Cellular Communication
Cellular Communication
Cellular Communication
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
I have taken efforts in this seminar. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many books and websites. I would like to extend my sincere
thanks to all of them.
I am highly indebted to Mrs. Moutusi Mondal for his guidance and constant supervision
as well as for providing necessary information regarding the seminar & also for their
support in completing the Seminar.
We also want to thank Mrs. Sharmistha De Dutta of Humanities Department for the help
and guidance given by her which led to the successful completion of this project in a very
efficient manner.
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Narendra Nath Pathak, head of department,
for giving us this opportunity and encouraging in completion of this seminar.
I thanks and appreciations also goes to our colleague in developing this seminar and people
who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
This is to certify that the following students of B.Tech under Electronics
and communication engineering (ECE-1 ‘X’) department of 2nd year
have successfully completed their Seminar Report on topic of
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Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Network Cells
Frequency Reuse
Cellular Network Components
Setting & Making a Call
Receiving a Call
Cellular Components & Channels
GSM & Features
Cellular Services
Advantage & Disadvantage
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
List of Figures
Page no.
1. Introduction ……………………………………………...7
2. Objective…………………………………………………8
3. Methodology……………………………………………..9
5. Cell………..………………………...……………………13
6. Cluster……………..……………………...………...……13
8. Path of Communication………………………………….17
9. Handover…………………………………………………22
10. Roaming…………………………………………………23
12. TDMA………………………………………………...…25
13. CDMA………………………………………………..…26
14. FDMA…………………………………………………...26
15. GSM……………………………………………………..27
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
A hand-held mobile radiotelephone is an old dream of radio engineering. A particularly vivid
and in many ways accurate prediction was presented by Arthur C. Clarke in a 1959 essay, where
he envisioned a "personal transceiver, so small and compact that every man carries one." He
wrote: "the time will come when we will be able to call a person anywhere on Earth merely by
dialing a number." Such a device would also, in Clarke's vision, include means for global
positioning so that "no one need ever again be lost." Later, in Profiles of the Future, he predicted
the advent of such a device taking place in the mid-1980's.
Early predecessors of cellular phones included analog radio communications from ships and
trains. The race to create truly portable telephone devices began after World War II, with
developments taking place in many countries. The advances in mobile telephony have been
traced in successive generations from the early "0G" (zeroth generation) services like the Bell
System's Mobile Telephone Service and its successor, Improved Mobile Telephone Service.
These "0G" systems were not cellular, supported few simultaneous calls, and were very
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Mobile technology is a form of technology that is mostly used in cellular communication and
other related aspects. It uses a form of platform where by many transmitters have the ability to
send data at the same time on a single channel. This platform is called Code-division multiple
access (CDMA). This platform allows many users to make use of single frequencies because it
restricts the likelihood of interference of frequencies from two or more sources. This channel has
evolved over the years. The mobile technology is rapidly evolving; over the years, its uses are
becoming diverse and is gradually replacing some similar sources in the market that are also used
for communication e.g. post office and land lines. The mobile technology has improved from a
simple device used for phone call and messaging into a multi-tasking device used for GPS
navigation, internet browsing, gaming, instant messaging tool etc. Professionals argue with the
trend that the future of computer technology is rest on wireless networking and mobile computing.
Mobile technology through tablet and portable computers are becoming more and more popular.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
From a user’s perspective, the two key components of a mobile telecommunication network are an
individual’s mobile phone handset and the mobile tower with an antenna – most often mounted on
a rooftop or on ground based poles.
Mobile phones periodically detect and access the network from wireless signals emitted from an
antenna. The network is divided into geographic areas known as the Cells, each of which is served
by a tower, also known as a base station. To communicate with each other, the mobile phones and
the base stations located at the tower sites exchange radio signals. The user connects to the base
station via a mobile phone and the system ensures that the connection is maintained as the user
moves from one Cell (area) to another.
When a mobile phone is switched on, it responds to specific control signals from the nearby base
stations. Once it has located a suitable base station, the phone initiates a network connection.
When a call is not being made or received, the mobile phone remains in the standby mode.
The mobile connection may also be set up within buildings using an indoor antenna called “In-
building solution”, as is done in the buildings which have a high density of users or where the
signal coverage from the external base station/s is inadequate.
