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Daily Lesson Log in Science

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TEACHER Roela C. Badiang LEARNING Science
DAILY LESSON LOG DATE September 11, 2018 QUARTER Second
TIME/DAY: 7:00-8:00 a.m / Tuesday
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding that animals have similarities and
B. Performance Describe different animals on the bases of how they move, get
Standards food, breath air, protect themselves, reproduce etc.
C. Learning Identify the body parts used by animals in getting food
II. CONTENT Kinds of Animals According to their Food-Eaten
A. References The New Science Links Grade 2
1. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide for SES Grade 2 (p.1)
2.Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages Pages 74-77
4. Additional Material
from LR
B. Other Learning Ppt slides, drill board , video clip, manila paper, pictures, chart
A. Review/Presenting What are the body parts of animals that they used in food
New Lesson getting?
Encourage the pupils to give as many as they could.
Give the body parts of the following animals:

B. Establishing a Read a story: (Integration in English)

purpose One day Julia and her classmates went to the zoo. They saw a
Of Lesson rabbit eating carrots. The monkey is holding a banana. The
crocodile was fed by a meat of a chicken. They were amazed
of the parrots and other colorful birds as they eat the fruits with
their beaks. Then a flock of doves landed on the open space
eating grains showered by the caretakers.
Answer the following questions:
1. Who went to the zoo?
2. What do the following animals eat?
 Rabbit
 Monkey
 Crocodile
 Birds
 Doves
3. What will happen to animals if they do not have food to eat?
4. How will you feed them?

C. Presenting instances Introduce the definition of the following words:

of Vocabulary: ( Integration in English)
the new lesson Herbivores – are animals that eat plants only
Carnivores- animals that eat meat only
Omnivores- animals that eat both plants and meat
Cite examples for each kind.
D. Discussing new Using their drill board. Let them identify the animals according
concepts and to their food eaten.
practicing new skills #1 Example:
Frog-insects- herbivores
1, chicken 5. carabao
2. birds 6. koala
3. bats 7. tiger 8. Frog
E. Discussing new Ask the pupils of the things they need to observe while having
Concept and their groupings.
Practicing new skills Discuss the rubrics. The group who will get the highest score will
#2 receive the reward.(stickers)
Group Activity
Group the pupils into four.
Group 1- Complete me!
Give at least three examples for each kind.
Group 2- Sketch Me!
Draw the food of the following animals.
Group 3 – Sing with me!
Make a song about the kinds of animals according to their
food eaten.
Group 4 – Try Me!
Act-out how animals eat their food.

F. Developing Mastery What are the kinds of animals according to their food eaten?
Cite some examples of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
G. Finding Practical Your pet dog is hungry. What kind of food are you going to
application of feed your pet? Using the discussed category, your pet is
concepts and skills in __________.
daily living What do you think will happen if you give your pet dog a
carrot? Do you think he will eat it?
H. Making Let them a watch a video about predation.
Generalization What are the animals you have seen in the video? Cite some
examples of animal and the food they eat?
How are animals grouped?
I. Evaluation Identify the animals below according to their food eaten.
Write H for herbivores, C for carnivores and O for omnivores.
1. Pig
2. Crocodile
3. Bee
4. Sheep
5. Whale

J. Additional activities Let them sing a song about three groups of animals according
for to the food they eat.
A. No. of learners who ________# of learners who earned 80% and above
earned 80% in
the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who ________# of learners who require additional activities for
require remediation
additional activities for
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson ________ Yes ________ No
work? No. ________# of learners who caught up the lesson
of learners who caught
up the
D. No. of learners who ________# of learners who continue to require remediation
continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching ___Experiment ___Role Play ___Collaborative Learning
strategies ___Lecture_____Discovery
worked? Why did these Why? ________________Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter ___Colorful/Ms ___Unavailable technology equipment
which my principal or (AVR/LCD)___Science/Computer/Internet lab
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or ___Localized videos
localized ___Making big books from views of the locality
material did I use which I ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
wish to ___Local music composition
share with other
Elementary LEVEL
School Central
Reodique AREA (Music)

