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Vending Machine: Supreeth SK Balaji A

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B.I.E.T, Davangere B.I.E.T, Davangere

ABSTRACT: Machine as we all know is a machine which can vend different products which is more like an
automated process with no requirement of man handling which we normally see in fast moving cities because of fast
paced life .Vending machines are commonly used to disperse beverages and snack items, but in recent years
companies have introduced vending machines that disperse other items, even including electronic items such
as digital cameras or iPods.

The first vending machine in the U.S. was built in
1888 by the Thomas Adams Gum Company,selling • the machine releasing it, so that it falls in an
gum on New York City train platforms. The idea of open compartment at the bottom, or into a cup,
adding games to these machines as a further incentive either released first, or put in by the customer, or
to buy came in 1897 when the Pulver • the unlocking of a door, drawer, or turning of a
Manufacturing Company added small figures, which knob.
would move around whenever somebody bought
some gum from their machines. This idea spawned a Some products need to be prepared to become
whole new type of mechanical device known as the available. For example, tickets are printed or
"trade stimulators".The weighted average of energy magnetized on the spot, and coffee is freshly
consumption efficiency was 1,642 kWh/year .It is concocted. One of the most common form of vending
improved by 37.3% from 2,617 kWh/year which is machine, the snack machine, often uses a metal coil
the value of those before Top Runner standards are which when ordered rotates to release the product.
introduced. In addition, the result is better than
originally assumed efficiency of 1,729 kWh/year and The main example of a vending machine giving
assumed improvement of 33.9%, which are the access to all merchandise after paying for one item is
estimates when the Top Runner standards are a newspaper vending machine (also called vending
achieved in the light of the above, the energy saving box) found mainly in the U.S. and Canada. It contains
of vending machines has been progressing as a result a pile of identical newspapers. After a sale the door
of the manufacturers’ efforts, and it can be automatically returns to a locked position. A
recognized that the current standards based on the customer could open the box and take all of the
Top Runner method are working effectively newspapers or, for the benefit of other customers,
leave all of the newspapers outside of the box, slowly
return the door to an unlatched position, or block the
door from fully closing, each of which are frequently
MECHANISM: discouraged, sometimes by a security clamp. The
success of such machines is predicated on the
After payment has been tendered, a product may assumption that the customer will be honest (hence
become available by: the nickname "honor box"), and need only one copy.
machine to prove one's age before a purchase can be
made. In the United Kingdom, legislation banning
them outright came into effect on 1 October 2011.In
Germany, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic and
Japan, cigarette machines are still common.
Since 2007, however, age verification has been
mandatory in Germany and Italy - buyers must be 18
or over. The various machines installed in pubs and
cafés, other publicly accessible buildings and on the
street accept one or more of the following as proof of
age: the buyer's identity card, bank debit card (smart
A ticket machine that operates by turning a crank card) or European Union driver's license. In Japan,
age verification has been mandatory since 1 July
2008 via the Taspo card, issued only to persons aged
20 or over. The Taspo card uses RFID, stores
monetary value, and is contactless.

2. Food and snack vending machines

An entirely mechanical coin operated vending

machine at a hotel

A snack food vending machine in Hong Kong

TYPES OF VENDING MACHINE Various types of food and snack vending machines
exist in the world. Food vending machines that
1.Cigarette vending provide shelf-stable foods such as chips, cookies,
cakes and other such snacks are common. Some food
vending machines are refrigerated or frozen, such as
for chilled soft drinks and ice cream treats, and some
machines provide hot food. Some unique food
vending machines exist that are specialized and less
common, such as the French fry vending
machine and hot pizza vending machines, such
as Let's Pizza.
3. Bulk candy and gumball vending

