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version 12.

FIXED: Flexy modbus polling is now much faster when polling a big amount of tags
FIXED: Configuration parameter DHCPTO (default: 45000) now sets all the DHCP cli
ent requests timeout (expressed in milliseconds, require a reboot, 3 retries on
timeout error)
FIXED: Proxy rule to connect SNMP device now works
ADDED: BacnetIP IOserver
ADDED: WAN on demand available on all WAN interfaces
ADDED: New BASIC2 function WriteEBD to stream EBD (Export Block Descriptor) cont
ent to files
ADDED: User partition space extension with the EUM card (EXT3)
FIXED: One char was missing when using the AlarmHint Keyword in alarm email temp
FIXED: HTTPREQUESTX support PORT in url (example:
FIXED: OPCUA correctly handles "Force Read Only" tag attribute.
FIXED: GSM IMSI parameter now logs as a warning, not an error
FIXED: Create/modify tags while many MELSEC tags are polled
FIXED: Execution of two Basic scripts in parallel is not a problem anymore
FIXED: MELSEC IOServer: It was not possible to set value D (0xD) for the Y (Outp
ut) option
ADDED: Bit selection for MODBUS IOSERVER
FIXED: Avoid disconnecting Internet connection when sending GSM SMS
FIXED: End of frame received was missing in Modbus with a slow baudrate (< 9600
version 11.2s2
FIXED: eWON stopped polling MPI after few hours
FIXED: Synchronization error with default NTP server clock does no more lead to
configure an invalid date
FIXED: FLEXY: Flexy equipped with WAN ethernet extension board sometimes lost it
s Internet connection
FIXED: Security update
version 11.2s1
FIXED: Java ReadInterfaceInfo was returning LAN interface info when using a WAN
modem connection
FIXED: BASIC2: HTTPREQUESTX with empty headers issued requests with ":" headers
FIXED: BASIC2: HTTPREQUESTX wasn't working properly when the QUERY part was empt
ADDED: FLEXY: Support of USB 3-ports extension board
ADDED: FLEXY: Support of IO 4-20mA extension board
FIXED: BASIC2: Recursive function calls work as expected with one character long
integer parameter names
FIXED: DHCP client didn't renew the lease
ADDED: OPC UA server
ADDED: DHCP server on LAN
FIXED: Gateway route was not added for WIFI with static IP address
FIXED: Default SMS subject on alarm was wrong
FIXED: ParamSSI tags in web pages can be used when 'user pages security' is disa
FIXED: DHCP discovery timeout is now 7 seconds
FIXED: BASIC2: REQUESTHTTPX COMMAND didn't work with HTTPs and PROXY enabled
FIXED: IMSI is not read for 4G Japanese modem (subscriber id not available in Ja
FIXED: Bigger buffer for PUTHTTP (4000 bytes)
ADDED: USR LED blinks red during ewon firmware upgrade on Flexy and Cosy 131.
FIXED: IOSERVER: JAVA IO Server config was not set at startup
version 11.1s0
FIXED: reading non existing info block in Java on a Flexy used to crash
FIXED: deleting a directory with Java now works on Flexy
ADDED: you can add custom certificates by FTP for your HTTPS requests
CHANGED: Flexy/Cosy: CA root certificates updated with last certificates from Mo
zilla fundation
ADDED: new BASIC2 commands RequestHTTPX and ResponseHTTPX to allow REST API call
FIXED: LAN Static IP on same network than WAN DHCP is no more accepted by eWON
ADDED: Error mute: mute repetitive patterns in the event log.
ADDED: you are now allowed to do HTTPS requests in BASIC2 and Java (using existi
ng GET/PUT HTTP commands, specifying https:// in the URL)
FIXED: Flexy did not reconfigure VPN when eFive public IP was changing
FIXED: eWON devices were unable to reconnect to a new Talk2M server when using V
PN/TCP mode.
FIXED: Wifi level was not displayed on LED and on status page
FIXED: IT language was proposed on Cosy 141
FIXED: Parker HMI now supported by USBIP feature
FIXED: FLEXY: changed IO name limitation in tag helper from 9 to 34 to account f
or optional IO boards.
version 11.0s0
FIXED: missing texts on some modem related messages on eWON CD's.
FIXED: USBIP devices list only available for uk language
FIXED: VCOM: Burst of serial data from device to eWON could lead to watchdog if
serial data entered at constant rate until buffer was full. Resulted in watchdog
FIXED: BASIC2 string starting with character '@' was triggered as a function cal
l instead of just a string.
ADDED: New parameter SDConfigEnable in Comcfg to enable/disable configuration by
SD card (default: ON)
ADDED: It is now possible to perform a recovery with the SD card
FIXED: NAT 1:1 from WAN to LAN was filtered when Talk2M wizard was executed due
to a too restrictive filter. Now correctly allow NAT 1:1 packets when NAT 1:1 is
enabled with T2M.
ADDED: comcfg parameter T2MKey and T2MNote to allow ARK T2M registration feature
(include T2M.txt on an SDCard)
ADDED: SD Card can now be inserted in Flexy, Cosy 2 to configure/restore (SD Con
ADDED: new parameter in comcfg GeolocEnable (TRUE by default) to activate geoloc
when connecting eWON to Talk2M.
CHANGED: eWON Flexy, Cosy 2 wan eth activated with dhcp by default.
FIXED: FINS IO Server, when a read request generates a Sub Response Error, the r
equest fails, even if the main response is valid. This leads to rejecting good r
esponses from the PLC incorrectly when the PLC encounters problems with other ac
tors on the bus.
FIXED: Email templates: when using email templates, the number of chars between
2 template's tags was limited to 100 characters (including the data itself).
FIXED: BASIC 2 IOServer extended syntax caused eWON reboot.
FIXED: improved usbip support for PLC Allen Bradley CompactLogic
FIXED: improved usbip support for PLC Omron
FIXED: WiFi BSSID roaming and connection stability improved (no more disconnecti
FIXED: SMS notification with ewon CD with some simcom modems with some career wa
s not possible during internet connection.
version 10.1s0
FIXED: When gateway ports were set to 0 they were listening on a random port ins
tead of being closed (applies to Modbus, FINS, IsoTCP).
FIXED: eWON was not able to establish a WIFI connection when a full charge basic
script was running.
ADDED: NAT 1:1 from WAN to LAN was filtered when Talk2M wizard was executed. The
Talk2M wizard WAN security has been updated to allow NAT 1:1 packets when NAT 1
:1 is enabled.
FIXED: USBIP: When the USBIP config is the default one, checking "Erase config"
in the wizard stop and don't restart the USBIP.
FIXED: An error "could not rename file to backup" was always raised after first
reboot following a format.
FIXED: some non standard commands in FTP/HTTP servers caused ewon reboot, securi
ty reinforcement.
FIXED: Setting a breakpoint inside a function could hang the BASIC exec. queue
FIXED: ViewON access rights are always set to "active" for "adm" user.
ADDED: BASIC IDE: It's now possible to select and copy editor's content when pro
gram.bas is running
FIXED: eWON equipped with a Simcom modem (HSUPA) could not send a SMS.
FIXED: Upgrade firmware produced a "usbip-eveusbd daemon error"
CHANGED: BASIC function parameters of type INTEGER can now have a name which is
only 1 character long.
FIXED: PROXY: It was in some cases impossible to reconnect to a VNC-enabled devi
ce after a VPN deconnection
FIXED: USBIP is compatible with Omron PLC devices since the update of the Eltima
driver 3.6.0 from 2015/10/1
FIXED: When Modbus PreDelayVal had a big value (ex 1000), writing modbus registe
rs could be abnormally slow.
FIXED: When too many tags were defined (ex: Modbus), it was sometime impossible
to update or delete tag and eWON rebooted due to watchdog.
FIXED: put file dewonfwr.edf on ewon ftp server now trigger a full reset of the
eWON (sys, com, /usr, ...)
ADDED: It's now possible to set the WiFi Security manually using the Wizard GUI
ADDED: Different DNS and Gateway can be provided for Ethernet and WiFi WAN inter
version 10.0s2
ADDED: specific handling of firmware upgrade to fix incorrect firmware revision
in 10.0s0 and 10.0s1.
version 10.0s1
FIXED: eWON equipped with a Simcom modem (HSUPA) could not send a SMS.
FIXED: PPP accumulated outgoing/incoming traffic could be negative.

