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24 PG Study Guide Study Guide Afaa 1

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SECTION I: Essentials of Exercise
Read Chapters 3-7 and refer to Appendix C: Glossary of Terms
A. Health and Well-being
1. List eight (8) health benefits associated with regular participation in physical activity.(Table
3.1 pg 17)
-Lower risk of coronary heart disease, lower risk of high blood pressure, lower risk for
type 2 diabetes, lower risk of breast cancer, reduced depression, cardiorespiratory and
muscular fitness, lower risk for colon cancer, and prevention of weight gain.
2. How can interval training improve aerobic performance(pg.18)?
-Maximizes aerobic power and minimizes boredom.
3. List three (3) physiological adaptations that occur to improve exercise performance and
state how or why improvement occurs.
- 1. Increased maximal blood flow - Performing aerobic exercise forces large volumes of
blood which increases stroke volume. 2. Increased oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide
removal - The cardiorespiratory system saturates blood coming from the lungs with
oxygen efficiently. The high pulmonary ventilation assists with the removal of carbon
dioxide during exercise. 3. Increased maximal oxygen uptake and aerobic power -
Regular aerobic exercise causes an increase in the number of capillaries per muscle

B. Energy Metabolism
1. Define energy and its food source
- Energy is the ability to do work and the source of energy is the sun.
2. Define ATP.
-Adenosine triphosphate is an organic compound and hydrotrope that provides energy
to drive many processes in living cells.
C. Energy Pathways (pg37 Table 4.1)
1. Anaerobic Pathway
a. ATP-CP system/phosphagen system
1) Fuel Source= creatine phosphate
2) Intensity= very high
3) Duration= very short (1-15 sec)
4) List three (3) examples of activities that utilize this system.
Activities = sprinting, jumping, throwing, kicking, lifting heavy weights
b. Lactic Acid system (Anaerobic Glycolysis)
1) Fuel Source= carbohydrate only
2) Intensity= high / moderate
3) Duration= short / medium (45-90 sec)
4) List three (3) examples of activities that utilize this system.
prolonged sprints, soccer, basketball, hockey, swimming, cycling
2. Aerobic Pathway
a. Aerobic System
1) Fuel Source= COH, fat, protein
2) Intensity= moderate / low

3) Duration= medium / very long (>3-5 mins)
4) List three (3) examples of activities that utilize this system.
sitting, reading, studying, watching TV, internet surfing, sleeping,
walking, biking, rowing, skating, distance running, aerobics _

D. Terminology—Define the Following Terms.

1. Aerobic: Aerobic is with oxygen or the presence of oxygen.
2. Anaerobic: Anaerobic is without oxygen; usually w/short-spurt, high-energy
3. Steady State: After first 3-4 minutes of exercise, oxygen uptake has reached an
adequate level to meet oxygen demand of the tissues; heart rate, cardio output,
and pulmonary ventilation have attained fairly constant levels.
4. Excess Post-Oxygen Consumption (EPOC): Oxygen debt referring to oxygen uptake
remaining elevated above resting levels for several minutes during recovery.
5. Oxygen Deficit: Period in which the level of oxygen consumption is below what is
necessary to supply ATP production.
6. Anaerobic Threshold: Point at which the body can no longer meet its demand for
oxygen and anaerobic metabolism is accelerated.
7. Aerobic Capacity: Ability of the body to remove oxygen from the air and transfer it
through the lungs and blood to the working muscles; related to cardiorespiratory
8. Lactic Acid: By-product of anaerobic metabolism of glucose; milk sugar.

E. Aerobic vs. Anaerobic

Read and note the following differences between aerobic and anaerobic energy systems

1. Complete breakdown of glucose 1. Partial breakdown of glucose
2. Can utilize carbohydrates, fats or 2. Can only use carbohydrates as fuel
proteins as fuel
3. Long duration activity 3. Short Duration activity
4. Smaller EPOC 4. Greater EPOC
5. Submaximal work (moderate intensity) 5. Maximal output (high intensity)
6. CO2 and H2O are end products 6. Lactic acid is the by-product
7. Uses oxygen in chemical breakdown7. Doesn’t need O2 in chemical
F. Cardiorespiratory System
Define the following terms.
1. Stroke Volume: Volume of blood ejected by each ventricle of the heart during a
single systole.
2. Cardiac Output: Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute
3. Venous Return: Pumping action of the muscles in extremities and respiratory
system along with venoconstriction to move oxygen-poor blood back to the

4. Blood Pooling: Condition caused by ceasing vigorous exercise too abruptly so that
blood remains in the extremities and may not be delivered quickly enough to the
heart and brain.
5. Vital Capacity: Greatest volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after the
deepest inspiration.
6. Valsalva Maneuver: Dangerous condition that can occur if an individual holds their
breath forming an unequal pressure in the brain. Dizziness, temporary loss of
consciousness may occur.
7. Blood Pressure Norms: Resting BP for healthy person averages about 120/80. High
BP is considered 140/90+