The level of the wireless signal has to comply with the minimum Quality of Service (QoS) levels
specified by the telecom services regulator of the particular country.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
1G (First generation):
The first automatic analog cellular systems deployed were NTT's system first used in Tokyo
in 1979, later spreading to the whole of Japan, and NMT in the Nordic countries in 1981.
The first analog cellular system widely deployed in North America was the Advanced Mobile
Phone System (AMPS). It was commercially introduced in the Americas in October 1983, Israel
in 1986, and Australia in 1987. AMPS was a pioneering technology that helped drive mass market
usage of cellular technology, but it had several serious issues by modern standards.
It was unencrypted and easily vulnerable to eavesdropping via a scanner; it was susceptible to cell
phone "cloning;" and it used a Frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) scheme and required
significant amounts of wireless spectrum to support.On 6 March 1983, the DynaTAc mobile
phone launched on the first US 1G network by Ameritech. It cost $100m to develop, and took over
a decade to reach the market.
The phone had a talk time of just half an hour and took ten hours to charge. Consumer demand
was strong despite the battery life, weight, and low talk time, and waiting lists were in the
Many of the iconic early commercial cell phones such as the Motorola DynaTAc Analog
AMPS were eventually superseded by Digital AMPS (D-AMPS) in 1990, and AMPS service
was shut down by most North American carriers by 2008
2G (Second Generation):
The second generation introduced a new variant of communication called SMS or text
messaging. It was initially available only on GSM networks but spread eventually on all digital
networks. The first machine-generated SMS message was sent in the UK on 3 December 1992
followed in 1993 by the first person-to-person SMS sent in Finland. The advent of prepaid
services in the late 1990s soon made SMS the communication method of choice amongst the
young, a trend which spread across all ages.
2G also introduced the ability to access media content on mobile phones. In 1998 the first
downloadable content sold to mobile phones was the ring tone, launched by Finland's
Radiolinja (now Elisa). Advertising on the mobile phone first appeared in Finland when a free
daily SMS news headline service was launched in 2000, sponsored by advertising.
3G (Third Generation):
This is a set of standards used for mobile devices and mobile telecommunication use services
and networks that comply with the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-
2000)specifications by the International Telecommunication Union. 3G finds application in
wireless voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and
mobile TV.
A new generation of cellular standards has appeared approximately every tenth year since 1G
systems were introduced in 1981/1982. Each generation is characterized by new frequency
bands, higher data rates and non-backwards compatible transmission technology. The first
release of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard does not completely fulfill the ITU
4G requirements called IMT-Advanced. First release LTE is not backwards compatible with
3G, but is a pre-4G or 3.9G technology, however sometimes branded 4G by the service
providers. Its evolution LTE Advanced is a 4G technology. WiMAX is another technology
verging on or marketed as 4G.
4G (Fourth Generation):
Two 4G candidate systems are commercially deployed: the Mobile WiMAX standard (first
used in South Korea in 2006), and the first-release Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard (in
Oslo, Norway and Stockholm, Sweden since 2009). It has however been debated if these first-
release versions should be considered to be 4G or not, as discussed in the technical definition
section below.
In the United States, Sprint (previously Clearwire) has deployed Mobile WiMAX networks
since 2008, and MetroPCS was the first operator to offer LTE service in 2010. USB wireless
modems have been available since the start, while WiMAX smartphones have been available
since 2010, and LTE smartphones since 2011. Equipment made for different continents is not
always compatible, because of different frequency bands. Mobile WiMAX is currently (April
2012) not available for the European market.
5G (Fifth Generation):
5G has the potential to transform the internet and it will be the backbone of other
technologies like Self-Driving Cars, Virtual Reality, Internet of things (IoT).Many
countries are actively working to develop 5G from 2012 and the plan is to provide 5G services
by 2020.5G will be implemented on millimeter waves that is the frequencies between 30 to
300 gigahertz to transmit data over the network, these frequencies have never been used for
mobile devices so opening this up will help accommodate more devices
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Using Millimeter waves will improve network speed, reduce latency and avoid network
congestion but the challenge with Millimeter wave is it can be blocked by buildings tree or in
case of bad weather you will not get the network on your phone to overcome this 5G wireless
signals will be transmitted via large numbers of small cell stations located in places like light
poles or building roofs.
