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Nitrifying Bacteria (M.C. Zabaloy Et Al.)

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Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

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Nitrifying bacteria and archaea withstanding glyphosate in fertilized MARK

soil microcosms

María Celina Zabaloya, , Marco Allegrinib, Dennis A. Tebbec, Konrad Schusterd,
Elena del V. Gomezb
Centro de Estudios de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS-CONICET), Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, San
Andrés 800, 8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias Rosario (IICAR-CONICET). Laboratorio de Biodiversidad Vegetal y Microbiana, Universidad Nacional de Rosario,
Campo Experimental J. Villarino, 2125 Zavalla, Argentina
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Martin-Luther –Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany


Keywords: The use of glyphosate has been continually increasing world-wide. Microbes involved in the soil nitrogen cycle,
AOB particularly the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB, AOA) that perform the rate-limiting step in
AOA nitrification, i.e. the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite, are recognized to be sensitive to pesticide application.
Total bacteria However, knowledge about the effects of glyphosate on these microorganisms is limited, and no reports exist
about the impacts of simultaneous application of this herbicide and N fertilization, particularly with culture-
Ammonium sulfate
independent approaches. The aim of this study was to assess the non-target effect of glyphosate on overall
amoA gene
microbial activity and nitrification activity, as well as the dynamics of nitrifying populations, in a soil with the
addition of N fertilizer. Microcosms were prepared with the amendments: Fertilizer [(NH4)2PO4, 335 mg kg−1
soil], Glyphosate + Fertilizer [G + F, 150 mg kg−1 soil plus dose of F], or Control [CT, water]. Triplicate
microcosms were destructively sampled over 1 month and analyzed for nitrate production (N-NO3). Soil DNA
was extracted and copies of 16S rRNA and bacterial and archaeal amoA genes were measured by quantitative
PCR, while AOB community structure was analyzed by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).
Results showed a significant interaction (P < 0.01) between amendment and sampling date effects for N-
NO3. The fertilized treatments did not differ in their N-NO3 concentration, and had higher N-NO3 levels than CT
at all sampling dates except day 4. The qPCR analyses of total bacteria and nitrifying prokaryotes, revealed that
amoA gene of AOA (∼1 × 107 copies μg−1 DNA, on average for all amendments and sampling times) were more
abundant than AOB (∼9 × 105 copies μg−1 DNA, idem AOA) in this soil. This predominant group of nitrifiers
were not affected by treatments or incubation time. Conversely, amendment and incubation time showed a
significant interaction influencing AOB abundance (P < 0.001), as F and G + F microcosms had higher amoA
abundance than CT at 18 and 32 days after amendment. Total bacteria were not affected by amendments, and
decreased over the incubation (P < 0.001). This study shows that nitrification and AOB abundance are more
sensitive parameters to assess the combined impact of glyphosate and fertilizer on microbial communities, than
total bacteria or AOA. Non-target effects of glyphosate when combined with N fertilizer on nitrifying microbes
were not detected in this short-term incubation.

1. Introduction Residues, 2016; Karpouzas et al., 2016; Martin-Laurent et al., 2013;

Nienstedt et al., 2012). In this regard, chemolitho-autotrophic ammonia
Panels of experts have recently recommended that the assessment of oxidizing (AO) microorganisms have been recognized as suitable
detrimental effects of agrochemicals on soil microbiota should be microbial indicators in the environmental risk assessment of pesticides
conducted initially by lab-scale analysis followed by field scale studies, (Hoshino et al., 2011; Karpouzas et al., 2016; Wessen and Hallin, 2011),
using advanced tools to measure impacts on sensitive, key-ecological given their sensitiveness to a wide spectrum of chemicals (Corbel et al.,
microbial groups (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their 2015; Deni and Penninckx, 1999; Hernández et al., 2011; Mertens et al.,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.C. Zabaloy).
Received 5 January 2017; Received in revised form 31 March 2017; Accepted 19 April 2017
Available online 23 May 2017
0929-1393/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