1. Define the anatomical terms.

a. Joint: The point at which two or more bones meet and movement occurs:
synovial, non-synovial.
b. Ligament: Bands or sheet-like fibrous tissues connecting bone-to-bone and
reinforces joints from dislocation, non-elastic, limited ROM.
c. Tendon: Band of dense fibrous tissues forming the termination of a muscle
and attaching muscle to the bone with minimum elasticity.
d. Cartilage: White, semi-opague fiborous connective tissue; cushions and
prevents wear on articular surfaces?
2. Describe the following anatomical terms.
a. Anterior/Posterior: Front and Back of the body.
b. Medial/Lateral: Midline of the body/Head to trunk.
c. Supine/Prone: Lying on back/lying on stomach.
d. Superior/Inferior: Upper and lower half of the body.
e. Unilateral/Bilateral: One side of body affected / both sides equally affected
3. Describe how these anatomical planes divide the body.
a. Horizontal (transverse): Cutting the body and dividing it A. Sagittal
into top and bottom. B. Frontal
b. Sagittal: Separates the body into right and left sides of the C. Transverse
c. Frontal: Cuts the body into front and back sides crated the
anterior and posterior planes of the body.

B. Kinesiology
1. Define the following joint actions.
a. Flexion: Bending of a joint between two bones
b. Extension: Increasing the angle between two bones -
straightening previously in flexion
c. Abduction: Movement AWAY from the midline of body
d. Adduction: Movement TOWARDS the middle of body
e. Rotation: Movement around the axis
f. Circumduction: Movement in which an extremity describes a 360-degree circle
2. Define the following muscle terms.

a. Agonist: Muscle that is a prime mover, directly responsible for a particular
b. Antagonist: Muscle that acts in opposition to the action.
c. Primary Movers: Muscles that perform movement.
d. Assistors: Muscle that help perform the same task.
e. Stabilizers: Muscle that contracts with no significant movement to maintain
posture or fixate a joint.
3. Define the following muscular contractions (also referred to as muscle
a. Isometric: Tension increases, but muscle length remains the same
b. Concentric: Muscle shortens as positive work is done against gravity
c. Eccentric: Muscle fibers lengthen through range of motion
d. Isotonic: Tension remains constant as muscle shortens and lengthens
e. Isokinetic: Movements where muscles shorten at a constant rate (can't be done
w/o specialized equipment)
4. Which three (3) of the muscle contractions listed above are used in a group exercise
setting? (See chapter 17, “Basic Exercise Standards and Guidelines,” for common
methods of muscular strength and endurance training.) Concentric (Shorting phase),
Eccentric (Lengthening phase), Isometric ( Static).
5. Describe fast twitch muscle fibers and slow twitch muscle fibers: Slow twitch (type 1 fibers,
designed for prolonged submaximal aerobic activity), Fast twitch (type 2 able to generate quick,
high intensity contractions).
6. List the musculoskeletal benefits of the following.
a. Weight–bearing activities: Increase bone density
b. Increased muscular strength: Increase both physical appearance and physical
c. Increased muscular flexibility: Improves tissues and helps facilitate movement.
7. List three (3) postural deviations of the back: Scolious, Kyphosis, Lordosis
8. Define the stretch reflex, its purpose, and when it occurs: Muscle contraction in response to
muscle stretching within the muscle that maintains constant length.
9. Explain why ballistic movements can be dangerous: When ballistic movements are used, the
muscle spindles sense the quick changes in the muscle length and cause a muscular contraction.
10. Draw a diagram of a simple lever with a fulcrum:

SECTION II: Essentials of Nutrition

Read chapter 8 and Appendix B: AFAA’s Nutritional Supplement Policy

NOTE: Fitness instructors may NOT give nutritional advice or prescribe nutritional
programs unless licensed to do so as a registered dietitian or other licensed health care

A. Basic Nutrition
1. List six (6) classes of nutrients: Water, carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals.
2. List the different types of carbohydrates and give examples of each. Simple (sugars- table
sugar, sucrose and sugar in milk and fruit. Complex (Glucose molecules linked together- polysaccharides
(grains, legumes, veggies-potatoes).
3. What are vitamins? Non-caloric, organic compounds needed in small quantities to assist in
such functions as growth, maintenance, and repair.
4. Describe the difference between fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.
ADEK are: A multivitamin containing the fat-soluble vitamins.
Fat Soluble: Stored in the liver and can be toxic with overdosing.
Water Soluble: Excreted by kidneys, not likely to be toxic.
5. What are minerals? Inorganic compounds that assist processed such as regulating
activity of enzymes and maintaining acid-based balance and are structural components
of body tissue.
6. List a minimum of eight (8) dietary guidelines for Americans outlined by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
1. Consume variety of nutrient dense food/beverages among food groups, limit
saturated fat/trans-fat, sugars, salts, and alcohol
2. To prevent weight gain over time, make small decreases in calories and
increase activity
3. Engage in regular activity
4. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables each day
5. Consume 3C of fat-free or low-fat milk products/day
6. Achieve physical fitness w/cardio, stretching, resistance, calisthenics
7. Consume 3+ oz whole grain products/day
8. Consume <10% calories from sat. fatty acids and <300 mg/day of cholesterol,
keep trans fatty acid as low as possible