• Millimeter Waves: 5G will be using higher frequencies (30 to 300 GHz) and these
frequencies are called millimeter waves
• Small Cell: Since Range of Millimeter waves is less we need to place more call antenna on
street hights, building roofs.
• Massive MIMO (Multiple inputs multiple outputs): This Technology helps in reducing
network interference.
• Beamforming: Define a clear path how network packets should travel from source to
• Full Duplex: More than one person can talk at a time, that is sent and receive happens on
different frequencies so that there is no interference.
A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a hand phone) is a device that
can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic
area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator,
allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only
within the short range of a single, private base station.
In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services
such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications
(infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer
these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
A cellular network or mobile network is a wireless network distributed over land areas called
cells, each served by at least one fixed-locationtransceiver, known as a cell site or base station.
In a cellular network, each cell uses a different set of frequencies from neighboring cells, to
avoid interference and provide guaranteed bandwidth within each cell.
When joined together these cells provide radio coverage over a wide geographic area. This
enables a large number of portable transceivers (e.g., mobile phones, pagers, etc.) to
communicate with each other and with fixed transceivers and telephones anywhere in the
network, via base stations, even if some of the transceivers are moving through more than one
cell during transmission.
Cellular networks offer a number of desirable features:
More capacity than a single large transmitter, since the same frequency can be used for
multiple links as long as they are in different cells
Mobile devices use less power than with a single transmitter or satellite since the cell
towers are closer
Larger coverage area than a single terrestrial transmitter, since additional cell towers can
be added indefinitely and are not limited by the horizon
Major telecommunications providers have deployed voice and data cellular networks over most
of the inhabited land area of the Earth. This allows mobile phones and mobile computing
devices to be connected to the public switched telephone network and public Internet. Private
cellular networks can be used for research or for large organizations and fleets, such as dispatch
for local public safety agencies or a taxicab company.
The cells are grouped into clusters. The number of cells in a cluster must be determined so that
the cluster can be repeated continuously within the covering area of an operator. Typical
clusters contain 4, 7, 12 or 21 cells. The number of cells in each cluster is very important. The
smaller the number of cells per cluster is, the bigger the number of channels per cell . The
capacity of each cell will, therefore, increase. However, this must be balanced with the
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It is a method used by service providers to improve the efficiency of a cellular network and to
serve millions of subscribers using a limited radio spectrum. In the cellular concept, frequencies
allocated to the service are re-used in a regular pattern of areas, called 'cells', each covered by
one base station. In mobile-telephone nets these cells are usually hexagonal. In radio
broadcasting, a similar concept has been developed based on rhombic cells.
To ensure that the mutual interference between users remains below a harmful level, adjacent
cells use different frequencies. In fact, a set of C different frequencies {f1, ..., fC} are used for
each cluster of C adjacent cells. Cluster patterns and the corresponding frequencies are re-used
in a regular pattern over the entire service area.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Macrocell – their coverage is large (aprox. 6 miles in diame ter); used in remote areas, high-
power transmitters and receivers are used. A macrocell is a cell in a mobile phone network that
provides radio coverage served by a high power cellular base station (tower). Generally,
macrocells provide coverage larger than microcell. The antennae for macrocells are mounted
on ground-based masts, rooftops and other existing structures, at a height that provides a clear
view over the surrounding buildings and terrain. Macrocell base stations have power outputs
of typically tens of watt.
Microcell – Their coverage is small (half a mile in diameter) and are used in urban zones; low-
powered transmitters and receivers are used to avoid interference with cells in another clusters.
A microcell is a cell in a mobile phone network served by a low power cellular base station
(tower), covering a limited area such as a mall, a hotel, or a transportation hub. A microcell is
usually larger than a picocell, though the distinction is not always clear. A microcell uses power
control to limit the radius of its coverage area.
Picocell – A picocell is a small cellular base station typi cally covering a small area, such as
in-building (offices, shopping malls, train stations, stock exchanges, etc.), or more recently in-
aircraft. In cellular networks, picocells are typically used to extend coverage to indoor areas
where outdoor signals do not reach well, or to add network capacity in areas with very dense
phone usage, such as train stations. Picocells provide coverage and capacity in areas difficult
or expensive to reach using the more traditional Macrocell approach.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
The base station controller (BSC) provides, classically, the intelligence behind the BTSs.
