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Publishing on Kindle: Guidelines for Publishers

Method 1:



<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Method 2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

6.7 Use Supported Characters and Spaces

Characters should be represented using plain text UTF-8 characters, except where XML entities are
strictly required or are easier for humans to read than their character equivalents. For example, instead of
using the "&copy;" entity, use the © character.

XML entities are strictly required for "<" (&lt;), ">" (&gt;), and "&" (&amp;).

The only supported spaces are the normal space, the non-breaking space (&nbsp;), and the zero-width
non-joiner (&zwnj;). Use of any other space can break the selection, dictionary lookup, and line-wrap

Do NOT use Unicode format characters, as they may cause problems.

6.8 Design for a Good eBook Experience

Kindle supports float via CSS, but this does not guarantee that the floating of text and images will produce
an exact replica of the print layout on all Kindle devices and applications. If float is not producing the
desired result, Amazon recommends rethinking the design and layout to create the best possible eBook
experience rather than fixating on duplicating the print experience on a device. Using fixed-layout format
just to replicate print layout is not allowed in Kindle books because customers report this as a bad user

7 Hyperlink Guidelines
7.1 Internal Link Guidelines
Internal links can be used to link separate content within the book. Some examples of this include:
 Links from the book-level table of contents to each individual chapter (see sections 5.1 and 5.1.1)
 Links from a chapter-level table of contents to subchapters or chapter sections
 Links to an appendix or glossary
 Footnotes (see section 9.3.11)
Amazon requires formatting footnotes with bi-directional hyperlinks (the text is linked to the footnote and
the footnote is linked back to the text). This makes it easier for customers to return to the text after
viewing the footnote. On some devices, the footnote is displayed in a pop-up window.

Kindle Publishing Guidelines 21

Publishing on Kindle: Guidelines for Publishers

To avoid unintended footnote pop-ups, internal links that are not footnotes should not be formatted with
bi-directional hyperlinks (A links to B and B links to A). Non-footnote links should use the format A links to
B and B links to C instead. For example, links from a chapter-level table of contents to a chapter section
should link back to the chapter heading.

Internal hyperlinks are not currently supported on E-reader devices in fixed-layout books.

7.2 External Link Guidelines

External links within Kindle books should be present only if they directly enhance the reader experience
and the content of the title as determined by Amazon. Some examples of this include:
 Links to previous or subsequent books in a series
 Links to multimedia content directly related the content of title
 Links to additional ancillary material (e.g., checklists, assessment forms, craft patterns, and
similar printable materials)
 Links to topical websites (e.g., link to in a Kindle book about the American
 Social media related to the book or author (e.g., Twitter hashtag)
Some examples of prohibited links include:
 Links to pornography
 Links to commercial eBook store sites other than Amazon
 Links to web forms that request customer information (e.g., email address, physical address or
 Links to illegal, harmful, infringing, or offensive content
 Links that are malicious in intent (e.g., virus, phishing, or similar)
External hyperlinks are not currently supported on E-reader devices in fixed-layout books. Amazon
reserves the right to remove links in its sole discretion.

8 QA Standards
Amazon strongly recommends that you verify your exported content before converting it into a Kindle
book because some content creation tools format content differently when exporting to HTML.

In addition, Amazon encourages you to review the entire book for:

 Missing content
 Wrong content
 Typos and complete character support
 Alignment errors
 Forced typeface throughout the entire book (reflowable only) or correct font (fixed-layout)
 Image quality
 Proper paragraph spacing and indenting
 Forced font color or background color (reflowable only)

Kindle Publishing Guidelines 22

Publishing on Kindle: Guidelines for Publishers

These errors negatively affect readability and may require the Amazon team to suppress the title to
protect the reader’s experience.