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the various tempo
B. Performance Performs a given song, using tempo marks
Standards appropriately
C. Learning Identifies the different tempo in a given song or
Competencies music:
II. CONTENT Different Tempo Marks
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Enjoying MAPEH pages 45-49
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
from LR
B. Other Learning Power point, flashcard, video, lapel
A. Review/Presenting Before we proceed to our new lesson. Let`s have a short
New Lesson review about our previous lesson to find out if you can
recognize the level of loudness or softness of the music
being played. Now listen to this music carefully and tell the
dynamics being used.
B. Establishing a
purpose The teacher will play the following songs:
Of Lesson Direction: Show FF for a very loud song, F for loud, P
for soft, or PP for very soft
1stMaligayangArawngPagdating” (ff)
2ndSa UgoyngDuyan (p)
3rd song Livin in a Prayer” (F)
4th song Yakap (pp)
C. Presenting Group the pupils into two.
instances of Ask the first group to move like a horse in place. The
the new lesson second group will move like a turtle. Ask: Which
moves faster a horse or a turtle?
Compare the movement of the two animals. Which
runs fast? Just like animals can be fast or slow. Our
music can also be fast or slow.
D. Discussing new Today you are going to learn about the different tempo
concepts and markings. I want you to watch this video so that you will fully
practicing new skills #1 understand our lesson. While viewing this video, take down
notes the important details about the topic.
What is the different tempo illustrated in the video?
What does allegro mean? moderato? Andante? Adagio?
What kind of mood produced when you play music with
allegro tempo?
E. Discussing new Now, Let us see if you can recognize the tempo of
Concept and the following songs. Listen carefully
Practicing new skills “Ikaw” (moderato)
#2 “Titibu-tibu(allegro)
F. Developing Group Activity: Think of a song with fast tempo,
Mastery moderate, slow . Sing it to the class
Group 1: Moderato
Group 2: Adagio
Group 3: Andante
Group 4: Allegro
G. Finding Practical Sing this song “Pandangguhan”
application of Then describe the flow of the music. How do you feel
concepts and skills in while singing it?
daily living
H. Making Based from our lesson today, How can you apply in
Generalization your daily life? As a student .what part of your daily
activities that you should be fast, slow or moderate?
I. Evaluation What are the different tempo marks that you have
learned today?
What does each tempo mean?
J. Additional activities Identify the tempo used of the following songs. Write
for whether if it is Allegro, Moderato, Andante or Adagio.
Remediation 1. Dandansoy
2. Sundo

V. REMARKS Look for the meaning of the following tempo.

1. Largo
2. Presto
3. Accelerando
4. Retardando
A. No. of learners who earned ________# of learners who earned 80% and above
80% in
the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who require ________# of learners who require additional activities for
additional activities for
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? ________ Yes ________ No
________# of learners who caught up the lesson
of learners who caught up the
D. No. of learners who continue ________# of learners who continue to require remediation
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching ___Experiment ___Role Play ___Collaborative Learning
worked? Why did these work?
Why? ________________Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
___Colorful/Ms ___Unavailable technology equipment
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve? (AVR/LCD)___Science/Computer/Internet lab
G. What innovation or localized ___Localized videos
material did I use which I wish to
___Making big books from views of the locality
share with other teachers?
___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
___Local music composition
Elementary School LEVEL
Central LEARNING Science
TEACHER Roela C. Badiang QUARTER Second
October 8, 2018
Time: 11:20- 12:00 A.M - Kamagong
A. Content Standards The interactions for survival among living and non-living things
that take place in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove
B. Performance Form discussion groups to tackle issues involving protection and
Standards conservation of ecosystems that serve as nurseries, breeding
places, a0
0nd habitats for economically important plants and animals
C. Learning Construct food webs to show feeding relationships among living
Competencies and non-living things in an ecosystem
* Tropical Rainforests
* Coral Reefs
* Mangrove Swamps
( S6LTIIi-j-5.5)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook Pages Cyber Science 6, pp. 175-180
4. Additional http/
Material rainforest/mangrove swamps/coral reefs/
from LR
B. Other Learning Ppt slides, activity sheet, drill board , video clip,
Resources manila paper, pictures, chart
A. Spot the error.
Review/Presenting 1. Plants depend on plant and other animals in order
New Lesson to survive.
2. Consumers can survive without the producers.
3. Food chain consists of producer, consumer and
4. Producers break down dead animals to smaller
5. Consumers are the only living thing that can
produce its own food.