Typically a BSC has tens or even hundreds of BTSs under its control. The BSC handles
allocation of radio channels, receives measurements from the mobile phones, and controls
handovers from BTS to BTS (except in the case of an inter-BSC handover in which case control
is in part the responsibility of the anchor MSC). A key function of the BSC is to act as a
concentrator where many different low capacity connections to BTSs (with relatively low
utilisation) become reduced to a smaller number of connections towards the mobile switching
center (MSC) (with a high level of utilisation). Overall, this means that networks are often
structured to have many BSCs distributed into regions near their BTSs which are then
connected to large centralised MSC sites.
The coordinator of a cellular network, it is connected to several BSCs, it routes calls between
BSCs; links the cellular network with other networks like PSTN through fiber optics,
microwave or copper cable.The mobile switching centre server is a soft-switch variant of the
mobile switching centre, which provides circuit-switched calling mobility management, and
GSM services to the mobile phonesroaming within the area that it serves. MSS functionality
enables split between control (signalling) and user plane (bearer in network element called as
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
media gateway/MG), which guarantees better placement of network elements within the
The home location register (HLR) is a central database that contains details of each mobile
phone subscriber that is authorized to use the GSM core network. There can be several
logical, and physical, HLRs per public land mobile network (PLMN),though one international
mobile subscribe identity (IMSI)/MSISDN pair can be associated with
only one logical HLR (which can span several physical nodes) at a time. The HLRs store details
of every SIM card issued by the mobile phone operator. Each SIM has a unique identifier called
an IMSI which is the primary key to each HLR record.
A visitor location register (VLR) is a database that contains information about the subscribers
roaming within a mobile switching center’s (MSC) location area. The primary role of the VLR
is to minimize the number of queries that MSCs have to make to the home location register
(HLR), which holds permanent data regarding the cellular network’s subscribers. Ideally, there
should be only one visitor location register per MSC, but it is also possible for a single VLR to
serve multiple MSCs. the VLR also holds the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)
and the mobile subscriber integrated services digital network (MSISDN), the services allowed
for a particular IMSI/MSISDN pair, and authentication data, all of which correspond to a
particular subscription.
Equipment Identity Register (EIR) consults a database to determine if the service of a GSM
mobile station is authorized, unauthorized, or if it should be monitored. EIR allows for the
programming of the decision-making logic and the definition of the course of action to be taken
in each case, taking into consideration e-mail and/or SMS notifications, in addition to the
response required by the MSC. Moreover, it stores information records for their subsequent
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A billing relationship with a mobile phone operator. This is usually either where services
are paid for in advance of them being consumed (prepaid), or where bills are issued and
settled after the service has been consumed (postpaid).
A mobile phone that is GSM compliant and operates at the same frequency as the
operator. Most phone companies sell phones from third-party manufacturers.
A Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card, which is activated by the operator once the
billing relationship is established. After activation the card is then programmed with the
subscriber's Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number (MSISDN)
(the telephone number). Personal information such as contact numbers of friends and
family can also be stored on the SIM by the subscriber.
After subscribers sign up, information about their identity (telephone number) and what
services they are allowed to access are stored in a "SIM record" in the Home Location Register
Once the SIM card is loaded into the phone and the phone is powered on, it will search for the
nearest mobile phone mast (also called a Base Transceiver Station/BTS) with the strongest
signal in the operator's frequency band. If a mast can be successfully contacted, then there is
said to be coverage in the area. The phone then identifies itself to the network through the
control channel. Once this is successfully completed, the phone is said to be attached to the
The key feature of a mobile phone is the ability to receive and make calls in any area where
coverage is available. This is generally called roaming from a customer perspective, but also
called visiting when describing the underlying technical process. Each geographic area has a
database called the Visitor Location Register (VLR), which contains details of all the mobiles
currently in that area. Whenever a phone attaches, or visits, a new area, the Visitor Location
Register must contact the Home Location Register to obtain the details for that phone. The
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
current cellular location of the phone (i.e., which BTS it is at) is entered into the VLR record
and will be used during a process called paging when the GSM network wishes to locate the
mobile phone.
Every SIM card contains a secret key, called the Ki, which is used to provide authentication
and encryption services. This is useful to prevent theft of service, and also to prevent "over the
air" snooping of a user's activity. The network does this by utilising the Authentication Center
and is accomplished without transmitting the key directly.