A cigarette machine in South Korea

In the past, cigarettes were commonly sold in the

United States through these machines, but this is
increasingly rare due to concerns about underage Bulk vending: a bulk candy machine
buyers. Sometimes a pass has to be inserted in the
The profit margins in the bulk candy business can be machines. In the United States, almost all machines
quite high – gumballs, for instance, can be purchased accept bills with more and more machines accepting
in bulk for around 2 cents per piece and sold for 25 $5 bills. This is an advantage to the vendor because it
cents in gumball machines in the U.S., and other virtually eliminates the need for a bill changer. Larger
countries. Gumballs and candy have a relatively long corporations with cafeterias will often request full
shelf life, enabling vending machine operators to line vending with food service.
manage many machines without too much time or
cost involved. In addition, the machines are typically
inexpensive compared to soft drink or snack
5. Newspaper vending machine
machines, which often require power and sometimes
refrigeration to work. Many operators donate a A newspaper vending machine or newspaper rack is a
percentage of the profits to charity so that locations vending machine designed to distribute newspapers.
will allow them to place the machines for free. Newspaper vending machines are used worldwide,
and they can be one of the main distribution methods
Bulk vending may be a more practical choice than
for newspaper publishers. According to the
soft drink/snack vending for an individual who also
Newspaper Association of America, in recent times
works a full-time job, since the restaurants, retail
in the United States, circulation via newspaper
stores, and other locations suitable for bulk vending
vending machines has dropped significantly: in 1996,
may be more likely to be open during the evening and
around 46% of single-sale newspapers were sold in
on weekends than venues such as offices that host
newspaper boxes, and in 2014, only 20% of
soft drink and snack machines.
newspapers were sold in the boxes.
The Bulk vending Machines of today provide many
different vending choices with the use of adjustable
gumball and candy wheels. Adjustable gumball 6. Photo booth
wheels allow an operator to not only offer the
traditional 1-inch gumball, but they can also vend toy
capsules, bouncy balls and larger gumballs.
Adjustable candy wheels on the other hand allow an
operator to offer a variety of pressed candies, jelly
candy, and even nuts.
4. Full-line vending

A photo booth at a hotel

A photo booth is a vending machine or

modern kiosk that contains an automated,
usually coin-operated, camera and film processor.
A full line of vending machines in a hospital cafeteria, Today, the vast majority of photo booths are
including machines for drinks, snacks, and digital. Traditionally, photo booths contain a seat or
microwaveable foods bench designed to seat the one or two patrons being
photographed. The seat is typically surrounded by a
curtain of some sort to allow for some privacy and
A full-line vending company may set up several types help avoid outside interference during the photo
of vending machines that sell a wide range of session. Once the payment is made, the photo booth
products. Products may include candy, cookies, will take a series of photographs and the customer is
chips, fresh fruit, milk, cold food, coffee and other then provided with prints. Older photo booth vending
hot drinks, bottles, cans of soda, and even frozen machines used film and involved the process of
products like ice cream. These products can be sold developing the film using liquid chemicals.
from machines that include hot coffee, snack, cold
food, 20-oz. bottle machines, and glass-front bottle
6. Stamp vending machine machine used by libraries in Sweden and the U.S.
state of California.
A stamp vending machine is a mechanical, electrical
or electro-mechanical device which can be used to
automatically vend postage stamps to users in
10. French fry vending machine
exchange for a pre-determined amount of money,
normally in coin. A French fry vending machine is a vending machine
that dispenses hot French fries, also known as chips.
The first known french fry vending machine was
7. Ticket machine developed circa 1982 by the defunct Precision Fry
Foods Pty Ltd. in Australia . A few companies have
developed and manufactured French fry vending
machines and prototypes. Furthermore, a prototype
machine was also developed at Wageningen
University in the Netherlands.

11.Pizza vending machine

A ticket machine is a vending machine that
produces tickets. For instance, ticket machines
dispense train tickets at railway stations, transit
tickets at metro stations and tram tickets at some tram
stops and in some trams.The typical transaction
consists of a user using the display interface to select
the type and quantity of tickets and then choosing a
payment method of either cash, credit/debit
card or smartcard. The ticket or tickets are then
printed and dispensed to the user.
A vending machine in Carpi, Italy that dispenses hot