7. Describe MyPyramid and how participants may benefit from this resource (go to to experience this program). Offers personalized eating plans and
interactive tools to help you plan/access food choices based on dietary guidelines for
Americans. It will help give participants a better understanding of what to eat and how
much exercise is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
8. Review Appendix B: AFAA’s Nutritional Supplement Policy and discuss what the role
and responsibilities of a fitness professional are when it comes to the sale and
distribution of nutritional supplements. They can only be sold under MY name, where
item is sold in good faith to only good candidates.

B. Body Composition and Weight Loss

Body composition refers to the absolute and relative amounts of the structural components of
the body--- fat, fluid, muscle/tissue, and bone.

Body composition can be improved dramatically through a program of proper exercise and
dietary intake. Body composition is best improved by a combination of (a) daily, prolonged (30-60
minutes), low to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise; (b) mild caloric restriction (300-500 fewer kcal per
day); (c) resistance exercise (two to three times weekly); and (d) slow weight loss (1-2 lbs per week).
Crash dieting and semi-starvation, especially without exercise, are not suggested due to the related loss
of muscle and lean tissue. Weight loss can be estimated on the assumption that the loss of 1 pound of
fat requires that a subject expend 3,500 kcal more than consumed over some given length of time,
preferably about a week. The typical changes in body composition observed with appropriate exercise
and diet include a loss of body weight, a loss of body fat, and no change or an increase in muscle and
lean weight.

SECTION III: Safety Guidelines

Read chapters 12-16
NOTE: Fitness instructors may NOT practice medicine by either diagnosing or treating
any medical condition, or by providing an exercise prescription, or otherwise.
A. Common Injuries
1. Explain the difference between an acute injury and a chronic injury.
a. Acute: Sudden onset due to a specific Trauma
b. Chronic: Most common, long-term
2. List the part of the body in which each of the following chronic injuries occurs
most often.
a. Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation of fascia/connective tissue in metatarsals. Most often
occurs in arch of foot.
b. Chondromalacia: Overuse injury affecting articular cartilage of posterior surface, or
patella. Most often occurs in the knee cap.
c. Achilles tendonitis: Inflammation of connective tissue that joins muscle to bone.
Most often occurs in Achilles tendon.
3. What is the difference between a muscle strain and a muscle sprain?
a. Strain: Overstretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon.
b. Sprain: Tearing or overstretching of a ligament.

B. Prevention
1. List three (3) ways to prevent each of the following injuries.
Vocal nodules: Use microphone, Non-verbal cueing (gestures),Relaxation (keep
head, neck, jaw tension-free), Pitch (speak without effort), Posture (speak while in
position), Projection (speak out not up or down), Environment (music at a moderate
Low-back pain: Proper position, Exercise selection, Attention to knees and spine
Shin splints: Proper footwear, Quality flooring, Safe technique
2. List four (4) things that may contribute to heat injuries, cardiovascular conditions, or
exercise-induced conditions as they related to participation in physical activity.
1. Deyhradtion
2.No warm up
3.Inappropirate Clothing
4. Saunas/hot tub use after exercising, Family history, Smoking, Obesity, No sunscreen

C. First-Aid
Fill in the first-aid action for a musculoskeletal injury.
RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
D. Emergency Response
1. List the four (4) steps in recognizing an emergency.
Step 1. S Survey
Step 2. A Assessment
Step 3. P Prioritization
Step 4. I Implementation.

SECTION IV: How to Teach--- Basics Read chapters 17, 19, 20, and 21
A. In 1983, AFAA developed the first nationally standardized basic exercise guidelines.
B. AFAA’s guidelines are for adult individuals and groups without known physiological,
biomechanical, or medical conditions that would in any way restrict their exercise activities.
C. For guidelines with specialty recommendations (e.g., seniors, youth, aqua, adapted), refer to
AFAA’s Exercise Standards and Guidelines Reference Manual.

General Principles of Exercise Training

A. FITT Principle: Training Variables
F = Frequency
I = Intensity
T = Time
T = Type
Will one variable of FITT affect another? How? Give an example. Yes. A significant increase in
intensity will likely result in decreased duration of that exercise session.
B. Principle of Overload Describe: To achieve a desired training/effect, body must be
overloaded beyond its normal level or present capacities.
C. Principle of Progression Describe: Exercise program should provide gradual increases or
progressions in frequency/intensity/time/type.
D. Specificity Training Principle (SAID)
S- Specific
A- Adapt to
I- Imposed
D- Demands
Describe: Body will adapt to type of physiological stresses placed on it. In order to
improve in certain areas, area must be rehearsed.
E. Reversibility Principle Describe: If workload is decreased, detraining in performance will
F. Principle of Overtraining Describe: Body needs time to recover and musculoskeletal
system needs time to rebuild - without sufficient rest, overtraining occurs.