8.1 Testing Kindle Books

There are three ways to test your Kindle book before adding it to the Kindle store:
1. Use Kindle Previewer 3. Publishers and self-publishers can test eBooks using Kindle Previewer
3, available for both Windows and Mac OS X. Kindle Previewer is a great way to test your eBooks
for formatting issues, and preview how they will appear on the latest Kindle devices and
applications. The most recent version of Kindle Previewer can be downloaded for free from
 Note: Older versions of Kindle Previewer do not support Enhanced Typesetting.
2. Use KDP. For self-publishers, the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform accepts a variety of book
formats and provides preview capability on the website. To learn more or sign up, visit
3. Use Kindle Create. If you are a self-publisher using Kindle Create to build your eBook, you can
preview it in the tool.
If you are testing a reflowable eBook that supports Enhanced Typesetting, you can use the thumbnail
view in Kindle Previewer to review the overall layout, or use Auto-Advance to automatically flip through
the book. You can also selectively preview pages that contain images, tables, lists, drop caps, and links,
using the View All option in the top pane of Kindle Previewer to ensure that each of these elements
appear and behave as expected. For more details on using Kindle Previewer, refer to the user guide
available in the Help menu.
Note: Amazon no longer recommends sideloading eBooks to devices for testing, because sideloading
does not provide an accurate preview of Enhanced Typesetting features.
When you preview your book, use this checklist to confirm that your Kindle book does not contain blatant
1. Open the book for the first time and go to the cover.
o Cover: The Kindle book should have a cover.
o Single Cover: From the cover, flip to the next page. There should not be another image
of the cover page.
2. Go to the table of contents (where applicable).
o On the table of contents page of your eBook, confirm that each item is clickable and links
to the correct location in the book. There should be no page numbers in the TOC.
o Repeat this process in the table of contents displayed in the left pane of the previewer.
3. Go to any location in the book (reflowable eBooks only).
o Font size: Change the font size; the book font should change accordingly. Regular text
should not be bold or italicized.
o Typeface: Change the typeface; the book font should change accordingly. If you have
designed your book to use only a specific font file, make sure that you have followed the
guidelines in section 9.3.8 Using Embedded Fonts. Not following these guidelines could
lead to the Kindle settings reverting to the customer's preferred reading font.
4. Go back to the first page and flip through every page of the book.
o Images: Images should not be too small. Make sure that all text in images is legible.
Large pictures should be scaled to fit the page and display in their entirety on one screen.

Kindle Publishing Guidelines 23

Publishing on Kindle: Guidelines for Publishers

o Tables: Tables should appear correctly. Make sure that all text in tables is legible.
o Material only included with physical book: There should not be any references to
material (such as a CD or DVD) that is only included with the physical book.
o Background settings (reflowable eBooks only): Confirm that your text is legible in all
background color modes (white, black, mint, and sepia).
o Magnification (fixed-layout only): Activate pop-ups/panel view and check that all text
content and/or panels have corresponding magnification, no content is overflowing the
edge of the screen, and magnified reading order is correct.

Kindle Publishing Guidelines 24

Publishing on Kindle: Guidelines for Publishers

Part III. Guidelines for Specific Types of

To skip to a specific eBook format, use the following hyperlinks:
 Section 9: Creating Text-Heavy Fiction and Non-Fiction eBooks (Reflowable)
 Section 10: Creating Fixed-Layout Books with Text Pop-Ups
 Section 11: Creating Fixed-Layout Books with Image Pop-Ups or Virtual Panels
 Section 12: Creating Fixed-Layout Books Without Pop-Ups
 Section 13: Creating Kindle Edition with Audio/Video Content
 Section 14: Creating Dictionaries

9 Creating Text-Heavy Fiction and Non-Fiction eBooks (Reflowable)

Amazon refers to text-heavy fiction and non-fiction eBooks as "reflowable" because this type of content
reflows when an eBook's text settings are changed. In general, a book can be converted as a reflowable
eBook when the body text can be easily separated from the images without losing any context or
important layout design.

The reflowable format supports Enhanced Typesetting, as well as a number of features that allow readers
to interact with and customize the way the text appears on their devices. These features include
dictionary, X-Ray (when available), text-to-speech (when available), Word Wise (when available), Kindle
Real Page Numbers (when available), and the ability to change text and formatting settings. For an
example of a reflowable book, see the KF8 example at (under the
KindleGen Examples heading in the sidebar).

9.1 Metadata Guidelines

eBooks are reflowable by default. Reflowable eBooks do not need to specify meta name="book-type"
in the OPF file, but <dc:language> and <dc:title> are required.

If the page propagation direction is not left-to-right, page propagation direction should be provided either
in the metadata or the spine. (Example: <meta name="primary-writing-mode"

9.2 Layout Guidelines

Create the content using single column layout. Do not use the CSS position: property for alignments.

9.3 Text Guidelines

9.3.1 Specify Heading Alignment and Justification
Because text in reflowable eBooks is fully justified by default (i.e., text-align: justify;), Amazon
strongly recommends specifying the appropriate CSS alignment for all headings to prevent excessive
spaces between words (i.e., text-align: left; text-align: right; text-align:

Kindle Publishing Guidelines 25

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