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WEG MVW-01 (EtherNetIP) Communication With Rockwell RSLogix 5000

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WEG MVW-01 (EtherNet/IP)

communication with Rockwell RSLogix
5000 and FTView SE

Application Notes

Language: English
Document: 0
WEG MVW-01 (EtherNet/IP) communication with Rockwell
RSLogix 5000 and FTView SE
Language: English
Document number: 00000000/0

Publication Date: 03/2018

Revision control

Revision Description Chapter

1 First Edition -
2 Document revision -
ABOUT THE MANUAL .................................................................................... 5
ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................5
NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION ............................................................................................................5
USED DOCUMENTS AND MANUALS ......................................................................................................5
HARDWARE .............................................................................................................................................5

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................ 6

SAFETY WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL ....................................................................................................6
PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................6

1. USER INSTRUCTIONS: SE MVW FACEPLATE ........................................ 7

2. GENERIC MODULE ..................................................................................... 8
3. ADD-ON INSTRUCTION ............................................................................ 10
4. CONFIGURING ADD-ON ON RSLOGIX ................................................... 12
4.1 WEG MVW-01 ADD-ON STATUS AND COMMANDS........................................................................ 15

5. CONFIGURING FACEPLATE ON FTVIEW .............................................. 17

5.1 ADD FACEPLATE TO PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 17
5.2 CREATING A COMMUNICATION WITH PLC BLOCK ....................................................................... 18
5.3 ADDING NEW PARAMETER AND CONFIGURING IT ...................................................................... 19
5.4 OPEN FACEPLATE .......................................................................................................................... 21

6. FACEPLATES IN RUNTIME ...................................................................... 23

6.1 NAVIGATION BUTTONS................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 HOME SCREEN................................................................................................................................ 23
6.3 DIGITAL INPUTS AND VFD STATUS ............................................................................................... 24
6.4 TRENDS ........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.5 CONFIGURATION SCREEN ............................................................................................................. 25
6.6 ALARM SCREEN .............................................................................................................................. 25

7. INVERTER FIELDBUS SETTINGS............................................................ 26

8. REFERENCE PARAMETERS SETTINGS ................................................ 27

WEG MVW-01 (EtherNet/IP) communication with Rockwell RSLogix 5000 and FTView SE
This document provides information about the configuration and programming for the communication of the
Rockwell ControlLogix PLC with the MVW-01 Frequency Inverter equipped with ETHERNET/IP module.
All presented operations assume the user is familiar with the programming of the Rockwell PLC with the
application RSLogix 5000.
The equipment is subject to failures and the user must take safety measures for this condition.

Abbreviations and definitions

PLC Programmable Logic Controller
RAM Random Access Memory
USB Universal Serial Bus
OP Operation Mode
EDS Electronic Data Sheet – Data base file of the device.

Numerical representation
Decimal numbers are represented by means of digits without suffix. Hexadecimal numbers are represented with
the letter 'h' after the number.

Used documents and manuals

For a better understanding of the information provided hereby, the following manuals may be referred to:


Series: MVW-01
Language: English
Document number: 0899.5247-3.3


Series: SSW-06:
Language: English
Document number: 0899.5844 / 06

RSLogix 5000
Software Application: V19
Language: English

Software Application: V6.0
Language: English


MVW-01 Frequency Inverter

Firmware Version: 3.41
Manufacturer: WEG

ETHERNET/IP interface module

Manufacturer: WEG

CPU ControlLogix
Model: 1756-L63 ControlLogix5563
Manufacturer: Rockwell

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This manual was developed to be used by people with proper technical training or qualification to operate this kind
of equipment.

Safety warnings in the manual

In this manual are used the following safety warnings:

The not following of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to death, serious
injuries and considerable material damages.

The not following of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to material damages.

The text aims at providing important information for the full understanding and proper operation of
the product.

Preliminary recommendations

Only duly qualified people must operate the INVERTER. Those people must first read the user
manual. Executing unknown commands or not complying with the safety instructions may result
in risk of life and/or damages to the machine.

In order to make the commands on the inverter HMI, you must not use pointed
tools or instruments. That could damage the keypad screen.

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The "SE MVW Faceplate" files allow you to quickly load, configure, and use preconfigured status, control
and diagnostic displays or "faceplates" for the MVW family of drives using RSView Supervisory Edition.

The example below shows a MVW drive faceplate object that may be added to a specific system display.
The faceplate object can be configured to launch the on-top display or "faceplate" for the particular MVW drive it
represents. The faceplate includes status, control, and diagnostic views controlled by its own toolbar buttons.

Disclaimer: WEG is not responsible for any support over this application and customer must take
all responsibility for the use of this content.

Figure 1.0 – Architecture of the Inverter hardware

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For network communication if MVW the users must be added a Generic Module in the Ethernet IP card, for
this follow the steps bellow.

Under I/O Configuration, right click on network communication module for the intended MVW drive and
select “New Module”.

Open the Drives folder, select Generic Ethernet Module and select OK.

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Enter a distinct module name and IP Address and configure the Connections Parameters as follows

Generic Module must been shown at the “Controller Organizer”

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After configure communication between PLC and MVW-01, this user can be create and configure MVW-01

First of the all import Add-On instruction, to do this right click in “Add-On Instructions” and select the
“Import Add-On Instruction…” option.

Select the file “MVW_R00” provided by WEG and click in “Import…”

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In import configuration screen is no need change anything so just press “OK” button in import configuration

After this process the file must be shown as bellow

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Insert the MVW Add-On in any desired task

Right click in first parameter and create new TAG with the block’s name

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Configure the block parameters TAG as according image bellow, note this Scope of this TAF is global
TAG, it’s necessary for establish communication between PLC and Factory Talk.

Create new TAG with the descriptions texts presents in template, such the motor name and the digital
input functions, more information about the descriptions is shown in following chapters.

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Configure the descriptions TAG as follows, in this case the Scope can be local because the Factory Talk
faceplate only communicate with the block parameters TAG creating before.

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Add the network data input and output, this TAGs are automatic creating during the steps made in chapter
2, so it is only necessary to select the Data tags in option list.

Input data TAG

Output data TAG

4.1 WEG MVW-01 Add-On status and commands

In addition to facilitating the control and monitoring of the MVW-01 by Factory Talk, the Add-On WEG
MVW-01 also provides the user with all control and monitoring of the drive by programming logic, in table bellow is
shown all block TAGs and their function.

TAG name Type Access Function

Cmd_StartStop BOOL RW 0-Stop VFD 1-Start VFD
Cmd_GenEnable BOOL RW 0-Disable VFD to start 1-Enable VFD to start
Cmd_FwdRev BOOL RW 0-Forward rot. direction 1-Reverse rot. direction
Cmd_Jog BOOL RW - 1-JOG command
Cmd_LocRem BOOL RW 0-Local 1-Remote
Cmd_SaveEprom BOOL RW - 1-Save parameters value in EPROM
Cmd_Reset BOOL RW - 1-Reset VFD faults
Cmd_CtrlDO1 BOOL RW 0-Disable DO1 1-Active DO1
Cmd_CtrlDO2 BOOL RW 0-Disable DO2 1-Active DO2
Cmd_CtrlRL1 BOOL RW 0-Open RL1 1-Close RL1
Cmd_CtrlRL2 BOOL RW 0-Open RL2 1-Close RL2
Cmd_CtrlRL3 BOOL RW 0-Open RL3 1-Close RL3
Set_SpeedRef REAL RW Set speed reference to VFD in rpm
Set_SynchSpeed REAL RW Inform motor synchronous speed to system, need to calculations
Set_ParNumRead INT RW Number of drive parameter that will be read in Val_ParContent
Set_NumParChanged INT RW Number of drive parameter to change in VFD
Set_ContenParChanged INT RW New value to parameter selected in Set_NumParChanged
Sts_Running BOOL RO 0-VFD stopped 1-VFD running
Sts_GenEnabled BOOL RO 0-VFD disabled 1-VFD enabled
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TAG name Type Access Function
Sts_Forward BOOL RO - 1-Forward motor rotation
Sts_Reverse BOOL RO - 1-Reverse motor rotation
Sts_JOG BOOL RO - 1-Motor running by JOG
Sts_Local BOOL RO - 1-VFD in local mode
Sts_Remote BOOL RO - 1-VFD in remote mode
Sts_Undervoltage BOOL RO - 1-VFD in undervoltage
Sts_PIDManual BOOL RO - 1-VFD PID in manual mode
Sts_PIDAutomatic BOOL RO - 1-VFD PID in automatic mode
Sts_Fault BOOL RO - 1-VFD fault active
Sts_DI1 BOOL RO 0-DI1 off 1-DI1 on
Sts_DI2 BOOL RO 0-DI2 off 1-DI2 on
Sts_DI3 BOOL RO 0-DI3 off 1-DI3 on
Sts_DI4 BOOL RO 0-DI4 off 1-DI4 on
Sts_DI5 BOOL RO 0-DI5 off 1-DI5 on
Sts_DI6 BOOL RO 0-DI6 off 1-DI6 on
Sts_DI7 BOOL RO 0-DI7 off 1-DI7 on
Sts_DI8 BOOL RO 0-DI8 off 1-DI8 on
Sts_DI9 BOOL RO 0-DI9 off 1-DI9 on
Sts_DI10 BOOL RO 0-DI10 off 1-DI10 on
Val_FaultCode INT RO VFD fault code (consult all fault descriptions in MVW-01 manual)
Val_SpeedRpm REAL RO Motor speed in rpm
Val_SpeedPorcent REAL RO Motor speed in percentage
Val_Torque REAL RO Motor torque
Val_Current REAL RO Motor current
Val_ParContent REAL RO Current value of VFD parameter selected in Set_ParNumRead

For read or write any block parameter in logic is need use the bellow syntax: Block_name.Parameter.

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5.1 Add faceplate to project
For create a MVW-01 faceplate first of the all add a component into the application.

Choose the file “SE_MVW_FACEPLATE_R00” provided by WEG.

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Faceplate will be added to the project as shown bellow

5.2 Creating a communication with PLC block

If you already have the communication configuration between PLC and Factory Talk, you do not
need to perform steps presents in this chapter.

Adding PLC communication server

After adding communication server go to Communication Setup.

In Communication Setup click in Add and create the communication device.

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If the PLC is connected in computer, select he and press Ok to create link between Factory Talk and PLC

The connection between Factory Talk and PLC dont’s necessary to configure template.

5.3 Adding new parameter and configuring it

For MVW-01 faceplate access the block parameters is need create a “Parameters” object, for this right
click in “Parameters” and select “New”.

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Configure parameters object, according example bellow.

Note that the first term [PLC_01] is the name of connection between Factory Talk and PLC, mode
in item 5.5 and the second term “BoosterPump” is the name of structure made in item 4.3.

After you configure the “Parameters”, close and save save the changes with any desired component name

Note that “Parameter” object are created

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5.4 Open faceplate

For open the faceplate is possible use a button object, for this insert a button object in the screen.

In button properties go to action sheet and edit Press action.

This command indicates how to call the faceplate when in runtime.

Select the file (SE_MVW_Faceplate_R00), adter click on the checkbox /P – Parameter File and select the
Parameter file created previously

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Figure bellow indicates the how the command to open faceplate in runtime should be.

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This chapter discus about the faceplates in runtime mode.

6.1 Navigation buttons

On the left bar navigation buttons can be accessed.

Button Home

Button Trends

Button Config

Button Alarms

Button Help

6.2 Home screen

Main VFDs information are shown in this screen.

The template title name is configured in [BoosterPump_Descriptions.DeviceName] whitin the PLC

The value displayed in highlighted box is configured in [BoosterPump.Set_ParNumRead] and the

parameter name and unit is configured in [BoosterPump_Descriptions.ParContentName] and
[BoosterPump_Descriptions.ParContentUnit] whitin the PLC program.

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6.3 Digital Inputs and VFD status
In this screen, Digital Inputs as well as VFD status can also be ready

The name of digital inputs is configured in [BoosterPump_Descriptions.DIsName] whitin the PLC

6.4 Trends
This screen is used to ready analog values as speed, current and torque

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6.5 Configuration screen
At the configuration screen the maximum and minimum values for the trends can be adjusted

6.6 Alarm screen

At the Alarm screen is possible to ready the VFD fault code as well as send the command to reset fault

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Below are presented the parameters that must be verified and configured in order to perform the
communication in EtherNet/IP network. This parameter setting can be used as a basic example.

EtherNet/IP Settings

P309 – Fieldbus

Adjustable 0 to 13 Value: 13
Properties: CFG, Anybus

It identifies the amount of words that will changed between master and slave. For the block and the faceplate work
properly P309 must be equal to 13 (Ethernet IP 6 I/O).

Behavior when Fieldbus is with alarm

P313 – Disabling with Alarm A128, A129 and A130

Adjustable 0 to 3 Value: 13
Properties: CFG, Anybus

Defines the inverter behavior when the physical connection with the master is interrupted and/or the Fieldbus
board is inactive (A128, A129 or A130 indicated on the display).
The parameter P313 has the following options:
0 = Run/Stop
1 = General Enable
2 = Inactive
3 = Go to Local
4 = Not Used
5 = Fatal Failure

For further information about the parameter, refer to the MVWs manual and SSW-06
communication Manual!

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In order to run the VFD through Fieldbus the Reference parameters must be adjusted properly. Bellow an
example of such adjustments are presented to REMOTE parameters.

Selection of Speed Reference – REMOTE Mode

P0222 – Selection of Speed Reference – REMOTE Mode

Adjustable 0 to 13 Value: 10
Properties: CFG

It defines the source of the inverter speed reference in the REMOTE control mode.

In this example, the inverter will be programmed for value 10 “Fieldbus”.

For further information about the parameter, refer to the Inverter Programming Manual.

Selection of the Direction of Rotation Control – Remote Mode

P0226 – Selection of the Direction of Rotation – REMOTE Mode

Adjustable 0 to 13 Value: 7
Properties: CFG


It defines the source for the inverter Direction of Rotation command in the REMOTE control mode.
It also defines the direction of rotation the inverter will adopt when it is powered up.

In this example, the inverter will be programmed for value 7 “Fieldbus (H)”.

For further information about the parameter, refer to the Inverter Programming Manual.

Selection of the Run/Stop Control – Remote Mode

P0227 – Selection of Run/Stop – REMOTE Mode

Adjustable 0 to 5 Value: 3
Properties: CFG


It defines the source for the inverter Run or Stop command in the REMOTE control mode.
In this example, the inverter will be programmed for value 3 “Fieldbus”.

For further information about the parameter, refer to the Inverter Programming Manual.

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Selection of the JOG Control – Remote Mode

P0228 - Selection of JOG – REMOTE Mode

Adjustable 0 to 6 Value: 4
Properties: CFG


It defines the source for the inverter JOG command in the REMOTE control mode.
In this example, the inverter will be programmed for value 4 “Fielbus”.

For further information about the parameter, refer to the Inverter Programming Manual.

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