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International Journal of Technology (2018) 6: 1246-1255

ISSN 2086-9614 © IJTech 2018



Sirawasith Ruksathamcharoen1*, Muhammad W. Ajiwibowo2, Teerapong Chuenyam1, Adi

Surjosatyo2, Kunio Yoshikawa1
Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259
Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI
Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia

(Received: May 2018 / Revised: June 2018 / Accepted: September 2018)

Hydrothermal treatment (HTT) is recognized as one of the promising thermochemical pre-
treatments for biomass energy. It provides a low energy requirement and an elimination of pre-
drying. Furthermore, a water washing method for the treated biomass is employed. One of the
most promising biofuel candidates is empty fruit bunch (EFB) due to the large yearly
production in Indonesia. In this study, the quality of hydrochars derived from EFB was assessed
for its quality as a solid fuel. Raw EFB is thermochemically treated by employing HTT, and its
characteristics in regard to grindability are studied. The study suggested that commercial-scale
HTT produces a solid fuel with a high heating value (HHV) with a value similar to Indonesian
coal. In addition, it has lower ash content than the parent biomass, which reduces the
probability of slagging and fouling in boilers. Furthermore, the particle size distribution profile
suggested better characteristics than the parent biomass and some types of coal.

Keywords: Biomass energy; Empty fruit bunch; Grindability; Hydrothermal treatment

Sustainability in energy has been an important issue in recent years and has gained importance
since the recent signing of the Paris agreement (Sansaniwal et al., 2017). Use of fossil fuels
worldwide has contributed significantly to the increase of the earth’s temperature (McGlade &
Ekins, 2015). The utilization of renewable energy sources and alternative technologies to meet
the 2°C target are urgently needed, and there have been various research and development
efforts in regard to clean and sustainable energy production (Surjosatyo et al., 2017; Zaini et al.,
2017; Darmawan et al., 2018).
Bioenergy derived from biomass fuels are seen as a promising alternative energy source
(Darmawan et al., 2018). The life cycles of biomass fuels are proven to be better than those of
fossil fuels, and energy from biomass leaves no carbon footprint, as the generated CO2 will be
processed again by plants for photosynthesis. In addition, the use of biomass wastes for fuel
could potentially solve the waste problem that exists in developing countries (Prawisudha et al.,
One of the biggest contributors to the biomass waste produced in Indonesia is the palm oil
industry. Indonesia produces around 80% of the world’s demand for palm oil. In the year 2014,

*Corresponding author’s email:, Tel. +8145-924-5507, Fax. +8145-924-5518

Ruksathamcharoen et al. 1247

palm mills in Indonesia produced as much as 33.5 million tons of waste biomass, and 22% of it
is empty fruit bunches (EFB) that are left after the oil processing, which indicates a strong
potential for waste biomass to be used as fuel.
The bulky and fibrous nature of EFB makes it hard to handle (Zaini et al., 2017), and in its
untreated state, EFB has a minimal high heating value (HHV) of about 16 MJ/kg and low
energy density due to the fibrous composition. Therefore, pre-treatment of EFB is necessary
before combustion. Among the various pre-treatments for solid fuel production, hydrothermal
treatment (HTT) with water washing is one of the most promising (Novianti et al., 2015). With
this method, the biomass is treated by pressurized sub-critical water at a temperature of 150 to
350°C and a pressure of around 2 MPa (Jin, 2014). The advantage of this particular treatment is
the elimination of a pre-drying process.
The treated biomass, which is referred to as hydrochar, has significantly higher energy density
and generally better quality. However, the main reactions present in the HTT involve some
degradation and decomposition of the biomass (Prawisudha et al., 2012), which will cause
volume and mass reduction as the volatile matter of the biomass decreases (He et al., 2013).
The possibility of co-combustion of the produced hydrochar with coal in commercial boilers is
one of the main interests in this research topic (Liu et al., 2012). In this regard, the milling
process of solid fuels for pulverized solid fuel boilers is also a matter of significance
(Bridgeman et al., 2010). The particle size distribution of the fuel affects important
characteristics such as combustion efficiency, the amount of unburned carbon in the ash, and
combustion stability (Sarroza et al., 2017). In addition, the operation of the pulverizing unit is
critical for the successful reduction of NOₓ emissions in boilers. A typical pulverization process
includes drying, grinding, classification (sizing), and selection of a system for feeding the fuel
to the burner. Each of these stages is influenced by the physical properties and quality of the
The most common grindability test for coals is the Hardgrove grindability index (HGI), which
was chosen for this study to investigate the grindability of the hydrochar. This method is used
to predict the capabilities, performance, and energy requirements of the mill as well as the
typical particle size distribution after milling. This is regarded as an important parameter for
fuel quality and is used in coal contract specification. The test, as described in the British
Standard 1016–112:1995, involves grinding 50 g of air-dried coal with a fixed particle size
distribution between 600 µm and 1.18 mm for 60 revolutions in a machine designed for
Hardgrove grindability testing. The ground samples are then sieved through a 75 µm sieve.
For this study, first, the calibration graph was plotted using four standard reference sample
coals with known HGI values. Once this graph was obtained, the proportion of the sample
material passing through the 75 µm sieve was measured and plotted on the calibration curve,
from which the HGI was determined. Generally, higher HGI values mean that the fuel is easier
to grind, so it has lower grinding power requirements and produces a higher output of fuel in
the mill and through to the boiler.
This paper explains the upgrading capability of HTT and subsequent water washing of the
hydrochars in regard to the grindability and quality of the product as a solid fuel. Also
presented are the proximate and ultimate analyses along with the grindability study, and the
results indicated that a high-quality solid fuel comparable to coal was obtained.
1248 Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Grindability and Fuel Characteristics
of Empty Fruit Bunch Derived Hydrochar

