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Detailed Lesson

Plan in Science 9

I. Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 80% level of proficiency will be able to:

A. Define Energy,

B. Differentiate the two forms of Energy; and

C. Solve word problems using Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy Equation.

Values Integration

To inculcate deeper sense of appreciation on energy around us. As what Rachel Burmingham
quoted, “The energy we put out, is the energy we get back.”

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Energy

B. Reference:

Science 9 Learner’s Material

Unit IV (Work, Power, and Energy)

pg no. 281-282

C. Materials:




Power point presentation

D. Concept:

 Energy - is the ability to do work.

 Forms of Energy

 Potential Energy - is the energy that is at rest. It has the Potential

Energy Equation of PEgrav = mgh.

 Kinetic Energy - is the energy that is in motion. The Kinetic Energy Equation
is KE = mv2/2.

E. Skills:

 Defining terms.

 Differentiating forms of energy.

 Solving word problems.

III. Instructional Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

a. Opening Prayer
Before we start, let us all stand and ask for the
guidance of our Almighty God.

please lead the prayer. Let us bow our heads and pray.

(Students state their prayer)

b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

c. Checking of Attendance
, is there any absent for today? Ma’am I am glad to tell you that nobody is absent
for today.

Very good! So no one will miss our lesson for


d. Checking of Assignments

Class, last meeting I have given you an assignment.

Please bring out your assignments and exchange
with your seatmates. Let’s check your assignment.

(The teacher will show the answers on the (The students will check their assignment)

screen) Are you done checking your assignment? Yes ma’am.

Good! Please pass your papers forward.

e. Review of the Past Lesson

Class, the formula p = mv is the formula for? Momentum ma’am.

Very good!

What is momentum? Momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

And if that is so, what are the factors that affect

momentum? Ma’am, it’s simply the mass and velocity

Very good! Give yourselves a STE clap. (Students applauding)

B. Motivation

Class, do you know the game 4pics 1word? Yes ma’am!

Great! The mechanics is that you have to carefully

observe the pictures presented. And its only
objective is to look what do the pictures have in
common. I will give you an illustration board,
eraser and chalk per table. You’ll be answering in
group. You are going to write your answer on the
illustration board I gave you. Once you’re done
writing your answer, you’ll have to say “HEP HEP”
then raise your illustration board. First to got the
correct answer, will be given a point and the group
with the highest point will receive a prize after.
Are you ready? Yes ma’am!

(The teacher will present sets of pictures one by

one that her students have to guess)

(The students will be guessing the answer to the

given sets of pictures and they are going to write
their answer on the illustration board given to
them. After saying the word “hep hep” they will
show their answer by raising their illustration

(The students are guessing the answer.)

(The students are showing their answers every

other sets of pictures.)

(The students are having their group conversation

what could have been the answer.)

So we have, work, mass, rest and motion. And all

these terms are all related to

(The students start to guess the answer and later
raise their illustration board.)

Very good class!

(The teacher will give the prize to the winning


C. Lesson Proper

The last slide shows us pictures of energy, will you Ma’am, energy is the ability to do work.
define energy?

Very good!

And energy has two major forms, anyone who Ma’am, the two major forms of energy are
knows what are they? Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

Potential energy is commonly considered as a

Okay correct, then what is Potential Energy? stored energy having the potential to do
mechanical work.

Ma’am, the second form of energy is Kinetic
How about the second form of energy? Energy!

Ma’am, kinetic energy is the energy of an object

Awesome! And what is Kinetic Energy? due to the object’s motion.


Since I can see how much you know potential from

kinetic, let’s have a group activity.

Your group will be based on your tables. You

have to perform a short role playing showing
Kinetic and Potential Energy. One representative
each group should go in front to pick what will be Yes ma’am!
their assigned form of energy. Are you ready

(Representatives are picking their form of energy

to role play.)

I will give you 3 minutes to prepare. And your

timer starts now!

(The students are preparing for their short role


Your time is up! Group 1, please be ready to


(The group 1 are performing the assigned form

they picked earlier.)

Very good! Give them an angel clap

(The students are applauding.)

How about our second group?

(The group 2 are performing actively and


Excellent! Give them a fireworks clap!

(The students are applauding for their excellent

And our third group?

(The third group are performing their short role


Good job! Give them a mommy dionisia clap!

(The students are applauding for their good role

Last, but not the least, our fourth group.

(The last group are performing cheerfully.)