2006; Puglisi et al., 2012; Rousidou et al., 2013) and the well- 335 mg kg−1 soil), Glyphosate+ Fertilizer (G + F, 150 mg kg−1 soil
established protocols to measure their activity, diversity and popula- plus the above dose of F), or Control (CT, only water added).
tions size (Feld et al., 2015; Hart et al., 1994; Okano et al., 2004). Ammonium sulfate used as N fertilizer was an analytical grade reagent
The systemic, broad-range herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphono- (Anedra, Argentina) and glyphosate was technical−grade N-(phospho-
methyl)-glycine] was first introduced in the market in 1974 by nomethyl)glycine (95% purity, Nidera). Both chemicals were added to
Monsanto, under the commercial brand Roundup. Since then, the use the microcosms in distilled water, bringing the saturation percentage of
of glyphosate has been incessantly increasing world-wide and is each soil flask to 60% (w/w). The fertilizer dose equals 71 mg N kg−1
expected to reach 1.35 million metric tons by 2017, due mainly to its soil which in turn represents a rate of 90 kg N ha−1, usual rate of N
adoption in soil conservation management systems, in transgenic fertilization in cereal crops and pastures in soils of this region.
glyphosate-resistant crops and in other alternative uses (Cerdeira and Glyphosate dose represents a rate of 1.9 kg ha−1, assuming an interac-
Duke, 2006; Duke and Powles, 2008; Newman et al., 2016). Glyphosate tion of glyphosate with the soil profile of 10 mm depth. This herbicide
is a potent inhibitor of aromatic amino acid synthesis in plants via the rate is about the amount of glyphosate routinely applied in crops and
disruption of the shikimic acid pathway (Duke and Powles, 2008). This pastures in the area. Temperature of incubation was 25 °C (in the dark).
metabolic pathway is shared with several fungi and bacteria, which Triplicate microcosms were destructively sampled at 4, 10, 18 and
accumulate and/or excrete intermediates such as hydroxybenzoic acids 32 days post treatment.
(Duke et al., 2012; Fei et al., 2013; Zablotowicz and Reddy, 2004).
Although there is still discrepancy about the occurrence of undesir- 2.3. Microbial activity
able non-target effects in exposed microbial communities, a recent
meta-analysis showed that glyphosate effects on soil microbial biomass Dehydrogenase activity (DHA) as a proxy of overall microbial
and respiration are highly variable and dependent upon concentration, activity was determined in the microcosms sampled 4 and 32 days
duration of exposure, soil organic carbon and pH (Nguyen Binh et al., after amendment (first and last sampling). Soil (3 g, DW) was incubated
2016). This study concluded that the toxicity or safety of glyphosate to with 4 ml of 60 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.6) and 1 ml of 3%
soil microbial communities need to be defined under specific soil triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) aqueous solution at 37 °C for
conditions, while recognizing the necessity of further exploration of 24 h. The reduction of TTC yielded triphenylformazan (TPF) that was
impacts of glyphosate by means of molecular methods (Nguyen Binh extracted with 10 ml of acetone, and its concentration was determined
et al., 2016). In particular, the direct and indirect effects (e.g. inhibition colorimetrically with photometer set at 505 nm (Zabaloy et al., 2008).
of nitrification mediated by hydroxybenzoic acids (Duke and Hoagland,
1978; Jobidon et al., 1989)) of glyphosate on AO microbes has received 2.4. Soil extractable N-NO3 and potential nitrification activity
little attention and research available is scarce to draw any conclusion
(Hendricks and Rhodes, 1992; Martínez-Nieto et al., 2011; Zabaloy The transformation of the amended ammonium sulfate fertilizer was
et al., 2016). followed by measuring the cumulative concentration of extractable N-