Every GSM phone contains a unique identifier (different from the phone number), called the
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). This can be found by dialing *#06#. When a
phone contacts the network, its IMEI may be checked against the Equipment Identity Register
to locate stolen phones and facilitate monitoring.
Once a mobile phone has successfully attached to a GSM network as described above, calls
may be made from the phone to any other phone on the global Public Switched Telephone
The user dials the telephone number, presses the send or talk key, and the mobile phone sends
a call setup request message to the mobile phone network via the nearest mobile phone base
transceiver station (BTS).
The call setup request message is handled next by the Mobile Switching Center, which checks
the subscriber's record held in the Visitor Location Register to see if the outgoing call is
allowed. If so, the MSC then routes the call in the same way that a telephone exchange does in
a fixed network.
If the subscriber is on a prepaid tariff (sometimes known as Pay As You Go (PAYG) or Pay
& Go), then an additional check is made to see if the subscriber has enough credit to proceed.
If not, the call is rejected. If the call is allowed to continue, then it is continually monitored and
the appropriate amount is decremented from the subscriber's account. When the credit reaches
zero, the call is cut off by the network. The systems that monitor and provide the
prepaid services are not part of the GSM standard services, but instead an example of intelligent
network services that amobile phone operator may decide to implement in addition to the
standard GSM ones.
When the HLR receives this query message, it determines whether the call should be routed to
another number (called a divert), or if it is to be routed directly to the mobile.
If the owner of the phone has previously requested that all incoming calls be diverted to
another number, known as the Call Forward Unconditional (CFU) Number, then this
number is stored in the Home Location Register. If that is the case, then the CFU number
is returned to the Gateway MSC for immediate routing to that destination.
If the mobile phone is not currently associated with a Visited Location Register (because
the phone has been turned off) then the Home Location Register returns a number known
as the Call Forward Not Reachable (CFNRc) number to the Gateway MSC, and the call is
forwarded there. Many operators may set this value automatically to the phone's voice
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
mail number, so that callers may leave a message. The mobile phone may sometimes
override the default setting.
Finally, if the Home Location Register knows that the phone is roaming in a particular
Visited Location Register area, then it will request a temporary number (called an MSRN)
from that VLR. This number is relayed back to the Gateway MSC, and then used to route
the call to the MSC where the called phone is roaming.
When the receiver’s phone is in an idle state it listens for the control channel of its
if there is an incoming call the BSC and BTS sends a message to the cells in the area
where the receiver’s phone is located
the phone monitors its message and compares the number from the message with its
if the numbers matches the cell phone sends an acknowledgement to the BTS
after authentication, the communication is established between the caller and the receiver.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
The MSC which requests a new batch of triplet data for an IMSI after the previous data
have been used. This ensures that same keys and challenge responses are not used twice
for a particular mobile.
Procedures implemented
The AuC stores the following data for each IMSI:
the Ki
Algorithm id. (the standard algorithms are called A3 or A8, but an operator may choose a
proprietary one).
When the MSC asks the AuC for a new set of triplets for a particular IMSI, the AuC first
generates a random number known as RAND. This RAND is then combined with the Ki to
produce two numbers as follows:
The Ki and RAND are fed into the A3 algorithm and the signed response (SRES) is
The Ki and RAND are fed into the A8 algorithm and a session key called Kc is calculated.
The numbers (RAND, SRES, Kc) form the triplet sent back to the MSC. When a particular
IMSI requests access to the GSM core network, the MSC sends the RAND part of the triplet
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to the SIM. The SIM then feeds this number and the Ki (which is burned onto the SIM) into
the A3 algorithm as appropriate and an SRES is calculated and sent back to the MSC. If this
SRES matches with the SRES in the triplet (which it should if it is a valid SIM), then the mobile
is allowed to attach and proceed with GSM services.
After successful authentication, the MSC sends the encryption key Kc to the base station
controller (BSC) so that all communications can be encrypted and decrypted. Of course, the
mobile phone can generate the Kc itself by feeding the same RAND supplied during
authentication and the Ki into the A8 algorithm.
The AuC is usually collocated with the HLR, although this is not necessary. Whilst the
procedure is secure for most everyday use, it is by no means crack proof. Therefore a new set
of security methods was designed for 3G phones.