Health and Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components

A. List the health-related components of physical fitness: Cardiorespiratory fitness, Muscular
strength and endurance, Flexibility, Body composition.

B. List the skill-related components of physical fitness: Agility, Balance, Coordination ,Power
Reaction time, Speed
Health and Fitness Training Recommendations
A. Health Benefits vs. Enhanced Fitness Benefits
Outline the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans which reinforced the 1996 U.S.
Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health.
1. All adults should avoid inactivity - some is better than none.
2. Should perform 2 1/2 hrs/wk moderate-intensity aerobic or 1 hr, 15 min of vigorous-intensity
3. Adults should perform 300 min/wk (5 hrs) of mod-intensity aerobic activity OR 150 min/wk of
vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for more extensive health benefits.
4. Adults should also perform moderate- or high-intensity muscle-strengthening activities
involving all major muscle groups on 2 or more days/wk.
B. AFAA Training Recommendations
1. Which other organization’s training recommendations does AFAA support? American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
2. Please fill in the entire chart below.

AFAA FITT-at-a-Glance

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Muscular Strength Flexibility

and Endurance
Frequency: Frequency: Frequency:

3-5 days a week 2-3 days per week 5-7 days a week

Intensity/Volume: Intensity/Volume: Intensity/Volume:

60-85% HRM
40 to 60% of maximum Slight discomfort

Time: Time: Time:

15-20 minutes
20-60 minutes 5-20 minutes

Type: Type: Type:

Continuous rhythmic activities Balance agonist and antagonist Static and dynamic stretches, yoga

C. Prevalence of Obesity
What does BMI stand for and what measurement constitutes an individual to be defined as
obese? BMI = Body Mass Index, >30% is defined as obese (this is about 32% of adults)
Professional Responsibilities and Concerns
A. Professional Responsibilities
1. Professional responsibilities may include what seven (7) items?
1. Personal Liability Coverage
2. Training and Certification
3. CPR/AED and First Aid Training
4. Facility Pre-Exercise
5. Participation Screening
6. Medical Clearance and Pre-Exercise
7. Environmental Monitoring
8.Emergency Response Plan
2. Define Par-Q- Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
3. Medical clearance recommendations (define risk level and list requirements).
High-risk participants: Medical exam, medical clearance, and exercise testing before
moderate to vigorous exercise. - Men and women, any age, with 1+ major cardio /
pulmonary / metabolic disease.
Moderate-risk: Most instances do not require clearance. - Men and women without
symptoms and have less than 1 CVD risk factor.
Low-risk: Most instances do not require clearance. - Men and women without symptoms
and have less than 1 CVD risk factor.

B. Instructional Concerns

1. List 10 exercise danger signs (participants should STOP exercise and the instructor should
assess the need for emergency response procedures).
Nausea and/or vomiting
Dizziness/unusual fatigue
Tightness or pain in chest
Loss of muscle control
Severe breathlessness
Allergic reaction
Blurred vision
Acute Illness
Metal Confusion
Cyanosis (blush coloring of skin)
Acute musculoskeletal injury

2. List five (5) signs or participant complaints that would require exercise modification or
cessation of exercise (not emergency response) until the signs disappear.
Labored breathing
Excessive heart rate elevation
Evidence of strain/holding breath or unusual redness
Musculoskeletal pain
Lack of proper control
3. What should an instructor know about the effects of drugs and/or medications on exercise
response? Certain prescriptions / non-prescribed medications may elicit side effects
during exercise.
4. List six (6) symptoms of overtraining.
Overuse or stress-related injuries
Increased resting heart rate
Slower recovery of heart rate
Constant muscle or joint soreness, leaning toward pain
Decrease in strength performance
5. List six (6) AFAA recommendations to avoid overtraining.
Vary class type / intensity
Limit number of high impact classes
Perform warm-up and cool down
Limit amount of active demonstration
Decrease schedule, when medical or burnout
Nutritious diet
6. In terms of hydration and rehydration, AFAA recommends: Participants should monitor
hydration levels and consume 8-12 oz. of fluid before exercise. Hydrate before,
during, and after exercise.
Describe the appropriate exercise attire that AFAA recommends. Fabrics that breathe,

Comfortable clothing that allows free movement, Shoes with proper design,
support, and cushioning
7. According to AFAA, a group exercise instructor should generally teach at what class
level? Intermediate - with explanation and demonstration of modifications.