Also of interest is the fact that fertilization with inorganic N may NO3− in soil microcosms at all sampling dates. Soil aliquots of 5 g (DW)
modify the effects of pesticides on microbial communities, specifically of each microcosm were mixed with 25 ml of 1 M KCl, shaken 30 min
on non-target soil AO microorganisms (Feld et al., 2015 Muñoz-Leoz and centrifuged and filtered until a clear filtrate was obtained. The
et al., 2012; Rousidou et al., 2013) and that may hold true for extracts were stored at −20 °C until analysis of N-NO3−, by the vapor
glyphosate as well (Nguyen Binh et al., 2016). The aim of this research distillation method with Devarda’s alloy and MgO (Mulvaney, 1976)
was to analyze the impacts of simultaneous application of glyphosate (analytical service provided by LANAIS, UNS–CONICET, Argentina).
with N fertilizer on the dynamics of nitrifying populations using The short-term assay to measure potential nitrification activity
culture-independent, molecular approaches, as well as on overall (PNA) was done in the microcosms sampled 4 days after treatment
microbial activity and nitrification activity using integrative indicators. (first sampling only). Briefly, 15 g of soil (DW) were suspended in
100 ml of an aqueous solution containing 1 mM PO43− and 5 mM NH4+
2. Material and methods (pH 7.5) in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask (Hart et al., 1994). The soils
flasks were incubated in a rotary shaker at 22 °C ± 1 °C and 180 rpm,
2.1. Soil sampling for 24 h. Ten milliliters aliquots were withdrawn at 24 h, centrifuged
and filtered until a clear filtrate was obtained, as explained above for N-
The sampling site is located in the NE of the Universidad Nacional NO3− analysis.
del Sur campus (38°41.64′ S, 62°14.46′ W) Bahía Blanca, Argentina. The
soil is a sandy loam Petrocalcic paleustoll (Ap-A2-AC-C-Ck-2Ckm) with 2.5. Molecular analysis of microbial communities
the following characteristics of Ap-horizon: pH (1:2.5 soil:water) 7.6,
apparent density of 1.27 g cm−3; C, 29 g kg−1; N, 1.6 g kg−1 and Nitrifying populations’ dynamics were studied through Quantitative
extractable (Bray) P, 18 mg kg−1. The mineralogy of this soils is Real Time PCR (qPCR). Microcosms sampled at 4, 18 and 32 days after
described as “mixed”, containing mainly illite, interstratified illite- treatment, without fertilizer (CT) and with either F or G + F applica-
smectite and/or chlorite-smectite with other tectosilicates (< 2 μm) in tions, were analyzed. Soil aliquots were processed with Power Soil DNA
the clay fraction (Blanco et al., 2003). In November 2014, a composite Isolation kit (MoBio Inc., Carlsbad, CA) following manufacturer in-
sample of 20 soil cores (0–10 cm depth) was taken randomly from an structions. DNA quality was checked by gel electrophoresis in 0.9%
area of about 400 m2 within a 2 ha plot that has been cultivated with agarose, and quantitated with QuantiFluor dsDNA kit in a Quantus
oats as cover crop for the last 15 years. Field moist soil was immediately fluorometer (Promega, Madison, WI).
sieved (< 5.6 mm) for biological analysis and stored at 4 °C until use,
within 1 week. Two−gram aliquots were stored at −20 °C for DNA 2.5.1. Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR)
analysis. Quantitative PCR was used to measure abundance of 16S rRNA gene
and amoA genes, used as surrogates of population sizes of Eubacteria,
2.2. Experimental design and microcosm set-up and AOB/AOA, respectively. However, no attempt was made to convert
copies into cell numbers to avoid introducing errors (e.g. an unknown
Microcosms were prepared in screw-capped plastic vials (150 cm3) number of operons per cell in mixed bacterial communities). Primers
by weighing 50 g (dry-weight, DW) of field-moist soil. Microcosms used for molecular analyses are listed in Table 1. Real time PCR master
received the following treatments: Fertilizer (F, (NH4)2SO4, mixes, reaction set-up and programs for 16S rDNA and amoA of AOB

