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Lecture Notes in Nuclear Structure Physics

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Lecture Notes in Nuclear Structure Physics

B. Alex Brown

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory

and Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824

1 c
Copyright 2011 Michigan State University

1 The Woods-Saxon potential 3

1.1 General form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Computer program for the Woods-Saxon potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 Example for bound states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 Changing the potential parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 Width of an unbound state resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.4 Width of an unbound state resonance at a fixed energy . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 1

The Woods-Saxon potential

1.1 General form

The Woods-Saxon potential is a convenient phenomenological choice for the one-body po-
tential. It provides a model for the properties of bound-state and continuum single-particle
wavefunctions. The Woods-Saxon potential (or any other one-body potential) cannot be used
for the total binding energy since it is not based upon a specific two-body interaction. The
parameters of the Woods-Saxon are chosen for a best fit of nuclear single-particle energies
and nuclear radii. The Woods-Saxon potential is based upon the sum of a spin-independent
central potential, a spin-orbit potential, and the Coulomb potential:

V (r) = Vo (r) + Vso (r) ~ℓ · ~s + Vc (r), (1.1)

where Vo (r) is the spin-independent central potential:

Vo (r) = Vo fo (r), (1.2)

with a fermi shape

fo (r) = , (1.3)
1 + [exp(r − Ro )/ao ]
Vso (r) is the spin-orbit potential:
1 dfso (r)
Vso(r) = Vso , (1.4)
r dr
fso (r) = , (1.5)
1 + [exp(r − Rso )/aso ]
and Vc (r) is the Coulomb potential for protons based upon the Coulomb potential for a
sphere of radius Rc :
Vc (r) = for r ≥ Rc

and " #
Ze2 3 r2
Vc (r) = − for r ≤ Rc . (1.6)
Rc 2 2Rc2
The radii Ro , Rso and Rc are usually expressed as:

Ri = ri A1/3 . (1.7)

For nuclei with a neutron excess the protons will feel a stronger potential than the
neutrons, since the average proton-neutron potential is stronger than the average neutron-
neutron (or proton-proton) potential. Thus we take:

(N − Z)
Vop = V0 + V1 for protons (1.8)
(N − Z)
Von = V0 − V1 for neutrons (1.9)
In principle, ro and ao could also be a little difference for proton and neutrons in a nucleus
with N 6= Z. Thus the spin-indepedent potential could have six parameters (and even more
is any of them are allowed to take some additional mass dependence). The values of these
parameters are chosen to give an overall accounting of the observed single-particle energies,
the rms charge radii, and the electron scattering form factors.

The form of the spin-orbit interaction was originally taken from the form of the spin-
orbit interaction used for electrons in atoms which was derived from the Dirac theory by
Thomas and Frenkel [1]. For nuclear physics the spin-orbit interaction ultimately comes from
the nucleon-nucleon interaction, but there is still some debate over whether or not relativistic
effects are very important. The spin-orbit interaction for nucleons in the nucleus has the
opposite sign and is much larger than for electrons in the atom. In the nuclear interior a
nucleon sees an equal number of spin-up and spin-down nucleons on both sides and the spin-
orbit interaction must vanish. Thus, the spin-orbit potential is peaked at the nuclear surface
as in Eq. (1.4), and the particular form of this equation gives a good overall description
of the ℓ and mass dependence observed experimentally. In analogy to the spin-independent
potential, one could introduce up to six parameters for the spin-orbit interaction. The
strength of the spin-orbit interaction is chosen to reproduce spin-orbit splittings (especially
for large ℓ). For N 6= Z the strength Vso could be different for protons and neutrons, but it
practice they are nearly the same. For the geometry one usually takes rso = ro and aso = ao .
Thus, the introduction of one parameter in the spin-orbit interaction Vso gives a good overall
accounting of the data.