B. Establishing a Explain.
purpose In the forest there is always survival of the fittest.
Of Lesson Encourage and solicit the ideas of the pupils.
C. Presenting Game: Look for a partner and name as many animals
instances of found in the following;
the new lesson a. tropical rainforests
b. coral reefs,
c. mangrove swamps.
Individually make a list of animals found in each
category. Write as many as you can for 5 minutes.
Compare your list. Cross out the animals which both of
you have in the list. The one who has the most number
of animals left is the winner.
D. Discussing new Picture Analysis
concepts and
practicing new skills #1

1. Can you name the food chains in the picture

2. How many food chains did you see?
3. What do you think is the basis of the relationships in
the picture?
4. How many animals feed in the plant?
( Teacher may also use different pictures from tropical
rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove swamps)
E. Discussing new Activity 1:
Concept and Problem: What is a food web?
Practicing new Study the illustration below
skills #2

• Observations:
1. What is the grasshopper’s source of food?
2. What is the eagle’s source of food?
3. What is the snake’s source of food?
4. How many food chains are there in the

Activity 2
Group Work
1. Identify the possible animals that may survive
in the given pictures to your group.
2. From the list of animals identified construct a
food web to show the feeding relationship of

Group 1: Tropical Rainforest

Group 2: Mangrove Swamps

Group 3: Coral Reefs

From the food web you constructed, answer the
1. What is the first link in the food web?
2. In the food web you have constructed, what are the
herbivores? carnivores?
3. In every food chain/food web what is considered as
the final consumer?
4. Are decomposers important? Why?

F. Developing

1. How many food chains are there in the

2. Which organisms are the first order consumers?
Second order consumers? Third order
3. If plants are destroyed which organisms have
the greatest chance of survival? Why?
4. Which organisms would be affected if first order
consumers were destroyed?
5. Are decomposers important in food web?

G. Finding Practical 1. A ripe papaya fell on the ground. After some time,
application of many organisms are floating on it including the worm,
concepts and skills in chicken, rat, frog, small ants, big ants flies and bird.
daily living
Construct a food chain from the given situation.
2. Illegal logging is a serious environmental problem
our country is facing today. How does illegal logging
affects the food relationships (food chain and food
web) among the different organisms? (the plants and
animals in the forest ecosystem) (Valuing)

H. Making What is a food web? Why is it important?

I. Evaluation Construct a food web from the given living things
below then answer the questions that will follow.
Lion, hen , fox ,snake, wild cat, green plant, mouse,
rabbit , goat. owl, caterpillar
1. Give one food chain from the illustration.
2. Which animals feed on the green plant?
3. If green plant were destroyed which organisms
have greatest chance of survival?
4. What would happen if lion and kite were killed?
5. What does food web suggest?
a. Interdependence
b. Energy pathway
c. Material cycle
d. All of these

J. Additional
activities for
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in ________# of learners who earned 80% and above
the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
________# of learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. ________ Yes ________ No
of learners who caught up the ________# of learners who caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to ________# of learners who continue to require remediation
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies ___Experiment ___Role Play ___Collaborative Learning
worked? Why did these ___Lecture ___Discovery Why?____________________Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter ___Colorful/Ms ___Unavailable technology equipment
which my principal or supervisor (AVR/LCD)
can help me solve? ___Science/Computer/Internet lab
G. What innovation or localized ___Localized videos ___Making big books from views of the
material did I use which I wish locality
to ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
share with other teachers? ___Local music composition


TEACHER Roela C. Badiang LEARNING Science
DAILY LESSON LOG DATE January 28 , 2018 QUARTER Fourth
TIME/DAY: 11:20-12:00 a.m / Monday
A. Content Standards . Design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit. (S6ES-
B. Performance Apply an emergency and preparedness plan and kit when
Standards there is a disaster.
C. Learning Appreciate preparedness plan and kit when there is an
Competencies earthquake and volcanic eruption
II. CONTENT Preparedness Plan and Kit Before, During, and After The
Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption
A. References The New Science Links Grade 6
1. Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages Pages 301-305
4. Additional Material
from LR
B. Other Learning Ppt slides, drill board , video clip, manila paper, pictures, chart
A. Review/Presenting Identify whether the following safety measures are done
New Lesson before, during or after the earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
1. Prepare your home for earthquakes. Harmful chemicals
should be stored properly in order to prevent any
2. Keep calm. Stay away from falling objects.
3. Never touch fallen electrical wirings or objects.
4. Wear damped musk or cloth to avoid inhaling ash fall.
5. Evacuate to the designated evacuation to avoid
possible damage to life and property.
6. Always monitor news from t.v. and radio about the
possible eruption of the volcano.