M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

Table 1
Primers used in this study.

Target group Primer Sequence (5′ → 3′) Size (bp) Reference


518R ATTACCGCGGCTGCTGG 200 (Fierer et al., 2005)


amoA-2R CCCCTCKGSAAAGCCTTCTTC 491 (Rotthauwe et al., 1997)
amoA-2R-TC CCCCTCTGCAAAGCCTTCTTC 531 (Nicolaisen and Ramsing, 2002)

AOA amoA-19F ATGGTCTGGCTWAGACG (Leininger et al., 2006)

CrenamoA616r48x GCCATCCABCKRTANGTCCA 624 (Schauss et al., 2009)

The GC-clamp added to the forward primers for PCR-DGGE: 5′-CGCCCGGGGCGCGCCCCGGGCGGGGCGGGGGCACGGGGGG-3′ (Muyzer et al., 1993).

were as described previously by Zabaloy and colleagues (2016). way ANOVA (α=0.05). Significance of the F-values for the main factors
For archaeal amoA gene amplification, the reaction mixture con- and the interaction term were considered with P < 0.05, while
tained the following: 7.5 μl of PCR iTaq Universal SYBR Green marginally significant P-values are reported as such. Post hoc compar-
Supermix (2×; Bio-Rad Laboratories), 0.9 μl of each primer (10 μM ison of means was done with Tukey’s HSD test (P < 0.05). Simple
stocks, Invitrogen), 1 μl of template DNA (∼1–10 ng μl−1) and ultra- linear regression analysis was used to describe the relationship between
pure water to 15 μl. The amplification program was as follows: soil extractable nitrate and amoA gene abundance (as log10 copies).
preincubation (95 °C, 5 min, one cycle), amplification (95 °C for 20 s, Potentially influential observations were removed from the analysis
55 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 45s, 40 cycles), followed by melting curve after computing regression (leave-one-out deletion) diagnostics
analysis (65–95 °C) in an ABI 7500 Real Time System (Applied (Crawley, 2007). All statistical analyses were conducted using R
Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Prior to Q-PCR, a sample of agricultural v.3.1.1. (R Development Core and Team, 2013).
soil DNA was amplified with archaeal amoA primers (Table 1), the
resulting amplicon ligated to pJet 1.2/blunt plasmid using CloneJet 3. Results
PCR Cloning kit (Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania), and this was used to
transform chemically competent E. coli DH5?? cells. A clone was 3.1. Microbial activity
submitted to Macrogen Korea for sequencing of the 627 bp insert,
which showed 100% identity to amoA gene sequence of an uncultured Microbial activity, as reflected by DHA, was affected by the
archaea in Genbank database (JQ406893.1). The standard curves for incubation time (P < 0.001, Fig. 1) but not by the amendments, and
amoA genes were prepared by tenfold serial dilution of linear plasmids the enzyme activity doubled over the incubation, on average for all
carrying the proper inserts, ranging from 106 to 102 copies, as described treatments.
recently (Zabaloy et al., 2016).
3.2. Soil extractable N-NO3 and PNA
2.5.2. Analysis of AOB populations by DGGE
Shifts in the AOB community structure of soil microcosms treated There was a highly significant interaction (P < 0.01) among
with either F or G + F, as compared to untreated CT, were assessed by amendments and sampling dates for soil extractable N-NO3− content,
fingerprints of amoA gene by PCR-DGGE. The bacterial amoA gene was
amplified using a nested PCR approach (Nicolaisen and Ramsing,
2002). First PCR was done with the primer pair amoA-1F/amoA-2R
(Table 1) and second-round PCR was performed with primer pair
amoA-1F-GC/amoA-2R-TC clamp (Table 1) and subjected to DGGE
analysis. The detailed methodological procedure is extensively ex-
plained elsewhere (Zabaloy et al., 2016).
Digital gel images were processed using GelCompar™ II v. 4.6
(Applied Maths, Kortrijk Belgium). Optimum values for background
subtraction (background scale) and filtering (Wiener cut-off) of densi-
tometric curves were calculated from spectral analysis. The amoA PCR
amplicons of Nitrosomonas europea and uncultured bacteria 5-A51
(accession number KJ643949 in GenBank) were use as internal
reference positions for gel normalization (GelCompar II™ v. 4.6,
Software Manual). Analysis of normalized DGGE profiles was per-
formed through cluster analysis. Similarity matrices were obtained
through Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient (r) (Schäfer
and Muyzer, 2001) and clustered using the UPGMA algorithm
(Rademaker et al., 1999).

2.6. Statistical analysis

Fig. 1. Dehydrogenase activity in soil microcosms amended with either (NH4)2SO4 as

All data were inspected for normality and homogeneity of variances
fertilizer (F), (NH4)2SO4 plus glyphosate (G + F), or untreated (CT, water as control), at
with modified Shapiro-Wilks test on residuals and Levene test, respec-
the first and last sampling dates (4 and 32 days after amendment). Reported values are
tively, in addition to visual inspection of diagnostic plots (Crawley, the mean of triplicate microcosms; error bars represent S.E. of the mean (n = 3). Different
2007). One-way ANOVA was used for the analysis of PNA data, while uppercase letters show significant differences between sampling dates (ANOVA,
DHA, extractable nitrate and gene abundances were subjected to two- P < 0.05).

