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An Introduction To Vending: The Market

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An introduction to vending

There are about 3.7 million vending machines in Europe, run by some 10.000 companies,
mostly SMEs and family businesses.
Vending machine operators run service and maintain machines to make sure that
consumers' favourites are always available.

The market

Over 70% of vending machines in Europe serve hot drinks, the remaining 30% vend
anything from sandwiches to cold drinks, hot meals and snacks. The machines are a
convenient point of sale equivalent in size to a shop of 1m². Most machines are located in
companies and the rest are placed in public locations like train stations or airports.

Vending machines 
The benefits are a convenient 
ƒ "Convenience", speed
point of sale 
ƒ 24h/7 availability
ƒ "Versatility": machines can sell almost any product
ƒ A wide range of payment options
ƒ Clean, hygienic, safe, always at the right temperature
ƒ Quality of food and drinks, household brands
ƒ Offers a place to meet with colleagues
ƒ Practical: comes with a clean cup every time
ƒ Machine branding adaptable to the clients requirements (schools, banks etc)
ƒ Hydration & energy – for a competitive workforce
ƒ Flexible placing options (sell, lease or rent)

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 1 – 

September 2007
The players

Mostly SMEs
Based in Europe, be it for manufacturers or operators

Who they are:

Operators: The machines are managed by (the so-called) operators. They run the
machines as their core business. They conclude commercial agreements with
companies or public institutions for the placing of the machines, invest funds into the
hardware, and are responsible for cleaning and filling the machines with products (be
it cups, snacks, coffee beans, cans, etc…).

ƒ Machine manufacturers: they make the machines used by the operators. Machines
exist in different types and sizes. The vending industry tailors its offer to the size of the
companies where the machines will be placed, from free-standing to table-top
machines and anything in between. Machines can sell almost any product, including
hot and/or cold drinks, as well as ambient or refrigerated foods, deep-frozen food and
hot meals. So called "combi" machines offer the possibility to sell different food and
drink products and some can even operate simultaneously at different temperature
levels. Machine manufacturers sell machines to the operators – the operator decides
which payment system and water filter (for hot drink machines) he will use.

Food /Ingredients suppliers

ƒ Coffee – tea - chocolate – snacks manufacturers
The vending players are:  ƒ Provide operators with products that consumers
ƒ Develop new products to follow consumers’
changing tastes
Machine Manufacturers 
ƒ Reformulate products where possible
Ingredient Suppliers 
Payment system manufacturers
Payment system Manufacturers  ƒ Coin/banknote validators
ƒ Cashless systems
Water filter Manufacturers 
Water filter manufacturers
Cup Manufacturers 
Cup and disposable manufacturers

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 2 – 

September 2007

Greener vending

The vending industry has been getting greener for years. A lot of individual initiatives,
coupled with sector-endorsed measures, have reshaped the ecological footprint of the
vending sector.

The vending machines in Europe are fully compliant with

the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
legislation, and in fact machines and parts are re-used many
times over;

The machines comply with the RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous
Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) Directive;

The EVA developed a protocol to measure the energy consumption of vending

machines: the EVA EMP (Energy Measurement Protocol). This helps buyers
benchmark the different machines. It is working on a classification of machines
based on their energy consumption;

Vending  A number of companies have developed recycling schemes.

companies are  These range from plastic cup schemes (“Save a cup” UK) to the
collecting and recycling of pods in Switzerland;
committed to 
environmental  An increasing number of vending companies are committed to
environmental protection. They are ISO 14001 certified or are taking
measures to become more environmentally-friendly;

Vending companies invest a lot in research and development in the areas of eco-
efficiency and refrigeration;

Paper cups or biodegradable cups (Bioware©) are on offer as

alternatives to traditional plastic cups;

The value of plastic cups is enhanced at the end of their lifecycle;

when incinerated they release a lot of heat which is used for
heating water or generating electricity;

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 1 –

September 2007

Soft drinks and bottled water are packaged with PET, which has a high recycling
rate. Some companies have developed lighter packaging for their soft drinks;

Solar-powered vending machines also exist, even though Vending machines 

their development is limited to certain locations due to acts of
vandalism; are made with 
special glass to 
With hot drinks vending machines, no water is wasted,
contrary to kettles with which people always boil more water limit the energy 
than necessary;
and heat 
Small devices can also be installed on vending machines to
turn off lights and cooling systems at night or during other, less vending-intensive,
periods, whilst continually maintaining a safe temperature, in compliance with food

Vending manufacturers pack their machines in innovative ways,

with less packaging, and on smaller or recyclable pallets;

LED lights are being introduced in new machines because they

consume less energy;

Vending machines, placed outdoors are now made with special

glass and with an isolating structure, to limit the energy and heat
generated by the sun.

