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Nano Satellite

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The key takeaways are that nano satellites are miniaturized satellites between 1-10 kg in mass that are used mainly in constellations for multi-point data collection covering large areas in space.

Nano satellites are miniaturized satellites with a mass between 1-10 kg that can be as small as 10x10x10cm. They are used mainly in constellations for multi-point in situ data collection covering large areas in space.

The components of a nano satellite include structures, communication systems, electrical power systems, attitude determination and control systems, onboard computers and sensors/payloads.


Aastha Shah 2015120043

Dharni Shah 2015120044
Anirudh Sharma 2015120046
Vineetkumar Sharma 2015120047
Hrishikesh Shedekar 2015120048
What are Nano satellites?

● Miniaturized satellites with a mass between 1-10 kg

● As small as 10x10x10cm

● Used mainly in Constellations

● Multi-point in situ data collection covering large areas

in space
Components of Nano satellite:
ISRO Nano Satellites
ISRO Nano Satellites (INS) is a versatile and modular Nano satellite bus system envisioned for future science and experimental
payloads. With a capability to carry up to 3 kg of payload and a total satellite mass of 11 kg, it offers immense opportunities for future
use. The INS system is developed as a co-passenger satellite to accompany bigger satellites on PSLV launch vehicle. Its primary
objectives include providing a standard satellite bus for launch on demand services and providing opportunity to carry innovative

The primary objectives of INS system are to:

● Design and develop a low cost modular Nano satellite

● Provide an opportunity for ISRO technology demonstration payloads
● Provide a standard bus for launch on demand services
● Provide an opportunity to carry innovative payloads for Universities / R&D laboratories

PSLV-C37 carried two ISRO Nano Satellites – INS-1A and INS-1B as co-passenger satellites, which was launched on Feb 15, 2017.
INS-1C was launched by PSLV-C40 on Jan 12, 2018, as a co-passenger satellite.
● Overall Size
● 304 x 246 x 364.3 mm3 (stowed)
● 304 x 670 x 364.3 mm3 (deployed)

● Payloads:
Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Radiometer (SBR) payload from Space
Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad measures the BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function) of the Earth surface and will take readings of the reflectance of different
surface features due to Sun albedo.
Single Event Upset Monitor (SEUM) payload from SAC monitors Single Event Upsets
occurring due to high energy radiation in the space environment.
Launch Mass: 8.4 kg
Mission Life : 6 months
Launch Vehicle: PSLV-C37 / Cartosat -2 Series Satellite
Type of Satellite: Experimental
Manufacturer: ISRO
Owner: ISRO
Application: Experimental
Orbit Type: SSPO
Overall Size:
● 304 x 246 x 510 mm3 (stowed)
● 304 x 670 x 510 mm3 (deployed)

Earth Exosphere Lyman Alpha Analyser (EELA) payload from Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems
(LEOS), Bengaluru Registers terrestrial exospheric line-of-sight neutral atomic hydrogen Lyman
Alpha flux. Besides, it will estimate the interplanetary hydrogen Lyman-alpha background flux by
means of deep space observations.
Origami Camera payload from SAC is a Remote Sensing Colour camera with a novel lens assembly
for optical realisation in a small package. There is scope for its future scalability and utilisation in
regular satellites.

Launch Mass: 9.7 kg

Mission Life : 6 months
Launch Vehicle: PSLV-C37 / Cartosat -2 Series Satellite
Type of Satellite: Experimental
Manufacturer: ISRO
Owner: ISRO
Application: Experimental
Orbit Type: SSPO
A CubeSat (U-class spacecraft) is a type of nano satellite for space research that is made up of
multiples of 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm (4 in × 4 in × 4 in) cubic units. CubeSats have a mass of no more
than 1.33 kilograms (2.9 lb) per unit, and often use commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components for
their electronics and structure. CubeSats are commonly put in orbit by deployers on the International
Space Station, or launched as secondary payloads on a launch vehicle.
● CubeSat technology is a standardised, cheap nanosatellite, making it easier
for anyone to launch a satellite. They are 10 centimetres cubes weighing
slightly more than 1Kg. They cost about £60,000.
● Combinations of 3, 6 or 12 Cubes can carry out commercial applications.
Single cubes were developed as tools for teaching and technical
demonstration. But these larger, more powerful crafts offer new kinds of
The proposals selected for further technology development are:
● The Mars Micro Orbiter (MMO) mission, which uses a 6U-class Cubesat to measure
the Martian atmosphere in visible and infrared wavelengths from Mars orbit. Michael
Malin of Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California, is the principal
● Hydrogen Albedo Lunar Orbiter (HALO) is a propulsion-driven 6U-class CubeSat
that will answer critical questions about the lunar hydrogen cycle and the origin of water
on the lunar surface by examining the reflected hydrogen in the moon’s solar wind. The
principal investigator is Michael Collier of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland.
● Diminutive Asteroid Visitor using Ion Drive (DAVID) is a 6U-class CubeSat mission
that will investigate an asteroid much smaller than any studied by previous spacecraft
missions and will be the first NASA mission to investigate an Earth-crossing asteroid.
Geoffrey Landis of NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, is the principal
● Lower production cost, implicit in the size reduction, and further enhanced by
simplified project management procedures.
● Cost reductions enhanced also by the COTS(Commercial Off The Shelf) approach ,
since an inherent lower cost is compatible with the acceptance of greater risks.
● Accessibility to more modern /compact / less power-hungry electronics associated to
the COTS approach.
● Easier implementation of spatially distributed systems ( e.g. : constellations,
storms, formations) due to the lower unit cost.
● The availability of a ‘family’ of object characterized by different mass-DC power
ranges, allows to optimize the costs vs. mission requirements.
● Better adherence to requirements of low-budget users.
● Mass and DC power limits are incompatible with ambitious missions.
● Small satellites require new thinking and management procedures.
● Still poorly understood and accepted by Industry and Institutions.
● Space science Microsatellites can offer a very quick turnaround and an inexpensive
means of exploring well-focused, small-scale science objectives (e.g. monitoring the
space radiation environment, updating the international geo-magnetic reference field,
etc.), or providing an early proof-of-concept prior to the development of large-scale
instrumentation in a fully complementary manner to expensive, long-gestation,
large-scale space science missions.
● This not only yields early scientific data but also provides opportunities for young
scientists and engineers to gain 'real-life' experience of satellite and payload
engineering (an invaluable experience for later largescale missions).
● The low cost, rapid timescale and manageable proportions of microsatellites are also
attractive to emerging space nations who wish to develop and establish a national
expertise in space technology through an affordable small satellite programme.
The story is not complete without further important areas not covered here in any detail.
Low cost must extend from the satellite design to the total mission, including launch and
in-orbit operations. Initially, our launches have piggy-backed on the launch of large

Current micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) technology, driven by commercial and

consumer requirements will open up the prospect of satellites on-a-chip or ‘femptosats’!

One such femptosat is of little use, but a cloud of such satellites with coherent
intercommunications and precise knowledge of relative position promises a resilient
reconfigurable and highly adaptable entity in orbit, capable of communications, remote
sensing by radar or optical observations.

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