M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

Fig. 2. Dynamics of extractable N-NO3− in soil microcosms amended with either (NH4)2SO4 as fertilizer (F), (NH4)2SO4 plus glyphosate (G + F), or untreated (CT, water as control).
Reported values are the mean of triplicate microcosms; error bars represent S.E. of the mean (n = 3).

so comparisons of amendments were considered for each sampling date and Ct = 38.91–3.97 log10 (gene copies) for archaeal amoA
and vice versa. Initially (4 days after amendment), soil extractable N- (R2 = 0.998). The calculated PCR efficiencies were: 95% for 16S
NO3− concentration did not differ among CT and fertilized microcosms. rRNA, 72.5% for bacterial amoA; and 78.6% for archaeal amoA.
Later, the fertilized microcosms had higher N-NO3− levels than the CT Archaeal amoA copies were one order of magnitude higher than
soils, while F and G + F did not significantly differ in their N-NO3− bacterial amoA in this soil on average for all treatments and sampling
concentration (Fig. 2). While N-NO3− levels increased markedly in dates (Fig. 4a). This predominant group of nitrifiers were not affected
fertilized treatments (F and G + F) at the second sampling date and by amendments nor incubation time (Fig. 4a, Table 2). Conversely, the
then stabilized, it remained invariable over the incubation in the CT significant interaction (P < 0.001) detected for AOB precludes any
microcosms (Fig. 2). generalization about the principal effects of amendment and incubation
Potential nitrification in fertilized microcosms tended to be higher time (Table 2). Instead, comparisons of amendments were considered
than the activity of the control, although there were no significant for each sampling date and vice versa. Bacterial amoA increased with
differences among treatments (Fig. 3). incubation time in all microcosms, but the increase was observed in
different sampling dates for CT and fertilized microcosms. While the CT
3.3. Abundance of nitrifying prokaryotes and total bacteria soil maintained an almost constant size of AOB populations during
incubation and only increased by the last sampling date, the fertilized
The relationship between Ct values and gene copies for each target microcosms showed a faster increase, with higher bacterial amoA
gene was described by the following regression equations: abundance 18 and 32 days after fertilization with respect to the initial
Ct = 38.81–3.45 log10 (gene copies) for 16S rRNA (R2 = 0.991), sampling date (Fig. 4b). AOB were more abundant in F microcosms
Ct = 39.2–4.24 log10 (gene copies) for bacterial amoA (R2 = 0.988), than in CT 4 days after treatment, while G + F microcosms did not
differ significantly from CT and F. Later, in the third and last sampling,
both F and G + F amendments showed higher abundance of bacterial
amoA than CT (Fig. 4 b).
Total bacteria, as reflected by 16S rRNA gene abundance, were not
affected by amendments but significantly varied with sampling time
(P < 0.01; Table 2). The abundance of Eubacteria slightly decreased in
the third and last sampling with respect to the initial sampling date
(Fig. 4c). As observed for bacterial amoA abundance, the significant
interaction (P < 0.01) detected for the ratio between AOB: bacteria
(calculated as bacterial amoA to 16S rRNA gene log10 copies) precludes
generalizations about the principal effects of amendment and incuba-
tion time (Table 2). The AOB to bacteria ratio increased with time of
incubation, being significantly higher in the third and last sampling
with respect to the initial sampling date in F and G + F microcosms,
while in CT microcosms significantly increased only in the last sampling
with respect to the first (4 days after treatment) (Table 3). This ratio
was higher in F microcosms than in CT soils in the first sampling (4 days
after amendment); it was significantly higher in F and G + F micro-
cosms than in CT in the third sampling (18 days after amendment) and
Fig. 3. Potential nitrification activity in soil microcosms sampled 4 days after being
amended with either (NH4)2SO4 as fertilizer (F), (NH4)2SO4 plus glyphosate (G + F), or
it remained higher in F than in CT microcosms by the last sampling date
untreated (CT, water as control). Reported values are the mean of triplicate microcosms; (32 days) (Table 3).
error bars represent S.E. of the mean (n = 3). There was a significant interaction (P < 0.05) between amend-

