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Persistent Leatherback Turtle Migrations

Present Opportunities for Conservation
George L. Shillinger1, Daniel M. Palacios2,3, Helen Bailey3, Steven J. Bograd3, Alan M. Swithenbank1, Philippe Gaspar4,
Bryan P. Wallace5, James R. Spotila6, Frank V. Paladino7, Rotney Piedra8, Scott A. Eckert9, Barbara A. Block1*
1 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California, United States of America, 2 Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Honolulu, Hawaii,
United States of America, 3 NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/Environmental Research Division, Pacific Grove, California, United States of America, 4 Collecte Localisation Satellites,
Direction Océanographie Spatiale, Ramonville, France, 5 Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America,
6 Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 7 Department of Biology, Indiana-Purdue University,
Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States of America, 8 Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Ministerio de Ambiente y Energı́a, San José, Costa Rica, 9 Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle
Conservation Network, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina, United States of America

Effective transboundary conservation of highly migratory marine animals requires international management
cooperation as well as clear scientific information about habitat use by these species. Populations of leatherback
turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the eastern Pacific have declined by .90% during the past two decades, primarily due
to unsustainable egg harvest and fisheries bycatch mortality. While research and conservation efforts on nesting
beaches are ongoing, relatively little is known about this population of leatherbacks’ oceanic habitat use and
migration pathways. We present the largest multi-year (2004–2005, 2005–2006, and 2007) satellite tracking dataset
(12,095 cumulative satellite tracking days) collected for leatherback turtles. Forty-six females were electronically
tagged during three field seasons at Playa Grande, Costa Rica, the largest extant nesting colony in the eastern Pacific.
After completing nesting, the turtles headed southward, traversing the dynamic equatorial currents with rapid,
directed movements. In contrast to the highly varied dispersal patterns seen in many other sea turtle populations,
leatherbacks from Playa Grande traveled within a persistent migration corridor from Costa Rica, past the equator, and
into the South Pacific Gyre, a vast, low-energy, low-productivity region. We describe the predictable effects of ocean
currents on a leatherback migration corridor and characterize long-distance movements by the turtles in the eastern
South Pacific. These data from high seas habitats will also elucidate potential areas for mitigating fisheries bycatch
interactions. These findings directly inform existing multinational conservation frameworks and provide immediate
regions in the migration corridor where conservation can be implemented. We identify high seas locations for focusing
future conservation efforts within the leatherback dispersal zone in the South Pacific Gyre.
Citation: Shillinger GL, Palacios DM, Bailey H, Bograd SJ, Swithenbank AM, et al. (2008) Persistent leatherback turtle migrations present opportunities for conservation. PLoS
Biol 6(7): e171. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060171

persistent southbound migration corridor from PNMB

toward the Galápagos Islands. Additional tagging efforts at
Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the eastern a nesting beach in Mexiquillo, México, about 965 km north of
Pacific (EP) have exhibited population declines of up to 90% Costa Rica, revealed that leatherbacks traveled routes that
during the past two decades [1,2]. These declines have been shared the same directional heading and general high seas
driven by a number of factors, including incidental mortality habitats in the eastern South Pacific as those traveled by
in fisheries, loss of nesting habitats, and unsustainable egg Costa Rican turtles [7]. In contrast, leatherbacks from other
harvest [1,3]. Of the extant leatherback nesting beaches in the populations demonstrate inter-individual behavioral varia-
EP, Playa Grande in Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas tion with respect to post-nesting migration routes [8–
(PNMB), Costa Rica, supports the largest nesting colony [1]. 10,13,14]. The apparent persistence of the EP leatherback
After the nesting period (approximately 60 d), EP leather- migration pattern provides a unique opportunity to generate
backs perform long-distance migrations from breeding areas
a cohesive conservation management approach for this
to feeding areas, where they remain for 2 to 7 y [4]. Therefore,
endangered population.
while protection of nesting habitat is important to enhance
recruitment into the population, an improved understanding
of the at-sea distribution and movements of EP leatherbacks Academic Editor: Georgina M. Mace, Imperial College, United Kingdom
is vital to ensuring their long-term survival. In particular, Received March 3, 2008; Accepted June 5, 2008; Published July 15, 2008
long-range tracking studies using electronic tags can inform This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
conservation efforts by identifying high-use areas for leather- Public Domain declaration which stipulates that, once placed in the public domain,
backs in time and space, as well as environmental influences this work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon,
or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose.
on leatherback behavior [5].
Abbreviations: CHL, chlorophyll-a; CRD, Costa Rica Dome; EKE, eddy kinetic
Leatherback turtles globally undertake long-distance mi- energy; EP, eastern Pacific; ETPS, Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape; EUC, Equatorial
grations over thousands of kilometers [6–14]. Morreale et al. undercurrent; MPA, marine protected area; MKE, mean kinetic energy; PNMB,
[6] first described the movements of EP leatherbacks from the Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas; SEC, South Equatorial Current
tracks of eight turtles (durations 3–87 d) and identified a * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