Exercise Evaluation and the AFAA 5 Questions

A. Exercise Evaluation
Instructions should evaluate an exercise from which two (2) viewpoints?
Effectiveness (benefits) and Potential Risk (injury quotient)
B. AFAA 5 Questions
1. Write the exact wording of each of the AFAA 5 Questions.
1. What is the purpose of this exercise?
2. Are you doing that effectively?
3. Does the exercise create safety concerns?
4. Can you maintain proper alignment and form for the duration of the exercise?
5. For whom is the exercise appropriate or inappropriate?
2. List 14 exercises that AFAA does not recommend for a group exercise class (due to the high-
risk potential) and provide the appropriate modification for each. High-Risk Exercise
Appropriate Modification
1. Sustained unsupported forward spinal flexion
2. Sustained unsupported lateral spinal flexion
3. Repetitive or weighted deep knee bends
4. Bouncy (ballistic) toe touches
5. Rapid head circles
6. Full plough
7. Full cobra
8. Hurdler's stretch
9. Windmills
10. Supine dbl straight leg lifts w/o spinal stabilization
11. Prone combo dbl leg/dbl arm lifts
12. Painful, forced splits
13. Weight-bearing pivots on unforgiving surfaces
14. Plyometric moves from an elevated surface
C. Body Alignment
List 10 basic postures used in group exercise classes as well as one (1) important alignment cue
for each position.
Postures Corresponding Alignment Cue
1. Standing - Feet shoulder width apart
2. Squat - Knees do not extend past toes
3. Bent Over - Flex at the hips
4. Seated - Spine in neutral position
5. Supine - Engage ab muscles, pelvis is neutral
6. Prone - Engage ab muscles, pelvis is neutral
7. Side-Lying - Stack hips and shoulders w/sq. alignment

8. Kneeling - Shoulders down, neck in neutral alignment
9. Hand & Knee - Keep shoulders and hips squared
10. Moving - Posture and alignment, control ROM
Group Exercise Class Format
AFAA recommends that every group exercise class include: Pre-class announcements
Warm-up activity - Preparation period
Body of workout - Cardiorespiratory/Muscular/Flexibility
Cool down / Stretching and/or Relaxation

Class Components
A. Warm-up
1. List the definition, purpose, and duration of a proper warm-up.
Definition = Preparation period for a specific workout
Purpose = Increase core temperature and prepare muscles and joints for movement that
Duration = Dependent on class, typically 8-12 mins.
2. List and describe the two (2) common warm-up methods and discuss when the addition
of preparatory stretches may be appropriate.
1. Movement rehearsal - Performing lighter or less intense versions of movements that
will be used in the workout to follow
2. Limbering movements - Smooth, moderately paced, non-weighted, full-range
movements that will be used in workout/core temp.
3. Preparartory stretching - Gentle stretches to ease muscles through ROM
B. 3. List several special considerations for a warm-up.
Heart rate, muscle pulling.
C. Cardiorespiratory Training
1. List the definition purpose, and duration of proper cardiorespiratory training.
Definition = Continuous and rhythmic aerobic activities that target large muscles of the
body to create an increased demand for oxygen
Purpose = Improve heart, circulatory, and pulmonary systems
Duration = Depending on class format, typically 20-45 mins.
2. List and describe four (4) common cardiorespiratory training methods. 1. Continuous or
Steady State - Intensity gradually increases, held at a steady state for majority of
workout, then gradually decreases.
2. Interval - Timed bouts of higher intensity work followed by periods of lower
intensity active recovery.
3. Intermittent - Less structured form of interval w/random interspersed peak
movements followed by lower intensity movements.
4. Circuit - Bouts of activities/exercises performed in a station-to-station or
sequential manner.
3. List several special considerations for cardiorespiratory training. Monitoring intensity,
Cross training, Intensity issues, Music speed, Range of Motion, Repetitive Stress
Issues, Cardio cool down.
D. Muscular Strength and Endurance Training

1. List the definition, purpose, and duration of proper muscular strength and endurance
Definition = Involves working individual or groups of muscles against resistance to
Purpose = Ability to perform everyday activities, increased muscle mass, increase
metabolism, stronger bones, decrease risk of injury, improved posture and symmetry,
and improved athletic performance.
Duration = Typically 45-60 mins.
2. List and describe four (4) common muscular strength and endurance training methods.
 Muscle Isolation (Example): Used to a target specific muscle group by utilizing the
primary movement (joint action) of that particular muscle. (Biceps curls, calf
raises, deltoid raises)
 Multi-Joint/Multi-Muscle (Example): Involves more than one joint and target
several muscle groups in the same exercise. (Example: Squat where joints used
are hip, knee, ankle - and muscles used quads, glutes, hamstrings)
 Torso Stabilization (Example): Enhances ability to maintain proper spinal alignment
and posture. Abdominal and back muscles work together in a co-contracting
isometric manner.
 Functional Training (Example): Exercises that replicate movements commonly used
in activities of daily living.
3. List several special considerations for muscular strength and endurance training. Muscle
balance, Range of motion, Speed and control, Intensity, Torso stabilization exercises,
Resistance equipment techniques, Muscle conditioning exercises in the water