version 10.0s0
ADDED: BASIC IDE: It's now possible to set breakpoints (add, remove) or pause th
e program execution for debug purpose (pause, abort, continue, step, step over)
FIXED: BASIC IDE: Using Tab Key inside the editor deleted content rather than ch
anging indentation when there was an active selection
FIXED: BASIC IDE: Printing the 0 character used to block the console
ADDED: NAT 1-1 allows you to remaps IP's from LAN to another IP on another netwo
rk interface.
FIXED: Incoming call not working properly on eWON with PSTN modem
FIXED: Flexy: eWON does not reboot automatically when the GSM Modem software res
et failed
FIXED: USBIP devices list is well cleared when USB is powered off.
ADDED: wizard, status and informations of usbip in cosy 2 web interface (wizard)
ADDED: eWON unregisters all USB connected devices before disabling USB
FIXED: BASIC2, labels can now be indented, adapted syntax highlighting in BASIC
FIXED: BASIC2: using reference to array (function) always point to first element
FIXED: BASIC2: Invalid parameter type check when passing parameter by reference
to function.
FIXED: BASIC2: syntax highlight when multiple arrays on the same line is now cor
rectly handled in BASIC IDE.
FIXED: Flexy: since revision 9 the modem type text was displayed as empty, only
the corresponding number was displayed.
ADDED: If max number of available NAT entries drops to 0, the eWON will reboot w
ith a specific critical error.
version 9.0s0
CHANGED: WifiDeb (com config param) renamed in WIFI_DEBUG (standardization purpo
FIXED: BASIC IDE: Renaming a section in the Outline panel with the same name sho
wed hidden section comments in the code editor
FIXED: BASIC IDE: Copy-Paste in the editor used to remove leading and anchor car
riage return"
FIXED: Basic program saved using the basic IDE is now runnable immediately (no r
eboot needed).
FIXED: float tags for IO Server DF1 with negative values are now correctly displ
FIXED: eWON sends an erroneous request to eSync server when ID length is more th
an 20 characters and password is set
FIXED: configuration menu of LAN ethernet now only show ip/mask when WAN etherne
t is available (and gateway is no more diplayed).
FIXED: LANWANConfig (cosy 2 switch configuration) parameter is now ignored when
not on a cosy 2.
FIXED: Restore backup on cosy 131 causing crash and no restore.
FIXED: Unable to switch UDP connection on a secondary eFive VPN server when the
primary eFive becomes unreachable.
FIXED-CHANGED: Operators precedence in Basic fixed:
Higher: - (unary)
^ (before ^ was at the same level as * / MOD)
* / MOD
+ -"
version 8.2.s1
FIXED: on slow connections user could experience long delay for loading WEB page
s from the eWON.
FIXED: FLEXY: tls-auth (openvpn) advanced option not working on flexy.
ADDED: Flexy: it is now possible via the DO1Init ComCfg parameter, to configure
the initial value of DO1 digit output of Flexy when it boots.
ADDED: Support for Nagle algo bypass in openvpn
version 8.2.s0
ADDED: Basic program can now be edited via the eWON web interface in a user frie
ndly text editor providing eWON BASIC language syntax highlighting.
FIXED: ioTag.getValueFloat32() function always returned "the ioTag format is not
FIXED: In MITSUFX IOServer, access to register D8000->D8511 on FX3 PLC type led
to invalid addressing (and value).
FIXED: In event log, ovpn (openvpn) was not part of IP communication event class
FIXED: FLEXY: Watchdog occured when browsing in alarm history
FIXED: COSY: MPI Profibus stations table was not loaded.
FIXED: In the MELSEC IOServer, in UDP mode, when an error occured (timeout, inva
lid data received,..) the UDP socket was not closed, leading to possible socket
FIXED: Memory leak on Flexy when accessing the estat (or INF) block.
FIXED: FLEXY: MPI reconnection shortly after disconnection to the same PLC could
lead to eWON watchdog reboot.
version 8.1s4
ADDED: Support for eWON other than Flexy and Cosy 13x for features above 8.0s2
version 8.1s3
FIXED: Writing negative values in a tag defined as float via SNMP lead to incorr
ect result in tag value.
ADDED: The Tags' value, quality and alarm status can be refreshed automatically
according to a user-specified refresh time in the eWON View I/O Section's Tag Li
FIXED: Flexy: Writing big values via SNMP leads to rounding error in actual valu
FIXED: Flexy: When using Hitachi serial interface, eWON reboots when baudrate is
0 and topic is enabled
FIXED: WIFI now correctly stops connection when AP is not reachable or down.
FIXED: Very huge SMS sent by mobile operator could reset eWON
FIXED: switching from WiFi to Eth as WAN source causing WAN missconfiguration
FIXED: Invalid display for SSID with special characters. (could lead to html pag
e error)
version 8.1s2
FIXED: WIZARD: It was possible to display the trigger mode step page with Ethern
et or WiFi selected on the Flexy
CHANGED: eWON now checks its internet connectivity and public IP address on Talk
2M instead of NoIp
ADDED: WiFi: It is now possible to force the WIFI security manually (using Com c
onfig WifiSec parameter - default to automatic).
FIXED: WIZARD: On Internet Explorer 9+ the LAN/WAN Configuration wasn't working
FIXED: If we modified the current language in the COSY maintenance page it wasn'
t applied after reboot.
FIXED: WIFI: Memory corruption when too many access points were present.
FIXED: WIZARD: In the Cosy Internet Wizard the modem user and password were not
taken into account properly
FIXED: eWON was unable to connect to some access points (due to invalid security
FIXED: Before 8.1 eWON was working correctly with ASCII WEP keys, after 8.1 only
HEX keys were working. eWON is now handling correctly HEX and ASCII WEP keys
FIXED: Cosy: At language selection step on an empty Cosy the list of available l
anguages could be duplicated several times if the user cancelled the login.
version 8.1s1
FIXED: Flexy: with WIFI, the gateway and DNS appeared in the LAN configuration p
FIXED: Flexy: In eWON with WIFI and Ethernet WAN interface, the DNS and Gateway
config could be cleared at reboot if Ethernet WAN is selected but DHCP is config
ured on the Wifi interface (although the Wifi WAN is not selected).
FIXED: Flexy: when connecting the ethernet link directly to a device with ethern
et sleep feature, the link could remain disabled until reboot. Typical when usin
g direct cabled between eWON and recent laptop.
version 8.0s2
FIXED: Upgrade with EDF when WIFI card in used was not possible.
version 8.0s1
FIXED: Since rev 8.0 memory usage could leak if tag name case was different betw
een tag definition and Basic tag usage.
FIXED: Under high CPU load, the WIFI driver could crash and make the eWON reboot
FIXED: CAL was not working through M2WEB because of HTTPS proxying on M2WEB.
FIXED: Cloud Accelerated Loading could get in trouble if 2 users accessed the eW
ON at the same time.
CHANGED: Talk2M SMS Activation is now refused by the eWON if "Remote VPN WAN add
ress or name" is set to "Talk2M Defined" to avoid erroneous eWON reconfiguration
FIXED: Wifi password was limited to 43 characters
CHANGED: Modbus TCP client maximum number of simultaneous connections was increa
sed to 32 (from 20)
FIXED: Flexy could be upgraded with edf file in situation where a recovery was r
FIXED: Tag helper was not accepting slot 4 for eWON IO's
FIXED: Triggering hangup, if no outgoing action was pending since a configurable
time, was not working any more since version 7.
FIXED: In french web GUI, the Upload on alarm was missing in the data management
version 8.0s0
ADDED: port number in serial debug traces.
ADDED: On Flexy, SMS reception and GSM reception update are now executed even if
the PPP connection is active (modem is connected).
ADDED: Tag Edition Helper added to IOServer configuration pages
ADDED: Flexy PSTN extension card supported
ADDED: Flexy WIFI extension card supported
CHANGED: IOSERVERS: are not allowed to poll on the Ip address of the eWON itself
CHANGED: On Flexy, when a Modem extension board is added or removed, the modem I
nit String is updated, ModExpType and ModFrcType are updated (according to new m
odem or no modem).
CHANGED: ADSL Interface and Connection configuration pages have been merged.
CHANGED: Incoming connection enable is not any more required to receive SMS with
a GSM modem.
CHANGED: Incoming connection enable is not any more required to receive SMS with
a GSM modem.ADDED: "Cloud Accelerated Loading" feature
CHANGED: Callback config not shown for modem without server capability
CHANGED: Incoming connection enable is not any more required to receivADDED: Whe
n writing via SetSys Prg,"WANIP",X in Basic, where X is an integer. If X is 0, t
he WAN connection will be closed. If X is different from 0, then the WAN connect
ion will be triggered.
FIXED:MPI: When MPI baudrate was set to 0 unexpected errors/warnings were genera
FIXED: S73 & 400 IOSERVER: improve Tag Address syntax validation
FIXED: COSY: correct protocol type is now displayed after saving for ISTOCP to M
PI/PPI gateway
FIXED: Tree icons (+/-) were not consistent with tree status
FIXED: When more than 20 SMS are received by eWON without beeing processed, the
eWON could reboot due to corrupted memory.
version 7.1s2
FIXED: Flexy: IsoTCP to Serial gateway was not working on flexy with serial (not
MPI) interface.
FIXED: Flexy: When Basic cyclic section was running the PPP negociation could fa
FIXED-CHANGED: Maximum number of tag fixed for Flexy: 2500, Others (CD,...); 100
0. With more than 1000 tags on Flexy, intial boot produced "Queue full" errors a
nd retentive values were not all restored.
FIXED: Small memory leak when using the VPN and Talk2M
CHANGED: eFive wizard affects now the WAN configuration by: Installing WAN filte
r (discard all traffic excepted VPN and initiated), block outgoing WAN traffic (
except VPN), disable NAT.
FIXED: Flexy: The VPN server address could not be resolved on a Modem connection
. This did not impact Talk2M connections.REM: COM config parameter VPNPreDNS mus
t be set to 1 on the Flexy (default value)
FIXED: On Slow VPN Connection (GSM for example), the browser could receive pages
with truncated end.
FIXED: In case the 3G modem fails to respond during eWON power on, it will be ha
rd reset.
FIXED: Events from the VPN connection could be logged with a long delay.
version 7.1s1
FIXED: Extention Boards compatibility check with firmware version.
version 7.1s0
FIXED: in SMS sent by eWON with a @ character, all special characters after the
@ are not converted to the GSM charset.
FIXED: VPN was closed when changing anything in the configuration when connected
to Talk2M
FIXED: eWON will now correctly receive DHCP requests from the DHCP server on the
WAN interface when WAN security is enabled (only improving RENEW request dialog
, establishment was already working correctly)
FIXED: Flexy: the eWON Energy IO Server "MaxInterval" parameter was not correctl
y configured to its default value
FIXED: Max outgoing call duration setting was not taken into account when modem
config AND using wizard
FIXED: In Planner configuration, HTML characters were escaped in the messages (s
ubject, message,...)
CHANGED: Flexy: when initial language configuration selection is set to the defa
ult language (via web interface), the eWON does not ask to reboot the device.

version 7.0s2
FIXED: When the "default com configuration" was selected via web interface, the
config data was updated, but the new parameters were not applied.
FIXED: JAVA: since Rev 6.0, when creating a SysControlBlock for a TAG record wil
l either load an invalid value in "TagValue", or crash the eWON with invalid mem
ory access.
FIXED: SNMP was losing precision when using Coef/offset for reading or when writ
ing big values via SNMP
ADDED: better reporting when an invalid tag address is loaded. The message with
tag name and address is reported in the event file.
CHANGED: FLEXY: The maxium number of tag per IO server has been increased (from
500) to 1500
FIXED: Since rev 7.0s1, Home page did not always display the session information
FIXED: Writing to CIx (eWON IO Server) may corrupt eWON's memory.
FIXED: Planner web page only displayed first 2 "Last Run". The estat file was co
rrectly updated though.
FIXED: eWON FTP server did not use correct port (20) for PORT command.
FIXED: "Enter Slow Poll mode" not always reported since version 7.0
ADDED: eWON IO server tag naming extension for extension board validation.
CHANGED: FLEXY ONLY: Config mem increased to 512K, Script increased to 256K.

version 7.0s1
FIXED: Default Modem init string was not correctly managed in version 7.0. Clear
ing the init string did not put it to default either.
Retirer du FW 7.0s0:
ADDED: PROXY: Prevent Automatic proxy entries to connect outside the LAN network

version 7.0s0
FIXED: WIZARD: eWON could crash if Talk2M wizard was used with proxy but without
FIXED: FINS IOSERVER: ParametersFinsEthClNode and FinsEthClNet are now displayed
on the FINS ioserver web page even on a eWON with MPI.
FIXED: REMOTE WIZARD: Remote wizard was not allowing shift from Free+ to eFive.
FIXED: REMOTE WIZARD: Using the Remote Wizard to connect to an Endian/eFive serv
er is now functional with other configured VPNPortOut values (not only 1194).
FIXED: HISTORICAL LOG: Wrong record was added when topic wa enabled/disabled.
FIXED: HISTORICAL LOG: Unwanted record was added when the TimeInterval was chang
CHANGED: IOSERVERS: Tags are disabled and reenabled only when Address, topicName
,ServerName,ForceRO, Coef,Offset,Type or Autotype configuration parameters are c
FIXED: WEB PAGE: Charset not force any more of /usr defined web pages.
FIXED: SERIAL: eserial-IO driver read was produced randomly when the ioserver co
nfiguration was changed due to close and reopen serial port.
FIXED: ABLOGIX IOSERVER: IOsend/IORcv was not working on ethernet.
FIXED: ABLOGIX IOSERVER: Destination DF1 address configuration parameter was not
FIXED: ABLOGIX IOSERVER: Ioserver was producing error 'CIP reply with unsupporte
d tag type" during ftp operation.
FIXED: VPN: user/pwd mode: Changing account was requiring a reboot.
FIXED: MITSUFX IOSERVER: Critical error was occuring when user reboot was initia
ted and MITSUFX ioserver was enabled.
FIXED: SNMP IOSERVER: Disabled tags in errors mechanism is working now.
FIXED: SNMP IOSERVER: Topics disabled are not reading anymore,and different topi
c requests are not merged anymore.
FIXED: DF1 IOSERVER: Using eWON Tag Type DWORD with SLC500 N (integer) register
was producing wrong reading if value is above 32767.
FIXED: MODBUS IOSERVER: Modbus Status Tag was not reflecting status of RTU devic
e when a tcp/rtu gateway is used.
FIXED: S73&400 IOSERVER: First commmunication using MPI does not produce anymore
the "MPI-Write failed" error.
ADDED: MITSUFX IOSERVER: Serial baudrate for FX3U PLCs is now configurable up to
115200 bps.
ADDED: WIZARD: eFive: Add a UDP/TCP combo and a Port entry field.
ADDED: MELSEC ioserver: Add ability to poll FX3U and Serie A PLCs.
ADDED: PROXY: Prevent Automatic proxy entries to connect outside the LAN network
ADDED: ALARM: It is now possible to define user templates for SMS and EMAIL tag
alarm notification.
ADDED: eWON COSY: Add Talk2M Connectivity test to COSY devices.
ADDED: WANMGT: Add failover from WAN ethernet to 3G upon reception of a "talk2MC
onnect" SMS.
CHANGED: SERIAL: For serial ports which can be configured in half and full duple
x mode, the ports are set to full duplex at boot time.
ADDED: JAVA: add HTTP client.
ADDED: DF1 IOSERVER: reading registers for data type L (micrologix) is now imple
ADDED: CONFIG: It is now possible to delete a user by using the same technique u
sed for tag (ie: using the DoDelete field set to 1 when importing or via Basic/J
FIXED: WIZARD: The Test Talk2M Cnx button must not appear before wizard was exec
uted once.
ADDED: WIZARD: Option added in T2M wizard to skip the UDP connection test.
version 6.4s7
same as version 6.4s6

version 6.4s6
ADDED: eWON500V2 and eWON4001V2 now provide Java support.
CHANGED: All references to Endian have been replaced by eFive.
FIXED: When VPN was enabled and WAN was not accessible (invalid gateway) the eWO
N was locked until full reset was executed.
FIXED: Endian/eFive Wizard result were not updated and seemed to run forever tho
ugh wizard was finished.
FIXED: In some cases, the eWON could reboot due to a watchdog when the VPN conne
ction was openned.
version 6.4s5
FIXED: corrupted memory when VCOM was reconfigured. Caused eWON to reboot.
CHANGED: When an error occurs in Talk2M mode during VPN establishment the vpn pr
ocess exists (avoid crazy loop for DNS resolution)
CHANGED: Talk2M address acquisition mechanism now uses ip and name (according to
what server sends)
CHANGED: Endian wizard logo changed to eFive logo.
CHANGED: VIPA logo updated.
version 6.4s4
FIXED: When a /usr file was exported using an export block descriptor, and the f
ile ends with a < or a <% character, the export remained pending until a watchdo
g occured. This was true even if the NOSSI filter had been specified.
FIXED: Sending SMS via GSM resulted in memory corruption since version 6.4s0
FIXED: MELSEC IOServer: It is now possible to poll on devices where Network ID <
CHANGED: InfoZ protocol update according to server change
ADDED: The SNMP IOServer can now read STRING type OID and will convert their con
tent to float.
version 6.4s3
FIXED : DF1 IOSERVER: DF1 polling was not restarted automatically anymore after
reboot. Regression since release 6.4s0
FIXED : UNITE IOSERVER: Unitelway polling was not restarted automatically anymo
re after reboot. Regression since release 6.4s0
FIXED : S2700 IOSERVER: PPI polling was not restarted automatically anymore afte
r reboot. Regression since release 6.4s0
FIXED: S73&400 IOSERVER: Default Rx/Tx Timeout parameter is now also applied on
ISOTCP requests
FIXED: EMail password was not sent in UTF8 format. This may affect users who aut
henticate against their mail server and use non ASCII chars in their password.
CHANGED: eWON IO server priority has been increased to improve eWON counter latc
hing interval precision.
CHANGED: If VPN is configured for Talk2M and connection has failed for 2 days (s
ince end of last connection success), and connection has failed at least 10 time
s, and wizard has been executed in automatic selection mode (UDP or TCP), and no
proxy is configured, then the connection test wizard is executed in unattended
mode to try and recover communication.
FIXED: When export block descriptors in TEXT mode were attached or included into
emails, the last line was omitted.
CHANGED: VPN cannot be disabled any more even if configuration is invalid.
FIXED: When the "Talk2M connectivity validation" wizard was executed, the WAN co
nfiguration parameters were reset to the Talk2M wizard values. They don't need t
o be reset if they have been tunes after Talk2M wizard execution.
ADDED: JavaVersion item was added to the estat ($dtES) file. JavaVersion reflect
s the JavaEtk version in the eWON. From the Java program, the same information c
an be read by using the System.getProperty("ewonitf.version") command.
FIXED: Tabular config edition does not work for not ASCII characters (intl. lang
uages). The System wizard in eWON Cosy is also impacted (eWON name for example).
CHANGED: The FTP and SMTP passwords are now encrypted in the configuration file
and hidden during web edition.
FIXED: in case of VPN configuration error, eWON will increate the delay between
retry up to 5 minutes but without never giving up. After a reboot, to retry peri
od is reset.
ADDED: in eWON Cosy, When the digital input is used to allow or prevent the WAN
connection, a trace is logged in the events file when its state is changing
CHANGED: eWON Cosy: Internet connection wizard wording changed to avoid user's c
ADDED: eWON Cosy: Date and time is displayed in footer on every status page with
a refresh rate of 10 seconds
ADDED: In javaetk 1.3: Tag management can be programmed by events. Four new list
ener configuration methods: addTagValueListener, setDefaultTagValueListener, add
TagAlarmListener , setDefaultTagAlarmListener

version 6.4s2
CHANGED/FIXED: Prevent VPN from being disabled even in case of multiple configur
ation error.

version 6.4s1
ADDED: It is now possible to edit the configuration in a tabular form via the st
orage configuration in the system menu.
ADDED: The Talk2M wizard has a new option for checking connectivity without upda
ting the Talk2M keys.
FIXED: MITSUFX IOserver: tag type INT can now be used without errors. The Prob
lem was present in the eWON firmware since release 6.0
ADDED: Framework for remote wizard via eBuddy (this is internal feature that nee
ds an eBuddy update to be used)
FIXED: Watchdog : When the IOServer-Global TCP RX/TX Timeout was set to a value
less than 1000 Msec, the eWON crashes due too EIP software watchdog
FIXED: MITSUFX IOserver: Float Data registers are now read and written correctl
FIXED: eWON Cosy: the EIP gateway comment was not correct in web page.
FIXED: When save config.txt in an eWON 4x02, the VCOM config for ports 2 and 3 w
as not exported.
ADDED: Reboot button was added to the eWON Cosy maintenance page.
CHANGED: Internet connection wizard will not erase configuration by default. A w
arning message says that Talk2M config will be erased also if to erase option is
FIXED: SMTP: The Second email was not sent out after a fist email was sent out i
mmediately followed by an SMS sent out, and a second email to send out.
FIXED: Tag Values scale & offset use: Regression since 6.0, boolean type tags we
re read without taken into account coef and offset. This was not the case in pre
vious release
version 6.4s0
FIXED: Browser cache not operational due to date format change. Performance impa
FIXED: NTP: when enabled NTP will not wait next reboot anymore to start time syn
ADDED: BASIC: add proxy feature to PUTHTTP and GETHTTP commands
FIXED: UNITE IOserver: The eWON UNITE IOServer did not allow polling of the las
t 7 bits of the Internal Data bits section
ADDED: IOservers: add a new trace message to inform if IOserver configuration wh
en at least one its topic is enabled.
FIXED: DF1 IOserver: IOSEND/IORCV BASIC commands didn't work on ethernet link
FIXED: MELSEC IOserver: cosmetic mistype error in request refused by server erro
r message
FIXED: MELSEC IOserver: IOSEND and IORCV BASIC commands didn't correclty work w
hen used with the MELSEC IO server.
FIXED: Out of memory reboot error could occur in some special case when using th
e JAVA WebProducer.escapePath function.
FIXED: MELSEC ioserver: eWON was rebooting (watchdog) when destination address d
evice was unavailable or not existing
FIXED: When exporting $dtHL in Binary mode ($ftB)with an end date specified ($et
) AND the end time is inside to data present in the eWON file system, then the f
ile exported is truncated at the end by an amount of max 96KBytes for eWON firmw
are >=6.0s2 and max 8KBytes for eWON firmware <6.0s2 FIXED: When writing SNMP ta
g from the SNMP IO Server, when communication problem occured, the eWON could re
boot with an "Bad address in dynamic memory management" error. This only occured
while writing tags, not while reading SNMP tags.
FIXED: MELSEC IOserver: MELSEC IOServer was not reading correctly the end of bi
ts zone
FIXED: Proxy was not working on FTP protocol, passive mode, entering on the WAN
interface when WAN is an embedded ADSL modem.
ADDED: WEB page: cosmetic: message "Reboot required if change" on the ModemSetup
Page has been added to warn the user that the WirelessNet param needs a complete
modem reset to be effective
FIXED: SMS: sending SMS with accentuated characters are not generating errors an
version 6.3s0
FIXED: When ADSL is available, the WAN connection is set ADSL in the default con
fig and "maintain connection" has been disabled by default.
FIXED: With UMTS modem, an operator could appear 2 times in the list. Duplicates
are now filtered.
FIXED: JAVA: The socket error code return was 1 in case of error while it should
be the low level IP stack error code.
CHANGED: SNMP thread watchdog delay has been increased to 40sec to avoid spuriou
s reset.
ADDED: S73&400 ioserver: new feature: MPI polling and gateway for PLCs located o
n a remote MPI subnet.
FIXED: with some SIM cards in an eWON with a UMTS modem (xx01CD), the modem repo
rted a SIM ERROR though the card was valid and working.
FIXED: SMS cannot be received on HSUPA rev 2.4
ADDED: MELSEC ioserver: allows tag polling on ethernet interface of the MISUBISH
I Q series
ADDED: GsmWLessNet value returned in INF (estat) block to report actual wireless
network detected (if known)
CHANGED: "Too much global memory allocated" critical error condition has been re
moved as the eWON always reboots when it has an memory alocation problem.
FIXED: When the error "The SMS in the SIM card could not be read because too man
y present" was reported, a memory corruption could occure.
FIXED: When serial debug was activated and packets of more than 242 bytes were s
ent or received at once it could lead to memory corruption (illegal memory addre
ss or dynamic memory critical error reboot)
FIXED: on eWON with 3G or HSUPA modems, the Hardware watchdog was sometime trigg
ered. The eWON was rebooting with an Hardware watchdog error message.
FIXED: On eWON with an ISDN modem, the init AT string must contain the &D2 comma
nd. This is NOT applied eWONs previous to the CD familly as these modem do not s
upport the hard DTR hangup mode.
FIXED: S73&400 ioserver: MPI 12Mb bus desynchronisation problem solved
FIXED: viewIO Graph: non float values were not displayed correctly anymore. Regr
ession since 6.2s0
FIXED: PLANNER: does not anymore generate SMS with text "action:" followed with
uninitialised text. Was causing illegal memory access.
version 6.2s1
FIXED: The Internet connection wizard did not set correctly the connection trigg
er type when using modem for internet connection. The modem internet connection
was set to permanent (since 6.2s0 only).
FIXED: during Talk2M wizard, the WAN options changes were not applied if WAN con
nection was active during Wizard execution.
version 6.2s0
FIXED: the tag type was not correctly stored in ircall.bin file
CHANGED: If the eWON has an ethernet WAN connection, then the WAN permanent conn
ection is enabled in the default configuration. The WAN Ethernet connector led w
ill be blinking by default after a full reset (though the connection does not de
fault to DHCP to avoid error burst in case no cable or DHCP is present).
CHANGED: When the Talk2M wizard is executed, the following configuration paramet
ers are set: WAN interface protection allows only VPN and return traffic, No for
warding from VPN or LAN is allowed to WAN interface, and NAT interface configure
d to NAT on LAN (Plug'n Route)
ADDED: The NAT module also works on PING messages passing through the NATed inte
rface.These return messages will pass even if the 'Block ICMP' option is selecte
ADDED: NAT can now be installed on LAN interface in order to route traffic to de
vices on eWON LAN without setting the eWON as gateway in the device (this is onl
y applicable when VPN is used).
ADDED: It is now possible to filter who can access what on the VPN based on the
VPN source address (can be used to grant access to specific resources on the eWO
N and LAN based on eCatcher's user IP address).
FIXED: TALK2M: With eWON-GPRS, when the eWON was OnLine on Talk2M, and we sent i
t offline from eCatcher, the eWON was well disconnected BUT the VPN was restarte
d too quickly and was staying running indefinitely.
ADDED: WIZARD: when the Talk2M wizard is used with the Talk2M free+ server, and
the eWON serial number is already defined in Talk2M (other eWON name and/or acco
unt), following warning is displayed:"The eWON serial number was already defined
in Talk2M. Previous instance was disabled"
ADDED: S73&400 IOSERVER: mpi advanced bus parameters are now made configurable
ADDED: MODEM: allow more than 4 digits for the PIN code
FIXED: eWON configuration by SMS for Talk2M was not working on the Free+/Pro ser
FIXED: TALK2M: If the 'Remote VPN WAN address or name' paramter on the eWON was
set to "talk2M defined" then eWON was restablishing the Internet connection +- 3
minutes after receiving the Talk2M connection request (Talk2M wake-up SMS).
ADDED: redmine 1515: mode Hangup using DTR will be used for all eWONs with ISDN
except PCode 74,68 and 86
FIXED: viewIO Graph: float values were not displayed correctly anymore: values r
ounded. Regression since 6.0s0
FIXED: OPENVPN: default renogiation time set to 86400 sec
FIXED: OPENVPN: during key renegotiation, the vpn process is set to low priority
CHANGED: The No-Ip request to obtain our own IP address is now sent on the 80 po
rt instead of 8245 for better compliance with firewall rules
ADDED: BASIC: ERASE command is now also used to format the /usr and the /sys par
FIXED: DF1 ioserver: when an unregister session message is received on eip the a
ssociated socket has to be closed. This was causing a reboot of ewon due to crit
ical error.
FIXED: MODEM: Modem Init String was truncated when quotes are used inside the st
ADDED: MODEM: Mode Hangup using DTR will be used for all eWONs with ISDN except
PCode 74,68 and 86
FIXED: RWIZARD: remote wizard was not working on modem connection
version 6.1s2
FIXED: the account name was not saved when using wizard for new talk2m when regi
stration was done using account/ewon/user/pass
CHANGED: if the internet connection wizard test fails only because of the online
IP check, the config is nevertheless applied.
ADDED: The eWON sends its LAN IP address and mask during Talk2M wizard to help e
Catcher to apply correct routes.
CHANGED: The talk2m wizard only asks for an account name in case the new Talk2M
service is selected and the activation is using eWON name, username, password

version 6.1s1
FIXED: The internet connection wizard was broken when used on the WAN interface
FIXED: The new VPN WAN proxy configuration page had an blank combo box in DE and
FR languages
version 6.1s0
CHANGED: The Talk2M wizard has changed to default to Talk2M Pro, Go, Free+. It c
an though fallback to the old Talk2M Free configuration.
FIXED: UNITE ioserver: Boolean tags were not read correctly anymore (release 6.0
regression problem)
CHANGED: It is now possible to update the VPN proxy configuration manually via t
he VPN/Global configuration page.
FIXED: S7200 ioserver: Download of a PLC program was not working on a PPI slave
PLC when a PLC master was also communicating on the same network with the slave
PLC. Retry mechanism added at protocol level.
CHANGED: Talk2M VPN server address acquisition now defaults to automatic to comp
ly with Talk2M scalability requirement.
CHANGED: Label added under the Wizard button for clarity.
FIXED: Talk2M wizard: Increase of the VPN establishment timeout to avoid valid s
ituation timeout failures.
FIXED: MODBUS ioserver: UnitID 0 is now allowed for polling purpose
CHANGED: Proxy configuration during Talk2M wizard is now "protected" by a checkb
ox for clarity
CHANGED: When the Talk2M wizard is executed, it will only test an UDP or direct
HTTP connection IF the HTTP proxy address is empty.For Basic or Java driven wiza
rd, the UDP or HTTP direct connection will be tested regardless of the HTTP prox
y address IF the connection type is forced (to UDP or TCP).
CHANGED: The PCode 41 has now the VPN feature enabled (changed from 2001CD MPI t
o 2101CD MPI)
FIXED: eWON was not correctly reading the VPN server address before connecting t
o Talk2M pro server. It was thus using the address received during wizard execut
FIXED: modem: WAVECOM modems were not detectable anymore when they are configure
d in monoband
FIXED: WANMGT: after a ppp connection close, ppp was opening again only after 2
permanent wanmgt restart trials. (regression occured in 6.0s0)
CHANGED: During the "Configure INTERNET Connection" wizard, if the WAN connectio
n is set to "Ethernet", then the wizard skips the "Trigger online connection" co
nfiguration and "Maintain connection" is automatically configured.
FIXED: BACKUP: EWON does not reboot anymore with the event "Relock more resource
" at second ebuddy backup.tar restore trial
FIXED: MEM IO server: RET booleans tags get wrong values when upgrading to 6.0 (
regression since 6.0s0).
FIXED: java: The function "EventManager.logEvent(msg, value)" was only accepting
values from 0 to 100 corresponding to ErrorEvents. "Java" event code support ha
s now been aligned with the "basic" one: [0,99]: range for error message, [-1, -
99]: range for warning messages, [100,199] for trace messages.
version 6.0s3
ADDED: Internal behavior to change Q2687RD and make it respond as a Q2687
FIXED: transfer of inst_val.txt to the eWON was crashing the device (illegal mem
ory access)
CHANGED: the button hold time has been reduced from 15 seconds to 4 seconds to s
implify the full reset procedure
FIXED: The HSDPA modem init string was changed to comply with modem firmware upg
FIXED: Data management password was not displayed in the configuration web page
and was lost when the config was updated.
version 6.0s2
FIXED: The hidden "downgrade only" right was not working.
FIXED: Read Mbs TCP header error could be reported if timeout was <=1000 msec fo
r modbus.
FIXED: BASIC: since release 6.0 ON CHANGE action was executed twice when the Tag
Value was changed.
FIXED: ABLOGIX, DF1 ioserver: gateway and ioserver functionality are disabled wh
en the EIP port is configured with a 0 value (need reboot to be applied). An add
itional error message "EIP port is disabled" has also been defined and is displa
yed in the event file when eip polling is active for one of these io servers but
the eip port is configured to 0. By default eip port is still 44818.
FIXED: VPN: reduce VPN establishment CPU power consumption to let other processe
s run.
FIXED: WEB VIEWIO page: When the initial portion of the value entered is not an
integer nor a float, the tag value is not updated and the error message "invali
d value" is displayed.
FIXED: IOSERVER: scaled values (coef and offset are taken into account) are now
displayed even when historical logging is enabled.Regression error since release
FIXED: Historical table: size increased to allow up to 500 tags with a name leng
th up to 50 characters to be showed
FIXED: EWON ioserver: does now work with oem release.

version 6.0s1
ADDED: eWON can now be configured to request authentication to change IP address
using eBuddy (you need eBuddy>1.8 to use this)
ADDED: WEB SERVER: support of Access-Control-Allow-Origin header echoing back th
e same origin that was sent or *
FIXED: WANMGT: If the "Connect WAN required to reach" is triggered just after th
e close of the PPP connection, then eWON try now to establish the connection aga
FIXED: ABLOGIX IOSERVER :selection of bit 31 of DINT tag types is now working
FIXED: SMS: not well formatted SMS are now erased from the SIM card
FIXED: SMS: TAP PROTOCOL: eWON wait to receive a <ACK>>CR> to ensure compatibili
ty with old TAP servers (prior to version 1.6)
FIXED: EXPORT: Supported size of the entries of the Historical table has been in
creased to 8Kbytes to avoid export failures due too buffer too small
FIXED: ABLOGIX ioserver: it is now possible to read a register of type real
FIXED: eWON ioserver: AI tags are now working on the eWON 4002
FIXED: flash access regression problem which appear on release 6.0S0 is now so
version 6.0s0
ADDED: eWON supports now Tag Quality.
ADDED: eWON now supports Integer and Dword Tag types.
FIXED: When HSDPA modem needed to be hard reboot, the hardware reboot function w
as inefficient.
ADDED: A "hidden" user right with value 2048 has been added the the existing set
. This right only allows user to downgrade (with dewonfwr.edf), but not to downl
oad an ewonfwr.edf file.
ADDED: When on alarm is defined in Data Management, the eWON will trigger a DM t
ransfer if one of the tag belonging to one of the group defined in DM config ent
ers the alarm state.
ADDED: Filter feature for data management is working now.
ADDED: The $dtHL (Historical logging) now supports the $fl exactly the same way
$dtHT does. This feature applies to text and binary format.
FIXED: In the SNMP IOServer, if the same OID existed with different IP addresses
, the IOServer was not working correctly.
CHANGED: IPSTACK: IPCP TIMEOUT has been set to 5 sec
FIXED: MDEX VPN configuration was not saved correctly to comcfg.txt
ADDED: In Comcfg.txt, a new parameter called "KillLAN" has been added for the ve
ry special case where you need to close the eWON LAN interface forever. In case
this parameter is set to 1, you will need a Level 2 reset the return it normal (
or through WAN interface if available).
FIXED: no need to reboot eWON any more to take ADSL configuration into account.
FIXED: DMSync could not transfer data to VPN with a GPRS modem because VPN was n
ot established before the transfer started.
CHANGED: The data management menu is now enabled in every eWON having the histor
ical logging feature.
FIXED: S7200 IOSERVER: TagStatus with the destination at the TagLevel is now su
FIXED: UMTS modem could be lost in case an invalid comcfg.txt was downloaded in
the eWON (requiring tricky VCOM operations to recover modem)
FIXED: FTP: restore of config files containing variables with values length hig
her than 2048 bytes is now supported
ADDED: Basic command SETSYS PRG,"ADSLRST",1 has been added to force a reset of t
he ADSL modem.
CHANGED: ADSL status is now monitored even if there is no user or password confi
ADDED: in INF export block, the "ADSLLocRemSNRTxt" and "ADSLUpDnSpeedTxt" have b
een added to provide the Signal noise ratio and the upload/download speed for AD
FIXED: FTP server: LIST command is now working when using GPRS
FIXED: anonymous connections to FTP server using eWON FTP client were impossible
version 5.7s4
FIXED: S7200 IOserver: PPI MULTIMASTER mode was not working anymore on the eWONs
with MPI port
FIXED: VCOM: add an extra parameter to configure vcom buffersize in order to imp
rove vcom communication (eg: LOGO)
FIXED: WIZARD: cosmetic error: change error message to ""Can not apply internet
config" when an incomptiable WAN LAN IP range is configured
FIXED: MPI: eWON was not recovering anymore automatically from the OFFLINE state
when the go offline reason doesn't exist anymore
version 5.7s3
FIXED: It was impossible to register on the network with a xx01CD with Quad band
GSM (and SIM is PIN locked) - Since version 5.7s1
version 5.7s2
FIXED: Introduction of HSUPA modem support introduced a bug that prevents regist
ration of the PIN code in the Modem. The GSM modem was unusable.
version 5.7s1
FIXED: Software reboot of xx01CD GSM did not work on Telit modems.
FIXED: S7200 IO server: Large programs are now successfully download in case of
large programs through ppi serial
FIXED: When the MPI chip (in PPI mode) goes into "Offline state" due to an exter
nal condition, the eWON tries to restart it automatically.
ADDED: LAN, WAN IP compatibility: At wizard level check if a static IP is reque
sted if range maches the LAN range and generate an error message. At interface a
ctivation level, refuse compatible ranges and save an error message in the event
s log
FIXED: HISTORICAL TABLE: When a filter is applied and no interval is specified f
or the historical table, the output time is specified by the records of the tags
belonging to the filter
FIXED: BASIC: ON CHANGE: When a critical definition field value of a given tag i
s changed, the ONCHANGE basic actions are not loosed anymore. Furthermore SNMP p
ublication field values are added to these critical field list. Finally, The IOM
OD command returns now only TRUE when the tag value has been changed.
FIXED: SNMP IOSERVER: cosmetic error on config web page (OID may not be set to 3
2-bits but is limited to 16)
FIXED: ALARM: alam retrig and retry mechanism were not working correctly. Retrig
mechanism is now permanent and may be put to zero (no retrig). It does only app
ly to ALM events
FIXED: SNMP IO SERVER: error message is now displayed when a a not supported typ
e was returned by the snmp agent
FIXED: EXPORT BLOCK: historical table: an error was displayed when no format opt
ion ($ft) was specified
FIXED: WIZARD: configure internet connection on WAN wizard does not need reboot
FIXED: ALARM: on translated pages, a ASP2HTML sentence was added to content of f
ile, trap and alarm subject.
FIXED: VCOM: Error message "gio-Server Name request does not exist" was still di
splayed without presence of real error
UPDATED: WIZARD: Talk2M wizard forces the "Remote VPN WAN address or name" to "d
efined Manually" when wizard is used for Talk2M free.
FIXED: PLANNER: attachement of export block to email is now working
FIXED: MODEM: add a check upon OperatorId length
FIXED: MODEM: increase error level of modem read error from warning to critical.
FIXED: S7200 ioserver: download of large programs on MPI port
ADDED: New HSUPA modem for eWONx005CD
FIXED: SMS: check added to verify that only REC READ or REC UNREAD messages are
present on the card. When it is not the case a cleanup of the sim card is exec
ADDED: TAP protocol compliance improved when closing the communication with the
server (No evidence of problem with previous implementation).
version 5.7s0
ADDED: BASIC: ERASE command has been extended in order to allow deletion of
history file (hst_alm.txt, events.txt, ircall.bin)
FIXED: eSyncDM: data transfert scheduling was not working
ADDED: BASIC: add ON DATE basic command to perform basic actions on a given time
ADDED: PLANNER: add web configurable planner to allow execution of
unconnected actions (send EMAILs, PUT FTP, send SMS, send SNMP TRAPs) on a gi
time inteval.
ADDED: BASIC: a new Fieldname "SCHRST" has been added to the PRG group of the
SETSYS command to clear pending actions. Syntax: SETSYS PRG,"SCHRST",1
FIXED: Tag Alarm Page: wrong example was displayed
FIXED: WIZARD: cosmetic: reset buttons replaced by reboot buttons
FIXED: SNMPIO server: Status was not working when s address was specified at tag
address level.
FIXED: VPN: VPN connection was closing when a new var_lst.csv was PUT on the
eWON using FTP.
FIXED: PPI multimaster: download was not working on eWON MPI
FIXED: MDEX support was improved by supporting the redirection. The user can now
click on the MDEX dashboard link to access the eWON web page.
FIXED: MODBUS IOSERVER: after a UnitID 255 is configured at topic level on the
iosever page , general config page updates and basic save operation do not fa
FIXED: Some configurations could not be reloaded in newer firmware. Config
memory size now reflects actual saved data. Each tag and users requires an
additional amount of memory that was allocated on the 256KB config memory.
FIXED: JAVA: FileConnection.rename function is now working
FIXED: MODBUS IOSERVER: The Advanced Parameter "TcpPort" to define the port
(<>502) used by the ModbusTCP clientwas not functionning SINCE 5.2s0
ADDED: TALK2M: Wake up SMS string "Talk2MConnect" has been added besides
"Talk2M_Connect" to avoid problems on some mobiles.
ADDED: Remote wizard: feature used to trigger wizard execution without using the
web interface but through the use of a remote wizard file containing all need
parameters. This feature can be used for secure talk2m server switch over.
ADDED: S7200 IOSERVER: Extension to the PPI protocol in order to support
multimaster mode. By default multimaster extension is not enabled.
CHANGED: When loading the BASIC program, the eWON checks it for any corruption
and tries to fix it if found.
ADDED: a wizard was added to connect to MDEX more easily.
FIXED: possibility to write a string to viewON with $script$
ADDED: wizard rollback: Communication parameters configured through the wizards
(and remote wizards) will from now on only be saved in the flash in case of
success of wizard execution. In case of failure, the old communication
configuration parameters will be reloaded from the flash. This feature can be
used for secure talk2m server switch over.
ADDED: wizard rollback: Communication parameters configured through the wizard
(and the remote wizard) will only be saved in the eWON flash in case of succ
of wizard execution. In case of failure the old communication configuration
parameters will be reloaded from the flash. This feature can be used for sec
talk2m server switch over (t2mCnx: wizard).
FIXED: Configure internect connection wizard: PIN code change is now applied
(modem reset)
FIXED: JAVA feature was missing in eWON 4102.
FIXED: S7-200 IOserver: Disable tags in error is now working for the S7-200
ADDED: S7200 IOSERVER: advanced S7200 parrameters are added to the S7-200
Ioserver configuration page
FIXED: VCOM: When an update without changes was done on the VCOM web page a
vcom_TCP bind failed event appeared in the events.txt section and reboot was
needed to release the port
FIXED: VCOM: When a serial port was opened using VCOM and the
option was configured, the error message "gio-Server Name request does not
exist" was written in the event file even when no ioserver was configured
FIXED: GSM MODEM: modem detection problem was occuring when too much network
operators where present.
FIXED: BASIC: precision is not anymore lost during integer multiplication
FIXED: PUTHTTP: when an empty response "" was given as argument to the PUTHTTP
basic command, the command was reporting an error even in case of success.

ADDED: BASIC: ERASE command has been extended in order to allow deletion of
history file (hst_alm.txt, events.txt, ircall.bin)
FIXED: eSyncDM: data transfert scheduling was not working
ADDED: BASIC: add ON DATE basic command to perform basic actions on a given time
ADDED: PLANNER: add web configurable planner to allow execution of
unconnected actions (send EMAILs, PUT FTP, send SMS, send SNMP TRAPs) on a gi
time inteval.
ADDED: BASIC: a new Fieldname "SCHRST" has been added to the PRG group of the
SETSYS command to clear pending actions. Syntax: SETSYS PRG,"SCHRST",1
FIXED: VPN: VPN connection was closing when a new var_lst.csv was PUT on the
eWON using FTP.
FIXED: PPI multimaster: download was not working on eWON MPI
FIXED: MDEX support was improved by supporting the redirection. The user can now
click on the MDEX dashboard link to access the eWON web page.
FIXED: Some configurations could not be reloaded in newer firmware. Config
memory size now reflects actual saved data. Each tag and users requires an
additional amount of memory that was allocated on the 256KB config memory.
FIXED: MODBUS IOSERVER: The Advanced Parameter "TcpPort" to define the port
(<>502) used by the ModbusTCP clientwas not functionning SINCE 5.2s0
ADDED: Remote wizard: feature used to trigger wizard execution without using the
web interface but through the use of a remote wizard file containing all need
parameters. This feature can be used for secure talk2m server switch over.
ADDED: S7200 IOSERVER: Extension to the PPI protocol in order to support
multimaster mode. By default multimaster extension is not enabled.
ADDED: a wizard was added to connect to MDEX more easily.
FIXED: possibility to write a string to viewON with $script$
version 5.6s3
FIXED: When the eWON was configured for outgoing VPN, and it was using PKI (not
shared key), and the Keep Alive interval was longer than 60 seconds and 2 rem
VPN addresses were defined, then the eWON did not toggle between remote
addresses when the first one failed.
ADDED: The $dtSS file and INF Basic bloc now includes an additional value called
GsmCCID, it contains the SIM Card Identification Number if available.
ADDED: VCOM: when a VCOM client connects MITSUFX, HITACHI and S5-AS511 ioservers
will be stopped if they use the same serial port. When VCOM disconnects, they
will restart again.This feature is enabled by checking the Stop IoServer entr
on the COM virtual page configuration. This feature is disabled by default.
FIXED: S7200 ioserver: multimaster PPI IO server was entering in slow poll mode
when the PLC was high loaded
ADDED: Idle PPP connection was only checked against incoming IP packets. It is
now possible to monitor inactivity based on outgoing IP packets also.
FIXED: When clearing the Talk2M Access Server Address, the eWON returns to the
Talk2M Free EU server. The wizard now also allows to select the Free or Pro
FIXED: s7200 ioserver: eWON was displaying an error message when it polled the
last register of a register type
FIXED: S7200 ioserver: didn't allow to poll more than 50 tags belongin to the
same type of register
FIXED: Static route entries were not working when gateway was using WAN
interface since the WAN interface is dynamically disabled.
FIXED: JAVA getWanIp was blocked during up 60 seconds when connection
establishment was in progress.
FIXED: Historical recording intraSecCounter was not updated.
CHANGED: When multiple alarm actions (SMS, EMail,..) are defined for an alarm,
the SMS is sent first followed by the others, this prevents PPP from being
disconnected after PPP IP address has been published by mail (for example).
CHANGED: Cosmetic change is example on S7-3&400 configuration page: TSAP added
to ISOTCP syntax example.
CHANGED: Cosmetic alarm configuration page change. SMS example now show 2
FIXED: In Basic, the GetSys xx,"Parm:SubParam" command ended with a watchdog if
SubParam was empty.
ADDED: In WAN security configuration, it is now possible to prevent traffic
forwarding from LAN to WAN.
ADDED: The eWON can authenticate through an NTLM proxy when connecting to
Talk2M. During the Wizard execution, the eWON will detect the correct
authentication and configure it for further connection using OpenVPN.
ADDED: JAVA: IoManager.getNbTags function.
FIXED: MPI status was not reflecting the communication status. MPI status led
switched not to OFF when the cable was removed
FIXED: Any on demand action that required the VPN to be established to take
place could fail because they were triggered after WAN was established but no
after VPN was established.
ADDED: when the activation key starts with US, then access server is configured
to Talk2M Free US and the activation key prefix is removed before activation
(allows SMS activation)
version 5.6s2
ADDED: BASIC - Extended syntax to handle lists of parameters
ADDED: BASIC - EOF for export blocks
ADDED: BASIC - All Tag-related functions now accept the tag's name, ID and index
as reference
ADDED: BASIC - GETSYS PRG,"NBTAGS" returns the number of tags
ADDED: BASIC WOY() function (Week-Of-Year - ISO8601)
FIXED: In some cases when an error during OpenVPN start, the VPN was never
restarted again until a reset occurred.
FIXED: typo error in PPP server configuration page.
FIXED: When the eWON's VPN process stopped on a fatal error, it could not
restart and displayed an "Out of memory" error or a "Cannot open TAP" error.
This error was common when using the eWON in conjunction with an Endian
FIXED: The DHCP timeout parameter (DhcpTO) defaults to 45sec but it was not
taking into account values higher than 60sec. It is now possible to increase
timeout up to 240sec.
CHANGED: Some "memory information fields" are now displayed in bold when more
FIXED: when the VPN was actively negotiating a connection and the user tried to
update the COM configuration, the operation could failed and a "write file
operation failed" could be logged in the events.txt file.
ADDED: Embedded ADSL upgrade engine. It is now possible to upgrade the embedded
eWON ADSL modem.
ADDED: ADSL Watchdog mechanism. In case the modem does not respond any more it
will be hard rebooted.
FIXED: ADSL Modem BOOT timeout was increased to 80sec (instead of 45).
ADDED: Support for Q26 GSM/GPRS modem upgrade.
ADDED: modem upgrade requested can now be configured from the "eWON reboot
version 5.6s1
FIXED: Implementation of the EnableChunkEncoding com parameter
FIXED: FTP upload of inst_val.bin did not work.
CHANGED: Default mode for web server is set to "Chunk encoding" disabled.
CHANGED: eWON Skin customization now includes the product name also.
CHANGED: Redirect all traffic through VPN now works even if no gateway is
defined on the eWON side (Proxy configuration or local LAN for example)
CHANGED: When VPN connection occures through proxy, the eWON will now accept the
'route all traffic through VPN' option (it was previously ignored).
FIXED: VPN server address request for Talk2M Pro did not work when VPN
configured through proxy.
FIXED: in some case is was impossible to read back the ComCfg.txt (though HTTP
or FTP), the eWON rebooted with an 'out of memory' error.
FIXED: When the Talk2M wizard was executed, the VPN key was not encrypted in the
config file until another field the configuration was changed.
FIXED: After configuring the eWON with Talk2M, the comcfg.txt contained an
invalid key format (line feeds in the comcfg.txt file). When the configuratio
was edited, the problem disappeared.
CHANGED: if ModExpType<>0 and ModFrcType:0 in the comcfg.txt file, the eWON will
power off the modem. A trace in the events.txt file confirms the operation.
ADDED: in the JAVA t2mCfgCommand and additional parameter can be used to select
the Talk2M connection mode during connection wizard execution.
ADDED: BASIC in the SetSys PRG,"T2MCFG",... command an additional optional
parameter can be used to select the connection mode during Talk2M configurati
ADDED: 2 commands added to JAVA: IOManager.modemLedJvmCtrl and
IOManager.setModemLed, provided to control the Modem led through the Java
ADDED: The eWON firmware is now able to reflash the ADSL modem firmware by
putting the ADSL firmware file in the eWON /usr directory and configuring the
BootOp parameters.

version 5.6s0
FIXED: The "Hang Up if no action" timer was no initialised when a new outgoing
connection occured. In case an outgoing connection occured without outgoing
action (callback for example), the timer thus expired immediately, closing th
FIXED: The Proxy External interface combo does not show VPN any more for eWON
without VPN.
ADDED: config.txt HTTP_REQTO advanced parameter for setting the HTTP server
watchdog interval. Used for lengthy request in ASP, or SSI pages.
ADDED: Added support for Telit HSDPA modem
ADDED: JAVA getT2mCfgInProgress
ADDED: JAVA: t2mCfgCommand, command to configure eWON for Talk2M using Java.
ADDED: Wizard block (basic WIZ, $dtWZ, web SSI WIZ) to read wizard progress
ADDED: Talk2M Pro pr liminary Support
CHANGED: eWON Main page to avoid redirection (helps in case eWON web site is
accessed through proxy)
ADDED: a $flNOSSI option has been added to $dtUF to avoid SSI parsing if not
ADDED: more monitoring of invalid authentication on web site.
FIXED: When OpenVPN was configured for TCP connection and the server connection
failed permanently, the watchdog was triggered.
FIXED: Some special errors in OpenVPN lead to eWON reboot with critical error
20111. The OpenVPN process will now exit properly in case of error.
FIXED: When WAN ethernet config is changed and the connection is established, it
is now restarted to update the parameters.
ADDED: JAVA:SysControl.saveBlockById: allows editing a User or Tag block with a
given ID (not based on tag name or user login).
ADDED: JAVA: NetManager.getVpnIp() which returns the current VPN IP address of if VPN not connected.
FIXED: MITSUFX IOserver: correct error message is now displayed in case of
invalid address
FIXED: IO server S7200: DataBits are now set on 8 by default
ADDED: DNS_TTL config.txt parameterdefines in second the time to live of DNS
ADDED: Java monitoring functions in ModemManager:
getGsmNetReg(), getGsmOpId(), getModemModemDetectionErr()
ADDED: Java: ModemManager.updateClientInOut(void). Updates the amount of data
exchanged during current dial out connection.
ADDED: eVCOM software support: ablity to communicate with Siemens PLCs and HMIs
on MPI remotely using eVCOM software
version 5.5s1
FIXED: PROXY: eWON proxy feature Ext (WAN) to LAN was not working anymore since
FW5.4s4 for outgoing PPP connections
FIXED: S7200 Ioserver: PPI communication with eWON with MPI interface was not

version 5.5s0
CHANGED: The Email configuration parameter length has been increased for 39 to
256 characters for publish by EMail.
CHANGED: Empty username and password for ADSL config leads to ADSL not used and
powered off.
FIXED: MSN configuration parameter for ISDN modem was not working.
CHANGED: When the WAN connection wizard is used for ADSL connection, the NAT is
configured on the WAN interface.
FIXED: when ADSL eWON was booting it could log up to 4 Open ADSL connection
error because ADSL modem takes time to boot. The initial timeout has been
increased to avoid this problem.
FIXED: cosmetic error in internet connection wizard
ADDED: OPEN UDP Basic function can force return TCP Port.
FIXED: S73&400 ioserver: ISOTCPGW status counter cosmetic error fixed. Name of
counter 2 in this section is now defined as "Number of ISOTCP S7 commands
ADDED: MITSUBISHI IO server: a new IO server has been added to allow polling of
FX PLC tags through the programming port.
ADDED: S7200 IO server: PPI multimaster feature has been added to allow remote
maintenance and polling of S7200 PLCs on a PPI multimaster network through th
MPI port of eWONs equipped with a MPI port.
ADDED: Endian firewall connection wizard added.
FIXED: The ADSL connection time parameters was not used. A fixed value of 30
seconds was used instead.
version 5.4s6
FIXED: a watchdog could occur on MPI eWON from CD familly when MPI was heavily
FIXED: Java was not enabled on eWON 2101 MPI and eWON 4101 MPI
version 5.4s5
ADDED: Support for S5-135 CPU928 PLC
FIXED: When writing 'script' vars in viewON the console reported an 'invalid var
name response'
FIXED: MPI Chip was not detected on 'CD' family
version 5.4s4
FIXED: Leased line modem was not working since 5.x
FIXED: when a viewON script fails, the returned value was the result from a
previous script. Now an invalid value is returned.
FIXED: DHCP was not working with some DHCP servers.
FIXED: When reading a binary /usr file with Basic command GET f,X, the output
was the end of file at once, instead of X bytes.
FIXED: Modbus RTU CRC problem since rev 5.3s7 for baudrates >2400 baud.
ADDED: A web configuration page has been added to configure some debug features
in eWON (in System/General config).
ADDED: Support for ADSL eWONs (2104, 4104)
ADDED: (( on)
function for serial port access in Java
FIXED: ADSL control port not be user accessible
FIXED: S74 ioserver: following baudrates have been added when polling on the
PROFIBUS bus: 9600, 45450, 93750, 500000 kbit/s.
ADDED: Add DbgMode param can be added manually to AS511 driver to display PLC
type in real time log and force 20 bit addressing.
FIXED: Invalid IMEI is some devices updated
FIXED: Debug configuration Web page was not working. Debug Flags were hard to
FIXED: ADSL modem full reconfiguration failed. The problem occurred typically
with new modem.
FIXED: DHCP did not ask for IP address renewal.
FIXED: ADSL Connection was not completely restarted when WAN connection timed
FIXED: Proxy from EXT to LAN was not working on ADSL WAN interface.
FIXED: ADSL When a lot of socket where NATed at the same time, some entries
could be missed leading to retries.
FIXED: Reset signal for ADSL was not working, reset was performed through power
FIXED: Java function com.ewon.ewonitf.SysControlBlock(int BlockType, String
RecordName) was not working and generated an illegal memory access.
version 5.4s3
FIXED: Random crash at boot time due to hardware detection problem

version 5.4s2
FIXED: DF1 IOserver: RsView gateway interoperabilty problem solved by adding
bridge/no bridge EIP Connection configuration parameter. When bridging is
configured EIP connections requests are forwarded to the PLC on the DF1
interface (Logix family case). This is the default configuration. When not
configured, connection requests are cancelled by the eWON.
FIXED: ABLOGIX ioserver: Tags are not updated anymore when an invalid tag type
is received
FIXED: GetFTP or GetHTTP may fail for unknown reason. This bug was introduced
during fix of another bug related to cleanup of incomplete transfer of files
FIXED: When the VCOM was closed and it was not the default IO port, and error
was reported.
ADDED: Support for MPI/PROFIBUS up to 12MB on 2005CD and 4005CD
version 5.4s1
FIXED: eWON WEB server rendered partial pages and images with some browser
clients since revision 5.4s0.
FIXED: eWON did not accept incomming call after boot until COM config was
updated. eWON does check SMS or updated GSM level either.
FIXED: DNS configuration was not applied at boot time.
version 5.4s0
ADDED: S73&400 Ioserver: eWON allows multiple clients at the same time to access
the same PLC through the ISOTCP-MPI gateway.
ADDED: a new entry field called MSN can be used to enter a Multiple Subscriber
Number for ISDN modems. If empty, all numbers are allowed.
CHANGED: in the Web user interface 'Reset' term was used for 'Reboot' concerning
an eWON restart or a modem restart. This has been changed.
FIXED: Java com.ewon.ewonitf.ScheduledActionManager.SensSMSAction has been
duplicated to SendSMSAction.
FIXED: When the eWON had no modem or the modem was disabled (or not detected)
and either an SMS was sent or the VCOM or Basic tried to access the port, an
"Operation aborted, modem not available" message was issued. And port operati
FIXED: when a modbus error Acknowledge (code 5) or Busy (code 6) occurred, an
error was reported in the events log and could not be filtered. The error is
reported as trace and can be filtered if required.
CHANGED-ADDED: When the WAN interface is configured on the WAN Ethernet, the
ethernet interface is really disabled and enabled when the WAN interface is
disabled or enabled. Previousely, only the gateway was removed, but the
interface remained active. REM: the link led goes off when disabled.
FIXED: When there was a non ascii character in the eWON name, Talk2M user login
or Talk2M user password, the Wizard did not work if these parameters were use
FIXED: in case the Eth1 or Eth2 IP address was invalid, the eWON COM config had
to be reset to recover. Additional check have been added to track invalid IP
address config.
ADDED: The Modem led displays the connected or disconnected state. On a GSM
modem, it now also shows the reception level. Please check the documentation
representation of the reception level.
ADDED: ISDN specific parameter: MSN. GSM: operator selection.
FIXED: when VPN is in "Listen for incoming VPN connection" mode, the "VPN Driver
Mode" (ComCfg.VPNDrvMode) is now forced to TUN to re-enable eCatcher or eWON
access. A reboot is required.
FIXED: when an FTP transfer to the eWON failed because the /usr file system was
full, the file was closed with an incomplete content. In that case, the parti
file is now deleted.
FIXED: when DHCP failed WAN connection did not fail, but no there was no
FIXED: After a full reset, the WAN connection type was not set correctly. User
had to use the "default config" button to have the 'real' default config.
ADDED: New global TCP timeout parameter for all IO servers. This parameters can
be used on slow TCP/IP networks where the old default 1000 MSec timeout was t
ADDED: S73/400 ioserver: PROFIBUS integration: eWON is now able to allow remote
programation and monitoring, as well as polling of S7 PLCs located on a PROFI
bus whithout disturbing the traffic.
ADDED: if PIN code is empty, the eWON will still check if the modem is not
already READY (the SIM does not require a PIN code)
FIXED: ABLOGIX ioserver: Device Address specified at tag level is now correctly
FIXED: When OpenVPN was configured to work through proxy, and the proxy was not
responding, the eWON rebooted with a watchdog in OpenVPN process. The VPN
process will now retry Proxy connection correctly.
FIXED: "Operation aborted, modem not available" was reported during
configuration although modem usage was not requested.
ADDED: Basic function: WAIT, added to monitor reception of data on TCP/UDP
FIXED: in case the "route all traffic through VPN" is selected and there is no
gateway defined in the eWON and the HTTP proxy was used, there was an error
message generated.
FIXED: the PT100 analog is now filtered by a sliding average on 8 values for
noise filtering.
CHANGED: the println command in JAVA has been optimized for buffered write
access to files. Writing byte per byte was quite slow on /usr files.
FIXED: When OpenVPN tries to resolve the VPN server but DNS request fails
continuously, and the VPN is being closed, the the system is blocked and a
watchdog occurs in the OpenVPN thread.
ADDED: Support for Endian VPN/Firewall server. See
ADDED: a trace is added in the event file when the callback is programmed.
FIXED: Socket number could leak if a TCP connection that was opened on a WAN
server is closed after the WAN (PPP or Ethernet) interface has been closed (i
other words: if the route to the server does not exists any more).

version 5.3s8
FIXED: DF1 IOServer: eWON was displaying wrong values when serial bus
desynchranisation occured
FIXED: parsing problem for server name (in,xx syntax)
prevented FTP transfer when a global server was specified. Problem could also
affect HTTP, SMTP and NTP).
FIXED/CHANGED: The GET x,y function applied to /usr files will return between 1
and y bytes when end of file is reached. Previously the function could only
return y bytes and the user had to compute the number of bytes left in the fi
for the last read.
FIXED: S73&400 io server: eWON MPI communication with PLCs is not anymore
disturbed when broadcast messages are exchanged between PLCS
FIXED: In some case, when a client FTP operation failed (PUTFTP or GETFTP), the
following operations executed on the same FTP server could also fail (the eWO
reported a "Server response timeout" error forever for example).
FIXED: When operator selection was set to automatic, the eWON sometime reported
an incorrect "operation selection failed" message.
version 5.3s7
FIXED: the bootloader upgrade upgrade could fail and the eWON needed to be sent
to factory for repair.
FIXED: Modbus did not work correctly for baud rates smaller than 2400 baud but
only in RS232/RS422 mode (not RS485).
FIXED: There was a cosmetic problem with the display of the Proxy external
interface in Internet Explorer when the proxy was disabled.

version 5.3s6
FIXED: DF1 IOSERVER: eWON is now able to act as gateway
between a CompactLogix
and a MicroLogix.

version 5.3s5
FIXED: S7&400 ioserver: global device address specification is now correctly
FIXED: When sensitive security mode is enabled, the existing user's password
were not encrypted. Now they are and the config changes are saved.
FIXED: a regression in firmware 5.3S4 prevented the $ctG (compression in export
bloc descriptor) from working.
ADDED: eproxy: proxy allow now to apply to WAN, PPP incoming and VPN external
FIXED: Added and validated support for Siemens S5 115U CPU 945 PLC.
ADDED: eproxy: Port and IP address information has been added to the "UDP
destination address conflict" error message
version 5.3s4
FIXED: STATIC ROUTES: event log message Add Static Route displays now correctly
the ip address and mask address
FIXED: S73&400 ioservers: global device address specification at tag level for
an ISOTCP connnection is now supported
FIXED: getftp of ewonfwr.edf over PPP connection failed with a n OUT OF MEMORY
error and the eWON rebooted.
FIXED: When the ewonfwr.edf file is transfered using the HTTPGet, FTPGET or JAVA
Loader, the eWON did not start the upgrade process. The eWON will now start t
upgrade process for these transfer as soon as they have successfully finished
CHANGE: Proxy sever label in Talk2M wizard signals that server NAME is not
accepted (only IP address).
FIXED: $dtTR (TAR export) did not support compression, except if $td argument
was using {} to enclose parameters AND if $td was the first tag after $dt.
ADDED: The tag definition content obtained through GetSys tag or any other
config export has an additional item called ALTYPE that can take the followin
values (see General User Guide: 'Alarm type values)
FIXED: ISDN protocol used for sending SMS (TAP/UCP) has been changed from V120
to X.75 for operator compliance.
CHANGED: All VPN eWONs default to Talk2m wizard and feature enabled (no need to
use BootOp parameter).
version 5.3s3
FIXED: In Talk2M (actually when using a TAP driver for VPN), the TPC memory
leaked until the VPN connection was closed. When the TCP memory reached 1MB,
eWON reboot (check done every 10 minutes).
FIXED: When there was a space character in the eWON name, Talk2M
user login or Talk2M user password, the Wizard did not work if these paramete
were used.
FIXED: T2M: If the WAN connection was active when the Wizard was started, the
eWON tried to start the WAN anyway, leading to incorrect behavior.
version 5.3s2
FIXED - CRITICAL: The watchdog mechanism was not working any more and the memory
overrun test was executed too often resulting in a firmware performance and
stability issue.
ADDED: the TEC (SMS) alarm protcol has been added.
FIXED: a bug in the ISDN modem could lead to occasional or frequent (depending
on modem) connection establishment failure and occasional PPP disconnections.
workaround has been implemented to avoid these problems.
FIXED: incorrectly reported error ("Operator selection failed") during modem
version 5.3s1
FIXED CRITICAL: This error introduced in version 5.3s0 happened at least 30
minutes after eWON has booted.
When an SMS is sent, the eWON reports an error:
"eppp-Modem inaccessible to PPP for a very long time"
This message was displayed after every SMS sent.
12 hours after the eWON had been started,
immediately after an SMS was sent, the eWON rebooted with a critical error:
"Modem inaccessible to PPP for a very long time".
REM the same error could occur if VCOM was configured and used on the modem p
FIXED: Problems with Talk2M wizard in French. Accented characters were not
displayed correctly in test results and "Termin " button was not displayed.
FIXED: MODBUS IOserver: status flag indicates the correct value now even when
the cable is disconnected
FIXED: DF1 IOserver: polling using direct ethernet connection works again.
version 5.3s0
ADDED: ABLOGIX IO server: Support of DF1 protocol to access directly connected
ABLOGIX PLCs has been added. This allows as well polling of tags than remote
FIXED: When "Ethernet WAN connection" is selected for "Internet access" the
"Maintain connection" checkbox is checked (and saved) in the Web GUI.
FIXED: IO server: A global configuration parameter TagPollMode has been defined.
When set to 1, tag polling is disabled for a given tag when a protocol error
occurs when reading this tag. When set to 0 (default case), tag is not disabl
when a protocol error occurs for this tag. The value of the TagPollMode
parameter is defined in the system section of the config.txt file
FIXED: when the real time graph min and max are equal a minimum scale of 2 units
is set to enhance readability.
FIXED: In Internet explorer (6 or 7), a large gap could appear between menu and
column header of viewIO or RT Alarm table due to the HTML generated (more
visible with large number of tags).
FIXED: A race condition in JVM shutdown when reading an event at the same time
could cause an illegal memory access reboot.
ADDED: Talk2M: The Wizard now includes a warning saying that "Internet
connection must be configured"
In case the internet connection is configured to
"None", an explicit error message is produced.
ADDED: Talk2M: A trace is now logged when the user request WAN disconnection
from eCatcher.
ADDED: Talk2M: if maintain connection is enabled on a modem internet connection,
then a warning is added during wizard operation.
FIXED: ABLOGIX ioserver: iosend command is now handled correctly when used with
the ABLOGIX ioserver.
FIXED: Talk2M: When clicking wizard "done" button an error page was displayed.
FIXED: encoding of date and time was not possible for dates in 1970. FCNV for
example did not work for year 1970.
FIXED: TAR EXPORT BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: Files belonging to a TAR EBD do not stay
anymore locked when a PUTFTP/PUTHTTP operation holding this EBD fails. It is
possible to delete this files even if the PUTFTP/PUTHTTP fails without
FIXED: There could be a conflict between the scheduled action manager and the
PPP modem manager when both tried to access the modem. This could result in
longer modem detection and modem reset operations. Sometimes the SMS operatio
could fail.
ADDED: DF1, ABLOGIX IO server: it is now possible using EIP to poll PLC tags
located on a DH+ network, behind a controllogix (equipped with an EIP card an
one or more DHRIO cards).
FIXED: using ISDN, SMS transmission failed in the TAP and UCP protocol failed on
most provider that required V.120 protocol. The eWON now uses the V.120 proto
for UCP and TAP.
FIXED: ABLOGIX, DF1 IOserver: eWON reads now the integer typed tags as signed
ADDED: Feature EF0006 disable viewON from the eWON
FIXED: ISDN eWON with faulty DTR signal will now work because modem is
configured to ignore the DTR signal.
version 5.2s1
FIXED: when WAN and VPN were established and Talk2M wizard was started, the
wizard failed in the UDP connectivity test and the HTTP mode was used.
FIXED: PROXY: UDP proxy ports are now still working even when a communication
error occurs on the sockets implementing the proxy service on this port.
FIXED: IOSERVER S7200: downloading of programs with MICRO/WIN is working now.
CHANGED: GET on a TCP file returned an empty string when the socket had been
closed by the other side. Now GET returns an error when the socket has been
FIXED: IOSERVERS: all IO servers support now lower and uppercase for tag
addressing (including status tag)
FIXED: Error texts where missing for AS511 error codes 30130 and 30131.
FIXED: When the firmware was transfered and during the transfer the eWON status
where read (INF block), the transfer failed with an incorrect checksum error.
The error was reported during long transfers through GPRS.
ADDED: FCNV and SFMT basic commands have an additional conversion type to
convert time from string to integer (number of seconds since 1/1/1970) and th
ADDED: Alarm hint has been added to the rt_alm.txt file.
CHANGED: IP address is now hard coded to avoid DNS error during
talk2m wizard. Talk2M VPN server uses now hard ip address as first server and in second position
ADDED: When the "Ethernet WAN connection" is selected in the "Internet access"
configuration, the "Maintain connection" checkbox is now automatically checke
CHANGED: The alarm "activation delay" is now also applicable after the alarm
return to normal state. Previously the alarm was triggered immediately when i
RTN mode.
FIXED: the VCOM Inactivity Timeout parameter did not work, even if its value was
different from 0 it worked as if it was 0 (disabled)
CHANGED: NFR (Demo units) eWON will not be blocked any more after 12 hours. A
"Demo Unit" message is displayed on the eWON welcome page.
version 5.2s0
FIXED: S73&400 ioserver: eWON recovers now automatically from "Offline State"
ADDED: configurable unconnected action timeout. Normal watchdog mechanism will
start at expiration of this timer.
ADDED: Reporting of tag errors has been improved: Tags in error are reported and
are not polled anymore unless explicit polling reinitialisation of the IO ser
by the Operator using web interface
ADDED: Getsys PRG,"VPNIP" returns if VPN not connected or the VPN IP
address if VPN is connected.
ADDED: VPNIP value is added to the estat.htm or
$dtES info bloc.
FIXED: the Modbus advanced "TcpPort" parameter was only applied when the serial
port was opened.
FIXED: When an empty passphrase for VPN was entered, and the eWON tried to use
it it caused an eWON reboot on watchdog.
FIXED: When the eWON called back a user and the user connected to the eWON
through VPN, the eWON hung up after the "Wait for user login for" time, even
the user had connected to the web site.
FIXED: The "IP services configuration" page was not accessible on eWON 500
FIXED: "INF" bloc was not working in Getsys, Setsys operations.
FIXED: In UNITE IO server, it was impossible to disable "Force Unitelway V2"
from the config web page.
FIXED: the SNMP Host 1 entry was displayed rwice.
ADDED: 2 additional fields added to the estat - INF bloc: DskUsrFree,
DskUsrTotal for flash partition monitoring.
CHANGED: IOServers: The error message "Protocol Error while reading Tag (Tag
Name)" has been changed to: "Protocol Error while reading Tag (Tag Name -
Polling disabled for this tag)". This change apply for all IOservers.
CHANGED: S7200, S73&400 IOServers: the Tag Error messages "Error in read
subrequest response" and "Class error in read response" are now reported as
FIXED: S73&400 server: Invalid Diagnostic error message (S74srv-Error in read
subrequest response) is not displayed anymore at startup when a status tag is
defined together with other tags.
FIXED: Proxy: Watchdog does not occur anymore at eWON startup when early update
of configuration has to be done.
ADDED: LayDir parameter
ADDED: 2 additional fields added to the estat - INF bloc: CfgFreeMem, PrgFreeMem
for config memory monitoring.
version 5.1 S2
FIXED: When serial debug was enabled on VCOM ports, the eWON could crash because
of illegal memory access.
FIXED: S73&400 ioserver: Boolean Tag polling problem solved
FIXED: When 'maintain connection' was enabled, AND it was not posssible to
establish the WAN connection. The unconnected actions (PUTFTP, GETFTP ...)wer
pending for ever (In Progress)
FIXED: MaxDeltaReg could not be bigger than 10, MaxDeltaCoil could not be bigger
than 100. If bigger values where entered the eWON crashed with illegal memory
access. New values are MaxDeltaReg <=124 and MaxDeltaCoil <= 256 (limits are
FIXED: when restoring a config with modbus IOServer used, the eWON generated an
error and modbus was not configured
ADDED: If an integer is passed to the Basic SetTime function, the function take
the paramter as seconds since 1/1/1970
FIXED: When using PutFTP with an inexistant FTP server address, then eWON did
not free the socket resulting in an eWON reboot when too many socket were
FIXED: After a full reset the Modem Init String was empty, now it takes the
default value according to the installed modem.
CHANGED: added +CSNS=4 to gsm default init string to force data call when not
specified by operator.
FIXED: The reset timeout was too short for some older GSM modem (Type 1) that
could lead to multiple reset sequence and slow (to no) detection
version 5.1 S1
CHANGED: Default value for "Force Unitelway V2" in UNITE IO Server is now TRUE.
FIXED: an invalid error message was issued in the events file at every
reconfiguration of the modbus IO server (error code: 22509).
FIXED: Modbus at 600 baud was not working because of the inter char delay value
FIXED: routes are added even if a gateway does not respond to ARP request. There
could be a problem when route were added while the gateway was unavailable. I
that case, the gateway could be omited.
FIXED: When:
- The eWON could accept incoming PPP calls
- The 'Use incoming
for outgoing' option is selected (meaning the PPP connection must be confi
as a default gateway)
- An Ethernet gateway was configured
- The eWON had only
one ethernet interface
- Internet connection was set to 'None'
Then, when the incoming PPP communication was closed, the ethernet gateway wa
s not
FIXED: Incorrect behaviour for eWON with an ethernet WAN interface, when 'Use
incoming for outgoing' is enabled on PPP and a call is received, the WAN gate
is lost and WAN com is disrupted. Now WAN gateway is not modified any more.
FIXED: It was not possible to display the MPI station popup on WebPort
FIXED: When the basic was started with a cyclic section. If at the same time the
user tries to browse the eWON web site he may trigger an HTTP watchdog. This
only happened if the user browse the web site during the first 3 minutes afte
eWON boot and when a cyclic section is actively running.
version 5.1 S0
CHANGED: Unitelway IO server default value for "Force unitelway V2" has been
changed to TRUE, as this improves communication quality. This is the default
value when a new config is created for the IO server.
FIXED: S73/400 IO Server: List of active stations is now updated when the MPI
address of the eWON is reconfigured.
FIXED: S73/400 IO Server: implicit routing feature is now working with S7400s
even if the CPU is not located in the slot 2 of the rack.
FIXED: in some rare case, the eWON web server could enter a state where it did
not respond to any new request. FTP, and all other services were still workin
but Web server seemed dead.
ADDED: it is now possible to upgrade the boot loader (bootldr.bin). This is
required for supporting futur 5.2 firwmare.
FIXED: S73/400 IO Server: MPI sesssion establishment does now succeed with
315-2DP PLC models.
ADDED: DF1 IO Server: Add support for PLC5 PLCs
FIXED: The Enable IP Forwarding check box was not displayed any more in the user
interface (Update was still possible using the comcfg.txt RTEnIpFwrd field).
FIXED: restore of backup.tar files in the eWON using eBuddy or directly by
droping the files in the eWON by FTP had a random behaviour. Sometimes, some
files were not restored.
version 5.0 S7
ADDED: S73/400 IO Server: MPI implicit routing feature. When the S73/400
IOserver receives ISOTCP requests containing only a local TSAP, it will forwa
the requests to the Destination MPI node configured in the gateway configurat
FIXED: When the "Internet Access", "Network Connection" is set to "No Internet
Access", and an outgoing connection (like SENDMAIL or PUTFTP) must occur, but
the eWON has no gateway defined, then eWON can enter an infinite loop that en
with a watchdog in process "unact"
FIXED: S73/400 IO server: eWON now leaves slow poll mode when Status tag is
ADDED: S73/400 IO Server: display of MPI neighbours 'inring' station status to
make MPI configuration more user friendly
FIXED: All IO servers now actually enter in slow poll mode even if the status
tag is not defined. Polling rate is now adapted.
ADDED: S73/400 IO Server: MPI communication efficiency improved using the MPI
bus access control information. When a destination MPI station is not detecte
as 'inring' the application commands are not sent anymore to the bus, and a n
protocol error is immediately returned to the application. In the case of tag
polling the ioserver enters in slow poll mode when the number of retries is
FIXED: S73&400 IO server: MPI sessions are now closed correctly for all S7300
PLC models.
FIXED: FINS gateway was not listening on port 9600 in release 5.0
FIXED: FINS: FINS gateway was not working in UDP mode
FIXED: GMT Offset edition now allows fractional GMT offset (in the config.txt
the offset is anyway stored in seconds)
FIXED: Critical issue: when the file system (/usr) was corrupted it could be
impossible to perform a "button full reset", only the Power and DO led were o
after boot and eWON had to be sent for repair.
ADDED: There is a new "advanced" TCP parameter in ModbusIO server configuration
called 'TcpPort' that can be used to change the default 502 port used when eW
connects to a ModbusTCP server. If not specified the 502 default value is use
This Port value is used for all ModbusTCP client connections.
ADDED: S5 AS511 IO server now supports additional format modifier. The following
where existing: B (byte), W (word), D (signed DWord), the following has been
added C (char -128 -> +127), S (short: -32768 -> +32767). The DWORD itement
cannot be accessed as unsigned elements.
version 5.0 S6
FIXED: When the 'Storage' configuration was configured with a /sys size of 0 MB,
it was not possible to perform a backup/restore of eWON.
FIXED: the Basic additional timeout paramter for OPEN "tpc:..." was not used and
internal default 75 seconds was used instead.
FIXED: DF1 IO server: S tags are now writable
ADDED: FINS IO server: new data types added
FIXED: S73/400 IO server: MPI Response Timeout is now configurable
FIXED: S7200 IO server: PPI reply timeout is now configurable
FIXED: S73/400 IO server: MPI is now compatible with CPU416-2 K04 model
ADDED: QWAVE IO server trace facilities
FIXED: QWAVE IO server: events retrieval algorithm improved by changing the
start time of retrieval
FIXED: S73/400 IO server: polling of the correct DBs is now done when multiple
DBs are polled simultaneously.
ADDED: QWAVE IO server: optional QWAVE login procedure
FIXED: S73/400 IO Server: CPU416-2 DP (S7400) is now supported by eWON.
version 5.0 S5
IMPORTANT: since this revision, when the eWON has an out of memory
condition, it will reboot with a critical error. The previous behaviour
was to try and recover from the situation but usualy resulted in unstability.
Some eWON that seemed to work with stressed memory condition could now
reboot with this error message in the event log.
FIXED: When a huge and fake HTTP request (URL 1>MB) was sent to the eWON a
memory corruption could occur causing the system to lockup until power is
FIXED: DF1 ioserver was not able to poll MicroLogix 1100 using ethernet port.
FIXED: DF1 ioserver was not able to read or update tags defined with an element
number (address inside the file item) equal to 255
FIXED: The advanced USecDelay for MODBUS IO server was not applied at boot time,
but only when config was changed.
FIXED: eWON "version codename" did not contain the language preventing eBuddy
from displaying the eWON's language
FIXED: D01 was not working on all eWON except 1002/4102/4002
version 5.0 S4
FIXED: FINS ioserver: Handling of device addresses defined at tag level was not
done correctly
CHANGED: Better NTP protocol implementation. The message round trip time between
eWON and the NTP server is now compensated.
FIXED: When the s73&400 ioserver of the eWON was busy polling a given PLC and
this one was rebooted it resulted in the reboot of the eWON as well by watchd
FIXED: DF1 ioserver didn't read/write correctly Input/Outputs of the MicroLogix
FIXED: When default MPI address was left empty in the configuration, address 1
was used instead of 0. The default value is now correctly set to 0.
FIXED: Memory config other than default could lead to incorrect behaviour and
reboot loop until full reset.
On eWON with 8MB Flash (all non VPN eWON), then following problem occures:
If a memory config with a /sys parition size of 0 (3 last options in the m
is selected, the eWON will reboot continuousely until a full reset is perf
On VPN eWON (with 16MB flash):
If a memory config with a /usr partition size of 4 MB (last option of the
is selected, the config will be stored in the /usr partition instead of th
hidden /sys partition, this may cause trouble if the user formats the /usr
FIXED: DF1 and ABLOGIX ioservers were using value 0 as Ethernet/IP port to
establish connections to AB PLCs
FIXED: Edition if EWON or QWAVE IO server config through web access returned an
version 5.0 S3
FIXED: ewon.cgi shortcut was not protected. It is now protected by Web
FIXED: On eWON with only 1 ethernet interface, when a gateway was defined, it
was never used. Now the Gateway is configured as a default gateway all the ti
IF the "Internet connection" is configured to "No Internet access" (Otherwise
the PPP connection is the gateway)
FIXED: When a WAN connection failed (PPP dialout failure for example) during a
Sendmail, PutFtp, NtpSync, etc. A watchdog could occure in the scheduled acti
process (unact).
FIXED: MPI upload/download of PLC failed when CPU was not in Rack 0 Slot 2
FIXED: S73/400 ioserver last variable of a DB block could not be read
FIXED: During harwdare reset and reconfiguration of MPI bus parameters, the eWON
disrupted the MPI bus and other devices went temporarily offline
FIXED: When dialing in an eWON with PPP, the reported IP address was for
the PPP interface (reported address was invalid but connection was working).
ADDED: FCNV Basic function was extended and SFMT function was added to make it
easier to write custom protocol (easier frame decoding and coding).
CHANGED: User's password are now encrypted in the configuration (config.txt) if
the "encrypt sensitive data" flag of the COM Cfg is set.
version 5.0 S2
FIXED: the default value for "Number of rings before modem answers" in
configuration web page was invalid (was 0), it has been changed to 1.
FIXED: PUTFTP and GETFTP code was broken in version 5. The eWON crashed with an
"illegal memory access" error for some specific PUTFTP, GETFTP parameters
FIXED: the default value displayed (was 0) for "Reset budget period" in the
configuration web page was invalid.
FIXED: the web server connect window now displays the eWON's identification in
the "realm" field.
FIXED: source name reported in event log was incorrect for elog, unact and
ADDED: The OPEN "tcp:..." basic command has been extended to support an OPTIONAL
additional "connection timeout" parameter. If present the timeout is separate
from the port number by a ',' and specified in seconds (ex:
ADDED: BREAK support added to VCOM in RFC2217. The Break status from the client
side in now applied to the eWON port (REM: a break on the eWON port is not
reported on the client port)
version 5.0 S1
FIXED: Wrong values read when group of tags of same memory type are defined in S
and S7300/400 IO Server
FIXED: Update of Counter memory type tags impossible with S7200 IO Server
version 5.0 S0
- New GUI
- MPI Support
- VPN Support

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