2.1. HTT and Water Washing Process
Figure 1a shows a commercial-scale HTT plant in South Tangerang, Indonesia, which was
utilized for this study. The plant consists of a 10 m3 reactor equipped with a stirrer and a boiler
that feeds saturated steam into the reactor. The simplified process flow diagram is shown in
Figure 1b.
The raw EFB is supplied to the reactor along with saturated steam from the boiler at a
temperature between 150°C and 180°C and a pressure of 2 MPa. These conditions are kept for
30 minutes while, inside the reactor, the biomass is broken down. Afterward, a sludge-like
product is ejected from the reactor and then water washed to remove chlorine and potassium
content. Finally, the sludge is naturally air-dried.
The washing experiment was conducted by adapting a washing machine for the purpose. Room
temperature water and 20 kg of commercial-scale hydrothermally treated EFB (HTT-EFB) were
fed into the adapted washing machine and held for 30 mins and then the commercial-scale
washed HTT-EFB was discharged and naturally air-dried for a day. Then, the products were
shipped to Tokyo Institute of Technology for further testing and analysis.


(a) (b)
Figure 1 (a) Commercial-scale HTT plant in South Tangerang, Indonesia; (b) simplified process flow
diagram of the plant

2.2. Fuel Characteristics

2.2.1. Fuel samples
Four coal samples with known HGI values were supplied by and supported from the Central
Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in Japan. The coal samples were
received with particle sizes greater than 6 mm in diameter. The coals were dried in the oven at a
temperature of 105°C for 24 h and then placed in a sealed plastic bottle. The hydrochars were
obtained from the commercial HTT plant in Indonesia, and the EFB was of Thai origin.
2.2.2. Analytical method
To investigate the quality of the fuel, ultimate and proximate analyses were employed. The
determination of the elements of the samples was performed with a vario MICRO cube
elemental analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Langenselbold, Germany), while the
investigation of fixed carbon content, volatile matters, and ash content of the raw and washed
hydrochar products was conducted using proximate analysis. All the analyses were carried out
on both the raw material and on the hydrothermally treated products. Proximate analysis was
performed using a SHIMADZU D50 simultaneous TGA/DTA analyzer based on ASTM D
3172, and Dulong’s formula was used to determine the HHV.

HHV = 0.3491 C + 1.1783 H + 0.1005 S - 0.1034 O - 0.0151 N - 0.0211 Ash (1)

Ruksathamcharoen et al. 1249

2.3. Grindability Test

For this study, a modified volumetric HGI test was utilized that was adopted from previous
research (He et al., 2013; Jin, 2014). For the modified HGI test, a planetary ball mill (Mono
Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line, FRITSCH, Pittsboro, NC, USA) was employed.
2.3.1. Calibration of the ball mill
First, the planetary ball mill (Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line, FRITSCH, Pittsboro,
NC, USA) is calibrated by using four coal samples with known HGI values, where the steps
were as follows:
1. Approximately 1 kg of standard reference coal with a known HGI was crushed using a
laboratory cutting mill.
2. The specimens were then sieved using 1180 µm and 600 μm sieve opening sizes on a
sieve shaker.
3. 50 cm³ of each sample was measured out and weighed using a 250 cm³ plastic
measuring cylinder with an accuracy of ±0.1 cm³ and a balance accurate to ±0.01 g.
4. The 50 cm³ of sample was manually loaded into a 420 ml capacity stainless steel milling
cup with 20×20 mm diameter stainless steel balls and then ground for 2 min at 170 rpm.
5. The samples were taken out of the steel milling cup and separated using a 75 μm sieve
and shake on a horizontal sieve shaker for 5 min. The resulting two fractions were
weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. If there was a loss of sample greater than 0.5 g, the test
was aborted and repeated.
6. The mass, in grams, passing through the 75 μm sieve was calculated using Equation 2,

m  (mv  mi ) / mv (2)

where m is the percentage of sample that passed through the 75 µm sieve, mv is the mass of
50 cm³ of sample, and mi is the mass of sample retained with the 75 µm sieve.
As mentioned in the previous section, four coal samples with known HGI values were used for
comparison and calibration. Each test of the samples was repeated three times, and the mean
value was calculated. These steps were repeated for all four coals, and the results were used to
plot a calibration curve for the mill of HGI versus m. By employing the least square method, an
equation for the linear fit of the data from the standard reference coal was acquired.
The linear equation for the sum of least squares is expressed as shown in Equation 3.

Y  a  bX (3)

where Y is the HGI, a is the y-axis intercept point, b is the slope of the regression line, and X is
the percentage of sample mass that passed through the 75 µm sieve.
The same calibration method was also conducted for the treated and untreated EFB, following
steps 1 through 6 for each feedstock and then repeated three times. Afterward, the average
values of the results were calculated and plotted on the calibration curve. The HGI value of
biomass and water-washed hydrothermally treated EFB can be determined by plotting on the
graph and substituting the linear equation that was obtained from the mill calibration.
Additionally, the obtained m values will later be used to calculate and assign equivalent HGI
values after pulverizing the feedstocks and biomass, using Equation 4.

HGIequiv  (m  12.644) / 6.5 (4)

1250 Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Grindability and Fuel Characteristics
of Empty Fruit Bunch Derived Hydrochar

A correlation of the Bond Work Index (Wᵢ) and HGI based on McIntyre and Plitt’s theory
(1980) was employed to calculate a comparative study.

Wia  1622 / HGI1.08 (5)

Wib  2017 / HGI1.02 (6)

On the other hand, Williams et al. (2015) carried out experiments to find the correlation
between Wᵢ and HGI based on untreated and treated biomass pellets. This correlation (Wi b) was
adopted for the comparative study between the two equations, and these correlations were used
to determine the energy requirement for crushing these fuels.
2.3.2. Particle size distribution profile
To provide a more precise assessment of the pulverization behavior of the thermally pre-treated
fuel in comparison to coal, a particle size distribution study of the ground fuels was also
conducted utilizing the same grinding process described in steps 1 through 4 above. However,
after that process, the fuels were sieved in a series of sieves with mesh sizes of 600 μm,
355 μm, 212 μm, 150 μm, 75 μm, and 53 μm. The mass of sample collected on each sieve was
weighed and calculated as a cumulative percentage of the original sample mass. Finally, the
particle size distribution of raw and treated biomass was plotted alongside the reference coals to
compare their grindability behavior.


3.1. Ultimate and Proximate Analysis of EFB, Washed Hydrochars and Indonesian Coal
The results of the proximate and ultimate analyses are shown in Table 1. The HTT primarily
consisted of dehydration, condensation, and decarboxylation reactions that promoted the loss of
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Table 1 Ultimate and proximate analysis results for untreated EFB (RAW-EFB),
commercial-scale hydrothermally treated and water-washed EFB (HTT-EFB) and
Indonesian coal (INDO-COAL)
Chemical Composition
Elemental Analysis (wt.%)a
Carbon 45.25 55.41 61.38
Hydrogen 5.82 6.30 4.74
Nitrogen 0.91 0.72 0.95
Sulfur 0.27 0.55 0.30
Chlorine 0.35 0.22 0.05
Oxygenb 43.00 33.60 28.48
Proximate Analysis (wt.%)c
Volatile Matter 81.57 77.30 53.59
Fixed Carbon 14.05 19.50 42.31
Ash 4.40 3.20 4.10
HHV (MJ kg-¹) 18.00 23.24 23.94
ᵃ calculated based on a free dry ash basis
ᵇ calculated by difference
ᶜ calculated based on dry basis