E. Flexibility Training
1. List the definition, purpose, and duration of proper flexibility training.
Definition = Focuses on joint mobility and muscle suppleness, muscle flexibility, and the
reduction of muscular tension.
Purpose = Improves joint mobility, decreases risk of injury, and enhances physical
Duration = Varies 5-10 mins. to full 60 mins. stretch class.
2. List and describe three (3) common flexibility training methods.
Static Stretches – Example Placing target muscle(s) in elongated position and holding.
Dynamic Stretching/Full ROM - (ROM) Example. Stretching w/movement through full
range of motion (ROM).
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretches) Example - Involve an active
contraction of the muscle prior to the stretch.
3. List several special considerations for flexibility training Example.
Intensity, Speed and control, Range of motion, Body temperature
F. Final Class Segment
1. List the definition, purpose, and duration of a proper final class segment.
Definition = Closure of a workout including stretching, relaxation, and stress reducing
Purpose = Promote mind-body awareness, facilitate relaxation where heart rate and

blood pressure are decreased, muscles relax, and stress is reduced.
Duration = Typically 5-10 mins.
2. List and describe three (3) common relaxation methods. 1. Physical Focus: Uses on bodily
systems and sensations as an effort to relax.
2. Mental/Abstract Focus: Uses imagination to increase relaxation.
3. Combination Focus: Combines physical and mental focuses for greater relaxation.
3. List several special considerations for a final class segment. Heart rate monitoring
Saunas and hot tubs
Method selection (be sensitive to wording - non-spiritual)

Determining Exercise Intensity

A. Calculating Target Heart Rate Range
Refer to worksheet for practice
1. Explain resting heart rate (RHR). The number of heart beats per minute while in resting
2. How does increased cardiorespiratory fitness affect resting heart rate? Decreases RHR.
3. Calculate your own:
a. Age-predicted maximal heart rate (MHR or HRmax) 202
b. Target heart rate range (THRR) using HR max) 176
c. Target heart rate range using heart rate reserve (HRR) and the Karvonen formula
4. How do THRR and HRR differ?
THRR = Maximum heart rate
HRR - Factors in resting heart rate from rest to maximum
5. Explain recovery heart rate. Reflects the speed at which heart rate returns to pre-
exercise level and is an indicator of sufficient cool down period.

B. Monitoring Intensity During Exercise

1. Heart rate method
In addition to using a heart rate monitor, AFAA recommends several manual methods of
monitoring heart rate.
a. The preferred anatomical site for pulse checking is Primary - Radial while a secondary site
is Secondary - Carotid.
b. The AFAA recommended counting time for heart rate is 10 seconds.
c. Once cued to begin, start counting beats with number 1.
2. Describe the additional methods for monitoring intensity during exercise.
a. Rating of perceived exertion How hard an individual is working on a scale of 1-10
(respective values 4-6 and 7-8)
b. Talk Engaging in a conversation during exercise represents working at or near a
steady state.
C. Exercise Response Concerns
How does each of the following affect exercise response?
1. Abruptly stopping cardiorespiratory exercise Makes the heart rate just drops, instead of
slowly lowering.
2. Working above target heart rate range It can cause shortness of breath
3. Stimulants (caffeine, cigarette smoking, etc.” Can cause a rush in the beginning, but then a
later crash.

4. Cardiac medications (beta-blockers, etc.) be careful in how the heart rate rises and lowers.
5. Pressor response (can result from many arm movements above the head) slowly lowering

D. Music and Choreography

1. List four (4) ways choreography can increase the intensity of a cardio (aerobic) workout.
1. Offer varied intensity options so participants can choose which level is best for them.
2. Break movements into "bite-size" pieces and build up.
3. Participants should leave feeling "successful."
4. Alternate higher intensity moves with lower intensity moves.
2. How would you define the word “rhythm”? The beat and/or feel of the music.
3. Explain what is meant by a musical phrase? Music phrases are linked together to create
musical sections. Musical phrase consists of 32 beats and keeps movements corresponding.
4. What are the legal considerations when purchasing or creating music for group exercise?
Approved by performing rights and music companies.
5. List aerobic choreography examples for the following.
Low-Impact Aerobics Moderate-Impact Aerobics High-Impact Aerobics (HIA)
March Skip Jog

Step Touch Twist Jump

Squat/plie Plie/Releve Hop

Grapevine Knee Lifts w/Heel Lift Jack

6. Define LIA, MIA, and HIA, and explain how they differ from one another.
 LIA: Low-Impact - Keep one foot on/close to floor
 MIA: Moderate- Impact - Impact - Both feet on floor, feet roll w/toe ball heel
 HIA: High-Impact – Both feet leaving the floor at the same time/alternating

E. Motivation and Exercise Adherence

1. To lessen injury risk and maintain motivation in Type A participants, list three (3) types of
workouts that provide different mechanical stresses to the body while allowing high-intensity
options for advanced training.
1. Alternating low-impact and high-impact workouts reduces accumulative trauma and
opportunity to develop overuse injuries.
2. Variety of workouts provide different mechanical stresses to the body while allowing
high-intensity options (e.g., step training, kickboxing, cycling).
3. Strength training is critical for lowering injury risk from high-impact exercise.
2. List four (4) motivational techniques to sustain a Type B participant for lifelong exercise
adherence. Feedback, Support, Recognition, Encouragement

3. List a minimum of eight (8) action steps an instructor should take to enhance exercise
adherence for a novice participant.

