money supply. As a
result of e-money the currency decreases producing effects to multiplier.

d) With the use of currency, the need for printing cash is decreasing, which influences
the revenues of central banks.

e) E-money has a characteristic of easy portability and affordability which offers a wide
use in trade among countries. It is assumed that the user of e-money, motivated
with the cheaper foreign currency transactions, will prefer the transactions to
be in the most powerful currency. So, through PayPal and other services, users
from the country with weaker currency will prefer to transfer their money in higher
currency. So in this way the dollarization or euroisation will be a subject to clicking
the mouse.19 But still, this situation can weaken the central bank’s control in the
process of foreign currency exchange among the countries.

According to ECB, national banks can maintain the size of their balance sheets by imposing
minimum requirements of the issuers of electronic money. There will be no change if the
reserve requirement is impose on e-money because the currency will decrease for the
same sum that e-money are increasing.

Still, all these analyses and facts about the influence of e-money on the monetary policy of
the central bank will be part of future scenarios. Today, with the current use of e-money there
is no room to worry on the part of central banks. Still, there is no broad willingness to accept
e-money because of the expensive implementation, insufficiently developed supervision,
need for broader statistics and also the danger from hackers.

In the future, we could expect decrease of the currency, but it will be without larger effects
or without reasons for any dramatic changes in the monetary policy.


Development of ICT and its revolutionary force to change every segment of modern life
in a society and the global economy, results in substitution of old and now famous forms
and instruments with new and now poorly researched ones in monetary domain. A good
example is the gradual substitution of the traditional method of payment with an electronic
payment system. One of the latest payment instruments is e-money, slowly building its path
to its massive use. So far, the beginning of this path is evident in the developed countries,
where the technological progress, as well as education and knowledge are at the highest
level. In the developing countries, the electronic banking issues are will necessitate the
enactment and enforcement of new e-money legislation.
19 Reynolds Griffth (2013) Electronic money and monetary policy, Stephen F.Austin State University, Southwestern
Economic Proceedings, p.p.50.

90 | JCEBI, Vol.1 (2014) No.2, pp. 79 - 92

The use of electronic money and its impact on monetary policy

On the other hand, the influence of e-money on monetary policy can be seen through its
ability to substitute currency in circulation. So far, because of the small use of e-money, its
influence on monetary policy is insignificant, which does not mean that will stay like that in
the future. Having in mind that every innovation needs time for penetration in the market,
we could expect that in future, e-money will be accepted as a regular payment instrument.
Following this, its influence on monetary policy could be increased (it will depend on the
extent to which it will substitute the currency in circulation). This means that developed
countries and developing countries need to monitor the trend of development of e-money
on the market and the increasing degree of use by institutions and clients. Furthermore,
they need to develop capacity for managing the e-money driven economy. 30 years ago we
could not imagine that the world would be opened before us just with the click on the mouse,
so, with this experience we could expect that the world would be covered with e-money
transactions in the future.


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