B. Establishing a Study each picture. Describe what happens to people

purpose during calamities (occurrence of an earthquake and
Of Lesson eruption of a volcano).

C. Presenting instances How will you avoid panic or accident during earthquake or
of volcanic eruption?
the new lesson Always be prepared before the occurrence of earthquake or
volcanic eruption.
● Follow safety measures before, during and after the
● Don’t panic and be calm.

D. Discussing new Watching Video on Mt. Pinatubo’s Eruption, June 12, 1991
concepts and
practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new Discussion on the presented video

Concept and . What was the video you’ve watched?
Practicing new skills 2. Did you experience volcanic eruption?
#2 3. What preparedness will you do in case of volcanic
4. Why do we need to design an emergency and
Preparedness plan?
5. Why do we need to follow the emergency and
preparedness plan?

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity

Cooperate with your respective group to come up with an
output regarding volcanic eruption.
• Group I- Poster of an emergency kit using a cartolina
• Group II- Making an announcement using a cartolina
• Group III- Act as a reporter about the possible volcanic
• Group IV- Compose a jingle
• Group V- Do a role play about volcanic eruption

4 - Meets
DESCRIPTION 3 - Meets 2 - Approaching 1 - Minimal
Satandards At 0 - No Attempt
Standards Standards Understanding
High Level
1. Relevance of the output to the topic lesson
2. Artistry/workmanship of the output
3. Cooperation among members of the group
4. Observance of discipline
5. Timeliness

G. Finding Practical What is the importance of designing an emergency

application of preparedness plan for a volcanic eruption or any natural
concepts and skills in calamites?
daily living
H. Making Let them ponder with these reminders;
Generalization Disaster preparedness can prevent a bad situation from
becoming worse. Emergencies come in many forms and
having the right checklist, supplies and kit for any possible
contingency can aid in making your family safe. Planning
ahead also helps everyone understand what to do should a
disaster strike. In some instances it may be several days before
vital services can be prepared and surviving this period may
be difficult.

I. Evaluation Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Why are precautionary measures observed on volcanic
a. To protect properties
b. To prevent the loss of lives
c. To pinpoint Volcanic Danger Zone
d. Both A and B
2. When is an area surrounding a volcano NOT considered a
danger area? When it ____.
a. Is buried in lava
b. Experience landslides
c. Is stable and far from the crater
d. Experiences a range of earthquake shocks
3. A bulletin was issued to warn people that a volcano may
erupt within the week. What should the people living in the
danger areas do?
a. Follow orders to evacuate.
b. Wait for the next bulletin.
c. Cover the roof with wet sacks.
d. Reinforce the roof of their houses.
4. Ashes from an erupting volcano are all over your place.
What should you do protect yourself?
a. Wear a hat.
b. Wear sunglasses
c. Stay inside the house.
d. Cover the nose with a wet cloth or musk.
5. Your family is going to evacuate. You are told to bring along
only a few things. Which of these will you bring?

a. Pets, toys and books

b. Food, water and clothes
c. Chairs, tables and closets
d. Candies, rags and matches

J. Additional activities Have a research and record the eruption of the following
for volcanoes:
Remediation 1. Mt. Pinatubo
2. Mt. Mayon
3. Mt. Vesuvius
4. Mt. Krakatoa