PLoS Biology | 0001 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

Author Summary collected for this species, based on 46 individuals satellite-

tagged during 2004–2007 at PNMB. Our approach is
Highly migratory marine animals routinely cross international consistent with a recent review [17], which emphasized the
borders during extensive migrations over thousands of kilometers, importance of tracking large sample sizes and an interdisci-
thus requiring conservation strategies with information about plinary approach integrating oceanographic cues with be-
habitat use and movement patterns. Critically endangered leather- havior. These data enabled us to (1) describe the distribution
back turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the eastern Pacific have and horizontal movements of leatherbacks in the EP, (2)
suffered a severe population decline in recent years. In this study, we
examine the influence of oceanic currents on leatherback
present the largest multi-year satellite tracking data set for leather-
back turtles (n ¼ 46 turtles, 12,095 days) to describe the migrations,
migrations, (3) assess leatherback high-use habitats, (4)
habitats, and dispersal of female leatherbacks tagged at Playa confirm and elucidate a leatherback migration corridor from
Grande, Costa Rica. Leatherbacks followed a migration corridor the nesting beach to 5 8S, and (5) describe leatherback
southward from Costa Rica into the South Pacific Gyre in each year of movements beyond 10 8S into the South Pacific. In addition,
our study. In the equatorial region, leatherbacks experienced strong these data identify critical areas for directed conservation
ocean currents that influenced the direction of their movements; efforts to ensure the survival of this species in the EP.
leatherbacks responded to current deflection with rapid, directed
movements to maintain their southward heading. After passing
through this equatorial current field, turtles dispersed broadly within Results
a low-energy, low-productivity region of the South Pacific. Our We tagged 46 female leatherback turtles during oviposi-
analyses revealed that ocean currents shaped the migration corridor tion, resulting in 12,095 tracking days spanning 21 January
and influenced the scope of turtle dispersal in the South Pacific—
2004–5 July 2007, with a mean track duration of 263 d, a
results that provide a biological rationale for the development of
multi-scale conservation strategies. These strategies could involve distance of 8,070 km, and a travel speed of 37.7 km d1 (Table
improved and enhanced monitoring of leatherback–fisheries inter- 1). Movements by cohorts from a given year displayed
actions as well as dynamic time-area fisheries closures and protected cohesion, even though initiation of the post-nesting migra-
area designations within the high seas of the South Pacific. tion among individuals differed by up to several weeks
(Figure 1). Only one individual tagged in 2005 (tag ID 56280)
remained in coastal waters off Costa Rica and Panama for the
Conservation of highly migratory marine species requires entire tag duration (Figure 1A).
international cooperation for implementation of transboun- Upon completion of nesting activity, leatherbacks em-
dary management strategies. Specifically, information on barked on rapid (42.9 km d1, standard deviation (sd) ¼ 27.7
movements and distributions of large marine predators km d1) directed southward migrations through the equato-
collected by electronic tracking devices can provide guidance rial region. Once south of 5 8S, the turtles dispersed
to the development of national and multinational fisheries throughout the South Pacific Gyre following slower (23.8
management strategies and bycatch mitigation efforts, as well km d1, sd ¼ 16 km d1), meandering paths, and remained
as support related policy efforts [15]. One such framework is there through the duration of the tracking period (Figure
the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) initiative [16], 2A–2C). Across their migrations, turtles experienced a wide
which is a multinational coordination of marine resource range of surface temperatures (11.2–32.7 8C, mean ¼ 25.2 8C,
management within the combined exclusive economic zones sd ¼ 3.2 8C; Table 1). They encountered areas of high–eddy
of Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. The ETPS is kinetic energy (EKE) in the equatorial region (.100 cm2s2),
an area that is home to several marine protected areas (MPAs) and areas of very low EKE (,50 cm2s2) in the dispersal
(e.g., PNMB) and World Heritage sites (e.g., Cocos Island, region (Figure 2B). Likewise, chlorophyll-a (CHL) concen-
Coiba Island National Park, Malpelo Island, Galápagos Islands trations were highest in the equatorial region (.0.3 mg m3),
and Marine Reserve). Thus, the ETPS represents a framework and lowest in the South Pacific Gyre (,0.1 mg m3) (Figure
through which habitat use and movement data for migratory 2C). Swimming speed was significantly higher in areas of high
animals, such as leatherbacks, can be translated into tangible CHL and vice-versa (linear regression: b ¼ 0.964 6 0.057,
management actions. F1,9577 ¼ 281, p , 0.001, r2 ¼ 0.029), although the association
Here we present the largest multi-year tracking data set between these two variables was weak.