A3 Algorithm is used to encrypt Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) cellular
communications. In practice, A3 and A8 algorithms are generally implemented together
(known as A3/A8, see COMP128). An A3/A8 algorithm is implemented in Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM) cards and in GSM network Authentication Centres. It is used to authenticate the
customer and generate a key for encrypting voice and data traffic, as defined in 3GPP TS
43.020 (03.20 before Rel-4). Development of A3 and A8 algorithms is considered a matter for
individual GSM network operators, although example implementations are available.
Moving an ongoing call from one CELL to another CELL due to subscriber’s mobility.
when the phone is moving away from the area covered by one cell and entering the area
covered by another cell the call is transferred to the second cell in order to avoid call
termination when the phone gets outside the range of the first cell;
when the capacity for connecting new calls of a given cell is used up and an existing or
new call from a phone, which is located in an area overlapped by another cell, is
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transferred to that cell in order to free-up some capacity in the first cell for other users,
who can only be connected to that cell;
in non-CDMA networks when the channel used by the phone becomes interfered by
another phone using the same channel in a different cell, the call is transferred to a different
channel in the same cell or to a different channel in another cell in order to avoid the
again in non-CDMA networks when the user behaviour changes, e.g. when a fast-travelling
user, connected to a large, umbrella-type of cell, stops then the call may be transferred to a
smaller macro cell or even to a micro cell in order to free capacity on the umbrella cell for
other fast-travelling users and to reduce the potential interference to other cells or users
(this works in reverse too, when a user is detected to be moving faster than a certain
threshold, the call can be transferred to a larger umbrella-type of cell in order to minimize
the frequency of the handovers due to this movement);
in CDMA networks a handover (see further down) may be induced in order to reduce the
interference to a smaller neighbouring cell due to the "near-far" effect even when the phone
still has an excellent connection to its current cell;
The most basic form of handover is when a phone call in progress is redirected from its current
cell (called source) to a new cell (called target). In terrestrial networks the source and the target
cells may be served from two different cell sites or from one and the same cell site (in the latter
case the two cells are usually referred to as two sectors on that cell site). Such a handover, in
which the source and the target are different cells (even if they are on the same cell site) is
called inter-cell handover. The purpose of inter-cell handover is to maintain the call as the
subscriber is moving out of the area covered by the source cell and entering the area of the
target cell.
A special case is possible, in which the source and the target are one and the same cell and only
the used channel is changed during the handover. Such a handover, in which the cell is not
changed, is called intra-cell handover. The purpose of intra-cell handover is to change one
channel, which may be interfered or fading with a new clearer or less fading channel.
Roaming helps ensure that a traveling wireless device (typically a cell phone) is kept connected
to a network without breaking the connection. In wireless telecommunications, Traditional
Roaming is a general term referring to the ability for a cellular customer to automatically make
and receive voice calls, send and receive data, or access other services, including home data
services, when travelling outside the geographical coverage area of the home network, by
means of using a visited network. For example; should you travel beyond of your cell phone
company's transmitter range, your cell phone would automatically hop onto another phone
company's service, if available.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
SIM-based (roaming): GSM subscriber roams onto a Public WLAN operated by:
their GSM Operator, or
another Operator who has a roaming agreement with their GSM Operator.
Username/password based roaming: GSM subscriber roams onto a Public WLAN
operated by:
their GSM Operator, or
another Operator who has a roaming agreement with their GSM Operator.
Although these user/network scenarios focus on roaming from GSM Network Operator's
network(s), clearly roaming can be bi-directional, i.e. from Public WLAN Operators to GSM
Networks. Traditional roaming in networks of the same standard, e.g. from a WLAN to a
WLAN or a GSM network to a GSM network, has already been described above and is likewise
defined by the foreignness of the network based on the type of subscriber entry in the home
subscriber register. In the case of session continuity, seamless access to these services across
different access types is provided.
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Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for shared medium
networks. It allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing the signal
into different time slots. The users transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using
its own time slot. This allows multiple stations to share the same transmission medium (e.g.
radio frequency channel) while using only a part of its channel capacity. TDMA is used
in the digital 2G cellular systems such as Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM),
IS-136, Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) and iDEN, and in
the Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) standard for portable phones. It
is also used extensively in satellite systems, combat-net radiosystems, and PON networks for
upstream traffic from premises to the operator.