A. No. of learners who ________# of learners who earned 80% and above
earned 80% in
the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who ________# of learners who require additional activities for
require remediation
additional activities for
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson ________ Yes ________ No
work? No. ________# of learners who caught up the lesson
of learners who caught
up the
D. No. of learners who ________# of learners who continue to require remediation
continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching ___Experiment ___Role Play ___Collaborative Learning
strategies ___Lecture_____Discovery
worked? Why did these Why? ________________Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter ___Colorful/Ms ___Unavailable technology equipment
which my principal or (AVR/LCD)___Science/Computer/Internet lab
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or ___Localized videos
localized ___Making big books from views of the locality
material did I use which I ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
wish to ___Local music composition
share with other
TEACHER Roela C. Badiang LEARNING Science
TIME/DAY: 8:00-9:00 A.M/ Friday
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding on the different weather
B. Performance Explain how weather affects our daily lives.
C. Learning Describe how weather affects man’s activities.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide The New Science Links 1( Teacher’s Resource Material) page
Pages 77-78
2.Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages Science Links I pages 308-310
4. Additional Material
from LR
B. Other Learning
A. Review/Presenting Identify the kinds of weather.
New Lesson

Let the pupils say something about the weather for today. Ask
a volunteer to describe the weather of the day.
B. Establishing a Picture Analysis:
1. What kind of weather is shown in the
Of Lesson 2. If you are a fisherman are you going to
sail your boat and go on fishing?
3. What are the things that you need to do
during this weather?

C. Presenting instances Video Presentation:

of the new lesson Let the children watch a video about the weather and how it
affects human activities.
D. Discussing new Discussion on the presented video.
concepts and 1. What was the video you’ve watched?
practicing new skills #1 2. What are the activities done during sunny day, cloudy day,
windy day, rainy day and stormy day?
3. How did we know the weather condition of the day?
4. Why is it important to know the weather condition of the next
E. Discussing new Group Work
Concept and Divide the class into four. Distribute the envelope with a task
Practicing new skills inside. Remind the pupils of the rules needed to follow while
#2 having a group work.
Group 1- Oh ! It’s Summer Time Again
Let them complete the table with an appropriate clothes,
food and things used during sunny day.
Food Things Clothes

Group 2- Scary, Stormy Day

Let them act-out the situation on a stormy day.

Group 3- Rain, Rain Go Away

Let them sing a song.
Rain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day Come again another day
Daddy wants to play Brother wants to play
Rain, rain go away Rain, rain, go away
Rain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day Come again…
Mommy wants to play
Rain, rain, go away

Group 4- Kitty Kites on Windy Day

Give the group a material for making a kite. Let them
assemble the kite and they will show it to their classmates.
Step 1: Gather Materials
Step 2: Fold Paper in Half Width ways
Step 3: Bend the Front Corner of the Top Layer Down
to Touch the Crease, Repeat on the Back Layer and
Step 4: Make a Hole Near the Front of the Crease
Step 5: Thread String Through Hole and Tie It Off
Step 6: Go and fly your kite.

Reporting and Scoring

Let the assigned member report their output. The teacher will
use rubrics for scoring. The group who will get the highest score
will be the winner and will be given additional points in their

F. Developing Mastery Pair and Share:

Let them choose their partner and let them share with each
other what they have learned in the lesson. Let them draw a
situation for each kind of weather conditions that they think is
Ask a volunteer from the pair to explain their output.

G. Finding Practical Ana’s family will go to the beach this coming Saturday for a
application of family get together. Unfortunately a weather forecast says
concepts and skills in that there will be a strong winds or a storm on Friday. What do
daily living you think will happen next?
H. Making What are the activities done during sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy
Generalization and cloudy?
How are humans affected by the weather conditions?
I. Evaluation Match the weather conditions and activities appropriate to
these type of weather.
A B.
____1. Cloudy day a. sweep falling leaves
____2. Rainy day b. go to the beach
____3. Stormy day c. stay at home
____4. Windy day d. use an umbrella and raincoat
____5. Sunny day e. go to the park
J. Additional activities Listen and record the weather forecast tonight.
A. No. of learners who ________# of learners who earned 80% and above
earned 80% in
the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who ________# of learners who require additional activities for
require remediation
additional activities for
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson ________ Yes ________ No
work? No. ________# of learners who caught up the lesson
of learners who caught
up the
D. No. of learners who ________# of learners who continue to require remediation
continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching ___Experiment ___Role Play ___Collaborative Learning
strategies ___Lecture_____Discovery
worked? Why did these Why? ________________Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ___Bullying among pupils ___Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter ___Colorful/Ms ___Unavailable technology equipment
which my principal or (AVR/LCD)___Science/Computer/Internet lab
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or ___Localized videos
localized ___Making big books from views of the locality
material did I use which I ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
wish to ___Local music composition
share with other

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