M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

Fig. 4. Abundance of AOA (a) AOB (b) amoA gene and total bacteria 16S rRNA gene (c) copy numbers (log10 transformed) in soil microcosms amended with either (NH4)2SO4 as fertilizer
(F), (NH4)2SO4 plus glyphosate (G + F), or untreated (CT, water as control), sampled 4, 18 and 32 days after amendment. Reported values are the mean of triplicate microcosms; error
bars represent S.E. of the mean (n = 3). Different uppercase letters show significant differences among sampling dates within a given amendment (panel b) or on average for all of them
(panel c), while lowercase letters indicate significant differences among amendments within sampling date (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.05).

ment and sampling date in the AOA to AOB ratio (calculated as archaeal Table 3
amoA to bacterial amoA gene log10 copies) and comparisons of Ratios of microbial groups (as ratios between target gene copies) in soil microcosms
amended with either (NH4)2SO4 as fertilizer (F), (NH4)2SO4 plus glyphosate (G + F), or
amendments were considered for each sampling date, and vice versa
unamended (only water, as control). Reported values are the mean for each treatment
(Table 2). The AOA: AOB ratio significantly decreased in the last (n = 3).
sampling with respect to the initial sampling date in CT only, while
both F and G + F microcosms had lower ratios in the third and last Sampling date Amendments
samplings compared to the first sampling (Table 3). The AOA: AOB
(days after amendment) CT F G+F
ratio was significantly lower in the F and G + F microcosms compared
to the CT soil 18 days after amendment, and was lower only in F with AOB:total bacteria
respect to CT soils in the last sampling (Table 3). 4 1.21 × 10−4 aA
3.26 × 10−4 bA 2.24 × 10−4 abA
A significant positive correlation between extractable N-NO3− and 18 1.57 × 10−4
aA 1.55 × 10−3 bB 1.65 × 10−3 bB
32 5.95 × 10−4 aB 1.98 × 10−3
bB 1.13 × 10−3
bacterial amoA gene abundance (as log10 copies) was observed
(r = 0.82, F(1,23) = 51.8, P < 0.001; Fig. 5). The regression equation AOA:AOB
4 85.9 24.5 aB 30.1 aB
describing this relationship is: aB
18 47.9 bB 5.5 aA 4.7 aA
N-NO3 (μg g−1 soil) = 60.08[μg−1 (log10 copies)−1] × log10 copies 32 10.5 bA 2.4 aA 10.8 abA

amoA −307.41 μg g−1 a

Different lowercase letters show significant differences among amendments, and
different uppercase letters, differences among sampling dates (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.05).
Conversely, soil nitrate levels were uncorrelated to the abundances
of archaeal amoA measured in this experiment (r = 0.04, F(1,24) = 0.28,
P = 0.6; Fig. 5). similarity among clusters (> 90% Pearson correlation) (Fig. S1).

4. Discussion
3.4. Structure of AOB community
No significant impact on overall microbial activity, reflected by
Given the unresponsiveness of AOA in this experiment (based on the dehydrogenase activity, of either N fertilizer alone or combined with
above-mentioned results), we focused the analysis on the structure of glyphosate was observed in this experiment. Remarkably, microbial
nitrifying populations of AOB only. DGGE patterns of amoA showed low activity was sustained or even increased over the incubation (32 days).
complexity, which suggests low diversity of AOB in this soil. This result is in line with those obtained in a plot-scale experiment set
Dendrograms describing the effect of N fertilization alone or combined in the same region and soil type, where field rates of glyphosate showed
with glyphosate on the AOB community composition showed separa- no significant effect on microbial activity indicators (respiration and
tion of the G + F treatment from the CT and F microcosms at two DHA) in unfertilized soils (Zabaloy et al., 2016). Similarly, no con-
sampling dates (4 and 18 days after amendment), although the sistent significant effect on DHA was observed for a glyphosate
differences in amoA fingerprints were small, as reflected by high concentration equal to the dose used in the present study, in the

Table 2
Analysis of variance for gene abundances for quantification of total Eubacteria (log10 copies 16S rRNA μg−1 DNA), AOB and AOA (log10 copies amoA μg−1 DNA), ratios between AOB:
bacteria (calculated as bacterial amoA/16S rRNA gene log10 copies), and AOA: AOB (calculated as archaeal amoA/bacterial amoA gene log10 copies), as affected by Amendments (A),
Sampling date (S), and their interaction (A × S). Significance is indicated by P-values, and statistically not significant factors are reported as such (n.s).