Table 1. Tracking Data from 46 Satellite-Linked Tags Deployed on Leatherback Turtles on Playa Grande, Costa Rica, 2004–-2007

Data 2004a (27 tags; 33,411 records) 2005 (8 tags; 13,105 records) 2007b (11 tags; 20,088 records)
Mean sd Min Max Mean sd Min Max Mean sd Min Max

Distance (km) 8,867 3,896 2,161 1,7133 8,229 4,738 2,872 14,338 5,997 1,453 3,339 7,749
Duration (d) 313 141 58 485 271 195 55 562 134 31 74 160
Mean Speed 33.4 10.4 20.6 61.7 37.1 12.3 19.7 55.7 48.7 4.6 42.0 54.7
(km d1)
Temp (8C) 24.7 3.3 11.6 30.3 25.3 3.1 13.3 29.7 25.8 3.1 11.2 32.7

Temperature data for 2004 are based on 17 SMRU SRDL tags.
This table includes SSM speed data through 1 June 2007. Mean speed (km d1) values may be biased by shorter tracking durations, influenced by higher speeds during initial migration

PLoS Biology | 0002 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

Figure 1. Map and Timeline of Leatherback Sea Turtle Tracking Data

(A) Satellite transmission positions for 46 leatherback turtles from 2004 (n ¼ 27, orange), 2005 (n ¼ 8, purple), and 2007 (n ¼ 11, green), tagged at Playa
Grande, Costa Rica, overlaid on bathymetry (in m). Prominent bathymetric features and island groups are labeled (EPR ¼ East Pacific Rise).
(B) Timeline of satellite transmissions for each tag (tag ID is the ARGOS-assigned transmitter number).

Ocean current energetics had a major impact on the Examination of the ratio of turtle meridional velocity to
turtles’ migration route. Between latitudes 12 8N and 5 8S, current zonal velocity in the 12 8N–5 8S region revealed that
southbound turtles negotiated the strong alternating east- in areas of strong currents, the turtles responded by
ward-westward flows of the equatorial current system, whose increasing their southward velocity regardless of flow
strength can be of comparable magnitude to turtle travel direction (i.e., ratios consistently close to zero in the 8 8N–6
speeds (Text S1 and Figure S1). Turtles initially moved 8N and 4 8N–1 8N latitudinal bands; Figure 3D). After the
rapidly WSW (mean speed ¼ 63.8 km d1, sd ¼ 31.8 km d1; effect of the currents was removed (Figure 3F), the tracks
mean heading ¼ 2478, sd ¼ 408) through a narrow zone of low appeared much straighter for all years, showing a consistent
mean kinetic energy (MKE) near 10 8N between the southern SSW heading between 12 8N and 1 8N (mean ¼ 1938, sd ¼ 308)
edge of the Costa Rica Dome (CRD) and the Costa Rica and a southward heading afterward. The contours of geo-
Coastal Current (CRCC) (Figure 3A–3C, Text S1, and Figure magnetic force were generally oriented NE-SW while the
S1). They then crossed the energetic flow along the southern contours of geomagnetic inclination were generally oriented
edge of the CRD between 8 8N and 6 8N on a SE heading NW-SE, forming a grid pattern in the 12 8N–5 8S region
(mean speed ¼ 49.9 km d1, sd ¼ 27.8 km d1; mean heading ¼ (Figure 3F). The current-corrected tracks generally crossed
1738, sd ¼ 428). Once outside the CRD, turtles turned WSW these magnetic gradients from north to south (Figure 3F).
(mean speed ¼ 50.2 km d1, sd ¼ 26.4 km d1; mean heading ¼
2258, sd ¼ 438) over another area of low MKE near 4 8N and Discussion
continued rapidly on this course aided by the westward- Elucidation of the EP Leatherback Migration Corridor: The
flowing northern branch of the South Equatorial Current Influence of Ocean Currents
(SEC) near 3 8N. Between 1 8N and 2 8S, turtles turned This multi-year dataset confirmed the existence of a
southward (mean speed ¼ 41.7 km d1, sd ¼ 22.9 km d1; mean persistent migration corridor for leatherbacks spanning from
heading ¼ 1868, sd ¼ 468), as they rapidly crossed the the Pacific coast of Central America, across the equator and
Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) by again increasing their into the South Pacific. The turtles traveled along a predom-
southward speed, even while being advected eastward by the inantly southwesterly heading, which was strongly influenced
EUC (Figure 3A–3C). A final SW turn (mean speed ¼ 43.5 km by ocean currents. An earlier telemetry study hypothesized a
d1, sd ¼ 17.8 km d1; mean heading ¼ 1968, sd ¼ 378) occurred leatherback migration corridor between Costa Rica and
as the turtles crossed the much weaker southern branch of Galápagos that could be influenced by environmental factors
the westward SEC between 3 8S and 5 8S. such as ocean fronts, bathymetric features, currents, or