Let's Pizza is the name of a vending machine that

8. Bait vending machine makes fresh pizza from scratch. It was developed in
2009 by Italian company Sitosrl. The machine
combines water, flour, tomato sauce, and fresh
ingredients to make a pizza in approximately three
minutes. It includes windows so customers can watch
the pizza as it is made. The pizza is cooked in
an infrared oven. The device was invented by
Claudio Torghele, an entrepreneur
in Rovereto, Italy. The vending machine began in
Italy and is now spreading into the United Kingdom
and becoming popular there.
A live bait vending machine

A bait machine is a vending machine that dispenses

live fishing bait, such as worms and crickets, for 12. Life insurance
fishing. From the 1950s until the 1970s, vending machines
were used at American airports to sell life insurance
policies covering death, in the event that the buyer's
9. Book vending machine flight crashed. However, this practice gradually
Book vending machines dispense books, which may disappeared due to the tendency of American courts
be full-sized.Some libraries use book vending to strictly construe such policies against their sellers,
machines. GoLibrary is a book lending vending such as the Fidelity and Casualty Company.
Advantages and time saving because of the surety of
getting what you want.
➢ Using a vending machine for doing business
is found to be accompanied by mixed ➢ It is a one time investment on the side of the
fortunes in terms of benefits and owner who doesn't need a lot of running
disadvantages. There are two parties expenses to operate. Reduction of overhead
normally involved in the vending machine costs by not hiring of staff only increases the
procedures, the user of the products and the profit margin for the owner making it a
owner of the machine. These people are said success bound venture.
to experience varied degrees of benefits and
shortfalls of the technology. ➢ The machine can always be moved to other
areas if need arises and it will continue
➢ These machines have since been used to delivering the services as usual.
serve a wide clientele with a variety of
products handling from green grocery to Disadvantages
processed products.A typical example is a
snack vending machine that can be used for ➢ There are disadvantages of using the
buying and selling of different kinds of vending machine for both the owner and the
snacks. Drinks of all kinds can now be customers. One of the shortfalls is that this
dispensed through this technology making technology gives no provision for bargaining
the world a more convenient place in terms and therefore fixed prices apply and this
of item purchasing. may be unfriendly both to the customer and
the owner.
➢ The whole process is automated such that
one can be able to use it when the ➢ Fraud cases are also common in this kind of
transaction is done in the correct way business by customers who formulate means
according to how the machine is of hacking into the system of the machine to
programmed. Some accept cash in currency dispense products.
forms only while others accept both cash
and credit cards for electronic transactions. ➢ Vandalism of the machine by unruly groups
or jealous competitors and heavy taxation
➢ On the side of the customer using the levied on the sites of location may be a
machine, there is a wide range of advantages discouragement for this capital intensive
of using this service being compounded on investment. There may be huge losses to the
the issue of convenience. investor who faces cases of destruction of
the machine or faulty programming like a
➢ Vending machines give the clients a free continuous dispensing of product due to
choice to purchase products at any time of technical errors.
the day. One can shop for his or her intended
product on a 24 hour, throughout the year. ➢ It is therefore important to be conversant
with all the characteristics of the vending
➢ Diversity in terms of the products that a machine technology for business
vending machine can handle is another
advantage that this technology in business
has brought. A wide range of products can
be sold using the machine as fruits, Conclusion:
beverages, drinks, and cigarettes among
other products. This concept is also applied The market of vending machines at growth level .In
to some service provision industries like air spite having a tough competition ,the demand of
drier, play stations and other public utility vending machines is at increased level according to
practices. daily calls. This product are based for institutional
sale. At the time of decision making for product,
➢ Most vending machines are stationed at pricing, timing, supplying, servicing ,sustainability
strategic points which make it convenient and durability are main content of customer’s
1. Chen Baoan, Based on cell phone text
messages reply vending machine scientific
and technical information development and
economy, pp. 263-264, 2004.

2. Zhang mang, "Yang Yong strong 0.1 kind of

new vending machine control system's
design", mechanical and electrical
engineering technology, pp. 59-62, 2007.

3. In California, Lynn Blumenstein. Library

Journal. 26-02-2008. Retrieved 07-05-2011.

4. Morgan,glenn(2007).cross post, journal of

friends of BPMA summer 2007 issue.British
postal museum & archive.

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