Eng 102 Project 1
Eng 102 Project 1
Eng 102 Project 1
Chasity Soto
attracted to only women. I am also a human being which is defined as, “a man, woman, or child
of the species homo sapiens.”- Google Dictionary. These definitions are crucial to know because
I am a human being who identifies as a lesbian. Lesbians are apart of a community named, The
LGBTQ+ Community. LGBTQ+ is an acronym that stands for, lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer and plus (asexual and so on). This is an opportunity to better understand this
community and possibly learn new things along the way so I hope that you stick around.
So why exactly is the LGBTQ+ community so important? For years and years even
before the non-discrimination laws were created our community were prosecuted simply because
straight and religious people believed it was not an act of god or not meant to happen. They
believe that woman are meant to be with just men and vice versa. Religious people also believed
that it was sinning. A sin is an offensive act against a religious belief or moral law. In the bible
being homosexual or transgendered is a sin for the bible says, “a man lies with a male as with a
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woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their
blood is upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13). So what exactly is your point? Well, people should be
recognized as just people no matter what race, age, gender or sexual orientation. What I am
having a difficulty understanding is, how are LGBTQ+ still discriminated against regardless of
non-discrimination laws?
characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation. The LGBTQ+ community has
been discriminated against for years and still to this day discrimination is still in full effect. The
majority of LGBTQ+ Americans have been harassed either verbally or physically. We have been
targeted to hate, threatened, called all types of slurs, and overall are poorly mistreated and
terrorized. People who belong to this community have been victimized in numerous ways. For
example, Pulse was a LGBT nightclub in Orlando. On June 12, 2016 a man named Omar Mateen
killed a total of 49 people and injured more than 58 with “LGBT people were the prime focus of
his murderousness.”- The Daily Beast. We live in a society where although it is completely legal
to marry a person of the same sex, we are being rejected by marriage officiants and are being
Death is certainly no joke and despite age, race, gender or sexual orientation we shouldn’t
be targeted to be killed. Anyone in that matter should have a target on their back. So why is it
that people are still getting away with discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community? What is
it exactly that makes people feel that their opinion comes before anyone else and what exactly
are we doing about this? This is not only a community issue but it is also a world wide issue.
People are being killed because of personal preference and its a disgrace to mankind. In New
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York alone they’re an estimate of 700,000 LGBTQ+ residents. So you can only imagine how
This issue is extremely urgent and needs to be heard. They’re people that are apart of this
community who still get harassed and being bullied into suicide. They’re people who are being
denied entry because of “religious beliefs” at certain stores and being denied to be served
because of who they identify as. They’re people who are being killed at this very moment
I, myself, am a lesbian woman and I have even had my own experiences of being
discriminated against even in my own house. My grandmother is a religious woman and when
she discovered that I only like women, she automatically called me disgusting and hurt my
feelings to the core. For if I wasn’t strong enough to believe in who I am as a person, who knows
what could have happened to me. People are people and I can’t stress this enough. No one on this
earth should be judged by who they want to be. This issue needs to be taken care of and we need
to make more efforts in becoming better as a whole. I learned so much from researching and
essay is directed to people in general. Not only those of use who identify as LGBTQ+ but those
of us who are heterosexual and who are religious. People don’t deserve to die if its not a death of
natural cause. This essay might effect a multitude of people because these are times that the
world is evolving into being an entirely different place compared to the past. New laws need to
There is no direct answer to this question but upon research, they’re many loop holes within the
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laws that were created for this community that we need to face and address. Many things that
I hope to learn about specific legal cases that have been taken place to better understand
how discrimination is being handled in the eye of the law. I would like to better understand the
specific issues with each identification such as being a lesbian, being gay, being transgendered or
being queen and so on. I would like to sit with a few people who are apart of this community and
hear their thoughts about discrimination that they have personally experienced despite there
being non-discrimination laws. I would like to read more on specific articles that target what our
discrimination laws are and how we can better them for our safety. I can’t wait for what research
I come upon facing this research question and I thank you for being such a great audience.
ENG 102