PLoS Biology | 0003 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

Figure 2. Large-Scale Oceanographic Characteristics and Leatherback Movements in the EP

Turtle median daily positions (black dots) generated with state-space model interpolation [21], overlaid on long-term mean.
(A) Turtle median daily speed (blue line) and heading (black line), with corresponding standard-error envelopes, averaged in one-degree latitudinal bins.
(B) EKE (in cm2 s2).
(C) Near-surface CHL concentration (in mg m3).

geomagnetic cues [6]. We examined each of these hypotheses with that of South African leatherbacks [19], whose variable
with our larger sample size, and found no relationship long-distance movements suggest passive drift with prevailing
between the southward turtle movements and the most currents in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
prominent frontal feature in the region, the Equatorial Leatherbacks moved rapidly through the productive
Front, which runs east to west just north of the equator (Text equatorial region [20,21] and then dispersed in the most
S1). We also found no consistent association between oligotrophic region of the Pacific Ocean [22]. The slow,
leatherback tracks and the Cocos Ridge, the dominant meandering movements by the turtles in the South Pacific
bathymetric feature in the region, even after current Gyre suggest that post-nesting female leatherbacks probably
correction (mean turtle heading ¼ 1938 versus 2248 if they migrate there to forage. Leatherback turtles do not feed
had followed the orientation of the Ridge). Instead, the directly on phytoplankton but on large gelatinous zooplank-
turtles’ movements over the Cocos Ridge were correlated ton [23], and despite its low phytoplanktonic biomass, the
with the current strength of the southern edge of the CRD, South Pacific Gyre ecosystem sustains an ample mesozoo-
which deflected them over portions of the Ridge each year planktonic forage base and a substantial longline tuna fishery
(Figure 3A–3C). Once the influence of currents was removed, [24,25]. Therefore, we suggest that following the energetic
it was apparent that the turns observed in the tracks in the demands of egg production, it may be more efficient for post-
corridor region (12 8N–5 8S) were current-induced. For these nesting EP leatherbacks to forage in an oceanographically
reasons, we conclude that navigation through the complex quiescent region within which high water clarity could
and highly energetic equatorial region supports the existence enhance prey detection [26] while requiring minimal swim-
of a compass sense, possibly guided by the geomagnetic map ming effort.
(Figure 3F) formed by the force and inclination fields in the A further possible explanation for the consistency in
region, as has been documented for sea turtles in other parts migration routes followed by EP leatherbacks is that
of the world [18]. present-day migration patterns do not reflect the historic
Our results demonstrate that leatherbacks responded to diversity of migration strategies, such as that observed in
strong zonal currents by increasing their southward speed, other leatherback populations [13,14,19,27]. The leatherback
probably to maintain their SSW headings and to avoid being tracks presented here, which document the first 12–18 mo of
pushed too far eastward or westward from their destination the entire ;4-y remigration interval, suggest that post-
in the South Pacific Gyre. Inter-annual variability in current nesting EP turtles almost exclusively occupy oceanic areas.
location and strength was a major force shaping the turtles’ Eckert and Sarti [7] also tracked EP leatherbacks to oceanic
migration routes. In each year, the migration corridor was areas, but a few of these turtles moved into coastal areas off
initially constrained to the zone of lowest MKE associated South America. A single turtle in this study (tag ID 56280,
with the center of the CRD (Figure 3A–3C) and, ultimately, tagged during 2005) occupied exclusively nearshore foraging
the breadth of their dispersal within the South Pacific Gyre habitats along the coast of Central America throughout the
(Figure 2B) was determined by the strength of the equatorial entirety of its tracking duration (562 d). Previous reports have
currents through which they migrated. This was particularly indicated substantial leatherback bycatch in nearshore fish-
evident in 2005, when the currents were weaker, and in 2007, eries in the EP, specifically in swordfish driftnets off Chile and
with stronger currents (Figure 3B and 3C). This interaction Peru [7,28,29], and leatherbacks continue to interact with
between post-nesting EP leatherbacks and currents contrasts fisheries in Peruvian [30] and Chilean waters [31]. Given that

PLoS Biology | 0004 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

Figure 3. Leatherback Movements in Relation to Ocean Currents in the Migration Corridor Region
(A–C) Turtle tracks overlaid on MKE (in cm2 s2) for February–April periods for 2004, 2005, and 2007. Stippling shows the 2000-m isobath highlighting
the Cocos Ridge.
(D) Ratio of turtle meridional velocity to current zonal velocity in the migration corridor region. Points corresponding to turtle meridional velocities
faster than 70 km d1 are colored in red.
(E) Schematic of turtle migration corridor through the equatorial current system (current abbreviations are given in the text), based on the 75% home-
range utilization distribution contour.
(F) Current corrected turtle tracks from 2004 (orange), 2005 (green), and 2007 (purple), overlaid on contours of magnetic force (solid thin black lines)
and magnetic inclination (dashed thin black lines). The force field has an intensity ranging from 38,314 nT in the north to 27,798 nT in the south, and
contours are drawn every 420 nT. The inclination field ranges from 1.68 and 43.18, and contours are drawn every 1.78.

PLoS Biology | 0005 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

Box 1. Conservation Recommendations from EP Leatherback

Tracking Data
1. Implement specific strategies for leatherback protection within
existing MPAs and conservation initiatives in the EP.
2. Improve collection of fisheries-dependent information to characterize
leatherback-fisheries interactions in the EP.
3. Increase understanding of multi-species movements and high-use
areas through the use of fisheries-independent data (i.e. electronic
4. Apply recommendations 1–3 above for planning of dynamic time-area
closures and/or appropriate gear modifications to reduce leatherback-
fisheries interactions within the following high-use areas:
 EP leatherback high-use area #1: Post-nesting migration corridor
spanning an open-ocean region from the Pacific coast of northwest
Costa Rica (approximately 128N) to approximately 58S, within which
turtles are seasonally concentrated during the period of February-April.
 EP leatherback high-use area #2: Defined by the predictable association
of turtles during their dispersal phase within putative foraging habitats
in the region of current motions (i.e. eddy kinetic energy) in the South
Pacific Gyre.
Figure 4. Combined Utilization Distribution by EP Leatherback Turtles
from all Tracking Data
coastal areas in the EP represent highly productive areas EP leatherback turtle home-range utilization distribution for all years
when compared with oceanic areas, Saba et al. [32] combined (2004, 2005, and 2007). Boundaries of the ETPS, corresponding
to the exclusive economic zones of Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, and
hypothesized that this bycatch could have essentially extir- Colombia, are shown as dashed blue lines. The green polygon comprises
pated a ‘‘coastal’’ migratory phenotype in this population. the region with the lowest climatological EKE (30 cm2 s2) in the
Sustained tracking efforts on the EP population, including South Pacific Gyre.
continuous tracking studies on previously tagged remigrant
turtles, and tagging of turtles in foraging habitats are
necessary to test this hypothesis. management of leatherbacks as they occupy the network of
MPAs in this region (Figure 4).
Conservation Implications of EP Leatherback Tracking Data Second, we strongly recommend enhanced and increased
Characterization of spatio-temporal habitat use is a collection of fisheries-dependent bycatch data and fisheries-
fundamental element of effective biodiversity conservation independent habitat use data throughout the EP. In
management strategies. Our results have enabled us to define particular, expanded and improved observer coverage in EP
two high-use areas for leatherback turtles in the EP: (1) an fisheries would be an important step to characterize leather-
oceanic post-nesting migration corridor shaped by currents, back interactions with fisheries operations in the EP, because
and (2) and putative foraging grounds in the South Pacific currently available information on leatherback bycatch is
Gyre. The data provide compelling new strategies for inconsistently collected for most fisheries. Collection of
conservation of Pacific leatherbacks (Box 1), which could fisheries bycatch data for leatherbacks is critical to evaluating
also benefit other marine species. relative effects of distinct fisheries on leatherback mortality.
Leatherback interactions with small-scale fisheries (i.e.,
First, we encourage enhanced regional and international
artisanal, traditional, subsistence) may be especially critical
cooperation in management of leatherbacks and their
in coastal habitats where extremely high sea turtle bycatch
migration corridor occurring within existing MPAs (i.e.,
rates have been observed [7,33].
PNMB, Cocos Island, Coiba Island, Galápagos Islands) and
For fisheries-independent information, further electronic
conservation initiatives (i.e., ETPS). Because much of the
tagging efforts on EP leatherbacks and other highly migratory
leatherback dispersal region occurs within international
marine species that share similar high seas habitats and face
waters, multinational organizations and policy instruments common human threats would improve effectiveness of
(i.e., Inter-American Convention for the Protection and adaptive conservation schemes. Our data represent only the
Conservation of Sea Turtles, Inter-American Tropical Tuna initial segment of the entire nonreproductive period for
Convention, Convention on Highly Migratory Species, female leatherbacks, leaving much of their at-sea behavior
Comisión Permanente del Pacı́fico Sur, United Nations and habitat use unexplored. Therefore, a priority for future
Convention on the Law of the Sea, and South Pacific leatherback tagging studies should be to focus on foraging
Regional Fisheries Management Organization) should be ground behavior and movements throughout the entire
leveraged to achieve turtle management and conservation nonreproductive period.
outcomes on the high seas. The leatherback migration Third, improved data on fisheries bycatch and leatherback
corridor, which occurs during a period of a few months habitat use in the EP as outlined above would inform
(February–April, Figure 3H), is largely contained within the planning of dynamic time-area closures and/or appropriate
boundaries of the ETPS, which also includes PNMB and the gear modifications intended to reduce turtle interactions
coastal areas used by one of the tagged turtles. This affords an with fisheries. A current illustration of this approach is in the
opportunity for each of the governments involved in these USA California/Oregon-based drift-gillnet and longline fish-
initiatives to actively participate in the spatio-temporal eries, where a time-area closure was implemented based on

PLoS Biology | 0006 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

temporal and spatial patterns of leatherback distributions; during oviposition using a harness technique [44] . Data from the tags
leatherback bycatch was reduced to zero following imple- were transmitted via the ARGOS satellite system [45].
We extracted tag-derived surface temperature measurements from
mentation of this measure [34]. This tracking study defines at the temperature-at-depth data transmitted by the SRDL tags. Surface
least two regions within the Pacific where strategic time-area was considered to be the first depth bin (mean ¼ 5.1 m, sd ¼ 0.7 m). A
closures could be a useful management tool for protecting total of 5,787 temperature measurements were available after
discarding 105 records because the first depth was missing, had a
leatherbacks within high-use habitats. The first area is the negative value, or had spurious position values.
post-nesting migration corridor spanning an open-ocean Track filtering and interpolation. We generated final position
region from the Pacific coast of northwest Costa Rica estimates at regular 6-h intervals using state-space models (SSMs)
(approximately 12 8N) to approximately 5 8S, within which [46,47] that were applied to the raw unfiltered satellite data to
improve position accuracy and to align with SMRU summary dive
turtles are seasonally concentrated, in predictable patterns, data. The application of a switching SSM provided the capacity to
during the period of February–April. The second high-use discern between two behavioral modes based on a first-difference
area is defined by the predictable association of turtles during correlated random walk. The location of the switch between these
two behavioral modes was used to objectively define the transition
their dispersal phase (through putative foraging habitats) from inter-nesting (‘‘mode 2’’) to the post-nesting migration (‘‘mode
with the low EKE region of the South Pacific Gyre. Time-area 1’’) [47]. In cases where a clear switch was not present, we used a
closures could be applied to protect post-nesting turtles when sudden change in the travel speed to determine the cut-off. For this
paper, we only used the post-nesting portion of the tracks. Median
they are seasonally concentrated during migration (i.e., while daily speeds and headings were calculated from the interpolated
moving through the ETPS) and within international waters on tracks via first differencing consecutive points.
the high seas during foraging periods within low EKE regions Track current correction. The observed track of an animal at any
of the South Pacific Gyre. Another specific opportunity to given time is the result of the animal’s movement (swimming) plus the
displacement caused by ocean currents (drift). The true behavior of a
manage turtles during dispersal occurs when they pass turtle can be thus obtained by removing the influence of currents on
through the oceanic island territories of Chile (i.e., Easter the animal’s trajectory. We used surface current estimates obtained
Island, Juan Fernandez Islands, and the Desventuras Islands). from the sum of the geostrophic and Ekman components, as
measured by satellite [48], and removed them from the turtle
Management actions within each of the above regions should movements at the locations generated with the SSMs. Within the
be based upon spatio-temporal overlap of the leatherback equatorial band (4 8N–4 8S), a b-plane solution was applied [49].
high-use areas and areas of high bycatch. In addition to High-use area analysis. We produced gridded utilization distribu-
tion maps [50] using a mesh size of 100 km2 and a fixed-kernel search
establishing time-area closures, new technologies such as radius of 0.58 for all years combined. The 95% utilization contour was
vessel monitoring and tracking systems (VMS) combined with used to define turtle high-use regions throughout the eastern tropical
continuous satellite tagging of EP turtles (for near–real time and South Pacific and the 75% contour to delineate the migration
high-use data) could further mitigate human interactions corridor between latitudes 12 8N and 58S.
Characterization of ocean currents. We characterized the ener-
with leatherbacks. getics of large-scale currents and their mesoscale fluctuations in the
The implementation of time-area closures to protect eastern tropical and South Pacific using merged satellite altimeter
leatherbacks in the South Pacific would provide parallel measurements of absolute dynamic topography and associated sea-
level anomalies [51]. These data are generated by the Archiving,
conservation benefits for other marine species [35–42] whose Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data
movements through the ETP region have also been revealed (Aviso) project at 1/38 resolution. Within five degrees of the equator,
by satellite tracking and other data. For example, recent the Aviso product applies a b-plane solution [49] to obtain velocity
and velocity anomaly vectors. We computed MKE from the mean u-
satellite tracking studies on green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from and v- components of the geostrophic velocity as MKE ¼ 0.5*(,u2. þ
Galápagos have indicated that February–April closures to ,v2.). These calculations were performed separately for the
protect green turtles would also benefit migrating leather- February–April period of each tracking year, since the emphasis
backs that use similar migratory and foraging habitats with was on assessing the impact of inter-annual variability in geostrophic
current strength on turtle migration while crossing the equatorial
the EP [42]. region. On the other hand, we computed EKE as a long-term mean
Large-scale electronic tagging studies will increasingly play for the period 14 October 1992–18 April 2007 from the mean
an important role in informing spatio-temporal management geostrophic velocity anomalies (u9 and v9), as EKE ¼ 0.5*(,u92. þ
,v92.). In this case, the emphasis was on examining turtle
activities of coastal and pelagic habitats for threatened distribution in relation to a region of low mesoscale variability in
marine species [5]. Our results elucidate the oceanic the South Pacific Gyre.
behaviors of leatherback turtles, and are applicable to Phytoplankton CHL concentration. The distribution of phyto-
plankton standing stock is a useful indicator of biogeography and
existing and future conservation strategies that promote the ecosystem structure [24]. Near-surface CHL concentration, a proxy
recovery of EP leatherbacks (Box 1). In the future, animal for phytoplankton standing stock, was obtained from Sea-viewing
movement models derived from satellite-tag data, in combi- Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite ocean-color observa-
nation with real-time oceanography [20,32,43] will provide tions at 9-km resolution. We computed a long-term mean for the
period September 1997–March 2007 for comparison of turtle
managers with the ability to predict the movement patterns movements in relation to phytoplanktonic biomass distribution
of leatherback turtles and to take effective conservation throughout their range. Individual 8-d averages were also obtained
actions to protect them at sea. for each turtle median daily position. The relationship between CHL
and the turtles’ median daily speed was investigated using linear
regression, after log- and square-root-transformation, respectively, to
Materials and Methods meet normality assumptions.
Digital bathymetry. We extracted bathymetry from the global sea-
Tagging and data processing. Leatherback sea turtles (n ¼ 36) were floor topography of Smith and Sandwell [52], version 8.2 (November
instrumented with Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) Satellite Relay 2000) ( This da-
Data Logger (SRDL) tags during 2004 (n ¼ 17), 2005 (n ¼ 8), and 2007 taset combines all available depth soundings with high-resolution
(n ¼ 11). The SRDL tags were programmed to collect and transmit marine gravity information provided by the Geosat, ERS-1/2, and
position, temperature, dive data, and tag diagnostic information [24]. TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimeters, and has a nominal resolution of
We tagged ten additional turtles in 2004 with Wildlife Computer 2 arc min (;4 km). The 2000-m isobath was extracted from this
Smart Position Only (SPOT) tags, which were programmed to provide dataset to obtain the outline of the Cocos Ridge, the most prominent
position data. We mounted the satellite transmitters on the turtles bathymetric feature in the migration corridor region (12 8N–5 8S)

