Attitude and Orbit Control
Attitude and Orbit Control
Attitude and Orbit Control
System (AOCS)
Unit II
Prepared By
P.Raja Pirian
1. Attitude/Orbit equations of motion
2. AOCS hardware
3. Attitude determination
4. Attitude control
5. AOCS design
Attitude/Orbit equations of
Orbit (translation):
Simple model: Kepler time equation
Complicated model:
Lagrange planetary equation
Newton 2nd law of motion
Attitude (rotation):
Kinematic eq.
Dynamic eq.: Euler rotational eq. of
Orbital dynamics: two-body
Two-body problem: (point masses)
Conservation of energy (dot product with .)
Conservation of angular momentum (cross
product with )
Keplers 1st law: the orbit of each planet around
the sun is an ellipse, with the sun at one focus.
Keplers 2nd law: the radius vector from the sun to
a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time
Keplers 3rd law: the square of the orbital period of
a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of the ellipse.
Orbital dynamics: three-body
Circular restricted three-body
problem: the motion of the two primary bodies
is constrained to circular orbits about their
Lagrangian (or libration) points
Halo orbit (closed Lissajous trajectory: quasi-periodic
Spin stabilization:
Requires stable inertia ratio: Iz>Ix=Iy
Requires nutation damper: ball-in-tube, viscous ring,
active damping
Requires torquers to control precession (spin axis drift)
magnetically or with jets
Inertially oriented
Dual-spin stabilization
Two bodies rotating at different rates about a common
Behave like simple spinners, but part is despun
(antenna, sensor)
Requires torquers for momentum control and nutation
dampers for stability
Allows relaxation of majar axis rule
Attitude control:
three-axis active control
Reaction wheels most common actuators
Fast; continuous feedback control
Moving parts
Internal torque only; external still need
momentum dumping (off-loading)
Relatively high power, weight, cost
Control logic simple for independent axes
Attitude control:
gravity gradient stabilization
courtesy from Oliver L. de Weck: 16.684 Space System Product Development, Spring 2001
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology