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3 Endurance: Before You Begin

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· Endurance is a physical ability to withstand exercises that take a long time, whether they are sports or every-
day activities, without becoming too tired.

· Endurance activities have major positive effects on health, and focus on enhancing the way our cardio-respi-
ratory system works.


· To find out what endurance is and understand how your own body functions in relation to this capacity.
· To assess the benefits, risks and contraindications that might be encountered in the regular and systematic
practice of endurance exercises for improving our health and quality of life.
· To take it upon ourselves to carry out suitable physical activities to improve our health and endurance.


A. What is endurance? B. To understand... C. How can we improve our endu-

A.1. The concept of endurance. B.1. The blood circulation system.
C.1. Non-stop running.
A.2. Types of endurance. B.2. The respiratory system.
C.2. Circuit training.
A.3. Why work on endurance? B.3. The heart rate.
C.3. Progress tests.
A.1. What is endurance? 3
A person who has endurance can go on doing exercise much lon-
ger without getting tired. A person is said to have endurance when they
are capable of running or swimming for a long time, playing a game of
football or going for a walk in the mountains, etc. and then picking up
with their normal daily routine without suffering from such exertion.

Endurance is the physical ability that enables a person to carry out

a task for a prolonged length of time, either tolerating or delaying the
onset of fatigue.
A.2. Types of endurance

When referring to physical activity, the term intensity indicates to

which degree or level it is required. In endurance exercises, intensity
relates to the number of heart beats: a high heart rate means that the
activity is being performed with too much intensity.

In exercises where the exertion is high-intensity -a sprint, for instance,

in which the pulse rate can exceed 180 beats per minute (180 bpm)- the DID YOU
type of endurance developed is anaerobic, which means that it is per- KNOW THAT...?
formed with a lack of oxygen. In very intense anaerobic exercises, the per-
son cannot go on for long as they are soon overcome with fatigue. · In exercises that require high-
intensity exertion, the muscle cells
On the other hand, since aerobic or long-term physical exercises - do not receive enough oxygen to
walking, slow swimming, cycling, dancing, etc., ranging from several produce energy, and after a time
minutes to several hours - are conducted with slow or moderate inten- they stop working. Exhaustion due
sity with the intervention of large muscle groups, the person can remain to a lack of oxygen is similar to
what happens when a lighted can-
active for much longer without feeling tired.
dle is covered with a glass.






A.3. Why work on aerobic endurance?

· Furthermore, in anaerobic exer-
In aerobic endurance activities, you can go on doing exercise for cises, the person stops earlier
because the muscles use up all the
much longer since the onset of fatigue is delayed. Aerobic exercises
energy available in just a few sec-
can have a major effect on health. onds and fatigue sets in.


· It improves the blood circulation system: Increases the size of the heart,
lowers blood pressure, greater number of capillaries, etc.

· It enhances the functioning of the respiratory system:

enhances lung capacity and the use of oxygen.

· The muscles adapt to exercise: the person gets less tired

when doing everyday activities that require exertion.

· It improves a person's state of mind.

Jesús P. Pérez Cerdán PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S BOOK Kip Kiné Ediciones 13
3 B.1. The respiratory system
· Breathing well during endurance
activities delays the onset of fati-
Physical aerobic endurance activities require a special sort of inter- gue and enables the person to go
vention by the cardio-respiratory system, which is formed by the respi- on doing exercise for much longer.
ratory system and the circulatory system.
· You should not hold your breath
Through the respiratory system we obtain the oxygen our body's in.The person should also be able
cells need to carry out the reactions to produce energy and stay alive. to speak to a companion in the
race with complete normality.
At rest people breathe in about 12 times per minute. When they do
· Inhaling through your nose and
exercise, their breathing rate increases because the cells need an extra exhaling through your mouth will
intake of oxygen. avoid irritating the airways.
Blood with Blood with
oxygen carbon
Nostrils dioxide
Mouth Pharynx
(or windpipe)
Blood with
Blood with carbon
oxygen dioxide
Bronchioles Right Left
Carbon dioxide exits auricle auricle
the blood in the pulmonary
alveoli and oxygen enters it.
B.2. The circulatory system

The circulatory system comprises the heart and the network of

blood vessels that take the blood to every part of the body.

The heart pumps blood with

oxygen and nutrients to all the
body's cells.

4 1 Right Left
When the blood ventricle ventricle
flows into the heart, it The blood is oxygenated
in the lungs and taken to
is expelled to the DID YOU
lungs for oxygenation. the heart. From there, it is
expelled from the left ven- KNOW THAT...?
tricle and taken to every · If the alveoli were unwound, the
part of the body via the total inner surface of the lungs
arteries. would be 180 m2 (1,937 sq ft):
over two thirds of the size of a ten-
3 nis court.
The de-oxygenated blood · If all the arteries, arterioles, veins
returns to the heart through The red corpuscles in the and capillaries of the human body
the veins. blood take oxygen to the were laid out in a straight line, they
cells via tiny capillaries and would extend for a distance of
pick up carbon dioxide. approximately 80,000 km (49,710
miles): about14 times the perime-
ter of Spain.
· As with any other muscle, exer-
cise leads to cardiac hypertrophy,
that is to say, the heart becomes
bigger to enable it to work better.

14 Jesús P. Pérez Cerdán PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S BOOK Kip Kiné Ediciones
B.3. The heart rate

The heart or pulse rate measures how fast the heart beats. At rest
a normal heart beats about 70 times per minute, and when you do exer-
cise, it beats faster to send more oxygen and nutrients to the body's

In order for physical exercise to be healthy, you should never exce-

ed the maximum heart rate, which is calculated by subtracting the per-
son's age from 220.

The pulse rate is taken by applying the thumb and index finger on the
carotid artery, beneath the lower jaw. It can also be located by placing Carotid artery
your index and middle fingers on your wrist, beneath the base of the
thumb. Normally the pulse is counted for 15 seconds and the number of
beats is multiplied by 4, which indicates the heart rate per minute.

When doing exercise, it is important to stop and check your heart

rate every so often. Physical exercise is considered to be aerobic when
the heart rate per minute is kept between 60% and 85% of the perso-
n's maximum heart rate. Radial pulse


1. Find out your heart rate per minute: lying down on your bed, after remaining seated KEY
for several minutes, standing up, after doing exercise, etc. Is there any change? What do ASPECTS
you think the reason is?
· The heart rate indicates the
2. The recovery time or the time the heart rate takes to return to normal after exer- adaptation of the heart to the
tion, indicates the person's adaptation to the exercise. exercise: the less time the pulse
rate takes to get back to its rest
- While your partner times you, do the skipping exercise for 20 seconds at maximum value after a bout of exertion, the
speed. Take your pulse rate as soon as you stop. Repeat the same exercise 3 minutes greater the person's degree of
later. Compare the results with those of your classmates. Whose pulse rate has gone adaption.
back to 80 bpm soonest? What might that indicate?
Pulsations at · The heart rate per minute indi-
Pulsations Pulsations
in rest the conclusion passed 3 minutes
cates the intensity of an activity: a
of the exercise heart rate above 170 bpm while
doing exercise is associated with
- In 15 seconds: - In 15 seconds: - In 15 seconds: high intensity.

- (x4) In 1 minute: - (x4) In 1 minute: - (x4) In 1 minute:


3. Aerobic endurance improves when the heart rate is between 60% and 85% of the · Perseverance. It is impossible to
maximum heart rate (220 heart beats - the person's age). Therefore, for an aerobic improve your endurance in just one
workout, a 13-year-old should reach 124 bpm. (60%) and not exceed 176 bpm (85%). day's training. Here are some fun
ways to work on it: accompanied by
- With the help of your teacher music, running with other people, etc.
or a classmate to time you, do Heart rate
10 laps on a 100-metre track, per minute
taking about 40 seconds for
each lap.

- At the end of laps 4, 7 and 10,

stop and check your pulse for
15 seconds and jot it down.

- With the results obtained, fill in

a chart and comment on: whe-
ther our heart bpm have stayed
between the limits for aerobic Lap 4 Lap 7 Lap 10

Jesús P. Pérez Cerdán PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S BOOK Kip Kiné Ediciones 15
C. How can we improve our endurance? DID YOU
3 C.1. Non-stop running
· While still at the growing stage,
running for too long may lead to
Non-stop running consists of running for an extended period of time
bone or muscle problems.
at a steady, even pace on flat and preferably soft terrain.

Running means repeating cyclic movements of the legs known as

strides. This characteristic may lead to an overload on the muscles and
joints, which does not necessarily need to cause any adverse effects if
you use a good running technique.

C.2. Circuit training

Circuit training is a method that involves doing gym exercises for a

set amount of time, and alternating between periods of work and rest.
· As a general rule, it is good for a
To design a circuit, first of all, 6, 8, 10 or more exercises are selec- child to be able to run twice the
ted. Then the time for the workout periods is determined - ranging from number of minutes as their age in
10 to 30 seconds - and the rest periods, which should last between 10 years.
and 40 seconds. The work and rest periods can always last the same
length of time, or they can vary: 20 seconds of work, with 30 seconds' · Regarding distance, it is not consi-
dered to be a good idea to run
rest, 15 and 25, etc.
more kilometres than half the num-
ber of years of the runner's age.
C.3. Progress tests

Several progress tests are used to assess a person's endurance KEY

level. The tests also enable us to observe our own development over ASPECTS
the course of time. The beep test entails covering a distance of 20
metres repeatedly for as long as possible. CIRCUIT TRAINING

· Move from one side to the other, beginning each segment when the · The exercises should not be
digitally recorded signal is given. Apart from the acoustic signals, a excessive. If they can be repeated
voice announces the level you are on: the more levels you complete, 10 to 40 times in a row without
the better your result on the test will be. the onset of fatigue, they will acti-
vate the cardio-respiratory
· If you hear a beep but you have not managed to reach the line, you
should abandon the test, remembering what level was mentioned the · To develop aerobic endurance, it
last time you heard the beep. is preferable for the rest periods
to be longer than the work


· Longer-lasting sports involving

TO LEARN, YOU NEED TO PRACTISE the intervention of large areas of
· Implement the following circuit training programme, with 15-second work periods muscle mass (swimming, skating,
and 25-second rest periods. Doing it once forms a set: Before starting the second set, etc.) develop aerobic endurance.
you should take a 3-minute rest. At the end, check your pulse to see whether your Also team and racket sports, as
workout was aerobic. the breaks in play mean that you
can remain active for longer.

1. Skipping rope. 2. Lift one leg and then the other alternately. 3. Skipping. 4. Stepping on
and off a bench. 5.Throwing and catching the ball without letting it touch the ground.

16 Jesús P. Pérez Cerdán PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S BOOK Kip Kiné Ediciones

- What factors does endurance depend on? DID YOU

· The capacity of the respiratory and circu- · Some footballers have managed to
latory systems. run up to 17 kilometres in a match.
However, on average they usually run
People who have done a lot of exercise about 8 kilometres, and from 23 to
in their youth develop a larger heart and 28 minutes divided into periods of
respiratory system. A large heart, which exertion lasting just a few seconds.
pumps more blood, and large lungs can · Altogether, a footballer usually makes
keep up an endurance activity with less somewhere between 132 and 180
fatigue. runs. Of these, 60 include sprinting
10-30 metres. 2,100 metres (2,296
yards) are covered at great speed,
· The number of mitochondria. With the habit of doing exercise, the
4,100m (4,483 yards) at a slower
muscle fibres work more efficiently since they increase the number of pace and 500m (546 yards) going
mitochondria, where energy is produced. backwards.

· Type of muscle fibre. There are two types of fibre in muscles: white or
fast twitch fibre, and red or slow twitch fibre. White fibres contract very
quickly but soon exhaust the energy available. Red fibres contract
slowly and can remain active much longer. The more red fibres a per-
son has, the greater their endurance will be.

· Energy. Muscle cells store ATP, glucose, glycogen and fats. This fuel
produces the energy required to keep up any type of exertion, with an
increase in reserves leading to an improvement in endurance.

· Age. Although endurance increases with age, it plateaus out at the

age of 13 or 14, after which there is another spurt of growth.


Maximum level
for a trained person
Maximum level
for a sedentary person

Trained person

Sedentary person

8 12 14 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 Years
Childhood Adolescence Youth Middle Age Old age
and Puberty

· Intensity of the exercise. If the intensity of the activity is not high, it can REMEMBER
be kept up for quite a long period of time. Thus, intensity determines
how long exertion and endurance can last. · In what ways are aerobic and
anaerobic endurance different?
· Can you cite 2 positive effects on
TO LEARN, YOU NEED TO PRACTISE health caused by improving aero-
bic endurance?
1. Many games are used to improve endurance while having fun at the same time. With · Why does the heart rate increase
your classmates, draw up a list of games and practise them in class. when you do physical exercise?
· Explain the procedure for finding
2. What is your favourite sport? How can you work on endurance to improve in that out your heart rate per minute.
sport? · What drawbacks can arise from
non-stop running?
3. Interview a sportsman or woman from your town or city.What importance do they · What elements should be taken
give to endurance in their sport? What training methods or exercises do they do to into account when designing cir-
improve this aspect? How many days a week do they work on it? cuit training?

Jesús P. Pérez Cerdán PHYSICAL EDUCATION. STUDENT'S BOOK Kip Kiné Ediciones 17

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