PLoS Biology | 0007 July 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e171

Eastern Pacific Leatherback Migration Corridor

running northeast (;438 azimuth) for ;1,200 km between Galápagos altimeter products were produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by
and Central America. Aviso, with support from CNES, France. The authors thank the Ocean
Geomagnetism. Data on Earth’s magnetic field (force and Biology Processing Group at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
inclination) in the study area were calculated using the software for the production and distribution of the SeaWiFS ocean color data
GeoMag 6.0, available from the NOAA National Geophysical Data sponsored by NASA’s Mission to Planet Earth Program. The Smith
Center (, and Sandwell digital bathymetry was obtained from the Institute of
and the most recent (2005) International Geomagnetic Reference Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the Scripps Institution of
Field 10th generation (IGRF-10) coefficients. Oceanography. We also acknowledge B. Calmettes, V. Saba, M.
Breier, P. Santidrián-Tomillo, and I. Jonsen for their support and
technical assistance. A. Walli provided the Multi-Track Hotspot
Supporting Information Identification Toolbox for Matlab for home-range analyses. D.
Figure S1. Surface Currents and Vertical Thermal Structure in the Kobayashi provided the geomagnetic data. We also thank J. Seminoff
Eastern Tropical and South Pacific and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments that improved
Schematic representation of near-surface currents and vertical the manuscript. The Costa Rican Ministry of Natural Resources and
thermal structure in the eastern tropical and South Pacific, based the Environment provided research permits. We thank G. Goldring,
on climatological annual data. (A) Current vectors (black) overlaid on the Goldring Marine Biology Station, and the staff and volunteers at
current magnitude (colors; in cm s1). Dashed black line denotes PNMB for support at Playa Grande. This research is the focus of a
subsurface flow; dashed white line indicates a section along 95 8W. doctoral thesis for GLS.
(B) Surface zonal (black arrows) and meridional (orange arrows) Author contributions. GLS, JRS, FVP, SAE, and BAB conceived and
velocities (in cm s1) along 95 8W. designed the experiments. GLS, BPW, JRS, FVP, RP, and BAB
(C) Water-column temperature (colors; in 8C) and the 15, 20, and 25 performed the experiments. GLS, DMP, HB, SJB, AMS, and PG
8C isotherms (black contours) along 95 8W. Zonal currents are analyzed the data. GLS, DMP, HB, SJB, AMS, PG, BPW, SAE, and BAB
represented as encircled x’s for westward flows and encircled dots for contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools. GLS, DMP, HB, SJB, and
eastward flows. Abbreviations are defined in the text. BPW wrote the paper. DMP led the oceanographic analysis.
Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060171.sg001 (2.57 MB TIF). Funding. Major funding for this research was from support of the
Tagging of Pacific Pelagics a field program of the Census of Marine
Text S1. Currents and Thermal Structure of the Eastern Tropical and Life, supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Gordon and
South Pacific Betty Moore Foundation, the Packard Foundation, the National
Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060171.sd001 (29 KB DOC). Oceanographic Partnership Program of the Office of Naval Re-
search,. the UNESCO World Heritage Program (via the United
Nations Foundation and Global Conservation Fund of Conservation
Acknowledgments International), the Dr. Earl H. Myers and Ethel M. Myers Oceano-
The authors thank the Tagging of Pacific Pelagics personnel and graphic and Marine Biology Trust, the sponsors of the 2007 Great
collaborators who assisted with the data processing and analyses for Turtle Race, Earthwatch Institute and the National Aeronautics and
the project: J. Ganong, M. Castleton, G. Stout, L. DeWitt and D. Kohrs, Space Administration through a grant provided by the Applied
M. Fedak, P. Lovell, and S. Jorgensen. We thank the Leatherback Sciences Program in the Earth Science Division.
Trust, Earthwatch Institute, and the Betz Chair of Environmental Competing interests. The authors have declared that no competing
Science at Drexel University for their assistance with this project. The interests exist.

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