A typical set of parameters for the Woods-Saxon potential is V0 = −53 MeV, V1 = −30
MeV and Vso = 22 MeV for the strengths, and ro = rso = 1.25 fm and ao = aso = 0.65 fm for
the geometry. For the Coulomb term the radius is a little smaller with rc = 1.20 fm. One
can find in the literature many other sets of parameters which are better for specific nuclei
or mass regions.

The Woods-Saxon potential is written in terms of a potential for a core nucleus specified
by A and Z. The solutions for the energy and wavefunctions for a nucleon “in this core” will
present those for both the filled and empty orbitals and relationship of these quantities to
experimental observables will be assumed to be the same as those obtained in the Hartree-
Fock approximation.

Fig. (1.1) from page 239 of Bohr and Mottelson Vol I [2] shows the neutron single-
particle energies for nuclei near the valley of stability obtained with a set of Woods-Saxon
parameters similar to those given above (note that the radial quantum numbers in this figure
start with one rather than with our convention of zero). One observed that as A increases
more single-particle states become bound so that the energy of the most loosely bound filled
orbit is aways around -8 MeV.

Figure 1.1: Neutron single-particle energies for nuclei near the valley of stability as a function of
mass (from page 239 of Bohr and Mottelson Vol I [2]).

1.2 Computer program for the Woods-Saxon potential

The program WSPOT.FOR can be used to obtain the single-particle energies and single-
particle radial wavefunctions for the bound states of the Woods-Saxon potential with quan-
tum numbers nr , ℓ and j. (It could also be used for other potentials if the program is
modified.) If can also be used to calculate the nucleon scattering cross sections for a given
ℓ and j. values. The program is initialized with a typical set of Woods-Saxon parameters:

V0 = −53 MeV,
V1 = −30 MeV,
Vso = 22 MeV,
ro = rso = 1.25 fm,
ao = aso = 0.65 fm and
rc = 1.20 fm.

Some parameters can be modified in the input files. Other parameters can be changed
internally to the program and then program can be recompiled.

The input file is called x.dai. To run the wspot program with this input file type

wspot x

The output in the file x.dao.

The following provides some sample inputs for various type of calculations.

1.2.1 Example for bound states

To obtain results for protons in O the input is, o16.dai,

16 8 1 1

0 0 1
0 1 3
0 1 1
1 0 1
0 2 5
0 2 3

The first line is (A, Z) of the nucleus and (a, z) of the nucleon. A proton would be (a, z) =
(1, 1) and a neutron is (a, z) = (1, 0). After the blank line the next lines are a list of nr , ℓ, 2j

The output will give (nr , ℓ, 2j, spe, k, kt, rms, rmst)

for each orbit, where spe is √

the single-particle energy, k is the expectation value of the kinetic
energy < T >, and rms is < r 2 > . The program will indicate if the orbit is unbound. Kt
means X
(2ji + 1) < T >i

where the sum runs over all orbits up to the current one, with the assumption that there
are (2ji + 1) nucleons in orbit ji . At the end this will tell you the total kinetic energy for
neutrons (if the complete set is included in the input). Rmst is obtained from:

(2ji + 1) < r 2 >i

x1 =
x2 = (2ji + 1)
where the sum runs over all orbits up to the current one. Rmst = (x1 /x2 ) is the total rms
radius for all orbits up to the current one.

Centrifugal potentials for d5/2
proton orbital in 16O
10 Coulomb

V(r) (MeV)


-20 Total



0 2 4 6 8 10
r (fm)

Figure 1.2: Woods-Saxon potential for a 0d5/2 proton with an 16 O core. The total and parts of
the potential are shown.

1.2.2 Changing the potential parameters

In order to change the parameters of the central spin-independent potential the input can
be modified as shown below for the example of a neutron in 40 Ca, ca40.dai,

40 20 1 0

0 0 1 0.9 0.7 1.3

0 1 3
0 1 1
1 0 1
0 2 5
0 2 3

where VN = 0.9 modifies the central potential strength to Vo′ = VN Vo , and ao and ro are
changed to a′o = 0.7 and ro′ = 1.3. These values are used for this and all following orbits.
Other parameters can be changed by modifying the program.