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 2 –

September 2007

Vending: the break that

keeps you going

About 3,700,000 food and drink vending machines are located in Europe. The vending
industry in Europe is mainly a hot drinks business. Over 70% of vending machines in
Europe offer hot drinks, the remaining 30% vend anything from sandwiches to cold
drinks, hot meals and snacks. The machines are a convenient point of sale, equivalent in
size to a shop of 1m².

The vending 
sector  The vending sector responds to the needs of the consumer. In
Europe, more than 10 million hot drinks and millions of cans of cold
responds to  drinks are vended every day alongside snacks and food. To keep up
the needs of  with the consumption trends, the vending sector constantly develops
new solutions.
the consumer 

Machines are cleaned and refilled regularly by operators. It is

a very hygienic and safe manner to deliver food and drinks.

Vending operating companies offer a wider range of products and

machines and develop tailor-made solutions.

Ingredient suppliers have reformulated some products on offer,

proposing, for example, chocolate powders with less sugar or
fat, skimmed milk powder for creamers or chocolate bars which
are lower in calories.

R&D departments continuously develop new, tasty

products with health benefits. They range from flavanols in chocolate or
antioxidant-enriched cocoa to cereal bars.

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 1 – 

September 2007

Fruit, especially apples, are now

more frequently on offer in vending
machines; however, there are still a
lot of technical barriers to overcome.

Products from vending machines deliver hydration and energy to

perform all day long at work.

• Coffee brings more than hydration and increases mental

alertness. Employees can share social, convivial contact
around a cup of coffee. Studies show that coffee reduces
risk of liver cancer and gout in men over 40. It also lowers
type 2 diabetes risk for postmenopausal women, and
protects thinking and memory in older women. Coffee
also contains significantly higher levels of soluble dietary
fibre than other commonly consumed beverages. It
helps to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease and
cardiovascular disease.

• One can also indulge in chocolate, as consumption of

small amounts of dark chocolate is associated with
reduction in blood pressure. Moreover, chocolate boosts
brain power. A small amount of dark chocolate each day
reduces the chances of developing a blood clot.
Furthermore, daily treats of chocolate during pregnancy
have a positive impact on the future baby's behaviour.

Products from vending machines 
deliver hydration and energy to 
perform all day long at work 

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 2 – 

September 2007
Vending, a people's industry

The vending industry comprises 10,000 companies

in Europe, mostly SME’s. It is a highly competitive
100,000 people work 
industry, with a low entrance barrier, thus fostering
in the vending industry  entrepreneurship and developing tailor-made

100,000 people work in the vending industry,

either in the production or in the services sides.

Vending is a European manufacturing sector with

plants in Italy, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, the
Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia and the United
Kingdom. It manufactures vending machines, payment systems, food and drink
products, as well as cups. The industry employs a great number of blue-collar
workers, thereby contributing to maintaining the job market in the EU’s industrial

European, national, regional or local services:

employing persons with low qualifications and
offering them training on hygiene or technical
issues. This is a local industry, offering
employment opportunities and serving
customers, locally.

Vending is an innovative industry, designing and

producing machines, with the latest technological

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 1 –

September 2007
Vending invests in research and development. It develops new products to
anticipate the demand for eco-efficiency, healthier food and drink products or more
environmentally-friendly packaging. Consequently, the vending sector is also
employing a highly qualified workforce.

Vending provides refreshment, in the way

of a snack or coffee break, providing a
moment of pleasure amongst colleagues,
while talking shop.

The vending industry employs 
a workforce with  
all levels of qualifications  

European Vending Association aisbl

Rue Van Eyck 44 – 1000 Brussels - Tel : +32 2 512 00 75 – Fax : +32 2 502 23 42 2 –

September 2007

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