Awesome! Give them spaghetti clap!

(The students are applauding because of their
awesome role playing)

Very good! You all did a great job!

Okay class, do you know what is the language of

Science? Yes ma’am. The language of Science is

Correct! And this time, we are going to use the

language of Science in getting the accurate
amount of energy possessed by an object.

And for us to know the exact potential energy of

an object, we have the equation,

PEgrav = mgh

PEgrav = gravitaional potential energy
m = mass of an object
g = acceleration due to gravity
H = height of an object

Let us have an example.

Will you please read the problem?

A 12 kg flour is lifted to a height of 7 m.What is its
potential energy at that height?

Can you identify the mass?

Ma’am, the mass is 12kg.

Very good! How about the height?

Ma’am its height is 7m.

Correct, and our acceleration due to gravity is?

Ma’am, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2.

Great! Who wants to solve problem?

PEgrav = mgh
PEgrav = (12kg)(9.8m/s2)(7m)
PEgrav = 823.2 J


And now, for us to solve the exact kinetic energy

of an object, we have the equation,

KE =

KE = kinetic energy
m = mass of an object
v = velocity of an object

Let’s have an example.
Will you please read the problem?
A baseball that weighs 1.38 kg is thrown so that it
attains a velocity of 18 m/sec. What is the kinetic
Good! Can you identify the mass?
Correct! How about the velocity?
Ma’am, the mass of the object is 1.38kg
Awesome! Who wants to solve the problem?

Ma’am the velocity of the object is 18 m/s

Let’s have some exercises in solving for Kinetic
Energy and Potential Energy Equations.
KE = mv2/2
D. Application KE = (1.38kg)(18m/s)2 / 2
KE = 223.56 J
Solve for the Potential and Kinetic Energy of the

1. A 10- kg sack of rice is lifted to a height of

2 m.What is its potential energy at that

2. A bicycle with a mass of 14 kg traveling at

a velocity of 3.0 m/s east has how much
kinetic energy?

Answer’s Key 1. A 10- kg sack of rice is lifted to a height of

2 m.What is its potential energy at that
1. Given: height?
m = 10kg
h = 2m 2. A bicycle with a mass of 14 kg traveling at
g = 9.8 m/s2 a velocity of 3.0 m/s east has how much
Find: kinetic energy?

PE = (mass)(gravity)(height)
= (10 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(2 m)
= 196 kg • m2/s2
= 196 J

2. Given:
m = 14kg
v = 3m/s

KE = mv2 / 2
= (14 kg)(3.0 m/s)2 / 2
= 2,205 kg • m2/s2
= 2,205 J

Do you have any questions?

Very good class!

E. Valuing

Now, what can you infer about this quotation:

“The energy we put out, is the energy we None ma’am.

get back” -Rachel Bermingham

Okay class, always remember, everything around

us is made up of energy. And to attract positive
things in your life, start by giving off positive
energy. Understand?

F. Generalization (Students answers may vary)

So again, what is energy?

What are the forms of

Yes ma’am.


Ma’am, energy is the ability to do work.

What is the equation for Potential Energy?

The forms of energy are, Kinetic Energy and
Potential Energy.

What is the equation for Kinetic Energy?

PEgrav = mgh

Very good! mv2

KE =
Are there any questions with regards to our 2

None ma’am!

IV. Evaluation
Please get 1/2 sheet of paper.
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Energy is defined as the ability to do ?
a. power b. work c. momentum
2. What form of energy is defined as energy
in motion?
a. kinetic b. potential c. mechanical
3. What form of energy is defined as energy
at rest?
a. kinetic b. potential c. mechanical
4. Which variable belongs to Potential Energy
a. acceleration b. speed c. height
5. Kinetic Energy Equation has these variables, Answers
except ? I.
a. time b. mass c. velocity 1. b
2. a
3. b
II. Problem Solving (5pts) 4. c
A girl on a motorbike passes by at a speed of 5. a
15m/sec. Her mass is 40 kg. What is her kinetic
V. Assignment
Answer the following. Given:
1. A 15kg flower pot was placed on a window sill m = 40 kg
15 meters above the ground. How much potential v = 15 m/s
energy does the flower pot contain?
2. Define work. Find:
KE = ?


KE = mv2 / 2
KE = (40 kg)(15 m/s)2 / 2
KE = (40 kg)(225 m2/s2) / 2
KE = 4,500 kg•m2/s2
KE = 4,500 J

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