Visual Conspicuous
Section V: How to Teach-Multitraining
Read chapters 24, 27, 29, and 31
A sampling of exercise modalities have been provided within this study guide. However, please
read and be familiar with all of Part 6, chapters 24-31.

A. Aqua Fitness
1. Discuss how exercises performed in water can help improve body weight, enhance the
cardiovascular system, and prevent injuries. Cost of energy is higher causing positive
training results for cardio and weight management without fear or rough impact.
2. What is the difference between land and water when it comes to exercise design?
Similar - Should understand objective and allow progression.
B. Circuit and Interval Training
1. State the difference between circuit and interval training methods.
Circuit - Cardio and strengthening in short timeframe (quick)
Interval - Strengthening and endurance, 3 energy systems
2. List and summarize the two (2) circuit training formats.
Super Circuit - Quick, intense cardio/weight setup for flow.
Peripheral Heart Action - Divided into several sequences, each targeting different
muscle groups.
3. When instructing interval training, what does it mean by:
a. Work/ active recovery ration? Work/active recovery ratio is how much time is
spent pushing hard then how much time recovering before repeating.
b. Work-to-recovery ratio? Work-to-recovery ratio is 1:1 = same amount of time
spent pushing hard as recovering.
Indoor Cycling
1. List a minimum of four (4) things one should do to ensure they are riding properly.
Hands remain light on handlebars.
Too much gripping/body weight will tire upper body.
Ability to control speed.
Ability to control resistance.
2. List a minimum of three (3) things an instructor should consider when designing an indoor
cycling class.
Teaching off the bike, Counting, Sharpening focus, Positive affirmations, Goal setting
C. Resistance Training
1. For group exercise, AFAA recommends a range between 8 to 10 repetitions depending on
whether the focus is muscular strength or endurance.

Extra focus can be given to muscles that tend to be weaker or tighter than their opposing group due to
life stresses or typical training habits. Muscles that are weaker should be given additional strength or
stability exercises while muscles that tend to be tighter should be given extra stretch time.

2. List a minimum of four (4) muscles that tend to be weaker than their opposing group.
Abdominals, Rear Deltoid, Mid-Trapezius and Rhomboids, Lower Trapezius, External,
Shoulder Rotators, Spinal Erectors, Vastus Medias, Tibilis Anterior
3. List a minimum of four (4) muscles that tend to be tight.
Front Deltoid, Pectorals,, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Internal Shoulder, Upper
Trapezius, Spinal Erectors, Iliopsoas
4. Discuss “constant vs. variable” resistance and what form of equipment, used in a group
exercise class, would resemble variable resistance.
 Constant Resistant is a form of dynamic resistance targeting a muscle or
muscle group using free weights.
 Variable resistance is designed to achieve maximum muscle involvement and is
usually carried out with specialized machines.
5. List seven (7) “Action Steps for Designing a Resistance Tubing Class.”
1. Check tubing condition
2. Avoid pulling tubing toward face
3. Select appropriate resistance
4. Avoid gripping handles too tightly
5. Maintain wrist alignment
6. Maintain continuous tension
7. Maintain smooth and controlled pace
6. List a minimum of three (3) strength training sequences appropriate within the group exercise
1. Moving from one primary muscle group to the next (traditional weight room format).
2. Moving from single set of one exercise directly into a second, third, or more - and
then repeating the entire series over again (super-, tri-, or giant-sets).
3. Moving through a series of exercise patterns including arm combinations, leg
combinations, or arm & leg combinations (more choreographed format).
D. Mat Science
1. List the seven (7) principles of Mat Science.
Balance, Extension, Alignment, Range of Motion, Progression, Flow, Breath
2. List a minimum of four (4) class format guidelines.
1. Always begin with initial warm-up and breathing.
2. Move fluidly and mindfully with each exercise.
3. Develop appropriate levels of intensity of progression for each movement.
4. Always finish class with a cool down to relax and restore.
E. Step Training
1. What are the guidelines for various participant step levels?
Level 1: 4" Non-Participant
Level 2: 4-6" New to Step Training Participant

Level 3: 4-8" Regular Stepper
Level 4: 4-10" Highly Skilled Regular Stepper
2. List the appropriate beats per minute (bpm) for:
a) Warm-up = 120- 134 bpm
b) Cardiorespiratory training = 118 -128 bpm / 128 -135 bpm for advanced class
c) Muscular strength and endurance training = 120 - 130 bpm  
3. List a minimum of three (3) proper body alignment techniques and three(3) stepping
Three (3) alignment techniques. Shoulders back and relaxed, Chest lifted and body
erect, Ab muscles contracted, Neutral spine, Knees relaxed, Avoid hyperextension of
joints, Avoid twisting of joints
Three (3) stepping techniques.
Full body lean - do not bend at waist
Focus on feet first - add arm movements when proficient
Watch platform periodically
Knee flexion <90 degrees
Step in center
Don't step w/back to platform
Step lightly
Allow whole foot to contact floor
Use proper lifting techniques
4. How can one prevent knee injury while stepping? Keep ROM limited to no more than 90
degree angle when weight bearing.
Pivoting movement should only be performed when leg is not weight bearing or