For thermochemical treatment and for fuel in general, oxygen loss is the most important and
most desirable factor because it directly increases the energy value (Hoekman et al., 2011).
Previous research has reported that an increase of reaction temperature affects the degradation
Ruksathamcharoen et al. 1251

of hydrogen and oxygen content in the biomass significantly (He et al., 2013; Parshetti et al.,
2013; Novianti et al., 2015). The result for the HTT combined with the washing process (HTT-
EFB) showed that the carbon content of the solid products was significantly increased (46.73%)
and is considerably higher than the raw material (RAW-EFB). Xu et al. (2013) found that
carbon content in hydrochar is not only dependent on operating temperature but also on the
carbon content of the original feedstocks. With regard to oxygen content, the HTT-EFB washed
hydrochar showed an obvious crucial degradation from 43% in the RAW-EFB to 33.60% in the
treated material. Kambo and Dutta (2014) reported that the precipitation of carbon compounds
in the porous structure of hydrochar would increase the overall HHV (carbon content). Thus,
the HTT clearly increased the energy content of the products.
The energy content of the starting dry feedstock was 18 MJ/kg, and the energy content of the
HTT-EFB was considerably similar to the energy content of Indonesian coal (23.94 MJ/kg),
which is classified as lignite. The chlorine content of the RAW-EFB was around 0.7%, which
could contribute to corrosion problems in thermochemical conversion systems or combustion
boilers as well as contributing to acid gas formation (Arias et al., 2008; Chew & Doshi, 2011).
Table 1 shows that an approximate 37% reduction of chlorine was observed after employing
HTT and washing, leading to a better fuel property for combustion as it can lower the fouling
and slagging tendency in furnaces (Arias et al., 2008). Because chlorine is commonly found in
the form of the monovalent ion chloride (Cl-), which is loosely bound to the exchange site and
in low quantities as organic compounds (Novianti et al., 2015), it could be easily removed
during HTT and the washing process. Previous work has also suggested that by washing, the
ionic form of chlorine could be easily removed (Harsono et al., 2016; Novianti, 2016).
Furthermore, the reduction of volatile matter that was observed in the HTT products was nearly
compensated for by the increase of fixed carbon (He et al., 2013).
By employing a combination of pre-treatments (HTT and water washing), volatile matter in the
HTT-EFB was reduced to around 4.2%, and fixed carbon increased 39% from RAW-EFB
biomass, meaning the effects of the HTT were in agreement with previous studies (He et al.,
2013; Novianti et al., 2014). The increase in fixed carbon content was credited to the
devolatilization of volatile matter and the mass conversion during HTT. Some research has
found that the volatile matter loss was higher than the increase in fixed carbon, indicating that
the volatile matter was also transformed into other products such as CO₂ or other liquid
substances (Berge et al., 2011; Kang et al., 2012).
The fraction of volatiles in combustible carbon (volatile matter [volatile matter + fixed carbon])
shows that the value of HTW-EFB washed hydrochars (0.79) was similar to hydrothermally
treated EFB at 200°C for 30 min (0.77) in a previous study that utilized a lab-scale autoclave
(Novianti et al., 2014). The disadvantage of high volatile matter content was a reduction in
combustion efficiency and an increase in emissions (Liu & Han, 2015). Moreover, a lower
fraction of volatiles in combustible carbon can minimize the differences between washed
hydrochar and conventional coal, which leads to better co-combustion potential without
modification to the furnaces.
The hydrochar is also observed to have lower amounts of ash compared to RAW-EFB, which
ranges from 2% to 3.2% (Table 1), and the percentage of ash content was significantly
diminished after employing HTT. The inorganic material in the form of loose dirt from the
biomass processing was removed in the HTT process, leading to the decrease of the ash content
(3). Further, in more severe HTT conditions, the inorganic solubilization from EFB is
increased, which tends to enhance the solubilization and removal rate of inorganic compounds
(Lynam et al., 2011). By combining HTT with a water washing process, inorganic constituents
such as chlorine could be further reduced in the treated products. HTT accompanied with water
1252 Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Grindability and Fuel Characteristics
of Empty Fruit Bunch Derived Hydrochar

washing significantly increased the ash removal rate (mostly potassium content) in raw biomass
and hydrothermally treated EFB (Novianti et al., 2015), which promotes less slagging and
fouling in combustion boilers. The mechanism of water washing is effective because the
inorganic materials that are abundantly present in biomass and hydrochars are in water-soluble
form, making them easy to remove.
3.2. Grindability Test Results
3.2.1. HGI results
The four HGI standard reference coals were successfully ground in the mill using the conditions
explained in Section 2.3.1. The results and the calibration graph for the four coals with HGI
values of 36.8, 47, 56 and 95.7 are shown in Figure 2. The R² value for the correlation was 0.98.

Figure 2 Calibration and results graph from four standard reference coals using the
PULVERISETTE 6 ball mill

While this method appeared to be successful in determining the changes in grindability of the
treated EFB, it also has some limitations because the correlation was not based on biomass
characteristic, which was classified as ductile material based on the stress-strain graph in the
previous section.

Table 2 Calculated theoretical HGI values of biomass fuels (from calibration curve)
Wᵢᵃ Wᵢᵇ
Samples m (%) HGI
(Kw h/ton) (Kw h/ton)
Coal HGI 95.7 12.43 95.7 11.77 -
Coal HGI 56 7.43 56.00 20.99 -
Coal HGI 47 5.29 47.00 25.36 -
Coal HGI 36.8 3.30 36.80 33.03 -
HTT-EFB 14.48 106.80 10.45 17.20
RAW-EFB 0.00 12.60 104.72 151.63

However, the HGI values that were used in the equations were calculated using a traditional
HGI procedure, while this study used a modified HGI procedure, which could cause some error
in the data. Further, for some of the treated biomass, the amount of sample in this size range
was less than 50% as most were ground to < 600 µm in the preliminary milling stage.
Therefore, the result may not represent the entire sample.
Ruksathamcharoen et al. 1253

3.2.2. Particle size distribution

The particle size distribution after pulverization was successfully assessed to gather the
grindability behavior for each sample. The coals and EFB samples were analyzed to provide
data on the particle size distribution of standard reference coals with known HGI values and
treated samples. The data presented in Figure 3 shows that a larger proportion of finer particles
are obtained from softer or structurally weaker coals.

Figure 3 Particle distribution profile of the four reference coals, raw biomass and treated biomass after a
grinding experiment

It can be observed that the HTT-EFB products showed a significant change in particle size
distribution profiles. The particle size distribution of ground HTT-EFB with a calculated HGI
value of 106.8 has a better profile than coal with an HGI of 95.7. Therefore, under the same
grinding and processing conditions as coal samples, HTT-EFB should be easier to grind.
Additionally, in the 0–500 µm particle size range, the distribution graph of HTT-EFB shows the
steepest curve among the samples, which indicates a large proportion of ground HTT-EFB
particles were retained in the smallest particle size range. This is very beneficial for solid fuels
as it would increase the combustion efficiency in commercial furnaces.
Furthermore, the particle distribution graph of untreated EFB reflects poor behavior when
compared to the HTT-EFB graph. In the 0–500 µm particle size range, the graph only shows a
slight curve, which means only a small proportion of ground RAW-EFB biomass was gathered
in these particle ranges. Moreover, when the range of particle size becomes larger than 500 µm,
the particle distribution graph of RAW-EFB shows the steepest curve, which indicates that over
95% of the RAW-EFB particle sizes were equal to or greater than 500 µm. This behavior is due
to the fact that the raw biomass is designated ductile material, which is extremely hard to crush
into fine particle sizes in a standard ball mill.

An experimental study regarding the upgrading of EFB as a sustainable solid fuel was
successfully carried out, and a thorough analysis was done to assess the characteristics of the
thermochemically treated biomass as solid fuel. The results showed that the hydrochars
produced from the HTT could potentially be a substitute for coal or, as in this case, it has the
possibility of being co-combusted with coal without any significant modification to the boiler.
It was found that commercial-scale hydrothermally treated and water-washed hydrochar from
1254 Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Grindability and Fuel Characteristics
of Empty Fruit Bunch Derived Hydrochar

EFB had a higher HHV (23.269 MJ/Kg) which was equal to Indonesian coal (23.997 MJ/Kg),
but it also came with higher sulfur content. Moreover, HTT offered lower ash content than
Indonesian coal and lower chlorine content than raw EFB, which promotes less fouling of
combustion boilers.
A modified HGI test was also successfully employed, and the grindability test further suggested
that the hydrochar from HTT had significantly better HGI than the parent biomass. It was also
found that the HGI value of the treated EFB was to some degree higher than the highest HGI
for coal. Moreover, this method requires approximately 10 times less work than with the parent
biomass, and the particle distribution profile was significantly improved by employing HTT.
This indicates that HTT has a strong potential as a method to produce renewable solid fuel from
biomass wastes, especially EFB. Furthermore, this research could also promote future works in
the area of thermochemical treatments for producing sustainable solid fuels to potentially
replace coal.

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