TDMA is a type of Time-division multiplexing, with the special point that instead of having
one transmitter connected to onereceiver, there are multiple transmitters. In the case of the
uplink from a mobile phone to a base station this becomes particularly difficult because the
mobile phone can move around and vary the timing advance required to make its transmission
match the gap in transmission from its peers.
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
CDMA is an example of multiple access, which is where several tra nsmitters can send
information simultaneously over a single communication channel. This allows several users to
share a band of frequencies (see bandwidth). To permit this to be achie ved without undue
interference between the users, CDMA employs spread-spectrum technology and a special
coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code).
CDMA is used as the access method in many mobile phone standards such as cdmaOne,
CDMA2000 (th e 3G evolution of cdmaOne), and WCDM A(the 3G standard used by GSM
carriers), which are often referred to as simply CDMA.
CDMA is a spread-spectrum multiple access technique. A spread spectrum technique spreads
the bandwidth of the data uniformly for the same transmitted power. A spreading code is a
pseudo-random code that has a narrow ambiguity function, unlike other n arrow pulse codes.
In CDMA a locally generated code runs at a much higher rate than the data to be transmitted.
Data for transmission is comb ined via bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) with the faster code. The
figure shows how a spread sp ectrum signal is generated. The data signal with pulse duration
of (symbol period) is X OR’ed with the code signal with pulse du ration of (chip
period). (Note: bandwidth is proportional to , where = bit tim e.) Therefore, the
bandwidth of the data signa l is and the bandwidth of the sprea d spectrum signal
is . Since is much s maller than , the bandwidth of the spread spectrum signal is
much larger than the band width of the original signal. The ratio is called the spreading
factor or processin g gain and determines to a certain extent th e upper limit of the total number
of users support ed simultaneously by a base station.
Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is a channel access method used in multiple-
access protocols as a channelization protocol. FDMA gives users an indi vidual allocation of
ZZ or several frequency ba nds, or channels. It is particularly comm onplace in satellite
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
communication. FDMA, like other Multiple Access systems, coordinates access between
multiple users. Alternatives include TDMA, CDMA, or SDMA. These protocols are utilized
differently, at different levels of the theoretical OSI model.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Group Spécial Mobile), is a
standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to
describe protocols for second generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones.
It became the de facto global standard for mobile communications with over 80% market share.
The GSM standard was developed as a replacement for first generation (1G) analog cellular
networks, and originally described a digital, circuit-switched network optimized for full duplex
voice telephony. This was expanded over time to include data communications, first by circuit-
switched transport, thenpacket data transport via GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) and
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution or EGPRS).
Subsequently, the 3GPP developed third generation (3G) UMTS standards followed by fourth
generation (4G) LTE Advanced standards, which are not part of the ETSI GSM standard.
One of the key features of GSM is the Subscriber Identity Module, commonly known as a SIM
card. The SIM is a detachable smart card containing the user's subscription information and
phone book. This allows the user to retain his or her information after switching handsets.
Alternatively, the user can also change operators while retaining the handset simply by
changing the SIM. Some operators will block this by allowing the phone to use only a single
SIM, or only a SIM issued by them; this practice is known as SIM locking.
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Network structure:
The network is structured into a number of discrete sections:
Base Station Subsystem(BSS) – the base stations and their controllers explained
Network and Switching Subsystem – the part of the network most similar to a fixed
network, sometimes just called the "core network"
GPRS Core network – the optional part which allows packet-based Internet connection
Operation support system (OSS) – network maintenance
One of the key features of GSM is the Subscriber Identity Module, commonly known as a SIM
card. The SIM is a detachable smart card containing the user's subscription information and phone
book. This allows the user to retain his or her information after switching handsets. Alternatively,
the user can also change operators while retaining the handset simply by changing the SIM. Some
operators will block this by allowing the phone to use only a single SIM, or only a SIM issued by
them; this practice is known as SIM locking.
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Department of ECE
Dr. B C Roy Engineering College
Voice Communication
Short Message Service
Multimedia Messaging Service
Global Positioning System
Wireless Application Protocol
The development of GSM is the first step towards a true personal communication
system that will allow communication anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. The
functional architecture of GSM, employing intelligent networking principles, and its
ideology, which provides enough standardization to ensure compatibility, but still
allows manufacturers and operators freedom, has been widely adopted in the
development of future wireless systems.
M. Mouly and M.-B. Pautet, The GSM System for Mobile Communications,