Section VI: Special Populations

Read chapters 35, 36, 38, 39, and 40
A. Exercise and Chronic Disease
1. What does EIA stand for and how can it be prevented? Exercise Induced Asthma
- Consult a physician for treatment/prevention
- Have inhaler available at all times
- Exercise intensity should start low to high
- Avoid outside (cold/high pollen) exercise in areas with high humidity
- Breathe through nose
2. List at least six (6) exercise guidelines for participants with heart disease. 1. Participant
should be screened
2. Comply with target heart rate and RPE guidelines
3. Alert instructor with signs or symptoms
4. Don't exceed level of expertise
5. Intensity should start low and work higher
6. Guidelines from physician should be followed
3. List at least four (4) exercise guidelines for participants with arthritis. 1. Low impact
exercise should be encouraged

2. Frequent low intensity exercise should be performed
3. Isometric exercises may be preferred
4. Extended warm-up / cool down
5. If pain lasts 2 hrs. after exercise, decrease intensity
5. Obesity / overweight are risk factors
4. List at least four (4) precautions that should be taken for diabetic participants who are
attending a group exercise class. 1. Blood glucose should be monitored.
2. Insulin should be injected into muscle not being used
3. Exercise should be avoided during peak insulin production
4. Always carry a carb snack
5. Type I should exercise at the same time every day
5. List eight (8) exercise guidelines for a participant with hypertension. 1. Emphasize cardio
2. Exercise daily for 30-60 minutes
3. High intensity/isometric activities should be avoided
4. Reps high, weight low for resistance training
5. Avoid valvsalva maneuver
6. Utilize RPE - meds may alter heart rate
7. Avoid positions with feet higher than head
8. Teach relaxation and stress management techniques
B. The Large-Sized Participant
1. No one rule necessarily applies to all large-sized adults in terms of exercise precautions
because It is possible that a large person is actually heavy and healthy (or "fat and
2. It is Necessary to require a medical clearance for participation based solely on the size of
the exerciser.
3. Instructors should be alert to signs of exhaustion and overexertion.

C. Older Adult Fitness

What is the preferred method of monitoring exercise intensity in the older adult population and
what is the appropriate range? Cardio a low to moderate pace
Rating of Perceived Exertion of 1-10 is preferred
5-6 is target, noticeable increases in heart rate and breathing
What method of resistance training would be appropriate for older adults with arthritis and
osteoporosis? Slow stretching
Isometric exercises
List the two (2) methods of stretching that are recommended for older adults. Static
Slow Dynamic
List at least four (4) program design guidelines for the older adult.
1. Participants should know how to monitor workload.
2. Be alert to over exertion.
3. Monitor intensity every 4-5 mins.
4. Slow/controlled movement w/full ROM recommended
D. Fitness During Pregnancy
1. List at least three (3) exercise considerations during pregnancy.

1. Cardio changes - Blood volumes increase, causing increased demands.
2. Hormonal/anatomical - Special attention to stretching and strengthening.
3. Pelvic/floor muscles - Maintaining is essential.
2. List five (5) things a fitness professional should consider prior to working with pregnant
women. 1. Goal is renewed energy.
2. Slow down - it's only 9 months.
3. Signs of overexertion.
4. Monitor for signs of modification.
5. Uncertain/adverse reactions should be referred to Dr.
3. Discuss at least three (3) exercise modalities that pregnant women can perform along with
any risks and modifications that should be taken. 1. High impact to low impact.
2. Modify tough movements.
3. No supine weight work after 20 weeks - roll on side.
Youth Fitness
1. List a minimum of four (4) exercise recommendations outlined by the USDHHA and ACSM.
1. Participate in 60 mins. or more of physical activity 3-4 days/week.
2. Moderate intensity increasing breathing, heart rate, and sweat.
3. Encourage sustained activities that use large muscle groups.
4. Heart rate monitoring may be optional due to low risk.
List a minimum of three (3) general guidelines to resistance training in children and
adolescents. Resistance training movements
Free weight training
Manual resistance training
Isometric training
Weight training machines
SECTION VII: Business Skills and Legal Responsibilities
Read chapters 44 and 45
A. Substitute Teaching
Discuss at least four (4) ways to ensure a successful substitute teaching experience.
1. Activity should be appropriate and varied.
2. Training should be comprehensive to increase motor skills/level.
3. Only when using good form, should resistance/weights be added.
4. Focus should be on participation and technique, not weight.
B. Law and Exercise
List the seven (7) services group exercise instructors should deliver in order to adhere to the
“standard of care” outlined by the fitness industry.
1. Screening
2. Recommendation of Activities
3. Recordation of Activities
4. Recordkeeping
5. Leadership
6. Supervision
7. Emergency Response Concerns


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