One can loop over both protons and neutrons in the following way, ca40b.dai,

40 20 1 1

0 0 1 0.9 0.7 1.3

40 20 1 0

0 0 1 0.9 0.7 1.3

0 1 3
0 1 1
1 0 1
0 2 5
0 2 3

1.2.3 Width of an unbound state resonance

For a given (ℓ, j) value the program calculates the phase shift δ(E) and the scattering cross
section σ(E) as a function of (positive) energy, where

4π(2ℓ + 1)
σ(E) = [sin(δ)]2
k 2

where E = h̄2 k 2 /2m (m is the mass of the nucleon).

As an example, the input for the 0d5/2 proton resonance in N, n13.dai,

12 6 1 1
0.1 10.0

The first line is (A, Z) of the “core” nucleus and (a, z) of the nucleon. The next line contains
emin, emax for the energy interval over which to look for a resonance. The next line contains
nr , ℓ, 2j.

If a resonance peak is found in that interval, the program iterates over a series of steps
in which this energy interval is narrowed down until the full resonance curve is found. It
outputs ei=Er and G=Γ where Er is the resonance energy peak and Γ is the full width at
half maximum of the resonance. This particular input gives Er =0.99 MeV and Γ=0.010
MeV. The output for the cross section vs E is given in the output file x.dao. Also a
file is made. Typing “cps x” will produce an x.eps file that shows a picture of the resonance.

The width is obtained by finding the values of sigma above and below the peak energy
where the value is a factor of two smaller than that at the peak. No attempt is made to
subtract a possible background due to non-resonant scattering. Making the appropriate
modifications for subtracting this background would make a addition to this code.

For the scattering nr is not a quantum number and the value in the input has no effect
on the output. The value given in the x.dao file indicates how often the wavefunction crosses
zero. Sometimes the resonance is a quasi-bound state corresponding to a particular the nr
value of interest. One should check in the output that the correct nr value is given. If not,
the correct value may correspond to a different energy range (or to a difference value for VN
discussed in the next section).

A resonance width is useful if the resonance is reasonably sharp. Broad resonances will
be asymmetry and the width itself is not a full measure of its nature. Rather one must look
at the full function of σ vs E. Narrow resonances (if they exist) are at an energy below the
Coulomb plus centrifugal barrier. For these light nuclei this is not more than 10 MeV which
is what determines emax in this input.

1.2.4 Width of an unbound state resonance at a fixed energy

Experimentally one observes a 5/2+ resonance at 3.547 MeV in 13 N with a one-proton res-
onance energy of Er =1.60 MeV. This is below the energy (0.99 MeV) obtained from the
standard potential. We could ask - if the potential is slightly adjusted so that the resonance
is exactly at 1.60 MeV then what is the width? We need to slightly reduce the potential in
order to increase the resonance energy. We could do this by hand, for example, n13b.dai,

12 6 1 1
0.1 10.
0 2 5 0.96

where the potential depth has been multiplied by 0.96 to give the resonance energy at 1.68
MeV (closer but not exactly the required value). We would then change VN by trial and
error until the resonance is at the correct position. However, the program will automatically
search for the correct VN by the following input, n13c.dai,

12 6 1 1
1.60 1.60 0.8 1.2

The input 1.60,1.60,0.8,1.2 will search on VN over the interval 0.8 to 1.2 to put the 0d5/2
resonance at exactly 1.6 MeV. Then the program will scan from Er /2 to 2Er to find the
width. The result is 64 keV which is not far from the observed width of 47(7) keV. The
ratio of experiment over theory provides a measure of the spectroscopic factor, S = 0.73(9),
in this case.

[1] Thomas, Nature 107, 514 (1926); Frenkel, Zeits. fur Phys. 37, 243 (1926).

[2] A. Bohr and B. R. Mottelson, Nuclear Structure, Vol. I, (W. A. Benjamin, 1969), Nuclear
Structure Vol. II, (W. A. Benjamin, 1975).


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