Factor Variables

Total bacteria AOB AOA AOB: Bacteria AOA: AOB

A (df = 2) n.s P < 0.001 n.s P < 0.001 P < 0.001
S (df = 2) P < 0.01 P < 0.001 n.s P < 0.001 P < 0.001
A × S (df = 4) n.s P < 0.001 n.s P < 0.01 P < 0.05
Residual df 18 18 17 18 17

Degrees of freedom (df).

M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

Fig. 5. Linear regression between soil extractable nitrate and amoA gene abundance (as log10 copies) of AOB (white circle) and AOA (gray circle). Lines show the best-fit regression, where
archaeal amoA vs. extractable N-NO3− is the dotted line, and bacterial amoA vs. extractable N-NO3− is the dashed line. Each symbol represents one observation. Potentially influential
observations that were removed from the regression analysis are shown with thick border, with sample size n = 25 for AOB and n = 26 for AOA.

absence of fertilizer, in short-term microcosms incubations with two affected by amendment nor incubation time, in agreement with other
different soils (Petrocalcic Paleustoll and Typic Argiudol) (Zabaloy researchers’ findings (Ouyang et al., 2016). Other authors have
et al., 2008). The application of NPK fertilizer in fungicide-treated soil reported that archaeal amoA abundance is less responsive than bacterial
microcosms has been shown to counteract the inhibitory effects of the amoA to toxicants, e.g. a fungicide (mancozeb) (Feld et al., 2015) and
pesticides on dehydrogenase activity (Muñoz-Leoz et al., 2012). Over- microcystins (Corbel et al., 2015). This is probably a consequence of
all, our results suggest that no detrimental impact on dehydrogenase physiological and metabolic differences between both groups, for e.g.
activity is expected when glyphosate and N fertilizer are applied in AOA are better competitors than bacteria under low NH3+ concentra-
combination. tions, but AOB over-compete AOA in agricultural soils fertilized with
Potential nitrification activity reflects the short-term production of inorganic N sources, as a result of higher levels of ribosomal activity
nitrate in a homogeneous soil suspension supplied with excess substrate (reviewed in Carey et al. (2016)). Active cells may be more susceptible
(5 mM NH4+) (Ouyang et al., 2016). In this study, PNA showed no than inactive cells to environmental and external factors (Zhang et al.,
significant differences among treatments. This is consistent with the 2014).
results obtained with DHA, as it has been shown that DHA is highly In the un-amended CT microcosms, the AOB population size was
correlated to nitrification potential (Skujiņš, 1973; Tabatabai, 1994). almost 7 times lower than in fertilized microcosms, on average for all
The temporal trend observed in soil extractable N-NO3− concentra- sampling dates and amendment levels (F and G + F), while there were
tion following fertilization coincides with the dynamics reported by no differences in amoA abundance between these treatments. Both the
other authors (Feld et al., 2015; Okano et al., 2004), and also for temporal trend observed after amendment with either N fertilizer or
unfertilized soil microcosms, where the dynamics of N-NO3− formation glyphosate+ N (i.e., rapid increase in AOB population size in F and
has been shown to mirror the nitrifying activity (Marcos et al., 2016). G + F versus almost constant size in CT microcosms), and the effects of
The fertilized soils (F and G + F) had higher level of N-NO3− than CT fertilization on the bacterial amoA abundance are in agreement with
microcosms all over the incubation. However, no significant effects of results obtained by Okano et al. (2004) in a silty clay loam agricultural
the combined use of glyphosate and N fertilizer were detected in our soil fertilized with similar rate of ammonium sulfate in lab incubations.
study. Feld et al. (2015) observed that commercial formulations of These results are also in line with those reported by Glaser et al. (2010)
dazomet and mancozeb, a soil disinfectant and a fungicide, respec- in bulk-soil microcosms amended with the same N fertilizer at
tively, inhibited nitrification in soils microcosms fertilized with ammo- equivalent rate. With regards to the glyphosate addition, we have
nium sulfate in comparison to pesticide-free fertilized control. Con- previously shown that no detrimental impact is expected on the amoA
versely, nitrification was stimulated in a soil treated with NPK fertilizer abundance in unfertilized soils, at 2 × herbicide application rate in the
and a fungicide (difenoconazole) (Muñoz-Leoz et al., 2012). Previous short-term (Zabaloy et al., 2016), and even after 3 applications of either
studies have shown that low to moderate glyphosate doses have the active ingredient or a commercial formulation of glyphosate
negligible impact on nitrification in non-fertilized bulk soil (Hart and (Allegrini et al., 2017). However, we do not know of any published
Brookes, 1996 Martínez-Nieto et al., 2011) and in lake sediments report about the combined effect of glyphosate and N fertilizer on amoA
(Enrich-Prast, 2006). Our results are supported by the research abundances, used here as surrogates of AOB and AOA population sizes.
published by Belligno et al. (2000) about the combined effect of The ratio between AOA and AOB was generally higher in the CT
glyphosate and N fertilizer on nitrification, that reported that glypho- than in the fertilized microcosms (Table 3), but the dominance of AOA
sate ammonium has no significant effect on nitrification potential. over AOB decreased over the incubation and this was more pronounced
Quantitation of amoA genes gives a close estimation of nitrifiers’ and statistically significant in the fertilized microcosms in the third and
population sizes, given that most AOB possess 2–3 copies and AOA, 1 last sampling date, in coincidence with the temporal increase in AOB
copy of the amoA operon (Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001; Mincer et al., abundance (Fig. 4 b). Similar AOA:AOB ratios have been reported for
2007; Okano et al., 2004). AOA populations were more abundant than unfertilized vs. N fertilized plots in a silt loam soil in Utah (Ouyang
AOB in this soil at all sampling dates (Fig. 4), although they were not et al., 2016) and for ammonium sulfate- treated microcosms vs.

M.C. Zabaloy et al. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118 (2017) 88–95

untreated microcosms of two contrasting types of agricultural soil unwanted effect of the combined use of the herbicide and fertilizer in
(Glaser et al., 2010). Again, this index was not affected by glyphosate the short-term. This is relevant in the context of real in-field agricultur-
use in combination with inorganic N fertilizer. al management, where simultaneous application of glyphosate and
Total bacterial abundance was not affected by amendments, and fertilizer may occur, particularly in no-till systems planted to glypho-
slightly decreased over the incubation, probably as a result of exhaus- sate-resistant crops (eg. Roundup Ready corn). To further exclude the
tion of C sources to sustain the growth of heterotrophic bacteria. Similar possibility of side-effects of these treatments it would be recommend-
results were informed for the combined use of N fertilizer and a able to investigate how these microbial indicators are affected by use of
fungicide (mancozeb) (Feld et al., 2015) and for agricultural soil glyphosate in fertilized soil −plant systems, when fertilizer is applied
microcosms fertilized with (NH4)2SO4 (Okano et al., 2004). With simultaneously or at an earlier time point.
regards to glyphosate amendment, contrasting results have been
reported, as for instance, no effect in unfertilized soil microcosms with Funding sources
up to 3 sequential applications (Allegrini et al., 2017), reduction in the
size of total bacteria population in field plots with 2 × herbicide This study was supported by National Agency of Scientific and
recommended rate (Zabaloy et al., 2016) and no long-term effect in Technical Promotion −ANPCyT, Argentina (grant BID−PICT 2012-
bacteria abundance in soils with and without glyphosate use history 0122). M. Allegrini holds a doctoral fellowship awarded by CONICET.
(Allegrini et al., 2015). Nonetheless, no previous information is K. Schuster and D. Tebbe received support from the International
available regarding the effect on total bacteria of the combined use of Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
N fertilizer and glyphosate. Changes in the ratio between AOB and total (IAESTE- MINCyT) and UNS for their internships in Argentina.
bacteria were clearly driven by the increase in AOB abundance and the
decrease in total bacteria over incubation, getting to a maximal 10-fold Acknowledgments
increase in fertilized soils compared to CT at 18 days after amendment.
However, no significant differences were observed in this index Dr. Zabaloy acknowledges Technician A.M. Zamponi (CONICET) for
between F and G + F at any time point, in consistence with the lack assistance with soil analyses and Dr. Magalí Marcos for kindly provid-
of significant effects on both microbial indicators (amoA and 16S rRNA ing DNA of N. europea. Dr. Lucía Pronsato and Dr. Lorena Milanesi are
gene abundance). This index varied only after 3 applications in soil gratefully acknowledged for giving us access to their lab facilities.
microcosms of a commercial formulation of glyphosate but not with the
active ingredient (Allegrini et al., 2017), as we used in the current Appendix A. Supplementary data
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